Page 4 Friday, September 18, 1942 BEAVERTON EN TERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon B row ning W a lsh —E nglish P ractice Portland School of Music B ook fo r Grade 5 TOO L A T E TO CLASSIFY My P ractice Book in A rlthm etio SCHOOL of MUSIC, OPENING Was Ellison White Con­ Follow ing is a list o f books fo r the R E F R IG E R A T O R * B ook 5 by Greenberg, B row n ­ B eaverton grade school, fo r term servatory of Music field, T aylor M ULTNO M AH , O R E G O N Save m oney with your opening M onday . G oals in Spelling—G rade 5 O P E N S S A T U R D A Y , S E P T . 12 ow n F R O Z E N F ood A LO IIA A SSE M Bl,\ O f GOD T his year the P ortland School o f On Capitol lliw a y at SW 35 & Troy Inventory o f books needed in each W ebster School D ictionary L ock ers — right at | Music enters its 27th year o f dissem- Sunday School 10 a. m. Pen Pointa No. 9 grade at Beaverton Orade School. hom e C hapm an T w o ' m ating m usical cu ltu re throughout Located in Com. Church N O T E - B ook s listed in b la ck ­ P ractice Paper W orship 11 a. m. Tem perature R e frig e ­ | the P a cific N orthw est. Under the M A R T H A B. R E Y N O L D S , rators— 16 cu bic foot Y oung people 6 30 p. m. fa ce type will be furnished by the In k —washable blue i unusual con ditions o f wartime, the 1 wide, ruled pencil tablet P IA N O and O R G A N H ousehold — 7 cu bic sch ool district. E vangelistic 7:45 p. m. school is prepared to go on with an 2 so ft lead pencila fo o t Q u i c k Freege F1KST G R A D E GU STA V SCH U STE R augm ented curriculum , with the P rayer and Bible study 7 45 p. m. L ock er. One used one V IO L IN & B A N D IN ST R U M E N T S Day in and Day Out, Basic Prim er 1 box C rayolas— (16 colors) the feeling that now, m ore than any Thui sday. R uler . at $380. T w o new R ound A bout, B asic F irst R eader State C ertified Teachers, Credits I other time, m usic is an im portant S cissors—pointed ones at $440.50. In­ B ison Gray, P rim er Given— Course* for Beginners and | stabilizing fa ctor in the lives o f our T ennis shoes fo r gym nasium stalled w ithin 100 Spio and Span AJ.OIIA C O M M U N IT Y A dvanced Students children and you ng people. I_oo»e leaf N otebook— large size with miles. Science Stories B ook I D uring the last six years, the B A P T IS T C H U R CH ruled filler For F urther In form ation Call C H A P M A N K ioo System o f Business W riting— school, form erly know n as the E lli­ B. M arcus G odw in, pastor R E F R IG E R A T O R SALES S IX T H G R A D E Prim ary MU. 6 1 6 7 or BE. 6 9 7 8 son-W hite C onservatory o f Music, Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. W ork B ook —H ere W e Go. Joy land In R eading— Sixth R eader B ox 229, Corvallis, Oregon has undergone m any ch anges and M orning w orship at 11. C om panion W ork B ook fo r Day In H ighw ay» and Byw ays— Sixth R e a d e r im provem ents. F rom private ow n ­ B. Y. P. U. 7 p. m. N«*w Curriculum A rithm etic— G rade and D ay Out. ership it has been Incorporated into • 1 wide, ruled pencil tablet P la y e r m eeting 8 p. m. W ednesday. a n on -p rofit, non-cf>mmeilcial, cirvic Y ou can sell it with a want ad. 1 box Crayolas— lift colors) E nglish A ctivities— Grade 6 institution under the law s o f the I i T ry you r local paper. S cissors (sem i-sharp Building G ood Health State o f O regon. T he B oard o f trus­ B EAVERTO N CHURCHES 1 beginners pencil— large R