Friday, September 18, 1942 C la ssifie d R ates TWO Cents a word per issue. Minimum 25c CASH with copy Minimum Charge on Classified Ads not paid at Time of Inser tion—50c. We Publish the B E A T tK T O N ENTERPRISE MULTNOMAH PRESS 111.AIU> SENTINEL ALOHA NEWS Complete E a s t e r n Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage We assume no financial respon slbility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of ar. advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton. Oregon | Female Help Wanted WOMAN W AN TED —County h 7 s - ital at Hillsboro. Call Friday morning. Phone Hillsboro 1911. l¿.€LMii*inéá ~ Page 3 (ru 9 C ia (r Colonel K M . CUTTS W A N T E D - Middle aged or elderly woman to care for 2 small child ren. Top wages. 5 days week. CH. 3161. Mrs. R L. Gantenbein, Multnomah. AND H IS SO N L IE U T E N A N T COLONEL RICHARD M CUTTS, JR. INVENTED AND PERFECTED THE CUTTS COMPENSATOR,A DEVICE WHICH ALLEVIATES THE SHOCK TRAN SM ITT ED UPON F IR IN G A G U N O R R IF L E . M ISC E L L A N E O U S Dead 8tock Plcked up free of charge anywhere. Cali collect UN. 1221; night cali CH. 2403 or UN. 0449. D EN LE Y R E N D ERIN G CO., Portland. ■ 7 T -*» •' -£ > a * ./ • * HIDES Jt WOOL, CASO ARA—A specialty. LEK BROS., 25 SW UliVy. Portland. Atwater 5334. . Take advantage of the best1 • market in years and dispose of your idle land. Consult with us on your acreage or suburban home problems now. Portland's leading suburban specialists for 22 years. COMTE & KOHLMAN CO. ! 601 G U AR D IA N BLDG., AT. 0116 . Portland W A N T E D —About 10 acres partly cleared, no bldgs.,—K-118 Beaverton Enterprise, Beaverton. A Real Estate Wanted FOR TOW CAR call V E R M IL Y E MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. WANTED W A N T HOME for Two Nice K it tens. James Ellis, Wheeler at Alexander Sts, Aloha, Ore., yellow- shake house. v V NOTICE Laborers wanted at once. Immediate job placem ent! INVENTED THE SHAKER DEVICE WHERE BY TWO RIFLES,SOLIDLY EMPLACED, ARE ALIGNED, S O THAT THE LINE OF AIM OF DO TH R IF L E S W IL L C O N VERGE ON THE S A M E POINT AT A D IST AN CE OF A B O U T 5 0 FEET. A pply week days only. AND BUILDING W A N T 2 TO 5 ACRES ? H E U S -S H E N D E R S O N F A M O U S T R A N S P O R T OF THE U S M A R IN E CORPS, HAS CARRIED LEA T H ER N ECK S ALL OVER T H E W O R L D . 4 \\\ ; 0 U N N E R Y 5ER6EANT RKHARD SHAKER HOD CARRIERS LABORERS Women who make their own cloth es will be following the government restricted silhouette for ready-made garments For, you see, paper pat terns used in making dresses, linger ie and lounging have been brought under the same measurement restric tions which apply to clothing you buy in the stores. Existing stocks of patterns won't | b<' cast away yet for you'll be able to buy these exceeding maximum meas urements by more than five par. cent until February 1, 1943. There will be a V for Victory im prints across the country as soon as the new Victory rubber heels are available in shoe shops. The V trade mark must be stamped on these heels being turned out from scrap rubber for the increasing army of pedestrians. The O PA Consumer Division advises us that the new type of rubber heels may not last as long as those which we have worn in the past, but they will give satisfac tory service. REAL ESTATE SELL IT NOW! Mrs. America Meets the War Legal Notices Union Local No. 296 There will be no more woolen lounging robes for men and boys af ter manufacturers use the fabrics they have on hand. There's no shortage of mohair, and as a matter of fact, the government is hopeful that its use in civilian clothing will be extended Practically all of our mohair which is the hair of the Angora goat—comes from Texas. The largest market for its , use was closed when automobile pro duction stopped since About 65 per cent of tint mohair supply went into pile fabric for car upholstery. LOVER