PUBLISH ED W E E K L Y VOL. 13. NO. 51 Local Highlights IN OUR P L A N T ON Beaverton, Oregon, SHORT ST. AN D T U A L A T IN Fridav, lam ían 22, 1943 H IG H W A Y — E STAB LISH E D 1927 Red Cross Unit Production Farmers Can News Q. And A. On In Brief Aid Promised Help Produce Rationing The safe arrival .n Mulish Isles o f 36 Hod Cross w orkers, one o f the largest groups sent overseas, was an ... M i nounced by national headquarters. Farm ers in ..................... — ............................ ... .............. ........ ~ — . . . . 1043 L E G IS L A T U R E T he follow ing questions and an­ "S a u sa g e s for b re a k fa st! Sau- I A drive to enlist every W ashington w h o 'c a n 'b o o 's t w a T fo o d ' production M em bo,s o f ,ht‘ « ,o u ^, hav« swers are designed to explain the In organizing the House Speaker -^ g e s fo r b re a k fa st! I ca n sm e ll ¡cou n ty farm er in the 1943 production w ilh developm ent o f farm stead water I"" ! ' « T e rapidly ex Wm. M. M cAllister s committee a s-i ’ e m : ” Sm all J o e c a m e tum bling piogrant and to make sure that facllltios 1Ut. ohg iblf, fol. fa lm , ecui P«n‘ ‘ ng H id C ross program foi U. ï. principal points o f the forthcom in g signm ents for W ashington C ou n ty! dow n stairs fastening the belt of his every farm is equipped and in gear ,ty :lssl8tance ¡f othlM c lo d l, ¡ , tu„ «ervlcem en in G reat Britain, program for point rationing o f can- were Hesse - Engr ossed and En * shorts a s he c< m e . He m a d e a b e e - foi essential fo o d production to It* available, announce* \' s Madsen »«‘d. bottled, and frO H * fruits, and tolled Bills tC hairm an) A griculture i *o r lb e k itchen . P op w as al- full capacity will be m ade during the co u n ty FSA Supervisor. Court House A m erican prisoners of w ar in ' egetables juices. dried fruita and Klections, W ays ar.d Means Kuratli re a d y sitting at the ta b le, rea d in g rem ainder o f January and the first H illsboro. W ater F acility mans Uatnp W oosung. near Shanghai, were »•> »»u ps were released by the Of- states John W Kanina ,.y only th|ee percent ¡m erest and are P«»vided with special Christmas din « c e o f P rice A dm inistration: — Health and P ublic M orals (Chair tbe Pa P‘ ‘ r - w hile M om held the han- o f F ebruary, m an). B anking and C orporations dle o f the fr> ‘ ng-pan o v e r the stov e. ch airm an o f the W ashington County rcpayab|e ovei. tbe life o f the e q u ip -; np,!i through A m erican R ed Cross , „ .... .. AAA aupervis- purchasPd 1U‘ P funds Edouard Egle, International K l . ? W hen W,U actual «-atlomng (V ice C hairm an). Adm inistration and S ™ *1! ,J oe Came Plose and Sn ,ffed USDA W ar Board. R eorganization. Federal R elation« the d e l*cious sm o k e , w rig g lin g all o is will assist each farm er at com -liv e s t o c k and garden production Hpd Cross Com m ittee delegate in beg' n F ood and D airy Products S en a tor! with e a rly -m o rn in g jo y . In February as pos- “ unity centers in the various dis particularly can be inci eased on Shanghai, reported F ifteen hund j A - As early Fisher received th. foitnwin, * B etter be thankful fo r them while tricts to fill out a Farm Plan W ork many f a lnis w h e,e present w ater is ,ed Am ericans are interned at the 8lb,e- m ittees fn the Senate S J T t' you can stl11 * et them ” ° n‘‘ * la n c e Sheet and, if he wishes he may sign not adequate,.. said Madsen. "S tock c» nlP ! o (^ W hy is it necessary to sus­ fairs (C h a irm a n ), R ules V ice-C h ^ r- at M ° m ’ S f,aChe told ,s.n} a11 this up tor the 