Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1942)
Friday, December 4, 1943 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Page 2 Keep it That Way R PAVPR f f l N ^ E N T B P R IS E h . More members of the medical p!0 fession are going into military ser vice eveiy day.: Young doctors j Uft out of medical school, doctors who have barely established themselves in the community, and long-estab- 1 lished men who would soon begin to shift the burden of their practice to new patrons are donning uniforms For the medical men remaining at , home, the task will become gigantic But one and all they are p im lj ■ termined that essential medical c-ue will be provided to civilians. There are many ways in which la. man can help in this medical cri sis. He can guard his own cal wellbeing by keeping regular I hours and eating and sleeping prop erly. He can be tolerant if he is kept waiting for an appointment. And ne should follow stringently the ad- ■ vice of his physicians in order to ie- turn himself to full usefulne».-, as .¡oon as possible These are the t n- 1 gible ways in which the layman < an help the doctor. In addition, there is a vast intan- 1 ble aid that we can give aur , cal men. We can keep in mind the fact that they are a part of the system of private medicino that lias doubled the span of life for the ordin ary citizen in a comparatively few 1 years. The doctors in the armed forces, just as the ones staying at home .spent years in training and | more years interning because com- petened and efficiency are the very foundation stones of our medical sys tem. There is no taint of “ ism or j politics in their blood. The worst dis-service we could do them in their absence would be to lend ear to crackpot schemes to Inject political control of any form whatsoever into the medical profession. As it stands today, American medicine gives us the best care in the world.. Let's keep it that way. “ TOP THAT 10% EY NEW YEAR’S” FulUiaher a Published Friday of MCh « « k by the Pioneer Publishing Co . at Beaverton. Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the paatoffice at Beaverton. Ore One Year — Six Months JO Three Months rtptiuc Payable in Advance. Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg.. Phone Beaverton 2321 Hillsboro Office— Room B, Delta Bldg., Phone 1641 Portland Office—108 Panama BMg . 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 6391 - O re PUBUS Keep It Flying If a fee of fifty cents were charged to see the sun rise, nine tenths of the world would be up In the morn ing.—Anon. ----------------- V----------------- “Acre* of Diamonds" B«bsoa Recommends A Check-Up; Bit All Policies âre 0. K. New York City. Dec. 4—Investors will soon be seeing newspaper re ports about the government getting after Fire Insurance Companies. I The trouble started with a Grand Jury investigation at Atlanta. Gs.. it will probably be pushed by the Department of Justice until it reach- es the Supreme Court. The gov ernment has already investigated life «insurance companies and they came through with a good bill it health. Now the government is aftsr the Fire Insurance companies. It seems as if with Germans. Jap aneae and Italians on our backs, the Department of Justice could wait un til after the War. Insunuu-e Stocks F u n d a m e n ta l^ Sou n d V m U H ItflC lItR M IS IH C M IS M tB IU ä M 'I Insurance stocks may roughly be Sharp dissension is developing in Congress over the administrations 'divided into four groups - t l ) Life proposal to import labor. One group Health and Accident tS> Fire and contends that because of the man-1 Marine 141 Casualty The Life power shortage it is neo ry to Insurance Companies already have Import a minimum of 100.000 work-»government competition in the form ers. of "Social Security" and will proo The other group declares that oui ab|V hav* more ° n ,he oth*r iuu,d existing manpower resources are not '* should be many years before there being fully and efficiently utilised wU1 aot a fieW for Life Insurance and that no foreign workers should1 C°wp*niei There will slways be a be brought Into t h i a country demand for policies which the gov- until we have exhausted all of th e1 •rnment w‘ n not wi,h to isau* domestic labor reserve. Farther- Fire Insurance Companies will more, they contend that the proper probably be forced to reorganise allocation of manpower will eliminate their sales methods It is costing any necessity for importing workers too much to sell all kinds of insur The War Manpower Commission aace In fact, some New Dealers cooperating with the State Depart- are said to believe that "selling" 'ire ment has discussed with four gov- insurance should be eliminated by ernments. plans for importing work- the adoption of automatic comput ers. The discussion* involved the sory fire insurance equal to the vs importation of up to 30.000 Mexicans. *«ssed value of one's build ngs. T h i s .