COME BACX After that last kiss she let him go Then her wistful eyes followed him down the path to where the great woods swallowed him out of sight. The days were to become weeks and the weeks many, before her heart would leap out at his coming back again. For come again he would, and at that, to claim her as his bride. Yes, he was coming back. But first there was business out among the pioneers along the trials Meet ings must be held in the set tlements springing up in that early Ohio wilderness. And the hardy men of the axe and the brush fires had welcome for such as he. For in him was leadership and vision with power to give hope and cheer to the struggling settlers. And come back he did. And who will tell of the wedding and of how in the yeara that followed, he put his genius to work until Ohio's early college Oberlin—took shape, with him as its first president AN O TH ER LO VER COMING—"Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus which is taken up from you into Heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven” . It was from the Mount of Olives, out beyond Jerusalem, that our Lord was taken up, with two men in white rai ment giving this hope to the won dering disciples. OUR HOPE also. HE IS COMING AGAIN. ONE "The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, with the trump of God; and the dead In Christ shall rise first.” But what about the rest of Christ’s people— those who are yet living on the earth at the moment? TW O —“ Then we which arc alive and remain shall bo caught up together with them, 4o meet the Lord! in the air; so shall we ever be with the Lord.” —BIBLE. THREE!—“ We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised and given bodies incorruptible — IM PE R ISH A B LE !-and we shall be changed.” And why these bodies of glory for the saved? It is to stand in tho presence of G od; to enjoy the re wards for faithful work done here and) now; to handle the vast busi ness laid out for us over there. Two resurrections. First, the saved as here. A thousand years la ter, the lost for judgment. Which for you? A Christless grave anil eternal anguish? Or all glory with the Christ who loves you better than you love yourself? NOTICE OF SALE In the County Court of the State of I A request is before Congress to ROOM 215 Oregon, for the County of Wash amend the Social Security Act to ington allot more money for child health LABOR TEMPLE In the matter of the Estate of; and welfare service during the war. SW 4th A T JEFFERSO N Hits Steinbeck Hard! j W IL H E L M C AR L MATZKE, especially in war production areas. -----------------; Deceased. The Children's Bureau Commission on Children in Wartime is working Wheel Trac- ■ ™ Notice >s nereoy hereby given mat that tne the un- W A N TE D ____Used Wheel u“ ,s , FOR R E N T tor J Shutzlei- R4 Sherwood (lel sik'n‘‘d executor of the last will " e1*' 1 Just K°l “ letter flom a on methods to carry out provisions Box 4 S ^ F’ R4' Sherwoo<,’ and testament of Wilhelm Carl P "* c h e r friend of mine who just of a Childrens’ Charter In Wartime. Matzke, deceased, by virtue of the into the Guymon, Okla., par- Aims of this charter include; Guard FOR R E N T —Office space in brick ■ authority and pursuant to an order r*s^- You see that is the country ing children from injury in danger building in Beaverton, corner, Vene i PERSONAL entered by the above entitled court au- labeled C,rapes ^»f Wrath by Stein- zones; protecting children from neg tian blinds, ideal for small business 1 ____________ thorizing the sale of all the real beck- who Picked up a hunk of the lect, exploitation nnd undue strain In See Enterprise building, corner Short property belonging to estate of Wil- F*Uth>' Luckre on hiz book libel of defense areas: strengthening the street, Beaverton. W IL L CAR E For Children—in my helm Carl Matzke. will offer for sale °klahomey but it had as much ef- homo life