Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1942)
F r ú la v , N o v e m b e r 13, 1942 B E A V E R T O N ’ E N T E R P R I S E . B e a v e r to n , O r e g o n TWO Cents a word per Issue. Minimum 25c CASH with copy. Minimum Charge on Classified Ads not paid at Time of Inser tion—50c. We Publish the BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE MULTNOMAH PRESS TIGARD SES1INEL ALOHA NEWS Complete E a s t e r n Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage. We assume no financial respon sibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. Real Estate Transfers LOST Classified Rates LOST—Sat., Guernsey heifer about 2 yrs old, has horns, is brown striped. Reward, Owner—Phone Beaverton 2380. FOR SALE Baled Cedar Sharings (Shingle Tow) For Insulation—Poultry Litter— Livestock, Dog & Cat Bedding— —Nursery Packing | EAST ST. JOHNS SHINGLE CO. 10501 N. Portland Road Portland, Oregon UN. 0«7G I ' d ; SALE—Team of Mules and harness. C. Topich. near Cooper Mt. school, Huber Road. PERSONAL Page 3 A Barrier to Victory A Message to Statistics show that loss from fire Every Driver Carl Kinge et ux to Minnie A Sco for the first nine monhs of this year V J ltcU y (H i ß i u f , 'W ith bee, lot 7 blk 1 Valley View add to was slightly less than in the same You can save rubber and help i Forest Grove. win the war if you will do these things: F U Emley et ux to W H Evans. I ' t i “ ' n o t " giviri'^enough * £ £ I et u* lot 1 blk 43 Metxger Acre tract. • t, ht an(| e n e . f0 flre protec. I 1. Drive only when absolutely \ O J O liU U U C J ID J V U U D I ir ) C UA | S Looney to J V Looney et l ux | tion v necessary. j 40 acres in sec 23 T1S R2W WWM. In the home, it is up to the house The Navy is making a plea to 2. Keep under 35 miles an hour. it et n al ai to iu Erick B.I IV« John at.».m wife vv. 1 Rhea Jensen to become firewateher sh, I 3 Keep your tires properly in- civilians to turn in their binoculars , Wag N „ berg et ux lot 7 Wilkes tract nmst doub]e cbec|< tbe lron or tht, flated. for military use during the War. The 4. Have them inspected regu- Army and Navy both need binocu ! Anna Kirk Brown et vir to Henry th e' ...... . « . . . n u> . . us. ^ne must prevent the accwtn larly. lars for navigation and scouting A a White part lots . I . . et . . ux ... ..... 1 . and 2 Weh- \ ..i.*»™ illation of trash in attic, basement. purposes. Depending on the power 5. Share your car with others. WILLIAM M JEFFERS, of the lenses, they cost from $50 »■ «. Rubber Director . - a , M „ n . to $80 each. ¡ Adelaide Van Dyke to Harold Jo- and miut be done I seph Van Dyke et ux Part Orus, LIL A DICKINSON ! Brown DLC 133 TIN R3 & 4 WWM. I fc,ver>r flre« whether it dsmages a Lulu Dickinson, late of 0535 SW Lulu A Pitsenberg et al to Albert i ^al R**e OI destroys a factory, con She was F Pitsenberg et ux. part lots 15 A 16 8unu’ s materials, money and laboi Vermont, died Oct. 22 blk 8 Oak Grove Add. to Hillsboro. wh,ch ale needed for the war effort wife of Paul R., mother of Roger, Roxana Loving admx to Robert b ‘ Every Lie is a barrier to fulfillment sister of Mrs. L. R. Erickson, Mrs. - of the United Nation's cause. , Ralph Shill, B. F., A. W , H. L.. G. Lilly 15 acres in ----- TIN —.............. R4WWM B , E. L , H. C. and R. E. Duffin. Cora Martin to Samuel N Moses ----------------- \ ----------------- | Funeral services were held Saturday. Jr.^x UX lot i Hulls add to Hills- D a i r ie s G e t I n s p e c t i o n W All llUNUS l m ..J m w “ i r v x - V i mn , r s r e e ~ s FOR SALE—Rug, Royal Wilton, 10-3x13-6 complete with pad, $30. Mrs. H. D. Fisher, Second and Hall, Beaverton, phone 2835. Fred Bretthauer et ux to Henry F o r S u p p l y i n g A r m y FIND THAT SCRIP Hahn, et ux lots i 3, 4 blk 6 Hills- Eighty-three dairies seeking to ; At the oldest dancing boro Gardens tracts. sell milk to the army were inspected school In Portland . , Jessie V Wineberg et vir to Ivan during October, with about 25 per PATTERSON DOW W Hope, tract 5 Freeman Acres. cent getting the Go-Ahead order, ac NEY School of