Pape 2 F r id a y , Ju ly B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R I S E , Beaverton. Orepon Mrs. America Goes To War li.S .M IL II. JEFFRIES, Publisher Lipstick has a new role today be­ sides being a glamour aid. It is | Published Friday o f each weak by the Pioneer Publishing Co , at Beaverton, contained in the first aid belts given 1 Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Beaverton. Ole out by one state to Its 65,000 air raid \ .4100 Three M onths....................... t 3fto wardens because it is han^y for i One Year — _ .50 S u b s c rip tio n Payable in Advance. writing on a person’s forehead eith- I 8Lx Months er identification, classification of In­ juries or other information such as | Beaverton Office— Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 the time a tourniquet has been ap -1 Hillsboro Office— Room 5. Delta Bldg., Phone 1041 Portland Office—308 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder. Phone ATwater 6591 plied. byKub - 17, 1942 ized defeats; that wnat we need is martial music, marching men—and a sight of heartbreak and tears. Are we too easy? This war is al­ most too great to be grasped by the mind of man Are we taking it lightly for fear of facing what de­ feat would mean—the complete des­ truction of civilization as we know it, a return to the barbarism of the Dark Ages, a reversal to the rule of brute force, an eradication of all re­ ligion, a domination of all the peo­ ples of the earth by a group of sad­ ist degenerates Are we afraid to look that possibility in the face? IT. 'D a vie ! L>. KUEW ER NOW BELIEVED A PRISONER OF THE JAPS. IS CREDITED WITH BOMBING AND SINKING A JAP S ubmarine during the heroic DEFENSE OF WAKE ISLAMO GY MARINES AND MARINE AVIATORS. If you ate used to rinsing out Are we too easy'? Have we grown stockings one evening to wear the soft? This war will call upon the next morning, better change your utmost that each and every one of tactics with rayon hose. After testing < us can bring to it of brain and hundreds of pairs, the Office of Price brawn, of selfless, self-sacrificing de­ I Administration consumer division votion to an ideal. Can it be true gives this advice: have at least two that the progress we have made, the pairs and alternate in wearing be- i education we have gained has weak- __________________ i cause it takes rayon a long time to i ened our morale and courage, rather become thoroughly dry and it is ' than made us more efficient, intelli- of all lands, if America shall fail? easily damaged when it is wet. So j gent human beings? The answer rolls back from ocean to hose washed on Monday night should • It’s * 9 v v iiiin t / u o vu av wse mv ■ ------- , . . common sense to be Are we too easy? Have we drifted Wednesday morn- j U.S.M AM M !* HAVE g f e thrifty. If you save you arc j 00®81/1' for their 8akes al8° we 1 ^ w until into the half sleep of complacency? must stand. ^ng. ÂCO-M// ,1ED A D / .RAL RYR0 CV-S thrifty. War Bonds help you * * « | Must we be coddled by only bright ON HIS EXPEDITIONS TO THE In these days men are praying f , .. to save and help to save stories? Have we reached the state ANTARCTIC. that Almighty God. the Lord of ‘ „ \nnet l8pr' n« nrattresses are on the America. Buy your ten per­ of adulating men for doing their Hosts, shall be with us. But are we i8‘ of a‘ “ c1®8 that / » “ maV *xp®c,t ■'X.-. w duty, anc| glossing over neglects and cent every pay day. with him? Hear Vance Havner |° d° with<>“ t one o f these days. A f - 1 defeats? We are a young nation— set it out in his A MODERN ,erH September first, mattresses or but we are not childish. We can FEAST OF BELSHAZZAR pads conta‘ ning iron or steel will n o t, W ily birth certificates cannot be ! stand up to defeat as well as we can be made. This means that 43,000, —"A fter ten years of depression, tons of high carbon wire will be re- \ obtained by all native born? This is withstand the dangers of success. a question that goes back into his­ we nave turned, not to repentance, routed into war channels Mattres- Every school child is familiar with tory several hundred years. In the but to revelry. I he heart of Anier- geg or pads filled with cotton, felt or the hazards of over confidence in the A fter s p e n d in g ten year : early history of England the church ica is not at church, but at the coun bair can stiU be made. story of Braddock's defeat. IN THE MARINE OORPS^MOSTLY The revelry goes on; I kept the record of births and deaths, try club. IN CHINA TOOK CHANGE OF A Are we too busy? Must we be • o administered wills, punished person feasting instead of fasting America /-.i kÔE SCHOOL IN MEKlCO LAN SU A1 spurred to patriotism? Must our for beer, half