Friday, November 6, 1942 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE. Beaverton. On-iron C l a s s i f i e d R a t e s • FOR tALE Baled Cedar Shavings T W O Cents a w ord per Issue. M inim um 25c CASH with copy M inim um Charge on C la s s ifie d ; A ds not paid at Tim e o f Inser tion — 50c. W e Publish the B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E M U LTN O M AH P R E S S T IG A R O S E N T IN E L A LO H A N E W S C om plete E a s t e r n W ashington County and W estern Multnomah C ounty C overage W e assume no financial respon sibility fo r errors w hich m ay ap pear in advertisem ents published in these colum ns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part o f an advertise ment in w hich the typographical m istake occurs. PERSONAL Learn to Dance A t the oldest dancing sch ool in Portland . . PATTERSON DOW N E Y School o f D anc ing ............................... B oth m odern a n d old fashioned d a n c- j ing Y o u ’ll have a! w onderful tim e learn-I ing new steps. Call A T. 7004 or A T. I 5780. M cE lroy’s Ballroom , 4th and Main. Open daily after 10:30. Call fo r inform ation. Have You a Son In the Service T he p erfect gift fo r your son In service . . P hotographs are PER SO N A L . , L A S T IN G . . IN E X P E N S IV E . T hree 7x10, one colored; fo r $5.95 com plete. Call AT. 9-8 8-7 fo r appointm ent. D. P E R R Y E V A N S. 934 SW M orrison. Portland. BUILDING and Remodeling FRANK E. SCHMIDT T igard Ore. D eud stock picked up free o f ch arge anyw here. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call CH. 2403 or UN. 0449. D E N L E Y R E N D E R IN G CO., P ortland. H ID E S A W O O L , C A S C A R A — A specialty. L E E BRO S., 25 SW ClUiy, Portland. A tw ater 5334. F D R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E M O T O R CO. P hone T igard 3381 PAIN TS Im la y ’s F resh M ix e d F eeds FISHER THORSEN PAINTS F or quality, fa ir price and service S IM M O N S C H AU DO IN vs. CH AU DO IN In the Circuit Court o f the State o f ¡ O regon for the County o f M ultno mah. C L IF F O R D ClhAUDOIN, P lain tiff va M A RIO N CH AU DOIN. Defendant T o M arion Ch&udoin, Defendant. IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STATE Y ou are hereby re P IA N O — H aines Bros. Upright, O F O R E G O N : quired to appear and answer the com-1 good toned, priced reasonable Mrs. ¡ plaint filed against you in the above 1 Darcangelo, Bend Rd., Tigard. entitled suit on or before the expira- j tion of fou r w eeks front the date o f f F O R S A L E — 1935 Terraplane Tu- the first publication of this sum m ons dor. in good condition. 5 good tires upon you, and if you fail so to appear W ayne Ezell, 4th & Cedar. Metzger and answer, plain tiff will apply to the ---------------------------------------------------------- j court fo r the relief prayed for in his F O R S A L E -- Very good milk cow com plaint ' to-w it: an absolute de- and bull calf, 2nd calf. Dan M oot- ! crf ? , d iv orce- er. M etzger, Pine st., bet 6th A Thla sum m oas published by order o f the Hon. Martin W. Hawkins, 7th P hone C H erry 1877. Judge o f the above entitled Court, and date the 5th day o f N ovem ber, 15)42 D R Y C O R D W O O D F or Sale Date o f first publication Nov. $12 per cord, delivered. Leave 1943. orders 158 S. 2tid St., phone 1931 Date of last publication Dec. H illsboro o r Rt. 2, box 126, B eav 1942. erton. LESTER SHEELEY. A ttorney fo r P lain tiff P o sto ffice Address: GOOD W 'ORK H O R S E — About 306 Spalding Bldg 1600 lbs. wilt sell with or without Portland, Oregon double harness. W. W orth Davis / Rt. 8, Box 1777, Garden H om e Rd. (Shingle T ow ) Eor Insulation— P oultry U tte r — L ivestock, Dog A Cat B edding— — Nursery Packing E A S T ST. JO H N S S H IN G L E CO. 10501 N. Portland R oad Portland. O regon UN. 0676 SUMMONS A