. X » * tX ot^ G «*** D E D IC A T E D TO T H E BEST INTERESTS A N D V O L . 15. N O . 24 Beaverton, Oregon, D E V E LO PM E N T OF GREATER BEAVERTON ■Friday, Jul\ 17, l ‘>42 ESTABLISH ED l ‘>27 » Service Call Order Given Single W a i W orkers Listed A head of M arried M en Selective s e r v i c e hoards w e.» . , , . . 1 ijeective set vice boai'ds weie sped- fically infoimed Tuesday to call sin gle wai wotkets ahead of married m en u h fn t npi*D Boards weie instructed to »01 th5? quotas „ 1 , : in n the the following fo^owlntr oedn. tneir oidei 1. Single men with no dependents; 2. Single men who do not e o n - not con- tribute to the war effort e f f o r ' but ___ wno ___ have dependents; 3. Single men with dependents and who contribute to the war effort; .. vwm w „ h „u , Letters From Our Boys in Service IT OH flrii/ p SAC K U II e t N1TY. W O K l\ _ men every 10 days so you can see the K A W W —THESE M \ K » ; M ORALE . . | air torce means business "And what is morale? It is not My barracks is crowded, housing Dear Friends flags flying, although we need • 88 men in place of usual 60. The flags flying. It is not bands , leavin g Beaverton June 12. I spent mtn are of all types many are playing, though we need hands five days at Fort Lewis and was young enlistees just out of hig’h It is not platform oratory, al shipped from there tne night of the school; others are older college though we need candid speakers 1.th, arriving here at Sheppard hield giaduates who have been grabbed by C ountv E xceeds O liotd and speeches. It is faith in u lc\as. the morning of June 2uth. It the air folce because they made a n . . . . . . , . . . . . .c cause It is unity in a pui pose. is five miles from Wichita halls near superior score on general classifies- t il v J J j U Dy d l J j j . J j It is a people confident that they the olllahoma line- tion test which is given all soldiers; , . . . . , W eath e< is considerably differentl and aome are--washedout air ca- Washington county went ovei the are purposefully working toward from tla t of Oregon, with bright j eta from Kelly Flekl ()ne of 11ese toP wlth a »«tal collection of *6.888.35 victory in the practical aspects sunshine all ------------------- the time and J with tern cadets u of total war. It is the people ------- hel^ because he w en t. » ^ n t a g e of 124 percen t j> i $1.- mobilized as one prepared to Pe,ature ranging from 80 deg. to 100 a W O L , taking a jeep with him and 3S.S 35 over t ie quota of *5.550, ac- hairman O. B. work, sacrifice, fight for some deK day Texans and niKht Half think the men a'*“ 1° run pxt' it a Ka" ° ns of government cording to County . C here are and they t h e !„ as to Gates Wednesday thing greater than any individu ctHte is lik*» Mpavpn• thp other ** t k »« Hnvn This drive nnuid could nm not have been a al.'’ Jonathan Daniels. , Each soldier must mark his cloth are foreigners like myself and we all mu81 " 1 , VTm 1 ■ucce88 without the 9UPport of the ____ ____ _____ _____ think it ls ____ like _________ another place start- ‘ * p ce * ‘th nara<. and H nhie clUzens of Washington county and bet in waterproof ink or ing with H. be‘ lr lnk o r ' nde b e the committee most hea.tily t h a n k s ______________________________________ The air force is crowding 12 weeks p*” ci1 ^uch pen^ ' s are difficult to all who gave f or their subscriptions Selective Service Board No. 1 Beaverton, Oregon Big Success ... ...stop.Look,u.i,„,Th™c. Crop Outlook Babson Discusses Wheat Situation Gloucester, Mass., July 17 With the harvest seusou just getting un derway. attention is now focussed on the wheat belt. Crops were never more important to the United States, to Canada, and to the rest of the world than they are today. In fact, t.ie ultimate outcome of the war and the terms of its peace may cen ter more around our farm commodi ties than around munitions. Before discussing our own crop outlook, I should like to summarize, briefly, the easo abroad. Foreign Status First, let me say that in spite of the necessity of supplying other countries with grains, Germany is probably not hnrd-up. Certainly, her people are not starving to death by any means. Hitler has held on to the Ukraine which is the greatest wheat producing section in the world. In addition to the Ukraine Germany has the fields of Rumania and Hungary to draw upon. Par ticularly in Poland and Greece the situation is very bad. It is. how ever, possible that Greece may get some United States help Crop conditions in Norway, the Netherlands, and Czechslovakia ran be considered definitely