as much C h u r c h S e r v i c e D BECAME A BULL­ QTY ANÍ for various offenses, such as per- j is spending fighting of this war be a matter of FIGHTER. jury, swearing and the like and also i as for food, clothing and rent Am Unites Couple emotional stimulants, or will our in­ administered tho laws concerning do erica with four times more criminals Miss Celeste Elliott and Edwin tense desire for freedom for ail—ir­ mestlo ridations. The church court | than college students: four times jjerreth of Beaverton, son of Mr. and respective of class, race, nationality was called the ecclelastlcal court. | more lawbreakers than school teach jgrg Gottfeidd Berreth of Walla Wal- or religion—our belief that prosperity .'uch courts existed for several cen- era; with more barmaids than col- )a Wash., were married for all lies in the practical applica­ ARE WE TOO EASY? chh R.V1! Covered Milk, Cream ' tries in England and In Europe . ; lege girls? Our Lady of Sorrows church by v Rev. tion of democracy, our intense hatred The eccleiastical court gradually lost, This is a true picture, we take it John J Margraf. Trucks are Demanded ! of tyranny of any kind, carry us BY RU TH TA Y L O R its authority to the civil courts of j an Miss Rilla March was maid of and cream trucks that the state de- ly: cent from ancestor to heir came In line wllh an this, we add lulling ourselves into dangerous com- ! Boost your home community news- from the cannon rules of the Eccle­ word for the parents who oppose honor and Melvin Gumm was best' partment of agriculture will enforce placency with a lullaby of over-em- paper. It boosts for you. Only Earl Hemenway and Walter j the provision calling for truck cover- iastical court which is now a part of the sale of beer in the canteens. man. phasized successes, and under-real- j i l ner year less than 2 cent* a week. Tusher were ushers. i age. the probate procedure. These folks have brought up their A reception was held at the home Canvas that is arranged so it will When this country wad settled the boys to turn down the glass. But be several inches above the top of Mrs. I rancis Koenig, church had no such authority In the with the endorsement of the higher- 1 the cans will do a better job of keep­ Save 20 to 25% on your F IR E I N S U R A N C E C O S T S colonies and as there was no special ups what must the fellows think? ing milk and cream cool than will need for recording of births, and j Mom and dad say no and the war Oregon Mutual Policies are NON-ASSESSABLE. You N E V E R pay canvas that is pulled down tightly deaths, therefore, no laws for such department says yes And a lot of more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual over the cans. Padded covers that recording were enacted until recent the boys do not like to be classed a s : maintains more than three times the surplus required hy Oregon are kept damp will do an efficient time. Oregon passed a recording j sissies. Is canteen beer with its Insurance laws. job of cooling. Failure to keep cans net. in 1903. *The old family Bible, i promise of the liquor habit fastened cool in transit is costing dairymen baptismal, cradle roll, insurance poll 'fo r life, fair to the nation? Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company of the state considerable money this cies, military, school, physicians and j It is not a8 though we sat in heath- o f M c M i n n v i l l e warm weather, the department re­ hospital records were sufficient. j „ n darkness. America is the land tjy jjjN s - Organized 1894— . 40 years of Reliable Service Chas. I - Walker, Agent ports. Most of tho older generation arc j of the open Bible. When she sins, N e w Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 like Will Rogers They know they ¡she sins against the light. And you Fourth of July Memories Tell your lawyer to send your le- were born but they cannot prove who read the Book know that there Hillsboro, Oregon "Every Form of Protection” same by any official record unless is but one cure for any people who il m Dawggone the Glor- gaU to this paper turn back into the dark. That is . Hello ... Folks it bo from the Census report. Whatsoever a na- ^ 4th. awaked UP on me this year The common sense thing to do is JUDGEMENT. 