Friday, October 9, 1942 Classified Rates • BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, B e a v e r to n . Oregon personal Legal Notices P age 3 Mrs. America Meets the War i TW O Cents a word per Issue. W IL L CARE For Children by the Minimum 25c CASH with copy week. BEacon 9715. Hillsdale. * Minimum Charge on Classified 1 MOOKE vs. MOORE Ads not paid at Time of Inser­ SUMMONS TR AD E tion—50c. In the Circuit Court of the State of We Publish the Oregon for the County of Multno­ HJLA VfcHTON E M t K i 'K I S E mah. FOR T R A D E —1939 Ford Truck And in line with the trend towards M ULTNOM AH IK L S S good tires. 15,000 mi., for small W IL L IA M C. MOORE, Plaintiff simplification, soon Mrs. America T IG A K I» S E N IIN L L acreage with improvements Les­ va won t be finding the variety of THE AMERICAN STEEL ALOHA NEWS ter Ridling. Newberg, Ore., bx 333 H AZEL MOORE, Defendant T H f B f ARC in d u s t r y IS PROOOClhfi MORE shapes and sizes of glass containers To Hazel Moore, the above named A P P R O X I M A T C I V Complete E a s t e r n Washington STEEL TODAY THAN A U THE 1 her grocer’s shelves. The glass VHOOO PA R T « I N A m i l l s i n G e r m a n y it a l v County and Western Multnomah 'S in g le u S a r m y B O M S rs. "Save the lives of your friends by « [defendant: containers used for packing foods AND JAPAN COMBINED/ ■ NOT COONVHC THE County Coverage IN TH E NAM E OF TH E STATE careful driving. m il l io n s o f mot «, scvrs ! a«d other commodities are expected We assume no financial respon (OF OREGON: You are hereby re- ANO «IV C T * NEE PE P TO i to follow standard designs. Wines, NOLO THESE PARTS nihility for error* which may ap --------------------- quired to appear and answer the jellies and preserves already have 1 0 6 CT HER pear in advertisements published complaint filed against you in the FOR SALE been added to the products for which in these columns but in case above entitled suit on or before the the W P B requires the use of stand­ where this paper is at fault will --------------------- expiration of four weeks from the ardized bottles. The simplification reprint that part of an advertise­ of bottle designs will save consider- FOR SALE a 5-gal. cream cans date of the first publication of this summons, if you fail so to appear ment in which the typographical | able amounts of glass-making rna Dessie Wood, R l, Bx 82*5, Beaver- and answer, plaintiff will apply to mistake occurs. tenuis and make available more ton. the court for the relief prayed for in glass containers needed to fill in the his complaint, to-wit: An absolute gap left by vanishing tin cans. GOOD B U R B AN K POTATO ES i decree of divorce from the defend- R EAL E S T A T E • • • You dig, furnish container $2.25 ant; that defendant be granted the Some time before Christmas you pepr 100 lb field run. Inquire Wm. care and custody of the minor child may receive war ration book No. 2. S lN C e » 7 7 « T H l AM ERICAN FORESTS H AV* PRODOCFP SELL IT NOW ! Saxton, Farmington Road, cor. of the said marriage, and that plain-! It is referred to as an A 11-Purpose 2 JOO BILLION BOARD FEET OF FOREST PROOOCTS ENOUGH Lang av\, or phone Beaverton 2465 tiff contribute the sum of $20.00 per I Take advantage of the best TO B U IL D 5 0 MILLION HOME S 13 M IL L IO N FA R M BU ILDING S ration book and it is designed to pro­ a M I L L I O N SCHOOLS A N D LIBRARIES l o o OOO OHllOCHlrf month for «the care and support of, market in years and dispose of vide a swift means for rationing ^ P R O P - PO O FACTORIES B> S C I E N T I F I C FORlSTU> METHODS 1----- said child. A N P B V R E P L A N T IN G T H O U S A N D S O T A C R E S P flt V A lE E O R e S T your idle land. Consult with us : any article or commodity almost at V - . OWNERS ARC INSURING SUCCESSIVE TREE CROP* This summons is published by or­ on your acreage or suburban, FOR SALE —Gray enamel smooth I the instant the danger of a critical der of Hon. Martin W Hawkins. home problems now. Portland's , top gas stove with garbage burn­ shortage appears. Thq book has just leading suburban specialists f o r ; er, also hot water, coils in­ Judge of the above entitled Court. gone to the printer, and it isn’t ex­ Dated the 22nd day of Sept., 1942. 