P U B L ISH E D W E E K L Y IN OUR P L A N T ON SH OR T ST. A N D T U A L A T IN H I G H W A Y - O N L Y N E W S V O L . 15, NO. 41 _________ Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, November 13, 1942 Gasoline Registration Set Ahead to November 18-20 N W PAPER IN B EAVER TO N . E STAB LISH E D 1927 Pledge o f Abou, Our Boy, Elwin Wilson Nelson, a volunteer for the first quota inducted by Wash­ ington County Local Board No. 1 has ! gained recognition for himself and | this community. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nelson of Beav- 1 erton, Oregon. Elwin paid a visit | to the office of the Board in the full | dress of a Lieutenant, U. S. Army. He and many other men inducted in ; the Selective Service at Beaverton j Armistice Day. W’ednesday night. have taken advantage of the oppor I tunities offered by the army ; the Beaverton Post No. 124 pre.enL Flag Wednesday At Beaverton Citizenship BY RUTH TAYLOR National Grange Session Opens At Spokane Citizenship is not a commonplace I to be taken for granted. It is a badge of honor a prize for which to I strive, to be earned day in and day out, not to be remembered only at ! election days Many vuwiiiiuiuwca communities a are -------------------- '• »pw i r j 1 The office of price administration Tuesday postponed nationwide gaso­ line rationing from November 22 to December 1. __ At the same time OPA regional ' of“ inaugurai,on^ day'by us* lach“ 8 ' the" annual^conventlon of administrators were authorized to delay school house registration of j com m unie". th T 'c a m Î. * - * ■'»* ° ath — — -n -! ^ G— American s old- motorists from November 13-14 to of the Oregon State Guard local unit. uries ago by the young men of i ®st and largest farm organization, ) We all wish it were possible to con- November 18-20. and t e c » ,1,8, ■ vey our pride in, and our gratitude Beaverton high school“ bwid and j A,hens when lhey became of age. OPA officials said the postpone­ to everyone of "Vhe'.e" lad. where^r ! ¿rum co. p. high school girls cadets. J" *»»» time of war. when like the th(. ^ con v^ tlJ^ o? r ^ r j ^ o ment was necessitated because war-1 >».V ".ay "a. "" M «*» “ l l l the T ' savage i . * barbarian ^ 2 2 pre- ! . Th, 0 ™ g« r TO ™ ,*', ^ 3 . ; against to Beaverton. time transportation congestion made A carnival will be held in the i has weathered many a financial and it impossible to deliver the more than Beaverton , grade grade school school play plav Commander Z Cady made rne the presen presen- oath ghou)( * d* '" oc,atic way ° f nte- tbl8 ne | ^ " * maue .ivu*iv should not only be made by political storm, and today is stronger 300,000.000 pieces of printed matter ne -■ P > room ; The following men left ffom Beav- ef wfu eve" lnK of Saturday, November I erton, Oregon for Fort Lewis, Wash., PoB* “ ay. those about to take office but by in membership and assets than ever cessary to put the program into ef- 14th. Everyone invited to come and . on November 11, 1W2, at 3 p. m j u ’ X every one c of us. Let us repeat it before,, holding the respect of the feet by November 22. entire nation because of its invari­ have a good time playing Bingo, Fred D. Grant, Acting 1 f J C ha,plf',n i together. Acting Corporal. Corpon i Walker gave the invocation, and fol- 1 ,os ably sane program. The war production board it was auto races and various other amuse Pete J. Podbielan. I lowed by the high school band play We will never bring disgrace to learned authoritatively on Tuesday ] ments including fortune-telling1 by j Ferdinand F. Unger. The Wenatchee session opened No- ! ing Star Spangled Banner. After- l,ur ci,>’ by any act of disnonesty or vember night, has decided on a further dras Madame Fatima ,a fish pond for the 11, and the keynote address Charles G. Kulbel. ] wards the crowd preceded to the ' cowardice, nor ever desert our suf- j tic curtailment of fuel oil for the j youngsters and hot, nourishing re William A. Thomas. high