of children whose parents own home, by day or month. Mrs. on and after the 3rd day of October,> feckt on the Oklahoman's as the are mobilized for war production; Boost your home community news J. T. Wilson, 4th and Angel St., A. D., 1942, at private sale, subject i bl a-vin a ,onK cared Mule's pappa and giving boys and girls of every paper. It boosts for you. Only Beaverton . to confirmation of the above entitled !ei B111 Murray a runnin' fer presl- rnce and creed a fair opportunity to SI per year .less than 2 cents a week court, the following described real l*ent and then joinin’ the Republl- take their part in democracy. MONEY TO LOAN By private P |0P e r t y. situated in Washington ikan Part>’ in Hiz sympathies!' Although there is to be a rise in P A IN T S party on Real Estate, Bx 443 county. Oregon, to wit: | Well, this Sky Pilot of the Gospel Beginning at the Southwest cor- advises me that he has never price of the 1943 frozen^ fruit, berry Beaverton. ner of the Donation, Land Claim j squinted hiz optics on a prettier and vegetable pack, rest assured. Imlay’s Fresh of Thomas Tucker and wife in country in all hiz born days, and he Mrs. America, that the increase pass Cloverdale, Oregon Section 22, Township 1 South, describes the green yards, the flow- ed along to you will be the amount Mixed Feeds and nn more which will cover ex This space paid for by an Oregon Range 1 West, W M , running ers, the bumper crops, especially the M c P H E R S O N ’S FISHER TH0RSEN PAINTS thence East 40 rods; thence golden grain! Hiz descriptive let tra costs to the packer since last businessman. Probably the new regulation For quality, fair price and North 80 rods; thence West 40 ter makes the prophecy of Steinbeck year. Defense School of W eldin g service rods; thence South 80 rods to the look like a 42 Centimeter liar! Why will bring retail prices up about 15 Learn Now and Pay Later place of beginning, excepting 10 thunder-an-llghtnin' this Guymon is percent on each package. J. B. Imlays & Sons Men anr Women acres heretofore sold from the The place where they had enuff fer- R E E D V IL L E ALOHA, ORE. Chocolate soldiers are losing South portion of said herein des , tility to sprout an grow a full fledg- ground to the real soldiers) and sail “SMORtlASBOHl)'’ New Location—SE cor. 7th A ' cribed property. ,ed flowerin! Republikan U. S. con- ors, now that part of the candy in Serving ItrcuUfast, Lunch, Dinner Powell Blvd., Portland EA. 7960 Bids will be received by the under-» gressman last year in the middle of dustry Is being converted to war ) Brick, Tile, Masonary After Theatre Supper signed gned executor at 712 SwetlanrTa Dem’ crop! That Robt. Rizley is work. Factories which formerly turn Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Property la nephew of mine. Open 8 A. M, lo 1 A. M. ed out products for the American POULTRY HEADQUARTERS to be sold to highest bidder for j Lombard at Interstate (1A. 4638 B A R B W IR E B IL L sweet tooth soort will be maklrig ra Highest prices paid. Ask about cash. dio detection equipment for the Army our pick-up service. i A L F R E D N IELSE N, j and Navy. vr .i . P O U L T R Y & D A IR Y Executor ^ Due to Present Conditions SEE YO U R D E A LE R nonnwest PRODUCTS CO. A. C. ALLEN, Attorney I f coffee is rationed, it will be 232 SE Oak, Portland Oregon Shetland Bldg., Portland, Oregon ^ CLOSED M O ND AYS Columbia Brick Works •EA. 5141 Date of first publication Septem because soldiers need plenty of It In Peter Kerr et al to Eleanor Hen- 132« SE Water—Portland _______________________________ ____ ber, 4, 1942. their business A soldier drinks twice Kilns at Greshant-Sylvan-Salem Date of last publication October 2, Martin, Lot 1 Little Fruit as much coffee as a civilian, on the 1942. harms. FOR S A L E BEAVERTON, OREGON average. The official army ration ^ R A McCurdy et ux to Ralph Uir- BUY what you do need. . . fc 1‘HONEI BEAVERTON 2471 scheld et ux 43 acres T IN R4W. is 45 pounds per man each year— S E LL what you don't need. 400 New Hampshire pullets ready Oregon to Supply Seed Verne Fonner to Charlie Sims et enough to make 1800 cups of java. to lay, will sell in lots of 75 or T o » H e i n R , ; » ; c L ux, part o f Sec 3 T2N R1W more, I. H Winget, bet Farming Me,P British harms Harry W i'etzlaff et ux to Sterling ; ton and Allen on Menlo drive, Oregon s » i n er legume seed, which R1 bx 809 A Beaverton has been helping southern states «■ Adams, 5.25 acres 3.