Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1942)
F rid a v , O cto ber 2, 1942 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE. Beaverton. Orepon Pape 2 What About Interest Rates?Babson RPAVHW B t^ B fTERPRISE Advises Short Term Investments a. h . n m u a publisher Published Friday of each weak by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton. Oregon. Entered ae aecond-etaee natter at the poetofnce at Beaverton. the -11X0 One Tear _ Six Month« Nat. Grange Convention A t Spokane N ov. 11*19 Three M on th s_______ _______S -»So Subscription Payable In Advance. Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 Hillsboro O fflc«— Boom ft. Delta Bldg.. Phone 1M1 Portland Offlee—SOS Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 6591 Plana are well under way for the 70th annual session of the National ______________Grange, scheduled this year for Spo-1 Babeon Park, Mass , October 2— — Wane, Washington, and whose dates An interest rate is a money fee paid .. November 11-19. These three by those who have less 'than they ^ r r o T " * * ° to the banks Individuals will then 0¡ j be great Northwest, Wash- need ot money to those who have , ,Q * war savings Oregon and Idaho, are com- " more than they can use. The rate , ____ .r ™ * c**h their to — do the honors — as — hosts to at which money will be lent during ',J.n h i & k , * government # ,. , may . - bining ......■> — — -------- the coming inflation will depend ** , * lo bor,0'*[ irom banks tbia natlonal gathering of farm peo- upon the lelutive status of two ele ' * money o paj em p]e> and jn spite o f transportation " in of government handicaps, etc., a large attendance is ments i l ) the eagerness o f those This cashing who have insufficient money to have •*c**rities held by individuals will expected at Spokane, naturally drawn or do things which require money; r.ot be sufficient to replenish the chiefly from the Pactflo Coast, states. <2) the eagerness ot those who coffers of such individuals or busi- When Washington was voted by the ness firms. I t Is likely, therefore, — Worcester session last year as the have ample funds to that despite the inflation of the post meeting place for 1942, Spokane was for an interest revenue war period, much of the money sup- deemed the city best located to ban- How Inflation Works . „ .. _ . . . .. , . ply will be frozen. Banks will ex- die the convention, because of the Inflation means that there is plen- ,,erlence a rather heavy demand for extent of war defense activities at ty Ol ot a kind In »ome -es, inflation takes on the character- 1°“ ^ ’ th“ *perm ittin g them to charge j Seattle, where the Grange held its T o, .pp„,r jjo r«. » , u snurs? Is a£zs. t s: ‘r r u r Think Back 42 Years Helj0 Folks: I am a tellln' you. I jj.ay f e iget that day Chris' Columbus decided to diskover Amerikey! But j . jj never fergit the date the Big Hurricane decided to hit the south coast a 1900 and ____ __ of Texaa on Sept. . v. u. knock out Galveston fer The count! My fatheI. had moved from Oklaho- mty (0 that part of Texas a couple of years back from that date as he wuz a saekin' better health. He ^ dldn t rind it „ in _______ that ______ storm! w“ h'"g“ n « ,;r “ 1 take time to throw a pan of salt water in my face and get out In the money due to inflation, lenders will zephyrs where I happen to be even if supply W h y Don’t You W rite? . ... of . money ,, w'a ,, Placa<* to the want a higher interest rate due to Freedom is the Goa! TH1EE III MT HOUSE it might be a sandstorm and thank benefit of a small clique, the rest of the increased risk involved I f there’s one thing u new soldier the Lord that I don t have to swim the nation suffered a severe shortage Housing and Commercial Ixian* •“To win this war for freedom Tes-Three of us live together here of of money Plices ud fast * t^mnssrciai lxians * . he . gets t8 ¡n You know in camp camp, it is out of the sandstorm! money. Prices would would go go up fast is not to win a doubtful victory. ih ? 'liv ,n . T ; 7 h r I,h.Tehm n e ^ 0 lHma| n “ tha" H o ^ T money“ V o u .d lt tha™*he°present'^low^ln- ™ f r o m h o m e - C S from way back yinder in them ole days we To win this war for freedom Is to l ,3 , " !' He *“ l each «* * Public and most business- Merest rates l y be a DermlnentI wife, or his best girl. Many had never met a auto a snortin’ er win the greatest triumph any na th, M In. lift,... n, "*en- Thla a<*vance was caused both feature: loans to merchants soldiers “ Won’t you a Hitler « raisin hellendemmatlon on feature; but but for for loans to merchants, --------- have asked, tion, any people, ever won.” —A r lng horse, or trading jack knives by a decreaalnK We had never seen a flap- desire to hold onto I We must visualize a situation when please tell them through your paper earth. chibald M&cLelsh. with him. have to write us more often?” Mail is per er er a radio lend-leaSb policy may of H e ‘ is a m° ney and by a" lncreaainB demand the boss and well B A R B W IR E B ILL born thief and murderer his « urge » * f° r tan,f,b,e K°°d» drained our huge surplus of most what soldiers want more than