Friday, August 14, 1942 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Page 4 ;ed with a party Saturday evening' honoring Mr. and Mis. W C. McKell j Following a dinner at Nendel's the j group gathered at the Gray home for ! cards. Those present were Mr. and 1 Mrs W. C. McKell. Miss Juliette Carter, Mr and Mrs. F. H. Schoene Mrs F. S. Donaldson, Mr and Mrs A. E. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. E. P Hedberg, Mr and Mrs. W. J. Scott, Mrs. Crete Main and Mr. and Mrs. i Gray. Mrs. Hedburg won the bridge prize and a farewell gift from the group was presented to Mr. and Mrs McKell. Brief and Personals W H ITFO RD ton. and Lois Bunn. Aloha. Joseph E. Boatwright and Muriel L. Storey, both of Tigard. Kenneth Ourey, Tigard, and Helen Robertson, Oswego. Lue Cornell, Beaverton and Cam elie Bertrand, Beaverton. Charles B. Smith, Portland, and Florence C. Lyones, 6605 SW’ Capitol Highway, Multnomah. Mrs. H. J. Wright had the misfor tune to fall on the basement stairs and break her wrist bone Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Walker drove to McCready Warm Springs in Lane county, not far from Eugene Satur day. Mrs. Walker and Maryln and Mr and Mrs W. C. McKell left Dale will remain for two weeks. by train Wednesday evening for a Mrs. Wood, who recently came three months visit to relatives and from an eastern state, has moved friends in Minneapolis, Chicago, with her family into one of Frank T o relieve Philadelphia and Omaha. Kosmalski's houses on the Scholls road. Mr. Wood is in the Veterans Misery of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jannsen ar Liquid Tablets hospital in Portland. Mrs. Wood is rived Sunday evening from Victor Woodrow Weaver drove down Salve employed there. ville, California, for a short visit from Bremerton Sunday and upon Nose Drops Virgil Savage delivered the sermon with Mr. Jannsens parents, Mr. and his return Monday was aqcompan- j at church Sunday evening. The Cough Drops Mrs. A. M. Jannsen Edward is with led by Mrs. Weaver and their infant Sunday School was not so well at the air force and returned to his du daughter Mariyln Louise. Mrs Try “ Kuo-My-Tlsm”— tended as last Sunday when there ties Thursday. Mrs. Jannaen will Weaver spent several days with her I K Wonderful liniment were twenty seven present. Mrs. remain with her parents Mr. and parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wright Walker was greatly missed at both Mrs. Larwrence Wolf. following her return from the hospi- i services. tal. Mrs. McMinn who has been quite Mr. and Mis. Paul Shelienberger of ill is so far recovered as to be able Tacoma. Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. El Mr. and Mrs. E P Hedburg re- | to get along without help Lorainne mer Hamden of Klamath Falls, who turned Wednesday evening from a { Denney has been staying with her. were called here owing to the death three days trip to Tacoma and Ev The many relatives of T. Giehleit- of their brother in law Oscar Effcn- erette, Washington. to gathered at his home Tuesday ev berger of Tillamook, spent a few ening and celebrated his birthday Mrs. J. Mahon from Los Angeles days at the L. D. Shellenberger home before their return. Mrs. Harnden will Calif., Mr. A JslerJrom Coquill*I With the critical fire period at hand state superintendent of police with a picnic on the lawn. spend a few weeks with her sister. Oregon, and Mrs. P. Headquarters for lWhnnh!ni' i rhUr '''t *’ Oregon motorists to make full use of ash j three children from Mrs. Effenbergor at Tillamook be ... OREGON MOTOR STAGES Bellingham, trays us an added precaution again-t cigarette carelessness Th.