* Ü G * V jr Ä r K ««E go * EPRISE D E D IC A T E D T O T H E BEST IN T E R E ST S A N D VOL. 15, NO. 29 Connty Victory Day Saturday D E V E L O P M E N T OF G R EA TE R B E A V E R TO N ________________ Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, August 21, 1942 PROCLAMATION Brief and Personals Letters From The Boys ESTABLISHED 1927 Beauty Shop Owners Grange Plans Vegetable Show I hereby proclaim Saturday, Meet at Hillsboro August 22, 1942, to be All W a sh ­ ington County V ictory D ay I The W ashington County Unit o f strongly urge full cooperation o f the O regon A ssociation o f Beauty all communities^ organizations j R eached cam p OK. already have Shop Ow ners met at the hom e of and Individuals within W a sh in g ­ Johnston. H illsboio, Tuesday. ! my arm y clothes. ' T hanks to the P at A p rogram replete with interest | ton county to co-operate in m a k ­ The B eaverton State G uard are Beaverton ladies for the sewing and A ugust H- ing this day a success. for everyone is expected to ta k e j ' planning a dance fo r Saturday toilet kit. V arious com m ittees were appoint- - - - • v H .v iiu n v riaiict- lilt. B • eaverton Grange met v. IUI for 113 its regu- The W ashington cou nty com m it­ thousands to the , A ll-W ashington Fvt. JOHN T. T A T E *d to ca rry on the various activities iar ----* meeting August night. August 22, at the high school t — ----- o *-'*• i u Saturday. iu u j , uat 15 . headed by Mrs. Paul Patter- y OC “ )l the com in g year t ***%.» — County V ictory Day rally at H ills­ R eceipts w ill be used fo r uni „„ , ., . Lena T urner _Two visitors, Mrs. Charles Van Kleek tee on sale o f bonds and stam ps ; gym boro, Saturday, August 22, to give and Elna 1 eeren boom have charge o f T igard and B A B row n o f Port- A large crow d is expected. son. is planning a trem endous j form s. im petus to the w ar bond and stam p Dear Miss Gillarn: w il. e o lU ^ “ COmm‘ t‘r whioh 'Hud. were present. A candidate re- celebration in H illsboro on that I Ted M cCann o f San I>*rancisco, i$ sales cam paign to reach the county s Dav| F arr and I are in the Air w ill collect all scrap rubber, tin. I celved the- first and second degrees visiting his m other Mrs. N ora Mo- day. The United States T reasury A ugust quota o f $225,200. C orps here at Salt Lake City, but flo m ,h e various shops F ollow ing regular grange dinner D epartm ent is sending a mobile ¡C ann fo r tw o weeks. sent to Òrdin- and tu,'n « over to defense. at noon, the lecturer, Mrs. Sam Law Miss Billv B urke o f near theatrical unit which will be the Bat Johnston is in charge o f b o w l-. ren c . took ch arge o f lhe lectur„ Pm lnfv Urged ,by center o f five hours o f entertain- 'sp en t the week end at the Fisher a" C* ’ M a ,y la " d County Judge H. D. K erkm an in his e sale o f W ar !hom e. V „ 1 can 1 te" - »« m uch a al>out the nk and , p,om l8e8 to have a f a l r , hour and had a program on Defense ment to ----------hom prom ote the proclam ation o f the A ll-W ashington H uilev V O C Procedure because we are still team by fall. B efore the m eeting W ork and B om bing presenting a skit Bonds and Stamps. T here will M i s Otto C ounty V ictory Day. M em bers o f the W ash and d au ght^f M i l Joh n B e £ the dark Th,s is ,l new cam p h , l m em be‘ 8 ,n te ,e s,e d ,n bow ling show ing how to distinguish bombs be an outstanding program . VV ash., and daughter M is. Joh n t m fact> jn the first stages o f con . had a p ractice session at Clem's Mrs A lfreda W ood en and Mrs w i - county units o f the O regon State Again I strongly urge you r c o m ­ gin and small son John R ich a id XI struction and they have not yet es B ow ling Alley, H illsboro High son W alker presenting the dem on- Guard, C om panies A o f H illsboro, B plete co-operation to m ake this spent he week end at the Ed Bergin tablished a V. O C. board to pass on score* were F lorence Miller and stration. Mrs B K Denney nre o f F orest Grove, and C o f B eaver­ day the biggest celebration in the .lome. Mrs. B erg n and son will go applications H ow ever, w . should N e e le y M nted the grange wUh a scrap £ o k ton are giving com plete support to history o f W ashington county. east next week to Join her husband. know before too m uch longel, A resolution was adopted to m ake show ing the activities o t the g r a ^ e the celebration and have scheduled a S ta ff . eigean t John R B ergin who T he wom en Df B eaverton really future m eetings m ore educational for several years past w h ich she had parade and review in the evening j H. D. K E R K M A N , is now stationed at Camp A tterbury. rang the l>e„ when thev gave us t-.ie and instructive E ach month a round made. At the C um ber m eeting under the com m and o f M ajor J. E . ; County Judge West. The V ictory D ay program , sched-1 MlS R ' , B eid er j tlJ P lea*« convey our thanks to them * h e ie one particular problem will he their annual show o f fruits and veve- and Billy cam e out from I’ ortland o n . DON W H ITE brought up. Next m eeting the t o p - ; table- * uled fo r afternoon and evening, will a Saturday, so the B ergin fam ily • • • Ic fo r discussion will be D an d ru ff— ______________ give the people o f W ashington cou n ­ was together on that day. Sirs gnd Madam causes, effects and treatment. It i s 1 ty an opportunity to participate in Mr and Mrs. Low ell K ah r are W o left the reception center yes- hoped that by pooling the know ledge the cam paign to speed A m erica to a j victory that m eans freedom from proud parents o f a son born Ju ly 25. terday 12 45 p. m. and then glad we and experience o f all. new and bet- I Mrs. K ahr is Mrs N ora M cCann s w e,.e on oul. w ay! , i W e were to ter treatm ent will be discovered slavery. The day will be in tribute to W ashington cou nty men in the idaughter. old F ort Lew is as the M P 's ' ' '| Th<> Septem ber m eeting has been Mi s. E H. B ergin undew ent an Som e ot ua RIe from Beaverton i m ovwl forw ard from Septem ber 9 to | arm ed forces and m erchants and A V oluntary F irst Aid D etachm ent |operation in P ortland the first o f last and others from all corn ets Mav Septem ber 15, because o f L abor D ay! citizens will be urged to stress the sale o f W ar Savings B onds and ! under the auspices o f A m erican R ed j week again, but is able to be at hom e ask f or tran sfer after basic train- i » ? d w d * be held at the residence of Stamps. | Cross and sponsored by the B eaver- again, but is still con fin ed to her ¡ng M arcy M orrison, Aloha. ________________ _ Men and w om en o f W ashington The afternoon program from 2 to t ° n Ei>*t Aid Instructors com m ittee, j bed, although im proving as well as T hanks a lot to the ladies fo r sew -' 5 o‘’clo ck will be o f particular inter- '* being form ed in B eaverton undei can be expected. ¡ng k j, T w o I a re ra te rl .cou n ty are urged to register at the u , ; cou nty civilian defense o ffic e In the est to children besides m any num- the direction o f E verett Burden. Mr and Mrs. A. B. Clem ent cele- Pvt. JAM ES M. F A R M E L E ■ In D U S Crash cou rt house for volunteer defense bers o f general interest. The evening V oluntary First Aid D etachm