PUBLISHED W E EK LY IN OUR PLANT ON COR. _______________________ SHORT ST. AND CANYON VO L. 15, NO 31 Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, H IG H W A Y — ONLY NEW SPAPER IN BEAVERTON. September 4, 1942 Dairymen Get Labor Day 1942 Briefs and VlCIOrV D ulls ' Personals * f 7 1 — i A M V . Steady Increase in Strikes Since Pearl Harbor Shown by Figures BY R U T H T A Y L O R D Labor Day 1942 finds ua all w ork- ers—w orkers and fighters in a war ■ W V H U ll against tyranny, against despots who would m ake us all slaves. We W ashington County herds bene- must meet their attack as a united r ^e Beaverton City C ouncil will O f serious con cern to the public fitted by the recent distribution o f nation—not as a loose con fed eration m eet next Tuesday Instead o f Mon- i are strikes in industry which, a ccord ­ V ictory bulls at Salem. S e v e r a l'o f groups or classes. U nfortunately day- Labor Day. ing to W ar L abor Board figures, W ashington county dairym en were we have not yet fully grasped the W ilbert C handler was a m edical have show n a steady increase since on hand to receive V ictory bulls, reg- fact that this is a war o f Sur- patient at a H illsboro hospital last Mr. and Mrs R . A C lancy have Pearl H arbor. The follow in g is fac- istered Jerseys. from G o v e r n o r 1 vival o f all the people, not a P eo- week. sold their hom e and have m oved t o l ‘ ual m aterial con cern in g strikes dur- Charles A. Sprague. pies W ar in the proletarian sense. Seattle. W ash ‘ "K the nr8t *,x m onths o f 1942 or A m os W atkin s o f H illsboro will There is too m uch lobbying and p r a t -. Mrs. C. F. Straley was hostess to a j j since the H aw aiian Islands were have as future head o f his herd a ing o f classes and groups when what 8 rouP o f friends Thursday in honor j This is the first m onth that the bom bed by the Japanese. ca lf from the D. R. D ickie herd at we really need is not a consciousness . Mrs. Paul N ew m an o f Chicago. W est Slope w ater district will cross j The num ber o f strikes In w ar in- N ew berg, w h ich herd has on several o f class but an aw areness o f unity. Llinois. Present w ere M is. h isher, the 800 m ark in users. dustries has increased fron* 27 in occasion led the N ation in butterfat This is not a w ar fo r any one V,rs' Leonard, J. J. M cM ahon, and January to 192 in June, an increase production fo r a Jersey herd. T he group of citizens. It is a war In .• a*1** Mrs. Stanley B ynes o f Long- Mr and Mrs. Henry Dahl, accom - o f 611 per c e n t The men involved in new W atk in s bull is by Volunteer which all A m ericans have a part. vlew W ashington. panied by Mr and Mrs. Jack F urlong these strikes num bered 11,605 in L orna Baronet, w hich sire Mr. D ickie retain, free business enterprise. We Mrs. Carl M illar entertained a and son to Seaside Sunday to cele- j January and 84,775 in June. The recently sold fo r $1000. He in turn any group in this cou ntry W e can- group o f little folk s at her hom e on brate the Furlongs' thirteenth w edd- j num ber o f man hours lost in w ar is by the great L. A. H ulburt sire, not destroy the labor m ovem ent and Second and L om bard streets, Satur- ing anniversary. p rodu ction industries, because of N ellies Standard Volunteer, w hose i retain free business enterprise. W e day afternoon fo r a jo in t b irth d a y ' strikes, has increased from 369,576 in ten tested daughters averaged 935 cannot destroy Industry and keep a celebration fo r h er sm all son and I F. K. B ow m an has started a new January to 2,037,224 in June, an in­ duplex on C anyon I*ane. pounds o f bu tterfat to rank him the j free labor m ovem ent or- avoid col- daughter D ouglas and Janet. Lively crease o f 451 per cent. D uring the highest tested sire o f the breed. The lective farm ing. W e cannot dam n | gam es were played outside and re- Hll . . .. ... T A. D itm ars o f 8000 V alley V iew f i , st 8>* month.4 o f 1942, 7,176,344 m aternal granddam o f W atkin s V ic- one m inority w ithout dam ning all. freshm ents o f ice cream and cake r„ ni2 l „ „ , , e,r'. pUHi',c lola,lon s court, have bought one o f the J man hours h ave been lost in w ar In- tory bull is St. M awes F oxy T u lip ,1 In the totalitarian states it w as served. _____ a tn e . Union Oil C om pany W ay land Owens hom es Mr Owens du8tries because o f strikes This the first cow to receive the medal o f i not Organized L abor alone that suf-1 has