Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1942)
Friday, October 9, 1942 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton. Oregon Page 4 W EST H II.LS Harold Dean in Navy THF. KMAJXEHT MAN LU T H E R A N CHURCH IN THE COUNT* Harold Lewis Dean of Portland, SW Canyon Rd. near Sylvan of Mrs. Mary Dean, left for ¡ The following persons have been! A man came into our office this 1 BY RU TH T A Y L O R Werner J. Frit*, Minister T have just seen Hremerton, Washington, Wednesday, allowed tires, tubes, and recaps from week and 8al(l 19th Sunday after Trinity As we celebrate the four hundred September 30th, where he will take September IS to 25ih by the Hillsboro smallest man in the county. Church School meets at 9:45 a. m and fiftieth anniversary of Colum i On answering an ‘— U | - “ ' Hls up his duties with the United States inquiry .... ...... ............... Morning Service ..... 11 a. m. Topic bus' epoch making voyage to the Mr Dean who for th* Pas* LoTd, Open Our Eyes. Albert Schlaefle, Aloha; J. O Mill- n* n‘ * r’’ He answered -•I do not Navy America s, we must stop and consider five years has been in the Portland Everyone invited and welcome er. R 6 Portland; H. T. Feldman R 8 know -1 w,8h 1 dld ” what it means to us. First, of course Further conversation broug-ht out postoffice .received a specialists rat - 1 _______________ I Portland; E. B. _________ Anderson, , ______ Beaver- it marks the beginning of the coun ton; Standard Oil Co, Beaverton; his reuon for calling a man -the ing in the Navy and will continue W EST SLOPE What a Want Ad Did for a Dog try we hold dear. But it is not that L H Bush. R Shei wood; F. L Ba » «» * »« • * man ' in the county. ________ ____ service work in that with his civil COM M UNITY CHURCH which is of greatest significance. Hello . . Folks: . __ con. R1 Sherwood; D H Rogers, R1 • 1 «uppoae you have noticed the blanch o i th» service U N ITE D P R E S B Y T E R IA N Nearly five hundred years before A stray dawg on an Edmond street Sherwood, P L Doyla R 3 Beavei heaps of metal scraps along the road Gabel School, SW Gabel Lane Columbus, the Norsemen had been had been scolded out of yard after ton; Carl xv vV|tt. Garden Home. ,eady toT the Scrap Drive—well I AND REW GUS CARLSON Rev. H. A. Armitage, Paatoi here, and other explorers would have yard This dawg had evidently j j Blaine -, 8007 SW Birchwood Rd 8aw a with a 8mal> »ruck 8 t 0 P- Andrew Gus Carlson of route 8 ,, 11 a. m. Service, topic The Hem come—for the taking of Constanti known love and affection in her day! L D Garfield, R2 Sherwood Sam I carefully go over the scrap, take [Portland, died Oct. 6 . He leaves a of His Garment. nople by the Turks had shut off the Thia young female dawg! It seemed c Dpake 1 widow, son, grandson, three brothers, Beaverton; J. S. Best, R1 what he wanted! 6:30 p. m. The Sacrament of Bap to break break her her heart! heart! “ She *— ----- overland route to the Bast, and men to was v dyin Beaverton; J A. Boulden. R3 Beaver- # ;------ - 7 — 7 -;— _ ! and four sisters in Sweden, and his tism. were forced out into new courses and by ,n c b *8 In the w“ r8t hell a ton; r H chumbley, R2 Beaverton; Receiving Felicitations brother, John Carlson of Portland (la w ? k 11(1 git vnt in to * A feller u/hal V. — . _ w _ Da. daw-g kud into! A what • L w, E j one8 ___ R5 ___ PorUand; a new ways of thought. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sinclair of Funeral services were held Thursday The voyage of Columbus teaches us read one time of Teddy Roosevelt v|a Tigard; A C. Johnston, R 6 Port- Beaverton are receiving congratula- j in Finley’s Rose Chapel. Interment B EAVER TO N CHURCHES the value of applied curiosity. Along - ht WU* Pr,e8ldent- a »K htin' off land; C. O Ackerman. Beaverton; tions on the birth of a daughter, Sep- Riverview. ST. C EC ELIA CHURCH the wharfs of Genoa, irnong the I hi* horse while on a ride and — D. B. Hanson, Aloha; F. S. Head, R5 tember 29, at the Forest Grove Gen - 1 Masses 8 to 10 a. m. black-bearded seafaring men, Colum-| takln” back to the White House a Portland HATH H ERIN E BLOCK R. E. Douglas, Tigard eral hospital, Mrs Minnie Sinclair bus had heard strange tales of land ; homeless cat, put a little want ad in F. A. Cook. R4 Sherwood; V R Mrs. Katherine Block, aged 54 , late j B E TH E L NOW TH E DAWG Sprecher, R I Beaverton; C. E. Thor of Portland is gr&ndomther of the of Beaverton, died Oct. 6 beyond the ocean—o f ships that, a newspaper She was j little girL C O NG R EG ATIO N AL CHURCH blown from their courses ,had sight HAS A GOOD HOME, AFFE CTIO N en, 8404 SW Canyon Dr; Frank Jer- wife of Henry Block, mother of Har-1 If Willard B. Hall, Minister ed great capes and verdant Islands. AND LO VE! ry of Beaverton. Mrs. Dorothy Hays 8 ey- Al°ha; A. Darcangelo, Tigaid; 9:45 a. m. Church School.. L IB R A R Y N O T ES He had heard the half whispered the a dawg out of “ DAWG H E L L ” what R. Cunningham. Sherwood; M Little of San Francisco Servcies were held 11 a. m. Worship. ory that the earth was not flat as |or* earth will they do for you if you ton, R4 Sherwood; C. W. Laurents. Hours 2-5—Sat. eves. 6 8 Thursday at Pegg’s Chapel, with in 6 30 p. m. Pilgrim Fellowship. the scholars in their sheltered lives u* « one "before” you git into your 2939 SW McChesney Rd.; W. R. Ga- The Just and the Unjust by James terment Crescent Grove cemetery. had decreed, that l( was round. W O R ST PLAC E! But I ain’t a ad- belman, R l, Beaverton; A. Nordlund, Gould Cozzins. The scene is in From these tales and whispers, h e ! vocatin’ that you wait till you go to R3, Beaverton; C. W. Marshall, Beav tensely dramatic! A* county seat N A Z A R E N E CHURCH —THROW YOUR SCRAP INTO evolved his own Idea that the lands j yore hell before you use a Want Ad! erton; T. C. Archer, Tualatin. during a murder trial. By day the TH E EIGHT— W. P. KEEBAUGH, Pastor were really the Indies. And he had | K (hat dawg kud s wrote out a court is adjourned .the lawyers are Sunday School 9:45 a. m. want ad she would a been a puttin human beings struggling with their to find out. Preaching Service 11 a. m. SERVE CO UNTRY A T HONK own personal crisis The proceduie The path waa long and hard—and one of them ADS in TH IS P A P E R i Young Peoples 6:30 p. m. seemingly hopelesa—all the way from the first day she wanted a home! | The Beaverton branch of the State of the law and the life of the com Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m. B A R B W IR E B IL L Militia need more members. Six munity are not separate for each the inconscipuous life of a trader’s shapes the other. men have joined in the last two son in Genoa to the pos t of Lord 1 M ETHODIST CHURCH ¡weeks—but more are needed— join Other good books in the library High Admiral of Spain. He was Albert S. Hisey, D. D , Minister Swami Yatiswai ananda, formerly A L O H A j now. are Tomorrow W ill Come, the $5000 leader of the Vedanta movement in jeered at, and mocked, and acorned. 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Every path that he followed ended Donald Hansen of Aloha, suffered There are nearly 100 now drilling, Atlantic prize winner by E M. A1 and now visiting 4n Ame.i 11 a. m. Preaching service. in a stone wall o| failure— but each an ankle Injury when a taxicab re-! ®om®f *rne8 more sometimes medingon and the Making of Tom or-, ... less W. S. C. S. meets Thursday. ca, will speak on Sunday, October time he started all over again, de portedly ran over hls leg at S W !Th*y may be needed sometime to pro- row by Raoul de , ... ... Roussy do Salos . 