Friday, July 24, 1942 Classified Rates TW O Cents a word per issue. Minimum 25c CASH with copy. We l'ubiish tile u a v e k to n k \ i n n m M U LTNO M AH PKE88 T IG A R D S E M I N EL ALOILX N E W S Complete E a s t e r n Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage We assume no financial respon sibility for error* which may ap pear in advertisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of ar. advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. Richfield Super Serv. Sta. on one of the busiest arteries in the city, only require® about two and one Italf hours of your time daily, which will earn a man or , lady a two-hundred (200) dollar > monthly profit. You can be your own boss today for only a very small down-payment, so don't wait.—contact the W EST COAST BRO KERAG E CO today Remember, they will assist you and help finance you 219 SW 9th St. Telephone BE 7195. Ladies, here is one of the best Rooming House and Hotel values offered in the city today. ) M IS C E L L A N E O U S S. S. Virginia V TO ASTORIA and BEACHES Daily 9 p. m . Except Sat. A Sun. $12J5 One way— Round trip $2 BE. 110» llousekpnjj Rms & Hotel combined — this little business clears you tw'o hundred eighty five ($285) dollars a month. Only- three hundred ($300) dollars down will handle. Don’t fail to see this today. Tomorrow may be too late W'e have never before offered a business value such as this. TH E W EST COAST BRO K E R A G E CO. 219 SW 9tll— Phone BE. 7195. 3 tock picked up free of charge anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call CH. 2403 or UN. 0449 D EN LE Y R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. m i n i s A WOOL. CAM IK A —A specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW Ciao, Portland. Atwater 53:14. Located near Ship Yards. Clears five hundred ($500) per month. Sickness causes sale. This is an ideal place for a man and woman. See Oregon’s out standing business sellers T H E W EST COAST B RO K ERAG E CO 219 SW 9th St. Telephone BE. 7195. m P A IN T S Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds FISHER TKORSEN PAINTS J. B. Imlays & Sons REEDV1LLE $ ALOHA, ORE. FO R R E N T FOR R E N T —Office space in brick building in Beaverton, corner, Vene tian blinds, ideal for small business. See Enterprise building, corner Short J street, Beaverton. FOOD LOCKERS for rent Beth any Grocery Store. Hillsboro 1R4. Truck Gardeners ORDER NO W Veneer Plant Bands For Bedding Plants HALLOCKS — T IN TOPS — B E R R Y CRATES Coast Veneer Co. Foot of North Pittsburg Portland UN. 1277 D e L aval SE PA R A TO R S — M ILK E R S CO M PLETE E Q U IPM EN T AND SU PPLIE S FOR TH E D A IR Y IN D U STR Y * 1 Manufacturen k Distributor» 1 V C R Y T H IN G , s S * b. if ; 9 k-- D A IR Y MAN . fig Ü F o « n » no .Cat.- ( alt L ake C ity 135 NW Park AT. 8461 Riverview Cemetery Lunch and Place, • CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY LOST—In Beaverton Saturday night, ladies gold wrist watch with black cord band Finder please phone Scholls 8233 and receive reward. Complete Funeral Nervier in New C athedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverview is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800,000 FOR SA LE FOR SALE —Youngbetries. you pick, 5c lb, bring containers A. Vacher, enquire Durham store. R i Tigard MORNINGLIGHT CHAPEL Rose Chapel-Green Room SEW ING MACH. EM PORIUM New A used machines, parts and repairs. All makes. Guar perf. sewing 826 SW 3d. AT. 0727. Portland. Serene Beauty - Perfect Service J. P. Finley & Son FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY ATwater 2181 cut, H A Y —Clover .and oats, stacked. $7 per ton Alfalfa $8 IVazier, R l, bx 434. Beaverton. Have you looked over ths ads this week? If not do so, they carry a world of news. Brick, Tile, Masonary Brick & Building Tile S EE Y O U R D E A L E R Columbia Brick Works 1320 SE W ater— Portland Kilns at Gre*ham-S> Ivan-Salem B IR T H S AiBirieri war industries need Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Barn- hart. Glencuiien, July 9. a daughter. Janice Mr and Mrs Frederick O Burck hardt. 