school for a program arranged O'ing comrades in the ranks" That m*saa** of National eastern states this winter. freshments plarfned /and served by ; James F. Whitaker. is, we will be honest and courageous ! ?fa*,ei 9°*** a recoKbized I by vice commander Metzler. Although oil already is being ra­ the registered Canteen group of this Oscar E. Nelson. in all our ilealines with mn fellow iarm leader with wide expeiience All proceeds will be used | Loris V. Bixby. tioned in the IV-state area on the district. ....... agricultural, cooperative and . Admission to the program was men, regardless of class, race, creed, ! 1 alonK basis of holding .interior tempera- for civilian defense projects of East- . Those who will leave directly from I '*®*(lue financial lines. Instead of paying admis- i or color As Federal Land We. will not shirk we tures at 65 degrees in most cases, the e*n Washington county including the Portland are included in the follow- s‘ OI> Each person was obliged to vvill work and fight and pray for the Bank Commissioner for several orta- borne guard, canteen, community j ¡ng pst buy wai saving stamps in any de- board found that present transporta­ years, Mr. Goss’ work was outstand- good of the whole nation and we will tion facilities could not deliver kitchen project, and kits for our | E0«>n Volunteer OKI- j Th. ^ • “ & « > » • <•« ¡ » lit. United enough oil to fill the allowance. local army and navy boys. cer wav . , . r any J way from , . . ¡states closelv connecr- connect- cer candidate candidate. | to be an excellent — - J to boost our deter us in out task. . ... have been so vioseiy ed With agricultural and cooperative Shortly after the program Hundreds ..of volunteer workers,! The local garden club is in charge 1 Wilbur M Maughan, Volunteer Of- ' I j 0uoto was stin ted it was announced that " 6 "'HI fight for our Ideals and | undertakings. He therefore spoke both men and women, will be needed | of decorating the building for the oc I ficer candidate. ! WO 10 was paid in by those attend- sacred things of thnt city, both alone for farm pPOp|e 0f America when to process applications for supple- casion, the home guard, fire boys. | Fred Torek, Jr. ing. Commander Cady asked if it and " itb many That Is, while we he addiessed the Wenatchee session, mental gasoline under the mileage and Kiwanis will operate and bal : William O. Schlottmann. i could be raised to $100 and immed- i fiifht the enemy without with all our I and his message is unusually infor- rationing plan which goes into effect 1> boo the concessions and with the Victor Cox. 1 lately five minutes was taken out to f01'ce, we will keep alive the spirit | niative. nationwide, December 1st, Cameron \ carteen girls in their new uniforms I Clarence A. Brown. I boost the sale, and when it was fin-1 of democracy and freedom for all, j First emohasis is nlnred hv m ,. Squires, state organization officer of | serving refreshments with the aid of Albert D. Edwards. 18 Placed by Mr. j ished the total for the evening was which is the guiding light of our re- _ . rsl i 7 ' la8" CPA, said today. j the Girl Reserve group from the George C. Heitzman. public. We will not compromise G‘> 88 ° " *ha «upreme task of mobll- j $14t> 80. Jacob W. Brooks. izing all forces for the winning of These volunteers will worn at the hiEb school, a rousing good time is The Beaverton first aid group gave 0U“We will revere and obey the city’s local war price and rationing boards assuied for all present. This means j Vernon F. Peterson, wa^ .an- --------- - - toward • - central- We will in * the apparent ■ trend w lieth erlh e applicant is entitled to ,ade schoo, , a m Satulday Leonard L. Smith, Beaverton. I \vas excellent, and the new high keep our community free from sub- ization of power, whose results may a B or C book and the mileagi to be j r Marvin M. Fox, Beaverton. school drum major did ntnwclf up : ve|.slve influences which attempt I be the destruction