ents brated their 33rd w edding anniver- Carl Roinke, Aloha, and his son w° t 't o f all kinds. T he plea was program is chuck full o f interest are being prom oted by the A m erican sary at their hom e on L om bard Gentlem en B obby, 4, su ffered face lacerations ,uado by Mrs. H arry M organ, county from 7 to 9 o ’clo ck with the parade R ed C ross in all parts o f the United street Sunday. Guests included Mrs. T w o w eeks ago, I was appointed a Sunday, necessitating treatment at chairm an o f the civilian defense vol- o f the guardsm en as one o f the fea States as a part o f the Civilian De- C lem ent's three sisters, Mrs. Nellie t : „ '..j, . , B arracks C hief and now have 90 mei men . _ ,, . St V incent's hospital when the a u t o -: unteer o ffic e and o f w om en ’s de- tures. ! fense program and its purpose is to Thorn. Mrs. Jennie H ardm gham and c P ierce all o f P ortland Under my were riding fe n8° activities. The big feature o f V ictory Day fu rth er the training o f the F irst Aid- Mrs. Anna F ierce, ad 1 0,4 'a " d’ o ff the drill field There are lots o ol f m obile in w hich they with John H enick, 14, Aloha, collided ! AI1 people, including those already will be the novel Glass V ictory er to function in organized squads also Mr. and Mrs. Thom as R ow e details to be attended to and I am with a P ortland T raction com pany engaged in som e phaso o f defense House, which will be W ar Stam p to make them m ore e ffectiv e in time Mr and Mrs. B yron C lem ents and kept busy from m orning to night N Albina avenue and Kill- i w °rR — aircraft observers, air raid selling center fo r the program to be o i disaster. daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. B ruce but the " ? rk ‘ 8 int*,eatin * , 1 U8£d ingsw orth street, T ra ffic Patrolm an wardens, auxiliary firem en and po- held at the courthouse square. C o m -! T he D etachm ent is open to all Clem ent 'o f Portland. H arold C lem ent to curse the man who turned on the E C. Daniels reported. licem en, R ed Cross, etc,— are asked plet«f f with electric targan, stage, First Aiders w ho have com pleted o f Cam p L ew is and Mr. and Mrs. lights at 4:45 and yelled fo r every Carl R einke w as cited to cou rt for . to register. Mrs. M organ says it Is sound am plifier and stam p booth, their advance courses and live In M alcolm Clem ent and tw o sons of one to rise and shine— now I am that allow ing an unlicensed ju ven ile to necessary to have a com plete record the V ictory H ouse will roll into B eaverton or its vicinity and anyone Beaverton. man so no longer can com plain. operate an autom obile and H enick o t al* volunteers H illsboro on its ow n wheels. T he i interested should con ta ct one o f th e. T he Friendly C ircle m et at the was cited for reckless driving and R egistration of people, w h o are U nited States treasury departm ent m em bers o f the D etachm ent or visit hom e o f Mrs. C. F Straley on Allen candidates ^ '1" ' s ," ’ns exam ination i.».. an operator . _, . , . , on rallure to have s license aw aiting training and those w h o are is sending this m obile theatrical unit tho Stretcher Squad Drill now in avenue W ednesday. A pot luck din- July 31 Grades were posted yester- __ _ _ _ in training classes, are requested as to H illsboro as one o f 17 stops in progress each Thursday evening at ner was follow ed with a short busi- dft,. and j found j st((od 8th in the well as those w ho have tim e to give the H igh School. i ness meeting. ~ ' *' " " There were n i n e ______ Oregon. Former Residents group o f 168 w ho took the exam ina to som e sp ecific w ork. The ».