1712 SW Custer street Mult nomah. July 9, a son. Frederick O., Jr. 08.0 RAGS RUBBER Set H back ia war production Victory Gardens LOST DOG LOST — Boston Terrier. Friday. Sassy, female, named Brown, 5th & Reward, J. A. Franklin st., Beaverton. Lt. and Mrs Donald E. Drake. 1414 SW Davenport street. Multno mah. July 1*. a son. Donald E III Mr and Mrs John J Grant, route 5. box 523. Portland, July 10, a daughter Priscilla <!• F Q R y iC T O R Y BUY UN ITE D STATES Australian wool s«i;^plies are re ; ported to he the heaviest in history. Heavy shipments to the United i States have not counterbalanced the temporary loss o f European markets. Wool stocks in this country are also large, according to textile men. How ever, war secrecy blankets actual | figures. Cultivation after crops are planted should be just deep enough to loosen the top soil' and kill weeds. Toma toes should especially receive only j shallow cultivation. Deep stirring of the soil destroys many roots and I reduces the yield of fruit. Deep cultivation serves no useful purpose W A R BONDS AND STAMPS The State Department has an nouneed that a wheat pool of not less than 100,000.000 bushels for the GEMS OF THOUGHT SERVICE relief of famine in war lands will be set up by the United States. Canada. POWER Great Britain, Australia and Argen Power without justice is soon ques tina. tioned Justice and power must therefore be brought together, so Have You a Son that whatever is just may be power In the Service? ful, and whatever is powerful may The perfect gift for your son in be just.- - Pascal. service. Photographs are PER There is but one real attraction, SONAL . . LA STIN ' > . . . that of Spirit. The pointing of the IN E X PE N SIV E . Three 7x10, one needle to the pole symbolizes this colored, for $4.95 complete Call AT all-embracing power or the attrac 9 8 8 7 for appointment. D. P E R R Y tion of God, divine Mind. Mary Ba- EVANS. 934 SW Morrison St., Port- k«r Eddy. lund. Located East side residential Win. F Cyrus, County Agent, and business district. Throe beautifully furnished living rooms Faye Nichols, Hume Demonstration Agent, for owner. Established many years This fine business has a Palmer Torvend, Assistant County AgenL tremendous following. Rent for all only $35 a month. This is a ‘"How much real need is there for ready-made business for a lady or housewives to can, dry, and preserve man to step into. $2150 full price fruits and vegetables! to t ie limit of their capacities," a homemaker in some terms. quired last week. W est Coast Brokerage Co. i The answer is in the percentage 219 SW 9th St., Portland. BE. 7195 of the commercial pack ordered re served by the W ar Production Board for our armed force® and for lend- Power is so characteristically calm, lease requirements. Percentages Real Estate Wanted set asidd as shown by reports are: that calmness in itself has the as peaches, 38 percent; pears, i0 per pect of power, and forbearance im- cent; lima beans, 35 percent; string ; plies strength Bulwor-Lytton. W A N T 2 T O 5 A C R E S beans, sweet corn, peas and toma It is a strange desire, to seek pow- W EST SIDE preferred; 5 or 6- toes, each 35 percent; and so on |er. to lose liberty; or to seek power rm. mod. home. W ill pay up to through the commercial pack . lover others, and to lose powei over I $8500. For immediate sale call These figures should convince a man's self Francis Bacon. Delazon (“ Dell") C. Smith, 1108 anyone that there will be less than Guardian bldg., BE. 8575, Portland the usual amounts of these fruits i I have never been able to conceive and vegetables available from the how any rational being could pro grocers' shelves for the average con ‘ pose happiness to himself from the i REAL ESTATE sumer. exercise of power over others. Thomas Jeffferson. Ample foocty crops are in sight for SELL IT NOW! Since nothing is settled until it is the home canner. More help is settled right, no matter how un needed in the cherry orchards and Take advantage of the best limited power a man may have, market in years and dispose of cane berry patches to save these unless he exercises it fairly and crops. Home earners have an