19,3 tu p le A program . water tanks. over-head sorin k lin v I Mr. E gle also disclosist that the 1 pend retail selling at all? man- w a s one o f her tight-lipped d a y s. Hoads and Hio-h ’ * uniclPal A ffairs, “ N ot a d ro p o f c o ffe e in the house, es must be given R oads and H ighw ays. and no gugaHr lcft to put in it if ther^ to prepare for the * * * w a s. S om e w a r ! " S m a ll J o e kept The public must G eorge Alexander, W arden o f the s t' d - Book Tw o, be noti­ State Penitentiary, and form er Shei “ L etter fo r you , s o n ," P op said in , fied o f the actual point values, and especially piotein supplem ents prom ­ Although priorities are now re- c ,‘‘s n,p I>*inK delivered to the ca m p ! be given time to iff o f W ashington County, called on 9 u*et v o ice . S m all J oe m a d e a ise to be m a jor problem s. study them and , quired on new pipe, pumps, m otors *pKdlarly. the Senute M onday. He said to say lea p io r his P^a c e at table. T h ere budget their points. R eclassification o f essential .... . . . a , a* rl and sim ilar equipm ent, considerable ------ •hello" to his friends in W ashington ’ w a s - a Priv a te p e rso n a l letter for Point Values by Selective Service , ________ „ County. • him alone, p rop p ed a g a in st his m ilk cultural w orkers .. U. TT used nt is still &VftiI&blp nnd Posoitp tbit* . v%ar* wur A Anioi'iofln rhihlron boards, increased attention , bv the m e,lcan cm iu ien j will the housew ife . . . S Em ploym ent Service to the re P1 *°iities can often be secuied if s u b -. again played Santa Claus to the i 3. (J How "H o y . P o p ! It’ s fro m b r o th e r !” » . e m p loym en t » e r tic e to m e le stant,al ¡ „ c e a s e s in war food p r o -' children o f Central und know when point values are ch a n g ­ ent and replacem ent o f agri _____ v . v en iia i anu Senator Burke o f Yam hill county, S m a ll J oe Was pulling the en v elop e cruitm ed ? is * | . , ., auction caii i)t siionv n. it was e x - can countries Irsland (^r**cnlAn Gross blood plasma project during the toes, will have to surrender the he serves chili con c a m e these chilly i "L iste n what he sa y s. ‘H ow are com m ercial vegetables. both fresh ‘ ‘ . Poultry meeting scheduled, com ing year Since D ecem ber T, stam ps for the same nnmher days is plenty hot ■ you doing, kid? H u rry and g ro w up and for p rocessin g; potatoes: seed ^ h .' flr.t m eeting Tuesday January ,941. approxim ately 1 . 126.000 pints o f p o l " ^ reLardle.s T ories or grade. so you can help m e sla p the Japs. crop s; dry edible peas; canning peas; “ '. l 1 "l 1 u ’* l' * 1 " n b'gh blood have bees collected through the E xcess Stocks A r e n 't you m ost big enougli to get and victory gardens M ,2 11. . H . . Red Cross, fifteen new donor centers { Oscar H agg o f Reedville, and Joe into the A rm y ? H e re ’ s som eth in g This signup will bs conducted by * ‘ ” ''J 1; ,rx 1 ."n V . bnv<’ been opened, und m onthly co n -1 5. y W hat Is goin g to be done K r en drick i have heen attending the lo r you jn y ou r n a m e L e t’ s the triple A supervisors and m em bers o f rS( ' . ‘ discuss m ire" r!hUn!V "| tributions have been increased front about people who have an excess sup- fa m ily gan g up in du stry1** " * beha f ° f the d a u y w h ole and help to the cou n ty USDA war board at var m\ . P , f ‘ ' ,n average o f 2,735 before the attack ! ply o f these com m odities on hand? win this w a r .’ ” ious com m unity centers for this dls Illl)0i,.mental feedinc« with nel to more ,han 163000 in N ovem ber,! A E veryone applying fo r W ar But P op and M om w ere silent. ' , < mojat .... h nd , n , accord in g to a Joint report by Sur- R ation B ook T w o will be required to He trict at Sherwood City Hall on Jan J. C. Leedy, form er citizen o f Ti- sm a ll J oe d id n ’ t n otice that. 25. 26. 27 C om m unity signup ren fo( f.aisin ht-ollers and ’ » is and Keons (ienp,nl Janies C. Magee and fill out and sign a C onsum er Decla- gard-S h erw ood area was in Salem the w as full o f his letter and his W ar ters in other districts will be an „ ¡h e r topics " Ross T. M clntire, o f the Arm y and ration form stating exactly the stock first o f the week. Mr. Leedy in oth ­ Bond. nounced later. , i „ addition to the above discussion NaVy ,eSp<'CtlVely „ | o f processed food s on hand. Book " G e e , P op , in six y e a r s I cou ld er days was som e ball player. In V------------------- a sound picture Natures D e f e n s e ------------------- V T --------------- - W . .aV* 8tam P8 '»m o v e d for those tim es rivalry w as keen between get into the A r m y , c o u ld n ’ t I, P op ? P ackage will be shown describing e ; u . excess atocks and thus, in e ffe ct will the T igers and B eavers sam e as to­ G ee, P op , I w ant to he a soldier W o r k m a n K i l ! e H w m a ... n r v l l l e d h n » ^ ) , , poaK rj bustnesa ». com pel the applicant to use up these " o r k ....... 'ht>wAfh.- is helping B r o w r l i i w i s s H e r d day. Mr. L eedy now is engaged In like b ro th e r and light in tins w a r. stock s before buying any more. in the war program . Makes Good Records g lo w in g onions in the Lake Labish G e e . _ isn ’ t that bond n ifty ? L ook, it In Unusual Acc’dent , . . , Heavy federal penalties can be ap- i w as issued in H onolulu. It s m in e. _ j R obert J Brunke, 62. route No. 6, Any person in the county interest- d istrict north o f Salem. I he Brown .Swiss herd ow ned by Al- plled to tho9e maMn({ # fa|-e d ec£ . . . , But P op w a s looking at M om and box 11290. was pronounced dead upon ed in poultry raising is ir.v ted and bert Meier and Son, Beaverton, Ore- ration M om w as looking at P op . T h ere arrival at St. V incenta hospital as a urged to attend especially those who gon, recently com pleted its first year Senator Fisher dropped in at Joe's w ere tea rs in M o m ’ s e y e s. She result o f an accident at th, Bissin ci have em pty poultry houses that could on Herd Test with many cow s in the 6 Q Does this Declaration mean place at Salem the other day for din- i sh ook her head sh a rp ly. P op Hide & W ool Company. 123* N W he utilized without much additional herd making excellent production :e c- that I will have to declare the fruita ner and had a fine visit with an old j re a ch e d out ancF patted her hand Irv n> street, the coron er’s o ffice re expense Since poultry products are ords, accord in g to Fred S. Idtse. sec- and vegetables I canned at home last tim e acquaintance, J oe W est. Joe gently. ported. Brunke reportedly was open- classed as a war essential food, it is rotary o f the Brown Swiss Cattle ¡fa ll? sends his best regards to his m a n y . “ W ell, c a n ’ t let our so ld ie r boy ing a boxcar door when the (loot essential that eveiy effort be made Breeders' association. Beloit. W is A No. N othing you have packed friends at Cipole, in W ashington beat us to buying W ar B onds, can cam e loose and struck him He died to increase egg production through A rbor R ose led the herd with a at home need be declared and no w e, old la d y ? ” w a s all he said. C ounty fio m a skull fracture