Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1942)
s _ F r id a y , B E A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Orepon Pape 2 y jU cU ty o * June 26, 1042 W iU t H. H. J E F F R IE S , lmhUnher W A Il B U N D S , Published F riday o f each w eek by the P ion eer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, Oregon. E ntered aa secon d-class m atter at the postofflce at Beaverton, Ore One Y ear _ Bis Months .4100 _ .50 Three Months Subscription P ayable t .300 In Advance. M S ir o * » PfetsiDtNT oc rue UWIItD ÇTATiS, ONCE KXiC r ftIN TIT UNITtO ‘ MASJWQ B eaverton O ffice— E nterprise Bldg., P hone B eaverton 2321 H illsboro O ffice — R o o m 6, D elta Bldg., P hone 1841 P ortland O ffice — 308 P anam a B ld g , 3rd and Alder. P hone A T w ater 6591 e n tite s i ' 0REC]0®NE4VSP?PER P U B LIS If E R> 4 4 s o41A T10 N B a b s o n S a y s . Let us all pull togeth er fo r a better A m erica in peace ot.* war, Continued from Page 1 strong. L on g term outlook excellent. M E A T P A C K IN G : Shavply high forgettin g cheap d ifferen ces and er dem an ds reflect higher profits. uniting fo r O L D G L O R Y , U N CLE Stable earnings. L ow invested ca p i M and V IC T O R Y . — L. W. tal. Im m ediate ou tlook good. H yde,, V. F. W . Com m ander. M O TIO N P IC T U R E S H igh w a ges in crease attendance. P rod u cin g com p an ies in g ood shape. N ear term and fu tu re outlook okay. Hearings Bring Laughs P A P E R : P rosperous due to war. it 4 v,_ | H as been aided by high dem and and If the potential posslbi itles were low im portg o f pulp. B acklog orders not so grave one m ight at least get a now on down slde Doul>tful if de. ? . t w ? e* r ‘ n** " ° W be " K mand in future can m atch recent re held at W asnington D. C, on the q u lrem en ta n « « « o Bill m T ryin g to give the — im — Bone PETROLEUM : In flation type | ~ pression that B onneville officia ls R esearch m inded m anage- q . i .• . , were not greatly Interested, nor took industry. Taxes o f little consequence. O y n t l l e t l C r C u b b e r P r o g r a m DEAD AT THE PLOW no direct part in the PU D m eetings ment. L ong term outlook excellent; but im- M u s t b e O u i r l d v F v n a n J J in Oregon is tvuly laughable m ediate ou tlook uncertain. " ^ »-« X p B n d e a Y e s -D e a d and yet he follow s on Three o f fou r B onneville “ big sh ots’’ R A IL R O A D S : H elped by w a r.. E xpressing the con viction that the a,'?d puts in the crop And in the were alm ost always present at these Oreg’on m eetings and plenty o f m on Sheltered from high taxes. im p rov- ' w elfar® and sa fety o f the nation , y yOU "®e dead men at w o, k in the O f the ey was available from som e source ing finan cial position Current favor- c a **8 ^or a con siderable expansion in 3 ore*’ offices, and mills. fo r publicity and DroMgiTnda~Dur-1 a b *e position will not last. i our program fo r the produ ction o f y°1“ nKI folk ? 'T,ho press into the poses A n d t h e distribution o f gov- j, R A IL R O A D E Q U IP M E N T E arn- ^ " “ * ‘ 1® rubbef th e N ational a r ^ h k e w ^ ! f f ' ' t ernm ent printed m aterial ad vocatin g sa tisfa ctory due to railroad and ’ ang'e is u ig in g the adoption o f a t- ev „ of p od l h , , , , ey a ,e ln public ow nership was greatly in evi , arm am ent boom. No great tax bur- p‘ an f° r the use o f surplus wheat B a c ^ in the Carden r* i dence - dens Large export business m ay be and corn and other available farm B a ck in the G aiden o f Eden, God ahead. products fo r the m aking o f alcoh ol warned o u *’ il,s t parent ADAM , not R A Y O N : U nham pered by r e stv ic-' w hich in turn can be con verted into t“ 0 *“ 1 o f the forbidden fru it—“ Ye This would be in addition sha nPl eat o f Jt’ neither shall ye tions but hurt m ore than helped by rubber. Warning to Motorists rubber touch it, lest ye jJie.” But ADAM war. Tax situation now bad De- j to the program for m aking O f that aw ful hour we In brin g went " * ahead. “* More trains are running these days velopm ent o f new prod u cts m ay from petroleum products. ing this plan to the attention o f Con read—'" E or as by one m a n -A D A M m aterials, equipm ent m ake outlook prom ising hauling war sin entered *nto the w orld and death and supplies. S H IP B U IL D IN G . O bviously b oom gress recently the G range said — No argum ent is n ecessary to prove Iby sin; and 80 death Passed upon all Subm arine m enace calls for That should be a word o f w arning ing, that transportation is as necessary m en’ for that a11 have sinned ' R o- to the auto dvivers o f the country. sharply higtier tonnage. S T E E L : W a r’s key industry. Out- to the success o f our w ar effort as mans 5:12. T rying to outguess the train schedule From that day, in