below pre war standards The people of France. Belgium, nnd Yugo Slavia are definitely underfed and starving in many instances Spain, still feel ing the effects of hei>. civil war, is also in a bad way. All European countries can look forward only to further cuts in feeding This also applies to Italy which before the Libyan defeat was to be the loca tion o f the much talked of "Second Front” . who are not engaged in the war ef and so. tbe men have fiee time, 8ewing |eit committee to include one When the phrase "loaded with war fort; 1 We arise at 4:45, answer roll call 5 ¡ndellible pencil in each kit. The av- materials" is applied to a railroad Quota Col* Percent make bed and clean bat racks until 6. erage intelligence score would be Com. 5. Married men without children ' $ 125 * 142.60 114rr tiain it may designate a great vari in formation 5 blocks i-ai8ed — 10 to — 25 •--- points if the commit- : Bunks Banks who are engaged in the wai effort; march . , . . . . to ------- . ety of weapons ami supplies It may 550 73 > 80 134 1 Beaverton 6. Married men living with wife breakfast a°d back, fall out into pla- tee aiso would include a small book- designate airplane parts 01 guns or 200 drill field je^ on elementary' grade-school math- 1 Cornelius 881 HI 141e} and children or children only and toons at i and march to Grove 1000 1210.68 12m general equipment. decimals; per- Forest Grov who are not engaged in the war where we do group calisthentics from ematics—fractions; It may mean bombs. Gules Creek 25 60 55 243' ; 1 7:30 to 8, play regimented games centage; square rc effo rt; If the idea hits hard, bringing 160'; 482.95 300 Gaston 7. Married men living with wife or *rom * to 9\ drill or K° to 1®ctur* 1 numbers; ration and dread, tiiat, in this instance, is well. 56 50 113'; 50 i Helvetia children only who are engaged in the T 101?1 9 t0 11:30, ma'5 h„ t0 „ and direct proportion; mu Caution in crossing railroad tracks back, tall tint at 1 3<> f«»t «li ill <>i cx traction and division 1300 1391.00 107'} Hillsboro .... war effort should follow as an indeviithlc rule. 13.8'} 173 00 animations and arc dismissed at 5. ing the army each selectee should , Laurel ........ 125 Married Men ( Tassified Likewise, understanding of what ire 25 170' ; 100 Showers work overtime here in ev- brush up on synonyms. Metzger To be classed as a married man may be the nature of commodities i l l ' , 4 1 75 40 registrant must have been married 1 ening. as everyone is hot and tired There is little talk of the war here. 'Mountainside 171.18 171Ç} hauled by the railroads in t.ie per 100 before December 8, 19*1, and must . A constant afternoon breeze makes it but each man is eager to get h ii I Main» 117 811 117'} formance of their war duty should 100 be living with his wife. possible for us to stand the heat training period completed and be as- Orenco 131 00 107 G increase public support of the propo 125 To guide local boards on whether j while drilling. However it blows up 8jgned to training school or active Scholls 152.50 101''} sal by David B. Robertson, presi Sherwood 150 or not a man is engaged in the war gusts of fine dust which is disagree- duty, luti '.in 131G dent of the Brotherhood of locomo 150 Timber effort, draft headquarters issued a : able, One does not realize the tremend- Tualatin 122 23 122't tive Firemen and Enginemen, for a 100 list of 34 essential activities. Anyone who complains of Beaver- ous war effort which is being made proclamation by President Roosevelt 758 45 400 189'}- West Slope In granting deferment for occupa- ton water should be forced to drink or tbe great number of men who requiring all automobiles to stop be 77'} 193.35 250 Aloha tlonal reasons the board must decide the water here.. It is luke warm and now are serving in the armed forces, foro crossing the tracks. 88'}, 100 88.16 Garden Home whether a man is engaged in one of tastes like a mixture of chlorine and untii one sees such a huge army The railroads are loyally perform 300 200.75 66 r}. those activities and then determine weak hydrogen peroxide As a re- camp a8 this with its tens of thous- Tigard ing war duty, moving more tons * Collections are from reports for that his particular job makes hint a I suit, we drink other liquids when an(j Gf men Wish some of my Beav- with fewer locomotives than ever be “ necessary man.’ possible and believe you me we drink jerton friends would write me and I l>l(‘ce< m°* Satul*°ay night.