f P U B L I S H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T O N VOL. 15, NO. 42 S H O R T ST. A N D T U A L A T I N H IG H W A Y — O N L Y N E W S P A P E R IN B E A V E R T O N . Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, November 20, 1942 Draft law Calls 18-19 Tear Old Tooths For Sixth Registration Housewives Asked to In­ crease Domestic Tree Nut Consumption Silk H osiery Collection Gets ESTABLISHED 1927 How Long Will The War Last? Babson Says It's Up to Union Labor Portland. Nov. 20-Oregon filberts rU Z C I V W o r e and walnuts will be featured by fo o d 1 -l “ I VV L i y X J L d CT retailers from November 16 to 28 , during the Victory I'ood Special ^ campaign to collect old silk and President Roosevelt fixed three j ’ drive to increase consumption of do- \ ny 'on hosiery for conversion into Baltimore, Maryland, Nov. 20—At separate registration periods W ed-, - the government is the risk of being condemned by S J * j i T i i X T J. * mestic tree nuts, according to Ray P °Wllet . bags ■ by tl nesday for youths who have Don't Be Impatient Washington as an “arm-chair strate­ i.eac e< 1 J D O r t a n t A * OTICe Schwartz .state supervisor in Oregon uadel " a> here wi ith Miss Faye Ni- or will reach their 18th birthday 8 for thtt the Distribution Division of th* the Chois, v“ 018, county hom home demonstration gist” . I wish to say a word on how Farm Scrap is Needed the last half of this year. Agriculatural Marketing A dm inistra-5*ent11 in charge, according to J T. to shorten the War. I ’ll take fo i By proclamation he set the week tjon ] Kovaly, county salvage committee my text: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 in­ Farmers are prone to become beginning December 11 and ending According to Schwartz, tree nuts chairman. clusive. impatient if their scrap piles are December 17 for draft registration RE G ISTR AN TS W IT H TH IS 1,0-1 will be in abundant supply on the na-i Miss Nichols has been appointed What Dictator Byrnes Must Do not moved as promptly as they of those who became 18 in July and CAL BOARD WHOSE O RD ER tion's food markets this month, be chairman of the women's division of Labor unions, like most everythin,, think they should be a ft «’ collec­ August. N l'M B E R S ARK NO. 11415 TO NO. cause export markets are practically the county salvage committee by the else, have their usefulness Labor tions t h i s SHOULD N O T MB Young men who reached that age 11604. INCLU SIVE closed as a result of the war. I committee and Mrs. Ethel Keck of leaders are as patriotic as financial REG ARD ED AS A SIGN TH A T in September and October will reg­ I Oregon homemakers who do their Seaside, chairman of the womens' leaders. For every bad labor actor, TH E SCRAP IS NOT W A N TE D ----- -------------- There have been this day mailed to part in this victory Food Special by division of the state salvage commit- ister in the following week and those whom Pegler names from Main OR NEEDED. who became 18 in November and Questionnailes which you are re- incluclin^ nuts as a basic part of | tee Collection of silk and nylon Street, I can name a bad financial It simply means that a program December will register in the week the Selective Tiaining and menus, will be making more hosiery, waste fats and tin cans will actor from Wall Street. No one group of collection has been worked out starting December 26 and closing Serv*ce Act of 1940 to execute and j effective use of our total wartime be under Miss Niehoi's diiection. is today free from blame, return by your I. oca 1 Salvage Commit­ December 31. hereof wlthln 10 day® f,om da te, food supply, Schwartz stated. ! Hose may be left at Walker s Dept | hereof. tee to expedite handling and con­ j But, just as the Interstate Com- Mr. Roosevelt also provided for|neleor' | --------------- y ---------------- ¡Store, Martin's Dry Goods, and Bar­ serve gasoline and rubber for the i merce Commission hus checked bad continuous registration on their Failure to complete and return ry's 5, & 10 cent store in Beaverton. owners of the donated trucks I i ail road presidents and Securities and birthdays of youths who become 18 1 your Questionnaire is an offense pun Every retail store that sells silk i Exchange Commission is now chcck- It nlso mean i that scrap on or before next January 1. If the 1 ishable by imprisonment and fine, and nylon hose is asked to provide ‘ used dealer, to steel mill transporta­ | mg bainking, utility and fire insur- birthday falls on a Sunday or holi 1 Any registrant whose order num- a carton receptacle for the hose The tion problems