Fridav, November 6, 1942 r, „ j m Boost your home community newt- paper, 'i t boosts for you. Only J 1 per year .less than 2 cent* a week. ia Program I uesday, Nov. 10 The Cedar Mill school : j planning1 a program to be given at the Grange WEST HILLS hall, Tuesday evening, November 10, LUTHERAN CHURCH Each room will put on a number of SW Canyon Rd. near Sylvan tne program and the P. T. A. w ill! Werner J. Fritz, Minister sell pio ar.d coffee. 23rd Sunday after Trinity Proceeds will be used to improve | Church School meets at 9 45 a. m. the school, library. Morning service II a. m. ----------------- V----------------- Sermon: Keeping Faith Alive. Everyone welcome. Hour» at Rationing Board -------- --------- V----------------- The War Price and Rationing [ CHURCH OF CHRIST , Board, wish to annouce location of G. W. Springer, Pastor (office at First and Hall Streets,! Morning worship and preaching Beaverton, formerly the Beaverton service 9:45 a. m. Topic Tn<- . •• Lumber Co. Office hours to the dition of the Unredeemed, following ! public 10 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. America* war industries neri the sermon, the Lord's supper will be -----------------V----------------- observed. During the Civil war coffee was Bible School class 11 a. rft. very scarce and many persons used Christian Endeavor 6:39 p. m. the following substitute for coffee: Evening worship 7:30, topic The Take sound ripe acorns, wash them j Power and Knowledge of God. Midweek Bible study and prayer while in the shell, dry them and i service Wednesday 8 p. m. Topic The parch until they open, take the shell off, roast with a little bacon fat, j Church-school Teacher. i and you will have a splendid cup of , ----------------- V----------------- ¡coffee. Doesn’t sound so good—but : 6tt it back io war production The Portland Chapter of the Ve I it nyght be worth trying. -K e e p ’em firing—with junk!— danta Society of America, will cele FIND THAT SCRAP brate its 17th anniversary, Sunday, 7:45 p. m., in the Masonic Temple, herd averaged 412 pounds of butter Corinthian Room, when Swami De- fat per cow. The Mellotts began vatnmnanda, Minister, will speak on building their registered herd about The Religion for the Sick World. four years ago. There will be a special program, in DR. WILLIAM E. HINDS AND STAFF Both their senior and, j-tnior herd cluding moving pictures (colored * sires classified Very Good. Other j and special music. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS cows classified rated 7 Very Good; 4 HILLSBORO, OREGON ----------------- V----------------- Good Plus; 5 Good and 1 Fair. The ALOHA ASSEMBLY OF GOO females averaged 83.4 in score or W ill Conduct a R E C T A L C L IN IC employing new slightly above Good Plus Sunday School 10 a. m. non-confining methods Melba Ruth Melott, six-year-old Worship 11 a. m. granddaughter of the Melotts has On Nov. 9th to 14th inclusive at Di. Hinds Office in the Young people 6:30 p. m. four registered Jerseys. One old Commercial Building Evangelistic 7:45 p. m. enough for classification rated Very Prayer and Bible study 7:45 p. m. Good. Dr. Lee R. Borg, Specialist of Los Angles, Thursday. ----------------- V----------------- will be present ALOHA COMMUNITY Phone Hillsboro 861 for Appointment BAPTIST CHURCH B. Marcus Godwin, pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11. B. Y. P. U. 7 p. m. UNITED Prayer meeting 8 p. m. Wednesday. STATES ----------------- V----------------- BEAVERTON CHURCHES NAZARENE CHURCH W. P. KEEBAUGH, Pastor BONDS Sunday School 9:45 a. m. AND Preaching Service 11 a. m. Precious Metals that Young Peoples 6:30 p. m. STAMPS Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m. Cannot be Duplicated, ----------------- V----------------- so get your gifts NOW . WF.ST SLOPE COMMUNITY CHURCH While stock is on hand. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Beads! ringing—Diamond Sett Gabel School, SW Gabel I-ane ing—.Jewelry Repairing____ Fields Celebrate Rev. H. A. Armitage, Pastor Golden Wedding 11 a. m. Tot>ic Supreme Loyalty. 6:30 p. m. Youth meeting. Anniversary at Aloha Home ----------------- V----------------- The golden wedding anniversary of METHODIST CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. John Field brought a Albert S. Hisey, D. D., Minister group of friends together at the Ileld MISSIONARY SUNDAY home on Tuesday evening, October 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. AM. PRICES MODERATE 20 . 11 a. m. Preaching service. Mr. and Mrs. Field were presented W. S. C. S. meets Thursday. 