Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1942)
l e ol o U H R * « ’ ' " Wue>« OBr"<>'‘ ^S'o-.rv D ED I C AT ED TO T H E BEST INTERESTS AND VOL 15. \< >. 26 D E V E L O P M E N T OF GREATER BEAVERT ON Beaverton, Oregon, Fritlav. Julv 31. VH2 Washington County Foreclosure Includes Fair Arrangements 75 Parcels of Laud Progressing Nicely Ration Board July 31 Deadline To Get Tax Stamp From Postoffices ES TABLISHED 1927 Fifth Registration Selective Service F ollow ing is 4 list o f registrants 18. 19 and 20 years old. registered Fifth R egistration, June 3o, 1942. by Local board N o I, B eaverton E a il W arren Pieren, III Hillsboro W ith assurance o f co-op eia tion A ccording to inform ation received R obert W alker Beattie, Aloha, Ore from the various farm organizations fio m J. \\ Maloney, C ollector o f In R aym ond Russell Jones, R3 Shrwd H illsboro o f the county, plans fo r the county ternal Revenue, Portland, all persons Arthur W ayne W illiam s, fair are well under way this week. who have their autom obiles, trucks Elaintei G legg Smith, R5. Portland W hile som e features o f the fair or m otorcycles in use on the public John Andrew Nyssen, R2 Beaverton w hich have been popular in past K2 Beavrtn highway in July are required to buy Edwin Andrew Young. years will be forgotten for the em er K 4 Sherwood the Federal M otor Vehicle Use Tax W alter W Labahn. gency, every effort is being made by R5 Portland Stamp, costing $5 for the yeai be Carl Bennie Vester, the fair board to stage a full show R aym ond Arnold Tot land. K1 Tigard ginning July 1st. o f agricultural exhibits and 4-H and R2 H illsboro He stated t.iat these sam ps would Jam es Daniel Lacour, Future F arm er projects be on sale at the Post O ffices Jack Melvin M cD onald, K3 Hillsbro H undreds o f boys and girls from throughout the state during July, but Arthur E dw ard Bartelsky, R5 Prtlnd all parts o f the county are expected K1 Hillsboro called the atfention o f all m otorists G eorge W. Pointer, to participate as well as m any o f the R8 Portland to the fact that the July tax stamps John Francis Mallen, older folk who will exhibit products R5 Portland would be w ithdrawn from sale by Donald James Stalder, from victory gardens, home canning the Post O ffices after the close of Donald R a y Short, Beaverton and sewing. R3 Hillsboro, tae month, and could be purchased Albert J. Coussens, The H illsboro Lions club again will R l Beaverton only at the C ollector's o ffice in Port Edward J. Caldwell, be in ch arge o f the Hobby* Show, to Arnold W. Vershun R1 Beaverton land. w hich this year, will be added a , R l Tigard Mi M aloney stated that prelimin Earl T Schmalle large exhibit from the manual arts Beaverton ary reports o f sales o f these auto tax John A. Siddons, classes o f the high schools o f the D elbert I» Davis R4 Sherwood | James Lewis. W ashington county stam ps was en couragin g How ever, it county. E very high school has Billy E. Gilbert, R 3 Sherwood i com m issioner, has accepted the ap is apparent that many m otor vehicle agreed to take part in this exhibit. K4 Sherwood their W esley G. North, pointm ent as county rationing ad owners had not purchased H ow ever, with an abundance o f R l Tigard stamps. The deputies o f his o ffice R ich ard I,. Brown, m inistrator and chairm an o f the Orange Phelps, H illsboro theatre room expected, the youth exhibits R l Sherwood tagging all autom obiles and Clarence E. Stallard, He sue are ¡op erator and m ayor o f H illsboro for j cou nty rationing^ boaid will be open to handicraft w orkers R l Tigard trucks found without the stamp Paul E. Nedoen, Jr. E '' lm er several terms, has accepted the ap- ceeds E * “ Johnson ” who resigned properly posted in from the grade sch