- On- ?gon Marriage Licenses Wash, were the guests of their sister forest code which * ^ < ar< lessness. m e On, fore returning to her home. prohibits the throwing away of burning materials and Paul Staten, Sherman Hotel, Port Mrs. Dewey Drorbaugh, prior to their while traveling is being strictly enforced, ho points out. land, and Irene Schreiner, Tigard, HOME-COOKED GOOD EATS The Cheerio club met at the Boyd parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Berger --------- ------------------- — Oregon. grove Friday for a picnic dinner and of D Bethany, c iiia iij, Oregon, v / i r ^ u u , to b celebrate t ic u io it ^ __ Modern Fountain Service J. Mason Dillard 2336 SW Oswego cards. Mrs. S. C. Straley and Mrs. their golden wedding anniversary Uaptain t_Ory Ordered for Hot Weather Relief street, and Helen Upshaw. Tigard J. Mahon of Los Angels,. Calif., were last Sunday To fo r t Benning Donald Baldwin, route 2, Beaver- substitutes. • Mrs. Flora Taylor and her moth-j Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Jannsen en er, Mrs. M Taylor of Olympia. fl.‘ ^ , Mw 'k w°‘ y J r - infan’ BETHEL tertained at dinner at the Aerial Wash., visited their cousin Mrs. Re •. ’ " ‘ r and ^ is. M. E. Cory, CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH club Monday evening honoring their becca W. Eggman and together they , ‘ . ic.iwood ,oad. has re Willard B. Hall, Minister son Edward and wife. Other guests spent a week at Rockaway returning , <el8 ° leP°r* t° Fort Benn- 9:46 as m. Church School. ln*' Ga Captain Cory, now sta were Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gibson, Mr. aUndnv 11 a. m. Worship. W A T E R causes rust y tioned at Fort Ord, Calif., has beer. and Mrs. L. Wolf, and Wilbur Jann- 6:30 p. m. Pilgrim Fellowship. Mr. and Mis. H. J. Wright, Jr.. on active duty since November 1940 sen. and daughter Delores and Mjss Mar- He has previously been stationed I HEAT dries up oil Jay Crawford celebrated his ninth garet Harris spent the week end at at Fort Lawton and Fort Lewis. ' NAZARENE CHURCH birthday Sunday at his home on Cannon Beach. W. P. KEEBAUGH, Pastor Wash. He is a former student of DUST causes friction Watson street by entertaining 14 of the University of Oregon and re i Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Mr and Mrs L. L. Walker accom- ceived his captain’s commission on Preaching Service 11 a. m. his friends with a birthday party. Young Peoples 6:30 p. m. Following an afternoon of games, re panted by their twin sons Tennyson July 17. H E GUARANTEE He will be accompanied to Georg’ia freshments were served. Jay re and Emerson, and Mrs. Tennesse Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m. Walker, drove to Mineral, Wash., by his wife and infant son, who are ceived many nice birthday gifts. r r w Sunday to the home of another son , now living in Carmel, Calif. Before ST. CECELIA CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. George Scott of and daughter in law Mr and Mrs. proceeding to Georgia they will visit Rev. Father O’Keefe, Pastor . 