Friday. September 11, 1942 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE. Beaverton. Oregon Classified Rates • Female Help Wanted W A N T E D —M iddle aged or elderly wom an to care fo r 2 small child­ ren. T op wages. 5 days week. CH. 3161. Mrs. R L. Gantenbein, M ultnomah. TWO C*nts a word per Isaue. Minimum 25c CASH with copy Minimum Charge on Classified Ads not paid at Tim e o f Inser­ tion—50c. W e Publish tlie B tW tlt lO X E .M t H l'K I S K M U LTN O M AH P R E S S I IG A R D S K W IIX K I. A LO H A NEW S Complete E a s t e r n W ashington County and W estern M ultnomah County C overage W e assume no financial respon­ sibility for erro r“ w hich may ap­ pear in advertisem ents published in these colu m n s but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part o f ar. advertise­ ment in w hich the typographical m istake occurs. MISCELLANEOUS Dead 8tock picked up free o f ch arge anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call CH 2403 or UN. 0449. D E N L E Y R E N D E R IN G CO.. Portland. 5 «? * ■T ¿ C n . C a H ID E S A W OOL, C A SC A R A — A specialty. L E E HUGS., 25 S W Ciao, Portland. A tw ater 5334. a r sv . 5H0T DOWN TWO JAP PIAHES’ W THE RECENT BATTLE Of A4ID- WAY-ALTHOUGH HE WAS SERIOUSLY WOUNDED THROUGH THE RIGHT KNEE AND LEFT LEG. Laborers wanted at once. Immediate job placement ! COM TE & KOHLM AN CO. Apply week days only. HOD CARRIERS 1 BUILDING LABORERS Union Local No. 296 R O O M 215 W A N T E D —A bout 10 acres partly . cleared, no bldgs.,—K-118 B eaverton 1 E nterprise, Beaverton. Real Estate Wanted W A N T 2 TO 5 ACRES W E S T S ID E preferred ; 5 or 6- rm. m od. home. W ill pay up to j $8500. F or im m ediate sale call Delazon (•’D e ll”) C. Smith, 1108 G uardian bldg., BE. 8575, Portland ! FOR RENT F O R R E N T — O ffice space In brick building in B eaverton, corner, V ene­ tian blinds, Ideal fo r small business See E nterprise building, corn er Short street, B eaverton. B oost your hom e com m unity news ; paper. It boosts fo r you. Only j $1 per year .less than 2 cents a week PAINTS Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds FISHER THORSEN PAINTS F or quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlays & Sons ALO H A, O R E Brick, Tile, Masonary Brick & Building Tile S E E Y O U R D E A I.E R Columbia Brick Works 1320 SE W ater— Portland K ilns at G resham -Sylvan-Salem B U Y w h at you d o need. . . S E L L w h at you d on ’t need. W O O L C A R D IN fi i'or C om forters and M attresses A ny Size and W eigh t . Old Matted W ool R ecarded Just Like N ew P u ie V irgin W o o l B atts fo r Sale Crystal Springs Woolen M ills 2124 SE U m atilla, P ortland LA 4477 De Laval S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T AND S U P P L IE S F O R TI1E D A IR Y IN DU STRY’ W omek CrifeH Manufacturen & Dlttrtbutori tV C R Y T H IN G - * d a Í f T y m a n el_- B ^ LABOR TEM PLE W A N T E D ------ Used W heel T ra c­ tor. J. Shutzler, R4, Sherw ood, B ox 294. * Legal Notices A T. 6461 H ave you looked over th* ads this w eek ? If not do so, they ca rry a w orld o f news. ne Beauty - Perfect Service P. Finley & Son IURTH AT MONTGOMERY A T « a ter lift! v Ü Have You a Son In the Service? TRIANGLE X-TRA SCC PRODUCER [NINGLIGHT CHAPEL 5 Chapel-Green Room Latest inform ation and personal guidance on the selection o f a com ­ bined m ilitary reserve and college training program will be available to all incom ing students during F resh­ man week program . T he events o f the nineteenth annual Freshm an week will start at 8 o ’c lo ck M onday m orning. Septem ber 21. although practically all the students are ex­ pected to arrive on Sunday, Septem ­ ber 20, to get settled in their living quarters. Indications are that the freshm an class this fall will be as large or lar­ ger than last year, reports Mr. Lem ­ on. Applications for adm ission from high school graduates have consist­ ently run a h fad o f last year's figures