ools as well. Beaverton the upper left Marvin N. Fox, Hold over m em bers o f the board Plans o f the fair board also in pointm ent as co-ordinator o f the R2 Beaverton hand corn er o f the windshield, as re Donald E. B ecker are Mrs E lm er Stipe. Beaverton. clude space for individual hom e ex county defense council, accord in g to R3 Beaverton Sherw ood and Carl quired by .law, and all p oison s who F ied VV. Anderson, made this week Ferd Langer, hibits which are to include home announcem ent Portland have not already secured their $5 Thom as J W ard, Jr. Broderson, Forest Grove The appointm ent was made by p rojects and gardens planned p a r stam p for July should get it at once Donald M. M eyer R l Tigard G overnor Charles A. Sprague orv the ticularly fo r war times. H ere the Sherwood from their local Post O ffice. The Stanley J. Heater, the executive hom e m aker can display individual \ recom m endation o f names o f all deliquents are being W illiam H. Greene West Slope of the county defense efforts alon g these lines, cash prem com m ittee K6 Portland rechecked, and if the tax stam p hus Evan R. FeVerstetn, council. ium s will be offered. not been secured, the tax will be as F rancis J. Steyart, R4 Sherwood Phelps succeeds Lieutenant-C olonel i E ntertainm ent thia year will be R3 Beaverton seased and collected fio m the car John E. P etrovich resigned B ob L ong will leave August 15 to ow ner through Internal R evenue fa Win. T. Sauser, con fin ed to the developm ent o f a W. W. W oodbridge, who R l B eaverton hom e grow n program which the because o f his duties as northwest train for coast guard duties, Ai let Henr y Br ooks cilities. R l Tigard the Oregon State Mrs. Lee R R ich ey spent the last board expects to develop through com m ander for C ollector Maloney stated that a d Jam es I*. Riverm nn, R l Tigard persons training in recreational Guard after serving as co-ord in ator jveek at the beach with Mrs J. Shel- vice from the Bureau of Internal Joo Santoro R3 B eaverton C olonel by and Mrs. Dr. Van Brown. work. Named o f residents o f the for m ore than six m onths. K2 H illsboro Revenue at W ashington is to the R obert E. Rathhun W oodbridge plans to m aintain his of- Mrs. R eynold W ilson o f Seattle, cou nty with this type o f training, effect that all deliberate violations John B. Ream, Jr. Metzger the W ash., visited at the home o f Mrs. o f the should be sent to the board at H ills fice as sector com m and er in law that are discovered, A rthur W. S m ith . R l T igard M cCloskey real estate o ffic e in Beav- a E. W ilson Friday and Saturday, boro. where the ow ner o f the m otor ve Kenneth L. Sander« R l Beaverton Miss Betty H ogan is visiting her hicle has failed to purchase the tax H erbert Frank One night will be devoted to dan erton. R l T igard E A. G riffin o f H illsboro is chair- aunt Mrs. K Kuenzi at Silverton. ces o f yesterday for w hich prizes will stamp, or to post it as required by A lbert W. A m ach er U1 H illsboro man o f the county defense cou ncil Mrs. Freda H ogan entertained Mr be offered. Plans already are un law on his car. will be prosecuted H arold L. Lee Aloha derw ay in various com m unities to and Judge H. D. K erkm an is com - and Mrs. A rthur Gould at dinner vigorously, and the penalties provid Jam es E. W righ t R3 Beaverton develop square dance sets fo r this mander. Other m em bers o f the ex- M onday night. The event being their ed by law are to be Imposed in case Melvin E. Ballard R l Tigard ecutive com m ittee are Paul L Pat fourteenth w edding anniversary, com petition. of conviction. Bernard A. Stewart Garden Home Jack F illey andi V eldon B oge re- Callers and old time fiddlers will terson o f H illsboro, H ugh M cG ilvra Alexander