*c 30 T3N R4W I farmers meet food-for-freedom pro- ! J C McCamman et ux to Clara A Save 20 to 25% on your F IR E IN S U R A N C E C O STS ----------------------------------------------- Iduction, goal.s has been given a new Wheeler N 'y of S E '( of sec 28 T2N Oregon Mutual Policies are NON-ASSESSABLE. You N E V E R pu> /-./•vnn w* « n « « . role *n the United Nations' war ef R4W. for Comforters and Mattresses more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual f ° ° . D T. “ j 25 >b Refrigerator fort. I Edith A Brunn et u>: to Ernest N Any Size and Weight . Old Matted maintains more than three times the surplus required by Oregon nquire fhst door west of Dewey j Common vetch and annual ryegrass Rogers et ux, Prt Trs 60. 61, (3 Bon- Wool Recarded Just Like New Insurance la w s Plumbing shop, Beaverton. 8eed acquired by the government n y Slope. Pure Virgin Wool Batts for Sale ______________________________________ ¡through the A AA purchase program Wm Q Ide to Charles W Moon tt Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be shipped under the lend-lease ux lots 7 and 12 inc blk 12 1st Add ' Crystal Springs W oolen M ills o f M c M i n n v i l l e GAS B U R N ER for Wood Furnace, program to Britain, the state AAA Crenco. 2124 SE Umatilla, Portland LA 4477 Organized 1894— . 40 years of Reliable Service ( has. L. Walker, Agent Phone Beaverton 2392. $25. office announced. The British are Vergil W Neild et ux to A Y Mc- ______________________________________plowing up every available acre in Clure et al N'4 of Lot 31 Westdale. New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 an effort to grow more of their food Gladys L. Drath et ux to John “Every Form of Protection” Hillsboro, Oregon , FOR S A L E —Wood Range, green needs. The seed will be used to Fanchin et ux, 120 acres Sec 7 & 8 enamel, good condition, $20,. E. grow cover crops to increase the T2N R3W. Murphy, R l, Beaverton, Box 341 productivity of the soil. Lois R. Schildon to E I ' Schildon SEPARATORS — MH.KEKS Besides this lend-lease commit- et al lots 83 and 84 Tualatin Valley COM PLETE EQUIPM ENT AND ' ment, the A AA is shipping seed to Homes. SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY FO R SALE—Pullets, 4 A 5 months the southern states as fast as it can Herbert VanWinkle to K F Grea rt INDUSTRY old, $1 & $1.25 each. Johnson be cleaned, tested and fumigated, son et al lot 3 A W 's of lot 4 blk 45 road, 1 mi W of Beaverton, R3, ° ver 200 carloads of this year’s crop Cornelius. Box 1606. have been shipped. Alleen F Halverson et vlr to H C : -------------------------- —------------------- ~ Croon et ux part lot 4 blk 28 Forest FOR SALE!- Hotel and rooming Practice Blackouts Grove. Y ou know this person. H e thinks he is telling the house, home and income property. _ o i W G Ide to Robert A Huht, 120 *<À H anofacfurtn A IMttrtbutom A Corner lot, good bldg, furniture A nanned acres sec 6 T2N R3W truth. But quiz him and he will recite the make 1VIRYTHING . J- /> bedding. Mrs. M. PienoVi, on Numerous requests from Defense George W Kelsey et ux to A L — d a Í r V m a n * Broadway. Beaverton. Beaverton Councils asking permission to hold Whitaker et ux lots 19 and 20, James of his auto, his radio, his towels, ad infinitum....... — 2293. practice blackouts to determine the H Sewells acreage. with the accent on the “ ad” . Tn other words they -----------------------------------------------effectiveness of their preparations, or Ida B Alexander to Peter Boone raftTiANO.Cat.