M E R M A N vs A M E R M A N In the Circuit Court o f the State o f O regon fo r the County o f Mult nomah. F O R S A L E —Unused Lum ber. Call C H A R L O T T E A M E R M A N , P lain tiff va T igard 3129. N E IL A M E R M A N , Defendant. T o Neil Am erm an, Defendant. F O R SA L E or T ra d e—1934 C h e v -; i n T H E N A M E O P T H E STATE rolet coach mstr. w ould a ccept O F O R E G O N : Y ou are hereby re tractor and plow or a good gentle ; quired to appear and answer the com cow. Call from 4 p. m. till 8 p. m . | plaint filed againstj you in the above M H ollingsw orth, P fa ffle R o a d ,! entitled suit on or before the expira-1 Tigard. _____________________________________ j tion o f four weeks from the date DCDCAM Al C ° f the f ' rSt Publication o f this su m -' i I l K o O IN A L j m ons upon you, and If you fail so to appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief W A N T E D R I D E R S -S w a n Island prayed fo r In her eofnplsJnt, to wit; Day Shift. Beaverton 2295. an absolute decree o f divorce and cus tody o f m inor children Jacquline and j F O R S A L E Feeder Pigs. Phone evenings, T igard 2593, Mrs. B. Zednik. t u u i a o D etroit h t » i ’itm Farmers May Learn To Repair Machines In New War Course Real Estate Transfers Mary W’ Haworth et ux to Fred H P ageler Jr, part sec 1 T IN R2W'. Dorsey K Johnson et ux to l>ar- rell Jones et ux blk 5 Pattison & M oran’s 1st add H illsboro. Fannie E H arper et al to Carrie B H am ann lot 6 blk 23 N orth Plains. Felix M cCullough et al to A M Scott NEt* o f Sec 36 T IN R5W . John W ill e* al to Melvin Denfeld et ux, 81 acres seo 7 T2S R 2W . Glenn S Ehle et ux to R uby Sims, lots 24.25,26 blk 31 W est P ortland Heights. A ndrew R Nelson et ux to Russel S Ide et ux, lot 14 V irginia Place. Bessie E Bunnier et ux to M arsh all W H y m e s ............ Sadie C A tkins to A lyce M Todd et ux part lot 2 blk 42 F orest Grove. H W’ Currin et ux to E F Gosser et ux lots 39 and 40. blk 15 Garden T rs add Hillsboro. R udolph Losli et ux to Ernest Losli et ux, 8181 acres sec 6 T2S R2W . E lof Johnson et ux to H R E d m onds et ux, lot 5 blk 48 M etzger A cre Trs. H J H opper et ux to Donald F H elm ick et ux 2 acres T IN R3W . Donald L W oodw ard, Exa to B los som Jorgenson, part blk 4 so Pk add F orest G rove. > Bert T urn bow et ux to A H T ow er et ux 8.19 acres T1 2 S. Carl O P eterson to Orel R Crcps et al 26.04 acres sec 24 T2N R4W . J E. May* et ux to W H B usch et ux, part o f sec 36 T IN R 4W . Anna B illinger to L eo M Sparks et ux, part E lkanah W alk er cl. T IN R3W . W eeta C P eck et ux to W m Sattler etux 1442 acres W m Jolly DLC. L ois A Ftoster to Nelson LePage, 1 aore W m P ointer Cl T1S R1U T he C hristian S cience M onitor J. B. Im la ys & Sons R E E D V IT J.E The Nation's No. 1 Life Insurance Policy stance O M cCleary et al. lot 5 W il low B rook Farm. Elizabeth Ireland to F M B arrow et ux 20.375 acres sec 12, T IN R3W . Luther E A lexander to Geo H Aah- baugh et ux, 4 2 4 acres sec 9 T2S R3W. C C H an cock to H enry H ering et lux, lots 4 * 7 part lot 5 blk 28 C or nelius. O fficials o f the state departm ent o f agriculture are urging all farm ers, and especially the small farm er, in every section o f O regon to take full Harry H Fessler to E tta Goaaer, 80, advantage o f the rural war produc- i acres sec 6 T2N R3W _ H H R om in e to G ilbert F B uck et tiod training program which the Freda Kahi et al to Paul Schreeck ux, iot 5 bIk 2 M ultnom ah C ountry state departm ent o f vocational edu lot 34 and part 35 Millard & Van c iub add cation is now getting under way. Schuyver Tr. . L aw rence R Lewis et ux to E arl Ulider the program , cl u s e s will be R ay Hall et ux to R ay Delsman, H H ibbard et ux, lot 6 blk 6 M ultno • FOR RENT started after fall work, or about N W 11 o f Sec T2N R3W. mah C ountry