any-, I f inflation should take the shape goods,—not only foods. It is well thing else. The government is fuin- also is to feed the lowest of his Fire Prevention W eek of a huge expansion of currency, or to remember that the need for com -1 ishing every material thing they Housewives should remember now appetites. a sudden increase in the use of cur- mercial loans arises primarily from need, but it can't write them friendly that meat may soon be rationed— With fire from incendiaries proven | what is n i s n a m e . O-ITN Iency there mljfht be greater aaaUi the creation o f goods and crops letters every day. Only you can fill cheese—which is about one- the greatest wartime threat to civ m v r v n - n J a v t 2 ,A T V R E »nee that interest rates would go up When commercial loans shift fr o m ! that need—Nashville (111.) Journal., fourth protein, makes a good susti- ilians by British experience, OCD . , « , , B T *w.8 , _ during inflation. In this country, productio n activity to inventory tute for meat dishes once or twice a Director James M. Landis is calling day I am to leave this place and take however, inflation is taking the holding it is usually about the end of —TH R O W Y O L K SC RAP IN TO week. on defense councils throughout the uk '" / "y new h°use One not made form of slow bank depogit inflation the business boom. Therefore, lend TH E FIG H T— d j j lease is an instrument which, in country to participate In observing with hand, eternal in the heaven. So many peopIe U8e check8 to Then I will be fres from the old thelr bank deposiU Fire Prevention Week, October 4 to ----- ------ — ------ - that we are n ot. the post-war period, might cause a 10. Setting the date. President Rooee- man forever. immediately threatened with radical1 renewed industrial boom at high pri- velt declared that wartime emergen And what of the third one who currency inflation. j ces when most firms find their cash The W orld’s News Seen Through cy makes it ' essential that- deetruc I lives with me One day He stood Government Now Controls Kates ! resources depleted, tlve fire be brought under stricter at the door and knocked. I I let knocked. Inasmuch as the government now The outlook for banks is probably T h e C h r is t ia n S c ie n c e M o n it o r control in order that victory be {Him In. Now He walks with me controls the Federal Reserve Board, more hopeful now on such a long An International Daily Neu spaper achieved at the earliest date.” 'and He talks with me and He tells tbe interest rates which are accom- term view than it ever has been it Tru thfu l— Constructive — Unbiased — Free from Sensational Explaining the participation of|me „ __ L participation ofim e I am His own. He was very panying the ipresent slow inflation ,ince 1926 A smaI1 lnc,ea3e in in' ism __ Editorials A re Tim ely and Instructive and Its Daily OCD In observing the safety week, rich but for my sale He became poor are a matler of government government policy. Dolicv »^rest rates should greatly add to a Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make Mr. Landis said: "Now the tre- that through His poverty I might be ; One must not forget that ever since bank's profits. Of course, politics the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. At the crossroads of the banking system' was mendous damage done by fire Is come rich. was invented enter into the problem. Social I re- more than ever a national problem, life. He throws the light on the up- the Huppiy of monetary funds wheth- formers always enjoy tinkering with The Christian Science Publishing Society because low of life materials or ward path. And He reasons wlth ’ eI aa credit Q|. currency dependen Bomp intriguing toy which they don’t One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts productive time interferes with the me and urges md but He leaves me upol, Government legislation rathe, quite understand. We. however, Price $ 12.00 Yearly, or 31.00 a Month. war effort It U a contli*Ung prob- to say for myself. than on Kold or sUv" r have had so much social uplift in the Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, #2.60 a \ ear. lem that must be dealt with every. When I listen to the old man w h o ’ Today most of the money lies in last decade that perhaps voters are Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents. week of the year, but Fire Praven : lives in the basement and take the the coffers of the banks and big cor- setting tired of it. Hence, to bond tion Week should mark the beginn downward path, I find this True Lov- porations. N am e___ ____ ____ _____________________ — ---------------------------- - The willingness with buyers I say—avoid long term, low ing of a more intensive effort.” corporation bonds but buy er waiting to receive me back He which they have been lending money yl*Wlnf* A d d ress. C. I. Sersanous, Oregon State Sal noios out Mis nail-pierced hands and to the government is because they bonds maturing wiuu.i m ic vage Chairman, has suggested that tells me He SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST has settled with the want to hang onto the privilege of