M cPherson, G arden Hom e and Mrs. H arry turned M onday from a w eeks vaca com e into their own that night, as o f Forest G rove Bennie C. Barnes, W est Slope each set must furnish its own ca ll M organ, w ho has just been appointed tion spent in L os Angeles and Santa Jesse D. T hom as R 3 Sherwood fo r w om en's activities. Anna, C alifornia. er, and m ay dance to the m usic o f chairm an E lvin H. F oster R l Sherwood i Lee M acIntyre, cou n ty engineer, is its ow n fiddler or dance orchestra. Mr and Mrs. Jamie Hudson and Phillip M. Johnson R6 Portland Plans for air-raid protection are also assisting in the defense o ffice. ^ jis H arry Hudson spent the week .G erald P. W etterberg Portland under w ay and a volunteer police Mrs D orothy H aag is em ployed full end at R ock a w a y A rthur C Hardman R 2 Beaverton time in the o ffice o f civilian defense. . . . . . , force is being recruited in the v a r I 'rank J. R ychlick R2 Sherwood Mr. and Mrs. A lbert H ighbee spent ious com m unities to be placed under Upon recom m endation o f the Coun- W ilbur A. Maslen R4 Sherwood the week end in a cabin on the San- the direction of duly constituted 1 ty Civilian D efense Council a Civil Albert J. Ellison R l Beaverton state, county and city police officia ls. will Jack V. Dver Beaverton Mr. and Mrs. Mitz A lexander and ian D efense volunteer o ffice Mr. andI Mrs. E. H. B ergin re R2 H illsboro * Mary A lexander entertained at Nen- be set up nn the o ffice o f Civil John E. Cam pbell turned last w eek from a short vaca ian Defense in the basem ent o f the R ich ard A. K okich R3 Beaverton tion. T hey visited Mr. and Mrs. J. ; courthouse. R obert A. Mulloy Sherwood T. l,ey at Y akim a, W ash, and re Mrs. H arry M organ has been ap Donald M. Steele, G arden Hom e, Ore. Next Sunday, August 2, at 11 m ission in the U. S. air corps. Those turned hy w ay o f T acom a and spent o'clock , W est H ills Lutheran church present w ere Mr, and of w om en's de R obert A Gaynor, R l T igar, O regon Mrs. Elm er pointed chairm an a few day’s with Sgt. and Mrs. J. R. will hold its first worship, service B adtischer, Ariern! W egn er and Fred tense activities upon resignation of H ow ard A S w agger R3 B eaverton B ergin and their grandson John with the R ev. W erner J. F ritz in Van K irk o f Portland.. R3 Beaverton The table M is. Harry Smith and is now form u G eorge W G ordon R ich ard II. John received the rank charge. Sponsored by the Board o f was beautifully decorated in a patri- lating plans for the establishm ent of John E. Filley R2 B eaverton, O regon o f sta ff sergeant on June 15th and H om e M issions o f the A m erican Lu- otic m otif such an office. Preston Drak R 3 Beaverton has since beert transferred to a new theran church, 'A rth u r L. Pickens R l, Sherwood W est Hills church Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Filley spent Volunteers to R egister post in an E astern state. R egistration fo r volunteer service Kay Saxton R3 B eaverton will serve the various com m unities the week end at R ock a w ay beach now being accepted by Mrs. Paul S. Smith R $ H illsboro o f the Tualatin V alley. Jack M iller son o f Mrs. R M Mil- are R6 Portland A cord ia l invitation is extended to ler who has a position with the H arry Smith, registrar, in the OCD R alph W. Collins G eorge B. Reilly A loha all people living in the valley to at- W estern E lectric Co. in Portland o ffic e in the courthouse. Plans are being made to con tact Kenneth A. Seely R4 Sherwood tend the opening services. R ev. F ritz during the sum m er vacation, has R3 H illsboro will preach on the subject The At- been transferred to The Dalles people who registered at a past date Carroll L. ForbiS R2 H illsboro tainm ent o f Life