1 e itn ,! nrl inui u m v F T I . tl f _ 1 I _ _. i L. * 11 I < a i ct « _ . Portland, were week end guests of j Lysle Walker, where they are hold- \ with Captain Cory’s parents. Masses 8 to 10 a. m. DIALS REFINISHED Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott ing a family reunion and for a sev eral days visit CHURCH OF CHRIST GUAR. CRYSTALS FITTED Mrs. Charles P. Scott has returned Tire Allocations G. W. Springer, Pastor ALU PRICES MODERATI-'. to her home from a two weeks con Mrs. H. J. Wright Sr. had the mis Morning worship and preaching finement at the hospital recovering fortune to fall down the basement Allocation of , tires, and re~ service 9:45 a. m. . tubes .. Topic Why Men from a major operation. stairs at her home and break an arm caps were made by the Hillsboro Kail to Reach the Goal. Following Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Williams had 6 U 1 Avenue Entrance ?,?iv V ,°h t i0, O W o,ng 1 £fo80n* from the seimon the Load’s supper will be __ , , July 25tn to July 31, 1SH2 nhwrvpH for their dinner guests Saturday ev Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Walker, Chester A. Tooze, Sherwood- F C ouservea’ Main Floor Bible School class session 11 a. ening Mr. and Mrs. Guy Alexander arrived in Beaverton Wednesday of Renberg, R5 Portland; Jens Wold Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hetu. Sun last week and are visiting at the R4 Sherwood; C P. Pennington R 5 Portland Evening worship service 7:30 p. m. day the same group accompanied by Evelyn Williams and Bob Selander for V° B a r t o n ; Stewart K Midweek Bible study and prayer enjoyed a plcnlo on the Wilson river ■lationed In San Dh-go ra T f in recognition of Mr» Williams birth the past year, has been transferred w I i T * ! ! ! B e a v ^ rt^ ^ S a m S o L k l ^ ednesd^ ’ * P m LO NDO NDER RY • LO NDO NDER RY • LO NDO NDERRY • LO NDO NDER RY ToPic w ho is day anniversary. F a c to ry 1 0 0 % U n io n B u ilt Ice C ream 1 0 0 % U n io n M a d e to the Columbia River air base in R3& B e a v e r t o n ? T C Doern R 3 ' b L v : ReSP°n8‘ b,e fo r Ri* ht Teaching’ ----------------------- Mr. and Mrs. White have moved Portland and is an inspector of radio erton; Walter E. Edwards. R 1 Ti- C re am fro m D a iry C o -o p e ra tiv e Assn. Farm ers WEST HILLS gard; Chas. L. Ross, R5 Portland: Into their new home on Lombard and air plane part». LUTHERAN CHURCH Emerson Walker, who has been ! ^3 Beaverton; Carl H. street, near Second. SW Canyon Road stationed at Nome, Alaska, the past Pd e l R ’ Borland; J- D. Hamil SW Canyon Road, near Sylvan Miss Beulah O’Conner of Vernonia vear with the radio air craft divis-1 !° n’ _Ti^ ? 'd ’ * ,ank Boras, Aloha; year divis Werner J. Fritz, Minister and Glenn Williams of Gaston, were Ion, has been transferred to New W .O. Mayback, R 6 Portland; A. R 11th Sunday after Trinity married at Vancouver. Wash., Satur York. He arrived here Saturday R - p . W il«.n, R5 Sunday School meets at 9:45 a. m. 70 day morning The immediate rela for a few days visit with his parents Portland; Carl Rueck, R4 Sherwood; Morning service 11 a. m. Sermon tives attended. Th* wedding break Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Walker before E. L. Swisher, R5 Portland. «5 PURE SWEET CREAM Has God Forgotten? fast was served at the home of the leaving for his new location. Everyone invited and welcome. brides grandmother Mrs J. C. O’Con Mr. and Mrs. George Klein are N< Portland Livestock nor in Beaverton. They will reside at Gaston. the parents of a baby girl, Sandra Market News COMMUNITY C11UHU11 OF W EST s c o p e Vallie, born at Wilcox Memorial hos- T he following quotations are bas- UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Mi and Mrs. Doy Gray entertain- pltal in Portland Sunday morning. Pd in prices being paid in Monday’s § Gabel School, 4110 Gabel Lane August 8 . Mr. Klein is with the trading session: Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor armed force» in Australia. | CATTLE: Good grain-fed steers Services 11 a. m. Sermon theme T o o L a te to C lassify Good grass steers Miss Katherine Dessinger visited ,1 4 to *14 50 $11.50 to $13.25 Good grass heifers The Qua» ‘ y of Mercy. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thayne $10.50 to $12.50. cows 6 30 P- m - ToPic Refugees in Our FOR SALE—Housuehold goods, Smith at Washougal, Washington, . _ ,, Good . beef , Midst. Youth meeting. ' to 25' ™edlum $8 25 to $9. Piano, davenport, »tc., T. W. Al from Thursday to Sunday. Mr. and len, R 6 bx 858, Bradley» cor Hi- Mrs. W. F Dealnger and Mrs. Carl «« an w$7|i *° can" e,s *J.B0 to O way 217, Dessinger al.o »pent Sunday at the *•“ ’ B,U“ 8’ , m*d,u™ to K«od $9.50 ____ ___________ __ I to $11 a fe-.v to $11.25, common $7 to Z Smith home and upon »K.u. their return $5 50 to $6.0. Bulls, LOST — Buff Qbkved Cocker brought little Dianne Smith home $ 8 , canneis 2 w “ " medium to good $9.50 to $11 a few z Spaniel, rear bowed legged. An with them for a weeks stay Veal- o swer» to name ‘’Scooter’’, Re Desslnger remained for a longer to $11.25. common $8 to $9. m ers, good to cnoicd $14 to $15.50. Jl ward. BRoadway 5796 . visit with the Smiths. S» HOGS; Good to choice carlots -< $15; 170 to 215 lb. trucklns $15.25 to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Singmaster are Businesses fo r Sale the parents of a daughter, Carol $15.50, late cleanup sales down to $14.75; 230 to 285 lb. butchers $14 25 Ann born the last of July. to $15; lightweight butchers $14 25 to 12 I lousekeeping Rentals o $14.75; p -eking sows $13 to $13.75. z loc. -walk. diet. Income $115 mo. The hut that reflects I ’eeder pigs $15 to $16.50. a Ideal for man and wife, or lady Mr*. Stratton Appointed o 1 6 % % RICHER THAN LEGAL STANDARDS SHEEP: ; Good to choice spring your good taste. New alone. Only $895 full price County Juvenile Officer z Fall Colours, Tans, lambs $11.50 to $11.75 one lot $11.85; a Some term». 219 SW #th. m medium to good. $10 to $11.25. com greys and hrowna. LONDONDERRY PURE SWEET CREAM ICE CREAM 30 Appointment of Mrs William mon $8.50 to $9.50 Slaughter ewes, 30 Stratton of Beaverton as Washing good to choice $3.75 to $4.50. M otel •4 Feed- IS MADE OF: c o s t completely furnished and oper ton county probation and Juvenile j er jnmj)g good to choice $9.25 to 75 ating. iAdye husband goliy* to officer was announced Wednesday 80 Paris Pure Sweet 18% Butterfat Cream . $ .0714 >- _____________ army, say» sell. Will clear better by H. L>. Kerkman. county judge ' ‘ First q u a lity "P re m iu m " b u tte rfa t is currently quoted c t 41c 1 “ a u f „ Rnd goodne8a ,m> ,mmoltal. per pound in the Portland Newspapers. One Pound or O re than $225 mo. $750 handles 219 Succeeding Mis. Ellen Arnold of O i Q uart o f Londonderry Pure Sweet Creom contains 14% b u t- forest Grove who has resigned e f - ,Uf>t u„ (hon gh our vlews of SW 9th. BE. 7195. o z te rta t. We pay an a d ditio nal premium o f 10c per pound 4 1 4 S. W. Washington z fectiva August 17, Mrs. Stratton for istonoe ,nto , 0 VeHne«s. freshness, b u tte rfa t to the Dairy C ooperative Association, our exclusive 2 z PORTLAND source o f supply, fo r the b u tte rfa t we ure in Londonderry merly held a position In Gallatin and continu„ yi lather than into age ( igar Stand— Fountain 2 Pure Sweet Cream Ice Cream which makes our cost per o z No food. Busy downtown corner county. Montana, and has engaged in and h„ Kht _ ¿jary Baker Eddy pound o f b u tte rfa t 51c. 14% o f O re Pound therefore ___ o-J costs us $.0714. $700 handles 219 SW 9th BE social service work at the I mver stty settlement house. Philadelphia. | 7195. 