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About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1942)
Pape 2 B E A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon IL IL J E F F R IE S , Publisher Published F riday o r each w eek by the P ion eer Publishing Co., at Beaverton. Oregon. E ntered as second-class m atter at the pastofflce at Beaverton, Ore 41.00 - .30 One Y ear — Six M onth« - T h ree M o n t h s ----------------- ___ $ .36o Subscription Payable In Advance. B eaverton O ffice — E nterprise Bldg., P hone B eaverton 2321 H illsboro O ffice— R oom 5, D elta Bldg., P hone 1641 P ortland O ffice— 308 P anam a B ld g , 3rd and Alder. P hon e A T w ater 6591 M&mùesi ' O r EG i PUBLIS Nation's Food Supply Is Gravely Menaced n s.'s in the m orning and in the ev ening leads his fam ily in after-din ner prayers. So the July R E A D E R S D IG E S T pictures him. W h at God is to him, he puts in a The m agnitude o f the food produ c tion jo b undertaken by Am erican O N E -T W O -T H R E E , Z , " , ........ , farm ers, including those in Oregon. i I ~ O ' N E -I cam e to kn ow Christ as E --I B Y C E C IL C A L L ISO N is not fully appreciated because it is my Savior 47 years ago and through n o t concentrated in one plant ajj m y m ilitary service. my ----------- . H . e . has . M ethod to Identify t'a scu ra ; .■ but is rolling o ff an ‘ assem bly line" been my Savior and Lord. A lthough W hen and H ow to lia r o f six million farm units throughout I have often been unfaithful to Him. the country, points out R obert B. H e has never been unfaithful to me, H undreds o f people, who k l cascara tree when they see it, T aylor o f Adam s, chairm an o f the nor has He let me down. My sins out peeling o ff the baik! 1 be _ rea> ____ O regon USDA war board. w hich were forgiv en me w hen I first E very time a ca rgo ship sails for accepted Him as m y Savior, were fo r this activity is the high price be- ing paid fo r it. the highest fa fclstoiy Ireland with food for A m erican sol- blotted out once for all and in spite — 15c a pound. 1 diers and their allies, it carries the o f m y failures, I have becom e a new Cascara. w hich is the fo r a a v e ,a Ke annual production o f 3800 creatu re in Christ Jesus. large num ber o f laxative«, g lo w s Am erican farms, T aylor said. These T W O - T o serve G od and follow wild th rou gh ou t w estern W as nng- shiPs arp loaded with products that him is a very real and practical ton, Oregon, and C alifornia As the mi* ht have com e from ° reK°n farm s thing in the arm y. I have made it a tree is often con fu sed with the alder dried eBB8' d ,ied and evaPoiated habit to bring all m y problem s to tree, m any inquiries from am ateur milk> chee8e canned and cured poik , Him,, both great and small, both p ro peelers have been received regarding lardl and canned and d ,ied veSe' fessional and private. I can testify description o f the ca sca ra tree and table8’ that the help he gives is both certain the proper m ethod o f peeling Be T o keep ,h ese vital supPlips m oving and convincing. cause o f the present needs fo r a to w herever they are needed all over T H R E E —I have k now n him now good crop o f the bark for the armed the *?lobe’ farm ers in this state and for 47 years and could not face life forces as well as for civilian hospi- throUKhout the nation are mobilized w ithout Him. It is no sim ple thing tals, we have taken the follow in g h*hind production goals that are so to kn ow that all the past is forgiven from State and Federal sources and large they are d iffip ult to K'asp, and that help from A lm ighty God is from the experiences o f I P Calli the chairm an added B reaking down sons & Sons o f Chehalis W ashing food -for-freed om production to an available for the present, w ith the ton. largest dealers in cascara. hourly basis, he cited the follow in g whole future for all eternity assured. I CO M M E N D SUCH A S A V IO R TO The cascara tree thrives best In fl8 u,e8 rich, well-drained loam , w ith a plen E very hour o f every day. A m erica s ALL. So, to date stands M ALTA. Her tiful supply o f m _______ oisture during the farm plant produces 6,486,000 quarts sum m er season. B anks o f ditches o o f f milk, m i,k’ 5.236,000 5.236,000 eggs, eggs, 134 carloads 270,000 native^ and defen ders live in _ _ the hillsides m o is -!o f hogs, 8 8 c a , l° ads o f beef. 2,- passages tunnelled out o f the soft rnd stream s, and tened by seeping w ater .a r e " ~pTe f erred pounds* o f potatoes, and simi rock. W ithin these retreats fam ily locations. F requently' the tree de 'ar q uantiti®s ° f vegetables, oil crops life goes on, m eals a ie cook ed , doc- tors operate, and groups gath er for velopes like a shrub w ith several i and other products, And giving co in a g e to all large branches separating near the I Besides food uses, farm crops are worship. ground. More often it form s a small direct'y in the war too, T aylor said, is D O B B IE with his suprem e faith Could you show tree 20 to 35 feet in height with a CoUon and alcoh ol are used to make in A lm ighty God diam eter up to 15 inches. sm okeless powder. W hen a battle- a like faith fo r such a tim e and place Open you r Bible and read T he cascara is identified from all shlp fire8 a 16 inch Bun' a ba,e o f , as that other sim ilar trees by its buds alone cotton and bushels o f wheat are on until you also are able to cast for It is the only tree In this aren hurled a* the enemy. T o paint the your burden on the Lord and leave ' ’ “ the “ oil *" from i it there. F o r yourself, learn G od ’s w hose buds are not covered by "bud ................ battleship required pow er in Christ to S A V E -K E E P - scales Instead o f protective scales, flaxseed produced on 169 acres i S A T IS F Y the under su rface o f each sm all leaf ------------------------ A Valuable Native Tree 1 “ Assembly Lines” On Nation’s Farms Yield Huge Output Friday, July 10, 1942 Silencing oi Radios Not Blackout Warning In order to clear up any m isunder standing it should be rem em bered tin t a radio silence does not neces- ___ _ . ____ , j , , s A f| A 1 ad*o silence m ay be o id e te d by arm y authorities w hen it is deem ed po“ ‘ ble f o r , any e. ne^ y a ,[;c r a ft’ kn o' " n or unknow n, to follow the ra- dl° beam to its objective, The ordering o f all radio stations o f f the air is a purely precautionary measure, necessary because o f the very great distance reached by som e radios. Naturally, radio silence will also be a part o f all blackout alerts au thorized by the arm y authorities. L ost and found colu m n s of T ok io n ew sp a p ers are c ro w d ed these d a y s. E v e r y tim e an A m e rica n buys a W ar Bond, i the Japs lose fa c e . Buy your T hat the policies w hich the A dm in istration is pursuing are playing hav- 10% e v e ry p ay d ay. oo with agriculture and jeopardizing the food supply o f the nation is being There is no age limit fo r donors in emphasized with each passing day. the great nation-w ide drive to build The fa ’. m labor situation, w hich is up Uncle Sam's salvage rubber pile. assum ing critical prop ortion s in prac Old and you ng alike are going heads tically all parts o f the country, is par EGG PRODUCER down through old pack in g rases and ticularly acute today on the P a cific trunks. T hey are rum m aging attics, j Coast. R eports reaching W ashing Increase your egg profits with closets, scrap heaps, and basements. | j on are the e ffe ct that practically this palatable, scientifically President R oosevelt's plea fo r the|half the cherry crop o f California built''Vitamin balanced" feed. roast to coast salvage cam paign is Hn(j O regon will be lost this year be Supplies the high-producing not on ly bringing forth long forgot cause it is im possible to secure pick layers with their requirements t< n cach es o f rubber odds and e n d s , erg M uch o f the asparagus grown for more extra grade but is helping housewives to '.