of the very prin- rationed to each applicant. The ap- Hugh Hunter Ward, Tigard. biown, with h i baton twirling. Th® mental sabotage against oui institu ciples of democracy for which we are plicants will have the right of i-ppeal Short Furloughs Robert Lee York, Huber. local guard unit under the command tions and ideals, nnd we will teach now so bravely fighting. ----------------- office* and& "even ‘ to OPA V w L m ^ . j For Inductees „ — ----- — V----------------- V----------------- ^ u ^ Po f ^ . f I ,ert gaV* a KOOd a c i to the jounger generation reverence, Preservation of the freedom of the ton if he feels he has not been ra- Soon Effective Postoffice Department I _ _ _ w , . ..( f o r the high principles which govern ■ press and of the right of criticism of tioned the mileage he is entitled to A clza F a r l v M a i l i n g C c i ° ? fir8t a‘d °u' Constitution and which guide us methods of government are also All volunteers willing to serve on Shortening of furloughs for draft ' SK* E‘ a r l y W la ilin g station and \V E. McCloskey spoke M p nation stressed by Mr. Goss as now threat- thi Advisory Transportation Panels inductees to one week will becom e! The Post Office Department now 1 '"u, u h® thC observation tower ..We wiM stl iVe unceasingly to ened. In plain language he warned ere asked by Squires to register with effective wtih those reporting to id- is starting the most 'gigantic task i ^ hlch will be constructed soon in qulcken the public’s sense of civic America of an Impending food short- thetr county^civilian d e tc»., office or duct.......... .. „ „ November .7. « . “ T S o .i ™ o, . J Z T Z Z e o V V m . ' . r ' . n ‘ Z Z ' n - “ K J * " !- « . I i* * 7 5 “ T * ” “ « f ” 5 coordinator. lective service headq/uaners headqluaners an- tuee of Christmas parcels cards and P a,rec.to,1 of, tbls ^ P»«’t in all activities foi the pieserva- ken of the dangerous handling of the I nounced Monday. Those reporting through Novem- flow of millions of pieces of mail for volunteers to man tr.is tower encouraging them to join in work Equally impressive is the warning I Ler 16, however, will continue to get daily to our and from our armed when finished, so watch the papers not foi themselves alone, but for-all City Council Passes of the National Master ngainst the the two-week furlough which has forces all over the world closely, as this will be important and oul. people continued use of government subsld- Dim-out Ordinance to Indications are „ . . i been .. in effect , for some months . “ lc that l" “ 1- the volume of ” • will concern our community. j “ And thus, in all these ways, we |es to bolster up agriculture; sum- Beaverton City Fatheis met Mon- permit men who are accepted to ar -1 Christmas mail will be the largest on! We wi(h to take thlg opportunity will strive to transmit this city not j med up in these significant words:— day night to consider monthly ex- range their affairs before entei ing ; record. thank those who took part in the less but greater, better and more j ‘ One of our worst dangers Is that In penditures and passed two ordinan- 1 the army If thousands of our soldiers, sail- above program to make it successful, beautiful than it was transmitted to striving to benefit agriculture Hit- ces, one dealing with the dim out Notice to d,'aft boards said tne ors marjnes and civilian friends are und thank them for their tine coop u s" Our duties as citizens are not , tempts may be made to make an un- pioblem and the other in regard to shoitening of the furlough not to be disappointed at Christmas eration. ; only to ourselves and our neighbors, | sound system work by the usa of the matter of parking enrs in the was necessary on account of the tjmei the public must cooperate b y ___________ -tr___________ _ our community and our nation, but I subsidies, thus passing the burden of business district. fu!.IOaS~ 8 avallable men for mailing earlier than ever before and I to those