V « )L . 15, Ni P U B L I S H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T O N ». 46 BY JAMES PRESTON TH E new members of the Czar family, Manpower McNutt and Food- power Wickard, are going ahead with programs that will soon affect every U. S. citizen in a number of ways. _______ S H O R T ST. A N D T U A L A T I N H IG H W AY— O N L Y N E W S P A P E R IN B E A V E R T O N . Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, December 18, 1942 ESTABLISHED 1927 Tire Inspection RecTuiiin9 Cruiser Due at Beaverton on December 29 BedVertOH BOV 18 I Times Reported! Aviation Cadet Holders of A, B. C and D gasoline : Heading for a career in the air, books are instructed by the state (Calvin Carl Lehman, 18, of route No. OPA to comply with an established 2, Beaverton, has joined the ever- schedule in obtaining their fust peri j growing ranks of United states naval odic tire inspection which nntst be , aviation cadets and in the near fu completed by January 31. ture will begin his training for the Cars with license numbers 1 to coveted golden wings of a« naval pi- 110.000 ate asked by OPA to report | lot, word received today from Com OUR armed forces now situated on for inspection any time between now 1 mander Bert H Creighton, Senior no less than sixty-five points on the and December 26; numbers from member of the Naval Aviation Cad world war map are going to be fed, 110.000 to 140,000 between December et Selection Board for the ‘thirteenth equipped and properly taken care of 20 and January 2; numbers from Naval District, disclosed. even though we have to do without 140.000 to 170,000 from January 2 to Zooming aeroplanes and association many things we are used to having. 9; numbers from 170,000 to 200.900 with young men of his own age will from January 9 to 16: numbers I become commonplace for the Beaver- TH E new manpower program un 200.000 to 250,000 from Januai ,- 16 to i ton young man in his training for a der the guidance of Pam V. McNutt, 23. and numbers 250,000 an.l over i naval pilot. He will go first to St. Chief of the War Manp> wer Com between January 23 to 31. Mary’s College in Moraga, Calif., v ' :Ç, £ *< mission, will soon whittle down from REMEMBER where, with hundreds of other young the present ratio of nine to one, a No's 1 to 110.000 before Dec. 26 men from the west he will receive new deal which will put one man in 110.000 to 140.000 Dec 26- Jan. 2 three months of pie-flight training. the armed services for every five 140.000 to 170.000 Jan. 2 to 9 He will do no flying there, but will men in the civilian labor force. 170.000 to 200,COO Jan 9 to 16 The United State's Navy's recruit — i study subjects vital to aviation and 200.000 to 250,000 ■ Jan 16 to 23 ing cruiser, which has visited every THIS RARER W IL L BE ISSUED | take part in the physical develop- P R IN C IP A L points in the Manpower 250.000 and over bet Jan 23 and 31 state in the union, will come back to jment program From there he will schedule which will have a great Motorists who do not follow this Oregon for a month's stopover and is E A R L IE R N E X T W E E K DUE | go to naval aviation bases in the deal to do with the Foodpower job schedule, OPA warned, run the risk scheduled to be in Beaverton on the TO CHRSTMAS F A L L IN G ON west for nearly nine months of train- include: of not being able to obtain new gaso afternoon of December 29. ' >ng In flight and ground operations F R ID A Y BE SURE TO SEND (1) Allocation of manpower to line books promptly. Ration boards The cruiser, a double trailer 9 feet NEWS AND ADV. CORY IN ONE i with all types of naval fighting armed forces, war industries, ag have been instructed not to act upon wide and 50 feet long, is equipped planes. riculture and other- essential civ applications for gasoline unless the with the latest sound equipment for DAY E A R LIE R . A commission as an Ensign In the ilian activities; above schedule is followed They public addresses Complete motion Navy or a Second Lieutenant in ( 2 > Efficient use of labor for . take cate of all applicants who picture projection equipment also is The Washington County Council of the Marine Corps will be awarded have conformed with the schedule included and in many towns frlms Par ent Teachers met war industries; Tuesday. De j him upon completion of this training Correspondence (3) Mobilization of the nation's before handling other bequests. dealing with Navy subjects will be cember 8, wit!