____________ fore. A single collision, caused by Also, the firm in which he is em- plenty. I consume approximately take my mind temporarily off this j carelessness, may tie up a main line, ployed, musf be fulfilling a war con- each day: 10 bottles of soft drinks, Texas heat. Yours. The Tualatin chairman. Mrs H. H impede the war program and cause tract, performing a government ser- 2 mugs of coffee IV» pints of milk, p vt. TH U R LO W W EED i Bryant, and her committee are en needless loss of life and property. vice or a service necessary to civ il-12 mugs of ice tea or orange ade, 1 Barracks 387 404 T. S Squadron, titled to special mention, according An instanc« is the accident on the ian life in support of the war effort, quart of water Many a time I Sheppard Field, Texas. to Chairman Gates, ns they took , Union Pacific nivu Rotk Springs, or he must be supplying material for wish I were back in Rossi's enjoying Here is one of the clearest stories over the drive but ten days ago The Wyoming, when three young men In such firms. a good cup of coffee. Qf army life we have printed. Many former chairman had been unable to an old model car and with perfectly T i d e May Tur n Activities l>et-'.iled j Army food, on the whole, is good, home folks have wondered how the continue it and left the community clear view, ran Into a Challenger I f Norway o f France are invaded The essential activities were: ;and there is plenty of it. Each mess boys lived. Friends should drop him without a chairman for over two tiain, derailing the locomotive, jack- by the Uniited States, or if Russia Production of aircraft and parts; hali lerVes about 1,000 to 1,200 men a line also other boys far away weeks with $39 of the quota raised, knifing the baggage coach, turning pushes the Germans out of the occu ships, boats and parts; ordnance and nn(j j^e different barracks go at from home they miss you as you Mrs Bryant accepted the chairman the womens coach over on its side. pied Ukraine, the situation with res accessories; ammunition; agriculture; Space(j intervals to make such large miss them Write today. ship and, with her committee, made and derailing the five cars following pert to Germany’s food .question enn food processing, foiestry, logging feeding possible. Each mess has 2 • » • a whirlwind campaign this past Forty people were injured. The cost quickly change for the worse. Fur and lumbering; construction, CORl , cafeteria lines. A person picks up June 26, 1942 week, collecting *82 28 to bring their exceeded $100,000. Some of the thermore, like ns in fact to some ex mining, me t a l mining; non- a knife> fork, large spoon, coffee subscriptions up to $122.23 or 122 per equipment cannot be replaced. tent. much of the corn the Axis can Greetings: metallic mining and processing and . cup, breakfast bowl, and rectangular ! cent of! the quota j The Robertson proposal should be get must be turned into alcohol for I am at Ft. Lewis, Well, here quarrying: smelting. refining and : stee, t with 6 indentations. A Orenco came in this week with an adopted by the President and by oth- Continued from page 3 way w.wi o ^ , private without privacy. rolling metals; production of metal ; S!ee. But this also, is to half pint of good milk is available H qw do , ,,ke the Arm That lB over-subseription of its quota, show- <.r governors. shapes and forgings; finishing of at each meal. ing a percentage of 117. be said to motorists; K P s behind counter a milit gecret ha, W e„ so far , metal products; production of indus 9erve you «| with ^ hat \ you desi,.e r« n »•« ip»\ia *| 4 uphfli fCV 11 tl OCI t'O Appreciation of the work of the Dont’ wait for a proclamation re have been eating too much, other community chairmen and their com quiring you to stop before crossing a trial and agricultural equipment; After meal, a K P takes the empty wise it is not too bad—yet! machinery; chemicals and allied pro- mük bottle from your tray, you drop mittees for their splendid en- railroad track. Make your own Pvt. K A R L DOERN ducts; rubber products: leather pro- knjfe fork and ' spoon in proper deavors in the campaign and cspec stop look listen rule. Do it now ducts; textiles; apparel; stone, clay bucket8i you place cup or bowl on ially those who exceeded their quotas. y ou may live longer, You will and glass products, petroleum, nat- counter as you pass outside, then you W e’re now in Coast Artillery—with was expressed this week by the serve your country better Oregon ural gas and petroleum and coa! pro ho)d t while a K P brushes off probability of officer training ’ n i members of the executive committee Journal. Cooperation of Oregon citizens in _ __ balance thinks and