rn ttO O N BOCTETT h is t o r ic a l m arket tu «». W- Oregon p o rti* »1* P U B L I S H E D J V E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T O N V O L . 15, N O . 38 Gov. Sprague Extends Scrap Metal Campaign S H O R T $T. A N D T U A L A T I N Beaverton, Oregon, Proclamation Mayor Masters has proclaimed Tuesday, October 27, as official Navy Day in accordance with the balance i of the nation. H IG H W A Y — O N L Y N E W S P A P E R IN B E A V E R T O N . Friday, October 23, llM2 Farm Truck Volunteers Registration Needed For October 22-24 Gas Sign-Up E S T A B L IS H E D Aloha Woman Hears Ot Son <n Shanghai Mis Mary C. Utter of Aloha, ro- cently received the following newsy and interesting letter written by K. F Chuck of New York "I have been in Shanghai from April 23 to June 29, 1942. and re turned to the United States on the dip lomatic exchange ship Gripsholm. arriving in New York on August 2. WhlH in Shanghai ; saw a great i<-*L._, deal of your son Darw in His busi- ness. D. H Utter A Co is still oner- is have „nr ating. So far the Japs closed it. All British and American banks and firms have been closed in 1927 Public Warned On New Black- Out Regulations * Whereas. the United States Navy is fighting the battle for freedom in the waters of the ag gressors, and Whereas, the United States Navy, Farmers may obtain assistance to j The Office of Civilian Defense at Scrap metal for the nation's war conjoined with its famed coordin " ,11 have ,l' >ml1 down effort was being gathered up in all “ >eir shades at night, under the new ated arm, the United States Ma register their trucks and pickups |the Hillsboro courthouse is recruit- sections of Washington county this from the county farm transportation ;lng volunteer clerical workers to rine Corps, has established a foot an<1 iar s‘ ric‘ er dimout regulations week as Governor Charles A. Sprague ! hold upon soil held by the enemy, committee this Thursday, Friday and , assist in the tremendous job of reg- J “ . 81 . >S!*ued by Lieut. General DeWitt extended for another week, until Saturday. All such vehicles must istering motorists for the forthcom- and is battling heroically to ex OI e Western Defense Command. be registered, or face the possibility ing gasoline rationing program and October 21. the present scrap metals Orders received by Jerrold Owen. tend that advantage, and program sponsored by all newspapers Oregon State defense coordinator, Whereas, by national tradition of being unable to buy gas, tires, ser- ¡volunteers are urged to turn in their of the country. It is understood state that previous dtmout regula- the debt the people of the United vice or parts for equipment after (names at once. few little 'harmless" Conservative tonnage estimates in __ ... tions have not reduced skyglow suf- States owe their Navy is annually November 15, warns John Kanina, that the registration will be handled ...... business life otherwise is going on as n ., , ... stock piles in this county placed the • " K ficiently and that more drastic meas emphasized through the setting chairman of the county USDA war ¡much the same as the sugar sign-up board. Four places have been ar- last spring. . urea must be taken effective next total of 570 tons as of Friday night, aside of one day to acclaim that 1 i ices have gone sky high; rice Sunday. October 25. tanged by the committee in Wash -1 The following statement has been according to County Salvage Chair- : branch of the armed forces; ington county where owners of pick-¡issued in connection with the appeal a,‘lling for about $ m h to $900 per pi- Beginning that date, shades in man John A. Kovaly, who pointed Therefore, I, E. H. Masters M ups and trucks may register their* “ The government will be unable to , . “ 'J. bi°ycles for every home must be pulled down be- out that much work was yet to be i yor of the Town of Beaverton . nher : vehicles, informs Palmer Torvend, .staff these offices with paid person- , ' $ 3.000 each a new bicycle |ow tbe ¡evej done before the county reached its j hereby proclaim Tuesday, October the lowest lamp in County Agent. These registration nel. Frankly, this war job cannot for br* H<1 ahou‘ $t 50 per Pacb roon quota of 3,919 tons. Much collection j twenty-seventh, nineeteen hundred and outdoor lights points will be Forest Grove, Cham- efficiently be done without the aid of lu>,m‘* meat $-" a pound. No auto- around the .. . . _ ------- - --- home must be shielded work remains throughout the county | and forty-two as "Navy