Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1942)
Frid av, November 20, 1942 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon Pape 2 Tireless Vigilance Must Be Constant RPAVHW im ^ E U TH IPR lSE H . M. J E F F IU E 8 . P ublisher Published Friday of each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton. Orogon. Entered as second-class matter at the postofflce at Beaverton. Oie One Year _ Blx Months . 41.00 S 45o Three Months Subscription Payable In Advance. Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 Hillsboro Office— Room D, Delta Bldg., Phone 1641 Portland Office—308 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 6591 Memi&i * O rec ] o © N l W$ P U B LIS HE RJS 4 4 $ A>ER I AT 1 0 M __________________________________________________________________________ LITTLE TOT; BIG RAIN 1‘oikSihlo Saboatge Attempts Along the Coast Needs to Be Watch«*! Constant and unrelaxed vigilance Blunt Truth against possible sabotage attempts in Agriculture is one of our most es the western theatre of operations sential industries, but it remains the was ordered recently by Lieutenant • r i * » •>< not with . the « ^ Western Defense command and standing the political uptcar that Fourth Army. I has surrounded its problems. General DeWitt called attention to Manpower is the most critcal cf the likelihood o f enemy operations these problems, plus a, lack of faith against this coast through attempted by the dirt farmer, in the ability of of saboteur, or fifth-column J activities. the Washington swivel chair farmers j „We cannot be too vigilant or tlre- Recently published figures relative less in our efforts to detect the land- to thousands of producers going out ing of enemy agent. ™ ^ “ *“ 5 Coast, General DeWitt declared, of business makes grave reading foi ^ ^ mnmniipa Unow OI the extensive the consumer. The blunt truth is coast line of the state of Oregon, It is that our farmers either will be Washington and California,. CI1 the .... opportunity „ F1________ to - . pvoduio, ---------- t»r entirely probable that they will at- given , J . . . __ -v, ter.ird to land saboteurs somewhere , wl11 starve An 1 we A l along this coast line, iiossibly, al- longer, we will suffer severely be- < u h t necessarily, at some ‘s s i z .s r u 's .r s t x . » . . . . . . » « . . . <« g o o d milk cow that has ben slaught- war progresses and our pioduction . . . . 10f War materials increases, our ene mies are certain to increase their at tempts at sabotage. For that reason it is necessary that our citizens, es pecially those living in rural areas duectly on the water front, be on guard at all times and report the presence of persons under suspicion without delay.” General DeWitt urged civilians to , _ _ , , report to the nearest army head- Sorry you cant borrow Juniors £ rtenfc immediately, the presence ___ such persons nr war ration book for your coffee allot- of any or incidents ment unless Junior is over 15. No a d d i ' „Time is an important ele- book on which the age of the holder . n.lav ... ment. Delay in in renortinc reporting suspicious suspicious is stated at 14 years or younger will ong or inncidents may so handi- ? " d, io,„ the allotment * ° ne cap military authorities as to prevent —"Why that umbrella?" These women are typical of hundreds of thousand* who are working in war factories and —“Cause I want it to keep off the Investing part of their earnings in War Bond9. rain when we come back home.” So the little tot dragged the big umbrella to the meeting house where the grown-ups gathered to pray for rain. It was the year of the big drouth. —“ And God sent the rain as much to honor that little one's faith as anything else.’’ So added Dr. W. B Hinaon who told it. —“ Except ye be converted turned —and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven', Jesus warned. Now a little child will take God at his word and expect God to send rain and do a lot of things. A little child knows W l f7 p,‘ r30V ' “ C I /.n o n o f e n e m y a g e n ts b e fo r e the love of Dad and Mother in the iskJ&t. 1 Hie last st a m p o. the U a. h have reach ed the c o m p a r a t iv e home nest and out of it comes a * P yp * * I Rat,° " BOO\ , NO j, W,M b<> ° l safety of the interior." faith In the Father above. Out of ^ I y °UI i,lst cotter allowance when the w W t S r jF ' rationing of this commodity begins V Outstanding ability, always a trust in the home folks comes the So it is that the W0 W § on Novembei 28 And you'll con ^ Message from O D T praiseworthy feature in the passing trust in God. I gj ? £>* rJJ tinue to get the sugar for your coffee _ . . scene of any community's daily life, youngsters who hear the Bible read ^ [from the book exactly as you have l o M otor UperatOrs Is to be duly appreciated. In full at the fireside early learn to pray Mrs. Roosevelt <lelt) say* women help men at front by buying War Bonds. At right 1* ( jn th e p a s t i realization of this, and In complete and step out into the faith. the lapel tag