Friday, N ovem ber 20, 1942 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R I S E , Beaverton, O regon Classified Rates i TWO Cents a word per issue. Minimum 25c CASH with copy Minimum Charge on Classified ( Ads not paid at Time of Inser tion— 50c. Page 3 Real Estate Transfers H. Haroldson of H olly Dairy W ell FOR SA L E James T Green et ux to Homer Rose. 0.571 acres in sec 22 T1S R1WWM. (Shingle Tow) Charles Wallace Craig, et ux to ■ A firm which deserves its full For Insulation— Poultry Litter— Lee M George et ux, 1 acre in sec 13 I measure of success, and which has! Livestock. Dog & ta t Bedding— T1S R1WWM j been constant in its devotion to the N o. Portland Union We rublish the —Nursery Packing James A O'Rourke et ux to Web- needs of the people of this district ! AVEKTt BEAVEKTON EN TEUl’ KISE EAST ST. JOHNS SHINGI.E CO. ster W Smith et ux part tract 6 Fir- is the Holly Dairy. This firm Stock Yard Aids in MULTN ; l t n o m au r i t e ss It’s not a pleasant picture to con dale. 10501 N. Portland Koad has carried on » healthy business TIGAKD SENI IN EL template, but War calls for “ blood Portland. Oregon L’ N. 0676 Daniel S Pierce et al to James for many years and over that A o r i r k i l t u r a l 11 . A 1.011 A NEWS and sweat and tears.” And the Army Fred Oliver 26 84 acres in sec 13 TIN ] | period of time has made many thous- »iH U Illira i L leV C IO p m en t Medical Corps, with ‘ its efficient R5WWM. j ands of friends for the city as well Complete E a s t e r n Washington One of the institutions that gives FOR SALE- Montag Wood Range, nurses and its volunteer Red Cross Comte A Kohlman Co to Karl A j as for itself. Wo are unable to County and Western Multnomah complete with warming closet and “ Angels of M ercy,” needs thousands Schaeffer et ux tract 20 Little Homes | over estimate the importance of such stability to the farming and ranching County Coverage interests of this community is the pipes. Can be used as heater for of surgical beds for field and base *1 companies to our community, and North Portland Union Stock Yards. We assume no financial respon small house, cooks and heats fast Paul DeRue Boutwell et ux to our review of essential concerns sibility for errors which may ap Price >35. Mrs. Robert Forsman, hospitals on every front. From the day it first opened its Adolph C Trojan et ux 12 acres sec would not be complete without bring pear in advertisements published doors to the people it has always R 6 . Bx 643. Portland, Oregon. j 6 T265 R1WWM ing this firm to the attention of our In these columns but in case been under the management of con Sophia Nordlund et al to Victor S I readers. where this paper is at fault will servative yet progressive men, of ! Madsen et ux 35.0 acres on sec 15 FIVE GOATS for sale—See Mich Mr. H Haroldson, the head of broad and liberal views in the mat reprint that part of an advertise and 10 T1S R-JWWM. ael Miller, Metzger. Or. Second j the Holly Dairy is a nian of the ter of caring for their patrons' needs, ment in which the typographical house east of church. Sophia Norlund (Adm) to Victor S | highest calibre. He has consid- yet men who have carefully guard mistake occurs. j Madsei et ux 35 0 acres in secs 15 A I ered his responsibilities in a serious ed the best interests of their custom FOR SALE—5 tons oats and vetch ] 16, T1S R2WWM. 1 manner and is always ready to aid ers at all times This invariable hay. Phone Beaverton 2504 . Alma Vuylsteke et vir to Henry J in the promotion of any project policy has gained for this company PERSONAL ; Haase, et ux, 84 acres in secs 27 A which promises to benefit this dis- I FOR SALE — Walnuts. R. B. the greatest confidence of the people 1 28 T1S R3WAVM , trict and Oregon as a whole. We of all the surrounding country and Doughty, 2 mi S Aloha, Wheeler Learn to Dance These beds cost approximately $22 John McLeod et ux to Mrs. Frances congratulate Mr Haroldson on his avenue. among its customers you will find At the oldest dancing each. They are the latest thing in E Spaulding, part secs 4 A 9 T1S \ conduct of a business which is an as the majority of the district's most school in Portland . . I R1WWM. modern hospital beds, with elevating set to this entire district and we prominent