Day“ and monnes piy the stieets except Jap from above and reduced in strength in order that the necessary stock call upon all citizens of Beaverton ber of Commerce rooms, Hillsboro, ^patriotic citizens. P^PPet-owned Our gasoline is to not more than 1 foot candle on piles be built up. The huge task re- | to take part in observance of this County Court rooms, Beaverton Ki- Need Much Help l ’**1 gallon on the black market j be ground, which is much less quires trucks and volunteer helpers. day through the many channels wanis club rooms ,and Sherwood City i "W e need men and women, young Hall.. The registration offices will and old, capable of performing ordin- n__*jf 1 ** ^Butter light than is produced by the aver Governor Gives Praise open to them and to join in a sa tioned and sells . , . , . >30 per . pound; ..... age outdoor light now. “ Oregon is doing a good job but we ' hit* to the United States Navy s e open during the hours of 1 to 6 .ary clerical, office and receptionist ; American smoking tobacco for $300. at|wt 1|jfhu clti„ and , own. will not be satisfied until we get the 1 Marine Corps. Coast Guard. Na p m. Thursday and FYiday, and 10 duties. P "The Jobs will not necessarily re-1 ■ o it goes with P "< ** going high- mu8t a)80 bo shielded a(iajnat throw- a. m. to 8 p. m. on Saturday. j val Aviation, and the Merchant last ton of scrap in,” said Governor The office of Defense Transporta- quire full time We will welcome 01 K\eryone is lettinf ko of the light upward. Store window Marine. Sprague. Whereunto, 1 have set my hand tion is mailing to all farm pickup citizens who can regularly contribute looney, a*‘ buying all they can When lighting must be confined to above “Though we have until January 1, one or two days, or even half-days t*'e imported goods are all sold out valancos and must throw no this 19th day of October, nineteen and truck owners who have a Farm- 1943, to reach of 100,000 ton figure, er s license, a certificate of War N e -,throughout the week „1? won 1 ” e milch left more than 1 foot candle of light on we feel certain that with the grand I hundred and forty-two. cessity which must be filled in for, “ No one disputes the vital neces 11 looks like Darwin will have to the sidewalk outside the window, E. H. MASTERS, cooperation o f individuals and or Mayor, Town of Beaverton each vehicle if it is to he in opera- sity of carrying out this important dunk Jap coffee the imported is $90, industrial lighting, too, must be re- ganizations, another week of this in- ’ tion after November 15. Truck own-1rubber-conservation program. It Is a can' *duced and shielded from above, tensive drive might put Oregon over --------------- V ---- ----------- ers who did not have their vehicles a job that must be done This first evacuation ship only | “ We're under orders to get tough the top by getting its quota first of, , _ , registered by December 31. 1491, will “ Volunteers are urged to register t “ ®*1 Americans from out ports of about it,” states coordinator Owen all the 48 states The thousands of Motorists Must bubmit not receive such certificates, but Immediately for duty at their local ' hinn (except Shanghai), and it "Beginning Sunday our instructions volunteer workers and the hundreds c •_! ivi l e must secure them by writing to the Defense Council or Civilian Defense ° _ 8 as though the next boat will are pro 8 PCUte pve,.y offender, not of trucks which have been rushed ^ e r i R I I t U m M r t O f Office of Defense Transportation, Volunteer Office.” ,akp the, r?"t o f . the mJt just warn on the first offense. Strict into this collection program speaks Tires Including Spare cans and those living in Shanghai. ___ Central Mailing Office. P. O. Box Assist Volunteer Sign-mi ____ __ enforcement of the new dimout regu for itself in the grand total which * o r ' 2259, Detroit. Michigan. | The county defense council execu " If Darwin is evacuated on the ]aBons is vital to the safety of the has kept Oregon well up in front ... Tire hoarders are going to be hit According to the information we tive committee has ratified the fol- npx‘ boa‘ ‘ believe the Department i foast ever since this newspaper program when national gas rationing comes have 3aid K amna. farm truck own lowing appointments to head area ot ata‘ p will inform you.” In Oregon the new orders go Into staited. next month, Richard G. Montgomery, er8 and truckers hauling more than volunteer offices, according to Mrs. --------------- V -------- i effect in all coastal cities, and in “The action of the state salvage state OPA director, revealed today. 