Community chairmen were as fol ducts; transportation equipment; food remains which goes to farmers Our group the anti-forest fire drive during the transportation services; materials for hog food” and'then you rinse tray ------ a« ,ee *■ heartily that we are in the best ,ows c j stickney, Aloha Mrs Flo first protracted dry spell of the sum- for packing and shipping pn -ducts. jn large receptacle of hot water ....... batallion and best camp of them a ll_ ira Munford, Banks; Fred H Goyt, Tnor was wonderful, said Nelson S. communications equipment ; communi- ; T jg fairly clean but is cleaned It s more encouraging now that I Beaverton Mrs. Frank Dooher, Cor Rogers, stnte forester in commenting cations service; heating, power and batter later by wash.MS have something definite to work on nelius; E. L. Paldanius. Forest on the record of forest fires during Illuminating services; repair and j j WRnt to be sure to thank the More later, sincerely j Grove; Mrs L. M Finer, Gales the holiday week end. There was • hand trade services (blarksmithing. Beaverton citizens who donate a sew-, RAYM O N D C A R L Creek; Mrs. John H. Holmes, Garden Three new guests. Mr. and Mrs. in protected areas armature rewinding. electrical and jnff k,t to each sdectee leaving. I • • • Home; Bert Fleischauer, Gaston; Rochester of Roseburg and Miss only one fire bicycle repair, automobile repair, har-, have uged it a half dozen times and Plenty has happened since my in Mrs. Ijouise Bleuer, Helvetia; Wil- Merrick of Portland will increase the which we havn definitely established as man-caused, and that was in ness and leather repair, clock repair. near]y a dozen friends have borrowed duction (April 14) I have been to Ham C. Christensen, Hillsboro; John number in the family to 26. northern Josephine county and was tool repair and sharpening); aealth ^ f or repair work One boy re- three different places, but am finally W Mullov. I^turel; A A Baldwin, Mrs I^uira Hill, superintendent of probably a set blaze. and welfare services; educational! turned mine last night and apolo situated at Hq H. H. D. Ft Shafter, Metzger; Mrs J. M Stretcher, Moun- the Northwestern Christian Home This is the best record in many services; governmental service. !g jzed for breaking out one of the T. H. ¡tainside; Mrs. Effie Jackson, North northeast of Beaverton, left Monday years and shows clearly the desire of ------------------- - ii,, ,\,s Hawaii is a nice place, but I Plains Sam Rich, Orenco Ferd Gro ------------- ------ . , c, . , i for u i u 111 11 v m n u u ii i In n w n i n i i u u m . a 1111) months vacation Oklahoma the people to be helpful in this war So far I have had 1 smallpopx vac would muen rather be in Beaverton ner, Scholls; Floyd Shoop, Snerwood: the California state emergency when forest fires could ■ nation, 1 tetanus injection and 3 We boys here are trying to put out Hobart Vermilye. Tigard; A M “conv,.nUon ;„.|d m ljOU Beach on be so disasterous to our safety. Rog cination, ,-phoid in n ova tion s. the best we can for U S and I Harkson, Timber; Mrs. H H Bry her typhoid ay Ml.,. cia ia Vernon will be ers continued. We had sonte trouble Mrs. Henry Dahl, About 70Gof men here go to 18 know every one at home is doing his ant, Tualatin; in charge of the home in her ah with campers near Oregon beaches weeks of airplane mechanics’ school best. West Slope. sence. leaving camp fires unattended, hut Will see you after V IC TO R Y We want to thank the county pa on other side of this field, when they Miss Phyllis Oilman is attending Sincerely pets for their fine co-operation given the Bear Springs Youth confeetnce feel that this will not happen again complete their 4 weeks of basic T.iis when campers realize the danger Pvt.: C H ARLES W. M A R S H ALL us throughout the campnlgn nnd for mechanics school is sending out 900 they are exposing the entire coastal The Oregon association of Beauty the first page space furnished us in this week Mrs. Peck ham of Beaverton, was a regions to by leaving blazing beacons Shop owners district No. 1. held a each issue of the paper for report visitor at the home this week which the enemy could use. meeting at the Moose Hall, Hillsboro. D •. C ing the weekly progress of the drive Mrs. Brown visited witlf her son Wo have a hot and dry summer Tuesday. July 14 The Washington t S e a v e r t O n b a n n e r s Mr Gates declared W'ednesday and family this week at Forest ahead of us, and I believe with the County unit acted as hostess to the Registered This W ee k Grove. fine record made this past week end Tillamook and Portland