and a crushed |OUt the county, | production o f 17,500.9 lh*. o f milk, stam ps will be deducted fo r these She shook her head again. “I chest, the report said 599 59 lbs. o f buttertat. Next in the ( hom e supplies It ia expected o f gu ess if he ca n give up his jo b and In regard to organizing the Sen­ H p is survived by brother Otto, sis i J __ herd was three year old Swiss Nellie course that you will use your hom e ate— there was a little delay but ! . . . and go off to w a r I can do som e toi Mrs Mary R ogers, Portland, h d f T, r a i t , U r d e r ol Arbor Hose with 112,978.5 lbs of canned goods instead o f buying cotn- fighting back at h o m o ,” she said things m oved fast and the Senate ts __ __ ___ i milk, 507.57 lbs o f butterfat. Four _______ ] m ercial products. . , , .. .. ¡n a ciueer v o ice . S m all J o e looked brother o f Mrs. Olga Palm er. Llnne- Starts February 1 harm ony on schedule. A bove all Harmony \ ^ su rp risc She saw him man station Funeral services w eie Beginning February 1, all men In cow s produced between 400 and 500 1 J|( All Hoii|m Rationed p rev ail- »nd W ash .n eton Countv re- 1(£ ki at her and spok e sharply, held M onday in Finley's R ose chapel, the 18 to 45 age group who for six lbs o f hutterfat iynd ten between 300 11 [ ceived a square deal in Senate Com - “ W ell, J oe. W e ’ re abou t rea d y to com m itm ent Crescent G rove. “ ~ There months have been subject to selective and 400 lbs. i 1- seem s to be some mittees. . eaj g a y g r a c e .” seivice will be required to carry, In These records were mnds on tw ice question about dried and dehydrated V ------------------ ^ S m all J oe folded his hands and i „ ^ „ j .ad d ition to a registration card, a a day m ilkin g with good faint care. . vegetables and things like dehydrated Oregon Leads U. S. A. in bent his head as he had been taught. Beaverton otudent Body classification card to show they are in More herds producing at the level d oK food. Are these covered by re­ touch with the draft hoard, the W ar o f the Meiers herd are needed to tlon ln g? W a r R n n rl S a le s * “ Oh L o rd , we thank thee for this ' Elects New Officers “ ar D o n a oaies food and a ll thy bountiful gifts . . . ! E lections for student body office rs m anpower com m ission announced. supply the dairy products wanted by A No. Only dried and dehydra­ O regon again leads the U. S. A. in : “ A m e n ,” P o p said, tor the second sem ester were held at Those subject to the new’ require- this country and Its allies, says Mr. lpd fruits apples, peaches, and the war bond sales and W ashington ; “ A m e n ,” M om said. “ N ow eat Beaverton High school Monday, Janu- mPnt who » ' p in com plian ce Idtse \ like, Dry vegetables like navy County did its part hy p u rch a sin g 1 y ou r good s a u s a g e s ." Hi> 10. The follow in g were elected: should con tact their draft bonid im - A ________ beans, split peas and lentils ate not $149,201.75 o f w ar bonds during N o-j (S to ry fro m an actu al rep ort in President Fred K arpsteln Vic* m ed iau ij to avoid oonfuaion latei Ransackers Leave included, vemher. the last month for which o f the files o f the T re a su ry D cp a rt- president G eorge Mick Secretary V lolators^are subject to n maximum p I l n l n . ,^ 1 . A ! 8 ficial figure* are available T otal m e n t.) . , . P” HS Bob n n « “ « T 's t ö V ^ ’ o 'r W v .‘ ” y « ™ “ “ prt: G a * B o o k s U n t o u c h e d ! 8 ^ , W ba‘ ab<>ut c b ‘ Cken " ° UPa state wide sales equaled $10.787.000 . Mp\ ^ A s .