on correspon din g dates. T ell your law yer to seud your la gals to this paper. Sweden House “SMORGASBORD ’ Serving Breakfast, L ’neh. P in i.", After Theatre Supper Open 8 A. M. to 1 A. M L om bard at Interstate Camp Polk, La., Sept. 4 —Sergeant Benjam in E. Bunn has arrived at Camp Polk fo r duty with the 11th n £ a im , 1!;;,,h ;T 5!rn ,a“ “2 R Mth A oted Infantry egim en ,he t com - ■Handed by M ajor E dw ard H. H iooks the 11th is one o f Uncle S am ’s new- -st Arm ored Divisions. Sergeant Bunn is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. Floyd S. Bunn o f B ox 122, Aloha, Oregon. ? G A IncrMM you, egg profit, tfii, polotoblo, Kiontifwslly built 'Vitoatin bo lanced Swppllo« fbo bigb-prodwcing layorv with tboir roqwiromontf !o, otoro oitro grodo oggi Tour local food doolor kat • froth «apply. TRIAN G LE M IL L IN G C O . *«$ N- TIC i AMOOS ST PMTISNO. OStCON J 4 t J c l o s e d x M o n d a y s I HEIDELBERG PARK ^ « H E W FUTON , OKI (ION P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 2171 w Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual P olicies are N O N -ASSESSAB LE. Y ou N E V E R pay m ore than the prem ium on the fu ce o f the policy. O regon Mutual m aintains m ore Uian three Units the surplus reyulred bgr Oregon Insurance L iu s . Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company OF M cM l.N N Y U .L K 1 . W alker, Agent Organized 1894— .40 years o f R eliable Service Cl Phone 1732 New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. "E very F orm o f P rotection " H illsboro, Oregon “ I Never Read Advertisements” 'i ou know this person. lie thinks he is telling the truth. But quiz him and he will recite the make ot his auto, his radio, his towels, ad infinitum........... with the accent on the “ ad” . In other words they are all advertised products. W hy, he could no more escape the presence anil the power of the printed word than he could evade eating and sleeping. The advertisements are a definite part of the American- way o f life. Their messages are vital to daily existence. They have a definite association with the pocketbook, than which there is nothing more intimate and personal. 1 he important thing is not merely to “ read the advertisements” , but to read A LL of them. The onq ad you “ didn’t see” may contain information you would have given a great deal to possess. Cer­ tainly, it is as important to you to know that Smiths are having a big summer sale of sheets or shirts, as it is to read about the big war in Europe or that Congress has passed another billion dollar ap­ propriation. A lw ays Read the Ads // & j HtRÎiiDGt j ' a -» T he p erfect gift fo r you r son in service. P hotograp hs are PER­ SONAL . . . L A S T IN G . . . I IN E X P E N S IV E . T hree 7x10, one colored, fo r $4 95 com plete Call AT i 9-8-8-7 fo r appointm ent. D. P E R R Y E VA N S, 934 S W M orrison St., P ort­ ) land. h Tell you r law yer to send your le­ gate to this paper. Be sure to send you r legals to your local paper ______________ _________ u in n iR D S R re sure I he m a n w h o s e r v e s O l d H e r m i ­ tage sta m p s h in isc l f as a g o o d host. G i v e y o u r g u e sts a h e a rty w e l­ c o m e w ith th is s u p e r b ly m e llo w a n d ta sty b o u rb o n . fo r 'Genm têfom - J ft///// f r////// M W / fs  r y KENTUCKY STRAIG H T ROtJSBON WHISK FT National Diftiller« Product« Corporation, Nrw York Í i '«.’h» | Due to Present Conditions You know you’re welcome when your host says. . . WARS« BONDS AND STAMPS! W EST END S E L L W O O D B R ID G E C om plete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No E xtra cost R iverview Is a co-operative asso­ ciation with assets o f over $800.000 Real Estate Transfers Christel Mabley et ux to J C Ben ge et ux lots 7 & 8 blk 8 Pattlson & N O TICE O F SA L E Morans 1st add H illsboro . W IL L C A R E F or Children— in my In the County Court o f the State o f Joseph V andervelden