ice System o f Business W ritin g__ t e e s , under the presidency o f W m . C. T ennis shoes fo r gym nasium Interm ediate M cC ulloch w as recen tly augm ented ST. C E C E L IA C H U R CH SECON D G R A D E A m erica ’s Old W orld B ackground ’ by such prom inent P ortland civic ! Masses 8 to 10 a. m. * FRANK E. SCHMIDT Friendly tilla g e — Second Header Glim pses Into th# l o n g A go ' leaders as Messrs. E. B. M cNaugh- Bison G ray— B asic R eader B ook I A B rave Y oun g la n d Kouti 1, B ox 330 T igard Ore. ‘ ton „ M ason Ehrm an. R. R Adams, BETHEL Bison Gray— B asic R eader B o o k U D iscoverin g Our W orld B ook III and Mrs. F. J. Patterson. C O N G R E G A T IO N A L CH U R CH T he Health Parade N ations B eyond the Seas— A tw ood W ith the acquisition o f its magni- W illard B. Hall, M inister Science Stories B ook II G oals In Spelling—Grade 6 I ficen t new W est Side hom e, the j apples FOR S A L E —G ravenstein 9:45 a. m. C hurch School. R ice System o f Business W ritin g— G eograph y W ork B ook to A cco m ­ school is now equipped with greatly I 80c a box. Fred Leuthi, W alnut 11 a. m. W orsh ip. P rim ary pany N ations Beyond the Seas 1 superior facilities for the continu­ avenue, Tigard. 6:30 p. m. P ilgrim Fellow ship. T he N ew C urriculum N um ber B ook W ebster School D ictionary ance o f its w ork. N ew quarters for — F or G rade T w o I pre-school children have been built F O R R E N T 3 acres to plant crop Pen P oin ts No. 9 N A Z A R E N E C H U RCH C om panion W ork B ook fo r Friendly P ractice Paper ¡in to the new hom e. 8 ° * 412> G reenburg R oad. Tigard. W . P. K E E B A U G H , P astor Village I The Portland School o f Music serv­ Ink w ashable blue Sunday Sch ool 9 45 a. m. H E L P W A N T E D — Men and w o­ W ork B ook fo r R eader— D ow n the L oo»e ies the needs o f all those interested lea f N o teb ook - la rg e size P reachin g Service 11 a. m. men. Portland C anning Co., R iv er R oad in music, beginning with pre school | w ith ruled filler O pportunity fo r experienced and Y ou n g P eoples 6:30 p. m. Sherwood, Oregon. Goals in Spelling—Grade II (scrip t) 2 soft lead pencils age. Students o f any age can find inexperienced men to get into E van gelistic service 7:30 p. m. 1 w id e,w u led pencil tablet congenial classes in the work in | 1 box Crayolas—-(16 colors) w ork essential now and after the F O R S A L E — 11(4 acres, good soil, 2 soft lead pencil# w hich they are interested. 1 wide, ruled pencil tablet war. G ood future— training fits C H U R C H O F C H R IS T only 12 miles from P ortland City 1 box C rayolas— (16 colors) R uler you to handle heavy m otorized G eorge W. Springer. P astor Center. G ood 6 rm house, bath, w a­ 1 large m anila envelop 10x14 Inches Scissors— pointed equipment. M orning w orship and p reach in g 9:45 ter system, gas, electricity, garage, Tire Allocation Scissors Tennis shoes fo r gym nasium W ork now available in San Fran­ a. m. T op ic The W ord as a Service. wood shed, 20x60 hen house, fam ily Tennis shoes fo r gym nasium SEVEN TH G R A D E cisco B ay area. Get further F ollow ing the serm on, the L ord ’s F ollow in g is a list o f persons to j orchard, berries, grapes, price much T H IR D G R A D E supper will be observed. details less than invested $4500. W ould w h om tires, tubes and recaps have Treasury o f L ife and lite ra tu re — I f I W ere G oing—T h ird R eader Bible S ch ool 11 a. m. by contacting- V olum e 4 con sider sm all hom e in B eaverton been allocated by the H illsboro £ l»o n G ray—B asic R eader B ook 111 Christian E ndeavor 6:30 p. m. R eading fo r Skill as part payment. 