^ E ditor o f H um m er >on. or both The B eaverton ration board was <:a" " ed be« f b rolh - “ “ P- * nd O regon ’s national record i . the lar- . ' »»» D u h a i^ p Business M ir - ------ - V - - - broken into Thursdny Thursday night, nigh, Janu. ' , » . ^ e , r ^ u p s m .d e o f Oieat. or poultry iviki test purchase o f war bonds in pro in W ar Stam ps, ln e ic a s i >ou can _ student County Farmers' Union •»•*« , « ■ ' S S » . " W' " ,” ” portion to incom e o f any state in the do is the m ost you can buy in W ar l," m ' 1 ‘ ,an n i 11 111 ls hody m anager Chet Slovick. U. S. 7 rciisury U efa rlm en l union. $9 93 out o f every $100 o f B onds, Meets on lanu.rv 3(1 S S ! * «■ » » » - incom e was loaned to the governm ent they back d oor no m a ,,e ' S ong leader Helen Randall, and pi Thp c()Unt ______ tnk ,h p >’ fH,,nd ing ,hat th” found l,nck that d oor the j at theti con,pnt But to provide equipm ent fo r the boys on y I-aim ers Union will had hpen fol<.e(1 oppn and everything Inot «‘ ehydrated soups anist, Gelene H obbs m eet Saturday. January 30 in the the figh tin g fronts. V— C om m erce ,n ,h e o f n ° '> r,*nHnokpd Although 9 g W hy is not canned salm on H illsboro C ham ber o f f Oregon has lead the nation tw ice Local Girl Joins W A V E S County Fair Dates Set C iti Inrnl n . smaM « ' » n 1 ) » Hnd included in the i room s with Kansas City local as annt ,,nu ' canned “ nnPU meat m iiuu « In the last fou r months, having also M\ lO C fx l ilS ■ M a ito h la m in tiltf ir n u n l l r w i r o t in n hr ts This is (h. Iasi M¡eelin, hi *l<|pT,l," p supply o f gasoline intion p ,esent rationing p rog ra m ’ been num ber one state in August. Eugenia Mary Pilip, 2915 NE 21st For September 3 and 4 h sts. ih is is h las* m eelin* t>, f>oi>ks were in the office, nothin-; was A Because oid in arilv canned fore trie the suhp state cunvcnuuii, convention. m theief»ire ' Hecause oia in aru y ■ nirc em u rr The s ta te s quota fo r January is avenue, and daughtei Mr and m eats and fish are not used inter- _ . , W’ashington cou nty fair dates were m em bers w ho have anything they _ $10,300.000 which is $$2.200,000 higher yjrs. V M Pilip. route 1 Box 130, v rh angM h ty with canned vegetables than previously The quota for W ash- B eaverton. has' enlisted in the ! sel fo r September 3 and 4 at the w 'sh to have review ed or considered Gasoline Stolen 10. Q Will the housew ife have to ington C ounty is $363.680.' W A V E S through the o ffic e o f naval : state fair association m eeting recent- should com e and m ake it known J H H oovei O l route 3 Beaverton, m ake an inventory o f her canned '—-----------------V o ffic e r procurem ent. 1233' Am erican j ly. The fair if held would be V reports the theft o f 10 gallons o f gas goods by products so m any cans o f Delbert W . Burke Receives Raak building (stream lined and devoted foi the most Press Conference Set at and three gallons o f oil from his ga- peas, so many o f beans, so m any o f a r in # T o r n « P r o m o t i o n Mi88 P i,iP wh° ' 8 a K 'a d u ste o f l » ' 1 to 4-H club and Future Farm ers C - TL; F r id a v iave The garage door was pried cherries, and so o n ? a r in t th o rp s r r o m o n o n the Roosevelt hich school has been s i »1 A m erica activities L U g e n e IO I I m s r r ia a y tage A No, she need report on ly the From far out in the P a cific c a m e ' . . h' ’. .. . , \r — The 25th annual Oregon Press open. total num ber o f cans that her house­ w ord today that Delbert W . Burke. land fo l: j., yea i V sh e' is now secre : JO H N V A I N con feren ce will open on the Unlver- hold has on Tiand when rationing be­ JOHN A. T W E E D . !K ________ r -,te 1, Beaverton. was recently ‘ ,, ' ^ d ad Funeral services for John Yaun. 65. 