op your idle land. Consult with us his actions will return to on your acreage or suburban portunity to assist in thte harvest o f ' i us,l>’ Fi unii A. Vanderlip. home problems now. Portland s these important crops and obtain i Plague him. leading suburban specialists for their own supplies at the same time Suggestions on various types of T r u c k 22 years. home food preservation are avail Truck Owners able from the county) extension offi j T o Be Warned C O M T E & K O H L M A N CO. ce. Circular No. 273, How to Save j All of Oregons local war price AT. 0116 Sugar When Canning and Freezing rationing boards have received from G U AR D IAN BLDG. 601 and extension bulletin No. 593. Food state O PA offices form letters which Portland Preservation by Freezing .are two are to be sent to all truck owners late publications dealing exclusively whose trucks have been cited for ov with home preservation of food pro- er-loading or other violations, OPA • PERSONAL ---------- 'ducts by freezing . officials announced Tuesday. I The local home gardener who may The letters will notify the truck be dubious about his supply of vege owners of the violation notices and M c P H E R S O X ’S tables for next winter still has an advise them their right to obtain new Weldin' 1 opportunity to supply his needs tires or recaps is in jeopardy., Local Ol Defense Schoo Beets planted July 15 should be hoards, empowered to deny tires to ready for use in early Septemher; j owners found abusing tires, will be Learn Now and Pay Later carrots by late September; cabbage instructed to demand explanations ol Men anr Women by early October; and turnips by j theviolations. Special attention will mid-September. Mustard. endive, be paid to overloaded logging and New Location SE cor. 7th & radishes and a few others can be | gravel trucks, officials said. Powell Blvd., Portland ETA. 7960 planted now for fall and early win ; ter use. W E ST END SELLW OOD BRIDGE Get in the Dinner Buying Tea Together The Ministry of Food of the i United Kingtlom will purchase tea for all of the United Nations, ae cording to a recent announcement Purchases made in Ceylon. India, and East Asia will be allocated by a committee upon which the United States will be represented. IX JÂ j Ï Ï Æ / IL ù & iïJlM S BIRTHPLACE A T CORVALLIS. MAYOR O F PORTLAND (1305 - 1903 ) Beer and W ine Spot FO R TOW CARS call V E R M IL Y E MOTOR CO Phone Tigard 91. For quality, fair price and service F IR S T TERRITORIAL GOVERNOR OF OREGON. APPOINTED BY PRESIDENT F . H r-Z 6 ERVEO /AI TRAT OFFICE FOR TWO YEARS TH E’, IVAS ELECTED SENATOR. NOMINATED OAT THE SC. 'THS CV DEMO CRATIC TTC HR T FO P U/CE PRESIDE HT. H /5 CAREER £//OEO‘BECAUSE OFR!S POLITICAL AFFILIATIONS. The current demand for lumber in the l mted States is considerably in excess of production Thus far, out put in 1942 has been at the annual rate of 32 billion hoard feet. De mand for the year is estimated at 3d : to 38 billion feet. Permission for holding the annual Multnomah County lair at Gresham. August 24 to 30, has been granted by the Commanding officer of the Northwest sector. Manager A. H. 'B ert) Lea was informed today by Leo Spitzbart, laison officer for public gatherings in Oregon. Lea explained that in case of an emergency the fair could be called off but emphasized that high gov ernment officials are attempting to hold as many fairs as possible iu order to keep up public mótale. Mike Krekos. president of the Showmans League of America, from San Francisco, and Ed Browning's manager of th e Brownings Amusement company of Salem, were visitors at the Fair association of fice Monday and told I-ea that they have botli received information from Washington telling them that "the stiow must go on." Ship Your CASCARA BARK (Green or Dry) WOOL AND WOOL CARDING M O H A IR H ID E S to Blue Mountain Hide Wool & Fur Co. '"or Comforters and Mattresses Any and Weight . Old Matted Wool Recarded Just Like New Pure Virgin Wool Batts for Sale 1791 S. W. Front Ave. Ciystal Springs Woolen Mills PO R TLA N D 2124 SE l matIIla, Portland L A 4477 After a hot day at the office *1.25 a State Fair Cancelled Says