have been worked I ince dictators, so J. F. Byrnes should day, they must register the next day. her is included above and who seeks - j s w hose, which must be washed, can be out so that when a rush order for j crack down upon labor leaders. The This will be the sixth draft regis a deferred classification, may, with- I *J|*P V t j * l * t * « l l p p . | a mixture of silk and nylon, rayon scrap is broadcast, .salvage Com i United Nations never will win thin ration. The last, on June 30, cov -.in 5 days from the date hereof, W i l l iJ L l l U i l J l/ v l X and silk or rayon and nylon. War until labor leaders are rationed mittees will know just where to ered young men who already were submit proper affidavits to this lo- All such old hose is to be donated us other present nonessentials. The find it. 18 or 19 and those who had become cal board. He may submit such a f- ' Details of a nationwide program recent Republican victories indicate 1 h®n sufficient quantities have Some scrap will, of necessity, 20 since the preceding registration. fidavits in the space provided in his for periodic inspection of the tires that this latter will now he done. have to be left in accumulated Late registration will be permitted Questionnaire or submit them sep- on all operating vehicles as a means eeo co lected in the stores will be Any other qualified person not only to keep tires in good repair \ !!:n* by collect freight to Long Island England Should Take the Lead piles at depots or other places for for those unable to present them­ arately. classification f o r , but also as a check against illegal; ' ' vs ele 1 e converted into a short while due to ’ ack of stor­ Let’s look at the record: I f France selves during the stated period be­ seeking deferred e'' a* s 1 J1« government is in age space . And shortage of had held out. World War II would cause of circumstances beyond their the registrant shall use Form 42 use or sales oi passenger car casings, ! ** (Claim for Deferred Classification have been announced as a part o f . ' ‘ " ° 8 and ny on transportation facilities and ina now have been won without the loss control. can • bility of scrap dealers to prepare of an American boy., Yet, it was the The chief executive asked that all hy Dependant, Employer, or Other j national mileage rationirg and rub- i __ _ ______ j It aa unpatriotic act under pres- more than a certain amount of labor unions of France which caused employers give _ their workers suf- Person, or other applicable forms J ber conservation. ficient time off to complete th eir1 availtible at the office of this Local Under the program, neither private cut conditions to throw away a tin, scrap for the mills because of a her downfall. If England were not registrations. Board. passenger automobiles nor com me r- declared the county salvage commit- shortage of help. controlled by labor unions, no Ger­ First teen-age selectees in Oregon Failure AH cans should be mans or Italians would today be in Iailu re of the registrant or any cial vehicles will be ceitified for con- e‘ c unman. BE P A T IE N T YOUR SCRAP may expect to be called for induction other person concerned to exercise i tinued operation when their tires * 1 ‘‘ . o use wife and pio- Africa. We are probably justified in P IL E W IL L BE MOVED IN TO in January, according to Elmer V. any right or privilege within the need repairs or when mechanical y washing the i an, removing giving our 18-nnd-l&tyiearHold hoys TH E W AR E F F O R T AS QUICK Wooten, state selective service di- time authorized by the Selective Ser-, faults are causing unncccessarj lire ■•* a >c s, cut out both ends and flat to help England: but England L Y AS POSSIBLE rector. He said questionnaires were vice Regulations or within an ex-! wear. Moreover, if a passenger car own enning ou . ,i>s and means of should nelp herself by curbing labor being sent to the 18 and 19-year-old tension of time granted by the Local er should attempt to keep and use a collection are expected to be announ- unionu. registrants by draft boards b" be- Board, may constitute a waiver of tire in excess of the five permitted, cea soon Another thought: Our labor un­ ! under the gasoline rationing régula- Waste fats are not coming in as cause of the work incident to pro such right or privilege. ions should help the submerged foi- REUBEN W W E IL tions the violatjpn will be disclosed fast as they should, housewives are cessing the papers the formal notices eign labor by striving to eliminate Member of Local Board bV the inspection system. ! asked to keep in mind the need for would