the eyes o f God, All proper steps fo r the E arnings al- production. is dangerous these days. Even If i Put greater than ever, ADAM counted but as a dead man _____ | ways _____ _______ ____con o f the existin g supply values to de- you think no train is due at a certain erratic. B ook servation Cross cline as new governm ent financed °* rubbev must meet with the full 'v i , h b i s back to his M aker and fac- time, don 't take a chance, plants ave written o ff. Cannot now approval o f all th in kin g people. But lnf the w ron g way living to please crossings cautiously! fortell after-w ar conditions to con serve what we have will fall f e , n° l h* ,an k ed as dead D on’t think a train has passed just S U G A R : P a cific W ar plus ship 1 far short o f fillin g our actual needs jo the Lord. All o f us share in the because you can see its tracks! ping shortages have tem porarily The G range takes the position that fa ' In . P j , a * d le’ 'h elp ed earnings. Beet com panies 80 tar as agriculture is con cern ed, it And yet God loves us and seeks to W ho W i l l P a v t h p D e h t Should have best season fo r many is useless to talk about g oin g back to w n us back O f old, he sent his vvno W ill r a y m e H e u l y e a rl s tr lc t prtce con trol may b; h orse and bu ggy days. In the first propnets and holy men o warn H ello F olk s: Our aged friend Jennie H arris Oliver, poet lament*’ state o f O klahom a, passed ovei the M ystic R iver we call death, iast Thursday in an O klahom a City hos pital. H er g oin g leaves a Lone som e place in our Sky. She u uz past 70 but you th fu l in mind. Her house o f 40 w in dow s in the village of Fallis, called by her and otheis, the H ouse o f D ream s, where she wrote her fam ous hook o f poems, called Red Earth, and her books o f prose and short stories fov magazines, was a m eeting place fo r writers. Once a year the State W riters Caravan wended their w ay ov er to Jennies - •••-. village in their gas buggies, spread their dinners on her lawn, and after dinner sp.-ead theirselves in showin' f' how sm art they wuz in their writins, in honor o f Jennie. W ell she made all o f us believe we wuz sumpthin That's the reason she wuz such a The aerial cam eram an can plot great w om an, she lived to encourage wide territori: s in bold relief so others. BI1 !. that Arm y or N avy Intelligence can make a ccu ra te m e a se . aments of en JO IN THE ATTACK O N T O K Y O , WOOL CARDING emy territory. We reed many of these cam eras so nc ecssary to the air arms of the A r ty and Navy. You can help buy them with your purchases of War Ronds. Invest at least ten percent of your incom e ev ery pay day, and help your county go over its War Bond Quota. ’’or C om forters and Mattresses Any Size and W eigh t . Old Matt. ! W ool R ecarded Just Like New Pure V irgin W ool B atts for Sale Crystal Springs W oolen M ills U. S. Treasury Department 2121 SE Um atilla, P ortlan d I.A 4477 W O M I- \ ! I . 4 kairn lo \V<klrf j There seem s to be an im pression In bullish post war factor. place, says the Grange, the num ber ilka' as i P th '^fn'tneaafPr n'ni * certain quarters that It's all right t o 1 T E X T IL E S : E rratic peace time ° t norses and mules on our farm s ‘ ' pile up a terrific public debt and ' earnings replaced by w ar boom Nov-1 has alm ost been cut in h alf since the h sent bis *beK°u !e2 " ° n to) seek ’som ebody’ will pay tuxes enough nially su ffers from over-cap acity cl° s c o f W orld W ar I. In the next aa< ® 8a'T ‘som etim e’ to pay the bill. W h o is O utlook uncertain G ood managem ent , P*acc, even if we had the hovse and 1 c o ™e t h a t t / J g t ha e goin g to pay it. and w h en ? T a x e s essential. mules, their feet and legs would not aad that tney m ight have it m ore can com e only from national wealth. I U T IL IT IE S : G overnm ent break-up stand the strain o f traveling lon g dis- a ua Rn , -P 3 f National wealth can com e only from orders are ham stringing the h o ld in g 1 tances over m odern hard-surfaced . 2. . * . . , i labor and produ ction .