Mr. Lynn G od- where he took up his duties Monday and who have not yet been assigned L udw ig F. Setniker, fredson, accom panied by Mrs. Ralph Mr and M is. John I » v e have had to any duties as to their availability L on S. Shannon Pn h wood R J , Ore. John L. Hansen R 1 T igard Carlson, w ill sing; The Publican, hy as their guest Miss Marie H arm on, for service at the present time At a future date, Mrs. M organ will R ichard M N okelhuig R4 Sherwool W ashington county receipts total Van De W ater and the Lord's Pray o f Chicago. R3 Hillsboro $1,002,229.85 a ccord in g to the sem i er, by Malotte. Mr G odfresdson is a A section of safe deposit boxes announce the names o f wom en who Stanley W. Schrn uior R 5 P or eland annual 1942 report o f receipts and pupil o f M aestro W illiam G rovenor. were delivered T h m sd a y m orning to will serve as registrars in the d iffe r Paul D. Dickman, Beaverton disbursem ents released this week. Children o f the com m unity are in- the F irst Security Bank at Beaver- ent sections o f the county so that Charles J. HemriaH nnyone desiring to register will find Edw ard W Scheekln O f this am ount was the cash item vited to attend the C hurch School ton. R l T igard G eorge B Bor up o f $180.438.92 on hand at the b egin H our w h ich will m eet at 9:45 a. m. A m ong m any im provem ents noted a registrar in their vicinity. R l T igard It is felt that more and m ore v ol Sanford W. Stein M edford, Oregon All services and ch urch activities in this section was a new addition to ning o f the year. needed to Jaek V. See U3 B eaverton A m ong the receipts listed is a re will be held in the form er W est Hills Nendel's on the highway, and some unteer service will be various John J. O 'H a llorm im bursem ent item from the State M em orial Park adm inistration build- good im provem ents at Clem ents Ber carry on the fu n ction s o f III T igard w artim e activities and that this vol A lbert B. Schloitm a i R2 Beaverton fo r $8750 food stam p m oney ad ing w hich has an attractive chapel, vice station. __________ - Mrs. E loise Patterson, w ho makes unteer help can be supplied through R obert E. G raf R5 l ot Hard vanced when the plan went into Theron A. Kent n ip H her home with b«i ■latoi Mm G C the o ffic e o f civilian defense. R3 H illsboro e ffe ct for relief agencies IJoyd A. Johnson tm Beaverton N o interest was paid during the E isner J. Grossen . . . MW, on the 10:30 train Monday evei R l H i.lsboro six m onths period, the general fund R obert W. Hnxlcn R3 S h eiw ood being on a cash basis since O cto ing. wher<> Second Lieutenant Arm y Nurse, she will join the 46th Earl E. Dryer i Beaverton ber. 1939 and the road fund since Vernon R. Sprache! R l B eaveiton D ecem ber, 1940. The Beaverton P T. A board met Unit. Mrs. Ruth Shroeder and tw o child W alter S. Bowen S h eiw ood Outstanding w arrants at the close Tuesday at the home o f Mrs. B C Orville L. Bierly R l B eaverton o f the June 30 was G eneral fund Steele in B eaverton fo r a potluck ten o f Lebanon, Oregon, is spending Alan C. Knight Coi vallis $2385 75, road fund S3163.01 th ese luncheon in the yard under the trees several days visiting her sistei Mrs have been called but .lave not been after w hich a short business session G. C. Osburn. Mrs Elizabeth D. M cGowan, su c Joseph F. Woerterilrorg HI Beavrtn was held. Miss R u b y O 'C onn or is eonvales- cum bed at the hom e o f Mrs Carrie Ruehen S. Joss R2 Portland paid, it was explained. Plans fo r the fall program were cin g at the home o f her grandm oth- H anson neai Scholls Tuesday even P. R. W arner R6 Portland discussed and som e com m ittee oh a ii- er, Mrs J C O Conner, follow ing a ing July 28, on R5 Portland her 79th birthday, Jam es