who follow The only way | our mistakes on to future genera- the aimed forces.” The dim out ordinance provided a i we can pay our debt to those who j tions." i by addressing letters and parcels minimum fine of $10 and a maxi­ bequeathed to us a free way of life , Naturally the portion of the Na- properly. The best efforts of the Farm Machinery mum fine of $30Q for violation. A is to pass on to subsequent genera- 11na.1 Master's address to receive cloa- Post Office Department alone can- Parts Available complete blackout must be made ac­ Beaverton Couple tions a free nation, united in devo- j est scrutiny is his analysis of the 1 not be enough, in view of wartime cording to the rules laid dow-n by Married October 24 difficulties faced by the postal sys- j Repali parts on farn( machinery tion to the cause of liberty, better farm problem and his views concern- the government orders. If in doubt tern. The public must assist. ; are not .ncluded in the freezing or- and more beautiful because of that ¡{8 solution. Declaring that "in- At the Beaverton home of her par­ anyone can call the city hall, J. J. About 25,000 experienced postal : der announced recently by the unity. Thus it came to us. , stead of a problem of surplus we McMahon or the air raid warden ents, Mr and Mrs. Gordon Heughen workers already have been taken b y ; United States department of aKricul ---- V- i now face a problem of maintaining and they will advisd you on your the evening of October 24, Miss Flor- the war services. Arrangements are ture war board, according to R B ample production," Mr. Goss warned ence Heughen became the bride of ùnder w ^ 'to 'T ÏÏd th ^ û ^ d s ’ of" tem- Taylor ol Adams, president of the C ' Ub. ^ particular problem. j against such a coming collapse of „nel to postal staffs, Oregon board With Mr*. McCloskey j farm prices as followed the last war, The traffic ordinance designates Mr Francis C. Sanders .son of Mr. pQrary and at — the --------- same time Indicates the where cars can be parked, some on and Mrs. Sanders of Beaverton. . but this man power is hard to flnd m ni, , Tayloi - - - - - said that summaries of the _ . __ .,___ . i ---------— ----- ------------ — Faciliites of farm machinery freeze regulations; The next regular meeting of the . possibility that If present labor con only one side of street, a place will [ The bride, given in marriage by her and , inexDerienced --------- J~ dealers i l-"-' had — car ~ ---------- Beaverton *— ^— Community ----- -- Gat den club ditions continue this nation will face be e blocked out for buses to park father, wore a gown of white satin railroad, and air lines are heavily nistributed among ./hen unloading or loading passen | with finger tip veil and carried . Uxed b movements of huge quan- 'i®d ‘ b® erroneous information that will be held at the home ol Mr.. W. the gravest danger of not being ablo E. McCloskey. McCloskey, Second Second and and Tucker Tucker St St., . produce sufficient food to meet gers etc. Everything will be plainly whlt« B‘ ble with pink and white m| of war materials and person- ««P“ “ - Part8 included In the E ° . pn s a n n n u r n p orrhirl iss _ nn.os Beaverton, on Friday, November 20 tbe delrands coming from every side. maiked on the J pavement and . stop ■ u w p p t n Pe^ and purple orchid M Miss ..... ......... nel. Extra trucks are almost im- at 11 a. m. Members please bring Goss discusses at length the signs will be placed whete needed Gladys Sanders, in blue a e a, s po8Sible to obtain. Winter weather, Eight seniors of Beav.. ton high '<>':* «ubj;« t o. price control and concludes J. H. Smith will have charge of this maid of honor, and lit e lsie an- hampering transportation, is begin- wo . ; deis was flower girl. Mr. Gordon nirg. school are on the honor roll this yea. v^ce Ml8 president W E ^ ? ‘ on W°, farm ° f prices: “ l* GranK* dec,ara- I Heugen Jr., was best man. Janette of the ColumhT Columhia Dls-! uui i ‘ tion — ' Farmers The Post Office Department is They are Janet Ackerman, « « « j trjct scheduled to speak In the J ,hoUld not ask more nor agree t„ ac ------------------ V— A reception followed immediately making strenuous efforts to avoid Schultz, Margaret Selden, cept less than actual parity, but It E. H. Master, Re-nominated ing £ trip “ to T the Ä ^ £?