'■ o -JU R A R ï * t G lV r O m * *,* SffrasE D E D IC A T E D TO T H E BEST INTERESTS A N D V O L. 15, NO. 23 USO Drive Over Top D E V E L O P M E N T OF G R E A T E R B E A V E R T O N Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, July 10, 1942 Bank Deposits Alw ays Protected Campaign To Open July 13 ESTABLISHED 1927 Decoration Given War M other | Deposits of the First Security Hank ] of Beaverton continue to be protect­ e d in war as in peace by Federal De- i posit Insurance Corporation, Jay Gibson, president of the bank, said F ew Districts W ork to today This agency of the united Nation Scrap H arvest to be States government insures each de- r J J D. . . . I Com plete T h eir Percentage positor of the bank to a maximum of 1® H W i l AtCaS Washington county has upheld its *^600 against loss aris.ng out of a A new and great,y intenslfied sal. patriotic traditions by going Over the bank fa,luie '< °m any cause w hat-.vage prOKram to reach into every Top In a big way in its USO-Navy e' i r - home and industrial plant and in- Helief drive, according to figures The advent of war has in no w a y crease the flow of all vital scrap ma- , compiled Wednesday by County lessened the adequacy of FDIC pro terials to the country's war plants. Chairman O B Gates of Hillsboro, tection, Mr Gibson pointer! out The has been announced by Donald M. Collections totaled $6,723.17, which is safety and liquidity of deposits in Nelson W P B chairman and Leasing $1,173.71 over the quota or 121 per about 13.500 insured banks through j Rosenwald, chief of the Bureau of cent .out the country are assured, he said, industrial Conservation. , J hre,„ CO!!!mtttee, CaU8 a*«en‘ i°n to not on,y by the vaat le90urce90f The overall campaign will start, m .e f ne work of some of the com- * * < ^ 1 Deposit Insurance Corpora- Ju, 13 after cor..pletlon of the cur- munity committees during the past tion but also by the standards ot ,.ent g , ubber campaign which ^ ™ « « a.n edJ tS percentage safe and conservative management has bpen extended to July 10 from 66 to 114%; Beaverton from that prevail in the country s banks . I l l to 134%; Forest Grove from 108 Ah insured banks operate under h he immensity of the task we tace to 120% ; Metzger from 50 to 159% i government supervision. according saul ^>e*son' makes it absolutely ne- i this being a 109% raise and places ¡to Mr. Gibson, and their affairs are cessary to step up the tempo of out ; them at the head of the percentage i examined periodically. These ex na,loniil salvage program. Our wai column for the week; Sherwood from I animations effectively guard against Production is limited only by the sup- , 80 to 101%; Timber from 106 to 131% ¡the development of unsafe and un- of *'aw materials, and scrap is an and Tigard from 42 to 66% sound practices in individual banks, important part of the raw materials i Tigard's committee is now on the ¡and so keep bank failures to a mini supply This makes it clear that the final few days Clean Up and the mum. only way we ea" ™eet require- county chairman requests all Tigard W ien an insured bank is found to ment* of wal lH0duCt,0n -a to collect every last bit of scrap from every residents to get behind the local be in hazardous condition Federal farm and home, and from every com -' chairman, Hobart Vermilye, and his Deposit Insurance Corporation moves mercial enterprise and industry in , committee and give them the neces-1 promptly to pay the insured claims the country. sary Boost to put Tigard on top of ¡of depositors in full and in cash. Beginning this month, the 12.000 I its quota, this requiring but $99 25. ¡More than 1,205,000 depositors of 370 gtl^ e* and 'lo c a l salvage committees Aloha has been pretty thoroughly failed insured banks already h ave' Rising Incomes Babson Says Retailers May Benefit Gloucester, Mass. July 10—Indus­ trial employment is at a new all-time high as we pass another Independ­ ence Day. lienee, national income should also break all previous rec­ ords I estimate for 1942 that this should approximate $117,000.000,0 The protection of Federal deposit 17 private industry and ( U aimed at tell-1 _ x. _ - _ ,, . . * “ C p iu v c v w u u V ** a v u v iu . 1 I V £111* 1I1UUSU V t tliU lU fU £1 1 IC II’ w for individual taxes. Some forrrt of i*. i!?® ,u0mnlUn ty Ar,al"e insurance extends to deposits of all ¡„g the public the facts about what r| a * i , - _ _ monthly payments covering personal t.f vninntJri/ Hthe» C,t*IZ, I!w Av!