‘Id their | jn C alifornia will also be lost because sggi Your local food dwelling s o f many curious treasure o f the Hholtage o f harvest hands trov e^ T he collection o f gadgets In the heet sugar districts many dealer hat a fresh that Dad has preserved down through field„ that had been pianU.d are be supply. the years and the closet full o f old ing plowed under, ow in g to the fact hats , „ that j M other herself has cherish that it is im possible to secure laboi ed for a decade reveal dozens o f rub- to the beets *-T*A IC C MOST BOMBED SPOT her items that are added to the ton- j step s are now being taken to im ¡8ustyroth . w n hayirsa th ick co a t,n g o f | saooucit nage. The rubber drive has turned port agricultural w orkers from Mexi •*ilk C '« « n i As the you ng leaves em erge from F or days at a time these past two M IL L IN G C O . M ash « a oc d »«Ilo ta mto a big national housecleaning a s . co> a ijev iate, in a m easure at least, the buds, their tips curve ou tw ard in years, 150 to 200 A xis planes have « M * TILLAMOOK ST. C loverdale, O regon their tons o f bom bs on w e ,,‘ j the farm labor sh ortage w hich exist* i m anner typical o f this tree. This unloaded a n ri. . O r e g o n ' 1 T his space paid fo r by an Oregon M any a st'.ange b atch o f elastic in C alifornia and other western ch aracteristic enables one to recog- MALTA, the tiny British-held island o ff the foot o f Italy in Lie Mediter- businessman. trifles finds Its w ay to the neighbor- | states. In all sections o f the coun nize specim ens at som e distance. The bark on you ng branches varies ranean Yet M A L T A still stands, hood service station these days. One ! try the w om en and children o f the gasoline ven dor was amazed when fa rm are con tribu tin g their best ef from green to purplish or reddish More the loss to H itler in men and often resem bling that o f planes is such that his flyers who one o f his better-know n custom ers forts tow ard m eeting production brown, Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS The inner sur do return, are landed in a field apart, dropped in with a box full o f erasers goals that have been set by Govern twigs o f red alder. O regon Mutual P olicies are N O N -ASSESS A B L E . Y ou N E V E R pay ace o f freshly cut bark is a bright I f not, their story and plight would - the largest kinds— all slightly used. ment. m ore than the prem ium on the fa ce o f the policy. O regon Mutual It becom es dark when unnerve the force about to take off. | Gosh .Mr. Bevis, said the man at T he lure o f the 40 hour week in in /ellow color. m aintains m ore than three tim e« the surplus required By Oregou the pump, you sure must have made dustry, with tim e and a half for exposed to light, has a bitter taste In com m and over M A L T A is ch ief Insurance Laws, a lot o f m istakes in your tim e! ‘ overtim e and high wages, not tc •vhen chew ed and colors the saliva General W illiam G eorge Shedden DO BB IE . H e is a man w ith a B i Mr. Bevln explained that his habit j mentioit the d' aft, has practically yellow. Leaves, flow ers and berries are ble in one hand and a sw ord in the Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company o f m islaying an eraser after he used [ stripped farm s o f the usual supply of used to id en tify the cascara tree other. A big lum bering man is he. o f M c M i n n v i l l e It oner, then buying another to re - 1 labor, place It, w as the ’.reason fo r his ac- In bureaucratic circles there if luring the sum m er m ontns w hich is with a full B ritish face, pink cheeks, Organized 1894— . 40 years o f R eliable Service C’has. L W alker, Agent He has cum m ulatlon o f a pound and a half grow in g talk o f Freezing men in the season when the bark is harvest- white hair and m ustache. New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 Thel leaves have beautifully a simple but trem endous faith in Al- o f error-rem overs. B ut Mr. B. made I their present jobs, w h ich would ber ed. no m istake when he turned in t h e ' der on peonage. If the governm ent regular prom inent veins and s lig h tly ; m ighty God w hich m akes him corn- “ E very F orm o f P rotection " H illsboro, O regon T hey | pletely fearless. He prays w hen he gutta-percha eradicators. T hey were j had the cou rage and the fairness to serrated (saw like m argins. may be from tw o to seven inches ' o f no use to him and helped swell the ! deal justly with all the different elliptical, obtuse, or heap o f c a s to ff rubber on the service | groups in national life, It would b» tong, broadly unnecessary to even con sid er adop bluntly pointed at the apex. station lot. T he flow ers w hich m ake their ap A fter July 10, the end o f the rub tton o f such drastic and un-Am erican pearance in June ave small, o f a 1 ber drive, the tons o f old tires, tubes, policies. greenish color, and are borne in clu st gutters, gloves, bathing caps, baby The panties, cu spidor mats, and w ornout T he letter o f the law o f G od, sepa ers near the end o f branches. Its spirit, tends to de berries, which appear in the early I raincoats that have been driving rated from M other mad on housecleaning days m oralize mortals, and must be cor fall, usually August, are black, s o m e -. w ill be con verted into useful mater rected by a diviner sense o f liberty what sw eet, and very attractive to birds. E ach berry contains tw o oi l ial. E very ou nce o f un-needed rub and light. M ary B aker Eddy. more seeds w hich germ inate readily. 