which volunteers will wear during Women At War Week, Nov. 22 to 28. * ^ A message from the Office of D e - But when the home nest is broken cognizance of the splendid personal I------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------: v | tense Transportation to all commer- up? ity which gives impetus to the per • I “Soup is on" may spread the zaire )clai motor vehicle operators: NEW YORK CITY Juvenile crime, sonal success In his case, residents mostly in ages 10 tej 13, from Janu yol7 . family' °u11 buses Alter taxicabs November 15, all trucks, and business leaders of Portland and m i D U I I W I U 1 ± 1 i U LLlKZ L O I C i t y O . I f U f U find 3 that t0 something now but has been and other commercial our community view Mr. George ary to June this year is up 14% from ; auded to canned soups packed after motor vehicles must carry certifi The Rogers, of the Albina Engine and the same months last year. June 30. You get more dry solid cates of war necessity. B y YV. J. Carver Without a Machine Wrks., as a true asset to number sent to the Training School i ingredients in each can than form- certificate it will be impossible to for Boys and to Training School for this district. Girls is up 20% and the doors had to Percy J S. Lord is one of the men who has helped Ore- chicken •FI/v For amclf’ one cent kl.nd more of i obtain gasoline, tires or paits for any Mr. Rogers has kept his company be closed from overcrowding. Over y * * soup eî has 60 per in tiie forefront at all times, both in the nation crime among the youth is Î i~ir»n grow , and who has at all times assisted in every man-¡solids and one vegetable soup has 26 such vehicle. Carriers who have received their business and civic activities, and up 8% says Washington, D C. .. « ,, , TT. , . . percent more. The higher food value application blanks should fill them i tier p o s s i b l e to p r o m o t e t h a t g r o w t h . I lis o n e O b j e c t ill commands a slightly higher price so has maintained his position at the The Children's Courts in New York accurately and return them at once helm by reason of his splendid abil City checked on cases for a month in self-addressed envelopes provided “ ercS,aun,? ity and integrity as an executive. and found that the greater percent 1 life has been to see his city take her proper place in the Avoid mistakes, Capable and energetic in the hand came from homes broken up by de i Pacific Coast scheme, and he has helped wherever help soups costing more at wholesale. You for the purpose. ling of his Important work, he has sertion, death. Reparation and illness . . . . * can identify the new type of canned and fill out all pertinent questions become one of the district's foremost of one or both parents. Such homes, WHS needed to attain that objective. * .soup by the words "new and improv- fully. Mistakes in the applications or in business men. D i j i r . . ed style” or “new recipe" on the la- it pointed out, did not feed the child complete answers will mean delay in l ortland has gone forw ard on the impetus supplied bel. What Mr. Rogers and the Albina ren what they crave in love, sympa obtaining the certificates. Engine A Machine Wks., have accom thy and the sense of security. Not Carriers who have not received ap plished is the best Indication of what getting these at home, they run the by such men, and it continues to progress through their The extravagance of taking your plication blanks in counties for they are capable of doing In the fu streets and are led astray, Crime fol ! efforts. car from a summer home to a win- which the mailing has been com- ture under his guidance. lows. ,,,, . . . .. . . ; : t ter er u u i u e u or r v vice i c e versa v e i s a u on u <* acau uu I , . . , , , , „* 4.u, • home a l vacation Mr. Rogers has our admiration and Liquor, license, lusti gambling are 1 his IS hut a small expression of appreciation to one trip is out for the duration. There Traiiport Division field best wishes for a continued suc breaking the homes. When the cessful career. homes break, the nation begins to of the men who has toiled for an ideal and who has gradu- ¿nm’ 0m!,' \ „ l ,T,'0L f,L h r ,,m ,Tpli 1 cfflce9 for Form cWN:4- ,This form other .. . . . . . . „ . . . 1 from , , one .. home , to the „ .. under 1 must be used in applying for an ap- totter. With the children being sold ----------------- V----------------- Space would not permit f ?“?1"6 rttt,onln» 4 However, if y°u pllcation blank. down the river, can our great mid allv seen that ideal take shape. 