°ha tyP88 in insured banks. Checking we need why we need it and what H P T i r k l * t I tl I 1 £ 1 0 income taxes in advance, through man n \ ate to f their ^chair- account8 savings accounts, certifi- each person can do to help HCJJUI I J u l y A 0 “A 0 Joining with other Oregon conn deductions from salaries and wages, C h Stlckney, or his committee cates of deposit, all are covered un Another new force is the joint as This would supple­ as they have completed their drive der the j S,000 maximum individual 8jStance of the farm implement in- Following is a list, of men ord 'red ,ies Washington county will have its may lie ahead. ment the present sale of tax antici­ Garden Home has completed its protection in each insured bank, dustry, w lich has been offered for to report July 16. 19s2, at 8 15 a. m. K,'el> Oregon Green chairman who pation notes. Luxury taxes, real es­ and *acks but *.1184 oftb e When an insured bank fails, deposi-,the movement of farm scrap in a Na- ° ffice ° f I^-cal Board Number 1, wiM direct all local groups in a vie quota, and tne county commit- toI8 whose accounts in that bank to- tional Scrap Harvest. Beaverton, Oregon. These men, after *ol'y blackout move against the man tate taxes (which may rise as a re­ sult of a decline in gasoline taxes tee is in hopes residents will v o lu n -tal more than $5,000 are paid that While the Bureau of Industrial beinK accepted for military duty, will causod fi,c. *•*•*1” .. Jim Lewis, well known county com if rationing becomes nation-wide), tarily call ----- upon the -*•-*------ chairman. Mrs. amount immediately and share in the Conservation considers the new cam- i W b,‘ allowed a fourteen day furlough. John H. Holmes, or some member of proceeds of liquidation for recover- paign as an integiated whole, it has 1 bis furlough will be granted to all missioncr, will act as chairman for state gift, and nother forms of taxes her committee, and make their con- ies on their claims over the insured • - the K B following clearly e - — • • in future calls Keep Oregon Green. according to surely will take a larger share of in­ defined parts; -----■- me,n inducted However, tribution, so that Garden Home may maximum. word received from It C. Kuehner. come this year than last. Samuel H. Humrichouse. 1. An intensified campaign to col- show a 100% quota raised. Melvin A Mostul. secretary for the fire prevention or­ as the tax outlook is still uncertain. Insured banks participate actively; lect metals, especially iron and steel I have considered savings amt taxes Orenco ganization. Isak L. Katel. ..«y* j ' "' ” - expects to have its ,ls quota >iuola ¡n the insurance plan, paying about and rubber and other waste mater- together in the above estimate. Herbert H. Wagner. While there is no set pattern to , le P °' 8 aie turned j 55i0ooiooo annually into the deposit ials which will flow through regular follow in the county drive against Allocution <>$ National Income Warrent J. Van Hyning. insurance fund. These charges are channels of trade, In my opinion there could be spent Mrs. W. H. Bryant has come to the Fred M. Barnes. ¡man-caused fires of farms, field and borne by the banks, not passed on to 2. A waste fats campaign, in I aid of the Tualatin drive by accept­ Archie R. Reed. forest, it was understood that Mr. in retail shops this year approxim­ ! their customers. which housewives will be urged to Of this, $24,- ing the chairmanship, according to Lewis would shortly select a commit- ately $60,974,0(10,000. Eugene Van Kleek. The First Security Bank of Beav- sell their waste kitchen fats, such as 596.000,000 could go for food and the Mr. Gates, and this week sent in Otto A. Jossi , tee who would in turn localize the bacon drippings, to meat dealers who $22.25. which brings Tualatin’s per- erton was among the first institu- will program. Every effort will be made i balance of $36.478,000,000 could be Walter J. Richlick. send them back through the nor centage to 22 per cent. She has re- 4 'ons *° become affiliated with Fed Hilpert R. Lindberg. to reach Washington county residents spent in department! stores and other quested this week additional time to e*al Deposit Insurance Corporation. mal channels of trade, waste fats through the newspapers, radio, poster retail outlets for all other purchases Percy A. Robinson. are needed to stimulate pxoduction of except food. Churches and charit­ raise the quota. ' This bank on M 1942. h a d » , , , which in turn i8 needed fo| ¡and other educational outlets. Veldon C. Boge, Jr. able gifts should take $5,160,000,000, The county- committee is very sets