F r id a y , A u g u s t 2 8 , 1942 B E A V E R T O N ENTERPR ISE, Beaverton, Oregon Know Your Oregon M IS C E L L A N E O U S Classified Rates 5 HEIDELBERG PARK $ ^ Be sure to send your legals to your ^ local paper. HIDES * WOOL, CASCARA—A specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW Ciao, Portland. Atwater 5334. rÄ rri FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. SELL IT NOW! ___________________________________ — - — - WANTED- 30x3H Used Auto Tire Ed. Halsten. R1 Beaverton. Take adv&ntage of the best market in years and dispose of your idle land. Consult with us on your acreage or suburban home problems now. Portland's leading suburban specialists for 22 years. ____________________________ CHAPEL BUILT B Y THE | COMTE & KOHLMAN CO. « /a ia m M M iß ä , M WANTED—Good wood Circula tor stove. State price and con- ; dition. Box 195, Aloha. WANTED r— Garden Phone Beaverton 2616. Real E state W an ted W A N T 2 TO 5 ACRES | WEST SIDE preferred; 5 or 6-' rm. mod. home. Will pay up to | $8500. For immediate sale ca ll1 Delazon (“ Dell” ) C. Smith, 1108 ! Guardian bldg., BE. 8575, Portland riSH ER TH0RSEN PAINTS For quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlays & Sons ALOHA, ORE. Brick, Tile, M asonary Brick & Building Tile SEE YOUR DEALER Columbia Brick W o rk s 132« SE Water—Portland Kilns at Gresham-Sylvan-Salem BUY what you do need. . . SELL what you don't need. W OOL C A R D IN G j. P. Finley & Son FOUBTII AT MONTGOMERY Atwater Slti Hillsboro, Oregon n S i W i l n ■■ ■ ' by Northwest S>ndic»t*. litt Laborers wanted at once. Immediate job placement ! Defense School of Welding Apply week days only. legal Notices | _____________________________________ NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly appointed Administratrix of the es tate of Frank M Allen, deceased, and any or all persons having claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present said claims, duly verified, at 712 Swetland Building. Portland. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published. August 7th, 1*42 Date of last publication. Septem ber 4th. 1942 JOSEPHINE ALLEN. Administratrix o f the Estate of Frank M Allen. Deceased A. C ALLEN Attorney for Administratrix 712 Swetland Building Portland, Oregon Not this time! HOD CARRIERS DAWG DAYS AND BUILDING LABORERS Union Local No. 296 ROOM 215 LABOR Many veterans o f the last A. E. F. will remem ber how they traveled to the eastern seaboard TEMPLE SW 4th AT JEFFERSON in coaches, and through France in tiny freight cars with the legend ” 40 Hommes, 8 Chevaux” painted on the side. "Forty men, eight horses.” It’s not that way this time. N ow the U. S. rail roads are moving a great many more o f our fighting men in sleeping cars than in the last war. And these men have clean bedding and porter service. T R IA N G L E X-TRA This is one o f the reasons why you may not al ways be able to get just the Pullman accom modations you want. EGG PRODUCER Increot* your egg profit» with 1 / this palatable, scientifically | i built "Vitamin balanced* feed. V * Supplies the high-producing s —Y layers with their requirements f J for more extra grade ^ ___ v __ V_ So far the difficulties o f wartime travel here have been very minor ones, compared with other warring nations. W e can all be thankful «ggrYour local feed that we are living in a country problems can be worked out by cooperation between a railroad tomers, and not by the orders o f a d e a l e r h a l a fresh supply. TRIANGLE where these sympathetic and its cus dictator. MILLING CO. 605 N T ILL AM OO K ST. PORTLAND. OREGON I# will be found that he who is most charitable In -his judgment is [ generally the least unjust. Southey. S<P The W ar Bonds you buy now will help poy Towers o f Truth for a new home The Friendly after the war. Southern Pacific •Vi Chinese, Finnish, Tagalog, Dutch, Spanish programs in more than a dozen tongues go out from the towers of General Electric stations WGEA and WGEO, Schenectady, and KGEI, San Francisco. M *Ê0 On the Home Front During the national emergency ! you are interested in the whole Defense and Preparedness 1. They provide authentic war in formation for news starved peoples around the globe, entertainment for U S. forces abroad TheseG E short wave stations . . . 