• “ Ji ” ~ î j * "Ä T S club S held a successful plant jg egBential that a Jua$ rule be pro- coast. They 1918 under similar conditions, during Walker. Margery Graf, and Patricia and shrub sale at Walker’s Store on , vided for determining parity.” H> | at home in Tigard. Beaverton s Mayor the First World War It can succeed Mitchell. Saturday of last week The mem- explained verv completely the At the city caucus held Tuesday ----------------- V----------------- in those efforts- and avoid many Juniors Jean Godwin and Elaine bf,rs of tb„ club arP in charge of „ ba8i. 190904, but points out right at Kiwanis hall E H Masters; . : E m m o n s P l e t le e d heartaches for its patrons -if the Bowman. 1 decorating the -- • —* ---- • play bow completely it has - been upset by grade school present incumbent, wha nominated L e w i s C -m m o n s r i e u g e a will cooperate by mailing Sophomores -Barbara «Payne and room foi the Defense Benefit Carni- changed conditions; especially the for mayor and the names of three University of Oregon, Eugene, Nov. early, Fred Moore. val Saturday ' (tomorrow evening. , f^ct that farnn labor must now bt men, R. F. Spencer, Elmer Stipe and —Seven University of Oregon wo —V— i Included if anything like a fair par­ Freshmen — Fawn Brooks, Joan Ed Sheets were nominated for coun men Rnd 19 men were piedged to u ity basis for farmers is to be secured. Cote, Marilyn Graf, Shirley Hansen C h a r B ed W ith D r i v i n g Suffers Injury cilmen. Mr. Doty, present incum- Greek.ietter living organizations as National Master Goss searchingly « ./.,» * . t • ___ bent, recorder-treasurer v/as named i second rushing period got under way Henry Metzentine of Tigaid, suf- and Mary McClure. ! analyzed the withholding of legiti­ Dorothea Without License Honorary mention to succeed himself. 1 Hazel P. Schwerlng, dean of women, fered back injuries when he fell the people and the ■ . . . . A 1 -_ . mate 'lim e i news n w n I from I KJ I I I U IO p c u p i u A IIV« v »iv and Virgil D. Earl, dean of men, an down a hay shute, according to hos Führer, Romona Gableman, GoWwyn A hip injury wee euetMned by Con- tf to brldle or Umii , bp Am. nounced last week pital leports. i Kulbel. Marilu Lohus. Jim I^ehman. Master Masons Plan *farr lc.ican ire ,» He point, out the right 1 Clarabel Page, Glen Widen, R o s a i ^ , ^ ^ Among those pledged was Lewis, - V -------- sha.ll * ^ oi in • . d of the American people to know what Zwahlen and Marjorie Lowe. Rally November 23 her home by an automobile operated . , r. . ^ Emmons, Theta Chi, of Beaverton. ' n j or a their government is doing, a« well a* WHITFORD ----------------- V ----------------- Master Masons will hold a rally, ----------------- V----------------- open to all branches of the fraternity Mr. Aronhalt Sr., who visited his New stripped models of gas stoves, ^ T ' . A . . . “ .; in the Portland Civic Auditorium BIRTHS son in California for a month re­ containing no more than 100 sounds «•«. . — ...I « . '«<-»1 » -m .r l..n ho.