Friday, O ctob er 16, 1942 Classified Rates TWO Cents a word per issue. Minimum 25c CASH with copy Minimum Charge on Classified Ads not paid at Time of Inser tion— 30c. B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E . Beaverton, O regon f • I Female Help Wanted — f t HELP W AN TED Notices Page 3 Real Estate Transfers Jacob Mueller to Blanche et al, tract 110 Bonnyslope Geary YV ANTED— Supt for Aloha-Hu- Alina Juupe to Carl J. Froude et 1 ■ry, lot 7 Hren'm Huntville. l° lda May Hen‘ ux. f> acres sec 10 T2S R1W. ber Water Diat. Permanent, must Archie Dempsey Herron et ux to SUMMONS • Emma Pitman to E A Birch et understand wood pipe. See W. H Geo E Will et ux part sec 12 T18 McGrath, Bx 182, route 3, Beaver In the Circuit Court of the State of ux. IP acres sec 13 TIN R5YV Oregon for Washington County. ton. Jorgen M Petersen et ux to Anna R1W. We Publish the HELEN GERTES, Plaintiff M Hart et vlr N 1, uf N 4 of lot 74 Bradford Fowlea et ux to John Ep- BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE vs. Johsnon Est add Beaverton Reedville ler et ux 7 acres Sec 16 T3N R3W MULTNOMAH PRESS WANTED— A woman from 10:30 HENRY GERTES, Defendant. Janies Lewis et ux to Robert S TIGARD SE N ! IN El. H F Valliere et ux to Robert A a. m to 4:30 p. m . care of child TO: HENRY GERTES, the above Burnside, lots 1.2 7 * 8 Blk 5 Bcav- Valliere et ux lot 16 blk 5 Beaver- ren. Phone Beaverton 3442 ALOHA NEWS named defendant: erton. brook add Beaverton. Complete E a s t e r n Washington IN THE NAME OF TME STATE H O Britton et ux to Edith A County and Western Multnomah jOF OREGON, you are hereby re Fulton, lot 109 Bunny Slope plat 2 V\ ANTED—High school girl work County Coverage ¡quired to appear and answer the Emilv v Marshall to Edith A for bd and room, address 905 Lom We assume no financial respon complaint filed against you in the Blunn tract 13$ Bonny Slope More Warcrop* Wanted bard St., Beaverton. sibility for errors which may ap | above entitled court and suit on or Oregon wheat growers are asked to Glenn S Khle et ux to Charles pear in advertisements published | before the expiration of four weeks divert as much wheat acreage as —THROW POUR SCRAP INTO Park lots 33.34,35,36 blk 21 W Port in these columns but in case ¡next, from and after the date of first they - can to crops more needed in THE FIGHT— , where this paper is at fault will publication of this summons on Octo land Hts. the war effort. Approved Wat- J B Fiost to Irene M Ellis, lots 9 reprint that part of an advertise 16. 1942, and if you fail so to ap- crops which can be substituted for Men & W om en are Needed ber ment in which the typographical pear and answer, for want thereof and 10 blk 13 Garden Trs Add Hills- wheat to qualify a farm for produc PERSONAL mistake occurs. the plaintiff will apply to thq Court boro. tlon adjustment payments under the on D ay & Night Shifts for the relief demanded in her com- Helen H Barber to Jorgen N Peter- 1P43 AAA program, include cover WILL CARE For Children by the plaint, to-wit: that the marriage sen et ux 4 acres seo 14 TIN R 4W crop seeds such as Austrian peas, • week. BEacon 9715. Hillsdale. | REAL ESTATE contract now existing between plain- Andrew W01 rnsborg to Harry R Willamette vetch, Common and Hun tiff and said Defendant be dissolved, Johns et ux part D C Graham Cl Harlan vetch, hairy vetch and com- Help feed our F ighting Men TRADE and for such other and further re s2 T ijj B1W-. mon ryegrass, sugar beets, flaxseed, SELL IT NOW! bet as to the court may appear equit- Tre8H Herb et ux to OUwr B dry beans and dry peas Payments • Take advantage of the best will also be conditioned on the FOR TRADE—1939 Ford Truck market in years and dispose of * This summons is served upon you Ik>yd' et al t,act ln Fo,es« ° ' ove farm's 1943 war crop goal being met. This is a chance to do good tires. 15.000 mi., for small your idle land. Consult with us by publication by order of Hon R. I ° '« ‘n l ’- Teed et ux to Linsiley acreage with improvements. Les on your ' acreage or suburban Flank Peters, Judge of the above Hay Shull et ux Part Richard W il-' ter Ridling, Newberg, Ore., bx 333 your p a r t! home problems now. Portland's entitled Court, which Order was hams Cl 42 TIN R2W . leading suburban specialists for made and dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, Earl J Bailey et ux to Bessie I. i Men are dying for the Four 22 years. “Save the lives of your friends by [ October 13, 1942. White, part lot 4 blk 18 Forest G rov -, Freedoms. The least we can D. P BUMP j y Collins et ux to John L Searcv 1 COMTE & KOHLMAN CO. careful driving. d# here at home is to buy Postoffice and Residence Address et ux part lot 3 blk 2 Hillsboro. ' | 601 GUARDIAN BLDG., AT. 0116 War Bonds — 10% for War Forest Grove, Oregon Portland Alice Connolly et nl to Joseph T Bonds, every pay day. FOR SALE Date of first publication October Smith, 40 ucres sec 33 TIK RIW 16. 