i % _____ (W r i Friday, January 8, 1043 Classified Rates B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R I S E , Beaverton, Oregon Page 3 Real Estate Transfers CENTRAL LOCATION TVVO Cents a word per issue. George John Gango et ux to Lew-1 Minimum 25c CASH with copy is Albeit Dugwyler et ux, lot 61 N Minimum Charge on Classified Tigardville add. Ads not paid at Time of Inser tion- 50c. Albert Oxtoby et ux to Clarence R i We Publish the Goheen et ux lot 7 U urm ac Park. BEAVERTON ENTERPR ISE Cora Halm to Emil Egger et al. MlT.TNOM.-%11 PRESS 20 acres sec 18 T2S R2W TIGARD S E M I N EL ALOHA NEW S j Cora Halm to Ellen Englund, 30 Complete E a s t e r n Washington acres sec 7 T2S R2W. County and Western Multnomah County Coverage W R Clapp et ux to Lazelle B Me- We assume no financial respon indl lot 5 blk 7 Hillsboro Garden sibility for errors which may ap tracts. pear in advertisements published Ira E Vanderzanden et vlr to Vin in thpse columns but In case cent E Cl op, part of sec 4 T2N R4W where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of ar. advertise J B Worth et ux to Win C Bruba ment In which the typographical ker et ux, part sec 3 T1S R1W. mistake occurs. ! Haiold A Miller et ux to Stimson M IS C E L L A N E O U S Lbr Co, part sec 7, 1 and 13 and 36, 1,160 acres. D e a d 8tocli picked up free of Gail Karns et ux to Francis J charge anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call Brundenberg et al W ■ of lot 9 blk 5 ¡ CH. 2103 or UN. 0449 D EN LE Y Oi unco. R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. «• Jack Meier to Grace Rice, lots 1 & HIDES A WOOL, < W a h a - A 6 blk 4 Metzger acre trs. specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW Hazel F Johnson to Harlan Goble t'livy, Portland. Atwater 5334. et ux 8.96 acres Laurel Acres. fXJR TOW CAR call V E R M IL Y E Penn R Watson to David Merio, MOTOR CO. Phonp Tigard 3381. __ lots ii 12, 13. a m Close to downtown Close to transportation J. P. Finley & Son MV Riverview Cemetery W EST END SKI I.WOOD BRIDGE C R E M A T O R IU M MAUSOLEUM CEM ETERY Complete Funeral Sen lee In New (utlii-di.il Chapel at No Extra cost Riverview is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $300,000 SEE YOUR D E A LE R Columbia Brick Works 1320 SE Water— Portland Kilns at Greslmm-Sylvan-Kalcin | P A IN T S Im lay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds riSHER THORSEN PAINTS SAVE Y O U R TIRES— B U Y DEFENSE BONDS Ride a Bus— Right to the door oi the Beavei Aon This man is not dead, lie is just sleeping. And sleeping a little more soundly, per haps, because there are still many Am en- cans who arc not putting at least 10% of their pay into W ar Bonds on a regular Pay roll Savings Plan. H ow about you joining a lot of other fellows in giving the little paperhanger a rude awakening? How about you signing up with a Payroll Savings Plan today . . . to the tune of not 6%, or 7% or 8%, but 10%, and more if you can? L E T ’S T O P T H A T 10% B Y N E W Y E A R ’S. POULTRY HEADQUARTERS Strickland, Jewel et vir to Grace I Highest prices paid. Ask about Drew, part of sec i}6 T IN R4WWM our pick-up service. M * PO U LTR Y & D A IR Y Drew, Grace, et vlr, to Jewel n o it n w e s t PRODUCTS CO. Strickland, et vir, part sec 6 T IN 232 SE Oak, Portland Oregon R4WWM EA. 5141 Cynthia Good to Bert G Brock way et ux lots 3, 4, 24, 25 & 9 Brockaway Brick, Tile, Masonary Gaidens. Brick & Building Tile Herbert Bauer et ux tostato High- way Coni part sec 32 T IN RlVVVVM A B Combs et ux to C I ’ Penning- ton et ux 8l*. aci es in sec 1 T1S ! R1WWM. Chester R Williams et ux to J<irn3iJ Buckley et ux, part lot 18 blk 2. | Hall's add to Forest Grove. WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: If you are . .. 