- piTIl * 3 T M « . Smith, according tto moral*- ‘ n time8 of P®“ 8 and Monday, November 23, when Illus­ turned to the home of his son E. R r r ___— M l __ n . . * . . . . I _ « n l . l l l a " l , a n . a m t W a T , of iron and steel per stove, will save q-rafflo patrolmen Phil Jarksnh and Mr and Mrs. Richard G Rogers, Aronhalt recently. trious Potentate R. R. Adams of A1 < National Master Goss brought 16,000 poundd of Iron and steel next, Root wa| arrP8ted for driving Kader temple will be master of cere­ Beaverton, Oct. 28. a daughter, Shar- Miss Ruth Denney spent the week ypar stern facts fully to the surface when without a license and operating a car monies It is expeted that 8000 on D. end w|th her parent8 and family he reminded America that our ene­ ’ i with ctfective brakes. members of different branches will Mr. and Mrs L/eon R Rucn, Bea\ ^— j — «_•— *— «-a mies are working half their people Sunday School * ------- was 4 not attended as Work was started on a building on ----------------- y ------------------ attend. Some speaker of national erton. Oct 31. a son. Leon R in war industries and holding them well as usual owing to so many be­ the highway for P B Case to house Henry G. Sorenson, . C Q T r * : r i n B Mr and Mrs prominence will be present. to 60 and 75 hour working weeks, ing sick with chickenpox.. A group The building ” Beaverton. Oct 27, a daughter, Jul- of ten from Portland were at church. farming machinery. while the United States still cltnrs will serve as a temporary warehouse Robprt Israeli, route 8, box 2020, ianne K. _____ , Three of the laides sang three beau- as Mr. Case expects to erect a pei- bag |eR gan Antonio pre-flight school to the 40-hour week In Indnstrv Howard Weed. 72, tiful trios accompanied hv Miss Dirk with time-and-a-hajf for evertlme - Edna Wicher. 53. also of Beaverton One of the men led the singing by mament building after the war. to receive primary training at an un­ nil in the name of "preserving O'lr Charles Johnson, 1434 S WMill st., ariA did it admir­ Meanwhile he will continue his of- disclosed field. \ social gains.t • f.ce with the Stratton Motor Co. Portland and Edith lone Robinson ably " 1 " - a 7^ ----------------- V ----------------- He was fine singer. Vir­ -------------- V — ----------- ----------------- V----------------- 1867 SW l4th ave., Portland WEST IIII.M gil Savage delivered the rermon in Charles Taylor, 1116 SE Caruther LUTHERAN ( 111 R( If Jury Panel Drawn All who have scrao are urged to 1 '~"“ r,ei8 an instructive and pleas.ng manner Maxine Lusby of Aloha, has been All who have " f P ™ orged , PortIand, and Joyce San.en, of week P«"dk“d to Kappa Delta sorority at SW Canyon Rd . near Sylvan C. B Gardner Gardner soent spent the the oast past week place it in front of their homes as For Circuit Court Pacifio University. Werner J Fritx, Minister trucks will be out next Sunday to daughter. Marv J„ to Mr and Mrs. with his son In law and daughter. Included among 31 names d r n v 24th Sunday after Trinity Nov 15th for the panel of the November t-r^. gather It up. Remember Uncle Sam WiUard Q Wilson, 6470 SW Capitol Mr. and Mrs Dick Hempke at Syl­ Sunday School 9 45 a. m. van of the circuit court were John F fe '« reeds your scrap to win tins w ar- hjKhway. October 24J Morning service 11 a m. The marriage of Miss Evangeline do your part son, Gary H. to Mr and Mrs. Gail Sermon The Christ-Centered Life. sher. route 3f Albert F Don^h* /. rrute 1; Alexander Ruesser. route 1* W Lawaon. route 6. box 9390 Oct 28 Oreenwell to Mr Merle Smith was Everyone invited. Theo Rich, route 2; Thomas r.nie* Daughter. Kathleen A »o 'M r" and solemnized at the Calvary Presbyter- ----------------- V----------------- Come One— Come All Denney, route 3; Elmer Ptfpe and Mrs Roger P Barss 2917 SW Hume ‘*n church in Portland Sunday WEST SU H ’ K . fir* 25 Miss Greenwell attended Sunday AN APPRECIATION Myrtle Miller, all of Beaverton: M v v COMMUNITY CHURCH D EFENSE O. Taylor, route 4, Sherwood- .To* Cl Son Clarence A , to Mr and Mrs School and church at Whitford for UNITED PRESBYTERIAN I wish to express my apperciation „ 732B SW Virginia a number of years and endeared her­ ■ephlne B Lewis, route 8, Port’an I. Gabel School. SW Gabel lane for re-election by the voters of Wash- ^ a D CARNIVAL self to all members. She was plan- Rev H A Aimitage, Pastor — ~ * -• ington County. I shall endeavor t o >t Mr and 18t at church and taught the young 11 a. m Guest preacher. Rev Lifted m Who 8 Who continue prompt and courteous auK^ } } Grand 1025 SW l*