Page 4 Friday, January 15 , 1943 BEAVER TO N " E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon Motorists Requested to Give Change of Address Social Hygiene Conference Slated ALOH A B IR T H S Beaverton News Mrs Laurence Austin of Wood- To Mr and Mis Gerald B. Gray. T J Holycioss, former Aloha resi- Portland, Jan. 15—Oregon's second buin and formerly of Beaverton was Aloha, Or., Dec. 26, a daughter, Su dent, is now residing at ilia s Bel- I f a motorist changes his job or state-wide social hygiene conterence mont street, in Portland. calling on Beaverton friends here san A. AI.O IIA A. 'K M III.Y lesidence so that he IS closer to work. ha, called W 'P o r t la n d on'I.Vb V ». M..MISM OK GOD has been called for Portland on Feb last Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. James F. Bishop, j Mrs. J. W. Barnes has moved to his gasoline ration book must be ad- ruary 5 Id Adolph Weinzu I d Sunday School 10 a. m. Mr and Mrs J. T Wilson have toute 5, box 632, January 6, a daugh- Garabaldi, Oregon, justed accordingly, says the state tor of the division of social hygiene Worship 11 a. m. purchased a home on Eighth and ter> Patricia A. I 1 . ura Searles is now residing in OPA office. Such a change must be education of lhe University of Ore Young people 6 30 p. m. Watson and are moving next week Ml and William Glanz. route _ , reported to the motorists ia tio n ,g 0n medjca| school, stated today. The Evangelistic 7 15 p m. The p . board within five days. conference is being called to imple . _.. . ---- - Beaverton grange met last 3. box 721, January 4, a daughtei . Eline M Mrs. A. Wendt has moved to Port- Motorists who sell their cars o r I , incili ment lu furthei Oiegon f» anti-veneral , * \ “ n... whether the community is going to get needed taies for schools, hospitals, and the like, or whether this money is going to go to gangsters and bootleggers That’s the answet. boys . . . simple as A-B-C.” We hope you will continue to confine your trips, in 1943, to essential travel. A.T.MERUER, P .ttiJm t SP The Friendly Southern Pacific ’ ^ ♦MA