club add. Plat N o .2. N ovem ber 1, in any part o f the state, ;---------------------------------------------This sum m ons published by order R ose W elter et al to Om er T Mur C larence R R iley et ux to L Dud- F O R R E N T - O f f ic e space in brick o f the Hon M artin W. Hawkins, where 10 or m ore out-of-school per building in Beaverton, corn er, Vene- Judge o f the above entitled Court, sons, <men(, wom en or girls) over 17 phy et ux part blk 8 Geo & R osina 1 Keon ct ux p alt ,^t 333 Johnson Est . la z z ie s amended plat Beaverton. add B eaverton-R eedville acreage tian blinds, ideal for small business and date the 5th day of Novem ber, years o f age will enroll. L ucy C R olston et ux to W m L Grant W estenhaver to C A Thom p- Fourteen courses, all designed See E nterprise building, corn er Short street, B eaverton. I Date o f first publication Nov. 6, around farm operations and to a s s is t1 itzgci aid et al lots 11 & 12 blk 8 son et ux pa,q Gf gec 31 T2N R 3W tu., - u._ . o f ...... __________________________________________ | 1942. O tto B rose et ux to H enry Larsen the farm er i in his ..¡.„i vital ...... w ork wai So Park ad Forest (.rove. Date o f last publication Dec. 4, 1942. production, will be offered. B H Reehei et ux to Geo G Pat et ux. lot 16 B rookw ood . Real Estate Wanted L E S T E R SH E E L E Y , O regon’s quota o f classes is 390. for I ®* son et ux part blk 8 N aylor's add V---------------- A ttorney for P lain tiff this year. Classes will be held in Forest Grove. D ID YOU K N O W that La Paz, B o P o sto ffico Address: W A N T E D — 10 acres in eastern W ash high schools, vocational agricultural j D arryl E Gum m et ux to R ichard 306 Spalding Bldg. shops, ington county or western Multnomah local garages, blacksm ith G riffith et ux lots 2,3, and 6 blk 1 livia, 12.700 feet above sea level, is the highest capital city In the w orld ? county, partly cleared, no bldg.— K118 Portland, O regon j shops, m achine shops, rural grade North H illsboro acres. ----------------------V ---------------------- Enterprise, Beaverton. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i schools, farm organ izations’ halls 1 R ich ard G riffith et ux to T racy M or even in m em bers’ homes Spencer et ux lots 2, 3 and 6 blk 1 N H ave you looked ov er the ads this SUMMONS Instructors will include local m e -! Hillsboro acres, W ANTED w eek ? If not d o so, they ca rry a In the Circuit Court o f the State o f chanlcs, com m odity specialists and R osa D. E ckhardt et vir to Con- world o f news. Oregon fo r W ashington County. vocational agricultural teachers. W A N T E D — All Cash. 15 to 30 i H E L E N G E R T E S , P lain tiff Stress will be placed on m echanical acres, attractively im proved, g e n -1 vs- courses, as inability o f farm ers to get eral farm or acreage in W ash.. H E N R Y G E R T E S , Defendant. materials for repair o f old equipment Yam hill or C lackam as County. T O : H E N R Y G E R T E S , the above I or to get new equipm ent has d e The World's News Seen Through N ot over 20" mi P ortland. Must nam ed_d efen d a n t: IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E veloped a real need for just such have A -l soil, som e tim ber, pas courses as are now being set up. ture, orchard, Elect., near bus line, O F O R E G O N , you are hereby re by A n International Daily Newspaper quired to appear and answ er the .. The entire program . . . is financed . ... on stream preferred. Give full com plaint filed against you in t h e 1 ^ governm ent a " d handled through ¡• Truthful— Constructive— Unbiased — Free front Sensational details, exact location, price. Box the state departm ent o f vocational ism — Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily 119. B eaverton Enterprise. above entitled court and suit on or education. F’ull inform ation