E. Eastman m a jor operation at a Portland hospi- follow in g a confinem ent men were appointed. Beaverton of seven Ivan J. B ronkey The August m eeting will be held tal three weeks ago. O sw ego m onths with a broken leg suffered Jaek B. W illiamson Mr and Mrs Casper arrived last I s ’ Ster H. Malm August 18 at the hom e o f Mrs. W al R3 Beaver ton when she fell at her home Jan 2. and W ashington week from M ontana where they have ter M yers, third Corvallis Mrs. M cGowan was born July 28, G eorge M. Dimeo with a potluck been located since early spring and street. Beaverton Huber 1863. in Tatinagouche, N ova Scotia L eroy A. Slovick are now m aking their home with dinner. R3 She» wood and cam e to O regon with her par Lamont A Klick Mrs. J E R obinson o f B eaverton Mrs C asper’s m other. -Mis Molly Tualatin An additional allotm ent o f $167,100 ents Mr. and Mrs Hiram Downing, Carl F. Daniel Pos* and aunt Mrs Merle Evan: Ernest E. Glade Sherwood has been granted United (Bates arm y is the new president in N ovem ber, 1874. There were 31 m em bers and three received con Mrs Geo Smith R l Beaver ton engineers for the im provem ent o f She was m arried to Jam es M cG ow Ijewifl E. Em m ons on receiving a life children o f the B eaverton and West R3 B eaverton the H illsboro airport, accord in g to gratulations an in 1909, who died tw o years later. B oyce L. Case Beaverton word received by M ayor Hugh R o g m em bership from the national o ffic e Slope Book clubs picnicked at Meach- She was a school teacher for many T hom as L. Neilson She was past am Park in the cabin o f S heriff and years and was past w orthy m atron R obert G. Colem an R l Tigard ers from Paul M orris o f Seattle, su o f Camp Fire Girls Mrs J W C onnell on Dairy creek, B eaverton pervisor o f airports for the Civil A e president o f B eaverton P T A o f Beavet chapter No. 106 O rder of H ow ard C. Johnston W ednesday. A bountiful picnic R l T igard ronautics Adm inistration. Eastern Star and past noble grand W illiam R. R obinson dinner was spread in the s.iade o f Eldon V. Janne R2 B eaverton T he additional sum brings to Forest Grove Masonic o f T igardville R ebekah lodge. the picnic grounds R l Beaverton $533.284 a total o f the funds a lloca t S urviving is one sister. Alma G eorge E. P ickett Mrs A. V Butts had for her visi- R2 H illsboro ed fo r the im provem ents and w as Home Executive Resigns D ow ning and tw o brothers Jam es B Francis E. Bresher superintendent o f tors last week her granddaughter Jam es W elch, T igard made to meet revised estim ates o f anr H. P. D ow ning and one niece R ussell F W alter R4 H illsboro the cost o f the original d evelop the M asonic and E astern Star home Sharon Peitila and Mrs John I’citila Miss Frances D ow ning all o f B eav W arren H. Dick L evo Best an Mrs at Forest Grove, has resigned, e ffe c o f Astoria K 2 H illsboro ment. erton. route 1, and a large group o f R obert J Adams H. J Bishop Jr On request o f the governm ent, the tlve August 1st, after 15 years o f panied them hom e fo r a 10 day visit friends. R l H illsboro M is W elch has been m a in A storia and Seaside Jam es D. Cameron R l B eaveiton cou ncil recently approved a lease o f -r-rvice Funeral services will be held at Mr. and Mrs John Barnes I pent the Masonic T em ple K8 Portland the city-ow n ed airport property to tron at the home in Beaverton David C Stark No successor has been appointed, several days last week visiting M is Friday, July 31, at 2 p. m. with Rev I^iwrence L. Mad iso the arm y for the sum o f $1 a year E ugene a ccord in g to D. R ufus Cheney o f Barnes parents Mr and Mrs. w R4 Sherw ood during the war's duration. A R Schm alle o f T igard E vangelical M orris W Yates grand Fields at R