> the Cedar Mill asso-| l program His pay as a cadet will labor reserve; Names of qualified tire inspectors shown. ciution as host. 12 associations were Gentlemen: I be $75 a month plus all of his food. (4) Transfer of workers from may be obtained from local ration The purpose of the cruiser 's visit is represented by 60 persons, dire to a The weather is fine, so is the clothing and lodging, and upon corn- less essential activities to activi- 1 boards. to provide the public with informa- cooperative sprrit as members picked I ocean, _____ better come down and enjoy pletion of his training program he ties essential to the war; tion concerning the Navy. No actual UP representatives of other assocla- sanl(, — V---------------• The trip was made in fine will receive up to $245 n month. This <5) Provision of labor needed for enlistments will be made during the tions as they passed thru their towns j s h a p e as feeling goes, ex- training is open to all qualified high essential agriculture. tour, but preliminary physical exam- to l edat Mtll Ibis was a true de-1 | cept CPp, a cold, I have been in fail- school graduates between the ages of ¡nation will be given and applications monstration of how "share the car shape. Hope this finds Beaverton eighteen and twenty-siv years Leh W H IL E Secretary of Agriculture .< • > .. , p for future enlistments will be re and gas ' can be worked out in large I in good shape. man went to Seattld where he pass groups. Claude R. Wickard, new Food Czar ceived. Pvt. H A R O LD M. F E R R IS ed rigid physical and mental exami cannot promise “ any complete solu A crew of recruiters from the Those planning on serving hot lun- I 596 T.S.S.-T S No. 1301 A A.F.B.T.C. nations at the Selection Board head Arrangements have been made tion’’ to the growing shortage of quarters at 117 Marion St. through rationing boards for direc Rortland station will conduct the ches in the schools have either start- No 4, Miami Beach, Florida farm labor, he pledged that the gov ed or are planning to shortly. Fur- The prospective naval pilot from tors and chiefs of various depart tour. ernment would do everything in its The cruiser personnel and the re- nishing large First Aid Kits for Beaverton is the son of Mr. and ments where it is necessary to use Lear Mrs Gllham: power to alleviate this situation and gasoline in the performance of their cruiters in charge of each substation * schools was another project that I ’ar- He graduated Have been selected, and on my Ml'*- Ernest Lehman. give the farmers as much help as also will cooperate with the county ent Teacher associations have com- | duties. I hope to be i from Beaverton High School wher way to officers school, possible. j Civilian defense chiefs who re and city war savings committees on pleted. Best of luck ' waa on the tennis team and a Mrs. Izola Jensen Parker, recrea there in three months, , member of the Glee club. Then he ceived their gas rationing caids at programs to stimulate the sales of FROM now on, until the Axis is extension ; to at Heaverton war bonds and stamps. tion specialist from the the Beaverton board are to take sup Corp. DAVID E. F A R R i attended the University of Oregon written off, the volume of hand writ service of Oregon State College, de- | plementary applications to J. J. Mc En route to O.C S. I — — ing is going to be greatly reduced in Mahon for endorsement, in Hillsboro monstrated pre-party games. She this country. Sharp reductions in to J. W. Barney at the city hall and the volume of wooden pencils, foun in Forest Grove to Walter Webber tain pens, and mechanical pencils, to at the city hall. There should also be produced next year, was ordered be a note of endorsement from the recently by the War Production community director if possible for games back; don’t care. . Boatd. Mechanical pencil producers 1 the guidance of those who must pass Beaver chapter No. 106, Order of Miss Fay Nichols, county home de Merry Christmas , « 5 * ‘ wo we^k8,o iath1e will have to cut their output down monstration agent Hillsboro. Eastern Star held their annual elec RAI PH E K L A T T losis Christmas Seal Sale of the on the application. to forty-seven per cent of 1941 pro Dr. VV. C. Giersbach, president. Pa Approximately 600 civilian defense tion of officers last Wednesday ev No 1870 San Francisco. Calif Washington County Public Health cific University, spoke on the chang duction. y . association proves again that the workers and guardsmen attended the ening. , p people of Washington County are Mis. Mabel Goyt was elected wor ing times and the Victory Corps pro . showing of the picture, The Unex TH E much discussed shovel in the ploded Bomb, at the Hillsboro union thy matron, Darryl Ellis, worthy pa gram. He stressed that the three L e a v e to r L a m p s making every effort to aid in the hands of many public project work high school auditorium Monday night. tron; Mrs. Alice Scott, associate nia institutions that had to be preserved | T h i s W e e k I fight against tuberculosis, a disease ers will soon be a thing of the past. Jack Hayes of th$ state civilian de- Iron; Albert Johnson, associate pa- thru this war were the