16 2/3rds Parts Cane or Beet Sugar . . . . $ .009462 -< and at an affiliate of Chicago's Hull Sugar is quoted currently a t $5.60 per cwt. Thera is one- West Coast Brokerage Co. house. « sixth o f o pound o f sugar in each pound or q u a rt o f London >- derry Pure Sweet Creom Ice Creom. 219 SW 9th Ave, Portland r* B IR T H S O BEacon 7195 0 3 1 /3 rd Parts Londonderry Flavorand M ix Base $ .0055 z To Mr. and Mrs Stuart R. Rrisbin. Londonderry Flavor and M ix Base is sold throug hou t the z U nited States fo r home m aking o f ice cream o t 15c o pack Beaverton, July 21, a daughter, Su § age. Recipe fo r its u*e is contained on every package o f 2 z zanne A. Londonderry Pure Sweet Cream Ice Cream Th*s ba*e is sold z o To Mr and Mrs. Alvin C. Miaño. in wholesale quant.t.e-> c t 18c per lb. There is one one- o th irty - th ird o f a lb. o f Londonderry Flavor and M ix Base Tigard. July 31. a daughter Roee- 30 W. E. PEGG u^ed in each qu art or pound o f Londonderry Pure Sweet marle A. -< Cream Ice Cream M ORTICIAN Mr. and Mr«. Alvin C Miaño, Ti gard. July 31, a daughter, Rosema Beaverton, Oregon GftëSHAM £ 100 Parts Londonderry Ice C re a m .............. $ .086362 rie A. I Estsb. 1910- Serving 32 years o n te c h Our Cross Profit on Each Quart . . $ .093638 o Mr and Mr». J. L I-anegan, P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 3411 o For this we assemble the in redients. m ix ond pasteurize Beaverton, July 30 ,a son z kV* ' a 4 them then freeze, package, del ver the pcckages to your z Mr snd Mr» Merlin Malar. Beav dealer, and store them a t below freez ng tem peratures, o § Gntil you ca ll fo r them. erton, July 29, A »on. 0 z z o m o OUR SELLINO PRICE . $ .18 qt. 30 ■a W « kn e w o f n o th in g w h ich wc could odd to m a k e th e cost o f L o n d o n -< COLDS 666 GREYHOUND Coffee Shop Summer s Hard on your Watch! W ATCH R E P A IR S L O D D O I lD C ffR y ICE CREAM P layboy STETSON WEIGHT 1 LB. HATS FULL QUART S jj.00 2 6 1 k /fx 'r i* a i¿ COUNT FAIR Aüá 2 ¥ I t ’s a g o o d w a r m -w e a th e r h o st w h o sa y s . . . - § T W IL IG H T h o r s e YOtRSKl.1 P flR I-m U T U E L R u a n o 6 7 ? o c a S RW- DRILY 1 For ru t tirio n s^ — A tir rat A e u f u i ky 14 h t jk c» N ational D istiller« o z o On Sale Regularly Every Day at the Following Dealers: § ' Ä T kkat d e rry Pure Sweet C ream Ico Cream H IG H E R , ncr do we kn o w o f a n y th in g we could odd to m o k e L o n d o n d e rry Pure Sw c t C ream Ice C reom BETTER L o n do n d e rry Pure Sweet C reom Ice C reom is th e very best p ro d u c t we knew how to m ake. h it A N D K ENTI.'C KY STRAIGHT BOI’ RBO.N U HIKkFA Oerpontioa, N V » N . 4 Preel 7 '( * k u EXHIBITS Or LIVESTOCK. AGRICULTURE. 4-R CLUBS. HOME ARTS k FLOWER SHOW LONDONDERRY DEALERS Beaverton— Benson's City Market Columbia Food Store Thrifty Market Owl D;n*r West Slope— Hilber’s Market & Grocery Machine Packed, Fully Labeled Q u a r t Packages . . Never Touched by Human Hands 0. . l . m - 2SS D , 54, , q * o g j|| 5 * - Can ship to 300, cash w ith order or C.O.D. ; LONDONDERRY of PORTLAND i