ichland. Oregon Portland, secretary o f the R6 Portland church officiatin g , follow ed by the Arthur G. Selendel A Fields returned with them for lodge o f O regon A. F and A M R6 Portland Eastern Star funeral services co n Ralph V/ Eastman representative* o f the grand lodge short visit at their hom e and C anyon Cre«t ducted by the o ffice rs o f Beaver R obert R Bill will take over the m anagem ent until visit with his i an in Portland U 2 H illsboro ch apter No 106 G raveside services ITiiltp C. Stretcher a superintendent is selected at a Mr and Mtt E P Hedberi had will be conducted bv T igard R ebekah Fred V. Brannon R l H illsboro m eeting o f the hom e com m ittee on fo r their Sunday dinner guest* Tom M Sehreinei T igard lodge and Mrs Paul Bennett o f M R4 H illsboro W ith the critical fire period at Septem ber 4 Interm ent Crescent G rove cem e Joseph R Heineck kee, Wis., and Mr and Mrs Har hand. State Superintendent o f Police. tery in charge o f W E. Pegg. R obert J. Ouerettos R l B eaverton father o f Mrs Bollne o f Reedville El w ood Johns on, C harles P Pray, advises O regon m o R5 Portland Ralph B Martin Mrs Charles Bolier o f Visiali was taken to the torists to m ake full use o f ash travs W ilbur Elliott. Enlistments R3 B eaverton W arran L Prink as an added precaution against c ig Good Samaritan hospital last Thurs- ’alifornia, accom panied by her Jack V irgil Dyer. Beaverton, navy. H arold R . Cappreu ter. M is« Mattie Carlson o f Bock Tigar*1 arette carelessness The O regon fo r day in a critical condition Albert B Schlottm an, Beaverton, M innesota visited their cousins, Mrs R l T igard E dw ard C. Appb-berty est cod e which prohibits the t.irow Mr and Mrs R obert E. L ong left f\ H Schoene and Mrs. A E Han navy ing aw ay o f burning m aterials while M ore name« will be p anted next A lva T h eod ore S challbetger, vacation sen fo r the past week Mrs Bolier travelling is being strictly en forced, M onday fo r C alifornia on t week. Beaverton, navy. Continued on Page 4 trip. be p oin t« out. A foreclosure decree has been is sued in Circuit Court in H illsboro in favor o f W ashington county in volving approxim ately 75 parcels o f I tax-delinquent land, accord in g to G. Russell M organ. The relatively small num ber o f foreclosed tracts considerably less than in any past year, indicates that the county tax situation is fa vorable, M organ com m ented F oreclosure action w as instituted in June, listing m any other parcels on which delinquent tax paym ents have been made. Ow ners o f the foreclosed property have or.e yeai redem ption right before the county takes title M organ explained. Hillsboro Resident Head of Civilian Defense in County Beaverton Locals Volunteer Defense Office Established First Service Sunday at New Lutheran Church Ä .™ * 1 1 £ £ County Receipts $1,002,229.85 Beaverton *■ i. b . Plan Fall Activities Hillsboro Airport Given Allottment Use Ash Trays in Cars Suggested When Driving o*bon>, left Fort uii*> ** kt McGowan Funeral Friday Afternoon Thousands of Tons Of War Materials For Victory Drive A mountain of precious war m a terials. 35,5tp tons o f lead, 29,UD tons o f iron and steel, 29.5T10 tons o f copper, 650 tons o f zinc, 540 ton » o f crude rubber, and large amount s o f other scarce materials vitally needed in war effort.