1 _ 1 1 | find it necessary to change your resi- | Big Army of 4-H Girl die class save itself? Can It by the enumeration of the many services performed for Port- dence from one city to another, there human resource cast out the moral is a special allowance to move your Roll Call Drive for Red Cooks Serving Nation rot that threatens to sink us? land ,by Percy S. Lord, if indeed such enumeration were . . . Cross Planned for March May there be a rapid build-up of Another feminine army, distinctly It will perhaps suffice to say that we recog ditfeient from the Waacs and Wa the groups that are meeting in cot necessary. The new Victory line of rubbers There will be no Red Cross mem- ves, is valiantly serving in our tages, churches and wherever, to —'“Whatsoever ye nize in him a leader in civic enterprise; that we respect and overshoes are devoid of glamour bership roll call drive this year from country's war effort. Its members pray for revival. were trained in their own rural ask In My name, I will do it," said his opinions, and that we depend a great deal on him and and are made strictly for utility Armistice Day until Thanksgiving, wear. No fancy boots nor fur- as in former years, and to clarify the Do you merely sing,—"God homes. Its uniform is an apron, Its Christ. \\ e offer Pe r e v S. It,immed st>'les f° r t*le duration, and misunderstanding, O. B. Gates, coun- equipment consists of kitchsn stoves bless America," or do you back your men like him for future guidance. , . j off course, there are no zipper clos- ty Red Cross chairman, is sending and utensils, and its sole purpose is song with prayer? Lord this editorial tribute as but small evidence of our lngs. Although they will not last as out the following letter to all Red to bolster Americas healtn snd mor .long as the old type, victory over- Cross roll call chairman: ale. esteem. shoes should be satisfactory with " ‘With the approach of Armistice This army Is composed of roundly proper care. They'll come in black Day, traditionai date for launching Cloverdale, Oregon u half million girls between 10 snd 21 only, and the heels of new rubbers our Annual Red Cross Roll Call, we This space paid for by an Oregon years old, who are enrolled in the na will be no higher than two inches feel it incumbent to explain to gen- businessman. tionwide 4-H club food preparation ¡ Uncle Sam is counting on you to erous Red Cross members why they project. Many of them are entered makq your old rubbers and galoshes will not be asked to renew their in a competition in this activity, The progress of any community hinges to a great extent upo„ the 'Mt “ *• PO~>blf ■«* ^ you ” membership on that date. seeking to win coveted awards pro Dimouts Dangerous be using the Victory line only when "'In order to conserve man power, vided by Servel home economics de To Pedestrians achievements of the various leading men in the world of business This necessary. The new overshoes are the Red Cross will combine its niem- partment for outstanding achieve You can bership drive and its war appeal in With emphasis on lens light at is as true in this locality as in any other sector and local leaders are thus made with scrap rubber. mrnt in preparing and serving nutri tious, balanced home meals, demon night on streets and highways. In to be congratulated for their part in the general advancement of the area's recognize them by the use of such 1 one mighty campaign in March, with One of the more prominent business men in this part of the state trade names as Victory, Duration and th<< 1943 Red Cross War Fund. This strating meal planning methods, and stead of more as in peace time, dan status Conservation will leave the fall period open for ger! to pedestrians have multiplied Judging food products. | is Mi Antone H. Brix, who is widely known and universal!/liked ----------------- V ----------------- the community and war chests (from These awards Include gold medals Pedestrians are not easy to eee with Few men have so clearly shown the success possible through the tire- GEMS OF THOUGHT SERVICE which all Red Cross chapters hav ■ headlights, but under new to county winners, all-expense trips normal withdrawn) and the spring nerlort dimout regulations in many coastal | less effort and fine contact with the public, and he deserves every item of to the 21st National 4 H club Con 'areas, the driver's seeing job will PREJUDICE for the Red Cross. gress in Chicago Nov. 29-Dec. 2 to | the esteem accorded him. "Since we shall not call upon ou- State champions, and six $200 college be much more difficult. The career of Mr. Brix illustrates the merits of ability grounded in The public sentiment! is helpful or members until March, we earnestly Pedestrians can help drivers by scholarships to national winners. The competition is conducted In cooper wearing light-colored clothing or car experience and coupled with the added asset of a pleasing ami sincere dangerous only In proportion to its ask them to hold the chapter in their rying something white, by being personality Mr Brix is the president of the Knappton lagging Co., of right or its wrong concept, and the thoughts until that season and if pos- ation with the Extension Service. 