1 11th, at 8 p. m., in the Corinthian termined to find out. At laat the 12th avenue and Washington street. *ec» »b*B area- Masonic Temple, on Vedanta Join and learn how Stop in at the library soon and *ee CHURCH OF C H R IST way waa opened. And when it was, Portland, as he was working on a 10 Protect your home in the very these grand new books. Iand ¡and the the West West.. G. W. Springer, Pastor he was ready for hie opportunity— tire. j bes* way—by veteran well drilled sol- The regular Sunday morning ser- j Morning worship and preaching equipped mentally t o carry it C. J. Stlckney sold last Thursday diers. Marringe Licenses vice will be held at Sri Ramakrishna service 9:45 a. m. Topic—True through. the modern 25 acre home of Mrs ---------------- Albert D. Craven, Jr., Vancouv shrania, (Retreat) at 11 a. m. Worship. Following the sermon, the That is the lesson in Columbus' Florence Vance in the Rosedale dis p i L, a C er, Wash., and Raegola L. Lindbloom j On Tuesday, October 13th, at 8 p. Lord’s Supper will be observed. voyage. The power to find out, the trlct, southwest of Aloha, to Mr. and L-IUD U^OlleCtS o c r a p Beaverton, Oregon. m., the visiting Swami will be tend- Bible School session 11 a. m willingness to see, plus the ability to Mrs. Glen Heisler of Portland. This The Scholls Woman’s club is rlch- Warren Jones of route 3, box 986. ered a reception in the Vedanta So- Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. keep on is the real secret of success. is one of the finest homes In the er this week by $90—the proceeds Beaverton, and Helen Dimeo, route ’ eiety’s Hall. The Vedic Temple, 1206 Evening worship service 7:30 p. m The greatest advantage in education community and 23 acres id improved from the sale of three truckloads of 3, box 1390. Beaverton. NW 26th avenue. Topic The Eternal Gold. is that it teaches us how to find out with an excellent filbert orchard 14 scrap collected under the direction of — ■ - j Swami Devatmananda, leader of Midweek Bible study and prayer how to study and how to learn. years old. Mr. and Mrs. Heisler one of Its members. Mrs. William B. Chapter of Vedanta, serVjce Wednesday 8 p. m. Receives Congratulations the Portland All There may not be new continents will occupy the place as their home Chandlee are cordially in-1 _______________ _ The Rev. and Mrs Earl B Horsell ! . Preside to discover—but there are opportuni the first of next week, and Mrs. Mrs. Chandlee, enlisting the help vited to attend. ties equally as great before those Vance will go to Los Angeles to be of her husband and the women of|are Hundreds need used fu rniture- receiving congratulations on ar- j who -have eager minds. ; There are near her four children. place a Sale Ad, if you need the cash. her club, gathered the scrap fro m !r*val ° » a daughter Thursday, Octo-j ALO H A ASSEMBLY OF GOD i»o heights to which the man with an Anyone wishing Christmas Seals surrounding farm yards and drove ber !•(■ Rev Horsell of the Monta- ideal may not clim b-no oceans of if- j for over seas mail may obtain them each load into Hillsboro for delivery villa Methodist church was formerly Sunday School 10 a. m. Swami Yatiswarananda norance he may not cross to find the from Mrs. C. O. Mabee, Wheeler A ve . , 1 In addition to her work for her;Pastor of the Beaverton church. Worship 11 a. m. Formerly Leader of unknown treasurers he seeks. Each j North Aloha, evenings own club, Mra Chandlee is s e r v i n g ; ----------------------- Young people 6:30 p. m. Vedanta Movement in Europe man is a potential Columbua-and j As the mail salu of the Seals this year as financial secretary for j W IL L IA M J. HOLDEN Evangelistic 7:45 p. m. Women’s William J. Holden, of route 2. will speak whether he voyages Into unknown j doesn’t start until the day after the Oregon r'*'i --- **— nt w « » , . « ’. ¡Beaverton died at his home October2. 1 Prayer and Bible study 7:45 p. m. seas depends upon how( great is hls Thanksgiving it would be too late for ¡clubs. Sunday 8 p. m. on Sunnset Sunnset road road. _ He was 66 years. Thuisday. determination to find out. 'overseas mail, thus those m a i l i n g _______________ _ !