22 years. stalled in it. Wonderful baking pected that it will be ready for dis­ to Arlie Seaman, part sec 13 T IN Date of first publication Sept. 25th,1 oven with heat regulator. Sell tribution until just before Christmas COMTE & KOHLM AN CO. RlW . reasonable. Mrs. Shaw, Metzger, 1 601 G U AR D IA N BLDG., AT. 0116 B W Armentrout et ux to Wm H Incidentally, ths OPA has rules that CH ‘>984 Date of last publication October 23 Portland Cynthia Good to B G Brockway Rufener et ux 40 acres sec 32 T2N it is illegal for a person to possess a 1942. ration book not issued to him or to Co lot 5 Brockway Gardens. j R3W. LESTE R SH EELEY. make use of one to which he is not Edith G Anderson to J D Hales et Anna Lindquist to Lulu Mercer, Attorney for Plaintiff FOR SALE - Fonner’s Tract on S. W A N TE D —About 10 acres partly part blk 1 Hillsboro. ux, part Geo Richardson DLC 38 & entitled. P. O. Address, Walnut ave., to 5 acres, city cleared, no bldgs.,- K-118 Beaverton I ---------------------- 306 Spalding Bldg 1 Evelyn Winston to Jackson Benton 55 T IS R lW . water and gas through tract. Verne Enterprise, Beaverton. Portland, Oregon et ux, E 1* of lot 10, lot 11, blk 4t< John Hay et ux to D F Lack et ux 1 Boost vour home community news- M Fonner, phone Tigard 3152. W9. of lot 4 blk 43 Id le s t Grove paper. It boosts for you. Only ______________________ North Plains. Alice W Black to Mitchell B Torap per year .less than 2 cents a week Charlotte Alien Jesses et ux to £ Real Estate Wanted I kins et ux part sec 25 T2N R3VV. SI MMONS Harold Allen et ux, part lot 4 blk 9 B H Reeher et ux to Phreda Wil- , • — , FOR S A L E — Wood Range. Cream No. 146-682 i Forest Grove. son, part blk 21, Forest Grove, Ore I __ . . . . . . . enameled^ Mrs. B. K Denney, j n the ç j rclljt Court of the State of W A N T E D -Small moveble build­ Omer Vuylsteke et ux to Edward John VanDecoeveiing et ux to Wm 1 Keep em firing with Junk. Denney Rd, l*4i mi SE of Beaver-! Oregon for the County of Mult- ing, about 12x14, within 1 mile of L Koch, 25 acres sec 36 T1S R3\V J VanDecoevering et ux. 60 acres 1 _________________ ton' nomah. Aloha. Bx 115, Aloha. M E Paget et ux to John I. Shea et sec 20 T IN R3W. I _________________________ ____ ______ i H ARO LD G. SOWERS, Plaintiff ux 2 acres Anthony W Hart Cl 50 Mart T Cox to C H Swanson et ux D AK O TA FAR M W AN TED . Also T1S R lW . 35.08 acres M M Watts Cl T IN R lW SE W ING MACH. EM PORIUM KLM A V SOWERS, Defendant, Due to Present Conditions other midwest and Canada land. Daniel A O'Meara et ux to Mildred Susie E Good to Clyde L Walter et New & used machinés, parts and To Elma V. Sowers. Defendant Write 8904 SW Barbur Blvd., Patterson, 14.50 acres TIS R3VV. repairs. All makes. Guar. perf. TH E NAM E OF TH E STATE ux, part sec 3 T1S R2W. CLOSED M O N D A Y S Portland. P C A Peterson et ux to Dell Cornutt sewing 826 SW 3d. AT. 0727. OF OREGON: You are hereby re- Portland. quired to appear and answer the et ux part sec 4 T2N R4W. Dell Cornutt et ux to Minnie Ped 1 complaint filed against you in the As Congress debates the cost-of FOR RENT living issue, legislation is beir^g ^ Dining room room set. 4 chairs, over- over above entitled suit on or before the ersen. Part sec 4 T2N R4W BE \\ EKTON, OREGON i stuffed chair; chair; radio, 3 i-ncker« l ockers, j I expiration of four weeks from the Mabel C Pilkington to S A Died- drafted In high New Deal circles to ^ PH O NE B EAV ER TO N 2471 FOR R E N T —G A R A G E M La fruit jars, sideboard. CHerry 1844. date of the first publication of this ericksen et ux, part sec 14, T2S R lW create a new' national service act summons upon you. and if you fail gerfeld. Phone Beaverton 2728, John Alden Oleson et al to Shimon through which the government would so to appear and answer, plaintiff J Shimaski et ux, part sec 13 T1S have authority to use every Ameri­ will apply to the court for the relief can in any job in any locality where- Female Help Wanted R lW . prayed for in his cpmplaint, to-wit: FOR R E N T —Office space in brick ever and however he or she can do John A Holman et al to O L Moore the most to help win the war. an absolute decree of divorce. building in Beaverton, corner, Vene­ This G IR L or high school girl to as This summons published by order et ux, lots 1 & 2 blk 1 Sherwood. legislation would give the govern tian blinds, ideal for small business sist with housework. 