50 per cent farm produce are asked Harry Morgan, county chairman of I Columbia, Washington, )Yamhill, Excess committee in advancing for another “ Under regulations of the national t0 brlng the appUcation form they the volunteer office Mrs L I- _ Nearly _ Million . Polk, Marlon, Clackamas, and Mult week the $2000 war bonds prizes will gas rationing program now be*nK receive through the mail to the near- Hervey, Forest Grove, at the busi T a x e s D i s t r i b u t e d t o nomah counties. Citizens are ail add to *' the grand work , *1 the Washington,,’ •- ' “ completed . in '** Mont- eg{ . u incentive . . , — - registration ---------- place .----- in — order ------ that ---- ness ... - office office; Mrs Mary Hadley at jn O r e non I vised to start observing the new boys and girls of the state have been gomery sad, motorists applying for hls registration may be conducted as Hillsboro city hall, and Mrs Blanche V ,O U n iie s w rego n 'regulations immediately so that the doing ever since September 28 when gas books will be required to submit quickly as possible Farm truck own Jones at Sherwood bank Mrs Mor- | statc Treasurer Leslie M Scott habit will he formed by Sunday the Newspaper ^metals drive program the^ serial numbers of their five tires, ers who wish help in filling out the gan reports that so far she has been Saturday distributed from excess in i ____________ y _ was inaugurated. incmuing tne spare. certificate are urged to come early unable to find anyone to take COme taxes in the general fund of the yr- . r .' , . , “The presa and the radio have co- Motonsts will be allowed onl> and muBt bring along with them the chairmanship at Beaverton stttte to counties in Oregon $ 995 - iN .lW a n ia n S Club Launch operated in fine style and brought « v e tires per vehicle Any others following information Acres of For the gas registration at the var- 778 ln heu of ,,ne-half of the 2 -miil R n V S c o u t F i n a n c e the message of this “ Scrap for Vic ‘ hey possess will be turned in. al- crops raised, livestock and poultry jous schools. Mrs Morgan explained 3tate elementary school tux for the r V , Ul »»/ "l C tory' program into every town and though they will, of course, be com- on hand, truck mileage and amount that it would be necessary to secure f i , Mt haj, of the fjscai year „nding Campaign Wednesday hamlet of the state.” pensated in some way for these extra 0f gasoline used in 1941, their loaded the needed help right in their own j uno 30 1943 The Boy Scout Finance Cam- Estimates as of October 16, accord- tires." weight of truck. This information .districts. Mad it not been for the distribution Paign was launched with flying col- ing to Chairman Kovaly, are as fol- ;is necessary before the certificates 1 ________ ... y __________ just made and a Ilk« apportionment ora at the Kiwanis club meeting last lows Beaverton, leading with wun 80 a<J q ______ . 11 • _i_ c __ 1 may b« filled out. Some member ' . . to he made next year, a 2-mlll levy Wednesday' night with 30 enthusi- tons; Hillsboro 63 tons; Garden tieaverton rllgh oCnOOl of the committee will be at each of Captain Koy J. James would have been imposed by the astio and optomistfc workers reaolv - Home 56 tons; Sherwood 31 tons; Ti- Classes Elect N ew the registration places to assist farm C o m p l e t e s T r a i n i n g year ending June 30. 1943, Scott said., ing to bring It to a successful con gard 26 tons. Gaston 16 tons, and Q ^ j ^ fm tiuckers in filling out their certifi- 8 The distribution of April 9, 1942, elusion by a week from Friday Cornelius nine-tenths of a ton. v / i i u v u ,U I * 1,58 1 c * c a t e s . The transportation commit- Recent completion of the Summer served to eliminate the l.m lll prop- n|Kht The workers demonstrated school children, as usual, are ^t. elections held recently at Beav- ‘ ee '’ a8 a suPPly ° ‘ information Session of the Officers (raining eity tax levy which otherwise would their faith tn the Scouting in the Scouting program more than doing their part,” asserted *erton high school .the following were fcrnls for ou‘ the certificates School at the Spokane Army Air De have been inlposed for the half year and the necessity for additional funds Chairman Kovaly. “They serve as elected claas officers: Freshman of The Chairman of the Transport« potM Washington, found the name of ,,nding June 30, 19s2 to extend the program materially ln an object lesson to their elders