________ 10,000 laborers from Cuba, as many however, should not harm the good workers are available from Puerto and independent companies which fleets or Wall Street may sufffer Rico, and 40.000 negro laborers from would still be needed to carry the in- with the weak ones, the Bahama Islands surance. make inapections and adjust What to Ru> Before (his action is taken would losses I further think highly of the The lir e Companies which should It not be advisable to step up our stocks of well-established, ¡»depend- come through this investigation best work week from 40 to 48 hours a , ent Fire Insurance Companies aj are the medium-sized ones located week and eliminate strikes, absentee- inflat%>n hedges Such oompanies outside of New York City free from lam, and some of the other time- have an advantage in being sole to certain fleet" entanglements and wasters? Maybe we are searching, raise their rates to meet ar.v crier- not dependent upon a#iy other com all over the landscape for something agency.—a privilege not en.wxyel by pany for business Among the bet we already have In our own vack, Life Companies. ter ones are the following Boston Western Hospitality yard. The future of Health «id Aecide. t Insurance Providence - Washington. ----------------- V— — — i Companies is not so dear. Most of Security of New Haven. Springfield Hello Folks. u i I. r , their policies are now for small F"* ‘ »"<1 Marine. Agricultural Insur- Well, over here in Fairview in W C II l / O n t amounts wjth working neopk If *n'lt New Hampshire File CSer.s Western Oklahoma. Yours Truly has Basic registration for A book hold Social Security is enlarged to include Falls. St Paul Fire A Marine. North eat through and talked through all ers In all five states eighth region h, alth aBd aertdent, these com pan western National Insurance and the the clubs of this county seat town accomplished with minimum dlacom |M m. v. , „ f f er The w *-> ones ire Hartford Fire Also talked through the city schools fort to public Credit due unstinted ^ „ ^ y hfd(nnjj by taking on other Of course, a successful company They are all real good to la if at my effort each local board member.. |ineg The Casualty Group are the must have a good group of loyal and jokes so of coarse you know I think school officials and personnel includ n, wist |n the field. Thus far they active agents Most necessary of all they are shore enuff swell foalks' lng those tireless volunteer workers. 1 been very successful; but how however, is an honest management Met old Dick Oney's son here. OCD. I T A. local organisations and , lh#y w,u survive the War. only the which is working solely for the His father started the Rough Neck the school teacher». Wholehearted futur* Can tell. The government al- stockholders and has no conflicting town of Oney in our old Territorial cooperation of these volunteers res- ownf one 0f ihe largest in the outside interests Such men should days The younger Oney runs a ponsible for success of program and f(ild be good busines business-getters, conserva swell cafe here My Invasion of old •ach should take great personal tive investors and experienced under Oney years ago got me a eatin' invita pride In a duty well done Whole A n H on ora b le B u sin ess writers Insurance companies The insurance business has at wavs should insist upon thorough investi tion into this swell cafe OPA organization salutes them’ BARBWIRE BILL appealed to me as a most honorable gallon both as to risks and invest ----------------- V ----------------- I business It comes the nearest to Fresh grapefruit will be feat i ments. Policyholders. however, .Christian teaching of any big bust- have n »thing to fear—wherever a on retail counters of the nation Embattled Individualist Through when a company is located, whether inde- the V’ictory Pood Special Dec 3 to j ness . ,____ „ . insurance, __ . .