totalling $946.000 and deposits and indu8tl.ia, explosives. Fred H. Gee. I Now that the stop fire movement is underway, every effort will be or 6% of our net income after al­ Edwin K. Wilson. much pleased by her patriotic action of ¿ ^ 0 0 - ,«• " a , 871 « 3 A tin can collection campaign in this and will report results nex $154,000 and it he d $271,0(K) of U. S wh|ch js f() b(, carl ied out only m se. made to check recurrence* of major lowing for all savings and taxes. Revil E. Olds. The balance of some $19,866.0UU,(HIO week, at which we are certain that Government securities Cash and lected ,_ _ _________ __ ___ ,...... ,___ Leon F. Serman. I burns in Washington County, the localities, and , then only when will be split up among the other pre- Tualatin will be Over the Top, as- due from banks amounted to $467,000. local announcements are made. Arthur J Ficken. Keep Oregon Green Secretary wrote. living serted the county chairman, who The institution offers a complete The nation scrap harvest to be con He also indicated that this phase of viouely mentioned items of James M. Parmele. Continued on Page 3 asks all Tualatin citizens to give range of banking services to Beav- ducted; in rural areas with the co­ j fire prevention was concerned only Bert E. Copple. Mrs. Bryant all the help possible inierton, and the surrounding territory operation of ot.-ier federal and local I with public education and would In Donald W. Tollefson. this worthwhile and necessary drive ________________ jno way conflict with existing fire Bernard D. Bale agencies and the assistance of the for our boys in the service. patrol agencies or volunteer farm-fire Erwin A. Yocum farm implement industry will be part I organizations. Elmer L. Lillegard As there will have to be a little D n V | n lra l| C T f i c t a l l N o i l f of the program as the summer ad­ Mopping Up done this week the coun ItC U C A C IIlO U l d l Q l l HCVV j One phase of the prevention activi­ John P. Lynch (enlisted) vances. The program will get under ty committee will be unable to make > , . ■ — . Harry Ludwig. tie s gives Washington County youths way in the south and work north Bryon W. Jack an opportunity to volunteer their ser- a full report until next issue. . with« the agricultural harvest season Harry Eliander of Progress was se­ All community chairmen are asked | vices in fire defense. That activity Edward J. Vancoelen The overall advertising campaign will of Washington Is the Green Guard, a group which lected chairman Antone F. Bozich to send in their full reports and re- Beaverton Rebekah Ixidge No. 248 tie in with this special effort to get I watches for fire and then reports to county non high school district board Edwin D. Brandel mittances at least by the end of this me^ jor jjs regUiar meeting Tuesday scrap out of the farm areas before the nearest fire warden. Kach guard at the organization meeting Friday. Clifford T Newbrey week so that the committee may get eVening with a large attendance of its movement is handicapped by win- William Sahnow o t Centerville dis­ ! receives a badge, fire manual and Carl E. Ledermon out the report for next week s paper, members and visitors. ter weather. membership card free of charge upon t r ic t was named vice-chairman and Clarence Carlson --------------- Installation of officers for the next Kitchen fats will be purchased by B. W. Barnes, county school super­ application, it was indicated. Kenneth L. Wilkes R p. v e r ln n P n r r h a s e « half vear by Mrs. Lois Doyle, dis- OO-op«rating hutcheis from bOUM intendent, is secretary. Harold R. Anderson Jr ‘ . tnet deputy president, and Mrs wives on a basis of foui cents a Fritz Gindhart of Cooper Moun­ Andrew M. Führer New Fire Truck Myrtle Hardman district deputy pound according to William M Mar- tain district was sworn in as director John C. Grant marshal. and their staff of officers tin of Blooming county salvage chair- from zone three for a four-year term, Jotin H Blampied The Beaverton city fathers met this installed the following group of offi- man. These fats must be strained taking the place of A. M Jannsen. Harold A Dean week in regular monthly session. and free from water and meat scraps who resigned, and Nelse Johnson of Haakon Tollefsen Routine bills were presented and _. „ __ .... « i Noble Grand Doris Ready; V. G., he said» and must be in a clean McKinley district a director for five Harmon W. Koehnke ****"■ _ Mae Newcomer; secretary, Sarah metal container without ragged edg­ Johnson suc­ Edwin J. Ficken Beaver