sold four homes here in the past H guie does not include the tim e lost m erit award on tw ice a day m ilking fered. Free associations o f employ-1 MJr8' H* rrjr J W righ t has returned f\ r r m ■ a _ a ! by oth er w ork ers because o f the in­ and she also haif the A m erican Jer- ers were also abolished. N either col- *° her ana is recuperating ■ B | | f l f f | / 1 | n I k / t m onth. terruption o f productive processes In sey Cattle club award o f Ton-o-G old lective bargaining nor collaboration il o m a m ajor operation at G ood Sa U i l l L l d l III D fj Rev. W arner J. Fritz o f the W est I plants dependent upon strike-bound for production o f m ore than one ton o f labor and industry w as allowed niantan hospital tw o w eeks ago. Hills Lutheran church, has bought suppliers. W hile strikes are less o f butterfat in 4 consecutive lacta- W e must rem em ber these things Mr. and Mrs. A lbert H ighbe had the Carl Johnson hom e at 7021 SW frequent and Involve less loss o f time tions. The paternal granddam o f [today for the enem y is attacking us fo r their dinner guests S atu iday ev- Canyon Crest. I than in 1941, there has been an al- the V ictory bull is Sybils Tessie L or- ;n ot merely on land, on sea and in ening Mr.. and Mrs. John Stefanoa j arm in g increase in strikes since na, holder o f three National p r o d u c -'th e air, but also in our hearts and icy and Mr. and Mrs. Stevo Kar John E conom us has purchased a 1 January. M any o f the strikes in 1942 tion records and herself a m edal o f , heads, taking advantage o f every ig-i m ick i and three children all o f Pof> new home on M aryanna avenue, and have been ju risdiction al disputes and merit cow . H er highest record is norance, o f every prejudice, o f every land. The B eaverton K iw anis will meet has already m oved in. 1 unauthorized strikes. I 1,022 pounds o f bu tterfat in 305 w eakness — setting group against i , , . ... . ,, , at Nendels Inn next W ednesday ev- Strikes on T rlvp ‘ 1 Issues Mrs. C. A. Coswell has sold her days. group, class against class. * r . Mrs. . W #0J ™ ! W e a v ,r ening at 6:30 p m. Ift will be ladies Many o f the strikes are due to C anyon Lane to W . A. D odge o f H illsboro received W e must not be blind to those f " a J*n . a a ugntei or Brem erton, njght and a |arge attendance is ex hom e on 7022 SW a bull from the fine W ashington things for which we are f i g h t i n g - W ashington, are spending the week pected. W D. Campbell. T hey have m oved ° ften h avl" K n° thl" K in to do with hgurs or wages. Never- C ounty herd o f H agg B ros at R eed- freedom o f thought and discussion " u n “ r» w e a v e r s parents Mr and "Should R ussia be defeated, the theless .these strikes over petty is­ ville. The H aggs have had their and worship. W e must not m e r e ly jflars' ’l l 8180 ie *atives Alaska H ighw ay, now under con- sues are holding up im portant pro­ large herd on test fo r a num ber o f con cede th em —we must p ractice near a r m in io n . structlon, m ay prove to be the bul- duction in m any places. years, and they cam e up with con -¡th em . Intolerance saps the m oral Mr. and Mrs. Carl Millar and wark o f our defense against a com - I E m phasis Is no longer on p rotract­ sistently g ood records. strength o f its adherents. T hose who children left fo r the C oast M onda’ *>ined Jap-Nazi air invasion from the ed. nationally publicized strikes In- Geo. Oppenlander o f Forest G rove, regim ent are slaves no less than than fo r a w eeks vacation. N orth," accord in g to Hugh A Matier, | volving thousands o f men which received another W ashington County those w h o are regim ented. W hat ,, , „ i w » Union Oil public relations represen- 'ch a ra cterized the year 1941. bull from the herd o f L. T. Sills, w e must do is to w ork in fellow ship . “ a“ 7 "* r8' ^ , _K « ut« r on tative. R ather, today, the "hit-and-run" T his ca lf is by Mr* Sills great show in the spirit o f friendliness. b e a c h \»at speun 8e' e la aJS at e Matier, w h o is scheduled to speak W om en o f W ashington cou nty b e - Ï type o f strike, the slow down, and and production bred bull which w as There should be a little m ore o ff * . Septem ber 9, at a meeting o f the Ki- tween the ages o f 20 and 50 years the trivial issues feature strike news, reserve cham pion at Salem in 1939 the Golden R ule and a little less i Mrs Karl U ngar is visiting h e r i w an *8 on the Alaska H ighway, points