not get in the mails until the Colonial System which Wendell sometime in December. Local Board No. 1, Washingtoni Four Months saving such fats and disposing of Willkie is so vigorously denouncing. Countv 1 Or>8lnal inspection for all pasengei it to a butcher. V- This would hasten world peace. Be­ j cars must be made between Decern-. jgu reports have been received as sides. if the poor people of India, Civilian Defense Corps I f you need assistance in filling out ber 1 of this year and ifi.niary ?1, the amount of scrap metal col- Date for the 13th annual Washing- Persia, and the Dutch Indies were Urged to Arrange Event the questionnaire consult one of the 1943. Commercial vehicle ir-pec- , iected Sunday in the countrywide ton County 4-H Corn Show sponsored 1 to sell their oil, rubber and mln- Letters have been sent out by the followlng members of the Advisory tiOn starts November 15. drive, according to the county chair- by the Commercial National Bank of e,als to any nation, then Hitler, Mua- No charge will be made for j After the initial inspection passen- man but be reports that consider- Hillsboro have been announced as 1 sobn| und Tojo would be unable to state defense council urging all coun­ Board. ty defense units to arrange for inci­ this service. ' ger car owners who get the mini- able was collected and hauled to var- December 3. 4, and 5, by A. H. Abts, boid their armies longer. Their only dent tests or drills of the civilian de­ Advisory Board Members 1 mum ration of gasoline the basic jous collection centers in spite of ad fieldman for the bank ; logical complaint would be answered fense corps on December 7, the first Hillsboro— Francis E. Sturgis, and “ A” book — under the nationwide verse weather conditions Letters Thro«» divisions will make up the and this also would help us to win anniversary of the Japanese attack Harold M Slade. rationing that becomes effecOve {Lave gone to all schools and coni- bhow thfc year namely, 4 H clubs, | the War on Pearl Harbor. Beaverton—Leonard Adams, J. J December 1st, will be requued ° munities asking for aj report this Future Farmers, and open class. Axis Free from l-ubor Hundlcaps inspected every week. « » « for 4-H club members will December 6 has been designated as McMahon. George Thyng, Doy Gray, j get their t i r e s : cibr Classes The simple truth is that England four months at official O PA inspec- i Mobilization Day, when all citizens \\r. E. McCloskey, include 25 ears of Minnesota corn and America, shackled by labor The same require not now enrolled in civilian defense Aloha—Ruth M Ross. Lyman E tlon stations ■and the yield-pel-acre contest. Yields unions and bamboozled by labor ments applies to those who hold only Use 1 ax Stamps will be asked to do so. Ross. 1 foi this latter contest are now being leaders, are trying to lick Germany, ! the “ D" gasoline book for motor D e o u ; r e f l o n A u » n ( chei ked by Jens F Svinth, assistant Japan and Italy which are entirely Tigard—J. S. Barber. Persons who get gasoline ‘ e . On /\UlO have Instructed county defense coun cycles. ■county agent: and club member! who free from these handicaps. West Slope -Clara B. French. Of books permitting them to drive Gas Ration Books cils to send orders for civilian de­ | have not already indicated their in course, we will win sometime, but it Sherwood—J. E. Morback. greater distances in a given period, _______ __^ rationing gaso tentlons to enter this contest and fense insignias direct to the state Holders _______ ol mileage will not be until England and Am The first teen-age selectees may ex- 1 must be inspected every two months jjne boQgg wj]j not abje to buy would still like to do so should notify erica suspend the labor unions “for headquarters for approval. Some counties were reported to have sent pect to be called up for induction in Commercial vehicle tires must be in- gasoline after December 1, when ra- either the bank or the county ugent's the duration" and reorganize the orders for insignias direct to the January, Colonel Elmer V. Wooten, spected every two months or every Zoning becomes effective, unless office at once. Colonial System. manufacturers, which has resulted state selective service director, said 5000 miles, whichever comes first they have lhe federai U8C lax 8tamp. a new class is included for Future Of course, I wijl be flooded with in delays. today. Cost of Insneetlon ft was announced today by the Of- members of the Hillsboro Notice of siren air raid tests m ust1 Questionnaires were being sent out For inspection where no tires are fice of Prjce