2. . . . have special antennas “ pointed” at Australia, South America, China, Europe—making reception there almost as strong as from local stations. Riverview Cemetery Serene Beauty - Perfect Service "Every Form of Protection" Phone 1732 m j morne L fr i fe ll . ! MORNINGLIGHT CHAPEL Rose Chapel-Green Room • NOTICE M cP H E R SO N ’S De Laval Complet** Funeral Servir* In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra coat Riverview is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800.000 New Location 112 So. 3rd A ve. ' Y i l J PERSONAL SUMMONS i In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wash- Crystal Springs W oolen M ills I ington. 2124 SK Umatilla, Portland LA 4477 DELIGHT A. DILLON, Plaintiff vs. ! PAUL A. DILLON, Defendant. TO: Paul A. Dillon, the above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON; You are hereby re 8K7ARATORS — MILKERS COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND quired to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you in the SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY above entitled Court and cause on or | INDUSTRY before the expiration of four weeks from the date of the first publica tion of this Summons if you fail so to appear and answer, plaintiff for i want thereof will apply to the above , entitled Court for the relief prayed Nawsteturtr' l Distributor» for in her Complaint, to-wit: EVERYTHING , J For a decree granting the plaintiff OAÍRYMANt a divorce. Sk This Summons is published by or Loan ano C m -I alt L ake C ity der of the Honorable R. Frank Pet ers, Judge of the above entitled , AT. 6461 Court, made and entered on the 13th 135 NW Park day of August. 1942, directing publi- cation of this Summons once eac'i Have you looked over tha ads this week for four consecutive weeks In week? If not do so, they carry a the Beaverton Enterprise, a newspa- per published and of general circula world of new*. tion in Washington County. Oregon. Date of first publication, August 14. 1942. Date of last publication, Septem ber 11. 1942 P. O. Address WEST END SAMUEL B. LAWRENCE SELLWOOD BRIDGE Attorney for Plaintiff 712 Swetland. Bldg Portland, Oregon CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY o f M c M i n n v i l l e Organized 1894—..40 years of Reliable Service ('has. I . Walker. Agent Tractor. Hello Folks Well, Dawg Days is here again and instead of everybody havin' nuthi n' to think about except a fresh vacation somewhere, a fresh coat of, tan, maybe the makin’ of a new di- vorce, and the wonderful frolickin’ | roun' what growed up to be a pop- lar durin’ Dawg Days, why, thunder in-lightnin’ here we are with the worst war- on our hands that we have ever got mixed in with. The Japs and Nazis brought the war to I us. It would have reached us any- FOR S A L E ------------------------------------------------------| way, even if we had crawled under SEWING MACH. EMPORIUM our beds and cried "We are ter Am- New & used machines, parts and erica, and America only!” A lot of repairs. All makes. Guar. perf. nations tried to be neutral and see sewing 826 SW 3d. AT. 0727. where they are! Portland. j During these Dawg Days I hope -------------------------------------- — — the Dawg Star strews the Hydrop - 1 TOR SALE—A tent—12x14 price hoby into all countries that have $15. Slightly used. Beaverton started out to hi-jack and enslave 3802. the world, but I hope their good ' " „ —-— — ----------- -— —----r ] honest peaceful dawgs don’t git it ! FOR SALE 4 Rooms of Furni- j ust hope it settles like poison gas 1 ture; tools, misc , articles. Phone where it wlI1 stop the INVADERS Aloha 6357. EVERYWHERE! Most people even MOST DAWGS FOR SALE—Household goods, in ¡want peace! eluding comb, wood & electric ¡WANT PEACE! BARBWIRE BILL range, piano, dining set, beds, many other articles. Reasonable c. c Hedricks, East end Locust V ictory V erse of the W eek Street, Metzger, Sunday and even- War workers on the job, instead of *n8s- on their backs, i Will speed the day our fighters give FOR SALE—Gravenstein Apples the Axis guys the axe. Mrs. R. B. Day, Farmington Rd , ---------------------- Beaverton 2457 Judge not without knowledge, nor i without necessity, and never without j charity.