Friday, December 25, 1942 BFAYERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Orégon Page 3 SAVE YOUR T I R E S - BUY DEFENSE BONDS Ride a Bus— Right to the door of the From Portland Business Classified Rates * T W O Cents a word per Issue. Minimum 25o C ASH with cop>. Minimum Charge on Classified Ads not paid at Tim e of Inser­ tion— 50c. W e I'ublish the BEAVERTON E N T E R P R IS E M U L T N O M A H P R E SS T IG A R D S K M 1 N E L ALOHA X E W 8 Complete E a s t e r n W ashington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage W e assume no financial respon- elbllity for errors which may a p ­ pear in advertisements published in these columns but In case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of sr. advertise­ ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. Winter Garden Firms and Individuals On Taylor Street, bt. 4th & 5th PORTLAND Christmas Greetings to our Friends and Customers iu the Tualatin Valley Business Men’s Assurance Co. of America E Columbia Equipment 1240 SE E A T Y O l'K X M A S D IN N E R M IT U Claude Brereton A T TIIK • W IN TER GARDEN C R E D IT G L A D L Y BR. 2461 New Lennox Hotel Portland, Ore Peter K osturos, Prop, P ortland. O regon QUIET, MODERN HOMELIKE May all the joy s o f a Christm as be your good fortune Kindness to every living being buy him MISCELLANEOUS D c'ld •toc*t picked up free Up-to-date stock of watches, dia­ monds jewelry, toilet sets, *11'er- ware, cloeks, etc.Most reasonable prices. W e also do expert watch and jewelry repairing. 6260 NE Union Ave Portland Portland CASH P A ID FOR OI.D $25-$3r St«»tf»on HATS First Federal Savings 720 S. \Y. Morrison 423 SW B ioad w ay Portland « r iS H E R T H O R S E N P A IN T S 0 A LO H A , O R E Real Estate Wanted W A N T E D 10 acres in eastern W ash ­ ington cou nty or western Multnomnh county, partly cleared, no bldg KU8 Enterprise, Beaverton. Columbiaknit SW EATERS Boxes For quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlays & Sons Interwoven (Short or Phoenix J /m g ) Gift Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds R E E D V II.L E Sh Gabardine Sport or Regular and Loan Assn. F orm erly in charge M eier' A F rank's Optical Dept PAINTS *5 Cheney, Arrow W em bley, Fashion Craft Optometrist # SHIRTS *2 ARROW Van H c ii h c ii STEAMSHIP COMPANY • Columbia Brick Works S 183— M 213 W a sh in gton A sk about Brick & Building Tile 0 o j s « ¿ s o .« s S ub f t j o < u e »¿ a oas n.1 Pwcbu Apples P ears, C herries, Plum s, Prunes, A p ricots, F igs, A lm on d s, F ilberts, W aln uts, C h e s t­ nuts, H ick o ry N uts. etc. C om p lete a s s o r t ­ m ent o f B erry P la n ts. Hhrubs, R oses. Most all va rieties o f F low erin g and Shade trees Send fo r 10-page c a ta lo g . It w ill pay to d rive ou t to ou r nurseries. D riv e ou t Har bur B lv d . fro m P ortla n d on Hi w a y 99 W. Out 17 m iles, 1 m ile past Hi* C orners to w a rd N ew tierg. Or we w ill ship your o rd e r by p arcel post o r exp ress. TUALATIN VALLEY NURSERIES R l. 3, B o i 310, M H K R U O O I), O K M .O N Free Wagons, Scooters, Tricycles, Used Bicyles 1 S E A S O N ’S B E ST SE A SO N 'S G R E E T IN G S MACHINERY CO Machine Tools (New & Used) Third, Portland H. CAD ONAU, P rop 235 NW 2nd Ave, Portland, *>* « « » « « « «va» S. W. Bicycle Accessories & Repairing all 7 Oregon tv* « « t u e Types W heel Goods Retiring W a s h in g t o n K I S S L E R ’S JACK HELSER Right Downtown ÎKM SW 414 y PORTLAND W ESTLAK E INN ALPENROSE DAIRY MIN I 1 >» i a a v 923 SW 4th Av., Portland NOTICE Laborers wanted at once Immediate job placement! Apply week (lavs only. HOD CARRIERS AND BUILDING LABORERS Union Local No. 296 AT. 543 Save Zll to Zby© on your r IKfc. lINSUKAINCfc, U J 5 1 b Oregon Mutual Policies are N O N A S S E S S A B L E . You N E V E R pay more than tile premium on the faee o f the policy. Oregon Mutual maintain* more than three time« the «orpin* required l\y Oregon Insurance U w a . Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company of M c M i n n v i l l e Organized 1894— 40 years of Reliable Service Chas. J - W alker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. "E v e ry Form of Protection” Phone 1732 Hillsboro, Oregon CENTRAL LOCATION Close to downtown Close to transportation Coast Veneer Co 8630 N. B radford TO OUR M ANY FRIENDS IN THE TUALATIN VA LLE Y Wentworth A- Irwin, Inc 123 N. E. ( tregon Si Portland, O regon FOI K i ll AT M O N TG O M E R Y ATw ater 2181 Riverview Cemetery W E S T E N II S E L L W O O D B R ID G E CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete Funeral Ssrvlre In New Cathedral Chapel at No E xtraeost Riverview is a co-operative asso­ ciation with assets of over $800,000 ................«-Ham»* DAIRY CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION 1313 S. E. 1 2t h Portland, Ave. Oregon 521 SW S T A R K ST Portland ry Day Until Christmas 1 De Laval S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T ( M l S U P P L IE S FOR THE D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y ATwater 9966 Portland Crematorium and Mausoleum 6 7 0 5 Southeast 14th A v e Portland Cat.-1 a i t L a m (nr Store Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m