Friday, October 9, 1942 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E . Beaverton. Oregon Page 2 ition centers by United States Flying i Fortresses. The British were even more cul- 4 * Keep Home Wires Burning " Latest Talk For Women PREACHER SAW WOOD Mr. Preacher will you come out to our place and take a hand with the boys on the wood saw? Pearl Harbor Complacent lender- Indeed the preacher would. You ship and years of stuppid colonial ____________ see him jump into his working togs JX F FR IK M . P u b lis h « policy left England without native Thousands of Oregon rural homes and set forth. With the country support in the Far Erst when her were equipped with electricity just ......................... _ our _ prior to the outbreak of the war and Swap Ride” Plan Advo- Published Friday o f each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, cri8jg came Hence we entered towns stripped of man power, all of Oregon. Entered as second-class natter at the postoffice at Beaverton. Oir Pacific warfaie under a great handi- may now be facing repair problems Cated for Conservation us expect to fit in whenever and wherever. For we are back again t ¡tfw, caP However, we havo already re- at a time when regular repair men d ..L1 .40)0 One Tear - to the days when the Dalton gang .......... covered from .those first Japanese are almost impossible to get and v * IxU D D er Subscription Payable in Advance. .80 Six Months victories Our Navy, our Marines, when even the men of the house are neighbors work in and the Jesse James boys were shoot- and our Aim y detachments have swamped with other work, points out the same y area as where you are em ’* -1 j ing up the towns along the Kansas Beaverton Office— Enterprise Bldg, Phone Beaverton 2321 Then as now, the done a splendid job. Today, Japan Faye Nichols, home demonstration Hillsboro Office— Room 8. Delta Bldg.. Phone 1641 Do any of your neighbors : Missouri border ployed ? citizens ran down the Portland Office—306 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 6891 no longer has control of the sea. agent. from 1 work at approxim- 'law abiding en This condition job - to and _____ thanks to Midway. Japan's air pow- »¡n u .iu n means that u , « the <.••« juu ,u„ desperadoes to make the country er has also been crippled during of keeping everyday electrical equip- ately the sa e y safe Only this time it is on a world ment in repair is falling to a consid- yo“ 'these* recent months. effective scale, with the outlaws set to rob all  fo m ù tà , Swap rlaes rides” m are Our Air Supremacy erable extent on the woman of the I owaP r*' I mankind Nothing that now happens in the house who are going to have to find “ “ ^ h h“ r * t S f i c congestion Yes, each of us is bound to take a Pacific is comparable in importance ou| *hat & fU8e *or e*ample, has u nder a ruijnK made by the OPA hand. But more than that. Almighty to the European battlefronts. We no*hln*> do w|th firecrackers. workers applying for new tires or re-1 God h'mself has an interest Foi must conquer H itlers armies if we aid inexperienced folks in mak- ____ __ _. • ^ , transporting ___«„„„»i..™ n,k>, i,n »n pw m ilit»rv are other the Japanese military are an an offense be are to win this war Everything else ing simple electrical repairs, a home cap® mu8t Above him, they set up - - circulai- - - workers to and from a vital war to him. is collateral to that essential fact eoonomica mimeographed their emperor as the Son of Heaven. Japan Has not jumped on Siberia for No. 1678 has been issued and is avail- indn8try- ' nde*' *hat.. Plan- #hiP' "The earth is the Lord's and the one veiy good reason. She is wait- *hel from the county extension of- >a,d workers and the like must nde to and from work every day in the fullness thereof: the world and they ing until Hitler -has reduced the flee. It explains, among other The Magic of Beginning that dwell therein.” No man can striking power of the Russian ar- things that fuses in a fuse box are same car. ¡'strip him of his first place. The IN TH E BACK of desk drawers, mies. Until that has been accom- circuit breakers put there to serve as ! war lords may defy him, but—“ He in old files, buried deep in the minds plished. Washington does not believe safety valves on the electrical sys-, —BOMB TH E JAPS W IT H JUNK that sitteth in the heavens shall of men, are the germs of great ideas, Japan will take on any more head- tern. I f one goes out the lights on “7 , ” ]laugh: the Lord shall hold them in big plans, inspiring poems, revolu aches In the shape of new enemies that particular circuit may not be MultflOmah Girl Reported derision.” i tionary Inventions. These things used until it is replaced. 