administrator. Grove Hlirti Schools to letters from paid labor union o ffi­ be issued at least three weeks in ad- to 18 and 19-year-old registrants this removed from wheels or rims, a fee Rationin){ reKistlars have been in- ' f an oxhibit 0* 25 ears The cials as to reasons why they should not an be interfered with. Other per­ vance, it was stressed in another, week by local draft boards, Wooten of not more than 25 cents per vehicle 8tructed to Inform mileage book ap thlrH will consist of en state defense council order. said, but the time required to pro- may be charged. Larger fees are p|icant8 that thfi stamp number must , r v o f M e « r . of hvhrtd corn crow n ;. sons , . will b write me telling how cer- . V------ -------- - cess the papers will prevent the p a s s a b l e however, when it is ne- on he coupon boo!< Pbefore 8elvlce ^ an v fa rm e r Future F ^ m e r or ^ ^ ,n8U,ance ofnelal8 are abusing their mailing o f notices before the middle cessary to demount a tire for pur- „tations will sell them gasoline after club member in Washington County, ^ w e r . ^ Postoffice Asks Mail __ . . h „ io ,.f „ .. . --------------- - ___ ____ _ - powers I am not now disputing or of next month. ¡poses of thorough inspection. The «.ffootiv» . . . --------- -— T l ' . , . a ' >» toning This should prove an interesting ex- argueing with such people I am even Messenger Service Bids --------------- V------ --------- schedule of maximum charges for The federal use tax stamp, which hlbit inasmuch as growing hybrid wtf „ ng to advance to their Sealed proposals for carrying the R u m O T a n d P r o p o g a n d a demounting tires in these circum costs $5 and which is good for corn is on the increase. claims I am now discussing only mails between the Beavertor> postof­ r i i r : p 1 • 1 1; 1 1 stances permits a fee of 50 cents year, must be carried in every pas The annual banquet held in eon one qUe8tion, namely: How Lung fice and the Southern Pacific com­ C J IIlc e IL S ia D llS n e a for each passenger car tires, 75 cents 8enger automobile in service, accord junction with the show will be h«ld wR| jj,,, Wllr lj»Ht?” pany at Stage Terminal, each way, as I n P o r t l a n d for truck tii'tes 7.50-20 or smaller, $1 jng federal registrations. Saturday noon, December 5th, in B ur (.'an End in 1944 often as required, will be received by For the purpose of exposing vicious _ <<> • J : a those larBer tha" 7 S0-20 and in an --------------- V stead of Friday night. This change 1 : — 1 en n t .. pnmmrinn Postmistress November . . . . Daly . . . until .. ...... rumors designated to cause distrust additional 50 cents for removing i n Beaverton Granee Elects , is being made due to the tire and gas j The War will last until the labor 28th. A bidder not living within the America's allies, to sow discord in slde dual truck tires of this laigei m i 4 situation Further details on ‘ the l-~ \ leaders turn over their unions to territory . regularly our ranks, ranka to to cause lack iack ctf The inspector may „ charge [New Utncers Nov. 14 the government the same as employ­ ... . served .. ... by - ... Beav our of ronfi confi- size slze . - ,, . Corn show will he announced later. erton postoffice shall file with hir dence ,n QUr milUary leadership and smaller fees, or none at all. If he The Beaverton Grange met last ers, colleges and others are turning V I over their property and hard-won bid an agreement to do so in the to promote a defeatist attitude among wishes. Saturday, November 14. at the regu- /-vu e x 1 • D o l­ lar time 10:30 a. m. ’ The following Old Stockings Being ! privileges. Concurrently with the event the service is awarded to him our citi2en8> the Oregon Uatd De ----------- ----V “ ----- ~T elimination of the Colonial System, if officers were elected Blank bids may be “«cured fiom fen8e Council has set up this clinic Beaverton Garden Club Collected for W a r Use the postoffice upon application. The Portland office ia located al Master Deryl Perkins Overseer The War Production board at labor unions in England and Am- ! - - Alice Eunston. Secretary Ruby Washington D. C , is broadcasting an j e>‘ ca would now voluntarily suspend 101 Oregon Building, ATwater 3853, Meet This Friday The November meeting of the Boyd Treasurer — Jenny Gray appeal for womens* hosiery of n ylon 1 ior the duration, as Rear Admiral Cooked Food Sale ; under Managing Director David Rob Emory Land 1 ------ urges. World War TT II Downing. Lee- and si|k ^ ------ “ 8. 