Danc FOR SALE—or Trade for things I ' If you have a set of 6 x 30 up to | Jessie Hart to B H Reeher et al cording to records of the foods an 1 1 ing . . . . . . can use: 7 x 50-power lense binoculars loan paît Tupper D U 42. ¡dairies division of the state depart Both modern a n d 1 only Kitchen Cabinet—porcelain them to the Army or Navy. If not, The Reed Institute to Otto George, ment 0f agriculture. The others will ' old fashioned danc top—$25. your purchase of War Bonds and e* ,'°*S *•* aPProval as soon as they have i ing You’ll have a 8 only Kitchen Chairs at $1.25 ea. j Stamps will help buy this equip i plat of i-uid & Reed s 1st add to completed suggested improvements wonderful time learn 1 Bed Spring $10. , Reedville. The division records show inspee- ing new steps. Call AT. 7004 or AT. Ernest S. Olson, R1 Walnut ave., j ment for our fighting forces. At least Bert A Barber to Fred Ennis et ux t ion last month also of 146 minimum 5780. McElroy’s Ballroom, 4th and Tigard, Inquire eve after 6 p. m. ten percent of your income in War ! 10 acres in sec 6 T1S R2WWM. requirement dairies and 75 grade A Bonds every payday will do the Main. Open daily after 10:30. Call and Sundays. Schuetze et ux to ( A Larkin ■ plants and dairies. These inspec- job . . , and provide the “ eyes” j et Z ux R part for information. lot 76 Johnson Est. add to tions do not lnclude the iarge number through which a scouting pilot may Beaverton Reedville acreage. 0f fa,.m cans made to dairies that ! FOR SALE—3 roony house, to be Have You a Son A J Hartrampf et ux to Uni c luppjy miik to dairy manufacturing1 moved. Mrs. A. Saarinen, Sher spot an enemy battleship. U. S. Trtatury Department Hare 27 562 acres in TIN R3WWM plants. : wood Rl, box 250. In the Service Today'* record-breaking ’ Washington County to Raymond E4 The perfect gift for your son in price* lor eggi demand that Taylor et al lots 12 A 13 blk 3 Shot v service . . Photographs are PER DRY CORDWOOD For Sale — you get the maximum pro wood acres. Boost your home community new»- SONAL . . LASTING . . INEX Leave orders 158 S. 2nd St., phone duction from your flock. A L Frost et ux to Arthur Hellick-1 paper. It boosts for you. Onlj PENSIVE. Three 7x10, one colored, 1931 Hillsboro or Rt. 2, box 126, For better results, feed Tri son et ux part lot 1 blk 43 Forest $1 per year .less than 2 cents a week I for $5.95 complete. Call AT. 9-8-8-T Beaverton. angle X-tra Egg Producer— Grove V for appointment. D. P E R R Y SUMMONS a palatable, carefully built Mary L Scheetz to Margaret E —Keep ’em firing—with junk!—• EVANS, 934 SW Morrison, Portland. CHAUDOIN vs CHAUDOIN balanced ration. Clarke DLC TIN GOOD WORK HORSE — About j In the Circuit Court o f the State of Banfield part Your loc*l Ittd R(W\VM. 1600 lbs. will sell with or without d etier h is t h e th Oregon for the County of Multno } M ISC E L L A N E O U S William Clay Penland et al to Cle double harness. W. Worth Davis supply. T^H eaì T7 mah. mens Roskoski, et ux 2 acres in lot Rt. 8, Box 1777, Garden Home Rd. CLIFFORD CHAUDOIN, Plaintiff . B U IL D IN G 159 Johnson Est add to Beaverton- vs. j Reedville acres. an d MARION CHAUDOIN, Defendant i ? > Kenneth Fish et « x td Leo F Fa * t « a ice PERSONALS To Marion Chaudoin, Defendant. R e m o d e lin g gan et ux 3.60 acres in sec 19 T1S Moauci* IN THE NAME OF THE STATE R1WWM. FRANK E. SCHMIDT RIDERS and Drivers, Swing Shift OF OREGON: You are hereby re j Wm A Long et ux to C T Downey Route 1, Box 330 Tigard Ore. Swan Island. Leave name Beaver quired to appear and answer the com - et ux, lot 11 A part lot 12 blk 9 plaint filed against you in the above South Park add to Forest Grove. ton Enterprise. Dead stock picked up free of entitled suit on or before the expira E D Poulson et al to Carl E Sodor- charge anywhere. Call tion of four weeks from the date of back et ux part lot 210 Westdale. collect. UN. 1221; night call — ■»* i n w m . n e w m si»>* — >ut i m w m » m — the first publication of this summons Ida May Henry et vir to Otto HAVE YOUR washing machine, CH. 2403 or UN. 0449 DENLEY upon you, and if you fail so to appear Gangutn et ux lot 7 Huntville. or vacuum cleaner repaired and RENDERING CO., Portland. Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS and answer, plaintiff will apply to the Richard G Sloan to F A Stephen overhauled. Will take old furni court for the relief prayed for in his Oregon Mutual PoUclea nro NONASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay son et ux part lots 11, 12, 13, Alder- I ture, stoves, radio or casn for parts complaint, to-wit: h id e s a w o o l ,M a s c a r a — a an absolute de brook Farm. more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual & labor. Next door to Carr's in specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW cree of divorce. nwintuliut more than three time« the surplus required !*y Oregon First Bank of Tigard to Frank Beaverton, Phone 3333. Clay, Portland. Atwater 5334 This summons published by order I LoConto, part of Lockerman DLC 45 Insurant«« . . of the Hon. Martin W. Hawkins, T1S Rl WWM. Real Estate Wanted POR TOW CAR call VERMILYE Judge of the above entitled Court, and Harry B Barnes et ux to H W Cur-1 Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. date the 5th day of November, 1942. I rln et ux part lot 53 Johnson Est add OF MeMINNVILLK Date of first publication Nov. 6, WANTED—10 acres in eastern Wash- j to Beaverton Reedville acreage. Organized 1894—. 40 years of Reliable Service Chao. 1» Walker, Agent 1943. PAIN TS j ington county or western Multnomah Federal Land Bank of Spokane to j Date of last publication Dec. 4, J Harvey W Currin et ux Part sec 24 New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 icounty, partly cleared, no bldg.—K118 1942. j Enterprise, Beaverton. I T2N R3WWM. I m la y ’ s Fresh “Every Form of Protection” Hillsboro, Oregon LESTER SHEELEY, O R Taylor et ux to Mildred D ! ------------------------ -- Attorney for Plaintiff Mixed Feeds W ANTED Lunger et vir 58.18 acres in T1S \ Postoffice Address: FISHER THORSEN PAINTS 306 Spalding Bldg. R4WWM Jessie Hart to Earl C Ficker et ux For quality, fair price and Portland, Oregon part Tupper DLC 42. service POULTRY HEADQUARTERS W F Ebert to Stanley J Robertson | Highest prices paid. Ask about J. B. Imlays & Sons SUMMONS et ux lot 3 blk 8 S Park add to For- - our pick-up service. REEDVILLE ALOHA, ORE AMERMAN vs. AMERMAN est Grove. a » iU i POULTRY & DAIRY In the Circuit Court of the State of James A O'Rourke et ux to I^annes northwest products co . Oregon for the County of Mult Baird et ux part tract 6 Pirdale. Brick, Tile, Masonary 232 SE Oak, Portland Oregon nomah. Edward T Murphy et ux to C F ; EA. 5141 CHARLOTTE AMERMAN, Plaintiff Williamson et ux 41 acres in T1S j v*. R2WWM. NEIL AMERMAN, Defendant. Frank D Knowlton et ux to A J j NOTICE To Neil Amerman, Defendant. Miller et ux lot 60 A part lot 21 N j SEE YOUR DEALER IN THE NAME OI' THE STATE Tigardville add amended plat. L a b o r e r s w a n te d at on ce. OREGON: You are hereby re B A Kliks et ux to L A Duvall et j Columbia Brick Works Im m e d ia te j o b p la c e m e n t ! OF quired to appear and answer the com ux part lot 3 blk 9 Forest Grove. 1820 SE Water—Portland plaint filed against) you in the above Edith W Austen to Charles T Gates A p p ly w eek d a v s o n ly . Kilns at Gresham-Sylvan-Salem entitled suit on or before the expira- et ux part Pointer DLC 62 T1S j HOD CARRIERS | tion of four weeks from the date R1WWM. AND of the first publication of this sum- Otto Loehden et ux to George | | mens upon you, and if you fail so Searles et ux part sec 11 T1S BUILDING LABORERS to appear and answer, plaintiff will R1WWM. ALSO U n io n L o c a l N o. 296 ! apply to the court for the relief SEPARATORS — MILKERS Washington County to Katherine L ROOM 215 prayed for In her compUJnt, to-wit Bump, part sec 20 T3N R3WWM. COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND i an absolute decree of divorce and cus- LABOR TEMPLE Agnes Schramel et vir to Byron E SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY ' tody of minor children