2 adults, 1 of the Hor:. Martin W. Hawkins. Glen S Ehle et ux to A Clyde ment the same authority over indi­ See Enterprise building, corner Short j child, near West Slope. Private Judge of the above entitled Court, Loughrey et al, lots 1 & 2 blk 28, W vidual citizens for civilinn activities, street, Beaverton. room and bath. Call BEacon an(j date the 6th day of October. Portland Hghts. as it exercises over all men of draft 6585 collect. 1942. Arthur L Neal et ux to Harvey A age for military service. PAIN TS Date of first publication Oct. 9, Long. SE 1-4 of NE 1-4 of sec 17 T3N R4W. I G IR L or Woman Wanted, to work evening’s. Bailey's Ice Cream Date of last publication November Frank Stauber to J W Mulloy et Imlay’s Fresh —TH R O W YOUK SCRAP INTO 6, 1942. ux, 15”* acres sec 13 T2S R3W . Store, Beaverton. TH E EIG H T— Mixed Feeds LE STE R SHEELEY, Milt D Brown et ux to Frederick Attorney for Plaintiff | FISHER THORSEN PAINTS Arndt loti 6 blk 7 Knob hill add Postoffice Address: H E LP W A N T E D mail Country club add plat 4. For quality, fair price and 306 Spalding Bldg j Daniel Wooten et ux to Maime E Be sure to send your legals to your service Portland, Oregon local paper. /f«r U.S.WAR BO NDS Aandt, lot 6 blk 7 Knob hill add Aloha-Hu- W A N T E D Supt. for J. B. Imlays & Sons Forest Grove . her Water Dist. Permanent, must * R E E D V IL L E ALOHA, ORE. John Sullivan et ux to John M understand wood pipe. See W. H. —BOMB TH E JAPS W IT H JUNK ¡Norman 20 16 acres T2S R2W McGrath, Bx 182, route 3, Beaver Fred Ennis et ux to John Allan Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS ton. Rrick, Tile, Masonary Schwartz lots 1 to 10 inc Hillsboro. Oregon Mutual Pollclee are NON ASSESSABLE. You N E V E R pay Comte & Kohlman Co to Ray Gil more than the premium on the face of Uie policy. Oregon Mutual ! bert et ux tract 19 Comte & Kohl- M ISC E L L A N E O U S miiintaiiiM more than three Unit's the surplus required hy Oregon man's Little Homes No. 3 Insurance l.atvs. John Green et ux to Felix S Zouohn et ux part lot 2 blk 2 Fairview add. . B U IL D IN G Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company SEE YO U R D E A LE R Samuel O Haugen et ux to Vernon o f M c M i n n v i l l e jC Cochran et ux, 8 acres sec 32 T2S and Columbia Brick Works Organized 1894 40 years of Reliable Service Chas. J_ Walker, Agent R lW . 182« SE Water—Portland Remodeling i Ernst Demtnler to Andrew C Tup- New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Pfione 1732 Kilns at Gresham-Sylvan-Salem | per et ux part sec 15 T3N R3W. FRANK E. SCHMIDT Kathryne E Haneys et vir to AI •_ "Every Form of Protection" Hillsboro, Oregon Route i, Box 33« Tigard Ore. J Rainville et ux, 8 acres sec 32 T2S ( BUY what you do need. . . R lW . SE LL what you don't need. Geo Rupprecht to V J Hanegnn et ux, lots 3 & 4, blk 3 Epler's add D e a d stoc*{ picked up free o f' Sherwood. charge anywhere. Call J B G Brockaway to Hazel D Jones, collect. UN. 1221; night calli [ lot 5 Brockway Gnrdens. CH. 2403 or UN. 0449. D E N L E Y J H Hofffm an et ux to Hermene- , R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. gildo A Moreno et ux 21 acres sec [ 6or Comforters and Mattresses 5 T2B R3VV. HIDES * WOOL, C'ASCARA—A Any Size and Weight . Old Matted Vernon B Bateman to Simon P specialty. LE E BROS., 25 SW Wool Recarded Just IJke New Curtis et ux part sec 32 T2N R4W. Cl»y, Portland. Atwater 5334. Pure Virgin Wool Batts for Sale Geo H Johnson to Evelyn Bauer, 5 acres sec 36 T1S R lW FOR TO W CAR call V E R M IL Y E Crystal Springs W oolen M ills Hannah Maher et ux to I>a\irn Ego- j » scue, MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. 