1----- The Cooper Mt. P. T. A. will spon- inson and Dr. John L. Haskins, Beaverton Community Garden club Chaplain—Mayme will he held at the home of Mrs. W turet B Wilson Steward Andrew sor a cooked food sale Nov. 24th, the chairman of the Division, Old hosiery, of course, ruined for 1 could be over sometime next year, Tucker proceeds to be used towards building | Civilian Defense workers and all E. McClos’.tey, Second and friH .u Nn Kennedy 7 , l-ady Assistant Steig^rd wear by runs, snags, ladders, jusi at least as far as Europe is concern­ Gate Keeper—A S old age, but still having salvage vai ed, although it may take 194 1 to a kitchen and stage. other residents are urged to be alert streets, Beaverton, on Friday, No - Bea Hansen. *n Funston. Asst. Steward Bernice ue for powdPI bags for Uncle Sam's crush Japan. Otherwise. with the The sale will be held at Walker's and to report harmful stories to this ve™.b_el ,,, at r!r«.o« Funston r n present rosnnt wi-antrlino’ wpi Mrs. W E Wilhelm of Portland, Dobbins. Pomona —Grace wrangling hpt between govern- Department store on Broadway. office instead of repeating and pass- vice president of Columbia district, Ceres Helma -------------- McKercher. ------- F’ lora b TheUW PB appeal was forwarded to ments, colonials and labor leaders it --------------- V--------------- ! ing on yarns. will be the feature speaker for the Alfreds Wooden Musician Mar- the Retail Trade bureau and In res may take ten years to lick Hitler and New? of Our Boys . v Q . . , afternoon. ■ garet Hansen Executive committee ^,„8« retailer* agreed to place in Tojo. Beaverton Local Board No. 1: fc.Cl IV Io S n O iS k y i i e » e c t e d A plant and shrub sale held by the members are ___ _____ ______ Margaret Denney, tbejr 8tores properly labeled contain- Of course, collective bargaining Is club at Walker's store on Saturday of Carrie Hansen and Elsie Christensen ers in which shoppers may deposit ; sound and, in ordinary times, should I wish to thank you very much Foi- Students W h o ’s Who for your gift to me, as it has been last week was well attended despite ____________ y their nylon and silk stockings, and ! be defended. Todays however, we University of Oregon, Eugene, Nov very handy and convenient, I am 20— Ed Moshofsky, Beaverton, was the inclement weather, and a nice lit U p - v # lr to n P T A M o o t « things, with assurance that they will are at War,—fighting for our very tie sum was realized. The members o e a v e r l O P r . I lV lee lS with the 356th Engineers hers at eventually )>e used against the enemy, existence. This is a total W ar—for Camp White, a good outfit. My ad* j d " n t s ° « « S : t Ï Ï ‘ fô i't h e n a t t a i who“* of the c,ub rUo, had of deco- Tuesday Evening y ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ all except colonial barons, organized dfess is rating the grade school play room The regular monthly meeting of p 1 . • • 1 . I labor leaders and cowardly bureau- Who Among Students.. Dean of men Pv R IC H A R D HAACK 1 crate who are afraid of botll To Virgil D. Earl announced this week for Defense Benefit carnival which tbe Beaverton FJ. T A will be held l ^ P f l S t m a S L i g h t s 356th U. S. Engineers, G. S. Co. that night. November 24, at 8 p m at the grade B a n R e q u e s t e d such, the big "Vs” which we see ftp- Twenty-two students will have their was held --------------- V --------------- Camp White U. S. Army. school. The round table discussion -j*he wal production board Satur-1 pear to stand for “votes" rather names appear in the publication for wiU be Around the Family Pocket- day requested civic officials, busi-j than for "victory”. Let every moth- the first time, while four will be list-1 Skater Injured Dear Sirs: Mr. Calvin nessmen and the general public to ; er who has a boy In the armed for- ed among the nations college leaders Struck by a skate when he fell at book the wife buying. I am getting along fine but am for the second successive year. the Ice Coliseum. Joe Woestenburg. Foulk will be the speaker. Several re dispense this year with outdoor ces give three cheers for Rear Ad- stationed in an awfully dry country. | mlral Land. A short biographical sketch of route 1, Beaverton, was treated at tail merchants have been asked to Christmas lighting W’ ill be awfully glad when I can Moshofsky, outstanding athlete, will emergency hospital late Tuesday for discuss j, '- - Officials said the request did not Speaks with Authority this subject * j also. come back to good old Oregon again. be included in the collegiate publica­ I j Music by grade school. The third appjy to indoor Christmas deco’-a- severe eye-cut. In conclusion, let me humbly add Respectfully