•c Instructors „ .a u i in u ia com m i'jtee spon m em bers and three children present. T oday i was sum m oned be Celebrate Gold Weddim? A t the present tim e there is a call |soring the D etachm ent is com posed Mr. and Mrs. Charles T allock tion (1 after nues ... . » o ffice rs board, and ques- .... „ „ j »« _ . - P. T. A. Executive Board o f E verett Burden, Len H olm an, drove to Seaside Sunday for a vaca- fore . . i h n >» M r' nnd Mrs <^hris Murphy cele- for clerical help, but it is felt that G eorge Eisenhauer. Mary Unger, tion outing. Mr. T allock returned ,.‘f " . 1.?K4 . '.._4 . wa.l_J*C . - i?e.?.!,, I v 1 . . brated tljeir golden w edding a n n iv e r -‘ oth er ‘ VP* o f w ork will be needed Discuss New Projects The executive board o f the B eaver- E sther Hell, Opal Eisenhauer. » uiimiii . iih i . vi , "o O fB Thursday. M ra T al»ock ’. _ pare_nU_. ™ c e r * . ^aej r bom e ^ ^ fficers 3917 SE UlOth ton P. T. A. met at the hom e o f Mrs. The D etachm ent is made up o f the Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Filly, drove dow n Sph . Miaml B<>ach but n, eeume Portland. W alter L. Myers fo r pot luck lunch follow in g First A lders: E verett Bur the sam e day to spend the rem ainder ® ... . . sentem her ' and business meeting, Tuesday, Aug- den- ch airm an ; Geo. Eisenhauer, o f the week with their daughter. Th , to . Mi ami M rs Murphy wer.« , m . ar- Gambling Devices Being ♦ 17 1 UGO : „ ° _ ° ust 18. 10 m em bers were present, vice-chairm an ; Olive Ram sdell, secre- Mrs W . C W righ t and Mrs Toni m e near conunuet De here with tem perature 100 degrees oi Mi^n '" x h á y m o v e d l o * Remov« I from County Som e new projects fo r the year were t*-ry : Opal Eisenhauer, publicity of- Miller spent from M onday to Thurs- m ore alm ost every day. I have met 27, 1918, settlin g first in D allas anil discussed. Som e new projects fo r the B eer; Len Holman, Lela Holman. day at R ock aw ay E igh t defen dants possessing illegal year were discussed and will wait T o ™ ^ m a d eW . C. B. W alker. Flor- Mrs H arry J.W right Jr . underw ent a n r. „ ^ t the c lim ite h e r f is ' Rter at R eedville a " d Aloha pinball m achines and punch boards fo r fu rth er in form ation before decid- ence E nger, M argaret Stewart Bob a m ajor operation at Good Samaritan sim ilar . that o f Oregon „ were hailed into cou rt Saturday and in io n them. The follow in g com - Stewart. B ob Myers Mary Ungar. hospital Saturday not m ore sim ilar t o » t t 0^ 0u r , B e t r 0 t b .a , T o l d plead guilty to the ch arges. $100 mittee chairm ans were appointed: Em ily W addell, I’ loien ce l-oxton, Mrs. J. C. O C onnor accom panied „ THURLOW W E F P A t D t D . fines each were meted ou t in all ca ­ Mrs. C. T Hunkapillar, program ; ' F1° y d C arlson, State Guardsm an Cor- Mr. and Mrs. Earl P ierce o f Aloha . | H U R L O W \\ At Kecent Party ses. except one o f $35, by Circuit Announced to V ernonia Sunday where they vis- j Mrs. E lm er Benson, social; Mrs. P °ra* Boge. I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G innetz are hride ».lor.