'or terrain. Safe ID Prison G a m p j Since Hitler affirms that he will have never been born because the To sum up weighted Washington When a fuse blows out Word has been received from th e 'put an end to faith in Christ, he also men never got started working them opinion on war strategy: The main ally an indication that it is usu- there is a state department that Esther Rae must fail. Here is the Lord's com- out. drive is Europe, not Asia: it is 8h° rt c*rcu'f or an overload. Miss Rankin was safe and well at the San- mand to H il people— “Go ye into all Ideas remain dreams until we against Hitler, not Hirohito. Russia take off our coats and begin building ill hold and the Second IY on t"ls NichoIs explains. I f the trouble had to Thomas prison camp in Manila last the World and preach the Gospel to She is the daughter of Mrs. ¡every creature.” This they are do- foundations under them. ! coming United Nations air suprem been an overload, merely putting in June. Hand in hand with their going The cold plunge of diving In and acy ^s now at hand in every theatre a new or bigger fuse will not correct J J Rae and a sister of Mrs. Har '¡ng beginning things, is a plunge many of the global war. In the Near the trouble and may be dangerous, old M. Keeler, 8938 SW 28th avenue,1 we SPe the Bible in whole or in part, translated into upwards of 10*0 lan- THOMAS JEFFERSO N people refuse to take. They spend East, Allied air control should prove In such cases it is often necessary Multnomah. disconnect the appliance that is The message held hope of a future gUages anc^ dialects. The ends of the deciding factor In stopping Rom- to . their lives on the shore envying the "The basis of our Government mel's further advance against the d ,awirtg too much current and con p rison « exchange although no im- the earth rejoice. The peoples of strong «wimmers, and never getting being the opinion of the people, Suez Canal. nect to another suitable outlet on a mediate transaction was contemplât- Asia, Africa and the islands of the in the swim themselves. They never the very first object should be to Big Business is Doing a Big Job line capable of carrying the total ed. No word has been received from seas wajk miles and stand long to start and so they never arrive. keep that rig*ht. Were it left to ; On the domestic front, our war load. Mrs. Rankin's husband or brother-in- hear the story of redeeming love. Goethe wrote a poem that contains me to decide whether we should production is moving steadily ahead. I f a fuse that is large enough still law. who were also in the Philippines They who have been sitting in the the secret o f achievement. He outbreak of the war. ¡region of the shadow of death wel- points out the simple fact that the have a government without news Our shipbuilding program is now be blows out, the likelihood is that a a^ “ ------------------ come the Gospel light. And Christ only way to begin Is to begin. Plac papers or newspapers without a ginning to overtake submarine loss- broken wire somewhere is causing a circuit. This will usually be* GEMS OF THOUGHT SERVICE pledges—"Behold, I have set before ing this poem where It can be read government ,1 should not hesitate j es. Our Flying Fortresses are reach- short I ing England in highly encouraging , found to be in a loose electrical cord, P R E P A R A T IO N thee an open door, and no man can every day would help us all to start a moment to prefer the latter” . Shall the forces that are faster, and to get more done. Here Inumbers We are even getting sup- which may be mended fairly easily One’s first lesson is to learn one's shut it up the world stop our plies into China by air in increasing Care in jnaking such repairs will pay se(f having done this, one will nat- shooting it is: volume. Our industrialists are do-'future dividends, however. The in Lord? urally, through grace from God Are you in earnest? Seize this Babson Discusses ing splendid job and can do even a sulation is first stripped bacW from forgive his brother and love his ene Now to your own fireside. When very minute: Bvsiness-As-Usnar ¡better one if they are not hamstrung the wires on either side of the break, m ies—Mary Baker Eddy. evening settles down and the empty What you can do, or dream you by Washington red tape and petty of- Each of the two mended wires is chair there reminds you of the boy can, begin it: Washington, D. C., October 9— ficials. wrapped first individually with fric It is impossible you should take away in the service, be comforted, Boldness has genius, power and After an impartial survey of the war Whether this is Hitler’s last winter tion tape and then the two are taped true root but by fair weather that God also puts a value on that wait- magic in it. situation, I am convinced that busi- of war depends on events now in the together. you make yourself; it is needful ing chair, since your boy is fighting Only begin and then the bnind ness-as-usual” is over for the dura- making. It equally depends upon Approximately 90 per cent pf the that you frame the season for your God’s battle for world decency. And grows heated. Ition. Whether we are businessmen, determination and sacrifice electrical repairs needed in the home own harvest —Shakespeare. I if the boy has named Christ as Sa- Begin and then the work will be Cr farmers, or wage workers, .. .. .. . or , , in- which all of us show in the lmmed- are on cords and connections. vior, be twice comforted. completed. vestors, the sooner we quit thinking ,ate montha. ahead. Most Washing- What stubbing, plowing, digging, i Again, we ask—Was Christ the Son about ourselves and our wages or* offlciaIs thlnk the war wi„ la8t and harrowing is to the land, that of God? Did he die for your sins? profits the shorter will be the war .. . ,. —TH R O W YOUR SCRAP INTO and better off we all will be In the from three to five years more, even The Third Front thinking, reflecting, examining is to Have you asked and claimed forgive- TH E F IG H T— though they feel that Hitler has shot ness on the ground that His death ¡the mind.