2124 SE Umatilla, Portland LA 4477 part blk 26, Forest Grove. j Laura Egoscue to John Hostetler et al part blk 26 Forest Grove. W ANTED Thos. McDougall et ux to Lee R Hubbard ,et ux, part sec 13 T1S RlW . NOTICE An ad tells it effectively at a mini­ Thomas Arnold McDougall et ux mum cost. SE PARATO R S — M ILK E R S Laborers wanted at once. C O M PLETE E Q U IPM EN T \M> READ THE RULES—Ths following rulss. Issued by ths SU PPLIES FOR TH E D A IR Y Immediate job placement ! Postoliics Department in cooperation with ths Army IN D U STR Y i Postal Service o( the War Department, apply to the Apply week days only. mailing ol Christmas parcels for members oi our Armed Forces serving outside ths continental limits ol the United States. HOD CARRIERS AND TIME OF MAILING—Christmas parcels and greeting cards should be mailed during the period beginning October 1 N fn vU rfw ie A fMHbutori BUILDING LABORERS and ending November 1. 1942. Ihe earlier ths better. Each tVtRYTMING package should be endorsed "Christmas ParceL" Special - i d a ir y m a n Union Local No. 296 effort will be mads for delivery is time for Christmas. During the national emergency SIZE AND WEIGHT—Christmas paresis shall not exceed 11 ROOM 215 F o r t i a n o . C«f - I a l T L a « ( i t y pounds in weight, or 18 inches in length or 42 inches in you are interested in the whole LABOR TEM PLE length and girth combined. However, ths public has been SW 4th A T JEFFERSO N AT. 6461 135 NW Park urged to cooperate by voluntarily restricting parcels to ths Defense and Preparedness pro­ size ol an ordinary shoe box and the weight to six pounds. gram. USE CARE IN PREPARATION—Remembering the great distancs PO U LTR Y HEADQUARTERS Have you looked over ths ads this this mail will be transported and Ihe necessary storage and Highest prices paid. Ask about week? If not do so, they carry a Irequent handling, it is absolutely necessary that articles bs our pick-up service. world of news. packed in substantial boxes or containers and bs covered U .i____ . PO U LTR Y A D A IR Y with wrappers ol suliicient strength to resist pressure oi other northwest p r o d u c t s co mail. Each parcel is subject to censorship and delay may 232 SE Oak, Portland Oregon be minimized by securing covering ta permit ready inspec­ EA. 5141 tion ol contents. PROHIBITED MATTER—Intoxicants, inflammable materials, W E ST END poisons or compositions likely to damage mails are unmail- SELLW OOD BRIDGE able. No perishable matter should bs included in parcels. Through Your Home 'Newspaper HOW TO ADDRESS PARCELS—Addresses must bs legtble. Parcels addressed to overseas Army personnel should show CREMATORIUM in addition to the full name and address of ths sender, the MAUSOLEUM name rank. Army serial number, branch oi service, organiza­ tion, A.P.O. number of ths addresses and ths postoliics CEMETERY Featuring through which parcels are to bs routed. Units located within * the continental United Statss may bs addressed direct, using name. rank, organisation and location. Complete Funeral Service In New Home Town Newslets Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost POSTAGE MUST BE FULLY PREPAID—Ths rats on parcels of Riverview is a co-operative asso­ fourth-class matter (exceeding sight ounces) being the sons County Correspondence ciation with assets of over $800,000 rate applicable from the postofiice where mailed to the post- office in the cofts of which parcels are addressed. Interesting Feature News GREETING MESSAGES PERMISSIBLE—Inscriptions such as AW U.S.WAR BO NDS Merry Christmas". "Don’t open until Christmas" and ths like Roger Babson may be placed on the covering of ths parcel if it does not interfere with ths address. Cards may bs enclosed and books may bear a simple dedicatory inscription. INSURANCE AND REGISTRY—Gifts of value should he insured. Articles of small sits and considerable value should bs sealed and sent as first-class registered mail. Serene Beauty • f ’prt?ct Service MOITEY ORDERS—The Army Postal Servics recommends use of postal money orders to transmit gifts ol money to members of Armed Forces ouU^e ths United Slates. These are cashed al A.P.O. in lera[foreign currency at tats ol exchange on FO URTH AT M ONTGOM ERY date ol presentation. ATwater SUi Real Estate Transfers ; HEIDELBERG P A R K _ 1 ONE BUCK Brick & Building Tile WOOL CARDING On« luck out of Every Ten you earn should bf qoinq into U.S.tftr8ond<'St«mpi; 0e Laval On the Home Front ifímoek Mieli Keep Informed! Keep Alert! Riverview Cemetery MORNINGLIGHT CHAPEL Rose Chapel-Green Room I. P. Finley & Son (unniRDs I re s u r i i Subscribe Now, $1 a Year