Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1942)
RMVPmmá¿&MTHiPRlSE U. H. n m U U L^^rggtAmerica fr h,T n,™ PLANS foR me yfPR l 'U b lith e r ''C ijÉ Published Friday o f each week by tbt Pioneer Publishing Co , at Beaverton, Oregon. Entered aa aecond-eiaea matter at the poatofflce at Beaverton. O it One Tear B is M on th « Friday, October 16, 1942 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Orejón P ig e 2 Three M on th s--------------- — $ 36c Subscription Payable In Advance. A HUMBER OF WICT COAST FOREST OWNERS AHUMBE L A N N ID AHO M A P P E © T » e A R E A S t o MAVÌ P PUIS cuv . FOR AS M A MV AS SO OR 6 0 S C A B S 5 0 U P U U H 6 TM fie LOGGING OPERATIONS TO RETURN TO SECOND GROWTH TREES WHEN THEY ARE MATURE, TW*V ARE GUARANTEEING A PERPETUAL TIMBER CROP Beaverton Office— Enterprise Bldg , Phone Beaverton 2321 Hillsboro Office— Room S, Delta Bldg., Phone 1641 Portland Office—SOS Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater tiSyl Produc Tip» on Procedure Potato Marketing Pack Begin» for Bird» Eye Food» Harvesting and immediate quick - 1 The small potato producer who fieezing of cauliflower for Birds Eye grades his crop by the field run, culls Frosted Foods began October 1, at out, method usually hat a combma- the B E Maling. Inc., of Hillsboro. tion grade which mutt be branded U. Oregon The pack will laat approx- S. No. 2, provided he actually has re- imately 60 days moved the culls, the state depart- Facilities at the B. E. Maling plant ment of agriculture says in calling employ quality control and quick- attention of potato growers and freezing methods exclusive to Birds dealers to requirements of the Ore- Eye which are in a large part res- gon potato law. ponsible for the tremendous accept- fo r consumer benefit, all hags of ance Birds Eye foods have had with potatoes must be branded with: 1 . consumers since they were intro- Name of state where grown; 2 . grade duced eleven years ago. At that time Qf potatoes; 3. name and address or tthe products were available in only a brand of the grower or dealer; and •». few stores in New England. They net weight. Potatoes sold in open are now sold through more than bins in stores must have a display 16,000 retail outlets throughout the caid showing grade, name and ad- country, as well as hospitals, hotels, dreS8 0f grower or dealer and state air lines and restaurants. .where potatoes were’ grown. ---------------V --------------- Potatoes moving in ton lots or | —BOMB TH E JAPS W IT H JU NK— more must he inspected for grade. ___________ y ____________ Both the man who transports and . , 01 . . _ the man who receives uninspected Guide for Blacking Out lots is in violation of the law if he Poultry J Houses Issued faiU to cal1 upon the dePa“ n'en‘ for United Statea troopa soldier*, aail inspection. ora and marines) are now fighting or Oregon poultry raisers are extend- Besides No. 3 grade already men- stationed in 31 foreign countries or ing themselves to produce every egg tioned, generally used potato grades territories. Small wonder, then, that p.nd eveiy pound of meat possible in this state are U. S. No. 1 and culls industry must go full fores, for It with thir faculties Such all-out war a potato bag stencil may be obtain- takes a tremendous amount of war food production calls for artificial td by any grower or dealer by send- Implements to equip these men. lighting of poultry houses from now ing 2 S cents to Frank McKennon, Rallying to the cause, baby-car on through the winter. At the same chief Division of Plant Industry, Ag rlage manufacturers have converted time the poultrymen know that they rjCuKural building, Salem. Potato to food carts for field hospitals. may be called upon without warning standard) and laws may also be ob Producers of lipstick have converted to put on a complete blackout. tained by writing there or to W. E to bomb fuses, outboard motors to The problem of maintaining egg Upshaw, Manager SDA Branch Of gun carriages, business machines to GEORGE W ASH IN G TO N production with an interrupted lay- fice 513 Oregon building, Portland shells, hand clippers to projectiles, "Promote, then, aa an object of ing schedlule can be met only by beer cans to hand grenades, mouse primary importance, institutions preparing well in advance for black traps to tripod mounts, adding ma- for the general diffusion of know ing out the poultry house promptly, cliins to automatic pistols, vacuum ledge In proportion as t h e Learn to Dance according to a new extension circu- cleaners to gas masks parts, motor structure of a government gives i lar No. 388, just issued by the de cars to tank, and airplane engines, At the oldest dancing force to public opinion, it is essen partment of agricultural engineering New York City, October 16—With i radios to flying instruments, type tial that public opinion should be school in Portland . . all this talk about IN F L A T IO N _____ ________ ____ and poultry husbandry at Oregon writers to shell-casings .and common enlightened.’ ' PA TTE R SO N DOW there are yet too many investors * f f . uni* Profit- no one can ®om* State college. The circular, entitled pins probably to almost any other N E Y School of Danc who do not know what to do. A p!aln' They surely are the friend Blacking Out the Poultry House, munition that can be named! ing ......................... recent trip to Wall Street convinces ° ‘ the poor and the well-to-do. gives specific plans and directions The job of conversion has been ac Both modern a n d me that investors are not fearful of Many of my friends are rooting for for darkening the OSC type poultry complished but there are still two old fashioned danc losing the war, but are afraid of the railroads as investments to meet house so completely that lights may rOLKS WE MEET major jobs to be done, one on the ing You'll have a losing the peace. In short, they aie inflation, but I don’t see it. It we continue to be used and at the same home front and one on the battle- wonderful time learn- —"Brag on me if you want to sell worrying _ ___ _ tor _ _ a _ long _ war, _ _ about what will happen to are _ in their advice time adequate ventilation will be pro- front Call AT. 7004 or AT ° u r fighting men cannot do, anything to D ad”. | their' is temporarily good. good." Those^who " ........ .................. . ing new steps their money after’“ after the’ the "war“ war but“ but aic art- *s Those who vided . their job until we civHian*-—all or us You see the 13-year old daughter doing nothing about it. This ex- buy “ rails” today, however* are, Materials needed consist of black 5780 Me Elroy's Ballroom, 4th and a onie < o ours. e traveling salesman that plains why stockbrokers are starving gambling on the length of the war building paper, used on frames and Open daily after 10.30. Call ductlon uninterrupted production day ln the crossroads store back in and banks are bulging with money and I do not believe in gambling. I as curtains, flat black paint, and for information. the most amazing production Job the Missouri. Whether or not we talk- Investors have Responsibilities had rathei buy even the stocks of cardboard or black paper reflectors; ,,________ world has ever known ed up daughter anil made a sale, j People who today are free from certain utilities which are now being for lamps and ventilators This war is a race . agrainst time. on® thing is sure—these youngsters |debt and yet hide their money in Ihe 80 unmercifully persecuted. Have You a Son Som e 1 ____________y _______ 1 he ships. Plane«, tanks and guns j become Dad’s joy and the urge that bank are like the proverbial ost. ich day they will receive justjee; they _ , In the Service produced and delivered to our many g eep, him on the job. which hides his head in the sard are in a growing business qnd they T a lk o n Glassware The perfect gift for your son in battlefronta on time can ***ir 1 —» *— *-*— *---- *— -— ■ battlefronts on In,« cari decide our W hat besides love for family will Both are trying to meet impending are not tied, bound and shackled” O n t i- M r s C lu b service fate. If we hold the Axis hordes on move a man to act? For ln8tance, changes by inaction and refusing by labor unions as utilities require * . T V " " 1* „ 4® th. n _ ti s o N A I ' . Photographs are PER- LA STIN G . . IN E X - the present fronts, while our strength |x hat moved JudaS to betray our even to think. Readers should comparatively little labor. - , A dpS8ert lu? * o, 1b p 3 p t Three 7x10, one colored, gathers, it Is possible that we Lord’ For answer, look In at that consider their children and grand- Remember to Diversify ^ ,s club was hisld at th,e hoi«e of Call AT. 9-8 8-7 look forward lo a not too far distant suoDcr in the uddct room J e n - chilrirpn T'h«* nneaoaainn ^ , Mrs. Helen Logan, 2731 SW Old for $5.95 complete, D. P E R R Y victory. r catches the eve of Z T a s and J ? ™ \ COU! 8P’ th,> Policy *■' Orchard road Thursday. October 8 . for appointment. We face the supreme test. We tell* him—"That thou doest do avoided bv letting the nurchnninc ** l° diverslfy your investments waa followed by a talk by Mrs Emil '•” * ’ have adopted the only strategy tihat quickly... At th„ Ju(ta8 Ieave8 the power of one.s money meltP away *bJ in d u sfri«“ 15' ¿ S i t * ! ? "hipped™ ™ ° n Glassware and displayed can win victory for the A » ‘« d : table and slip» out. He makes his lying Idle ln the banks. anything or anybody The United ^ collectlon tions = iii= iii= M i= iii= iii= iii= iii= m = iii= iii= iii= iii= ii For all we cherish, for our- way the temple police and later i This does not mean that your bank NaUons* w°ill “ win'’ this war The ,p >anf* to1? *or charter selves and for those who follow us. ln tile nlKht ,eada them to Gethse will be unable to pay you after the present economic system with nri- nlght hard timeS dance> set for 0ct,0' .1THURS. -FRI. SAT.