8i*y o f Oregon cam pus Friday. Janu prom oted to Captain In the_ United ^ ( s t r . t o r o f ^he B o ^ e v d l e Ad- B eaverton farm er, who died a, his a ' ;v_ 22.# with ppP,p ,^_tat[vp8 from f Funeral services were held F riday gins. Mam - Poultry Meeting S Jated Tuesday M Stater M arine Corps' air arm A " . . d i e late o f , , m inistration, having held that posi- home Saturday follow in g an illness o f " " 8t " f The flyer, prior to goin g over seas s,nce 1939 ■ I ■ ««ted to ...... . band foi • "•* " •*“*• '• ,d- who dlPd 'Ian 12 St. M arys of the Valley was stationed as a flight instructor E vangelical church . Tuesday in (lay *p»»'«n Mary Conn Brown. Red He was 78 years old and husband o f ~ ___ ___ j with ............. N otw ithstanding the fact that stu- at the U. S • --------- Naval --------- Air Station. H er .. brother. T heodore J Pilip. — - • ---------- Cor- - ......... , is , ferm ent in th« C rescent G rove cem i ' " n A ,,c* den ts are preparing for sem ester e x ­ pus Ohristi, Texas This was his na'> P 'p fllKh* 8ph °,>1 fp,.. V — and Mrs Paul Frlschel o f Glendale. am lnationa th<.y a ,e m aking enthu- third piom otion since enlisting in the a ' M »1 8 college , A natjve Qf Switzerland. Yaun A I.B F H T W. S T E P H E N S Cal ; Mrs W . A Kolbel o f ( ’h iesgo, „ ¡ ^ ¡ e progress on the various activi- v O ctober 1. 1900. I ------ ----------------------V ------- m ______ |. the United States in 1902 Albert W Stephens, ag- .a ts. I ll; Forest J B I- tie* ccnne.-t.-d with m em bership in Born at FMrest G rove. Bui ke is the mmedi*tel> settling in O regon H* o f rout* * Portl* nd ’*'*••» " ¡* nd N Y r 1 i; ' F 1 • lu n lor R*tf d o * * . A successful married Lilly Schaer, Bethany in He shs husband o f M argaret, fath Portland interm ent Greenwo.rd Hill cotn p |*tlon o f a large num ber o f Bit son o f Mrs W L. Burke, BIRTHS 1907 Surviving relatives include a ot w Hugh Stephens. Mrs. M W cem etery, # rine ktta pa„ |ed on tQ the fashioning niseueld T 5 i p343; e43- vo-.alsoof Mi and M is A ith u r L Andei son. |J ------------------- V ------------------- o f the Portland police ' ,an Billiatd. Mrs W J Heinrich. ” * o f blocks for a brightly colored af- routé 5. box 247, a son T heodore L. * °n' Lloyd, all o f r o u te s , and Mrs H E Botden HEN H I L. B l C H AN AN Khan In the m eantime, the girls Berry Growers to Meet Jan. 5. ,orcp ___- C alifornia; 4 grandchildren and 5 H enry L Buchanan o f 1367 SW arp aI>0 p rom otinR the sale o f W ar great grandchildren Funeral ser T nylots Ferry court, died Jan. 13. stam ps and Bonds, the record o f Wednesday at Hillsboro Mr and Mrs. H arry R Carsh RATION BOOK REMINDER ices w eie held Mont lay at the Beth- He was husband o f E va Buchanan whJrh , , being kept fo r the School- O T M cW horter, extension horti M etzger. Jan 9. a daughter. Deane L culturist. O regon State College, pa s - , . " I M F stm m ' 1 ’ 1 1 ’ 1 - ' church Vault ntom b fatbei I E ........ Buchanan, Pott- A t-W ar aaran baalL Mr and Mrs Albert J E M l r o n t Z a t i ? T b } ' ment at Crescent Gtoye cem etery. land; D orothy Ellen Buchanan. Los Thp npw gooka recently _ purchased been invited to d is c u s -t a w to r i Hpavprton Ja|1 1 0 , a daiIKhter Z ine^pound « P ir e * Feb - %ngel. ......... of T E P. i-hanan tnr th. ,lhr. rv h. v. excited m uch in- Angeles; brother o f T E Buchanan. for library have plant selection and disease control _ w