1(4 mile north B oard from A ugust 21 to August 28, P A C IF IC G R E Y H O U N D LIN E S G row ing Big and Strong E vening worship 7:30 p m. T op ic 1942: o f H uber and Alohn on Base Line R o y H enry R aym ond, Beav- j R ice System o f Business W r i t i n g - United States A m ong Nations W . HL E gger G od T he Father. R oad to H illsboro. Mrs. A nna erton : Claud L. McCool, R5, P ort­ A tw ood P rim ary 2521 S. W . W A T E R S T R E E T M idweek Bible study and p r a fe r Steere, R2, Box 764. Beaverton. land; N orm an C. Enger, B eaverton; i School llla tory o f the A m erican N ew Curriculum A rithm etic G rade 3 PORTLAND, OREGON service W ednesday 8 p. m. T op ic E rnst Schlichting, S h erw ood; J. M People English A ctivities— G rade 3 or w rite M ore o f the T ools fo r C hurch W ork. Burris, R1 B eaverton; F red H. Speaking and W riting English S cience S torie» B ook H I O sterloh will be the T w ohy, R3 B eaverton; E lvin H. Has- W IL L IA M N. SM ITH P A C IF IC G R E Y H O U N D L IN E S Individual C orrective E xercises tor , New C urriculum A rithm etic— Grade 7 Miss B ertha leader. kell, R 5 P o rtla n d ; E arl D reyer, B eav- Funeral services were held Tues- Third Grade by M iller Kitterm an P ro,>l»*mH B «nk I A. V. Allen erton ; Jennie Beam ish R 5 P ortlan d; dav for w illia m N Smith, late o f Sil- Elem entary School English - W rV o f « “ *!..*»» W r i t i n g - 1919 M A R K E T S T R E E T W E S T SL O P E A dvanced | Everett Findley. R5 P ortlan d ; W m ! verton brother o f M. C. Smith of O A K L A N D , C ALIF, Com panion w ork book fo r E lson Ba­ CO M M U N ITY C H U R C H W ork B ook to A ccom p an y the ¡M R yan, R1 T igard ; Geo. J. John -i Hillsdale. He also leaves ¡i w ife sic R eader H I giving b rief personal description United P resbyterian United States A m on g N ations I *on, T ualatin ; Lester Adam s, R2 Laura, brother E. W . Smith o f Okla- Lennes Test and P ra ctice Sheets in — picture if available— outlining Gabel School, S W Gabel Lane G oals In Spelling—G rade 7 , B eaverton; E. R. Bortz, R3 B eaver- hom a City and a sister, Mrs. Sula A rith m etic III experience or qualifications. R ev. H. A. A rm itage, P astor L earning to C om pute B ook II ton ; Hans Erb, R3 B eaverton; H. G. u Miller o f Dietrich, Idaho. G oals in Spelling—G rade 3 I Service 11 a. m. T op ic His Ap 1 H agg R eedville; R ueben Gerber, R5 W ebster School D ictionary 1 wide, ruled pencil tablet pointm ents. * Pen P oin ts No. 9 ‘ P ortlan d ; Carl F E ggim an , R2 B eav-j 2 soft lead pencila P ra ctice Paper 6:30 p. m. T op ic— P rayin g Always, j erton ; Joe Itel, R1 S h erw ood; C. E 1 box C rayolas — (16 colora) In k —w ashable blue B eaverton; A. W Buchanan ---------------------------- Mason S cissors—sharp ends W E S T H IL L S 2 so ft lead pencils R 3 B eaverton; F. W Taylor, R3 T ennis shoes fo r gym nasium L U T H E R A N CH U R CH 1 wide, ruled pencil tablet S herw ood; John R eisch, R3 S h er­ FOU RTH G RAD E Canyon Road, near Sylvan L oose leaf N oteb ook —large size with w ood ; Elrod A. Thiel, R1 T igard ; Jqyfu f Adytuituree— F ourth R eader W erner J. Fritz, M inister ruled filler H. L. R ich ardson. R 5 P ortlan d : Earl E xploring N ew Fields— Fourth 16th