home, school i that kills more persona between the Mothers, if possible, | The following men left Beaverton, ages of 15 and 45 than any other February 1, 1943. will see the end of I fense office in Salem and Lt. Watt tion; Mrs.Myrtle Nelson, secretary; and church. all Works Progress Administration Martin, a bomb reconnaisance officer Mrs. Florence Droibaugh. treasurer; i should stay in the home to maintain for jrort Lewi,.. Wash., December 14, disease, activities. The prompt linquidation from Camp Adair, were present. Mrs. Gertrude Hedburg, conductor, as even a *<eel an<1 solid a foundation at 3 p nl The response has been both early of this great public burden will be a Company B Omcgon State Guard, at and Mrs. Pearl Biowning, associate as possible. He believes the young William A. Hampton, Bernard W and generous. To date one-half of pleasant relief to the millions of tax Forest Grove, attended in a body. conductor. The appointed officers er K'ade children should not be told \jcCue, Earl E Demmin, Glenn E. the amount needed to meet the needs payers who have been supporting an the giewaomeness of war . and , Ly, ge„ Raymond H. Fleenor, St/'. of the 1943 has been received. The will be named later. --- V--------------- this government activity foi several that) the high school boys should be ton L. Coleman, Albert E. Gilroy, money raised through the sale of the A joint public installation of Beav St. Mary’s ol the Valley years and who also are occupied er Lodge No. 100 and the Beaver urged to stay in school and lead as Paul S. Smith, William S. Perkins, j Tuberculosis Christmas Seal is the normal a life as possible. with the necessary burden of the ex Lloyd L. Wood, Floyd C. Nunnen- sole support of the year-round work A class of nineteen new members Chapter No. 106 will be held Sunday The meeting addjourned at 3:30 karnp, John R. Wreisner. Chester J. of the Washington County Public pense of this war. evening, December 21. took pait in the ritualistic reception after a rising vote of thanks to Ce Beach, George N. Conzelmann, Jack 1 Health association. W H IL E our armed forces were mov into the Sodality of the Blessed Vit- dar Mill for their hospitality. The V. See Virgil L. Smith and Sidney | The increase of tuberculosis in war gin, December 8. The ceremony was next county council will he held in D. McCraw. ing in on the new African front, the times is attributed to the great stress Stipe-Baird Wedding followed by the Benediction of the the Hubei Hall Aloha-Huher Parent I Men leaving from Portland, Ore., and strain of life .long working Axis Armistice Commission was pil Most Blessed Sacrament. A Performed December 3 Teacher association hosts for Found I for Fort Lewis, Wash., Dec. 14: laging civilian stock niles of goods i hours, lack of rest and relaxation, dessert luncheon was served in the The evening of December 3. the er’s Day, February 9, 1943. required by the natives and by George J. Steeves, Henry R. Jack- poor nutrition and overcrowded liv- spacious dining room of the Acade marriage of Miss Rhnda Breaid, --------------- V------------- the invaders. Consequently lend lease son, Edward C. Detlor, Harry A Ing conditions. Prevention and my.. Several impressive speeches is sending five million dollais worth C’oppinger, Gail Lane, Arthur Pick- control of tuberculosis is the founda- were made by the Sodality officers. daughter of Mrs. George G. Breaid to 3anta Will Bt at of sugar, powdered and evaporated Mr. Edward C. Stipe, son of Ml . . . .. : * c J ens, John M Smock. James H. Jack- tion on which the Christmas Seal and Mrs. Hiram Stipe of Hubei, wn1 *v alker f Saturday milk, green tea. cheese. newsprint, Mission Committee son, Edward L. Marchewka, John campaign is built. Many have eon- kerosene, drugs, and copper sulphate ! Among the plans in Red C1 os., solemnized by the Rev. Lansing IC. ! Santa Claus will arrive in Beav- ■ B. Gibson, William V. Jamieson, Del- ( tributed more than their dollar for work and other activities for Uncle Kempton in the chapel of Trinity erton Saturday at 12 m. and will re- I belt O. Potter. to North Africa. i the sheets of Seals. ! Sam and the armed forces, the c m- Episcopal church YVhite chrysan main until 5 p. m. at Walkers De- | --------------- V --------------- ---------------------------------- V --------------- —----------— test between the two organized themums and candles were used in partment store on Broadway, in Warning Given Teen-Agers groups of the student body, to rais< decorating. New Ruling Due for Beaverton A free gift will be given I Coffee Drinkers Get No funds for purchasing Christmas gift The bride given in marriage by all children, On Draft Registry Restaurant Customers Bonus on Stamp No. 2 A warning was issued today by and sweets for the inmates of the her cousin. Mr. Robert Breaid, wore j This is the first time Santa has j A new ruling may be made soon— who hoped for a help owners of restaurants—re- Paul C. Giesey, general chairman of Washington County Hospital, wot. a costume sait of Aqua wool witn honored this store with a personal 1 Coffee lovers Donations matching hat and brown accessories appearance, so be sure ail H*hr girls "bonus’’ during the second rationing quirjnK a|| customers to be resposible the sixth selective service registra first place in response. 