—Dr. Alex Whyte. Im lay’s Fresh M ixed Feeds O regon M utual Fire Insurance Company iV f-IO HOMMES t » CHI-VAUX - New Location SE cor. 7th & FOR RENT—Office space in brick Powell Blvd., Portland EA. 7960 building in Beaverton, corner, Vene tian blinds, ideal for small business ' See Enterprise building, corner Short ------ ------------------------------ _ _ street, Beaverton. POULTRY HEADQUARTERS Highest prices paid. AsU about our pick-up service. FOOD LOCKERS for rent—Beth POULTRY & DAIRY any Grocery Store, Hillsboro 1R4. Northwest PRODUCTS CO. 232 SE Oak, Portland Oregon EA. 5141 P A IN T S m (o p r * Learn Now and Pay Later Men anr Women FOR R E N T -* « Oregon Mutual Policies are NON-ASS ESS ABLE. You NEVER pav more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mu’ mil maintains more than three times the surplus required hy Oregon Insurance laws. OREGONS TOTAL HUM BER OF FARMS W PS U 6 1 — THE/P CPSH V P IU E TOTALED *¿8 1 9 )7 0 00 WANTED—5 passengers to Swan Island Shipyard for day shift. Call Stanley Best, at Beaverton 2265. WANTED—About 10 acres partly cleared, no bldgs.,—K-118 Beaverton Enterprise, Beaverton. w D ESPO T O F THE Pl/SS,/AR EUP TRADERS OR THE PPC/F/C C O PST/EO R 3 0 TEPRS BPRPRO F PO LED THE W EST COAST FOP TRPDER5 FROM P LA SM TO SOUTHERN CAL/EORR/P LPT/RC THE E0URDPT/0RS OF THE ROSS/PR EM P/RE OR THE PPC/E/C COPST. WANTED----- High School Girl work for room, board & wages— j evenings free. Mrs. Robert A. ! Vailiere, B)^ 171, Beaverton, bet Erickson & Menlo Drive. 601 GUARDIAN BLDG., AT. 0116 Portland Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS HUBS/AHS /H AMERICA IH 1812 WANTED — Small, kitten for little girl. R. M. Niece, R2, Box 120, Beaverton. BEAVERTON, OREGON ^ PHONE BEAVERTON 2171 ^ ssfef It W ANTED for Comforters and Mattresses »"or Any Size and Weight . Old Matted Wool Recarded Just IJke New Pure Virgin Wool Batts for Sale Boost your home community news paper. It boosts for you. Only $1 per year .less than 2 cents a week. The perfect gift for your son in service. Photographs are PER SONAL . . . LASTING . . , INEXPENSIVE. Three 7x10, one Due to Present Conditions 5 colored, for $4 95 complete. Call AT. 9-S-8-7 for appointment. D. PERRY CLOSED M O N D A YS ^ EVANS. 934 SW Morrison St., Port land. D e a d stoclc picked up free of charge anywhere. Cal' collect. UN. 1221; night call CH. 2403 or UN. 0449. DENLEY RENDERING CO., Portland. REAL ESTATE REEDVILLE H ave Y ou a Son In the Service? FOR SALE — Wheary wardrobe trunk. ex& condition, 525; 9x12 rug $25; Mahogany fin. rocker $7; Ladies Sealskin jacket (med. large) $35. A. H. Mack, Beaver ton 2267. WestdaLe-Mlai i ay ave. 5(th house from Bertha-Beaver ton hiway, facing West. TWO Cents a word per Laue. Minimum 25c CASH with copy Minimum Charge on Classified Ads not paid at Time of Inser tion—50c. We Publish the B M U .K I O X E N U K I'K ISE MULTNOMAH PRESS TIOAltD SENTINEL ALOHA NEWS Complete E a s t e r n Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage We assume no financial respon sibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of ar. advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. Page 3 pro- 1 Keep Informed! Keep Alert! gram. T hrough Your H om e 'Newspaper Featuring H om e T o w n Newslets 3. They provided theonly U S pro 4. Some announcers are regular grams that reached Bataan People G E production employees, working in conquered lands risk their lives to on war work. They tell people in listen. Smuggled letters say they their native lands that America it determined on victory. bring hope of release. General Electric believes that its first duty as a good citizen it to be a good soldier. C en tra l Electric Company, Schenectady, N f GENERAL m C ounty Correspondence Interesting Feature News Roger Babson Y. ELECTRIC Subscribe Now, $1 a Year -»■ it* i1