Governor Sprague Cancellation of the 1942 state fair was announced Monday, by Governor Sprague /because o f transportation difficulties, both on railroads and motor vehicles Eastman (director of defense transportation) definitely made the Gardeners here and there will soon request that fairs be suspended, and be wondering about the brown and now that has been concurred in by sunken blossom ends of a part of the secretary of agriculture. In view of these definite requests their tomatoes. This blossom end authorities. we have i discoloration or rot is due to insuf by federal flcient moisture. Plenty of water reached the definite conclusion that will prevent its occurence Even . the state fair should be canceled. if the plants are big, thrifty and j But there are also other reason! rank this trouble will sometimes dr why it should not be held. The fait velop More moisture is the remedy grounds and some buildings are now • • • • being used by the army, and the I .ate blight in tomato plantings shortage of farm labor would make last summer and fall was a majoi it difficult for farmers to prepare disaster to local tomato growers their exhibits for the fair. Should the weather remain dry fot the rest of the summer there should 1 Whiskey Manufacture be little danger of until th e; to Stop About Novembei 1 approach of fall rains. At a recent meeting in Louisville Tomatoes should not be sprayed or dusted for blight while they are Kentucky, more than 60 représenta young and growing unless there is tlves of the distillery industry real need. . As the plants reach ma throughout the country decided to turity there is less danger of spray stop the manufacture of all whiskey injury. Everyone should be on the by the firs| of November or earlier alert for the appearance of the Their plants are to be turned over blight I f weather conditions in for the production of industrial alco late August and September favor hol for war purposes j Distilleries and \ now have a four or five year supply blight development, spraying Copper 1 Qf whiskey in storage ageing for fu dusting should then begin. sprays and dusts are used effectively tur« use. for this blight. Full directions for President Roosevelt has sent a let such control are available from the Secretary of Agriculture county agent office in a new cirou ter to lar of information from the state Wlckard urging that farmers begin collegy entitled Late Blight of To immediately to pay o ff their debts, mortgages and other obligations so mato. as to avoid unnecessary hardships such as were experienced by farm Shipbuilding Not ers and others following the last Eaual to ^inking* war. The Martime Commission said At the beginning of the (fiscal year shipbuilding has not yet equaled total sinkings, hut delivery of 66 on July 1. the public debt of the ships totaling 730.000 tons by Ameri United States was upward of 77 bil can shipyards in June set a new lion dollars, representing an increase world's record for steel ship con stru c of more than 22 billion dollars dur tion and represents an increase of ing the past year 450 percent in volume of construe When washing windows, add a tion since Pearl Harbor The W ir Shipping Administration little starch to !he water to give the A black reports the U. S will operate be glass a good polish. . . . tween 2.200 and 2,600 merchant ves board eraser also makes an excell ent polisher for window pane* sels this year. To Get ACTUAL MARKET PRICES For Generations—A Great Kentucky Whiskey '2 40 O'¡miai p i tillrrs Products Corp , N Y USE b WANT u y i n 111 ^ ADS to the things you need by shopping through this big bargain basement and S A V E SELL RENT a « 90.1 Proof the things you are no longer using for C A S H - M O N E Y . spare rooms, apartments immediate ly— turn vacant space into IN C O M E . —^things you do not need for some- thing you can use. Be a sharp trad- er— T R Y IT. FIND lost articles quickly— or jobs for those of the family who seek work. Ads In the Four Tualatin Valley Papers Brings Immediate Results! ALOHA NEWS BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE TIGARD SENTINEL MULTNOMAH PRESS