-lAi.T L a m (irr FDR SALE:—Wood Range. Cream to hold same In connection with in- Case et al part lot 5 Steeles add Beav- are all advertised products. enameled. Mrs. B. K. Denney, cldent drills .have met with the re- ,.rt0n. AT. 6461 135 NW Park Denney Rd, I S mi SE of Beaver- Iterated refusal of the Western De- Adolph I^aFond et ux to Elsie M ton. fense Command It is the contention vVhitworth part blk D( Beaverton W hy, he could no more escape the presence and kof the Commanding O cn tn l t hat the Lloyd F I al to Maryln | Have you looked over the ads this SEW ING MACH. EM PORIUM blackout of a community or area Q W engrr ux lot 2 « Tr 2 Boule week? If not do so, they carry a the power o f the printed word than he could evade New A used machines, parts and affects innumerable civilian and mili- vard Hgts world of news. repairs. All makes. Guar. perf. tary agencies and that the benefits Har. v Thorne to R I. I amr et ux eating and sleeping. The advertisements arc a sewing 826 SW 3d. AT. 0727. to be derived practice black- pa7t ^ h n H W alked a T2S R3W definite part o f the American w’ay ofj life. Their outs should be obtained through Portland. Rhea W Jensen et al to G Harold regular practice and training sans Charters Jr 1 44 acres sec 25 T1S messages are vital to daily existence. Th ey have blackout. R l W. a definite association with the pocketbook, than Emilia P Amato to Joseph Van- WEST END w o dervelden, tract In Forest Grove SELLWOOD BRIDGE which there is nothing more intimate and personal. a v e I OU a i o n Francis A Davies et ux to Jakob In the Service? Koenig et ux, part sec 6 T2S R lW Howard L Oxmeron et ux to Em- CREMATORIUM The important thing is not merely to “ read the The perfect gift for your son in met C Keehn et al lot 7 blk 2 Halls service. Photographs are PE R- add Forest Grove. MAUSOLEUM advertisements” , but to read A L L o f them. The SONAL . . . LA S TIN G . . .j Ernest Hallauer et ux to John Hul-i CEMETERY IN E X PE N SIV E . Three 7x10, one sman et al 1 acre sec 17 T1S R3W om* ad you “ didn’t sec” may contain information colored, for $4 95 complete. Call AT Jack Tuggle et ux to Lee Bkak- you would have given a great deal to possess. Cer »-8-8-7 for appointment D P E R R Y <«olb. SE>4 of sec 6 T3N R3W Completo Funeral Sonico In New __ Qt T 3 nrt IVed D Tweeddale et ux to Lyle D EVANS, 934 SW Morrison S t . Port- ^ ux t n ^ 8nd „ T > Kard. Cathedral ( hapel at No Extra eo»t tainly, it is as important to you to know that Smiths Riverview is a co-operative asso- •■«J- vtlle Heights. are having a big summer sale o f sheets or shirts, as ciation with asseta of over $800.000 Tell your lawyer to send your le- Hot Tires—Hot Feet it is to read about the big war in Europe or that Hot tires today may mean hot gals to this paper. Congress has passed another billion dollar ap feet tomorrow! Drive your car under 40 and help yourself propriation. Stop Car For Bee W E ST SIDE preferred; 5 or 6- rm. mod. home. W ill pay up toj $8500. For immediate sale call Delazon (“ Dell") C. Smith. 1108 Guardian bldg., BE. 8575, Portland t. Sweden House Brick & Building Tile Real Estate Transfers t HEIDELBERG PARK WOOL CARDING De Laval “I N ever Read Advertisements Monroe kCrifell Riverview Cemetery H I0RNINGLIGHT CHAPEL ose Chapel-Green Room Serene Beauty • Perfect Service I. P. Finley q«lnq t« u«t tiUioM t* stfonethekp! Buy V.9.WAR & Son PONDS ¿STA M PS ! F P I KTI1 AT MON l i . . ) MI K) ATwater *1*1 lunmnos *>Rt SURE i Should a bee he drawn car. the safe driver will car to a full stop, off the before trying lo drive the insect from the interior. Into the bring hi* highway,] annoying Be surs to send your legals to your ( local paper. Always Read the Ads