Chapter No. 106 Order of years from zone five. es. A can containing approx­ A second «land truck was ordered \yalker; treasurer, Iva Risley; chap- ceeds William Troutman of North Robert C. Graham Eastern Star met for Its regular imately two pounds is preferable, but purchased from High Lewis to re- ,in E)na LaR ue; musician, Fern Frank Bailey of Green Lloyd LaMordden meeting in the Masonic Temple Wed­ Plains. place an old worn out truck for the Haynes r s to N O.. Frankie 1 lb coffee cans, etc., may be used James T Phillips nesday evening June 24, with a large Mountain and Eliander are holdover water department Butts; 1. S N G. Elna Perrybloone ^ an fats of any kln<1 a ,° accePt Harold E Clement attendance of members and visitors members of the board. The new fire truck arrived Tues- r s . V. G„ Rose Stevens; L. S. V. G., able. The budget was approved as ad­ Robert J. Hagen This was the last meeting before the day and has been the center of inter- Virginia Chambers; conductor, Laura Burl E Peters summer vacation. Distinguished vertised except the Item for trars est all week. It was tested by the Buffan; warden. Esther Jeager. I No New Licenses: George Slavik visitors present were J. Fred Kemm, portation, which was cut from $17.00) Oregon Insuracc Rating Bureau and Q f Merda Aunesman; O G Anna William R Berreth past gland patron of the state to $15,000. Eliander served as budget Protect O'd Ones exceeded all specification require- Mae Rogers. Frank L. Betzcr (transfer, Yaki- of Colorado. Mrs. Minnie Nunne- hearing chairman and Barnes as sec­ ments To the ordinary layman this The 0Utg0jnK ma, Wash) Wash). _______ „ __ „ _ Noble Grand. Adaline Keep your present license plates ma. kamp, grand chaplain lira Marts retary. indicates that it can pump 500 gal- p>rog{ was presented with a gift from clean and in good condition because • * « Thompson, grand representative of Ions of water per minute and carries the Noble Grands club and one there will be no new ones available Following is a list o f men ordered ,hP statd of Kentucky and a large School Fund Paid 750 feet of 2% inch Jtose and 400 feet from the lodge, in recognition of her next year, license designations dur- to^report at 8 15 a m , July 18, 1942 Kioup of 1!M2 matrons and patrons By Land Board of 1% inch hose People of Beaver- lawfulness and efficiency John M Baines ing 1943 will be by special stickers and their officers and visitors. Payment of $87,116 54 Multnomah ton are now assured that it will take Mrg Frogt presented each of her Lloyd J. Couch Registration will be similar to The fathers were Bpecial guests of care of any size fire that happens to ,t- ft Allan F. Rossiter that employed in the past but the the evening, they were escorted and county’s ” share of the irreducible occur. Of course everyone hopes ___________ _ served Amos C. Spriggel at licensee will receive a sticker instead introduced and presented with a bou­ school fund, has been made by the state land board to County Treasur­ of a plate These will be numbered there will be no fires but having a t criT^ka meeting Wilfred J Bushel! tonniere. er Francis lambert. The apportion big fire truck like this on hand cer- th* cIose of the meeting accompanied and the car will be identified with Robert W Helm James H Wagenblast was initi­ Mrs. Eunice Murray tainly tends to make everyone feel by Mrs H R Nelson, visited rela- that number in the State records Oliver R Taylor ated into the order Mrs Genevieve ment this year amounts to $122 for better and sleep sounder. Richaid E. Potter Following are suggestions for the Mathieson, present worthy matron each of Multnomah county's 71,407 tives in Vernonia Thursday of last The county maintenance of license plates: Elmer W. Schmidt of Portland Chapter No 97 conferred children of school age. week. Herbert L Schneider Clean plates carefully and thor­ the degrees upon her father and last year received $80.836 on a basis Car Driver Hurt Earl W. Jones oughly, being certain to remove all Mis Wagenblast acted as chaplain of $1.1 i per census child. Most of the irreducible school fund Lieutenant Covelle on traces of oil and road tar Norman E Myers (enlisted) Mis F H. Schoene, district chair­ In Crossing Crash moneys come from escheating estates 1-ouis C. Knight Cover the plate with shellac, var­ man of Red Cross unit, gave a very Walter Keefer 49 Beaverton r ate Thirty Day Sick Leave Russell A. Peyton nish or similar protective material conclusive report of the amount of and sale or rental ot state-owned 1, was injured late