__.. famOy lU father by death, or p,.ndent c , . n<.et Xoth:n, 11 It has been officially prophesied its home by fire, or its employment „ saf„ than fl^ inautanc, that 300.000 retail stores face closure -----------------V----------------- by illness or get. involved in an un , onMt„ Your Brok, r during the coming yeai Tins dire [fortunate lawsuit, all the “neigh prediction may or may not prove I advise readers to show their lists - bora" chip in and help pay the loss true. But it does indicate to some SEAL OF CHRISTMAS The loss, which would otherwise fall of insurance stocks to an honest extent the rigors of war time mer Christmas Seals are an Amer broker. asking him to mart on one family, is spread over thous chandising. ican tradition that, to far. hare ands of families Money Invested the ones which are being operated Retail distribution is another one indcpend'-nti> and are not dr saved more in an insurance company can do non-essential“ industries 7 ."and return Pending upon some New York dad of those than two mil lot of good, be fairly The without which the country cannot lion l i v e s a good income In fact, due to thi r dy . These should be O. R get along Every war worker must experience and set up. Insui-tnoe , value of "fleet members" depends be fed. clothed and housed P r evident And it companies have an opportunity of hoW,V" uP?n they is up to the merchant to do it Roosevelt His are being operated solely for the becoming leaders in the new Co-oper c a l l s t he benefit of the fleet stockholders shelves may be bare of many scarce ative Commonwealth ahead Seals . . He may be utterly _ . . . R P N or are being operated, under a mar. commod.ties But why thla government investiga- ajfemen, partiv for th(, confused on some of the new com one at our tion? The answer is that too many benefit of some other company He is up most mined and far-reaching Es plicated price regulations- insuranoe companies have gott *n into pecially, ascertain whether the direc against the labor problem His traditions." Thin year we shonld ths hands of Wall Street and otbxr tors of the company in which you taxes are skyrocketing His profit observe the life-saving tradition, financiers or are being operated as hold stock are checking their invest margins are dwindling The gov- for once again we faee n war helpless members of “fleets". Of ments. underwriting agents, etc or ment employes an army of snoopers time rite la tuberculous ceuxse. tbs difficulty is that the ate blindly leaving these important to catch him in the act of violating reputations o f good. independent matters to others B uy nod Use C h ristm a s Beals regulations. He is the embattled in companies, which are not mixed up Every company, whether or not a dividualist in a war-regimented econ ------- ----------------------------- --------✓ And yet he must keep going member of a "fleet", should keep in omy touch with its own agents and policy because we cannot get along without ■ holders Then, if at any time the him. s management contract is cancelled by Contrary to those who claim that S the big company, the little company chain stores are putting the inde S w< ould aot be left high and dry as a pendent stores out of business, the 2 mere shell This can be avoided« if large merchandising systems are be I the directors of the little companies ing hit harder than the traditional 9 will insist on proper up-to-date mfor- corner grocer». The large merch 8 mation and personal superviator I ant has been placed at a competitiv I go farther and say that small com disadvantage Squeezed between 9 pastes which are members of price fixing and rising labor costs “fleets will ultimately survive or his plight is serious The family perish according to the character. owned store, by comparison, has no 9 independence nnd aggressiveness of labor problem The family simply 2 their own local Board of Directors. works harder and longer I ------V ----------------- Thus, once again the old fact is of New York City emphasized that size in itself is not the dominant factor m our compel: sn vs- live system And this war is coin, Member of the Board of Lectaredhip to prove that once and tot all The of The Mother Church. The Firnt merchant, whether be be b«g o: little, is an essential cog in the wheel Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston. of society FREE LECTURE on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE By Adair Hickman, C. S. B. •_ _ _ _ in the edifice of SIXTH CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 1331 S. V . Park Avenue Friday even ng December 11 at 8 o clock 1 The public b cordially invited HE QUIT US COLD I —“ No letter from James W. foi a i week now," mused trie buss Some time before we had hned James W. to sell our line out over the Mid-West. We gave him ex pense money and a route list and he set forth. But his sales had been scattered and now he seemed to have dropped out of sight. What did it spell? In time it all came out. It seems he had quit us cold to'take an office job. He had called on a large mei- chant in one of the towns and played himself off as an expert on the And he