—George Berkeley. ¡end. his bolt. I make no forecast at this In this war, the Front is made up • « • settled in full for you? Where will non-essential Those In businesses time Speculating on the length of Vlasda N. Becvar, 15, daughter of of our Army, Navy, Coast Guard, you be one minute after death? Marines and Air Corps, engaged ln'*hould immediately figure out ways the war is not hastening final vic- Mr and Mrs. Thomas M Becvar, ' Get away from the crowd when actual battle with the enemy. |*o * et along with much fewer em- tory route No. 8, box 1775, wants to make you can. Keep yourself to yourself, The Second Front consists of our ployes All who owe money should ___________ _ sure that the United States won’t if only for a few hours daily.—Ar- factories shipyards, and farms, make every effort to get out of debt suffer the same fate of Czecho-Slo- thur Brisbane, Cloverdale, Oregon Even vakia, her parents native land. She where c'vlllan w o^ k e« are producing War II i. ten times more difficu lt' Concord grapes are here. • * • This space paid for by an Oregon civilian P nd foo* than Worid War I. To win it, I though you may not have enough su has been saving all new nickels with guns, tanks, planes, ships, Study to show thyself approved businessman. *ar for jelly, you can bottle some in her reach for war bonds and re for our fighting men. i* am told that , all . of ... us must change unto God, a workman that needeth | The Third Front Includes every our personal habits, reduce our grape juice. Ripe grapes have a nat- ported Monday that 375 coins will be npt to be ashamed rightly dividing, Takes only turned in this week for a $25 bond. Americas’ Junior Army can fight m n n w o m a n a n . l child In the U n i t e d household expenditures, give up ural sugar of their own. the word of truth.—I I Timothy 2:15 | the war with Salvage. Get in the States, whose chief duty is to comb travel by train and automobile, and | Mi sup sugar or A cup sugar and Not to be outdone by her older • • • Becva. scrap. the entire Nation for the scrap ma- i really act as If we were a part of Vi cup white syrup for each quart o f , 8ister Zora and Sharrake Juice. are collecting and saving pennies Joy does not happen. It is th e: terials that are absolutely necessary ,the army which in turn will be exchanged for inevitable result of certain lines fo l-, BOMB TH E JAPS W IT H JU N K — to keep our factories running -abao- Hitler Is Losing war stamps, Mrs. Fr&nrpes Becvar, lowed and laws obeyed, and so a [ This does not mean that the war | —TH R O W YO U R SURA»* IN TO lutely necessary for Victory. —Keep ’em firing—with junk!— the gnrls mother, proudly declared matter of character.—M. B. Babcock In fact, as the T IIE F IG H T— The principal scrap materials need Is going badly. world breathlessly watches the epic I ed now are: drama of Stalingrad, it is apparent Iron and steel that Hitler's star is setting. He has Rubber Copper, brass, bronze, aluminum, failed to gain his all-important ob jective,—the destruction o f the So- zinc, and lead Old rags jvlet armies before the winter of Even if he should reach the Millions of ton^ of these materials! 1942 have already been collected and used'Baku oil fields, he cannot make use of In the early months of the war. Mil-I them this year or next year. The lions of tons more must be collected Russians would destroy the drillings, quickly and the collection must go and It would take Hitler months to on without let-up until the last shot .get them back into operation. Also is fired. Truly, scrap will win the'remember that this oil would need war Without it, our steel mills and to be carried 1500 miles on a rickety munition plants will be forced to single track railway . shut down, the production of guns, The real danger to the United Na tanks, ships, and shells will falter, tions Is not that Hitler will get oil and our Armies will face defeat. but that Russia will lose it. Fur thermore, there will be a vast am ount of starvat^n and suffering - G E T IN T H E SCRAP throughout Russia this winter. If H itler is able to anchor his southern R igh t here at home you can render a men, teachers, folks skilled in all sorts of lines to Stalingrade, he should be in a Income T a x Reductions position to withstand Russian coun patriotic service. H elp us break the hous crafts. Some are women, doing important Announcement has been made by ter attacks during the winter. He the US Treasury Department that in has the bulk of his manpower In ing bottle-neck that is slowing down ship work in the yards. A ll of them are giving come tax reductions are allowable for this area which he will be obliged to production at Oregon Ship and Swan Is the cost of gasoline expended In keep there all winter. their best to help win the w ar— and are Citizens Defense Corps duties. Will Russia Hold Out? land yards in Portland, and the Kaiser entitled to a place where they and their The Treasury's ruling stated that The Nazis have also some fifty dl depreciation on private cars used In visions strategically