in ,fice,g were; president, Jim Leh ‘ ion committee pointed out that these Capt Roy P. James former Tigard The amounts distributed will be this area by themselves offering to the country as a whole. man; vice president, Arthur Moshofs certificates will be necessary for le Oregon, resident, among the roster of credited to the elementary school contribute a large amount in addition County trucks and their drivers k y . secretary, Duane Cushman; operation of the truck after No 33 officers graduated funds of the several counties, to the time and effort necessary to have been doing fine work in pick- treasurer, T$)m Courtwright. (vember 15, and the registration pro- The session was familiarly known Multnomah county received. $339, complete the campaign. Chairman ing up scrap, according to Chairman Sophomore officers are: Presi Kram se‘ UP by the county committee as the “ Dawn Patrol" around the 6*5933 ¡Felix Sorbets and his executive com Kovaly, who said there was consider- dent^ jim Harrison;” vice"* president is l,es'Kned ‘ ° assist farmers to for- depot, inasmuch as classes convened Washington county was apportlon- mittee, Hal W. Inman, K. H. Masters able need for volunteer help to assist George Dussin; secretary Hilda mu‘ a‘ e hauling plans that will com- early five days a week before the ed $28,636.89 and F. H. Goyt will have a sizeable the drivers in the pick-up. Balfe; treasurer' Fted Van Horn P*y with the^ order and still permit day shift of depot civilian workers sum to start the campaign o ff In Pilfering from scrap metal Pi,es reporter, Bill Diihaime; yell leader, pffic'* nt operation of their farms went on duty great style. On “ Graduation Day”> the loe»« American Discoverers was decried this week by* Kovaly, p an Freeman ” song 'leader "Keith Mpmbers oi thp Transportation Com Bright and early next Sunday morn who said that besides being King highly Cook. pianjst, 'D oris Johnson.’ mlttee are: Henry Ha* * R ee'1 man received his certificate ing at 8 a. m. at the Kiwanis club (iff,Tel St. Marys Subiect President Chairman, Robert Warren, L ally from the Commanding Officer unpatriotic it was against the law Junior officers hall a big breakfast will be served and would subject anyone caught in Chet Slovich vice president Bob J Heesacker. and R. Glenn Ritchey. Col. Bernard J. Tooher. American Discoverers was the for all the workers and you are In such stealing to prosecution. I f ¡Moore; secretary. Grace Rich treas Forest Grove, Henry Johnson, Beav No charge will he headline slogan in English classes at vited to attend. people will break up the scrap so that Urer, Warren Hohnstein • pianist erton- anfl Leroy Mills. Henry Melte St. Mary's of the Valley during the. made for this program and brenk L I B R A R Y NOTES it cannot be used in its original state. Gelene G ele n e Hohhs veil leader. le n d e r nick bel<e. ar|d J. W Kamna, Hillsboro. Hobbs; yell Dick past week. The upper-clasamen fast. Hours 2-5 Sat Eves. 6-8 it will help in combatting this sott p 0 mpetier; song leader, Helen Ran- gave an interesting program on the! Anyone not contacted by the Scouts Many grand new books have just subject, at a general assembly. Out- thay leave their contributions at the of thing, he said dall; reporter. Freddy Boyles — BOMB TH E JAPS W IT H JUNK at rived at the library. The scrap metal from the various Senjor officers are; President,! A numbei of stundjng numbers were a panel «Ms-, Beaverton city hall. piles will probably not be moved as George Mick; vice pre 8 ident. Ronald R p r m h l i c t n M e f»t , .. ° rt**' TT* cussion t,\ M McMahon. (Mare ----------------V- of these is The Glass Key by Dashill m Moshofsky. Sitton and soon as some people may expect ac- Christensen: sergeant al arms. Mai- — , ” . _ , P „. u o i i u i a n ~ y , Mary y j Ann \n n n illO O , a n il 1 * 1 1 . v 17 I T • • I— T — W V , »— . H * L _ M.tlUnt. , r 1 L,„ 'I ’ U • a , e Hammett, the author of the Thin Martha i j,vote; a rievei and origin- Albert J. Vaia training cording to Kovaly, because these colm McMinn; secretary, Marilu Lo Thursday, O c t o b e r 29 Man stories stock piles are being built up out of hu8; treasurer, Paul Swanson; song It is as exciting as the a, skit Columbus in 1942 written by F o r E n t ï i n e e r i n e D u t v C.n gin eerin g LfUly necessity throughout the ration so as 1(,ader Evangeline Moshofsky; pian- There wil1 he a mpe“ nK of thp Thin Man is this story of crime K „ a Schnelder; a .election by the o be available to the tsteel mills