cattle raisers and farm PATTERSON DOW Werner A Schallberger et ux to wish for his continued success His ers. NEY School of Dane- FOR SALE—Team Mules and nar- springs. In some instances surgi Dewey D. Drorbaugh et 1 25 74 leadership in the business life of i n g ........................... ness, *50. C. Topich, near Cooper cal cots are used in temporary field acres in TIS R1WWM. The North Portland Union Stock Portland is the result of years of Yards under the capable dinec hospitals and there is a folding bed Both modern a n d 1 Mt., Huber road. James E Andrus et al to L N How service to the people of this area. old fashioned danc- ' which may be used in ambulances. ell it ux 5.70 acres in see 32 TIN tion of Mr. Harry H. Burdick, is ----------------- V----------------- ing You’ll have a I Your purchase of War Bonds and R3WWM. onq of the absolutely essential insti- FOR SALE—M. W. Oil Circulat wonderful time learn-! Margaret VanWinkle et vir to Leo H. S. Schenck Elected Head tutions whi*h mak~ ing Heater *40. Chet Huddles Stamps can buy many of these th? « - Ing new steps. Call AT. 7004 or AT ! pansion and growth not only of the ton, Hood st., off Watson, Beaver beds for the Army. You’ll sleep DeLorme et ux part lot 44 A all lot U1 r leld M anagers 5780. McElroy’s Ballroom, 4th and ! individual but of this entire district better if you know our boys have 5 blk 45, Cornelius. ton. Main. Open daily after 10:30. Call. I In making this review of the onward J W Connell Sheriff to A M Weid every hospital comfort. Buy War for information. Harry S Schenck, field manager progress of the district we wish to Bonds every pay day. Invest ten enbach part blk 7 Fatrview add to of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers' compliment the North Portland Union FOR SALE Lang black Nickel Hillsboro. percent of your income. trimmed range, gas plate attach H ave Y o u a Son Orvin K Howarth et ux to Tenet association, was elected president of stock Yard, also its officers and dl- U. S. Trtii-’ ury Dtpartmtni ?!e\\ spaper Association Managers, rectors, and direct attention of our ed.. Very good. CH. 2478. Mortgage Co part lot 27 tract 1 Inc., In the Service at the annual meeting of the readers to this worthy institution. Boulevard Hgts. The perfect gift for your son in : managers last week at Chicago. He -----------------V ----------------- Forest G Finzel et ux to A H Four- succeeds Gene Alleman, field secre FOR SALE 3 room house, to be service . . Photographs are PER ner et ux part lot 4 blk 3 Curtis add moved. . Mrs. A. Saarinen, Sher Boost your Home community news SONAL . . LASTING . . INEX tary of the Michigan Press associa- | to Forest Grove. Also lots 3 and tion. wood Rl, box 250. paper. It boosts for you. Only PENSIVE. Three 7x10, one colored, 4 blk 3 Curtis add to Forest Grove. *1 per year .less than 2 cents a week. for *595 complete. Call AT. 9-8 8-7 SIMMONS J Wayland Owen, et ux to Howard ■ --------------------------------! ---------- - — v ----------------- for appointment. D. P E R R Y DRY CORDWOOD For Sale CHAUDOIN vs. CHAUDOIN E Wills et ux part lot 1 and all lot 2 EVANS. 934 SW Morrison. Portland. — Keep ’em firing—with junk!— Leave orders 158 S. 2nd St., phone j In the Circuit Court of the State of Hillcrest. Andrew Cleveland to Anna V Rock 1931 Hillsboro or Rt. 2, box 126, Oregon for the County of Multno- James W Dierlckx admr to B H lots 1 , 2 , 3, blk 11 Cornelius. M IS C E L L A N E O U S Beaverton. | mah. Henry S Nolan et ux to H J Hop Reeher et al 40 acres in sec 20 T3N ! CLIFFORD CHAUDOIN, Plaintiff per et ux part Stokes DLC 61 TIN R4WWM vs. B U IL D IN G Carrie Hehn et vir to Clara E E v R3VVWM. GOOD WORK HORSE — About MARION CHAUDOIN, Defendant ans lot 14 Hoffarber tracts. 