Sunday after T rin ity 1 box C rayolas— (16 colors) Dreyer, B eaverton; Johan H. Sever, R eader Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Ruler ! R1 T ig a rd ; E. K. Schlottm ann, R2 H om e L ife In F ar A w ay I a n d i— M orning service 11 a m. Serm on B eaverton; Paul H agg R6 P ortland: S cissors—pointed A tw ood, 'IT ioiiikn H eadquarters for T ennis shoes fo r gym nasium T o p ic The Infinite R iohes o f God. ¡F rank Dayton, R 2 Beaverton. Steady) w ork in a grow in g indus­ E nglish A ctivities Grade 4 E veryone invited and w elcom e try w ith bright future. G ood O R E G O N M O T O R STAG ES E IG H T H G R A D E New C urriculum A rithm etic— G rade 4 w ages plus overtim e and T reasu ry o f l i f e And lite ra tu re — Klee System o f Business W riting H O M E -C O O K E D GO OD E A T S V olum e 3 Get you r heart Intq your w ork, Receives Award Interm ediate See or w rite R eading fo r Skill M odern F ountain Service I w ' hatever it may be, fo r w ork w ith- D iscovering Our W orld B ook I P A C IF IC G R E Y H O U N D L IN E S P ortlan d City C ouncil has been ou t heart C ftlsenshlp— Sherw ood Mac- for H ot W eather R elief __________ is dead.— R am say Safety Everyday R. M. Ahrens W ork B ook to accom pan y H om e L ife New Curriculum A rithm etic— G rade 8 j recom m ended to pay a $10 rew ard to Donald Under N ew M anagem ent | H. C. H ight, 3824 S W K elly avenue. ____________________________ S ch ool H istory o f the Am erican 401 K A N SA S S T R E E T In F ar A way Lands j fo r furnishing in form ation that led i “ “ ^ “ “ “ People Individual C orrective Exercises fo r SAN F R A N C ISC O , C A L IF .____ L Y L E C. T A Y L O R T he H ealthy H om o and Community to the arrest and con viction o f a hit- ! E lem entary English Grade 4 run driver. Speaking and W ritin g English Goals in S p ellin g—4th grade Science P roblem H ook II N ew C urriculum W ork B ook in R ico System o f Huslirewn W ritin g— EVERY A rithm etic— Grade 4 Marriage Licenses A dvanced Pen Pointa No. 5 L earnin g to Com pute B ook II ! R o y C. Chase B eaverton and Phyl P ractice Paper G oals In S pelling—G rade 8 ! In Parm er, 1215 SW 14th ave. IS AN Ink- washable blue Pen P oints No. 9 ! A « R obin Chastain and M argaret R. A xis V ictory P y re 1 wide, ruled pencil tablet P ra ctice Paper ¡C lock , both o f B eaverton. 2 soft lead pencila In k —washable blue 1 H arold C. H am back and Mildred 1 box Crayolaa— (16 colors) C U a w d S tu M fU W ebster School D iction ary | M. H aaf, both o f Tigard. R uler w o n 't m ake lu m b e r L oose lea f N oteb ook —large size with A. R obin Chastain, Beaverton, and Scissors— pointed ruled filler ; M argaret H. C lock, Beaverton. for M s c A r lh u r 's M e n Tennis shoes fo r gym nasium R uler F IF T H G R A D E 1 box Crayolaa— (16 colors) Outdoor lovon valu# Gr##n Tr##« T reasure ('b e st«— Fifth R eader BIRTHS S cissors—pointed 4i th# natural Korn# of w.ldl.f# and T alcs and T ravel— Fifth Render Tennis shoes fo r gym nasium Mr. and Mn| SlUtM Beaverton, th# guftrdiM of Our w«t#r tuppl.