-SUNDAY I, ln a land we love '• and rev« r«, w® mans, where Jesus could be found. I war. Banks are stronger i n enn. stronger today today vate vate oroDertv property as as J a hase base, 'l will con- ber 30’ at Waverly Masonic temple. produce whatever we need and at Judas had given them a sign— than ever before Every dollar you tinue. The rationing, p r i c e - f i x i n g --------------- v --------------- tack with everything we’ve got. ’’Ths one I kiss is the mam ” Up have in the bank will be paid back labor catering, etc., which may be C l u b S t o c k B r i n ? * ---------------V --------------- ^ to Jesiyi hd went and gate Him the to you when you need it. But the necessary today, are ultimately to . . . . 2/ D rm gS ¡D and His Orchestra The Land of Smiling People kiss. Thc^i followed the arrest, the purchasing power of these dollars Is result in the New Deals downfall H i g h P r i c e » A College Professor asked Alexan mock trial with false witnesses who ‘"melting” away every month The Th surest bet of all is that some dav Oregon club members received $4.- der Kerensky, the Russian, ths fol Una, ^ e, ht0 thC r 8t° ^ e8 dollar« which you have In the bank I the Republicans will return to power 875 72 for 97 fat animals exhibited lowing question: "What is the thing y » * * „ne w„P rH I T ' . 7 they a " will m a a ” the WU* “ land sIide! a" d 8°>d a‘ a®<*i°n the state . fair under oath and In one fearless word, what buv todav. , , , , _ on . _, in America that Impressed you moat He bring» to pass all that they had In What to Invest M.V fathe‘ t U8ed have a printed * ,ounds in early September. Aver- when you first came here?” what , ha|1 r do wifh mv f ard , on Kh ‘ 8 deok u reading ¡ - T h e age pace received were : beef $24 61 "That is easy," was Kerensky a an hoped to get by* their deceit. He af-j 1 „Then m en wnat snail I do with my time to buy is when no one else per hundred; hogs. $17.65; sheep. Blas- money?” you ask. swer. "In America the people firms He is the Son of God. The usual an wants to buy.” There were 65 hogs, 8 baby a This— in my judg $29.18. smile.” wm^Ood s ^ n d d'ii, *wel to thi® question is to Invest ment especially now applies to beeves, and 24 lambs sold. Americans smile because they are 3 . « d h / L , 1 l" > , ,n • t r * . : ,,h * ■ » « < « » m * .««™ . ,im t ,„, „ ----- v . free. There are no Gestapoe to fear; no firing equads to shoot them down If they want to listen to their radios. They can worship God according to Now back to Judas a moment ••„Ood" means I renlv •stoi-k of -,>m_ : ,, do' 1 believe it is the dictates of their conscience. They pa 1 ot * ’ Profitable and can put into office thg men they What was the urge in his heart all panj e8 without debt and wNch Sold thi. time? It was the love of .non- a " e reserves of raw ma7er ials a d k 7 » PU‘ tb i,8 money to work;, want to govern them. «V 1 For thirty nieces of silver the . ®»®rves of taw materials and _ bul diversify and keep out of debt » o r imrxy pieces oi suvei ini natural reserve such as oil. timber Two More i„ Americans smile because in Am •y. \ metal, ore, natural gas. coal, ch» »1-1 ... ,r , erica human personality la supreme. pricA of a slave he sold Jesus c a ,8 etc „ My favol itp of a„ nat. (1> Tbe »8,500.000,<W0 which the The aim of democracy Is to help the t*r. when h® knew that Jesus was ural reaoUrc«s is an honestly ac- 3enate Ta^ 7 ‘,2 o E T ^ T ^ ,n addl individual to grow and to give him to b® crucified, h® c r ie d - ’T have * ° n to the »^'^^'OOO.OOO which tie an opportunity to attain happiness betrayed the innocent blood,’ and quirad good watei power he want out and took, his own life. _ . . ar® already paying in Federal taxes. and success. E' en auch kot»d companies i w » Even this makes a total of only Americans smile because they have With Judas it was, thinking money, ,Thpy are $25,500.000,000 or about onq thirl the hope. The future Is agleam with loving money, then as a thief taking on^ " ° rry; na" le,y What will 8ubjec " f .1 0,n,y to ,axP8’ ! * annual cost of World War II to promise. They can have their fami money and then eulcide ^ 88 