Jacquline and Davis et ux 3 acres in sec 35 TIN INDUSTRY SW 4th AT JEFFERSON R3WWM. Phillip. This summons published by order Frank Kliby et ux to Charles Wal I of the Hon. Martin W. Hawkins, lace Craig et ux 1 acre in sec 13 T1S - Judge of the above entitled Court, Rl WWM . City of Forest Grove to Clarence ■ and date the 5th day of November, 1942. Seth Tuttle et ux part blk 4 Naylor’s Hdnufdflurtn 4 4 D Hdnufacfurtn DU h tribu trlbu ton ton A * JtXX , r* .4 tVIRYTHINO Date of first publication Nov. 6, add to Forest Grove. Don't Have to be Perfect Halves Edward P Schneider et ux to Thor- j I 1942. Any Quantity d a I r y m a n rn APPLY Date of last publication Dec. 4, 1942. val H Folkenberg part of sec 5 T1S WRITE K. R JETTE LESTER SHEELEY, R2WWM. Froskist Ice Cream Co. aho Cm.- S alt L aw ( itt Attorney for Plaintiff Joseph L Cousey et ux to W C , 1010 SE 11th Ave., Portland, Ore. Postoffice Address: Stumberg et ux part of sec 33 TIN AT. 6461 185 NW Park 306 Spalding Bldg. R4WWM. Portland, Oregon E O Potter et ux to S C Swank et | V , A * *** ux part lob 2 blk 27 Cornelius -BOMB THE JAPS WITH JUNK Orvil Harris et ux to Guy Ums- | ROOM 207, LABOR TE M P LE SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of cheld et ux lot 7 Prospect Park, For- [ est Grove. Oregon for Washington County. Albert Ramey et ux to Paul W HELEN GERTES, Plaintiff Hogenfeld et ux 8 acres in sec 34 WEST END vs. TIN R3WWM. HENRY GERTES, Defendant. 8ELLWOOD BRIDGE TO: HENRY GERTES, the above named defendant: CREMATORIUM IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby re MAUSOLEUM qulred to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the CEMETERY * \ above entitled court and suit on or before the expiration of four weeks next, from and after the date of first Complete Funeral Service in New- publication of this summons on Octo Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverview is a co-operative as*o- ber 16, 1942, and if you fail so to ap pear and answer, for want thereof elation with assets of over $800,000 the plaintiff will apply to thq Court for the relief demanded in her com plaint. to-wlt: that the marriage contract now existing between plain tiff and said Defendant be dissolved, and for such other and further re U n io n S cale lief as to the court may appear equit able. 54 H o u r p er W e e k This summons is served upon you Serene Beauty - Perfect Sendee • • • by publication by order of Hon R hÆ A p p ly 336 S E S p o k a n e St. Frank Peters, Judge of the above ¡entitled Court, which Order was P o r tla n d , O r e g o n _____ | made and dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY October 13, 1942. D. D. BUMP ATwater 2181 V— Postoffice and Residence Address "Save the lives of your friends by Forest Grove, Oregon careful driving. Date of first publication October ---------------- V------- --------- 16. 1942. BUY what you do nwd.................. Date of last publication November SELL what you don't need. hen you *ay “ w elcom e,” you 13. 1942 Learn to Dance X -T R A PROFITS IN EGGS Legal Notices uinni-nos Q r e sure 1 TRIANGLE X-TRA EGG PRODUCER PAINTERS Brick & Building Tile Experienced for Steady Work Rain or Shine D e L a va l Inexperienced M a y Be Trained Wanted fflome Mel/ J Union Wages SHELLED WALNUTS PAINTER'S UNION WOODWORKERS * Riverview Cemetery Moulding Tiers Graders and Oil Bearers Lumber Handlers Frame Nailers Box Factory Cut and Rip Sawyers P a tro n ize O u r a d v e rtis e rs - - - It P a ys Watch a man’s face light up swhen you say... ÿ MORNINGLIGHT. CHAPEL Rose Chapel-Green Room I. P. Finley & Son i w make it mean a whole lot more ^ Due to Present Condition* ^ CLOSED M ONDAYS ! S HEIDELBERG PARK Ü am U.S.WAR BOM0$ L BEAVERTON. OREGON PHONE BEAVERTON >471 MAKE EVERT PAY DAY * i ^ WAR BOND DAY S10P SPtMDIMS— SAVl DOUAfS when you trot ou' Old Hermitage! Thi* famous whiskey i* one of the me 11 owe* t and most delicious ever produced in old Kentucky. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHIKKRY National Dotiller* Product* Corporation, New York 90.4 Proof