was. It took him C c u r rn y Cleveland News books. I no time at all. once he was in their office, to draw off statements of some of their larger customers and to slip out over the city as a collector Some Holly Parcels He trumped up a smooth story, Need State Tags laked in the money and made his Clrqgon » esidents shipping) ' holly get-away. But that was not all. Then came to California friends and relatives tnis holiday season must obtain to Uncle Sam's men to our door look We now learned accompany the package) a certificate ing for the fellow. of inspection from the closest county that he had come to us from the Chi horticultural inspector or state de cago Post Office where he had been partment of agriculture nursery rep- slyly opening letters that held mon lesentative, warns the state depart ey. . Robbing the mails, he was. Did you ever hear this saying" ment of agriculture plant division. This procedure is necessary be- • ' What a man has done he will do." cause California has recently revised True it was with this man; he was a It was his charac its citrus white fly quarantine and i sure repeater. has added holly as a host plant. Oth ter to rob and then slip out of sight er plants shipped into that state and only to turn up somewhere else nJ subject to the same regulations are do it all over again. gardenia, privet, common lilac, ca —“ For twenty years I smoked a mellia. jasmine and persimmon. cigarette every fifteen minutes." ----------------- V----------------- True again. What a man has done he will do.—"But the night I .put State W on’t l et Down pipes and cigarettes and all in the O r Sanitary Check-Up stove and kneeled to plead in prayer, • God answered, and took away the Shortage of foodstuffs and higher craving. "This from the logger who prices prevailing for same are no came to Christ some years ago. Now excuse for any relaxing of sanitary we change that line about a man re requirements, as result of which pub peating to make it say—'What a lie health might he jeapardized. de man has done he » ’ill no longer do clares A W Metzger, chief of the •vhen he gives God the right of way state depaitment of agriculture di in his heart.’ ” vision of foods and dairies. Have you a little tiny spark of Warning that the department faith? Just enough faith to let you means business, he pointed out that tell God you take forgiveness on the only a few days ago department fieldmen in widely separated sections ground that Christ paid it all" of the state had condemned 800 bush “Jesus paid it all; all to Him I owe. els of potatoes and 6,072 pounds of sin had left a crimson stain; He By that dried prunes. As a result, these pro washed it white as snow.” ducts could not be used for human God wipes out your whole past life But the old evil consumption, but use of the prunes Your page is clean. ways and habits" They still grip for hog feed was permitted. you as of old; how get rid of" In the same shiort period, a slaugh- Christ, the Crucified One is the an tei house was condemned because it swer. Up from the grave He arose scored considerably below the mini with a mighty triumph 'oer His foes mum sanitary requirements under He lives to break the power of can which such a plant may continue in celled sin and set the sinner free. Do operation in this state. you bid Him set you free or do you --------------- V ----------- grieve Him away? Mavbe you can help the Office o ' Defer..« Transportatioor. about ask • ir.g young America to come home! •>cht after school The ODT now is | Clovtrdale, Oregon asking high school students to head This space paid for by an Oregon for home just as soon as school is businessman. over, because loitering after classes m many communities causes crowd ing of busses and streetcars laden w th homeward bound war workers VJA* Û0 N0 S Since going home promptly after i^hool will ease city transportation. ODT expects mothers to be seeing TOP THAT high school students right after rlaswes \0°A S Massachusetts. I I V— -‘•fV rw « HE OF GOOD CH EEK * » | this Holiday Reason L ? > t| «J «««0 SI : ni«sstM iry fcr •9 tm ' "toy T k »* l ( S h , N tv V ia « i " U r 11 , « « O L D SUNRISE MINERAL SPRINGS I f«% : W — a C B f T * S * X O * I * f !.? /f \ Gates wkxf S/utto ’ Wr é t é usr été ■ f S t r f S - . x * . . . S t a { s r t f mf = 19% e t Sis p t j fat War Bornés amé it aix t tr tz Hew Y tat t yet! HI a n v a n T»L } u a j I 1 ,fc m t P s rtM M -» mile West of Hubbard turi W est at Hubbard Water lea k \ S u k n y B r o o k _______ BR O D RFVTt C D 5TR \ICTTT T^I- rho N Y HI'KEY X r tje -IDttZOMc FrW art, C .rp, . Proot OV) 3 I r iir ij, S I I ten. irr ^ » '« f t