— this is the annual contribution required o f the telephone industry o f A m erica by the W a r P roduction Board in its recent Order No. L-50. This co n servation m easure limiting the use o f scarce and critical material by the telephone industry is goin g to be felt not only by that Impersonal som ething known as the Telephone Com pany but by every home, far tory, and o ffice which uses tele phono service. B riefly, O rder No. L-50 proposes to accom plish this saving o f war m aterials by forbidding (except in certain instances the erection of new telephone lines, installation of new telephone service connections or extension phones, replacem ent of present wall phones by handsets and by placing many restrictions on the enlargem ent or im prove ment o f telephone plants and Cqlip ment. The hardw orking telephone lin e man and installer is ordered to conserve or reuse existing telephone equipment and facilities, and to repair parts which norm ally would be discarded and replaced by new ( mi its, w henever such conservation or reuse will reduce the use o f scarce materials. T his new respon sibility is in addition to the valu able service the telephone w orker is already doing In helping provide telephone service for m ilitary and war production purposes. The busines'sman and householder is expected to cooperate in various ways He will have to get along (until the w ar is w on) w ithout that handy extension phone He may have to be content with party line service when he would prefer a main line. T here m ay he delays In filling oncers for telephone in stallatlons, changes, m oves o f tele phones or repair and restoration of service when it has been Interrupt ed by storm o r oth er causes Both the public and the telephone com panies are ready to fill U n d o Sam ’s order, realizing thnt tele phone system s are chiefly built o f the same m aterial that are used fo r shells, bullets, bombs, guns, tanks, and planes for our war against the Axis. Beaverton Canteen Completes Course A canteen Unit functions in case o f a disaster, so even a July rain storm couldn’t keep the B eaverton Red Cross Canteen Class from co m pleting Its course. The final meal, planned for B oyd ’s G rove, was serv ed at the M asonic Tem ple W edn es day, July 15, at 6.30. The Kiwarils m em bers and wives celebrated the 13th anniversary o f their rlub by leading group singing B obby Schell sang several very lovely solos. The m em bers o f the State Guard m arch ed in uniform at 7:30 giving the dinner a m ilitary air. E veryone present from the oiliest to the youngest w as thrilled and Impressed. The Canteen Class has served five meals since June 17, and has raised $59 50 for the Disaster R elief C o m mittee o f Beaverton. It has also raised $48 for the Cedar Mills fire fightin g equipment. The Cedar Mills fire departm ent voted $8 back to the class fo r the canteen uni form s, w hich is very m uch appre ciated by the mem bers. The other graduating m em bers are Mrs. L. A. Classen and Mrs. V. Bog*’ o f B eaverton; Mrs Fielding Barnett, Mrs. Charles F. Hunter and Mrs. Charles F. N ichols o f West Slope; Mrs. N P. Johnson o f Cedar Mills. wa.4 con tact chairm an for the class Mrs. H R. Johnson, Mrs A. R Pearson, and Mrs. N. T. Stevens o f Cedar Mills. Mrs. N. L. P eck of W est Slope w as instructor. Carnival Opens at Beaverton Tuesday B row ning Bros Amusement Co o f Salem, O regon, will show their car nival consisting o f rides, shows, and concessions during the week o f A ug ust 4 to August 8 inclusive. T he show grounds will be located west o f the B eaverton City center on the highw ay to Hillsboro. Edward B row ning ow n er and operator, prom ises clean. wholesom e enter tainm ent for young and old. The show opens Tuesday night, A ugust 4. 7 p. m Free adm ission to grounds. T he Beaverton Kiwanls club is sponsoring the carnival. F olks in B eaverton who want a laugh should w atch for a model A ForiJ returning home with its pas sengers tired after a long day's w ork at the V ancou ver shipyard, and the ride home in the above m en tioned car, whose proud ow ner la secret). If you ’ve ever seen a v o l can ic eruption, you'll see one, at 6 p m «very evening