5th Avenue Entrance with an upholstered rocking chair, All day meeting. Main Floor a table lamp, and other gifts by their ----------------- V----------------- friends, After punch and iced cakes ST. CECELIA CHURCH Portland were served, the delightful old Eng Masses 8:30 and 10:30 a. m. lish couple entertained their guests with a few choice piano and vocal numbers. Jeanne Tuttle sang I Love You Truly and George F. Gor don sang The Lost Chord, both ac companied by Mrs. Field at the piano. Mr. Field was born in Whimbledon, England, in 1863, and Mrs. Field was horn in I-ondon in 1865. They came to America in 1909 and have lived in this community for 23 years ---------------- V— ------------ —THROW YOUR SCRAP INTO THE FIGHT— Funeral services were held Tues day at Hillsboro for August Desmet, father of Mrs. H. L Susbauer of Beaverton. Wayne Stanley Thurman has joined the navy. St. Cecelia parish has now 52 young men in the service. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Anderson of Beaverton are parents of a daugh ter born O ct 26, at a Hillsboro hos pital. The Beaver Social club is giving a party November 7 at the Masonic Temple. The American Legion Post No. 124 will attend special services at Beth el Congregational church at 8 p. m. November 6. The speaker will be Rev. John McGoon. Mrs. Donald son will have charge of decorations in the church. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Perkins at tended the Leedy Grange harvest Cows officially classified Excellent party at Tualatin Monday evening are few and far between. Above is Mrs. Arthur Kolkenbeck was a shown Forward Bonny, a registered hostess Saturday afternoon for a Jersey classified Excellent owned by stork shower held at her home in Mr. and Mrs. S. W Melott of Port honor of Mrs. Seigner of Westdale. Mrs. Seigner received many lovely land, Oregon. The cow was bred by In gifts. There were 11 guests present. J. J. Van Kleek of Beaverton. University of Oregon fraternity rating the cow Excellent, Prof. D. L. Theta Chi has pledged Louis Em Fourt, Moscow, Idaho, official clas sification Judge commended the cow mons of Beaverton. The Beaverton Garden club will upon her strong constitution, spring hold their plant and shrub sale Sat of riba, symetrical and well-attached urday, November 7th at Walker's udder. Bonny is on official Herd Test for Department store. Last year the Melott The Friendly Circle met at the production. home of Mrs. A. Schultz Friday, Oc tober 23rd. After a short business ALOHA meeting, the club pieced blocks for a quilt. The dining room table was Pvt. Douglas Sampson and Alle- beautifully arranged with yellow and gra Carpentef were married Octo bronze dahlias, w|th a centerpiece ber 10th at Flint, Michigan. Doug of a birthday cake which was in hon las has been training for airplane or of Mrs. M. C. McKercher and motor mechanic at the Buick Motor Mrs. Cable. There were 8 members Division at Flint, Mich. present. Guests were Miss Gladys Van and Betty Svarverude of Port Wright and Mrs. J. B. Harrison. land and Mrs. J. B. Sutton of Eu Luncheon guests Wednesday of gene visited with Mrs. Kreller Sun Mrs. John Dobbins of Portland, were day. Mrs. Nelson Walker and Mrs. F. B. June Norton visited in Seattle last Cook. Mrs. Derle Perkins attended the week. Charlie Crone is in the hospital for Grange conference held at Bend, Oregon, Thursday and Friday of last treatments. Copl. Denzil D. Scott has been week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Schultz spent the transferred from Camp Claiborne, Denzil is In week end at Rockaway visiting their La,, to Marion, Ohio. the 333rd Engineers. daughter. Margaret., New residents in Beaverton are Ethelene Crone visited friends and Mr. and Mrs. James Schermann and 2 relatives in Washington last week. children from Wathalla, N. D. They Rev. Ralph Gorsline filled the pul arrived here a week ago 8unday. pit at Aloha Baptist church Sunday. Miss Gladys Wright returned to Mr. Gorsline is Mrs. Vincent's broth St. Louis after a ten days visit with er. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Mrs. A1 Richards has as house W right guests her brother and sister in law Mrs. M K. Emmons of Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olsen of San visited Friday and Saturday at the Francisco. home of the Vernon Amells. A marriage license was issued at Mrs. M. C. McKercher was pleas Hillsboro October 24 to George H. antly surprised Sunday evening Underwood, route 3, Beaverton, and when friends from Portlsind sur Chloa Eliza Gee of Aloha. prised her with a birthday party. Rev. and Mrs. B. Marcus Godwin She was given a handkerchief show moved October 30 to their, home in er. There were 12 guests. Portland. Mrs. A. E. Hansen entertained the Mrs. B. M. Godwin was honored Tuesday Bridge club last Monday at guest at a luncheon October 29 given the home of Mrs. F. H. Schoene The at the home of Mrs. R. A. Montgom club met on Monday instead of Tues ery, Mrs. E. J. Thoms was assistant day it being election day. Brldga hostess. Queen Esther Circle pre was played during the afternoon. sented Mrs. Godwin with a set of Those present were Mrs. Jay Gibson, eight goblets of candlewick ware. Mrs. Elmer Stipe, Mrs. Ruby Boyd. Mel E. Hewins, route 3, box 1354, Mrs. Helen Fisher, Mrs. R. R. Sum Beaverton, is new water district su mers, Miss Juliette Carter, Mrs. H. perintendent. R. Melson, Mrs. A. M Jannsen and ----------------- V----------------- Mrs. E. Hedburg. Mrs. Boyd won BETHEL the guest prize and Mrs. Hedburg the C O N G R E G A T I O N \J. ( 111 |{( II club prize. Willard B. Hall, Minister Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pegg celebrat 9:45 a. m. Church School. ed their fifty-first wedding anniver Swami Devatmananda 11 a. m. Worship. The minister! sary last month. Their two daugh will speak on Thd World We Want ters, Mrs. Thesta Ethridge, Ix>s An Of the Vedanta Society geles, and Mrs. T. D. Hughes, of San In observance of Armistice Day. will speak 6:30 p. m. Pilgrim Fellowship. Francisco, are now visiting them. Sunday, 7:45 P. M. 8 p m. An Armistice Sunday ser Mr. Hughes is also here. The Beaver Social club will give a vice for the local American I-egion Masonic Temple The guest speaker will be card party Sat. Nov. 7 in Masonic Post. (Corinthian Room) Temple. Bridge, 500 and pinochle Rev. John L Magoon. District Chap The Religion for the Sick World will be played during the evening. lain of the American Legion for Ore gon. The musio will be furnished Refreshments, turkey door prize. Seven members of Beaverton by the Women's Auxiliary of Ameri Anniversary Celebration Orange attended Pomona at Scholl* can Legion Post No. 1 of Portland, Moving Pictures (cfclored) Oregon. on Wednesday of last week, P h o n e B K . 1688 A ll W elcom e Elwtn Wilson Nelson is now a ---------------- (V----------------- corporal. He ha* been attending —GET IN THE SCRAP— officers training school. He attend ed Beaverton schools. MUMSIII=IIISIN=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll?lll=lll=lll = lll=lll = lll = lll=ll|=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll = ----------------- V----------------- Every ton of iron and steel scrap I salvaged saves two tons of Iron ore. = one of our most precious national re source*. GET IN YOUR SCRAP. Get in the Announcement FŒLVICTORY ------------------ V------------------ NOTICH 300 Walnut Picker* wanted, now until Nov. 7—Scholls-Ferry Rd. T o relieve Misery of 666 COLDS Liquid Tablet* Salve Nose Drops (lough Drops BUY Watch Bands/ WAR 10 Per Cent Oii ALL Bands L. W. DAY NO MORE * / Time" Service, N0V6M66 R 1, 1942 "fo r ike D O W tQ N * Try “ Kuo-My-Tlam”— A Wonderful liniment GREYHOUND Coffee Shop Headquarters for OREGON MOTOR STAGES HOME-COOKED GOOD EATS Modem Fountain Servie# for Hot Wrather Relief Under New Management LYLE C. TAYLOR ii I In an emetgency, time may be had by calling "chief oper ator" and explaining the emergency. Make only essential telephone calls— be sure you call the right number— he brief— answer the telephone promptly. WAR WORK HAS THE TELEPHONE RIGHT- OF-W AY. West Coast Telephone Co. inamamaniimaniaHtsmaiifsniaiHaiiiSHiiinsiiiiiHaHiiiHsmçnig WANTED 300 Walnut Pickers Men, Women and Children NOW UNTIL NOVEMBER 7th ! fl e M M I This courtesy service must be dispensed with under pres ent conditions in order to enable us to render more essential •service to civilian and military telephone users. We know- all telephone subscribers will understand and approve this measure ¡ if * * * # I III Now that switchboards and all telephone facilities are so heavily loaded it will be necessary for operators to dis- conflne the practice of giving the correct time of day to sub scribers on request Our "junior subscribers" have made greatest use of this service to avoid school tardiness, etc. Watch Repairs I - ii1 — HI = IH in s I 5 Ü! IM i 7 i s III I in in 100 per 12 qt. bucket Scholls Ferry Road South of Scholls Franquette Hill- - - - - Easter & Johnson Nutcroft- - - - - Groner Walnut Co. Twin Springs - - - - Ed Wolschlegel Mountainside Farm---- Brown & McClure I