1600 lbs. will sell with or without and Richard Franklin Johnson et ux ! To Marion Chaudoin, Defendant. J W Morelock et ux to Wm C double harness. W. Worth Davis to Donald L Mixer et ux lots 4, 5, 6 . IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Hare part sec 4 T2N R3WWM. R em odeling Rt. 8 , Box 1777, Garden Home Rd. OF OREGON: You are hereby re j Olin M Marlow et ux to Everett and 7 blk 5 Purdy's add to Dilley. FRANK E. SCHMIDT quired to appear and answer the com ! Gilman, et ux part lots 3, 4, A 5 blk W L Ober to Nellie Ober, 37.00 H E L P W A N T E D Route 1, Box 330 Tigard Ore. plaint filed against you in the above i 5 pattison A Moran’s 1st add to Hills acres in sec 30 TIS R4WWM. entitled suit on or before the expira- boro Dead stock picked up free of tion of four weeks from the date of WANTED—School Girl to help Sidney S Stearns et ux to Charles charge anywhere. Call with housework 1% hrs after the first publication of this summons Henry Stearns et ux 10‘v acres in collect. UN. 1221; night call school-evenings. Call Beiaverton upon you, and if you fail so to appear sec 23 T2S R2WWM. CH. 2403 or UN. 0449. DENLEY and answer, plaintiff will apply to the ' Chas P Copel to August H Hinnen- 3203 after 5. RENDERING CO., Portland. Save 20 to 2 5 % on your F IR E I N S U R A N C E C O S T S court for the relief prayed for in his kamp et ux part lot 14 Copel Park. complaint, to-wit: an absolute d e-, Vrank S Varns to Daniel W Gay et ! Oregon Mutual Policies are NON ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay HIDES A WOOL, CASCARA—A Real E state W an ted cree of divorce. more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW ux lot 9 Varns acres. This summons published by order maintains more than three times the surplus required hy Oregon Clatf, Portland. Atwater 5334. WANTED—All Cash. 15 to 30 of the Hon. Martin W. Hawkins, \ Comte A Kohlman Co to Mattie C Insurance Laws. acres, attractively improved, gen Judge of the above entitled Court, and Barksdale tract 18 Comte A Kohl- FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE man’s Little Homes. eral farm or acreage in Wash., date the 5th day of November, 1942. O regon M utual Fire Insurance Com pany MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. Carl Bretthauer et ux to fYed | Yamhill or Clackamas county. Not Date of first publication Nov. 6 , OK McMlNNVILLK Bretthauer Sr., et ux part lot 4 blk 6 over 20 mi. Portland. Must have 1942. Organized 1894—..40 years of Reliable Service Chas. Walker, Agent P A IN T S Date of last publication Dec. 4, Hillsboro Garden Tracts. A-l soil, some timber, pasture, or E P Cole et ux to Z R Schuetze et N ew Location 112 So. 3rd A ve. Phone 1732 chard, Elect., near bus line, on 1942. ux lot 45 Westdaie * LESTER SHEELEY. stream preferred. Give full details. Im lay’s Fresh "Every Form of Protection” Hillsboro, Oregon Nell M Pet-ham et vir to Kather Attorney for Plaintiff Exact location, Price. Box No. ine M Mack et vir lot 5 blk 51 Metz- j M ixed Feeds Postoffice Address: 119, Beaverton Enterprise. 306 Spalding Bldg. ger Acre Tracts FISHER THORSEN PAINTS Orla E Shepard et ux to Elbert W Portland, Oregon For quality, fair price and W ANTED—10 acres in eastern Wash Hedgpeth et ux Tract 2 Shepard’s j serviqp ington county or western Multnomah Home. SUMMONS j county, partly cleared, no bldg.—K118 C W Kellogg et ux to E P Fimpel | J. B. Im lays & Sons AMERMAN vs. AMERMAN et ux tract 122 plat 2 Bonnv Slope j REEDVILLE ALOHA, ORE Enterprise. Beaverton. In the Circuit Court of the State of A part Tract 121. Also part of sec I Oregon for the County of Mult- j ^ Í^'Ñ R 1 VVWM W A N T E D Brick, Tile, M asonary Kun- CHARlIoTTE AMERMAN. P . - . U « j „ 36, I T ig R4WWM. POULTRY HEADQUARTERS NEIL AMERMAN, Defendant. I The U S Nat 1 Bank of Portland to Highest prices paid. Ask about To Neil Amerman, Defendant. A E Allen et ux lot 9 blk 15 Multno- our pick-up service. SEE YOUR DEALER « ¿ N, x £ 2 L ^ MBwOP ™ E ST ATE mah Country club add plat 4. N OF OREGON: You are hereby re-! Couch Martln Wallaco e t u x t o n o orthw n n w est e » ! POULTRY p r o d u c t & s DAIRY co . Columbia Brick W o rk » to appear and answer the com- Bernard M selling et ux part of Kel 232 SE Oak, Portland Oregon quired plaint filed againstj you in the above , DLC T1N R2WWM 1326 SE Water—Portland EA. 5141 entitled suit on or before the expira- j s E T o d d e t u x to vV illiam H Oau Kilns at Gresham-Sylvan-Salem tion of four weeks from the date e'er et ux part lot 2 blk 42 Forest of the first publication of this sum- j Qrove NOTICE mons upon you, and if you fail so Ray J Woodman et ux to Leroy L aborers wanted at once. to appear and answer, plaintiff will V Woodard et ux 