to Paul Beck Oregon, fo r the County o f W ash I part lot 4 blk 10 Forest Grove. ow n home, by day or month- Mrs. ington J. T. W ilson, 4th and Angel St., George Alexander, et ux to Ger- B eaverton . I In the m atter o f the Estate o f: itrude R obertson, part lot 6 Howatt W IL H E L M C A R L M A TZK E , I Acres. Deceased. R ichard F Moss et ux to W Kent M ON EY T O LO A N -B y private N otice is hereby given that the un- , . party on R ea l E state, B x 443 dersigned execu tor o f the last will 1 u' ,)UI blks 7, 8, 9, W ilkesboro. The Reed Institute to Chas. T Im Beaverton. and testam ent of W ilhelm C a rl,. Matzke, deceased, by virtue o f the ' ax; lo‘ s 3’ 4' ,5, U 10 Ladd * authority and pursuant to an ord er , R eeds lst add Keedvi,le entered by the above entitled court au | E m m et C Keehn et ux to W m E M c P h e r s o n ’ s thorizing the sale o f all the real Euel et ux E o f lot 3 blk 39 Forest belonging to estate o f W il­ Grove. Defense School of Welding property C A Sheller to M A Vinson, lot 7 helm Carl Matzke. will o ffe r for sale on and a fter the 3rd day o f O ctober, blk 17 Garden T ract Add Hillsboro. Learn N ow and P ay Later H H liom in e et ux to Albert E A. D., 1942. at private sale, subject M en anr W om en to con firm a tion o f the above entitled Tweeddale et ux lot 5 W estover court, the fo llo w in g described real Crest. New L oca tion —SE cor. 7th & H F Kennard et ux to A rthur Tun- property, situated in W ashington P ow ell Blvd., P ortland EA. 7960 jley et ux lot 1 blk 5 Sunset. county, Oregon, to wit: B eginning at the Southwest cor- Mary A Copeland to Ernest V ictoi ner o f the Donation. Land Claim Surface et ux 2 acres sec 3-» TIN PO U LTRY HEADQUARTERS o f T hom as T u ck er and w ife in R1W . H ighest prices paid. A sk about Section 22, Tow nship 1 South, Jam es G Lair et ux to Josephine ou r pick-up service. R ange 1 W est, W . M., running Hunt, part W m Pointer Cl 62 T1S M i P O U L T R Y & D A IR Y th en ce East 40 rod s; thence R1W. Northwest products co . N orth 80 rod s; thence W est 40 j L eR oy N eedham et ux to Ludwig 232 SE Oak, P ortland Oregon rods; thence South 80 rods to t h e 1 Jesse et ux lot 5 blk 7 So Park add E A. 5141 place o f beginning, exceptin g 10 Forest Grove. acres h eretofore sold from the | H C Croon et ux to Ludw ig Jesse FOR SALE South portion o f said herein des-|et ux, lot 4 blk 1 So Park add , For- cribed property. est^Grove. F O R S A L E —W o o d R ange, green T o m Stigum et ux to Smith & I?e B ids will be received by the under­ enamel, g ood condition, $20,. E. signed execu tor at 712 Swetland Frees Feed Co., lot 17 blk| 18 N orth M urphy, R l, B eaverton, B ox 241. Bldg., Portland, Oregon. P roperty Plains. to highest bidder for F rancis K ilb y to Carl H Sherman F O R S A L E —Pullets, 4 & 5 m onths to be sold et ux lot 6 blk 7 So Pk add Forest old, $1 & $1.25 each. Johnson cash. Grove. A L F R E D N IE L S E N , road, 1 mi W o f B eaverton, R3, E xecutor V ictor Van Meltebeke et ux to B ox 1606. A. C. A LL E N . A ttorney Alice Torhoudt, part blk 8 Fail-view add Hillsboro. F O R S A L E — H otel and room ing Swetland Bldg., Portland. O regon Date o f first publication S eptem ­ John H Venn et ux to M argery house, hom e and incom e property. Elizabeth Oates Skeels lots 4, 7 blk 4 C orner lot, g ood bldg., furniture & ber, 4, 1942. Date o f last publication O ctober 2, Venn’s add B eaverton . bedding. Mrs. M. P ienovi, on Leslie N ordstrom et ux to T hom as B roadw ay, Beaverton. B eaverton 1942. R F yock et ux part o f sec 25 T1S 2293. R1W . SUMMONS H erbert Sternsfels to Leslie Nord F O R S A L E — Corn Sheller, power In the Circuit C ourt o f the State of O regon fo r the County o f W ash strom et al, part sec 25 T1S R1W . or hand. Grain and bone grinder, C om te & K ohlm an Co to R oy L ington. pow er. H. Y. Turner, 4th ave., F oster et ux lot 42 Com te & Kohl- D E L IG H T A. D ILLO N , P la in tiff M