®B Uncle of Mrs J. C. Grasfam, route 2. Masonic Temple early may obtain theirs now. B ID T IIC Beaverton; Mrs. Ruth L. Nash. __ P o rt-[ (Corinthian Temple room) C. J. Stlckney closed a deal yester-1 B ln llij St. M ary’» of the Valley ALOHA COM M UNITY on day for the sale to John S. Stead-j Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Reghitto Kansas City: John J Holden, Omaha. B A P TIS T CHURCH “ Vedanta and the West.” According to tradition, but with an man of the property adjoining his Beaverton, Sept. 19, a daughter, Mary land; father of William E. Holden. Neb.; Thomas E. Holden of Fern- B. Marcus Godwin, pastor Morning service 11 a. m. Mr. J. excited, new ceremonial, the upper place of business at Huber. it the Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama Sunday School 10 a. m. classmen initiated the members of Steadman will wreck the old build- Mr and Mrs. Wilbur O. Hansen. dale, Wash. (Retreat) the freshman group, recently. Tasty ing and Improve the property at Beaverton, Sept. 28 ,a s 6 n, Wilbur W. Morning worship at 11. "Bow l” is a perfect game in the All Welcome BE .1688 refreshments closed the day’s labors, once, B. Y. P. U. 7 p. m. “Want Ads" — Evei-y “ Roll" is a which both faculty members and stu Prayer meeting 8 p. m. Wednesday. —G E T IN TH E SCRAP— strike. dents congratulated the new arrivals Beaverton New» upon their excellent school spirit. Mrs. W. L. Bloom is visiting in Selection of the members of the Tillamook this week. Miriam Choral is nearing completion. Mrs Lucy fish er of Pennsylvania, With Betty Rae Bennett as cheer la visiting her sister Mra. E. M. Scott. leader, the football fans attended the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Van Kleek first game of 1942 at St. Mary’s High have putchaeed and are moving to Huber, Friday, October 2. A lively the Tony Camenzind place. season is forecast by the cheering Oregon Sta-te College fraternity sections of both high schools. 8 t. Chi Phi has pledged Bob Anderson Mary's victory of 6 to 0 over Hill of Beaverton. has given great zest to the athletic Week end guests at the home of spirit iii general. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kolkenbeck were Teams In basketball are now or Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Taylor of Salem. ganizing among the students at St. Mrs Matilda Kelley returned to Marys of the Valley. The games Beav*rton to visit heq sister Mrs lino mr o n m i i n t 11 i . i n ml Ik Ika olaaa _ _ _ bid heavy competition with the class- George Thyng, a/ter spending sev ee in ballet dancing. eral days In . Portland. Eager enthusiasts are awaiting an Sunday evening visitors at the address by the Washington County home of Mre. Nelson Walker, were Director of the Red Crow. They are Mr. and Mrs. John Gri/fith and making plans for good team work in daughter Suzanne of Portland. that organization. The committee for the arrange ment o f the Congregational church's Women do not find It difficult harvest bazaar and dinner met at nowadays to behave like men, but the home of Mrs. Willard Hall Fri they often find It extremely difficult day afternoon. to behave like gentlemen.—Compton Dinner guests at the home of Mr. Mackenzie. and Mrs. Arthur Kolkenbeck Satur day evening were Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Bead of Portland. The proud parents of a baby boy, Mr. and Mra. Benjamin Bailey of Wilbur W.. was born Sept. 2H, are Portland, wera visitors at tha home Mr and Mrs. Wilbur O. Hansen. The Christian Ghurch held a rally of Mra. R. K. Denney Saturday even ing. Mr. Baily is one of the depu Day and Promotion day last Sunday ties of Sheriff Pratt in Multnomah with an attendance of 180 Mrs. Lance Kennedy of La Grande county. I Mr .and Mrs. A. C. Tuttle of Port and formerly of Beaverton, visited at Kennedy last land were finishing the picking of the home of A. M week. their filbert