located In West yard in Vancouver. families may have the common necessi Civilian defense work is not, how ern Europe where they nan be flex ever an allowable deduction. If L ivin g quarters are needed right now ties of life. ibly manipulated against the expect deductions are made to cover the cost ed Second Front. These divisions for workers and their families. Homes, of gasoline, car users must maintain include some o f Hitler's picked adequate records “to establish the troops) they explain why the Second apartments, housekeeping rooms, or an amount expended and the fact that Front has not been opened already F ill out and mail the coupon to our Hous gasoline was used fo r civilian de arrangement of rooms in private homes Such a Nazi army probably totals fense purposes” ing Department. W e w ill put you in touch close to a million men that w ill accommodate fam ily groups of Roosevelt and Churchill are only —THROW YOUR SURA I* IN TO with the kind of people you prefer as rent from 3 to 5 people. A ll of these are re using rudimentary oommonsense in TH E F ÏO IIT — making sure they can do the Job be- ers. W e are particularly anxious to learn quired immediately. Selectlve Service Director Hershey for* *h*> ««»v e onto the Continent, of the following, for families of from 3 to said the size of the Army this year Stalin understands this now, follow has been increased from the 4 , 500,000 ' nf hi# conference with t hurchill 5 in city, village, or rural district where total announced as the 19491 objective , You can discount stories of any ser- Even though you live many miles from by Chief of Staff Marshall In June j *ou* disaffection between him and the worker can get to and from the yards Gen. Hershey said he expected mar- D*e Anglo American leadership Let Portland, you can be of great help. Here, daily: Tied men with children would h e .«*' therefore, forget war gossip, quit called "the last quarter of 1943 at th e, listening to radio commentators, and in this community shipyard employees Homes for Rent, furnished or unfurnished very earliest, but I would like to "ave instead of waste and their families w ill be glad to live and hedge to the extent that the Army’s Stop UrIUcDing Washington Apartments or Flats for Rent requirements may go up"; 18 and 19 The Russians are fighting their Housekeeping Rooms contribute to economic and social life if year olds must be drafted next year, own war Stalin has played his Rooms in Private Homes or ” 1,000,000 or 1,500,000 family men" cards close to his chest from the be they can find acommodations. Shipyard will be taken; and It is expected \ ginning His concern is solely for unmarried men with dependents w ill! Russia and for Communism, but he workers are clean, industrious Americans. I f you can help, please do it now. The be called this year. i knows It is a fight to the death be- T h ey are ex-salesmen, clerks, business coupon is for your convenience. - ....__ ... - ¡tween him and Hitler. Hence, Waah- - G ET IN TH E SCRAP ington does not now look for any ____________ ¡separate peace between the Nazis » a .--. and the Russians, even though this L e a n to V l l f l 'possibility has had some plausible At the oldest dancing * round* Readers write me asking If our ar school In Portland PATTERHON DOW my, navy, and air forces are in safe I am convinced that the N EY School of D u e hands. *ng . ■ « « i I management of the war is being cap Blunders are being Roth modem a n d | ably handled Mail to Housing D*pt., Oregon Shipbuilding Corporation, Portland, or to Kaiser Co., old fashioned danc- made as they are always made In ev Inc., Portland, or Kaiser Co., Inc., Vancouver. You'll have a . *ry war. since our leaders are only ing wonderful time learn-(human. I came away from Wash Call A T 7004 or AT , ington, however. Imbued with a fresh ing new steps Home for rent o f --------room* _____ furnished unfurnished 8780 M c E l r o y s Ballroom. 4th and sense of confidence Main. Open dally after 10 30 C||| What About the Second Front Apt. or Flat for rent o f ___ furnished .........unfurnished ( Naturally, no authoritative Wash for Information ington official told me when or Housekeeping Rooms for .... people where the Second Front would be es tablwhed , At the same time, I can Rooms in private home for people Have You a Son assure readers that It will be set up In the Service and In full operation at the earliest The perfect gift for your son In possible moment. It probably will Name -----------St. Addresa service . . Photographs are PER- not be at one place, but launched In SONAL . . LA ST IN G ■ .■ _ _ _ _ _ major _ _ _ _ areas at once INEX-[several Wnen I ' KNSI VK Three 7x10 one colored, u conies, we shall have unquestioned I City. State Phone______ for $5 9ft complete Call AT. 94-8-7 sir superiority I also look for a* for appointment. D P E R R Y steady step-up in the bombing of EVANS, 994 SW Merrleon Portland i German indusb tel and oommunJca- BEAVERIQ&S5ÌPKPRISE O r eg UBLI S ER IA T10 N • S CITIZENS OF BEAVERTON LIVING QUARTERS NEEDED FOR ill W0RKE Af VI R JES W H AT TO D O ! YOU CAN H E LP I OREGON SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION« PORTLAND KAISER CO. INC. PORTLAND AND VANCOUVER Please fill out and mail this coupon at once «