1942. Josephine E Jack et ux to T YV Date of last publication November WANTED—About 10 acres partly, Mallory et ux 11.175 acres sec 8 T1S IS. 1942. FOUR Part Persian Kittens t o , cleared, no bldgs., - K-118 Beaverton: R2W. Due to Present Conditions be given away. Call Beaverton i ____________________________________ • Enterprise, Beaverton. | State of Oregon to C W Stiuthers 2514. 105 SE Yam hill St., ^ CLOSED M ONDAYS MOOKK v». MOO It F. ,?t u* lot 34 Kennedy Acres. SUMMONS Tom Stigum et ux to John Feugy f t Real Estate Wanted P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N j In the Circuit Court of the State of et ux lots 7,8,9, & 10 blk 6 North FOR SALE—Wood Heater, reason- 1 Oregon for the County of Multno- Plain-» able 4304 SW Pendleton St., Mult j BE A VERTOV, OREGON W ANTED—Small mpveble build nomah, Mrs. Ryan. ma*1- John H Dobbins et ux to Hugo F ing. about 12x14, within 1 mile of PHONE BEAVERTON 2471 W1LIJAM C MOORE, Plaintiff MacKey et ux part of sec 36 T1S Aloha. Bx 115, Aloha. v® RlW. THOMPSON Upright Piano, ex HAZEL MOORE, Defendant cellent condition, $85. H K. Mar ,To Hazel Moon', the above named - __________________________ DAKOTA FARM WANTED. Also tin, Bend road, Tigard, phone Ti | defendant: other midwest and Canada land. gard 3368. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Write 8904 SW Barbur Blvd., Save 20 to 25Ur on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS OF OREGON: You are hereby re- Portland. P Oregon Mutual Policies are NON ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay ¡quired to appear and answer the MANURE I'or Sale — Martin’s more tliun the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual ; complaint filed against you in the Poultry Farm, Bend road, Tigard. maintain* more than three times the surplus required by Oregon j above entitled suit on or before the FOR RENT Insurance Laws. expiration of four weeks from the MODEL A FORD, good tires, $70 ¡date of the first publication of this SEE Mrs. Clemens for Room and Phone Beaverton 2248. H. summons, if you fail so to appear Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company Board. Inquire at The Freezer, j cash. F or Arm y, N avy, D. Ferguson, Oak ave., Beaverton. and answer, plaintiff will apply to o f M c M i n n v i l l e Tigard. Lend Lease the court for the relief prayed for in Organized 1894 40 years of Reliable Service Chaa. I - Walker, Agent ihis complaint, to-wit: An absolute and Civilian W orkers FOR SALE—2 5-gal. cream cans. FOR RENT—Office space in brick New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 I decree of divorce from the defend Dessie Wood, Rl, Bx 826, Beaver-j building in Beaverton, corner, Vene ant; that defendant be granted the ton. "Every Form of Protection” Hillsboro, Oregon tian blinds, ideal for small business care and custody of the minor child See Enterprise building, corner Short : of the said marriage, and that plain street, Beaverton. GOOD BURBANK POTATOES - ! tiff contribute the sum of $30.00 per You dig, furnish container $2.25 month for the care and support of pepr 100 lb field run. Inquire Wm. | said child. PAINTS Saxton, Farmington Road, co r., ' This summons is published by or- Lang av., or phone Beaverton 2465 ! der of Hon. Martin W. Hawkins, Judge of the above entitled Court. Imlay’s Fresh Dated the 22nd day of Sept., 1942. Mixed Feeds Date of first publication Sept. 25th, FOR SALE—Gray enamel smooth Electricity helps make America's war planes some of the world's 1942. FISHER THORSEN PAINTS top gas stove with garbage burn most deadly weapons. Here are a few of the ways in which G-E Date of last publication October 23, er, also hot water, coils In For quality, fair price and For Full equipment serves in the air. 1942. stalled in it. Wonderful baking service LESTER SHEELEY. oven with heat regulator. Sell or P art-Tim e W o r k J. B. I inlays & Sons Attorney for Plaintiff reasonable. Mrs. Shaw, Metzger, REEDVILLE ALOHA, ORE. H igh School B oys 16 or over P. O. Address, CH. 2984. 