crop Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Denney and Mrs. V. A. Wood formerly of family spent the< week end at the Bremerton, who has been In Good Samaritan hospital is convalescing Tillamook Beaches. The Sunday School and church had at her home. Mrs. J. C. O'Conner visited at the a fair attendance. Rev Armltage of O r maybe you don't care! the West Slope Presbyterian church home of Mrs. John Simpson of Port of West Slope, delivered e fine ser land over the week end W e think you do. W e feel that our mon. Mr Sprague of the Presby Mrs. M C McKercher visited at the terian church in Portland .will de home of Clinton Feargeson of Port whole community is ready to rise up land Sunday liver the message next Sunday. The white satin sugar conteat for —G ET IN TH E SCRAP— and bring in the scrap as soon as you all grange members of Washington get a chance. So you’re going to ^et county will be held in Beaverton To relieve Saturday. October 10 at 12 noon that chance! Misery of Peter Mudte of Portland, will be the IJquid Tablets guest speaker.. This is the regular Halve meeting day for Beaverton Grange N ext week we’re starting the biggest Nose Drope with an all day session opening at 10 30 a. m. Dough Drops drive you’ve ever seen, to get in thia Mr and Mrs. Mitm Alexander and Try ” Kuo-My-Tlem”— precious material. And you're going Mrs. Mary Dean will make a trip to A Wonderful Uniment Los Angeles, where they will visit to pitch in, too, because this situation Mrs. Dean'* brother. is serious. hink about it as revenge — a way next few weeks or it may be too late! F IN D O U T ! Tire Allocation The Nation’s steel mills are running out o f scrap. They haven’t enough on hand for even 30 days m ore. When this is gone they may new steel is 50% W Hurou) scrap. Get your scrap ready to turn 666 Coffee Shop Headquarters for O R EG O N MOTOR HTAGEM IIOMF.-COOKED G O O D -E A T S Modern Fountain He releo for Hot Weather (teilet Under New L VLB Management C. T A Y L O R now! WHOSE BOY WILL DIE BECAUSE YOU FAILED? ~ COLDS GREYHOUND in K IN T 0 N Warren Rogers of Olendive. Mon tana, arrived last week and is stay ing at the home of his uncle, Roy Bell, while he works at one of the shipyards in Portland Mr and Mrs. El wood Wilson, Paul ine and Earl Wilson epent several days last week at Manzenita Mrs. Nettie Fitch of Sherwood is helping st ths Aten home during to mato picking Mrs. Albsrt Scott. Mrs lxivina Wedeking and Mrs. E. L. Rieka were presented with a birthday cake at th# ladies aid meeting laat Thurs day Mrs Scott snd Mrs Wede- klngs -birthday came on aid day Mary Newkirk has returned from Portland where she spent most of the summer and Is attending school st Klnton again Mr and Mrs Emery Van Kleek snd daughter Annabelie Van Kleek snd Mrs Foster Jr. of Multnomah spent last week end at Netarts WOMAN W A N T E D To caie for 2 small ehildrsn. light housework , ' to », food wages 707 Lombard, ft»» va »# AM T to get back at the scum who have attacked us. O r think about it as a little* Maybe you don’t know what it means more protection for our fighting men to have production fall off. Maybe you — something you, yourself, can do to can’t imagine how it feels to be hunk bring as many as possible home alive. ered down in a foxhole wishing fo r just one more clip o f cartridges. Or to But think about it now — for the scrap see the enemy rolling through your In homes, farms and factories has got lines because you didn't have just a to be m oving to stockpiles within the few more tanks. Start looking around your place fol scrap today. I f you’ve got a son in the sets ice, do it for him. D o it for the neighbor’s boy _ for those fine young chaps you just passed, out on the street. Above all do it for your country . , , and do it now! W a tc h th is p a p e r fo r d e ta ils o f tha h i * s c r a p d riv a and w hat you m u st do to help N E W S P A P E R S ’ U N ITED SC RAP M E T A L DRIVE 4 -j