yours and fourth grade mothers will furn tions, however. tion, Dean Earl said. that I speak with some authority on Pvt. THEO B M A X W E LL ish refreshments These two rooms Moshofsky was also honored No- V this subject. During W oild W ar I, Marr«ed Last Week will have a display of their work. 343 M P Escort Guard Ox^ Roswell i when he was tapped by I was an Assistant to the Secretary Mrs Edna Wicher, daughter of Mr All teachers and parents should at Sug*r Ration Set A. I Camp. Roswell, New Mexico. Friars, senior men's service honor- of Labor in Washington. Under Mr. and Mrs. Erickson of Beaverton, and tend and take part in these discus F o r M e n OD I e a v e _ ” ary. Felix Frankfurter, now Supreme Mr. Howard Weed were married at James Q. Gauld, 19, son of Mr. and ___________ v ____________ an<1 personnel s ,ik " ra,,on" for A,my a?d* Nh avy wUh Pre8tdent j u . u ^ ; " i vi'oodrow W l«on and Vancouver, W'ash . last week Mrs. James Gauld. of Beaverton, rj _ c _ . » meet the next dooi neighbors have been set at a half ---------— _ y --------- ----- was recently promoted from the rank OCOUt S t o Assist pound a week for service men on flna,ly wa8 appo|nted by Congress, of corporal to sergeant. Sgt Gauld \Vitb House Numbering St. Marys Whacks Banks furlough, according to the regional Dlrector General of Information and Enlistments is a member of the 475th School The Beaverton Boy Scouts will as- The St. Mary's school football OPA Sugar certificates are avail- EducatUm of the Federal Labor Ad Squadron at the new Army Flying gist the City of Seaverton in getting squad registered a 19 to 0 triumph ForM!V<.ra, yMra. x Arthur L Magee, route 2, Beaver able to them at Local War Price and Lnllnl-tratton School at Enid, Oklahoma a uniform numbering system. The over the Banks high school Friday ton, army, Rationing Boards was Secretary of the Society to boys will canvass the homes Satur- afternoon Charles French scored Floyd B. Schuld, route 1, Beaver- Eliminate Economic Causes of W a r Word has been received that two day. November 21. snd help the two touchdowns and Boh Castle one ton, army. Therefore, I ask readers to give this Horse Throw» Rider c Harvey Bennison Jr.. Beaverton. Beaverton hoys now serving in home owner place numbers on each for the winners Garland Odell, 25, route 6, box 904, message careful consideration. navy. Uncle Sam's army have received i house in accordance to a city ordin-1 --------------- V— —-— ■ ---- was admitted to Good Samaritan has- V James Albert W'alters, route 5, box Corporal ratings From now on It ance. The dividing streets running FRANK KI PP pital Saturday with abdominal injur e i, C -U a e a I a c in i» will be Corporal Melvin Smith and north and south will be Hall and the Funeral services will be held Sat- 760, Portland, marine corps. lea sustained when he waa thrown tltflSUdn Science LeCttire Corporal Robert Gaither, or should dividing one east and west will be urday at The Dalles, Oregon, for Thorfinn Tollefsen, Jr., route 8, from a horse at Metzger. Scheduled a* Multnomah we say for the time being’ Because Farmington Road Frank Rupp, brother of Marie Blake- box. 294. Portland, marine corps. _______ ________ ___V ______________ _________ - - these boys are beginning the climb Everyone hag felt the necessity of ney .of Besverton He leaves a wife William Paul Tanner. 9640 SW , c I C aj j ' There will be a free lecture on V an understandable numbering sy*- Mary Mary son son of Joseph Rupp. The Dal- Barbur boulevard, undergoing train Seal Saif to Start Monday Christian Science at Multnomah Sergeant Technician Bennie C. tern It is now to become a reality ies. Or.; brother of Rasy Lindquist, ing at naval station.^ The thlrty**ixth annual Christmas school house Tuesday evanlng, No- The Dalles; Anna Hendrix. Dufur. Herbert Cornelius Barnes is attending diesel engines for the Beaverton residents Spiegelberg. Seal Sale will open November 23rd to j vemher 24 at 8 p m. under auspices school at Flint, Michigan He is a secure funds to continue the educa-1 of the local Christian Science society, It will be a public service by the Or. The remains were forwarded to Beaverton, in navy, member of company B mainten- Boy Scouts and a chance for the pub- The Dalles, Oregon for services and John Ferman Wltthar, Tigard. In ttonal offensive against a treacherous Charles Winn of Pasadena. Califor- and aggressive enemy—tuberculosis nia, will be the speaksr. ance battalion, 14th armored division.1 lie to help the Boy Scouts. interment ' navy. To Registrants Tire Inspection For Annual 4-H Corn Show December 3-5