1. Already investing 10% of your pay in Bradley J Woodward et ux to Hi- ram S Davis et ux part secs 21, 15 and 16 TIS R1WWM. State of Oregon to Elmer E Ross et ux part Hoover DLC 38 Sec 18, T IN R2WWM. FOURTH \ r MONTGOM ERY ATwatcr 2181 W ar Bonds through the Payroll Saving« Plan -boost that 10% if you can. Winter Garden 2. W orking in a plant where the Plan is in stalled, but haven't signed up yet sign up tomorrow. ^ Working in a plant where the Payroll On T a ylor Street, bt. 4th & 5th PO R TI.AN D Tasty Foods Dinners— Lunches Banquets Savings Plan hasn't been installed, talk to your union head, foreman, or plant manager and see if il can’t be installed right away. The local bank will he glad to help. BR. 1423 for Reservation Claude Brereton I 'nahle (o get in on the Payroll Savings Plan for any reason, go to your local bank, or wherever Bonds are sold. They will be glad to help you start a Plan of your own. A T TH E W IN T E R GARDEN 100.000 I# BUY U. S. WAR BONDS quirk lienrIn* Hazel Olive Corbet to William R part sec 28 T2S Young, et ux THROUGH THE J. B. Imiays & Sons F R U IT R E E D V IL L E ALOHA, ORE. R1WWM. PAYROLL SAVINGS PLAN Rose E Coil to Charles W Jen NUT ) HELP W ANTED kins. et ux, lots 16, 46. 47 & 48 En virons of Coinelius Part Lot 53. TREES W A N TE D Girl for light house work. No washing or ironing. 2 Weeta C Peck et vir to J Vernon j forenoon of said day and the court boys in family, 1 school age, go Horne et ux part lots i & 2 Wiley's rian t Timlutln Valley Nurseries quick Agriculture and Labor tearing trees for Kreater profits. We have room of said court has been ap-1 home nights if preferred. A. Litvin, sub in sec 31 T IN R2WWM. a complete assortment of Peaches, Apples, ‘ ‘ Agriculture has excellent reasons pointed by said court as the time! Farmington Rd., ■% mile from ¡ Pears, Cherries, Plums, Prunes, Apricots. Marvin Lewallen et ux to Charlie i Figs, Almonds. Filberts. Walnuts. Chest and place for the hearing of objec to take concern for the w elfare of Beaverton, Phone 2321. nuts, Hickory Nuts, etc Complete assort tions thereto and the settlement labor," says Wheeler McMillen. Jobe, et ux ot an uere in sec 33 ment of Berry Plants, Shrubs, Roses. Most W A N T E D —Housekeeper for cook T2S R1WWM. NOTICE TO CREDITORS thereof. “ The situation after the war is over all varieties o f Flowering and Shade trees Send for 40-page catalog. It will pay to NOTICE IS HEREBY G IV E N ing only. Five in family. Write A L F R E D NIELSEN,; will be of particular importance to drive out to our nurseries. Drive out Bar Earl U Waldron, admr to John H Box 823, Tigard, Or. that the undersigned has been duly bur Blvd. from Portland on Hiway 99W. farmers. Men earning good wages Executor Foisfieig et ux about 10 acres in sec | appointed Administratrix of the es Out 17 miles, l mile past Six Corners full time are much better customers to w r'd New berg. Or we will ship your H E L P W A N T E D —Two women to 2 T IN R4WWM Dated and first published January tate of A. A. Bronkey, deceased, order by parcel post or express. than men without jobs. Men steadi carry trays and help with clean and any or all persons having claims 1, 1943 Decker, Elizabeth, et al to O S| against said estate are hereby re ing. Hillsboro 1911. Date of last publication January ly employed under satisfactory con TUALATIN VALLEY NURSERIES Looney, lots 4 & 5 Hocken's Park. ditions are far less likely than men K l. 3. B o * 310, H H I-K W U O O . O K U ,O N quired to present said claims, duly 29, 1943. without work to become the prey of FOR SALE v-r- Grant Landess et ux to W' A Camp verified .at 712 Swetland Building, A. C. ALLEN , Attorney. men who agitate for strange kinds Portland, Oregon, within six months 712 Swetland Bldg., Portland bell et ux lot 8 blk 17 Hillsboro. FOR SALE Model A truck parts, of government. Agriculture ought from the date of this notice. worm drives, front ends and cabs. not, therefore, to develop hostility Lloyd Rowlett to Roy E Lewis et Dated and first published January H B Ferguson, Beaverton 2248. : 1. 