* it, al n .s,low ®' for Judge R. F rank Peters. F ou r cases Jam es Medill, publication and m a g i- T he above » rouP has b«en w ork ing ited at the hom e o f Mrs Frank receivin g letters regularly from their bride-elect tho evening o f August 6, remain to be disposed o f Saturday, zine; Mrs Ed Bergin, budget- Mrs together at least one night a week (O > ’C onnor auu and fam ily . \_uniiui luiuiiy I r* i r*h »1 W Wnrshnll engagem ent o f Miss Hitii August 22, a ccord in g to G. R ussell Bleekm an. ch aracter building; Mrs. fo r m m ore ore than than seven seven months. m om ns start- The beautiful Hall mark cards at ^ ¡ “ T e c h n i c i a n ' H a w a i i head- ” *‘ tZma" : d a '*ghte, o f Mr and M*"*- M organ, district attorney, Hugh L. W eik, room m others; Mrs. ln8 Jan less tban ,a „ ° n.th afteT Dean's D rug Store are attracting C orporal Marshall w n X 9® o r? ? H e“ zman o f Reavei ton, to | R a ids o f som e 12 establishm ents Marshnll would I ’red H Mathis, m em bership; Mrs. o f Pearl H arbor and many bu yer.. They are really i S fro“ an y o f his Mr. H arry J. Nadon Jr, V 1® Pa y y In W ashington cou nty w here the ma- was given at the home o f the bride W alter L. Myers, publicity; Mrs. have com pleted tne Standard First tigtic and com e ln beautiful colorin gs - tP.‘ friends in B eaverton. His address l , „ . , „ , , . . . .. chines and boards w ere In operation, Fred W eitz. hospitality chairm an. ,h e A dvanced First Aid and the fo r any o cca sion. elect s b , o t h e r in la w an d sister Mr we,e made Friday by cou n ty and is C orporal Charles W . M arshall, and D efense C ourse on Aerial H arold Steele, D avid Cady, W al- The proposed program fo r the year C m lia n I h I KN" 1,Kh c r a fl. *•» P ort- stnte o ffice rs and representatives o f H Q Co. Hawaiian Dept., , , was presented and approved b y ’ the l nd Lhiemical ^ Warfare.^ and recently lace Branch and D avid B uffam re- 39307781 No date has been set for toe the d|lltrict attorn ^ ; o fflc e and 12 approved by the '„V « V - h X !aC6 . f 1 For t S h a f t e d H onolulu. T H . E l d i n g , but It Is planned for tlle m achines valued $300 each were have Mrs. H unkapillar as chairm an offip e o f H illsboro, fingerprinted the w eeks stay at Cam p Millard. Boy ““ latter part o f Septem ber. | con fiscated. I A special guest at the party was o f this com m ittee, fo r she has had grou p in accord an ^ w,th Civilian sc o u t cam p on E agle Creek. They Stamp Eight Brings P laces where pinball m achines Mr. N adon ’s m other. M is. H. J. m uch experience in P. T. A work. D efense requirem ents a n report having a swell tim e p- P rt, lr.r l« were con fiscated w ere A ce T avern, W hile living in Texas she was presi-1 T no Broap »* now w ork |ng each Mr and Mrs Arehle W illiam s en r , v e *^Ugar rounds i , Poi' t l l V ', ‘ ‘i T ' I W,K° Wia . h" in < '.aston; i ’ astlm e card roorrT * Badger dent o| the eighth district in the w ee^ on S tretcher Drills w hich is tertained at dinner at the Sm orgas W ar ration starntf num ber I f ’ 5 until a fter the w edding. . , tm Foreat Orovp R ock Crpek T a v . state. She is bringing to us m uch takea ironl^ the Standard Arm y Medi- bord in P ortland Tuesday in honor will be good fo r purchase help from her years o f this U r v ice ! cal Corps training in the carin g for o f tneir gon W arren, who is home pounds o f sugar at any one tim e be Benefit Carnival p 'u n rh h o a ill ’' w ire * Vi'ikcl aJ’ 'w n g ' T he Septem ber m eeting will be “ J1*1 lra n *P °,t in K victim s in tim es o f on a weeks furlough from the navy, tw een August 23 and O ctober 31. the d • J ner's restaurant A rt's P lace and held at the grade school in the li- d l “ ter'K ,, . Guests included Mr and Mrs. Don O ffice o f Prion Adm inistration an Being Arranged T ed ’s P lace Sherw ood Skvwav brary, Septem ber 22 at 1:30 d m above program has been given G eorge and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stark nounced today. A rrangem ents are m aterializing for i ,in..h u ’ v. r , _h ‘ by In stru ctor E verett