Friday, August 7, 1942 Classified Rates TWO Cents a word per Issue. Minimum 25c CASH with copy Minimum Charge on Classified Ads not paid at Time of Inser­ tion—50c. We Publish the BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE MULTNOMAH 1’K ESS TIGAltl) SENTINEL ALOHA NEWS Complete E a s t e r n Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage We assume no financial respon­ sibility for errors which may ap­ pear in advertisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of ar. advertise­ ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. ) M IS C E L L A N E O U S S. S. Virginia V TO ASTORIA and BEACHES Daily it p. m., Except Sat. A Sun. S12S5 One way—Round trip $2 BE. 1409 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE. Beaverton. Oregon FOR R E N T Page 3 Know Your Oregon Mrs. America Meets the War FOR RENT—Office space in brick building in Beaverton, corner, Vene­ tian blinds, ideal for small business. See Enterprise building, corner Short street, Beaverton. FOOD LOCKERS for rent—Beth any Grocery Store. Hillsboro 1R4. I Real Estate Wanted TRADER AND W ANT 2 TO 5 ACRES CANAD AD WHO WHS A MSnBER OS WEST SIDE preferred; 5 or 6-i rm. mod. home. Will pay up to \ $8500. For immediate sale call Delazon ("Dell'') C. Smith, 1108 Guardian bldg., BE. 8575, Portland JO H N JACOB A STO ñ S ' ENTE APAISE AT ASTORIA.>! REAL EST A T E SELL IT NOW! Take advantage of the best market in years and dispose of your idle land. Consult with us on your acreage or suburban home problems now. Portland's leading suburban specialists for 22 years. Yes, Mrs. America, you can still decorate your baked hams with cloves. An increase in the imports By Evangelist A. G. MeCown , from Zanzibar recently built up our HISTOItl Will I I l.X IN ADVANCE reserves of this spice so that there II be enough for two years with cer­ Sign» of the Times tain restrictions. 1. A vast amount of travel; Dan. See a pin and be sure you pick 12 4. it up if you want to help make the nation's stock of pins last. As you 2. Perilous Times; Tim. 3 1. know, these are among items for 3 Wars and war rumors. Matt. which the use of copper is banned, 24 6. and the steel supply for straight pins So don’t 4 Defending. us birds flying: has been cut 60 percent. sweep stray pins into the dustpan. Isa. 31:5. Be sure to salvage all pins that come 5. Famines a n d pestilences; fastened in clothes from the clean­ er or in| your husband's fresh shirts Matt. 24.7. fj-om the laundry. Keep pincush- 6. Crumbling of Nations; Hag. j ions handy for the convenience of 2:6. 7. .the family deposits of pins. 7. Distress of 25. Nations; Luke 21 Homemakers residing in an over­ crowded defense area can help solve 8. Humanity pleasure - bent; II this housing problem by renting any D e a d stock picked up free of extra rooms to war workers. All Tim 3:4. COMTE & KOHLMAN CO. charge anywhere. Call available space in those sections __________________ WEUE 601 GUARDIAN BLDG. AT. 0116 collect. *7N. 1221; night call 9 Disobedient children; II Tim must be utilized, and the renting of Portland ELAST USED BY LBB/ABS CH. 2403 or UN. 0449 DENLEY rooms will be of assistance to em­ 3:2. RENDERING CO., Portland. OF THE COL UBBIA YULE Y ployes in war industries. In Eng- up treasure; 10 . Heaping James land there is compulsory billeting A B O U T ¡7 5 0 f f f TH E . .... P E R SO N A L HIDES A WOOL. CAM \ It A—A 5:3. for war workers, and unoccupied C A YU S E Tff/B E WAS specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW houses have been commandeered. It of Israel; Amos 11 Regatherlng is hoped that neither practice will Ciao»'. Portland. Atwater 5334. THE E/AST TA/BE TO 9:15. have to be adopted in this country. OWB THE LITTLE AH/T1AL M cPHERSON’S FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE 12 Departing from the Truth; I WH/CH HOW BEAUS THE/A BABE ABD MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 3381. Tim. 4:1. Gardeners, better look out for the Defense School of Welding SO HAUL CULLY CHAB6EO THE TU/B£$ care of your tools as much as you MOOE OE L/Y/B6. 