5 acres in sec 13 apply to the court for the relief T1S R4WWM ALSO SEPARATORS — MILKERS Immediate jo b placement ! prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: Luella L t Howell to Charles Copel, COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND an absolute decree of divorce and cus- . j part lots 6 * 7 Howell tracts In Co- A pply week davs onlv. , , ,, SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY tody of minor children Jacquline and , HOD CARRIERS ' INDUSTRY j Phillip. ...... . I U S Natl Bank of Portland to AND j This summons published by order | Dudl B starr et u* lot 2 blk 14 j of the Hon. Martin W Hawkins, Multnomah country club add plat BUILDING LABORERS Judge of the above entitled Court, j^o 4 Union Local No, 296 i and date the 5th day of November, A M W eidem ilch to Jacy>b D Schaf ROOM 215 1942. fer, part blk 7 Fairvlew add to hdnuldrturtn A i>I »tributort Date of first publication Nov. 6 ,, • LABOR TEMPLE 1VCRYTHINO r j Hillsboro. SW 4th AT JEFFERSON Date of last publication Dec. 4, 1942. : Claus Borchers et ux to Fred M APPLY LESTER SHEELEY, ] List et ux 5 acres in sec 30 T2S Attorney for Plaintiff ! R1WWM. Postoffice Address: i M Edith- Curtis et vir to Alonzo 306 Spalding Bldg. McKenzie et ux 1 acre in secs 25 and AT. 6461 135 NW Park Portland, Oregon 26 T1S R1WWM. —------------------------------------------------------ j Genoa P Reagan to Florence Straw Don't Hava to be Perfect Halves —BOMB THE JAPS WITH JUNK— ' Any Quantity One pound of butter plus four In et vir property in Humphrey add to WRITE K. R JETTE ROOM 207, LABOR TE M P LE ! gredients- makes two pounds of good 1 Hillsboro, Froskist Ice Cream Co. butter, says a local housewife—but it Robert E Dunlap to George R 1010 SE 11th Ave., Portlund, Ore. must be kept in thé refrigerator, or 1 Seymour et ux lot 6 blk 4 S Park add lt will spoil. She says she takes one to Forest Grove. WEST END package Knox’s gelatin and dissolves C H Kelley to Floyd L Brown et SELL WOOD BRIDGE lt in V» cup cold water. Place one ux lot 1 blk 12 North Plains pound of butter in a bowl and place this bowl in hot 'water, butter should CREM ATO RIU M become soft, not hot, add gelatin and one large can evaporated milk, I M AUSOLEUM Beat together until thoroughly blend- | CEM ETERY ed. It will be firmer than whipped cream and will spread easily. Re member—It must b* kept in the re Complete Funeral Servire In New frigerator and only taken out for a Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost short time. Rlverview Is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over *800,000 Twenty per cent of the northweo* Italian prune crop, which was frozen on August 10 to make it available for armed forces and lend-lei se ship ment, was released today, by the War Production Board, for civilian consumption. The order also re leased 20 to 40 per cent of he Cali fornla prune crop and 40 to 100 per Serene Beauty - Perfect Sendee cent of the raisin crop. ----------------- V----------------- Pollen gathered by bees is so rich in vitamin that home economica re U nion Scale FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY search workers are studying its us* ATwater 1181 for human food Three typical bee- j 54 H our per W eek keepers using a new device to gather , • • • pollen automatically from the legs of 1 bees say they could produce 40 tons I A pp ly 336 SE Spokane St. a year if necessary ----------------- V----------------- Portland, O regon FIND THAT SCRAP Baled Cedar Shavings M itâ t you. ßu*f W itti. Known Leader in Business World W i l l MINUS Legal Notices Uinm-RDS I *1111 SURE PAINTERS Brick & Building Tile Experienced for Steady Work Rain or Shine D e La v a l Inexperienced M a y Be Trained HHonne Lfriiell Union Wages Wanted PAINTER'S UNION SHELLED WALNUTS Biverview Cemetery P a tro n ize O u r A d v e rtis e rs - - - It P ays WOODWORKERS Moulding Tiers Graders and OH Bearers Lumber Handlers Frame Nailers Box Factory Cut and Rip Sawyers M0RN1NGUGHT, CHAPEL Rose Chapel-Green Room I. P. Finley & Son fi Due to Present Conditions S CLOSED M ONDAYS ^ & M A K E EVERY PAY DAY ^ WAR BOND DAY HEIDELBERG PARK *«r IM.Wi L < , n \ BEAVERTON, OREGON ON »471 PHONE BEAVERTON % H STOP iUMDIMt — iAVl Ù0UAH