4 are for g|)Verware used during a meal tion, against “ holding o ff” until the were made in the form of shares or. and a corsage of rosed and garden and boys will be on hand to greet i period beginning January him . j doomed $o disappointment, respon- , ¡je |gR with cashier when leaving last minute on the part of youths an attractive bed doll, a rosary, and ias. a silver medal The contest closed Mrs. S. Thomas Jones was matron V — ---------- - sible officials said today. The loss in one restaurant alone one required to sign up before Friday. They describe the condition of cof m0nth was a gross of silverware, it To avoid a last minute rush at the with Miss Jean Hickman the happ\ of honor and Mrs. Dennj£ G. Breaid B eaverto n B o v p nov lies stocks as "tight” and said No reported registratipn headquarters. Giesey possessor of the doll; Mr. John was her other attendant. had been _________________________ _ Joe Ahern was best man for Mr. L o m m i s s i o n e d B o m b a r d i e r : vember imports which requests that those in the lS-year O’Donnell, the rosary; and Miss Mar garet Heineck .the medal Tho con Stipe and Mr. A1 Rawlinson wa« Vance It Boswell, 21 son of Mrs counted upon heavily to ease the Fred Couch Honored group report as soon as possible Stella Boswell of McMinnville, for- 1 situation. Although exact figures . ... „ . “ Registration has continued slowly test ran close to the last with Rita usher. recently was were not available Immediately, *55" Alton Couch, son of Mis. H. Mr and Mrs. Stipe greeted thei mer Beaverton resident, since Friday and for that reason Schneider, captain of the W AACS Jr. sources said ship- E. Haitrampf, route 2, Beaverton. we believe many are putting off their winning, and Angelins Sohlet, cap friends informally at the chapel af giaduated fiom Wendover air base, well infoi med They will mak" Utah, and commissioned a second ments had fallen far below expecta- has been given the newly awarded duty" he said Current signup is tain of the WSVES, Jr., bringing up ter the ceremony. lieutenant. Boswell entered the tions. ," tt*r of commendation from the na- ♦ hir home at Paso Robles, Calif. for those born on or after July 1. a close second artny September 16, 1940, at Fort | Furthermore, it was understood, VY f ° r courageous pei formance of The same battle lines are working --------------- v --------------- 1924, but not after August 31. 1924 Iwwis. He graduated from Me- the outlook for increasing coffee ra- duty while under attack. He was a FYiday will see the start of regis on the sale of defense stamps and Minnvllle hig-h school Before en I tions in the early part of 1943 is not tration for those born on or after bonds An excellent spirit of sports Winter Will Arrive ant vessel which repeatedly was at- tering the service he was employed bright. has been maintained 4:30 a. m.. Dec. 22 September 1. 1924. but not afiei Oc manship pres- tacked by enemy planes. He rates There Is no Indications that as an appi entice electrician in Mc- throughout both activities tober 31. 1924 The third and final Washington, Dec. 18 The naval ob Minnville. gunner’s mate third class. ent rations will have to be cut unless registration of the year gets under December 7 servatory has announced that winter --------------- V --------------- the situation becomes more acute way Saturday, December 26. continu , . _ c J On the anniversary of Rearl Har : officially begins in the northern hem . . . C ECELIA ROSE NCIIECIfLA ing until January 1. Those born on bor the student body paused for a ispheie and summei in the southern W i S r . i l l g t O n L o u n t y o e c o n d Cecelia Rose Schechla, aged 22. of LIBRARY NOTES or after November 1. 