m ay be _____________ ________________________ ¡b efore the expiration o f fou r weeks Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make next, from and a fter the date o f first! ° bta,ined fr o «\ anV b ‘ gh school prin the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the H om e. 1 cipal or vocational education instiuc- tor, or from n Earl POULTRY HEADQUARTERS t R . Cooley, state The Christian Science Publishing Society H ighest prices paid. A sk about pear and answer> for w ant th ereof supervisor D epartm ent o f V ocation O ne, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts our pick-up service. |the pIaintiff will appiy to th., Court I al E du cation . *>aIenl Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. ------------------- V ------------------ - NnrtViWP<;t P O U L T R Y & D A IR Y for th e relief dem anded in her com - Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2 60 a Year. P R O D U C T S CO. Introductory O ffer, 6 Saturday Issues 2$ Cents. Scrap iron and steel represents j Portland O regon con tra ct now existing between plain half the weight o f a battleship, a 232 SE Oak, N a m e _ _ __ ___________________________________________ ________________ E A. 5141 SLAP tiff and said D efendant be dissolved, tank or an anti-aircraft gun. and fo r such other and further re T H E JA PS W IT H SCR AP. Address. ----------------- V----------------- lief as to the court m ay appear equit SA M P L E C O P Y O N R E Q U E S T NOTICE able. | i o conserve national supplies o f al- , This sum m ons is served upon y o u .lo y in g elem ents .scrap dealers care Laborers wanted at once. by publication by order o f Hon. R. I fully segregate alloy steel scrap from 1 Immediate job placement ! F rank Peters, Judge o f th© above : ordinary scrap. entitled Court, which Order w a s ____________ y __________ _ Apply week davs onlv. Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Jmade and dated at H illsboro, Oregon, I S crap iron and steel were not im HOD CARRIERS ' Oregon Mutual P olicies are NON A SSE SSA BLE . Y ou N E V E R pay O ctober 13, 1942. portant raw m aterials in Civil W ar m ore than the prem ium on the fa ce o f the policy. O regon Mutual AND D. D. BUM P days. The open hearth furnace, maintain* m om than three times the surplus required hy Oregon P o sto ffice and R esidence Address BUILDING LABORERS which today uses 90 per cent o f the Insurance Laws. F orest G rove, Oregon scrap consum ed by the steel indus- Union Local No. 296 Date o f first publication O ctober I try, was not operated in this country RO O M 215 16, 1942. Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company ! until 1868. Date o f last publication N ovem ber * O F M eM IN N V ILL E LABOR TEMPLE ------------------- V------------------- 13. 1942. O rganized 1894— .40 years o f R eliable Service ( has. 1« W alk er, Agent S W 4th A T J E F F E R S O N —BO M B T H E JA PS W IT H JU N K — — G E T IN T H E S C R A P — New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 ------------------- V ------------- S IM M O N S "E very F orm o f P rotection " H illsboro, O regon No. 146-682 | In the Circuit Court o f the State o f O regon fo r the County o f M ult nomah. D on ’t H ave to be P erfect Halves ’ H A R O L D O. SO W E R S, P lain tiff A ny Quantity vs. w r it e ' k . r je tte E L M A V. S O W E R S , Defendant, F roskist Ice Cream Co. T o E lm a V. Sowers. Defendant. 