etzger, O regon. man’s Little H om es No. 1. vs. T hos Chas Reed to Pauline John­ S E W IN G M ACH. E M PO R IU M P A U L A. D ILLO N , D efendant. Paul A. Dillon, the above ston, 50 acres sec 8 T2S R2W . N ew & used m achines, parts and T O : W H Arstill et ux to Dean E gbert repairs. All m akes. Guar. perf. nam ed defen d ant: IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E Pittman E 'ii o f lot 3 blk 42 Forest sew ing 826 S W 3d. A T. 0727. OF OREGON: Y ou are hereby re-¡G rove. Portland. quired to appear and answ er the R aym ond Lew is I.acy et ux to John C om plaint filed against you in the W alters et ux lot 4 blk 2 M yers' add above entitled C ourt and cause on o r 1 Reedville Hom es. b efore the expiration o f fou r weeks Clarke C H edrick et ux to Kather- from the date o f the first publica ine L T revett, lots 2 St 5 blk 29 tion o f this Sum m ons if you fail so Metzger acre tis. to appear and answer, p la in tiff for | R alph L H ardm an to A nna J Gam- w ant th ereof will apply to the above i roth, lot 16 E dgew ood. entitled C ourt fo r the relief prayed E lm er F W oh ler et ux to E m iel J fo r in her Com plaint, to-w it: W y ffels et ux 1 acre sec 35 T IN F or a decree granting the plain tiff I R3W . a divorce. j H A W est et ux to Shadel Sani- This Sum m ons is published by o r - [ — der o f the H on orable R. F rank P et­ ers, Judge o f the above entitled Court, made and entered on the 13th day o f August, 1942, d irectin g publi­ THIS cation o f this Sum m ons once each week fo r fou r consecutive w eeks in I fid B A N K S UNSAFE/ the B eaverton E nterprise, a newspa­ per published and o f general circu la ­ tion in W ash in gton County, Oregon. Date o f first publication, August \ 14, 1942. Date o f last publication, Septem ­ ber 11, 1942. U. S. Treasury Department P. O. Address SA M U E L B L A W R E N C E ~ *r~ 1 A ttorn ey fo r P lain tiff / 712 Swetland. Bldg - P ortland, Oregon 1 ’ . Riverview Cemetery CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY War Training Guidance Planned for OSC Week PERSONAL Invest Mour moten m Veite.l States F o R r i A M D . C M . - l A L T L a k e ( n r J • E LATE LON CHANEY, FAMOUS IIARACTER ACTOR,MADE THE BEST SCREEN M lRAYALS OF A JOUQLHAML&QiLU) MARINE CORPS SERGEANT- SW 4th A T J E F F E R S O N I tarium Inc. lots 3. 4, 5 blk C Rea- i w orth Gardens. H enry Lutz e l ux to W m L Davis et ux Lots 6 blk 30 Cornelius. H enry V oss to F C H uth et al. part sec 20 T2N R2W. Bessie G H ayes to P G Strom et ux Chas M cKay Cl 73 T IN R3W . A gnes W B row n to H arry M Sea- bold et ux part blk 4 T uck er & Stew­ arts add Hillsboro. Annie Sherk et al to E m ily A Dill, lot 1 blk 13 S m ocks' add Sherwood. Ernest P L indstrom et ux to E m ­ ma I.aCour, 1 acre sec 21. 22. 27 & 28 T1S R tW R N Parks et ux to I^eopold Du­ pont e l ux, part lot 355 Johnson est add. E J B ooks et ux to G eorge Berta- lot part G eo H Smith Cl 44 T IN R2W . R obert F rank Stiegeler et ux to A J R am sey et ux 1:62 acres B rook- wood. Lena C Hutto to Frank G o ff et ux 2.41 acres F orest G rove. H F Kennard et ux to Arthur E F rodenberg et ux lots 5 blk 2 Sunset. Geo W Hugle et ux to Zina W ood lot 18 blk 1 H um phreys add H ills­ boro. O R Shikle et ux to Dallas Alva Garrison et ux part tract 19 Tonquin. Sergeant Bunn at ^.amp Polk, Louisiana ¿OftPCARLF. JANISH WAS ONCE MADE A BRIGADIER GENERAL N THE CHINESE ARMY AND HIS MOST IMPORTANT JOB WAS TEACHING CHINESE SOLDIERS THS USE OF FRENCH Tg’S. AND 601 G U A R D IA N BLDG., AT. 0116 j P ortland P ark . / NOTICE T ak e advantage o f the best m arket in years and dispose o f y ou r idle land. Consult with us on you r a crea ge or suburban hom e problem s now. Portland's leading suburban specialists for 22 years. 135 S W f W ANTED SELL IT NOW ! .JCi r l ~ HEROIC LEATHERNECK PILOT. F O R TO W C A R call V E R M IL Y E M O TO R CO. P hone T igard 3381. I ► REAL E STATE R E E D V IL L E Page 3 90.4 Proof 1