of — - - - 1 -1 — *— / - ■ ----- ... mills of ist> Pat8y Heinrich; yell leaders. Zel Washington County Republicans at among the politician bosses, gamb Mjrjnm Chora, anJ mug|cn] salectlon8' F«r t lg*onard Wood. Mo Albert J the country. However, it will be ‘ da Heisel and Hercules Alex, and re »he H.llsborq Chamber of Commerce |er* and gunners of a machine boss- hy Bernadine Smith and Rita Schne- Vala. tof Beaverton, who recently en accomplished as soon as it can be porter. Monte Meyers. (on October 29 at 8 p ed city It opens with the murder ¡de|. .tered military service, has arrived nt sorted and routed to the mills. of a . senator's son. and before Miss Dorothy ¡the Engineer Replacement Training --------------- V — . . . . . . . . . . it . is ■ Early » in the — week ------, ----- --------------- V ---- Keep Piles Growing finished the man who is Lacking McGinley presented the moving pic- Center here for extensive train- Added to PoEce Force Our hope is that these piles will Beaverton P. T. A. Board down the murderer has smashed ~ tun — The New Oiegon Trail which ing program in preparation for be added to as often as possible for M a k e Extensive Plans Charles Henderer. 23. of Beaverton cials a bad caso of shakes. ’ " ' « lvert a v,vld contrast to the themes hat engineer duty the duration of the war , declared ° u “ h" '' of the years 495, 1000, and 1402 Training will include basic subjects Another book is The Case of the Kovaly. “ We hope these piles will At the board meeting of the P T has been added to the Portland po- The student body has chosen Mar- like close and extended order drill, lice force. Dangerous Dowager, a Perry Mason never be empty as long as the war a this week there was a good at . . i Henderer, ic iiu c ic i, wiiu Kittuunirti 1 1 4 *1 1 1 the in' who graduated from ^ written by Earle Stanley Gard garet McMahon for president, C lare, manual of arms, rifle markmanship lasts so that there will always be tendance and 1 1 f * < , n f « KW W rm * • V « — k / . 1 n ,1 n 4 4 A S A / I A/l Moshofsky. vice-president, and Ange- and combat principles as well as the any good piojects g;|kton o \ r »- ., L high school and attended setap metals available from which Were presented. „ *»ner. lina Sohler, secretary treasurer. functions of military engineering the mills may draw." A t the regular monthly meeting StRte C°^ .*** tw° A large group of resident students , use of tools and equipment, building Donald M Nelson war production Tuesday, October 27. at the grade haS been to ,he record bu enjoyed a piping weiner and marsh- o f fixed and floating bridges, demoli- Enlistements board chief, told the nation's news school at 7:30 p. m . a good program reaU' mallow roast in Lzrretta Grove over tion and construction of roads and Beaver- William Joseph ft^inland, papers Friday that they had done a has been arranged and there will b e ------------- the week end. October's contrihu- obstacles. Soldiers go frori here to ton. in U. S. Coast Guard. magnificant and unprecedented job a panel discussion on hot lunches for C^aSS F o r A d u l t * tion of color and weather added tone tartful units or to special training in carrying on the nation-wide house tbe grade school children. Eldon Clinton Del^ashmutt, Mult- especially to those who had remained or officer candidate schools. hold scrap salvage campaign during' Fathers and mothers are urged to A beginning typewriting class for nomah. in Navy, • at the academy oveil the week end y the past several weeks attend even though they are not a<lu“ a will be held Monday evenings Edward E Alexander Tiuaid in foi the firs’ time _ , _ v ' “ to 9 p m. at the y avy< New Tasks Accepted members. This is a subject vital ftom 7 30 p m ( Honor studenti for the past six Graham S. Young "The job that the newspapers have to the health of all children, come Beaverton High School, Geraldine o Con Candidate .for Coroner November 2nd if the eTollm en" , Chjsrle. Joseph Hemrich. Beaver- week's period are done is absolutely unprecedented in V r.er, Rita Schneider, and Angelina this country. It has been magnifi- _TH R O W YO U R SCRAP IN TO reaches twenty. Call the High School ion' ln navy_ Sohler Graham S. Young, D. M. S., an James Delbert McAllister, Multno cent The results surpassed the fond- T IIE F IG H T— or mail a postcard if interested nounces his candidacy for tbs office mah, in navy. eat hopes that I entertained when I ____y ____________ SCRAP IRON MEANS of County Coroner. He is a native the publishers to come