1010 SE 11th A ve„ Portland, Ore. | IN T H E N AM E O F T H E S T A T E OF O R E G O N : Y ou are hereby re M ilitary m o to rcy cle s, for couriers, quired to appear and answ er the | com plaint filed against you In the for speeding light guns from one I above entitled suit on or before the section to another, are an important of America’s mechanized 1 During the national emergency expiration o f fou r w eeks from the part | date o f the first publication o f this army Many are equipped with side- you are interested in the whole sum m ons upon you, and if you f a i l 1 cars for use of staff olHcers. They so to appear and answer, plaintiff cost from $400 to $450. Defense and Preparedness pro- ^ will apply to the court for the relief j prayed fo r In his com plaint, to-w lt: I gram. an absolute decree o f divorce. This sum m ons published by order j o f the Hon. M artin W H a w k in s,1 'J u d g e o f the above entitled Court, and date the 6th day o f • October, ! 1942. Date o f first publication Oct. 9. 19*2. Date o f last publication N ovem ber 6, 1942. LE STE R SHEELEY. Through Your Home 'Newspaper A ttorney for P lain tiff P o sto ffice A ddress: ... _ , ,, . . „ 306 Spalding Bldg. W e necd thousands o f these sm all Portland, Oregon m an eu verable m ach in es in our ----------------------------- 1 A rm y today. You and y ou r neigh- ) M ISC E L L A N E O U S R oute 1, B ox 330 Legal Notices Page 3 ALO H A, O R E Brick, Tile, Masonary Brick & Building Tile SEE YOUR D E A LE R norm west C olu m b ia Brick W o r k s 1320 SE W ater— Portland K ilns at Grcsham -Sylvan-Salem De Laval S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T AND S U P P L IE S F O R T H E D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y Monne M eli Ndnutdcfurtn k Distributor! €V£RYTHING , j ^ I m plaint to_wit; that the m arriage Wanted 135 NW Park — B O M B T H E JA P S W IT H SHELLED WALNUTS AT. « 6 1 JU N K — Riverview Cemetery W E ST END S E L I.W O O D B R ID G E w tuäyou Ru? w a it W A I I IJ U IV U y WOODWORKERS CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Moulding Tiers Graders and Off Bearers Lumber Handlers Frame Nailers Box Factory Cut and Rip Sawyers C om plete Funeral Service In New C athedral Chapel at N o E xtra cost R iv erv iew is a co-operative asso ciation with assets o f over $800,000 MORNINGLIGHT CHAPEL Rose Chapel-Green Room Serene Beauty - P erfect Service J. P. Finley & Son Keep Informed! Keep Alert! m n y o t t KNOW K N O W T T H H A A T T the the but but- b° bU yin * W ar them B o n d s , and D ID YOU s t r * ’ 8,1 can h e, buy the tong in general use are made from A ^ ■_ . . a the nut o f a palm tree, tagua. pro- A.r m y ’ Invest ml 1 t en percen t duced in large quantities in E cu a d or: o f you r in com e e v ery p ayd ay in War untries of | Bonds and Stamps and become a and som e other tropical , member of the patriotic "Ten Per Latin A m erica ? L'nion Scale F O U R T H AT M O N T G O M E R Y VTw ator 2181 54 Hour per Week • • • Apply 336 SE Spokane St. Portland, Oregon ---------------------- V - ------------------- — T H R O W Y O U R S T R A P IN TO T H E F IG H T — ------------------- V ------------------- CLOSED $ S M ONDAYS HEIDELBERG PARK BEAVERTON , OREGON P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 2471 cent Club.” It is rapidly becoming the largest club in the world. Featuring Home Town Newslets County Correspondence Interesting Feature News U. S. Treatury Department Roger Babson Now It’» Corporal Westran Guernsey is Sold to Denney Due to Present C ondition* ¿W U .S .W A R BONOS On the Home Front i Dale W est ran .truck dispatcher for P e te rb o ro u g h , N. H , Nov. 6 R. the air corps at McDtll field. Tam pa, B., J. T and W H. D enney o f Beav- F l a . has been advanced to the rank erton. O regon, recently purchased a o f corporal, accord in g to word re- registered Guernsey hull from It eeived by his parents. Mi and M is R o y re o f Vancouver W ash to add C. A W’ estran. 4141 SWr C ondor S t .. to their local herd. Bonnihell Count W est ran enlisted In M atch and com - 309524 fa the nam e under which thla pletsd his gunnsr a course at Har- animal ia registered w ith the Am eri- lingsn, Texas. can G uernsey C attle club. Subscribe Now, $1 a Year