units with a 8 Scrap Salvage Walter L. Myeis retuined Friday that our people Intern» to give the joint installation of officers for the Beaverton of Residents from the Christian Church conven best possible support to our drive to Washington county and Tillamook West Slope registered this week at Scrap iron is piling up gradually t,on of Wa8hin>!ton wb|ch was held keep fires from our forest areas, units. the Beaverton grade school for their | „ ____ in the yards at Beaverton but more in Spokane and left Saturday for the Rogers continued. W e must reserve The meeting was opened with a sa- final canning sugar ration j ° " S1 22 pet school capita, is needed and now’ People of tie lute to the flag and all sang the Applicants who receive their certifi- j *12.8*8'78 from the s <ate Irreducible community are utged to bring in California convention in Long Beach our fire fighting resources, our men and Stockton. and our equipment to be ready for Star Spangled Banner accompanied cates 48 hours after registering must S fht>o1 Eund, has been distributee o the,r 8crap llon now any emergency, and this protection at the piano by Thelma Cullen. bring present ratiort books, if they eler" en a'V ac ll“ ’ s ln plans are underway to create force should not have to waste en Gladvs Innes. legislative chaiimar.. nave beep issued them, at the time of Washington ( ounty t w Bat m s . t covering this end of the coon Lutheran Church Lease county superintendent,, announce! A ,,_4 _____ .___ „ ______ ergy putting out fires caused from installed the following officers of the application _. j. . t ty to collect scrap iron If anyone carelessness. this week Washington county unit: J The baiance of canning sugwt will V*“ last years SI 14 * ha* an oId un,,8af,,'‘ P*e<’e ° f marhln- W es t Hil!* Mem. Chapel There were more than 75 fires over Florence Miller. Beaverton, presi- be alloted to persons who1 have only 1 ' ' ety, implement or car. or heavy cast the week end of the Fourth of July Hills Memorial chapel The West dent Lois Sheeley, Cornelius, vice- received half their allowance. Hillsboro schools received the lar- lron 0f any kjnd t tat they cannot all but one started from lightning. Hills cemetery pres; Etna Peerenboom. Beaverton, Unal canning sugar ration regis- Ke8t remtttanM of »1732.40, Forest car, to thp yards. if they will call Pent. d on to Five lightning blazes started in logg secretary: Lena Turner, Aloha, ttation foA the vicinity of Beaverton f»rov* second w *th *1046 . 6 and Beav- Beaverton 2481 this scrap will he ' One Eastern Oregon fire members of the Lutheran church ing slash treasurer; Marcy Morrison. Aloha, and West Slope is Friday from 9 30 erton thirt With *694 18 T l* a™ ^ picked up on Indian land burned hundreds of who expect to start services there sergeant at arms. Agnes Smith, a m* to 3 30 p m and from 7 to 9 ceived *6534)2 Aloha Huber ^6). Remember that any contribution. acres, hut not in timber Some Forest Grove, was also installed as p. m. Tualatin *384.30, Metzger »325 74, no matter how small helps Even about August 1. Rev. Werner J Fritz is the pastor. down timber In a logging operation Sherwood »240 34, Garden Home an ()jd toa8t«»r |t takes only 8 toast- district president. , Those wishing to assist volunteers Many friends have donated money was burned, but not destroyed in a A beautiful corsage was presented in registering the applicants should ............. new and greatly Bn'1 "ervices to fit up this chapel for blaze caused by lightning in the Co the president and installing officers notify Mrs Hazel Paxon or I^onard 1 here a i« 10.549 sc.iool children in The i U B said a the church and It is hoped that any lumhla Washington county area 40 Pat Johnston, retiring president, re- Adams. Beaverton; Mrs K e n n e t h i‘ he county based on the last census intensified campaign to salvage vital one interested In helping will call on miles from Portland ceived a gift from her unit. Hall on Ellis avenue east of Beaver of which boys total 5524 and girls scrap materials will be formally open Rev Fritz at 7021 SW Canyon Cr. 5023 ed July 13. because the only way the Margaret Seargent. chairman of ,on- or Mrs Irving Smith West ________________ U. S can meet materials require Dr or call him BEacon 0666 the War Stamps sales campaign of Slope drive, phone BEacon 1420 Persons of any denomination will Landlord Registration ments of war production is to collect the beauty profession, gave a talk on i - - ----— LIB R A R Y NOTES every last bit of scrap from every be welcome to the services The new Started on Wednesday the importance of selling war stamps Methodist G r o u p Registration of landlord* of flnt«. During the month of June, thirty farm and home, and from every corn- pastor is very enthusiastic about his in the beauty shops. 