Friday, August 21, 1942 B E A V E RTON E N T E R P R ISE , Beaverton, Oregon Classified Rates !#j*ELP_ wanted WANTED—Bean Pickers * > TWO Cents a word per Uaue. Minimum 25c CASH with copy Minimum Charge on Classified Ads not paid at Time of Inser­ tion—50c. We Publish the B tA V h id O N ENTERPRISE MULTNOMAH PRESS ll(.A K l) SKN11NEL ALOHA NEWS Complete E a s t e r n Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage We assume no financial respon­ sibility for error*! which may ap­ pear in advertisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise­ ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. at once, also want a ton or more of feed barley, Clark L. Johnston. Sher-1 wood, near onion bridge. W'est Side highway. HELP WANTED—W'ant Girl 16- 19 or middle aged woman to do housework, no washing, but iron -1 ing. some cooking, wages $30 a month. OH 2555 FOR R E N T FOR RENT—Office space in brick building in Beaverton, corner, Vene­ tian blinds, ideal for small business See Enterprise building, corner Short street, Beaverton. FOOD LOCKERS for rent—Beth­ any Grocery Store. Hillsboro 1R4. ______ TO ASTORIA and BEACHES I>aily 9 p. m„ Except Sat. Si Sun. $1.35 One way—Hound trip $2 BE. 1409 TNp - ,1 stock picked up free of charge anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221 ; night call CH. 2403 or UN. 0449. DENLEY RENDERING CO., Portland. > * HIDES Si WOOL, CASCARA—A specialty. LEK BROS., 25 SW Ciao', Portland. Atwater 5334. FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. ft P A IN T S _ _ F IS H A N D G A M E COMMISSION W AS CHEATED IN I9 H . TWO D / S T IN C r C O M M IS S IO N S . G O VE A N IN G E A C H S E P A R A TE L Y . W E R E C R E A T E D IN 1 920 -21. THE M E M B E R S ARC APPOINTED BY THE G O V E R N O R A N D S E R V E W I T H ­ O U T C O M P E N S A T IO N | M IS C E L L A N E O U S S. S. Virginia V HER FACE TOLD IT Know Your Oregon i Real Estate W an ted W A N T 2 TO 5 ACRES m WEST SIDE preferred; 5 or 6 - 1 rm. mod. home. Will pay up to $8500. Ror immediate sale call | Delazon (“Dell” ) C. Smith. 1108 Guardian bldg.. BE. 8575, Portland m REAL ESTATE SELL IT NOW ! Take advantage of the best market in years and dispose of your idle land. Consult with us on your acreage or suburban home problems now. Portland's leading suburban specialists for : 22 years. COMTE & KOHLMAN CO. Im lay’s Fresh M ixed Feeds FISHER THORSEN PAINTS For quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlays & Sons REEDVILLE ■............. . J ALOHA, ORE 1 ■■«---------------- - ) Brick, Tile, M asonary Brick & Building Tile SEE YOUR DEALER Columbia Brick W o rk s 1320 SE Water—Portland Kilns at Gresham-Sylvan-Salem BUY what you do need. . . SELL what you don't need. WOOL CARDING Cor Comforters and Mattresses Any Size and Weight . Old Matted Wool Recarded Just Like New Pure Virgin Wool Batts for Sale ê I Crystal Springs W oolen M ills 2124 SE Umatilla, Portland LA 4477 De Laval SEPARATORS — MILKERS COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FOR TI1E DAIRY INDUSTRY ifíonroe kCriiell MdnuWtu rtn l Distributor, tVtR YT H IN G , j — d a Í r V m a n * à r orti a n o . Cm.- 1 alt L ake (irr 135 NW Park AT. 6461 Have you looked over the ads this week? If not do so, they carry a world of news. Riverview Cemetery WEST END SELIAVOOD BRIDGE CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete FunerB Service in New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverview is a co-operative asso­ ciation with assets of over $800,000 MORNINGLIGHT CHAPEL Rose Chapel-Green Room Serene Beauty - Perfect Service ]. P. Finley & Son FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY ATwater $181 Get in the Amricat «nr industries Med td it kick a tnr mductiw 601 GUARDIAN BLDG., AT. 0116 Portland Legal Notices WANTED—-About 10 acres partly cleared, no bldgs.,—K-118 Beaverton Enterprise, Beaverton. Page 3 Real Estate Transfers C F Williamson et ux to Betty Matcovich et al, 5 acres Wm Locker- man DLC . 45 T1S R1W Florence Logan worked her way through the U. of W. as society re­ porter on the Seattle morning paper, the Post -Intelligencer. At gradu­ ation she was voted the high student in scholarship, personality and cam­ pus influence. This put her into the exclusive Greek-Letter society. For her installation, Seattles* swanky hotel, the OLYMPIC, was chosen But let her father tell it. First came the banquet, he recall­ ed. Then the induction into the Greek-Letter order and after that the ball; all in her honor. She de­ clined the dance numbers and after a time father and daughter left for horns. Language work in the Bible Insti­ tute at I-os Angeles next claimed Miss Logan. From there she sailed for China to enter mission work. After some time in China, two native girls sought her out with a question —"We have been studying your face as you pass our place. You have something that we want. It shows in your face What is it and how can we get it?” So they asked. Now (hat something was just this It was the Wisdom-Joy-Cheei Hope-Strength-Mercy Justice-Truth - Goodness of tile Living Christ. Like many another who has yielded their all over to Hint and enthroned Him in their heart, this missionary could say with the Apostle. It is no longer I that live, but CHRIST LIVETH IN ME. How is all this brought to pass'.’ First, God has a leading part almost the whole part, we might say. To be­ gin with, there is our page in the book of his remembrance. This he must cleanse The record of sin must be blotted out. For love to us. God gave Christ to die for us; to blot out our sins. For the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. With the life-page made clean and fit, God can now receive us into his eternal family. Florence Logan or you or I or whosoever will, may come. The instant we come as re­ pentant sinners, claiming Christ as Savior, God breathes himself into our soul. This is the new birth From that instant, no matter how often we fail him, he will be true to us forever and forever. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh or whither it goeth; so is every one that is born of ihe Spirit. And EX- CEPT A MAN RE • BORN AGAIN, HE CANNOT SEE THE KINGDOM OI' GOD These words are life unto life and death unto death. Which for you? Yesterday Is Tomorrow BY RUTH TAYLOR Life is but a collection oi memor­ ies. By what do we measure time? Not by the swift passage of the years but by intangible, long-re­ membered scenes, sounds and scents. The brown depths of a little stream seen from a car window brings back the brown-depthed quiet pools of half-forgotten woodlands long ago. Tha great oak towers in the quiet field. There was once another friendly tree that swarmed with hap­ py children. Our memories are of simple things laughter, peace, the carefree summer days, tiger lilies flaunting by the roadside, hollyhocks straight against a wall. Since yes­ terday it is so long ago There are those who bewail the passing of time. There are those who feel that in the new purposeful world there will be no time for little things. But they misinterpi et the signs. We fight for one reason only—that we may return to those things that men call little, but which are after all the great things of life. Only this time we will cleave closer to the creed that these simple happinesses art) the right of all—and at the end we will see to it that they are the lot of all. It was not the Germans of the old school, steeped in the quiet peace of gemutlich living, who followed Hit ler but the young whose lives had been warped by war, who grew up without traditions and without the pride of stainless honor. The collapse of France came along before the fall of FVance. The Chinese, how ever, fight on because they have known from birth that what has been will be again. We failed at Pearl Harbor because we had forgotten. But once our memories awoke; not to vainglorious thoughts of Yorklown, Trenton and Manila but to Valley Forge, to the Alamo, to Gettysburg, then we ral­ lied and stood firm. All of which we are sure lies in the past. The strong, certain things of living on these we can build, so that again small children may pick black-eyed Susans In a field free from the threat from the sky, young love can dream and plan the care­ free hours away, and those who have loved may go on together, sharing both life and memory. "Since yesterday it is so long ago— but yesterday is tomorrow." NOTICE Free medical care by the County 1 c °2,t’“ ,n ®US,t®^or> et ux to Hen,y acres Sec 14 T1S is hereby discontinued. Due to the j j^2VV ' 3* shortage of physicians during the ,, « D i . „ ,, (present emergency it is impossibte to rfh ° 1 °,r* to Carl W ANTED procure the service of a full time " ()c ,! JL’ ** r ° sec ! ‘ .T'jT, R2W physician for indigent care. We , ? e ux ^ B Thrust et WANTED — Individual lessons feel that this action is justified d u el“, t' ot 3 blk 2 Curtu add For- Conversational French or Span to the shortage of gas and rubber! ti , f u ,, ish. K—118 Beaverton Enter­ and the general prosperity of the R „ K .... ., “ '^enberg et ux to H countv R * Edith M Simonton. pt Isaiah prise, Beaverton. Kelsey DLC 41 TIN R2W WM Town of Beaverton to James Mar- 4 or 5 Room Modern Home, Au­ By WASHINGTON COUNTY COURT tomatic heat, fruit on less acre | ____________________________________ ¡ via Wright et ux lot 8 Lombard add near Multnomah. Emley 8547 Beaverton. N. Buchanan, Portland. SUMMONS Washington Co to Floyd Kerns In tne Circuit Court of the State of part blk 2 Orenco. Oregon for the County of W ash-! Wash co to L R Van Winkle, lots PERSONAL ington. j 7, 8 , & 9 blk 41 Cornelius. DELIGHT A. DILLON, Plaintiff i Ada May Armstrong et ux to Wm vs- ' N Steen et ux 3 acres sec 27 TIN j R1W Cloverdale, Oregon ATTENTION HOP PICKERS PAUL A. DILLON, Defendant. Boost your home community naws- Paul A. Dillon, the above; Mark Hoffman et ux to E P Bun- $2.50 per 100 lb. for picking early TO; This space paid for by an Oregon paper. It boosts for you. Only ger, lot 9 blk 41 North Plains and late cluster hops. Season named defendant: businessman. $1 per year .less than 2 cents a week. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE W V Wiley to Leida Ella Morris commences about Aug. 34. One You are hereby re-j part lot 10 blk 1 Tucker & Stewart's of the best and largest yards in OF OREGON: St. Paul section. Best of accom­ quired to appear and answer the add Hillsboro. H ave Y o u a Son modations such as cabins, good Complaint filed against you in th e 1 Ed McGahey to A Erdman, lot 10, stoves, electric lights Free. Beau­ above entitled Court and cause on or blk 9 Pattison & Moran's 1st addl In the Service?. ^ Due to Present Conditions tiful camp grounds with store in before the expiration of four weeks Hillsboro. from the date of the first publica­ The perfect gift for your son in ^ C L O S E D M O N D A Y S camp. Families preferred. Reg­ Alex Frederickson to Grace B Photographs are PE R ­ ister now. WARD LUNDY, tion of this Summons if you fall so Rice, W'v of lot 16 Woodland Acres. service. , . LASTING . . . Gervais, Or., Wilhart Hop Yard to appear and answer, plaintiff for Earl I Donelson et ux to Harry E SONAL Three 7x10, one want thereof will apply to the above | Thompson et ux lot 14, blk 1 Hump- INEXPENSIVE. entitled Court for the relief prayed hrey’s add Hillsboro, colored, for $4.95 complete. Call AT. ^ BEAVERTON, OREGON D. PERRY for In her Complaint, to-wit: : C F Grabel et ux to Henry J 9 8-8-7 for appointment. N PHONE BEAVERTON 2171 M cPH ER SO N ’S For a decree granting the plaintiff | Smith et ux lots 1, 2, & 3, blk 7 I EVANS, 934 SW Morrison St., Port­ land. a divorce. , Simmons add to Hillsboro. Defense School of Welding This Summons is published by or- l B Harris et ux to Arthur Nelson der of the Honorable R. Frank Pet- j ux part lot 3 steels' add Beaver- Man's capacities have never been Learn Now and Pay Later ers, Judge of the above entitled ¡ton. measured; nor are we to judge of Men anr Women Court, made and entered on the 13th j Alva Johnston et ux to Rosa D what he can do by any precedents, so day of August. 1942, directing publl-; Eckhardt, lot 5 Willow Brook farm, little has been tried Henry David New Location SE cor. 7th & cation of this Summona once each | Martin H Baker ct a) to Alton E Thoreau. “ SMORGASBORD” Powell Blvd., Portland EA. 7960 week for four consecutive weeks in Cook et ux part lot 7 Spencer Homc- Serving Breakfast, I,mich. Dinner the Beaverton Enterprise, a newspa- stead The expectations of life depend After Theatre Supper per published and of general circula- i , a p LoWe et ux to Ernest F Me- upon diligence; and the mechanic Open 8 A. M. to 1 A. M. tion in Washington County, Oregon. Glasson et ux 49 acres T1S R2W that would perfect his work, must POULTRY HEADQUARTERS Date of first publication, August Lombard at Interstate GA. 4638 first sharpen his tools.— Confucius. Marie Pondelicek to Han-y H Un­ Highest prices paid. Ask about 14, 1942. ger, 10.63 acres sec 31 T2S R1W. our pick-up service Date of last publication, Septem­ Florence W Kerron to James B POULTRY & DAIRY ber 11, 1942. Gauld et ux part sec 24 T1S R1W northwest products co . P. O. Address A Meier Estate to Geo Iwasaki et Save 20 to 2 5 % on your F IR E I N S U R A N C E C O S T S 232 SE Oak, Portland Oregon SAMUEL B. LAWRENCE „ ™ , . . . al Part blk 11 * 12 Beaverton. EA. 5141 Oregon Mutual Policies are NON-ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay Attorney for Plaintiff | Washington County to Agnes L more than the premium on the fse« of the policy. Oregon Mutual 712 Swetland, Bid* Colton, NE>4 of SW 1-4 of sec 26 maintains more than three times the surplus required hy Oregon Portland, Oregon \ B 3w FOR SA L E Insurance Laws. ____________________________________ _ i Suburban Develop. Co Ina to Ray­ mond Glasner et ux tract 44 Old O regon M utual Fire Insurance Com pany NOTICE TO CREDITORS______ Meadows Farm. FOR SALE—Good used Maytag OF McMINNVILLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN | w W Waldo et ux to W W Parrett Washer, $50. Beaverton 2267. Organized 1894—..40 years of Reliable Service Chaa. L Walker, Agent that the undersigned has been duly part of sec 11 & 14 T3S R2W. appointed Administratrix of the es -1 Orla Danielson et ux to Clarence N ew Location 112 So. 3rd A ve. Phone 1732 FOR SALE — Combination gas tate of Frank M Allen, deceased Hagg SV& of N E 'i of sec 8 T3N range, burner; two female goats; !and any or all persons having claims "Every Form of Protection" Hillsboro, Oregon wheelbarrow;; tw« cultivators; against said estate are hereby re R3W E Taylor to Fred Sutherland et 1 garden rake; 1 potato fork; ir­ quired to present said claims, duly rigation pump, almost new. E. verified, at 712 Swetland Building, ux part sec 33 T3N R4W Olive B Schulz to Arthur Schulp L. Brown, Berthold ave., Beav­ i Portland, Oregon, within six months et ux, sec 19 & 20 TIN R1W. erton, 3 blocks south of high from the date of this notice. Frank Johnson «f ux to Roy E school garage. Dated and first published, August Erb et al, Harvey Clarke Cl 37 T1S 7th, 1942. R3W. SEWING MACH. EMPORIUM Date of last publication, Septem A H Vincent to L N Walther et ux New & used machines, parts and her 4th, 1942 part lot 63 N Tigardville add repairs. All makes. Guar perf. JOSEPHINE ALLEN, sewing 826 SW 3d. AT. 0727. Administratrix o f the Estate of j Portland. Frank M. Allen, Deceased j A C. ALLEN, During the national emergency Attorney for Administratrix 712 Swetland Building 1 you are interested in the whole Portland, Oregon ' hi/luU y ou. ßuif, hi/Ult ! HEIDELBERG PARK j Sweden House On the Home Front W AR BU N D S Defense and DANIELS vs DANIELS SUMMONS When the American Expeditionary Force landed in Ireland recently newspapers reported the citizenry remarked at the similarity of the steel helmets worn by our boys with those worn by German troops. These steel hats are protection from shrap­ nel fragments and other light mis­ siles. We need thousands of them for they are a regular issue to every American soldier. A smart strap fastens under the chin and they are padded for com­ fort. One steel helmet costs $5 so every time you fill a $5 stamp book you are buying protection for an American soldier. Invest at least ten percent of your income in War Bonds every pay day. Help your community reach its War Bond Quota. C. $ 7 ' r u » ’f Lfft'lrntnl n B n Preparedness pro- gram. Sleeps Under Airplanes No. 145-727 Hello Folks: Dawggon: If I didn’t sleep the In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multno-; other night protected by three air planes a swingin’ over me all night! mah. It wuz in the home of Mr and Mrs. KATHRYN DANIELS, Plaintiff C. L. Lentz, Seminole, Okla . where | ve. one of the biggest oil fields In the JAMES DANIELS. Defendant Mr To, James Daniels, the above named world spouts the Black Gold. Lentz is manager In one of the re-1 defendant: They are ole friends of ’ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE fineries. OF OREGON: You are hereby re mine but not so powerful old! They quired to appear and answer the; have a son who made a model min­ I complaint filed against you in the iature airplane last winter and won above entitled suit on or before the first prize In the High School Con The prize wuz a expiration of four weeks from the test in that line. date of the first publication of this fine miniature model plane dhd he summons, if you fail so to appear got another one some place. So you and answer, plaintiff will apply to see how it wuz possible fer me to ; the court for the relief prayed for in ! sleep in the boys room while he wuz her complaint, to-wlt: An absolute away with all them planes over me all night! His room is a real nice decree of divorce. As nice as any in the house This summons Is published by or­ room. der of Hon. Charles W Redding, | You know that la the way to encour­ Judge of the above entitled Court, age your boy to make somethin’ out of hisself. You see I wuz In a safe Dated the 21st day of July, 1942 Well, I feel that Date of first publication July 2*th. place that night. we all ought to buy more War 1942. Date of last publication August Bonds and make the world safer BARBWIRE BULL 21st. 1942 LESTER SHEELEY i We cannot afford to be halfway In Attorney for Plaintiff anything The whole-hearted man P. O. Address. )06 Spalding Bldg is the one who succeeds in this Portland, Oragon world.—Mary E. Miser. Keep Inform ed! Keep Alert! Through Your H om e 'New»paper Featuring H om e T o w n New slet» County Correspondence Interesting Feature News R oger Babson Subscribe Nowr $ l a Year