Monday night Oscar J Fredeen « Lieutenant Richard V. Covelle of Be sure that the plate is fastened work accomplished since its organiza­ lands, Iam bert pointed out. when his car crashed into an Oregon William A. Shelton tion. Electric east bound mixed passenger the army quartermaster corps, form- securely to the automobile so that it Milton M Hansen and freight train at Fanno Creek erjy 0f Portland, has returned to Ore- will not he lost The chapter voted to buy its sec- Drivers Told John T Tate 1 ond $100 Defense Bond. crossing near Progress gon on a 30-day sick leave from the Record the number of the plates Robert S Shively Beaverton Masonic Lodge and To List Serials Suffering arm, hand and possible p leSidio of San Francisco. He has so that proper authorities can be no­ The Portland detective bureau have Melvin J. Smith Beaver chapter members and fami­ internal injuries. Keefer was taken been a patient in an army hospital tified in case of loss or theft These Theodore J Philip (transfer. An lies and friends are holding a Joint asked area automobile operators to to at Vincents hospital, according to for 90me time authorities are the local and state picnic at Roamers Rest Sunday, July make a record of serial numbers of Deputy Sheriff Ireland He was accompanied by Mrs Co- police and the State license depart- chorage. Alaska > 20, with a basket dinner to be served their new federal car tax stickers In Mr and Mrs Otwell M Hi istow. VPi|P former Ruth Schell of 1‘oit ment. case the little paper tags become lost Annual reports of standard high at one o’clock, 1905 SE 39th avenue. Portland, suf- iand. and they will spend the major schools In Washington county for t.ie At the first meeting following the or ere stolen fered injuries earlier Monday even- part of this leave at the home of Bus Will Pick up Loss or theff of stickers should be 1941-42 school year have been filed summer vacation. September 9. ing, when their auto collided with an Mrs Covelle's parents. Mr and Mrs. reported to the internal aecurlty de­ Pickers Every Day by school clerks Per pupil cost of homecoming will he observed with a oil truck driven by Jack W Robin- Fred Schell, near Beaverton partment in the Pioneer postoffice school education of the various high rpotluck dinner at 6 30 son of Beaverton. Mr. Bristow, op- -------- - - building, 5th avenue and Morrison A truck stops every day at 5:45 a schools is as follows, according to B --- T - —— —. erator of the car. received rhec in n| CIO Sif?n L d street, it was said. m at Dean's Drug Store in Beaver­ W Barnes superintendent Thirty-one jurors, ten of whom are Helen. knee a , Juries, and his wife ‘' " pp sn Y ton for berry pickers to work at Gro- Banks. $115,89 Beaverton $97 40. women were drawn thia week to * Drivers seeking replacements will The acciden' In F u t h L h e c k kle and body hurts ners farm Here is a chance for Forest Grove $100 90 Gaston $168 78 serve at the July term of court. have to sign affidavits that they occurred near Reedville purchased these stickers and. In addi­ A total of 21,51* men registered for young boys and girls to earn money Hillsboro $98 39 Scsppoose $109.22 Those drawn from Eastern Washing the draft ill Oregon on June 29 and for school clothes, books. Defense .Sherwood $115 76 Tigard $92 35 ton county are: Olive Mary Had tion, give ticket serial numbers. Beaverton Couple Have .V state selective service headquar- Bonds, etc Mothers might accom Verboort $114 92 field, Glen P Smith. John Welch, ters announced here Friday The pany the children. ■ - - Beaverton, Nellie Barnes, Myrtle J No Picnic Thi# Year First July 4th Baby registration the fifth to be held, was Yards need berry pickers now George N Rouse, Sr , father of Is*- Connell, Aloha, and Arthur H. Vln- Due to war emergencies the o ffi­ The first haby to arrive in Port­ for men 18-20 years of age plan to help them gather their crop na B Schuld of Beaverton, died this rent, Tigard. Jurors will report cers of the State Tennessee society land hospitals on July 4th was a hoy Multnomah county registered 7477| Black caps and Boysen berries are week Services will be held Friday July 20. according to G Russell Mor- have decreed that no picnic will bg born at 3 12 a. m. to Mr and Mrs ready now. In Portland. gan, district attorney held thla year. and Washington county 735 William Kilgore of Beaverton r,;rro,rd r % b , ou’ •? .r „ Men Ordered To James Lewis Is M a de Chairman Harry Eliander Elected Head Non-High Board UIllCGTS Ull 1 UGSudy Chapter Holds Final Meeting For Summer