1-. npartments. homes and other similar new cards were issued. This, to- mercial enterprise and industry in new field of work dwelling unit* was started Wednes Reports on the various war effort t l C C t s U l M c e r s gether with the fact that circulation tb* country The iron and steel In- The Methodist Ministers associa of books in June was larger than in dustry has raised about »1,500.000 day, and will be concluded August was given and renewed effort wai Miss Phyl’is O^den tion elected the following officers January, shows that there is a defin- and the glycerine industry about 1st. landlords of rooms in hotels pledged by everyone present Tuesday Pres Rev. J W' Warrell; ite trend towards more reading and lodging house*, will be register As »500.000 to finance national advertis- Marries Corporal Smith Plans for the annual picnic were vice pres., the Rev. A S. Heisy. and a rule circulation falls off during the mg to stimulate acrap collection, the ed at a later date, due to delay in discussed and August 2 was designa The martia^n of Miss Phyllis Ann printing the necessary forms accor >- secretary treasurer, the Rev Laur- summer months and reaches its peak Board said The farm implement In ted as the time. The place Rocka ance Burdette. in January_____________________________ dustry has offered tc assist the coun- Ogden, daughter of Mt and Mrs. A ing to William L. Dickinson the d<* way beach—tires and gas permitting. B Ogden, to Corporal William A. Rev. Earl B Horsell was named on I f you are looking for a new book try’s 12.000 state and local salvage Smith, son of Mr and Mrs W A fense rental • nreas , chief attorney The meeting adjourned with the the civic affairs committee and Rev. Places for registration are- that Will hold your interest to the very committeea in the collection of rural Smith of Beaverton, was quietly sol- singing of familiar songs J R Jeffery, courtesies Metropolitan Portland. 314 SW 6th last we recommend Drivin Woman acrap Material, to be •O u eM to pfnnigpd , rn(llt,,ry Juno u in avenue. Fenton building. Hours by Elizabeth Pickett C h m llt r Thi» particular are iron and steel the rectory of Sacred Heart church • 35 a m. to 9 p. m week days and F t R E T T A A. HELMS is the story of a beautiful American and waste fats Prisoner of .laps The bride wore a white wool suit Euretta A. Sappington Helms, wife 8 34» to 12 30 p m Saturday. The name of Nurbert Gilbertson. Moncure. * Virginia belle and a riv with white accessories and carried an o f Otis V. Helms, died July 9 at Hillsboro, insurance office of Jack er-boat gambler whose misfortune it Beaverton She was mother of Frank route 8. box 985, is contained in a Marriage Licenses old fashioned nosegay of white flow Rushlow quarter of a century J Sappington and Mrs Pearl Mair. new war department list of American was to live Attendants were the Misses D Clark Junor. Beaverton, and M ers. Forest Grove. First National bank. all of Beaverton; Clara Williams, civilians captured by the Japanese too late With this love story is al.-— Virginia Gaddis, Portland June Ogden sist»o of the bride, and Edward Paldorius Gaston Grace Rice and Iva Barker, at Wake Island and interned at portrayed the rise of the tobacco in- ----- -8----- ------ Mrs Robert Norton, aister of f.ie Beaverton. First Security bank, J. Portland also 12 grandchildren and Shanghai Gilbertsons name is be dugtry whirb was followed by the The Beaverton Community Garden bridegroom Mr Melvin was best man Gibson. Law- for his brother and Mr John Calla nine great grandchildren Funeral lieved not to have been included in pre- ,t „ h«tween the farm er, of club meets at the Samuel B Office hours In stations loented M services were held Sunday at Pegg s vious lists of prisoners published ** * * rence home lt> Raleigh Friday. <to- han was usher hanks will conform with hanV-n*» with interment Mrs F S Ballly at the foregoing the Sout.i and th# powerful Indus day) at 11 a. m. Members bring | A reception was hel>| at the home hours. 10 a. m to 3 p m week da’-* Chapel Beavsrton trlallets of the East address la named next of kin. Mndwic.hM. of the bride’s parents. HUI cemetery. OMton. and 10 a. m. to 12 m. Saturday*. s Public Co-operates In Anti-Fire Drive Northwestern Christian Home Has New Guests a Beauty Shop Owners To Sell War Stamps Schools Receive Funds From State