Burden w h o is Qf Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Be- T his is the longest period yet as a ben efit Carnival a t the Beaverton a (. Tavern r fll*nn M t f ' well qualified in this type o f work, um gardner of Reedville, Mr. and signed to any stam p, but it does not high school som etim e In Septem ber onerv iA>tviit V v o v a tt * ** , ___ , ... onery, FV>best G rove, T h a Warren Williams Enjoys having fo r the past^num ber o f yea*'* Mrs. W algren and Mrs. V irginia Co- alter the original allow ance, w hich is tor Disaster f • R elief un,,n- under Civilian Reedville. Penguin Inn, near a R ex given a large part o f his tim e to t R »-* ed vel| bt H illsboro Mr Mrs. G. D. at the rate o f h alf pound a week. Defense. Brief Visit at Home and the Aloha Stage Depot. and Cro88 actlvtties including the teach- Alexander Mr and Mrg Ted Hetu. O PA said it has decided to re- W arren W illiam s son o f Mr " a ler S a f^ y iand Beaverton. Miss Evelyn W illiam s, quire purchase o f five pounds all at Attends Defense Mrs. A rchie W illiam s, arrived home in.K other R e d Cross courses He is a W a lIen W illiam s and B ob Selander on ce in order to facilitate disposal r \ f f • i c L I .Christmas Gift Mailing Thursday o f last week. A rchie had m em ber o f the National Safety and the hogtgi all o f Aloha o f su gar packed in five, 10 and 36- V -M lIC la ls O C h O O l been in the navy fo r fou r years, and C ouncil and until recently Drill Mas- Deadline Set November 1 R. this is his first visit hom o in 2U, w ., , « ' 7, . , Mr. and Mrs. K O. W ilson visited pound packages K C. ( ' r)oty has I., en attending n * *er ^or M edical Corps Cadets at ^ p e a ch hom e this week. M is. protection school at Seattle rs.! “ P ack s o f these sizes were put up|Civilian up M ailing o f C hristm as parcels to years. He has enlisted fo r tw o years the C ollege at Laurelwood C. J Beach Jr., spent a week at the last and w inter before it was ’r h « sehool, conducted by the arm y. service men. en « qverseas will have to be m ore. H e is now a first class petty The grou p is now being uniform ed , »¿cii. know n that rationing would be ne- include* ^ iv e days o f lecture* and posted by November No- 1st, according to o ffic e r on a destroyer and has been con sistin g o f Navy blue slacks, white Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thom pson and cessary and processors have had dif- i,v e days o f field practice. ^ an agreement reached last week by in seven m ajor battles and cam e shirts, navy blue over seas caps, and fa m ily o f M arysville, W a sh , were ficulty m arketing any su bstan tial! ---------— ----- war, navy and postoffice depart- through w ith only a few scars a n d black acifessories. _____ o f her sistei Mrs. C. J Beach P*rt o f them , inasm uch guests as ration Soldiers Kit» Liked ments. shrapnel wounds. He has visited An active fall and winter program gr week stam ps to date have been valid for The sew ing kits furnished selec- Existing ‘ restrictions on overseas m any parts o f Lie world and found b« ‘ nK planned including Rtretchei C. J. Beach is leaving M onday for one or tw o pounds purchase.' OI»A tPeg leaving from board No. 1 are Reroel post o f 11 pounds weight. IS the people o f A ustralia very friendly Drills, First A id D etachm ent W ork, a weeks vacation in Spokane with *a ‘d. proving' m ost valuable, a ccord in g to ¿eViea length and 42 Inches com bine ! and hospitable. Mr. and Mrs. W il- and D isaster R elief classes Several relatives. \ “ 1 nless this sugar Is sold, it would word from our boys. A bout 200 have