1943 ux .part sec 18 T IN R4WVVM toward labor and toward labor or Uncle illif Mullins says— j Date of last publication January ganizations as such. A wiser course W O O D -G reen 4 ft slab wood an I i Han L Robinson et al to C G 29, 1943 z , would be to try to use agriculture’s edgings, $7 per crd., delivered in J Heisel et ux ,lot 6 blk 8 Berthold add E LIZ A B E TH B RO N KEY, influence for correction of those erd loads, only. C. J. Stasei, bv I to Beaverton. Beaverton, Oregon abuses which do no good either to 373, Carlton, Oregon. Aministratrix of the Estate of --------------- — -— -----------------------| 1 iancis James Chalmers et ux to I In a recent advertisement signed laborers, farm ers or the nation.” A. A. Bronkey, Deceased FOR S A L E —Wood Heater, new | Wilbert E Salzwedel, part sec 15 T I N 1 by a well-known business concern, A. C. ALLEN , linoleum rug 9 ft, 6 in wide, 10 ft America’s Real Stimulant Attorney for Aministratrix this statement appeared: “ My boss Theodore H Blair Sr. to L L T w <-1 6 in long, C. J. Redfield R3, Bx 90 “ In the United States, every 712 Swetland Building has 14 Grand tied up in m e.” nam, et ux part sec 1 T IN R3WWM. Beaverton. What that slangy use of words man's value is determined by his Portland, Oregon Russell W Thornburg et ux to Kay FOR SALE -CMC Truck, 2 ton. meant was that the average em activity, and every man is given the very good tires, $395 6th & Main. W Meyer et al -h acre as described ployee in industry represents a capi opportunity to develop his abilities. in Deed Book 170 page 125. Beaverton. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE OF tal investment— in property, plant, An Am erican’s real stimulant and SALE OF PROPERTY machinery and equipment—of $14,- pride consist in being a self-made FOR S A L E —4 ft Dry Slab <3 cord ! U 8 Nat Bnk to J E Cook •it ux lot One of my biggest investments is In the County Court of the State of 000. In other words, labor has jobs man, in fighting, and in winning tlia lots) W rite J. O. Johnson, Bx 584, I 13 blk 14 Multnomah Country club War Bonds. I figger on putting at Oregon foi* Yamhill County. only when some business man, or fight.” —Javier Pradu. Carlton, Oregon. *dd plat No. 4. least 10°o ot all my earnings into War In the Matter of the Estate and i group of investors, puts up the Bonds from New Year's on! ; - -.r •— y — — Frank W Lambert et ux to flyne Guardianship of Kate E. Roe, a men- j money necessary for the creation of FOR SA LE —Chopped gray oats tally and physically Incompetent pet jobs Advertising is salesmanship. with n little vetch in it. Henry T Benner lot 8 blk 15 Multnomah ann I » son. Partel, 1 block east of McDonald’s Country Club add plat No. 4 It was well said recently, . by a By virtue of an order and decree | store, box 322, Tigard. B B Goff, et ux to Joseph Ralph of the County Court of Yamhill student of economics, that men in FOR SALE—Rabbit hutch $20. 4- Applebee et ux part lot 4 blk 23 For County, Oregon, made and entered governmental authority too often rooms furniture, wicker set $15, 2- est Grove. Save 20 to 25% on your F I R E I N S U R A N C E C O S TS of record December 31, 1942, author forget that while the rights of work ers are being considered, the owner wheel trailer $25. One 4-room Oregon Mutual roili-lea are NON-ASSESHABI.E. You N E V E R pay Jesse Dan Gallup to Weeta C Peck izing and directing the undersigned of the tools used by workers must house for rent, furniture optional. guardian of the Estate of Kate E more than Uie premium on the fare of the |«>floy. Oregon Mutual 37.38 acres in T IN R2WWM Wanda Jorgensen, R l, Bx 243, Ti Roe, a mentally and physically in also have some consideration. trialntaina more than three time« the aurplua required by Oregon gard, After 6 p. m. After this war is over, the plants Surburban Dev Co Inc to Hiram competent person, to sell at private Insurance lawa. ~ ~ 1 B Stowe et ux tract 3 Old Meadow sale the leal estate belonging to said now devoted to military needs must FOR SALE-B urbank Potatoes 2 s {farms. estate. be re-converted to peace-time