p o fl*8 tavp" and a" the 0,her the United States. Surely Inflation lies, their gardens, their homes, their your love lead to? Now what was the urge In Christ's ^'".d; io" ‘ 2, ^ t,Mee7h si,* ° ‘ i»l lnpvlUb,p- dreams . . . and thsy can make many of those dreams corns true. heart? Here It le - "Who for ‘ he L v e Ws real ct ,te ta*es ( ,m In (2> The Induatrial Average for ; ,,statp tax„ wi„ ; leading stocks listed on the Ix>n Totalitarian countries have govern joy that was eat M o t * Him endured ^ d,t,on‘ Th„ s„ don Stock Exchange now stands at ments that are "of the state, by the the cross, looking with contempt on 1 J ’ , about 85 which is the highest fig tre state, and for the state. That's why Its shame, and is now set down at the throne of God. “Christ’s joy. since March 16, 1939. The lowest life is hard and cruel. was «9.4 on June 26, 1940. The In In America we have a government the Joy of presenting you to God the CnRIn Store« Worth Considering My own policy is a half way Idustrial Average of the N e t York that Is "of the people, by the people Father as a trophy of His grace. It I do not leave much won stock Exchange is now about 103 and for the people." That'« why we waa to see your sins washed away promise by Hla cleansing blood, with you the 11 which is 38 points lower than the smile. Today we are fighting to keep Am -1 mantelled in eternal righteousness. ‘ 'p , n.r , / ' [ 1’ ,,,' March 16, 1939. figure This shows .mllin* people oeonU sitting with Him in the heavenlies. hand I do not now try to beat the erica a land of smiling that Ha did It Wha Is the urge in Inflation Race by buying steeU * "* ">°rp iour ” ®ar!’ ChrUt or .in ’ * oils or eve,, the popular chemicals foreh^ded^thtu, are ww In prepar- ing for this inevitable coming In- No Ga» Without ¡To me, the chain stores especially flat ion era. the good grocery chains look best. Auto Registration Card | They buy at fixed, or market, prices Motorists who have miapiared or and quickly sell at fixed, or market, Cloverdale, Oregon lost their automobile ' ' registration BOMB T H E JAPS W IT H JU N K — I This apace paid for by an Oregon prices whatever those prices may be. cards were warned today by Richard ---------------V --------------- People must eat and the;» pay these businessman. G. Montgomery, state OPA director stores cash These stores, moreover ---------------V --------------- Hundreds need used fu rn itu re- that these cards will be necessary to Boost your nome community news do business at such a very small place a Sale Ad, if you need the cash obtain gasoline rationing certificates It boosts for vou. Onh when national gas rationing starts paper. t l per year .leas than 3 cents a week next month. —------------ V --------------- Each motorist applying for a gaso —G ET IN TH E SC RAP— line rationing cerUflcats- and only one certificate will be issued for any automobile- must produce hie regie tratlon card before the certificate will be Issued. Duplicate auto registration cards to replace those lost or misplaced, may be obtained. Montgomery said, from Don't Hava to be Perfect lla lte* the motor vehicle division of the sec Any Quantity retary of state’s office in Salem or Portland. W H ITE H. H JETTE ---------------V --------------- Frosktst Ice Cream Co. HE llth Ave.. Portland, Ore. Keep ’em firing—with Junk!— Babson Hedges Against Inflation; Likes The Grocery Chains I Lionel Hampton ftygy , o M h »"y s s p 'js s œ-jœçjXA v -rz r ns:i -irtbii » *- ^ i.,, WESTCOAST TWISTS Wanted SHELLED WALNUTS WHY NO NEW ELECTRIC LINES? The War is Taking Copper W ire... 4 E want new emtomer*! But due to restriction* placed upon the use of copper and other critical materials by the W ar Production Board, we are often unable to build the power lines to serve n«Av customers. Why? Copper, as evervone knows, is virtually the most critical metal in America. Under government rules it has been necessary to ^urn hack 274,830 pounds ol new- copper wire we had in stock . . . wire which w e had accumulated lor the purpose of budding lines for our customers. Before you build, buy or rent a house that has no electric service, find out if electric service can he obtained under W P B restrictions. Check with PGE! W BUY WAR BONDS PORTLAND GENERAL Electric Com pany If you could buy o set of new tires you'd buy the longest-wearing set on the market. In buying clothing we suggest that you use the same standard. Pendleton twists are outstanding for their beauty and provide that one, two and three- year service all men appreciate CEILING PRICE ’ 31.50 OTHER VIRGIN WOOL PENDLETONS FROM $29.50 PENDLETON WOOLEN MILLS AUS JEFFERSON FREE PARKI NS LOT - :ND AND COLUMBIA