length and girth will not be changed liams held open house Sunday be- l b * group attended special classes Eastern Star m em bers o f the Past have to be repacked, thereby causing already been supplied Tor the present. T he public, how tween the hours o f 11 and 2 fo r beld in H illsboro last June and M atrons club met at the Boyd grove an undesirable waste o f labor and __ __________ _ lever, Iq urged to observe these Hml- their son A large group o f friends hav« received their certifica tes to for a picnic dinner F riday follow ed m aterials p _| | U l l r » - tatlons voluntarily. V olum e not to First Aid and there will be with a business m eeting and visiting from near and far called to greet teach S ta m p , num ber six and seven are f «III n u r « .L 'l ’ I T e r exceed that o f an ordin ary shoebov him and wish him Lie best o f luck. su fficien t instructors available for Mr. and Mrs H enry H ingley o f each good for purchase o f tw o ™ A ap^ r *d o f route 8 box 1332 and w e |g U to be not m ore , han gix He is leaving W ednesday evening to all who care to attend Standard and W enatchee, W ash., were week end pounds o f sugar until m idnight, A ug 7el) fr o "> hi* truck In P ortland Mon- poundg A dvanced Classes take up his duties. I v isito r, o f Mr and M r . G eorge Bias- ust 22_ Stam p num ber seven is !T A1‘ mall m atter will remain su bject Juries, G ood Sam aritan hospital at ser. T ogether they spent the day a ’bon us’’ o f tw o pounds to censorship. tendants reported to police. M A R G A R E T JA N E T TR N B O W Rents Fifty Locker* Sunday at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs Funeral services were held W e i H oward H ingley for a fam ily dlnnei R e c | Cross Home Nursing _ “ JOH N M. M IL ! F it nesday. A ugust 19, at 2 p. m. in the With Classified Ad together. r .r l if lr a f e .« A v » ,L k l,. e n lis tm e n t» John M Miller, aged 77 year,, died T igard M ethodist ch u rch fo r Mrs. Mr A nderson o f Bethany called at Mrs B etty K in g and son Donny ' - e r t n n a t e s « v a i i a u i e Donald V Turner. B eaverton, navy Tuesday, August 18, at his hom e at M argaret Jane T urn bow aged 66 our o ffic e Thursday expressing com *nd Mrs. R ud R anstall o f Seattle, . P erson s w h o have com pleted the Leonard C. T row bridge, Beaverton. Huber. H e lived on the N eipit place years, w ife o f Vtilliam J. Turnbow . p|eU) „ u n c t i o n wUh a tw o line are visiting Mrs R M Miller R *d Cross home nursing cou rM and navy. ( n F arm ington road w hlch hg pur. m other o f R ich ard.. Charles and Jas- ^ w hich he c la im , i Mr and Mrs R L T u ck er o f Ana not receive their certificates, may ---------------- chased 11 years ago per Turnbow . Mrs Jessie Catanese brm jght him fifty users o f his food cortes. W ash . visited at the home o f call for them at the H illsboro court I He w as step father o f Fred H o ff­ Marriage Licenses o f P ortland, Mrs E m m a P rohaska. iocker9 Mrs. T uck ers broth er and sister In house, a ccord in g to Miss Cortnne man. R alph Tarola. P ortland, and N an­ VEJ$or*uver. W a sh » Mrs. Helen He ‘ lag fou r cu blc foot and l*w, Mr and Mrs Dayton Peck last X'ennington. o f the cou nty health de The rem ains were shipped to An­ cy Ann Smith, route 8. box 1826A Vaughn. Carlton, sister o f Mrs Geo. ru b jC lockers left out o f Thursday, also called on form er partment. ^ derson, Indiana, T hursday by W E. Portland. Stewart. M is R osa Minard. Port- a* “ ** “ ------ - neighbors and friends They are The goal set for next year is a per I>inah T hayer, route 8, box 1453 P egg, Beaverton. land. Mrs. Mae Bennett. Beaverton. spending several weeks at W heeler. »°n with hom e nursing training in and M arian Putnam , 1004 SW 10th John M itchell, Sacram ento. Calif., every fam ily, states Miss Pennington Oregon. ALEXANDER BRONKEY LIBRARY NOTES Frank Mitchell, P ortland, also 20 Mrs Leston Fariw eather and son T w elve m ore persons have qualified P o ,tland. . A lexander Bronkey, w ho wae In- P erry Shank Beaverton, and grandchild- T here was a tim e w hen one went _____ __J I V grandchildren. 