are wanted by the the W ashington Even these are obscured In m any ln- and is from a cow Mr. Sills pur- B lackstone in our relations with each m other in W ashington. ' jout that *" t^l e . event Russiei falls. County R ed Cross M otor corp s to | stances as n o o fficia l recogn ition Is other. Our entire system o f life is on j - M i s „ M , t M there is nothing to prevent the en- volunteer for service. chased in the East. T hose who given to strikes o f shorter duration Other W ashington County breeders trial. H ow it proves itself will de- d w L ' . - em y from flying invasion troops have standard and advanced first than 24 hours, w ho participated w ere K n ox Bros, term ine the future. A fter all—we _ student o f Reaveitnn hiirh h ° , tover *be N orth Pole route and estab- aid cards are preferred, o r those It has been found that organized at Gaston, whose tw o bulls w ent to are all workers, no m atter w hat our ... H ,, *fh, c i 0!! bshing secret bases in the lonely w illing to take these courses. T hey labor, and not the unaffiliated w ork - T illam ook and Y am hill Counties res- job — and any man with an insurance ' a fastness o f the Alaskan territory should be willing to take eighteen er, is responsible fo r strikes as Is pectively; John Kopplin, Gaston, w ho policy or m oney in the bank is a 1 M rs. Ida -s ‘ ‘igner o f Portland, from which to bom b the vital indus- hours m otor training work. evident in the record ; 99% o f the gave three bulls, one going to Mar- partner in industry. W hen we have ' l8*ted at the A ith u r K alkenbeck trial centers o f the P a cific Coast D rop card to Mrs. R. W . W eil, strikes have occu rred in unionized ion county, one to Y am hill and the had prosperity— all o f us had it; ;“ om e last Sunday afternoon. T his northem ost fylin g route was H illsboro, Oregon, Box 28 o r see J. . plants, and only 20% o f A m erican third to the R ainier F F A Chapter, when depression stru ck— all felt it. Arletai B oge w ho has been visiting Pioneered by R ussians several years J. McM ahon, B eaverton . (labor is unionized. V ic F oster of Sherw ood, R a y M. W e must learn how to w ork togeth- her aunt at J efferson City for sev- a g o when they made a non-stop Date o f first m eeting will be pub "W o rk Stoppages Cannot Jones, F orest G rove, and W . T. Put- er: how —the w ay of coop era tion ; eral weeks, returned hom e Sunday, ¡flig h t from M oscow to V ancouver, lished later. B e P erm itted" nam o f H illsboro also contributed j w o r k —coordin ated actions fo r the M iss A m y E rick son o f M inneapo- j W ashington. On July 21st W ayn e L. Morse, V ictory bulls. It is thought that ¡nation as a w hole; togeth er—with lis has been a guest o f her sister, I P rophesying the road will provide 1 m em ber o f the W ar L abor Board, is­ W ashington County breeders led all .m utual trust and respect. This ap- Mrs. C. H. B acklund on L ake R oad a continuous life line between the sued thq follow in g w arning: other counties in the num ber o f Jer- plies to every on e: those who o p e r -, fo r several weeks. United States and Alaska. M atier j "A s we go fu rth er and further Into sey V ictory bulls donated by breed- ate our fa ctories or w h o ' w ork in , Mr. and Mrs. K endall Seigner and states con siderably strengthened because i clearer that we can not perm it any --------------------- o ffice s or at home. All must w ork w eek at Cannon Beach. the vast quantities o f war mater- stoppage o f work. $ d on t’ care together w ith an aw areness that M d M . v „ ials which can be qu ick ly and easily Charged with assault and robbery w hether they are over ju risdiction al M i c e l a n p f f n r n p l l R r i H p what they do or neglect doing will their week end guest M is Buits ,ran 8P °lted along this route. He while armed with a dangerous wea- diBputes o r what they are ov er; thev P l i S S J a l l c l l / 0 i I 1 6 1 1 O i I Q B determ ine the future o f the country h T c tn fp b e ll’ o f Pendleton a‘ S° feelS th° hiKhway wiu becom e F°n R obert E dw ard Mason, 37 o f ; 8imply havo to 8top tU n J rt ■ 1 W e have no right to take "class" nePne" Cam pbell o f Pendleton. )an im pol tant factor in the future de- Portland, who last week appeared „ And our , to Mr Graen W a r n d d V sides. W e must w ork fo r the com - Mlss L loise Patterson, an army velopment o f the Alaskan territory. before police in the role o f a victim Rn(J Mr M u rf£ are n