5 r forward footsteps it impels or the sible, to reserve for us the sum the> doubly careful to cross only where 1 Knappton, Washington, a concern that has played a prominent part in the pieJudjce u instills—Maty Baker would have given in the Roil Call drivers expect them, and by staying The home town paper is like bread off the streets at night as much as development of his entire district and one which is a recognized asset to Eddy. and add hereto their War Relief do and meat to service men. possible. th- business life of the state. We compliment thie firm and hope it will r.aion to the end that we may attain ------------------V----------------- ---------------- V----------------- have ...any more year, of continued succes. witn Mr Brix as i f preaident , ^ t^ T h e^ p ' r eV u ' a“ rP ° f 8UCCeM ‘n OUf The finest alloy steels msde are Bo counted among Earnest “ scrap" produced by adding alloying elements dices of interest: the first are all seekers. to scrap iron and steel. blindly adopted, the second willfully ----------------- V----------------- preferred.—Bancroft. Postoffice Department Eastern Outfitting Co. T h err 11 no m ore tultablo place on the —THROW YOI'K NCKAl* INTO An Eye to the Sky, an Ear to the P a c ific Coast fo r a sojourn fo r health. There is nothing respecting which Asks Early Mailing The pleasure seek er, as w ell a* the T1IK F IG H T - Ground. a man may be so long unconscious. or the exhausted brain w orker, Helps Build Portland w ill the w ay to health. The Post Office Department now as of the extent and strength of his Meri Anrt S u r r o u n d in g T e r r it o r y “ sta,,lnK th" nlost f'K^ntic task prejudices Jeffrey i l ; Bu»! A n a o u r r o u n u u ig * .n it., history the movement of a de None are too wise to be mistaken, One of the firms which deserves lugre of Christmas parcels, cards and letters while maintaining the regular I are 80 wisely just as to ack- SUNRISE MINERAL SPRINGS the whole hearted support of every flow of millions of pieces of mail i knowledge and correct their mis- resident of Portland and the sur daily to our and from our armed takes. and especially the mistakes of HI R l l .l l t ’ l. i i k k i i . prejudice. Isaac Barrow rounding territory is the Eastern forces all over the world we STiiL need Tit-: anti:r Indications are that the volume of , The great obstacle to progress is Outfitting Co. This firm has for t e l .11 Mllr« ut l ajr:!anil LOTS MOflP. Christmas mail will be the largest on prejudice. Bovee. over 50 years carried its share of record. Fortunately for serious minds, a JOHN. _ the burden of building up this city bias recognized is a bias sterilized 'a mile West of Hubbard, turn If thousands of our soldiers, sail A. Eustace Hayden. and the trade area which it serves. ors, marines and civilian friends are West at Hubbard Water lank It ie firms of this kind, whose pay- not to be disappointed at Christmas i mm run «i I HAVEM Tv rolls ate leading factors in the pros I time, the public must cooperate by Keep Mrs. America Goes To War Flying George Rogers Outstanding ri JlTIll I lly '!V‘‘ An Editorial Tribute to P&TC\Z P Lord •ne® flle y j Career of Antone H. Brix is Lauded QfACHED THE k BO TTO M - i-my«. ... ...... . •“ H r a s s s deserving of their success Mention prop<.rly The bMt , f fort, of the | should also be made of the fact that Post Office Department alone can the Eastern Outfitting Co. has lent ' not be enough, in view of wartime its support to all civic projects and, difficulties faced by the postal ays- no effort has been spared by the ] tern. The public must assist, company to see that every single ob-1 About 25,000 experienced postal ligation of its civic duty haa been dis- , workers already have been taken by charged. the war services Arrangements are Of course the success of this con-1 under way to add thousands of tem cern Is due to the farseeing policies porary petsonnel to postal staffs, of Its management, and this manage- , but this man power is hard to find ment is deserving of special com- and is inexperienced Facillttes of mendatton for those policies V . railroads and air lines are heavily Joseph Sheniaoski who organised taxed by movements of huge quan- this business oxer 50 years ago and titiea of war materials and person-I is still head of it. has gained the res 1 net Extra trucks are almost im-1 peel and admiration of everyone for possible to obtain Winter weather his methods of conducting this bust hampering transportation, is begin- ness He has made it a policy for , nit g years to carry only the finest quality The Poet Office Department is merchandise at reasonable prices, making strenuous efforts to avoid with convenient terms to suit th e' such a terrific jam as it faced in purchaser 1918 under similar conditions, during The Eastern Outfitting Co is lo the First World War It can succeed cated at f*W 10th and Washington in those efforts and avoid many streets in Dwtland. and we urge our heartaches for Its patrons -if the readers to visit this store when in public will cooperate by mailing the city. i early. Friend.« is is a cheerful occasion Oregon’ fastest sdl- imr straight whiskev Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey ~ chb E r f t \ as i t s v i i » ! 1er» Produru Corp., >. Y ■ , P, , U pom..