in a •• D T A Q I Preston Drake. Beaverton, in navy. \ I C T O I 1 born Oregonian and was educated in W EST SLOPE few weeka ago and discuas the prob- L O O p fT IVlt. r . I . A , b a s k e t Joseph Anthony Bross. R 6 . Box ---------------V - ------------- j schools of Oregon. Was a resident of COM M UNITY CHURCH lem of our materials shortage and S o c i a l O c t o b e r 3 0 th 899. coast guard. , Washington county 11 years and ac U N ITE D P R E S B Y T E R IA N Scrap Collection how the newspapers could help.” Benny Ioawrence I arson. Tigard, tive In business and civic affairs all SW Gabel lan e With that statement Nelson urged Cooper Mt. P. T A are planning Progressing Nicely roast guard. j tl^s time. Mr. Young is 34 years of Rev H. A. Armitage, Pastor the newspapers to turn increasing at- a basket social and costume party to Carl Frederick Daufel. Tualatin, Is a resident of Tigard and If At 11 a. m the Rev. W. R. Saw- tention to the problems of indus- be held at Cooper Mt. school on Oct. Time for collection of scrap has age. elected will have offices In Tigard trial scrap salvage 30. A good program, free Baskets hill D D . of Seattle, Synodical Sup» < oast guard. been extended thru this week and a ---------------V ----- ■ ------ of Missions, will preach on My meeting will be held soon by the and Hillsboro. The newspapers' “ wonderful job” , to be sold. Free coffee. Saturday. November 14th the Civ committee to sort and «ell the ma It Is impossible for Mr. Young to Church. Nelson said, had resulted in increas- ------------- V - - ■ ■ ■ contact personally every person, due * . The congregation. with approxim ilian Defense is giving a carnival at terial. ing the flow of scrap to steel furn to the present restriction on tires, Marriage Licenses ateiy thirty charter members, will be the Beaverton Grade School for the aces that must be kept going It is estimated there is about 60 William Underwood. R2 Box 521 organized by a commission appointed benefit of all defense units in East "The whole campaign has been a tons of scrap at the high school and and he has taken this means of reaching the public. Kerkland, by the Presbytery of Oregon com P,-n Washington county, major contribution to the war ef Beaverton, and Kathryn the boys deserve special praise for route 3. box 1168. Beaverton posed of Rev H A Armitag#. as He urges everyone to buy War fort." Nelson told the newspaper their efforts Othpr scrap tn other .qa'^ng."'Bo'nds .„ r f“ stamps and turn Wilbur Uvingston. Beaverton, and moderator Rev E E Martin and men. places is estimated at 80 tons Mr and Laura Shoote. Vancouver, Wash elders C B Walker. Leslie M Finch in all scrap to help win the war. ---------------V --------------- Richey hopes to reach a goal of 100 Harold H Graetx. Multnomah, and and E. E Krueger The Sacrament ---------------V ---- ---------- — Keep 'em firing—with Junk!— SAVE tons before the end o f the week A Veola Robinson, Hillsdale 0f Baptism will be administered —THROW YOUR SCRAP INTO lack of truck facility slowed up the ‘ THE FIGHT— ---- V ---------- — The people of the surrounding drive, although the county truck* NOVEMBER FOR — ------------ V --------------- ARTHUR PRESTON community are responding In a very have helped Funeral services were held Monday fine way and rapid growth is expec' --------------- V --------------- C IVILIAN D EFENSE D EFINED at P eggs Chapel in Beaverton, for ed in this new field The Rev H S A L V A G E 14th Arthur Preston, aged 75. cousin of a Armitage under the appointment Faster Lilies Bloom "Civilian Defense might be de 1NF4*KM kTION Mrs Eva M Hawkins of Portland of the Board of American Missions. Mrs $Yed Harris. 2812 SW Miles. fined as the volunteer non-mlll- Interment Crescent Grove cemetery with the approval of the Presbytery Multnomah, reports sha has two Eaa-1 DEFENSE tary Army of the United State#— --------------- V --------------- ¡of Oregon, is the pastor A two acre Beaverton 3552 ter lilies in bloom She describes | recruited, and trained in fighting CALL Next T u e s d s y Congregational lot has been purchased on Multno- them as most beautiful specimens ! »h i» war within our own territor C A R N IV A L churcti Bazaar and Victory Harvest mah Golf Club Road, and a new and exceptionally fragrant. These | ial limits " —James M Landis. D i or 2481 dinner 5 30 to 8 p m Adults 75c, church will be built as soon as pr>s 1 same lilies bloomed eaoliet this year rector, OCD. children 40 c ent restrictions make this possible at Easter time. a