1 ber that can be spared around the Birds eat the berries and help distri- j home, shop, and garnge may help to bute the seeds. o ffs e t the possible Inconvenience o f R ight and W ron g WAy gasolin e rationing. T o H arvest C ascara Hark: May, June, July and August are | G EM S O F T H O U G H T S E R V I C E the m onths when cascara bark is | harvested. TRUTH ETERNAL T he m ethod adopted should aim at | I a m axim um yield o f bark from each i W hat we have in us o f the Image ! tree, and the preservation o f the o f (Tod is the love o f truth and jus treo's life flee Dem osthenes. Peel bark only from trees that are \ at least three inches in diam eter. The ideals o f prim itive Christianity Describes Some Old are nigh, even a t our door. Truth x j kj n Cut dow n each tree, leaving a is not lost in th e m ists o f r e m o t e - ¡ A n d fN e W L l a y s stump not m ore than one foot above ness or the barbarism s o f spiritless , ground, then peel all the bark from H ello Folks codes. Mary B a k e r Eddy. the lim bs one inch or m ore In d ia meter, as well as from the trunk. Jesus answ ered................. T o this I D a w * * on#’ in the ole days when (D orm an t buds on the stum p will de end was I born, and fo r this cause l y“ u * ot 80 y ? u ku,d 8wim ak,<,Si* ,hp velop into shoots in a few years cam e I Into the world, that I should 0,0 8w m m ,n hole you wue 8° mr another crop will be harvested*. bear witness unto Lie truth New punkln, anumB ,h '' bov8‘ but th,,n D o not perl the bark from the T estam ent: John 18:37. | der-ln-llghtm n . nowadays, you Hint j much If you ca n ’t fly plum b akroM stump. T he foregoin g is the right w ay to ' Christ did not sim ply speak the the oceans. In the ole days if you T he w ron g way is to j truth: he was truth; truth, through I had a nix shooter you w in som e pun- peel cascara and through; fo r truL* is a thing not 1 kin' in the n ayborhood, but shucks, strip the bark from the trunk up as o f words, but o f life and being. - ; nowadays, if you ain ’t got a m achine far as can bo reached from the R obertson. i gun what sounds like hell a poppin ’ ground, leaving the tree to die and \ h big field o f popcorn, y o u ain't on the m ajority o f the b a ik on the tree The greatest friend o f truth is j the map. In the ole days you saw to be wasted. A fter peeling, the hark must be tim e: her greatest enem y is preju your best gal dressed up on ce a dried, broken up into d ice; and her con stan t com p an ion is week, but By Jlnim iney, nowadays th orou ghly hum ility—Colton. you see all the gals three fourths un small pieces, packed in gunny sneks ! dressed every day. and if all our and delivered to the local buyer, w ho ] Falsehood is In a h u rry; It may be houses was welk painted, prosperity is usually the fee m erchant in each j at any mom ent detected and puninh- ... . com m unity. .. . . . i... _ , . would be as thick ed , truth is calm , serene; its judg- ___ . . am ong ,„ us as m os we had as m ent is on high its king com eth ‘ n . n " r M v y - , f w,‘ ' Tell you r law yer to send your le- have got ou t o f the cham bers o f eternity. - ; ^ a " y f ' Kh" n P‘? n7 " " T the hole gals to this paper. Josep h P arker d iv o r c e . we kud w.itp world in 24 hours If "m odern debts" \ wuz water we would have a world i| im possible to m entally or so Boost your home com m unity news flood now that would m ake ole ciallv enslave a Bible reading people paper. It boosts fo r you. Only Noah asham ed o f hiss, If forever and I The principles o f the Bible are the II per year Jess than 2 cen t« a week ever' KARRW IR E B IL L grou nd-w ork o f human freedom .— j TRIANGLE X-TRA TKÍAM 61 S Uncle Sam Needs W hen the mercury rises— / OLD R I M Tum il in M at