1 wu* aware of its date. You empower the Circuit court o f the tlon soweth that That T H A T shall know nowadays there is so much ex- State to allow any resident o f the .. . citement in the world we don't have, state to submit proof of the date of But a nation is made up of people to walt tiu the 4th of July fer excite. j his birth to said court. If the evi­ One by one we are born into this ment 0ne thin(; j have read ln the dence is satisfactory, a birth certifi­ world. One by one are we born into papers about, is that we killed a few cate should be granted. Tha State the family of God. One by one. as hundred less a celebratin’ this year Health department Is accepting we turn against sin and admit j ban ¡g common in recent years. proof from those born In the state C.irist, so we come into life eternal. The war is soberin’ us up some you prior to the recording act. holinvnth nn thi» Son . on the He «.Via* that believoth The present governor as well as ____ hath ______ eternal life: and he that be- You know, everybody a livin’ in | .l living i x :;nvernors probably i jj“ ve „ ot tb), Son shall not see Oklahoma nowadays ought to be glad i could not prove they wero born un nfe ;»but the wrat i of God abtdeth on of it!. Just see what wuz in the big 1 less the unofficial records were ac-|bjm" John 3:36. newspapers about our Oklahoma boys cepted as evidence. Most of Ore-1 distinguishin' themselves in different | gon’s governors were not native parts of the world by their heroic : born. Those ex-governors living that fightin' in this air war. You see were native born would have to rely Cloverdalo, Oregon Hitler never thought about Oklaho- | tin unofficial records and other evi­ This space paid for by an Oregon ma and Texas when he wuz a fig - 1 dence. gerin' up on this war! Its simply a j I businessman. Oregon’s birth and death recording | Believe It or Not Miracle, er set of ! should be handled by one agency.; D c c miracles, what our bunch of air Those born in the City o f Portland B o n u s b u g a r S t a m p fighters and the Texas bunch have must get their birth certificates fro m !f l n a H f a r ? P n u n r l« pulled already, and wonder what the City and others from the State * ° r L r O U n fli they will do before the Final Fire­ Bureau of Health. The recording Some confusion over use of sugar crackers are tied around Hitler and should also Include finger printing stamp No. 7, as a bonus stamp good hiz bunch of dicktators. Before this of the individual at birth. for two extra pounds of sugar ias thing is over Hjtler will try to prove been reported to O PA in Portland, that Columbus was a Jew. because he according to Richard/ G. Montgom- diskovered Amerikay! Before this ALL EYES ON AMERICA ery, state O PA director. war is over we will learn economy to Shall the stars and stripes be At present, he pointed out, stam p, the extent that our flappers will hauled down from the nation's Capi­ No. 5 may he used for ihe purchase wipe their faces over our barns to tol and a Nazi or Jap emblem take or two pounds and stamp No. 7 may paint 'em and make em their smoke Its place? be used for the purchase of two ad- will be used to hide our battleships! Never so. say all of us. ditional pounds Stamp No 5 ex- Our men will jine in with outl wim- j After a century and a half of trav­ plres on July 25 nnd stamp No. 7 on min and turn their booze into dyna-1 elling the trail as free man. shall we August 23. mite instead ofl their stummieks and \ now become a slave people? Stamp No 6 may not be used until the dove of sobriety will again find a Never—No Never, we shout. July 26 and wll Ihe good until August Iplaoe to light in our great National And what for the common people 22 for the purehase of two pounds. Capitol B A R B W IR E BULL. 0 R EG PUBLIS SPACER i-SHS ! I tn Ä G o O I / “ ‘‘‘ " V '«2 5 40011 ^ I i (VJ ‘ ;I 'i *69,000 ^ -Í 1*20 3 0 0 1 I ,} L *46,200 *95.700 “ T - j I i Oi I *39,800 i *55,000 TURN YOURS IN TODAY AT i *55,400 ,* ! OREGON U. S. Treasury Official War Bond Quotas for July ^ J>8000 ' 0 6 4 .9 0 0 >183,500 i Ì r -i — ij =- $80.500 *145/800 --------- 1 l_ » • ■176,900^ c/ To Be Reproduced on a NON-PROFIT Basis By Manufacturers and Prominent Stars For Use by OUR BOYS in the ARMY CAMPS -u T- V _ __________ j~ Ü8Ü300 I l2'300rr-l_ - *32,500 »434,5 00 \ i - v 1- - y vr r 1 «87,600 s*434Lo On ss »*»000 The above map of Oregon «hows the War Bond quotas, by counties, lor the month of July. 194?. Total War Bond quota for the state is SM H6.5 1 MHI With the National quota total placed at a billion dollars, the nation goes into high gear in its support of the War financing and to give our fighting fortes adequate im ­ plement! of war which will bring ultimate Victory. The Nearest Legion Post July Q uo*« lo r State $8 865.000 J American Soldiers. Sailors. M a rin e« and Airmen are on every front. They are giving 100 percent for their country. What are we doing here on the home front? Are we lending at least ten percent of income to help them? it s very little. But to fight this war success­ fully vu( country needs a billion dollars in War Bonds every month from us—the I’rople. Lei's Go. America. L. a I .n n .) ni