activ Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company $2.50 per cwt , l ’s $3 per cwt. Les NOTICE IS HEREBY G IV E N ity; must be re-tooled for the kind o k M c M i n n v i l l e ter M. Davies, R l Bx 330 A Beav Sophia Noidlund Admrx to Ja. i -s .. , , . . „ that from and. after the 6th day ot of production they were engaged in Organized 1894— .40 year» of Reliable Service ( ’ha«. L Walker, Agent erton. Or. ” t a,Z o o w w x T * L C February, 1943, I shall proceed to when it became necessary to tool N ew Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 ’ ‘ * ,, sell at private sale to the highest up for war. Labor will expect peace FOR SALE Ford A ’30 Sedan, * bidder foi cash in hand, an undivid- , time jobs then, but somebody must "E very Form of Protection” Hillsboro, Oregon good tires, new parts, cash $75. Be counteu among Earnest ‘'scrap" ed one-third interest in and to the provide the money for re-converting Wanda Jorgensen, R l .Bx 243 A, seekers. following described tract of leal es and rc-tooling. That money cannot Tigard. Or. tate situate in the County of Wash V be forthcoming unless enough profits ington. State of Oregon, to-wit: or capital can be stored up to meet Beginning at a point 62'» <sixty- such requirements. two and one-half) feet West of the southwest coinei of the inter li/liât ß u y li/¿Hi Hoost your home community news (Shingle Tow ) section of Second Street South paper. It boosts for you. Only and Third Avenue East, t+ience For Insulation— Poultry Litter— $1 per year .leas than 2 cents a week West 126 75 feet; thence south Livestock, Dog A Cat Bedding— 201.75 feet; thence East 12675 —Nursery Packing feet; thence North to the point of I \--r ST. JOHNS SHINGLE CO. beginning. 1054)1 N. Portland Road Save now to buy later, after the Portland, Oregon I’M. 0676 SUBJECT To the dower interest War. That's good common sense because if you spend now, you help of Julia A Roe. mother of Kate E Peter Kosturos, Prop. A PPLE S for Sale 50c, 75c per to drive prices up for everything Roe. incompetent box. Please bring container Fred Dated this 8th day of January, you buy. Durable goods are scarce Q U IE T , M O D E R N & I.euthi, Walnut ave.. Tigard. so invest in War Bonds today and 1943. H O M E L IK E THOMAS R ROE. do that house remodeling when Vic G U ARD IAN OF TH E PERSON AND W ANTED tory is won. Phone ATwater 7261 ESTATE OF For quality, fair price ami service TOP THAT 10% Legal Notices M TOOL USERS AND TOOL OWNERS SHIPYARD PAINTERS Baled Cedar Shavings W A R III!M IS New Lennox Hotel Experienced for Steady Work Rain or Shine Kate E Roe, Incompetent D n BUMP Attorney for Guardian Forest Grove, Oregon Date first publication January 8, 19*3. Date of last publication IVhruary 5, 1913 NOTICE Laborers wanted at once. Immediate job placement! Applv week davs only. HOD CARRIERS AND BUILDING LABORERS Union Local No. 2% N O T IC E ROOM 215 LABOR TEMPLE SW 4th A T JEFFERSON you can ^ H ELP / If you have not done so. Join a Payroll Savings I’l.tn at your office or factory If you are not in vesting at least ten percent in War Ronds, increase your regular deduc tions on yo ^ Payroll Savings Plan. Let's “ Top that ten percent.” C i 1 iM uq !srf«rl«w4# or F IN *1. \CCOCN T In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wash ington. In the matter of the Estate of W il helm Carl Matzke. Deceased Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned as Executor of the estate of Wilhelm Carl Matzke, . deceased, has filed his final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon i for Washington County, and that Saturday the 30th day of January, 1943 at th« hour of 10 o clock in tbe S. \V. Third Ave., eor. Main Portland, Oregon De Laval SEPARATORS — MILKERS COMPLETE EQUIPM ENT UNI) SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY INDUSTRY A LSO Inexperienced M ay be Trained Union Wages APPLY ifìmopk Criiell HS»*«tsrtvfn 4 ISsMtelort 1W RVTM INO 135 NW Park AT. M6I PAINTERS' UNION Room 207 Labor Temle Portland