#* Doing Y our H ist fo r Health — ■ - -------- Sept. 6, a son. Tho Am ericas— A tw ood T hom as W I L U I A M B R U C E ZU M W A L T Mr. and M -s. M ichael R . Hine, English A ctivities—G rade 5 W illiam B ruce Zum walt, late o f [ route 6 ^ 40 Sept. 7 a daug.hter Pilot* and Pathfinders— Fifth G rads 92nd and W eb ster Idlem an road, died D a . |one j New C urriculum A rithm etic— G r a d « $ Sept. 13. W as husband of May, | y , ‘ and Mrs. L loyd M. Jackson, D iscovering Our W orld B ook II father o f C larft« A rm strong o f P o rt­ B ircn w ood road, Sept 3, a Klee ¡System o f Buslneas W ritin g— « land. E dw in Zum w alt o f Beaverton. dau'ghte, Janice A. Interm ediate gran dfath er o f Mrs Elaine Marsh, o f Sunnyvale, Calif., P rivate A B. W IL L IA M B R U C E ZU M W A LT A rm strong, o f A laska; B ruce Lee W illiam B ruce Zum w alt late of Zum walt o f B eaverton; great-grand- 92 and W ebster-Idlem an road, P ort­ foath er F rederick C orn foot o f Sun­ land. died Sept. 13. He was husband A C C R E D IT E D nyvale, C a lif.; one sister and tw o o f May. father o f C larice A rm strong, FLU TE T E A C H E R brother* also survive o f P ortlan d; E dw in B. Zum w alt o f ,----- ;-------- . I B ea verton ; gran d fath er of Mrs. 531 K. Jackson Ht, 11 111 shore You caa do rout ih#r# W ork is a stim ulus to w ork and, E]a|ne M a,.9h o f Sunnyvale> C«1 ; P ri- K##p O —gon Gr##ft A»»n , S#loot, 0 ’ *fon Phone Hillsboro 2184 loafin g a stim ulus to la z in e s s .-W M vat< A B A rm strong, o f Alaska. Hunt. ; B ruce Lee Zum w alt o f B eaverton; great gran dfath er of F rederick D. C orn foot o f Sunnyvale, Cal.; 1 sister Jo Relievt and 2 brothers also survive. FXineral Miatry of services were held Sept. 16, at the Chapel o f the L incoln M em orial Park i Mausoleum Grads School Book List BUILDING and Remodeling j BUS DRIVERS WANTED I Good Pay, Pleasant Work Valuable Training Given MECHANICS, SHEET METAL WORKERS GREYHOUND Coffee Shop Burned Stump r Headquarters for High School and Grade School I BOOKS and Supplies LEOLA YOUNT ! at DEAN’S DRUG STORE Prospera Pozzi Hartshorn Experienced Professional Musician E xtensive fires on the bom bing range in M orrow cou nty have driven large hands o f rabbits o f f the des- : ert and on to irrigated farm s o f j B oardm an and Irrigon. State certified teacher of piano and cello Bet. Studio— 5248 S. W. Humphrey Blvd. Off Cauyou Id., ueai Sylvan j Strip croppin g is heing tried this * year on the C. A Nish farm In Gil­ liam county, where crested wheat grass was sow n this spring with Sumer fallow land in betw een to h* seeded to wheat this fall . BE. 9652 for Appointment Hi^h School Credits n i= iiis iii2 iiis in s iii= iiis H ia m in iB iii9 iN 3 n ia m 9 n is m £ iii9 M S iiis M i= " i5 m 3 iH = m s m 3 iii= !n I 4L Grade and High SCHOOL BOOKS and SUPPLIES • Webster's New Illustrated Dictionary 25« C O M P LE T H L IN E OF E V E R Y THING NEEDED FOR W O R K I N G H ARDER THESE DAYS? Fill your tim e with positive ser­ vice and good Do not drift. Have definite things on hand to do. H en­ ry Churchill King Portland School o f Music Form erly Ellison W hite Conservatory Fully A ccredited by the State o f Oregon C ourses In All Branches o f Music Outstanding Faculty M oderate Fees— Catalog on request 931 S W King, PHONE Portland B K oa d w a y 4577 SCHOOL 1 Brown's Beaverton Pharmacy on Broadway in Beaverton I "The Rexall Store” Beaverton, Oregon W E. PEGG M O R T IC IA N B eaverton. Oregon I Eatab. 1910- Serving 32 ye^ra PHONE BEAVERTON 3411 While you’re working, work like sixty! But « / t h e job, relax—and if, when you relax, you take adrink occasionally,drink only the finest —drink Old Hermitage. KEN TU CK Y S T R A IG H T B O U R BO N H H IS k tY VjtPn»! Pi.t !*n Product» Corporation. N.y.«96.4 P roof