years when they probably then can speakers assigned to ceremonies dur- Father for my running with the ene- lending. They especially fear com- b* exchanged for «ecnntv lng the Yes—You nave have His from me the governme government which Pay>nK a higher rate of interest. , w. week link fire iFJ'®v*4ntj®“ »u. “ my. **• ri.a name petition nom with the salvage material .at th jB thg jj0rd j eaua Christ and He has shown its readiness to assure a 1=111=111=111=111=111= 11=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=III=IH=IH=III=III=111=111=111=111=111=111= salvage^. program, ^ pledges that He will never leave me large supply of lendable funds if clean all attics, basements, garages, nor forsake me. III banks are not willing to do so. etc., of salvage material, at the same Just what took place when I open- Money Kate« During the War time removing dangerous fire hex- ed tire door that day to let Him in? Recent statements emanating from aids. Fire Marshal Fred W. Roberts is Flrrt- r,od **nt the Holy Spirit to government quarters indicate that IM work Tn g*~ out "details ” f or” Fire PreCen- conv*ct m* of my ■»" and » ‘■•W- I of ^ r r e n c y when ♦ . » a u . of «aw myself condemned and lost to examining banks, wlU tend to con Ml tlon Week, with .V,- the » cooperation ÿj Then the Spirit laid a spot- sider the governemnt bond portfolio jjj the Civilian Defense Council. This Ood. light on the flgure of Christ. I saw of such banks as a non-risk element a ili Is the first year OCD will actively On M J participate in Fire Prevention week. Him tempted at every point like as in the bank's earning assets we are, yet without sin. I saw Him this basis, banks may be permitted ¡j] Comissioner Fred L. Peterson Ml chapman',” * Wardens” 8ervlce,* has aarn •t*,rnal Hfe by obeying Ood at to continue the purchase of govern- = And He stepped in and ment bonds regardless of their finan- (!' questiyl all Air Raid Wardens, during every point. ñj Then clal statement. Consequently, banks jjj this week to (1) check all houses In suffered death to clear me. jjj God gave me the urge to open the are engaged in the wholesale pur- their areas for vital protectlvs This I did chasing of government bonds. equipment required to receive the door and let Him in Hi Now During the war, we should con- compliance etlcker We Are Prepared O f my own free will I did it. with Him is tinue to witness low interest rates. = (2) see that all Wardens sign up rs-jto wal,t in fellowship quired~ number""of Watchers fo r j»w ««t as the days go by Deposits, however will so increase ÜÎ IH low rates, ¡¡j ihmir areas, ar«a■ .nH M« that their I Listen' He also stands at the that. notwithstanding their and ( » Ñ) own homes are free from all fire door ot y°ur heart and knocks Open banks should be able to earn divi- £ If allowed !!! to Him at this moment and He will dends during the war. hazards. i T i come in and sup with you. Now to make higher service charges, they I ffl m search the Bible to learn your Christ may even accept a lower rate of in- -GET IN TH E SC R A P— ian duty. Yield to Him your strength, terest o « their government bonds ID your days, your faculties until you The deposits of the average bank in- Retail W ho letals W ho letals Retail ID A Salute to Our School« can say—He is my Hope-Cheer-Joy-! crease to about 75^ of its increase Peace-Wlsdom-Coui age all the way. of government bond holdings. HI A salute to the schools of Am all tha day. Money Rates After the War erica for the magnificent job they In the post-war period, there will jc have done in mobilising their stu develop a resumption of internation !i! dents, their teachers and their com al trade which should cause a re- munities for wartime service! Cloverdale, Oregon newed demand for funds for the pur- ID Their War Savings Programs—em Thla space paid for by an Oregon pose of rehabilitating devasted re- ID phasizing reasoned, voluntary and busineaaman. K|ons and inventories. This will ili regular purchase of War Stsunpa and — — - - , come just at the time when lndividu- Bonds— have diverted millions of dol \ ll _ u . i i 1 al® an^ businesses will be subjected u n e w a y lO n e i p to mo8t 9evere Income taxes which lars from unnecessary spending Into HI Do you spike the rumor, uncover they may not have the money to if. vital production for our armed . . . the nefarious Intent of the seeming Pay. Due to increased wholesale forces. ¡Ü Their classrooms and shops have ly harmleas joke, point out the innu-i prlces much more capital will be re- £ trained approximately 2,635,000 work sndo In a question, and show how qU|re<i to carry adequate inventories jc ers for war industries since July I. all these things are subtle devices ___________________________________ __ = III in of the enemy to divide the people of \ 1940. £ I Ili Their teaohers, students and par the United Nations and to undermine C i t y o f P o r t l a n d S e e k » i ; __ . r_ ^ ent organizations have registered our national unity in America? Do you? i manpower for war and have put the That Is one important way most of A p p l i c a n t * f o r J o b » III ’^'^e Portland Civil Service Board s gigantic war rationing system into us can help to defend our country. £ and to win the war. And the nation announces examinations tor two po g operation throughout tbe country. III of service today *lG°n9 lo the city civil service, Mo- jjj = They have become more than ever does need that kind at the hands of Its citizens —Clssna ‘ or Vehicle Inspector and Archives = community centers for learning, for = Custodian All quailifed persons now- specialized training, for discussion, Park (111 ) News. I D living anywhere in the metropolitan music, entertainment, and for service. area of Portland are eligible America’s schools have gone to war ............ .... I Turn in the Scrap Examinations for Motor Vehicle - but they have not forsaken their With a shortage of steel impending Inspector will be held Thursday ev B main business: teaching and learning. our war effort, there Is truth in the ening, October 8. the age limit for They realize that the time has come £ saying that Every Pile of Scrap Har both men and women has been low to take action that insures the right • ««a* bors a Jap The National Grange is ered to 18 years Ü of free education to exist urging all Its members throughout jjj Women applicant* for Motor Ve the country to cooperate to the full hicle Inspector must be not less than iii Motorists are urged to remember est extent In the campaign that is be 18 or more than thirty years of age, that g child at the curb Is a stop ing waged for the collection of scrap | and must conform to height and sign. weight requirements announced by metals for war purposes. the Civil Service Board •lili Applications for Motor Vehicle In III = £ spector must be filed with the Civil IH Service Board at 103 City Hall Port land. not later than 12 noon on Sat IÏI urday. October 3. Applicants have . . . until 5 p m. on Wednesday. October £ 14. to file applications for Archives IH Custodian The latter examination £ Grade or Grade C S K iH MILK will be held on Saturday afternoon. ill Grade or Grade C BUTTERMILK £ October 17. Ml ANNOUNCEMENT Changes in Fluid Milk and Cream Prices Effective October 1, 1942 PORTLAND SALES AREA MINIMUM PRICE SCHEDULE Grade C Products Grade A Products 4 % M ILK « FREE LECTURE on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE W illiaa D. Kilpatrick, C. S. R. of Detroit, Michigan Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, the Fir»t Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. in church edifice of First Church of Christ, Scientist 1819 N. V . Everett St Tuesday evening, October 6, at I o’clock The public is cordially invited All motorists in the non rationed ifl areas of the country were asked by Price Administrator Henderson to = observe the same rules In using their III Ml cars that are enforced in the ration 3 ed Eastern area, as a means of con lit serving rubber tires until a national jg gasoline rationing plan can be put I into effect. He said it will be aev- S eral weeks before coupon books can I be printed to carry out the natton- ■ wide gas rationing Unless the na- 9 tlon’s 27/000,000 motorists <#«t their ■ driving To the Bone. Mr Henderson 8 said, “ we re likely to coast right 9 into Hitler's la p " A national speed jtj limit of 35 miles an hour and com pulsory periodic tire inspection has also been recommended. iti 5c 8c 14c 56c H a lf Pints Pints Q u a r t s ............... G allo n s ............. 3V4C 6V2C 12c 48c H a lf Pints Pints ................... Q u a r t s ............... G allons 5% M ILK 33/4C 9c 7V2C 14c 16c 56c 64c 3V-4C 6V4C 11V4C 45c 5c 7V 13c 52c 3V2C 13V4C 53c 8V 15c 60c L IG H T C R E A M (20-22%) 14c 16c H a lf P in t s .......... 13c 26c 29c P in t s 25c Q u a r t s ............... 50c 55c 45c G allo n s ............. M.85 *1.75 15c 28c 50c H E A V Y C R EA M (30-33%) H a lf P in t s ......... 20c 22c 19c Pints .*•............... 37c 40c 36c Q u a r t s ............... 72c 77c 70c *2.75 G allons *2.60 21c 39c 75c A Q u a r t s ............... G allons 10-Gallon Lo ts 8c 28c A 6c 22c 17c 7c 26c 7c 24c 19c Ml iii III For Bulgarian Buttermilk, (w ith butterfat) use 5% milk prices. For Chocolate Milk use 4* f milk price*. Milk in 10-oz. bottle« is V*c higher than half pint prices. For prices on other special products, call Oregon MUk Control Board. Th e above schedules of minimum prices for cream in the Portland Sales Area become effective October 1. 1942. by official action of the Oregon Board taken this 30th day of September, 1942. fluid milk and at 12-01 A M Milk Control HI I z HI = ■ iii £ HI Hi s mi s H ave You a Son In the Service 5 Ul £ hi M The perfect gift for your son in s service . . Photographs are PER- = 3 SONAI. LASTIN G . . ÏNEX- g . PE N SIV E Three 7x10 one colored, for $5 9ft complete Call AT S-8 8-7 for appointment. D P E R R Y EVANS. 934 RW Morrison. Portland I OREGON MILK CONTROL BOARD f - E. G R K L I.K , ( luirm an G LENN H. MARSH Copies of the complete official order, are m process of print ing and will be mailed to the industry in due course. iiiiS M is iiis m s iiis H ^ B B M iM ia u ia H is iiis iH s u s H is iiii s = = = .= £ ' = *'= ''W III E