306 Spalding Bldg Can secure Perm its to w ork Portland, Oregon I Brick, Tile, Masonary FOR SA LE -Fonner’s Tract on S. Walnut ave., 4 to 9 acres, city i SUMMONS water and gas through tract. Verne No. 146-682 1 M. Fonner, phone Tigard 3152. or In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Mult I A pp ly at nomah. SEE YOUR DEALER SEWING MACH. EMPORIUM J HAROLD G. SOWERS, Plaintiff New & used machines, parts and Columbia Brick Works vs. repairs. All makes. Guar, perf EI.MA V. SOWERS, Defendant, 1320 SE Water—Portlund sewing 826 SW 3d. AT. 0727. 1. Lamps are the eyes of the plane 2. Radio combines the voice and To Elma V. Sowers. Defendant. Kilns at Greshani-Sy Ivan Salem Portland. at night, ranging in size from the ears of the plane, allowing com- IN THE NAME OF THE STATE cockpit lamps no larger than a pea munication between the pilot and OF OREGON: You are hereby re to landing lamps of more than his squadron, and the ground and BUY what you do need. . . Dining room set, 4 chairs, over quired to appear and answer the half a million candlepower. •ca forces. SELL what you don't need. stuffed chair; radio, 3 rockers, j complaint filed against you in the fruit jars, sideboard. CHerry 1844. , above entitled suit on or before the expiration of four weeks from the date of the first publication of this MISCELLANEOUS summons upon you, and if you fail so to appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief SE 22d and Pow ell for Comforters and Mattresses prayed for in his complaint, to-wit . B U IL D IN G Any Size and Weight . Old Matted an absolute decree of divorce. Portland, O regon Wool Recarded Just Like New This summons published by order and Pure Virgin Wool Batts for Sale of the Hon. Martin W Hawkins, Judge of the above entitled Court, Rem odeling and date the 6th day of October, Crystal Springs W oolen M ills FRANK E. SCHMIDT 1942. 2124 SE Umatilla, Portland LA 4477 Date of first publication Oct 9 Route 1, Box 33« Tigard Ore. 19*2. Date of last publication November 3. Instruments are the sensitive 4. Superchargers are the lungs of brain that relays messages to the the plane, pumping extra oxygen to 6. 1942. Dead atock picked up free of pilot from all parts of the ship and the carburetors, giving our planes LESTER SHEELEY, charge anywhere. Call helps him to control the plane in the altitude so necessary to modern Attorney for Plaintiff SEPARATORS — MILKERS collect. UN. 1221; night call its flight. warfare^ Postoffice Address COMPÌ.ETE EQUIPMENT ANI) CH. 2403 or UN 0449 DENLKY 306 Spalding Bldg SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY RENDERING CO., Portland. General Electric believes that its first duty as a Portland, Oregon INDUSTRY good citizen is to be a good soldier. Be sure to send your legals to your HIDES St WOOL, CASCARA— A Genera/ E le c t r ic Company, Schenectady, H. K, specialty. I.EE BROS,. 25 SW local paper. V\ ANTED—Middle aged woman to care for house . 2 small children G oo 4 Home, Mrs Peterson. Beav erton 3138. CANNERY WORKERS STARR FRUIT PRODUCTS CO. L HEIDELBERG PARK Libby Cannery Now Packing Food Men and Women WANTED Wings o f V icto ry At Once EAst 5189 Brick & Building Tile Libby, McNeill & Libby WOOL CARDING Plani De Laval WOODWORKERS Monne k Oriteli PMlMUctwV't 0htrlh«Wn 1VCRYTMING r ,\ - d a Í r V m a n * * Clay, Portland. Atwater 5334. FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. i W AN TED NOTICE 135 NW Park AT. 6461 Have you looked over the ads this week? IX not do so, they carry a world of news. Laborers wanted at once. Immediate jo b placement ! A pply week days only. HOD CARRIERS Riverview Cemetery WEST END SELLWOOD BRIDGE AND BUILDING LABORERS L’ nion Local N o. 296 ROOM 215 CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverview is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800,000 LABOR TEMPLE SW 4th AT JEFFERSON Moulding Tiers Graders and Oil Bearers Lumber Handlers Frame Nailers Box Factory Cut and Rip Sawyers U nion Scale 54 H our per W eek • • • A pply 336 SE Spokane St. Portland, O regon POULTRY HEADQUARTERS Highest prices paid. Ask about our pick-up service. M ^,».4 POULTRY A DAIRY norinwesi p r o d u c t s c o . 232 SE Oak, Portland Oregon EA 5141 -THROW YOUR SCRAP INTO THE FIGHT— BOMB THE JAPS WITH JUNK MORNINGLIGHT CHAPEL Rose Chapel-Green Room Serene Beauty • Perfect Service J. P. Finley & Son FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY ATwster f i l l ionm-RDs O r » c,k V L t 1 J U P P O * U.S.WAR BONOS Americas' Junior Army can fight the war with Salvage. Get in the scrap. GENERAL B E L E C T R IC