1924, hut r.ot af silent tribute of prayer Tigard, route 1, died Dec. 13. She hemisphere at 7:40 a m Eastern war |p Traffic Safety Contest ter December 31^ 1924. will comprise We took to the Woods, a new book wa, daughter of Mr and Mrs Fred time .4 30 a m. Pacific w a r tim e ) Washington countyw as la the m Visit of st. JikhslM this group. ond division of the 1942 Oregon in the library by Louise Dickinson Schechla; sister of Edward. Albert, The resident students were sur December 22. --------------- V --------------- — V ----- Counties Traffic Safety contest, it Rich, tell» of the drama of the spring Evelyn. Donald and Theresa, Doro- prised by a visit from a representa Going to Rochester N. Y. tive of St. Nicholas. December 5. Beaverton Garden Club was announced today at the office of drive when the logs are brought thy and ghlrley, all at home, Funeral services^ were held Thurs- Mrs Walter Myers will leave on Since the event was new to many, Earl Snell, secretary of state, who down the river from the upper lake, Anthony church, Tigard, December 25 for Rochester. N. Y . to the fun ran high To Decorate T ree Friday sponsors the contest as a means of the fun of wood cutting and Ice- day at visit her son Willard, whom she has Members of Beaverton Community stimulating interest in aecid«nt pre cutting, the zest of hunting and fish- w(tj, interment St Anthony cemetery, ing. when one is dependent on fhe | under auspices W E. Pegg, Morti- not seen for three years He is em Home Econom'-« Garden club are bringing small or vention activities in the state The sewing division of the Home naments and meeting at the home of ployed by Eastman Kodak Co. She Standings in the contest are based results for food, and the excitement cjad( Beaverton. It is ____________ y ____________ Economic class has prepared an ex Mrs W E McCloskey, December 18. on the percentage of improvement of Christmas in the woods plans to be away two months JAMES B. W A L K E R Walter Myers is expected home cellent display of clothing, fane - at 11 a m . to decorate a Christmai shown in accidents, deaths and injur here In this that the whole panorama work. and toy- animals The exhib.l of life in the wood* unfolds. James Buchanan Walker died Dec. from California soon He has been tree for service men. If materiaN ¡eg for the year to date compared to Another excellent book is Our jg in Portland at the age of 86 vears there since September His son on the third floor has attracted the are available wreaths also will b-> the same period last year. Hearts Were Young and Gay, by Cor- He waa ^ r n Oct. 2, 185«, at Scholls, ----- V --------------- Marvin from U. of O.. will be home interest of manyt friends and rela made. nelia Otis Skinner end Emily Kim- Oregon, snd lived most of his life tives. This Christmas tree trimming par for the holidays Beaverton Grange Meet* brough It tells about these two there, but In 1937 moved to Nelscott ty will take the place of the regulai Honor students: The Beaverton Orange held their women when as young girls they Oregon, later to Portland business meeting . Those worthy of mention as honor BIRTHS legular meeting last Saturday Pot *ent abrosil trying to be worldly but He married Agnes Robinson Jan. --------------- V ---------------- Mr and Mrs. IJovd H Chumbley. students during the second six week' luck dinner was served and the ta really they were not of the world, to 1394 since deceased are Cjyherine Anaalone. Margaret A N N J t r . F. II IN C H Beaverton, Nov. 24. a son Gary L hies were decorated with evergreens they were on top of It, of their many He leaves a sister Mrs. Oeo. Waite Anna C. F Hinck. late of route ?, and tall. red candles. Mr and Mrs Karl W I'reerksen. McMahon. Dora May Moos. Geraldine Christmas amusing and embarrassing incidents 0f Portland and a brother Douglas Roos, Rita Beaverton, died December 9 at the gifts were exchanged and the theme which all goes to make an exciting Walker. Weiser, Idaho, and numerous route 5. box 775, Nov 29, a son, Gene O’Connor, Rosemary age of 80. She was the mother of of the program was Christmas. The and Interesting hook. Schneider. Angelina Sohler M , nieces and nephews Henry J Hinck. Jr., o f Beaverton urogram consisted of a piano solo by — - -------- V --------------- Mr. and Mrs Lloyd A. Tough, Anyone having recent copies of the Funeral services will be held at Helmer H Hinck of Alameda. Cal A N N » MXTII.D* CARLSON route 5. box «3,2 Nov 28 .a daugh Iiene Gray, a dance by Anita Pieno- McCalls. Woman’s Home Companion, pegg’s Chapel. Beaverton, Saturday. Funeral services were held Tuesday Funeral service* were held Dec T- vi, and s reading hv Mrs Elsie Cosmopolitan. Good Housekeeping. 19 at 11 a. m. Interment Cres- ter. Lorraine A Mis Derle Perkins and the Red Book, which are not be- cent Grove cemetery He wae a Mr and Mrs Reinhardt route 3, Dec 15, for Anna Matilda f'arlson at 9 30 a m at 'he f hi pel of Mille Christenson. Committment River arid Mr* John Dobblne were hosteee- ing used, the library would appre- memberf of Mazola lodge I. O. O F. box 1759, Dec 9. a daughter, Dorene wife of Axel L., mother of Howard j and Traceys view Abbey Crematorium. L. and A. Lawrence. es. elate having. Hillsboro 37 - ■ * a t W'.\ Ride Sharing Demonstrated Civilian Defense Chiefs {jIVBB HQultlOIldl UflS Mrs. Goyt Elected Beaver ^ Chapter Worthy Matron r ^ I n - Seal Sale Going Strong Washington County