2 great *n ° ne, w en! Tom m y, who have resided in Brem - to serve as teachers ’ , Jured in an autom obile accident, died ovie because ren. to eee a m m ovie because he he had had read read grton. 'w ^ h i n g t o n f o r ” the past 't w o C e rtifica te , have already been is- Beaverton August 14 aged 52, years. He was a Mrs. T urn bow was a resident o f the book but now m odern conditions m ontbs, visited at the J H Fair- *oed to 370 and 60 an- now enrolled resident o f Beaverton. ■ 1 m ake the reverse true B ooks from Tigard for M year«. weather home a shorft time Tuesday In the classes BIRTHS He is survived by his w ife Elisa- pnroute to |> v r n w , , „ h G rove reme- w hich m o v ie , have been made are o f )agt Interm ent Crescent C lasses will be resumed next fall Mr and Mlg Jameg j K am var, beth, was father o f Mrs. M arjorie very m uch In demand tery . | .. _ Kansas, to join Mr. F'airweather. Mrs Irene Connett o f Longview , route 8, box 1742, July 29, a son Da- Helsor. V ernon and Ivan B ronkey, o f A m on g books o f this '* L ,_ who is with the United States Arm y W ash , spent the week at the home vid E. Beaverton. Funeral services were we can o ffe r K in g , R ow . Mr«.. Min tn the m edical corp s at that place M I«S E L L E N R O G E R « o f Mrs. Charles F. Straley Friday Mr and Mrs I^eRoy B. Ault, Beav- held M onday at St. C ecelia church. Miss Ellen R o g e r , 8706 SW Canyon iver; F or W hom the B e ll, Toll. G ood ___ Calvary «temetery. P egg’s Mrs M orris Hatch o f Boise, Ida- the hostess gave a dinner for her erton, August 9. a daughter, Judith M ount road, died August 15 She w a , sister B ye Mr Chips. H ow Green is My ho~ a'nd ~Mrs __ etty Ellers o f P ort- guest, follow ed by bridge. B Guests A. M ortuary In charge o f arrangem ents. o f Jam es E dw ard J. M Arthur R . Valley, T he G ood Earth. B enjam in . ’ . . . M ' \ Mr. B ronkey was born at Mt An- D Shellenber w ere Mrs Helen Fisher. Mrs Carey Mr and Mrs Charles A. Parm er, E lizabeth H., D r Charles H R ogers Blake and G one W ith the W ind ger F riday o f last week. Leonard. Mrs. R uby Boyd, Mr and route 2, box 426. P ortland. August 7. gel. Oregon. August 9. 1890. and w as and M rs John B a rtoa ci. all o f P ort-i • Mr and Mrs C om ette o f B ridge Mrs. R obert Sum m ers, Mr and Mrs a son. C harles R married O ctober 7. 1913. to Miss Eliza land Funeral services w ere held M rs J. B K rou t o f Portland, is a fast, Idaho, spent last week visiting Jay Gibson. Mrs Connett, Mr and Mr and Mrs H arry W Scheel. beth Schm idt R esidin g In Mt Angel Tuesday, w ith Interment R lverview house guest o f Mrs. Jay Gibson this y|r and Mrs H arris Hansen Mrs. H unkapella and Mr and Mrs route 8. box 1442, August 1, a daugh . Portland and V ernonia. com in g to esm etery. week. | Continued on Page 4 C. F Straley. ter Judith A. B eaverton 13 years ago. ,„.yy,y “<• ! zssstjs ssrv iiirs; i «... B,„y »« a uj * ?rx*r '•z . „ Volunteer First Aid Detachment Being Organized in Beaverton Residents Requested to Register For Volunteer Defense Work in County a,lthori,y when t‘1py a"