13 A lukewarm church; Rev. 3:15 Learn Now and Pay Later P A IN T S arc concerned with the weeds Gar­ Copr , b> N orth w est S > n d ..a t* In» 't‘ EE* Men anr Women 14 As in the days of Noah; Matt dening shears, hose reels and lawn sprinklers will be hard to get. Res- 24 37. New location SE cor. 7th & Imlay’s Fresh , trictions on the use of iron and steel Powell Blvd., Portland EA. 7960 Dan. and the banning of copper for their 15 Increase in knowledge Mixed Feeds Real Estate Transfers manufacture will make it difficult 12:4. FISHER THORSEN PAINTS i to obtain new implements Conse­ R R Summers et ux to E Pearl FOR S A L E For quality, fair price and H 16 The Radio; Job. 38.35. quently, It’s a wise gardener who Newman, 1.71 acres Coveil’s add service | keeps his tools clean and protected CITATION Beaverton. Nahum 2 4. Automobile. SEWING MACH. EMPORIUM from rust and corrosion. J. B. Im la ys & Sons No. 5111 New & used machines, parts and j RK.EDVILLE • ALOHA. ORE | repairs. All makes, Guar, perf In the County Court of the State of Rose Henirich et al to Donald S. Third part of men die in me­ ^ rp ,1 4 the k f^ /\ % » n 4 ,, r of »# \ W I T n ash-' aK _ Oregon, f for County Holmes et ux, lot 20 Boharts Sub I chanical warfare. Rev. 9:17-19. That happy custom of carving at sewing 826 SW 3d. ington jTlS R2W. the dinner table looks as if it may Portland. | Brick, Tile, Masonary 19 Satun attempts to destroy God's not be what it used to be. In the matter of the Estate of; In the Eldee Buhite to Matt J Riback et people and all true worship; future the only metals that can be FOR SALE—Quart Economy, 40c WILHELM CARL MATZKE, ux lot 18 blk O Metzger Acres Trs. Rev. 13, and other Scriptures. doz., qt Mason, with clean per­ Deceased. used for these sets are gold and sil­ fectly fitting tops 55c doz. CH. ver. TO: All the devisees and heirs at Frank H Lister et ux to George 2807.' law and all other persona or parties1 Francisco et ux. part React F 1st North Portland Livestock SEE YOUR DEALER , . ~r. . .... I unknown interested in the estate of !Uld Banks Tell your lawyer to send your le­ I OH SALE 3 bi*, Chestei Y\ hite \yjihelm Carl Matzke, Deceased. gal» to this paper. Columbia Brick Works sows bred; 2 young sows to far-, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE E H Bollinger et ux to John C. Market News row Aug .11; 1 Chester white OF OREGON: You are hereby1 Stevens et ux part lot 8 Steeles add The following quotations arc 1320 SE Water—Portland boar, 1 year old. Ernest fo r- commanded to __ appear __ _____ __ | Beaverton. before the based on prices being paid in Mon Kilns at Gresham-Sylvan-Sulem ward. 1 block South on Lennox Honorable County Court of the State „ r Comforters and Mattresses SUMMONS F o r t ia n d C ri .- U lt L ake ( it y to obey.— Montgomery. Any Size and Weight . Old Matted Burton H Jones et ux to Harry M The man who for party forsakes' Wool Rccarded Just Like New No. 145-727 Bartlett et ux, lots in Forest Grove. righteousness goes down, and the Pure Virgin Wool Batts for Sale AT. 6461 135 NW Park 1794 S. W. Front Ave. armed battalions of God march over In the Circuit Court of the State of Reed Institute to Harry M Auld et j PORTLAND him.—Wendell Phillips. Oregon for the County of Multno- ux, part blk 19 blk 20 Reedvllle. Crystal Springs W oolen M ills I know that the Lord is always on mah. 2124 SE Umatilla, Portland LA 4477 Marion M. Long to Mary Y the side of the right, but It is my KATHRYN DANIELS, Plaintiff constant anxiety and prayer that I vs. Dean, part sec 13 & 24 TIS R2W. and this naion. should be on the JAMES DANIELS, Defendant Christina Schuh to Geo Schreiber To, James Daniels, the above named Lord's side.—Abraham Lincoln. WEST END Jr et ux. lots 4 & 5 blk 19 Cornelius. | In the observance of the laws of defendant: SELLWOOD BRIDGE IN THE NAME OF THE STATE j C H Kelley to John J Attebury. lot God and irt the promise of the Gos­ pel of Jesus Christ there is the best OF OREGON: You are hereby re-* 2 blk 45 North Plains guaranty of peace upon earth and quired to appear and answer the | CREMATORIUM the only hope of eternal life.—Benja- j complaint filed against you in the1 Nellie B Barnes to Herman Les- above entitled suit on or before the; kela et ux part lot 274 Johnson Est. min Harrison. MAUSOLEUM The strength of a man consists in expiration of four weeks from the add. the things you need by shopping finding out the way God is going, date of the first publication of this CEMETERY J W Bailey et ux to Barbara Jean through this big bargain basement and going in that way too —H. W. i summons, if you fail so to appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to Bailey, 37.85 acres TIN R2 * 3 W Beecher. and S A V E Complete Funeral Service In New the court for the relief prayed for in J W Bailey et ux to John Hobbs Cathedral Chapel at No Extra «-oat her complaint, to-wit. An absolute Bailey 29.43 acres sec 3 & 10 TIN Riverview is a co-operative asso­ , decree of divorce. the things you are no longer using ciation with assets of over $800,000 This summons is published by o r-: R2W for C A SH -M O N EY . der of Hon. Charles W. Redding. | Judge of the above entitled Court, Î Ü k a t î f 044. ß * 4 4 f W ith Bilyeu Family to Hold Dated the 21st day of July, 1942 - I spare rooms, apartments immediate­ Date of first publication July 24 th 1 3 ^ A n n u a l R e u n io n 1942. ly— turn vacant space into INCOME. Date of last publication August jjjj , annual reunion of the 21st, 194? | Bilyeu family will be held next Sun- LESTER SHEELEY, day In Bryant's park, Albany. A m 1 1 _ things you do not need for some- Ships of the Destroyer type com ­ Attorney for Plaintiff basket lunch will be served at noon. Serene Beauty - Perfect Service prise the bulk of our fighting ships ^ thing you can use. Be a sharp trad- P. O. Address, John A. Sumpter, Tangent, is presi- in the American Navy. Their aver­ 306 Spalding Bldg dent; L l _ Bilyeu, Albany, vice 1 1 1 er— T R Y IT. age displacement is about 1800 tons, Portland, Oregon prudent, and Mrs. Edith E Keith and they are fast, powerful, and _________________________________ _ | Walton, secretary. FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY hard hitting. They have been par­ lost articles quickly—or jobs for ATwater 2181 ticularly effective in convoy duty and those of the family who seek work. Have you looked over the ads this gave a good account of themselves week? If not do so, they carry a “ The demand for stenographers in the Coral Sea engagement. They world of news. I in government service and defense cost approximately $3,600,000 each. _____________ _ j industries has been responsible for BUY what you do need..................Increased interest in classes In 1 typing and shorthand at the Univer­ SELL what you don't need. sity of Oregon, it was announced Thursday by Dr Victor P. Morris, dean of school of business adminis t ration. A total of 333 students took ad van tage of the university's offering of these courses during the past school year. Registration in the shorthand ; classes reached a cumulative total UNITED of 163. with 132 women and 31 men S T A T E S Typing enrollment aggregated 170 Every Navy shipyard is turning students, 128 of whom were women out Destroyers in record time. They and 42 were men. „W A R are essential for our two-ocean The business administration school BO NDS Navy. Purchase of more and more has received many more requests for War Bonds will assure all-out pro­ AND students, especially women, to fill duction of these vital units for the stenographic positions than it has TIGARD SENTINEL STAMPS ALOHA NEWS been able to supply, Dean Morris Navy. Buy every pay day. If ev­ MULTNOMAH PRESS BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE said. Salaries are also on the in­ erybody invests at least ten percent crease for this type of work with ex-1 of hi* income in War Bonds we can pandtng opportunities for lucrative do the Job. LI. i. T ' f n r j V f f ' l m n t employment he added. Legal Notices a Brick & Building Tile EGGS Truck Gardeners Coast Veneer Co. To Get ACTUAL MARKET PRICES De Laval Morne k (mH WOOL CARDING ï J Blue Mountain Hide Wool & Fur Co. Riverview Cemetery USE MORNINGLIGHT CHAPEL Rose Chapel-Green Room WA N T ADS BUY SELL RENT WAR HÜIVÜS 111 J. P. Finley & Son FIND Get in the F Q E J /IC T O R Y BUY Ajwrieri wx indiBtries need METALS Mit kick ■ wit mductM In the Four Tualatin Valley Papers Brings Immediate Results! to