—Congressm an com panies. Operating units in bet- J h'kbw ays. " ,r2 . .. , , . . . ' W oodru m (D em i ) o f Virginia. j ter position. Both hurt by w ar tax- M any branen lines o f the railroad ' t?d _________________ * |es. j that had b«MMM unpi ofitjitd c have M AGE AI.I\ E who « f i e dead in But note the V A R IE T Y C H A IN S : B etter situ- been aiiandened, and there ate more trespasses and sins that follow . T hey give a Y ou are either too old or tw o ated than m ost retail outlets. Ex ! than 4H,0(^0 com m un ities in the words young Is the general reb u ff one re j pected to w eather post-w a ” d ifficu l j United States, ch iefly in the agricul bird's eye view o f things here on celves when applying fo r w ork. I ties. - - are w ithout rail earth. tural ■ districts, w -• hich The passage shows the proud Sales and profits should he 1 *— Lack o f experience is also a good ex w e „ m aln(ained | facilities In the case o f these c o m - 1 and self righteous, along with the cu »e but there ha* alw ay« been a de ' t|| t A dvisable m unities m otor tvansportation is in- human scum, all in lock step and mand fo r alien labor if it can be had th m om „ nt th(, fo j r indu,tries dispensible. m arching tow ard the pit. W e add al a «te. W .d c h a r e p o s p e r ln g most a, e ship T here are approxim ately five m il-¡th a t o f such, m any praise Christ as Civil Sevvice rules adopted by the building, meat packing, sugar, nnd b ° n passenger cars and one million a man hut sneer at His being tne Federal governm ent fit in the schem e paper; while the fou r that are least trucks on ou r farm s. These m otor eternal God. com e to die for ™Rn 3 o f industry. W e now find ourselves prosperous are utilities, gold m ining, vehicles ant a necessary part o f our sins R ead it. Ephesians 2 13 with m ore people over 50 than b e - ! finance com panies, nnd building. One t » ™ equipm ent, and the national in-1 Chvist stands at the d oor and tween 21 and 50 years o f age. Ability |g taking m ore or less o f a risk to tft'Pst dem nnds thnt rubber he made kn ocks O N E Turn against y®tir to w ork and not age should be the invest in any o f the above eight available for them. Nov can we Past record as a law breaker. Thp guide. Thousands o f people physic-1 groups at the present tiime R ather allow other necessary form s o f motor I Bible says that you sot aside God s ally able to do skilled and unskilled he should consldev one o f thp average transportation to break dow n for will to go you r ow n way and serve w ork are denied an opportunuity to groups, such as fire insurance, d a ir y ! lack o f tires. your own lusts. T W ° 7 urn aKain8J w ork because o f age. W hy not do products, g rocery chains, nnd hanks The tragio w ords T oo Little and your old rebel self that the Book T H R E E Turn away with such a fool rule along Certainly It would be wiser to t a k e , T o o Lat-> should not be allowed to names you to he _________ ______ with the question o f w hether we are those that have suffered most, rather becom e ; pplicable to our program to God and take forgiveness on the p rodu ction of syn tactic ground tnat Christ paid the debt — to have 40 or 48 hour week. Those than those that have su ffered least ' fo r the Christ died for our sins FO U R rubbev. over tile prescribed w ork ago are en Search the B ible; learn the m arching titled to a living. I f we deny them ! orders and w hat is required o f the o f a lig h t to earn, then we must L A T E ST ON Kt lilt Lit R »* D J T w ice-B orn. P ress forw ard in pray either pension them or let them R eaders will rem em ber that in pre •" D 9gS r v e a c iy er L ook aw ay from self and to starve. W e are supposed to be a Christ on ly fo r ' V IC T O R Y all the progressive civilised people. O f vious colum ns I told o f experim ents For Distribution w ay all the day. course, there are m any people over which were being made on tires to Girl Scouts have been w ork ing on or under this age line that are phys apply som e asphnlt gum o” other required no rubber, .the “ F ag B a g P ro je ct’’, w hich hags lcally unable to w ork and their pvob m ixture w hich • This is entirely differen t from r e -¡w ill he ready for distribution the lem is a d ifferen t one. treading by cem en ting cam elhack on week o f July 4th. F or those not in C loverdale, O regon It is tim e to get away from our to an old tire. T'.ltokol accom plish m iliar with the w ork, the girl scouts cast system as to the aged. If the T his space paid fo r by an Oregon es exactly what I have in mind. The have undertaken to m ake 50,000 Kag rule now used In industry was ap coat should be $ti to $8 per tire with Bags, which are sm all red colored businessm an. plied to congress or the Judicial or a mileage o f from 3.500 to 5,000 at a hags with a draw string, just large adm inistrative heads o f the various speed o f 40 miles per hour. The enough to holil a pneknge o f cigar . branches o f governm , . ent, there would material ia made ...... ..... bags Moth Control Essential from caustic soda, ettes and a few m atches The .r .' p a c e s aan n • chlorine, ethvlene and sulphu' Cans are handed sm okers upon entry into T q C o n s e r v e ^ V o n l e n s I . . ., .. . , tlo soda com es from salt; ethylene forest lands at ranger stations and industrv ° ° ex r* 11 u e p o* ,ona ,n from corn, wheat, oq any agricul service stations The theory is that Clothes m oths haven't heard about T’ * ¡tural w aste; while Texas has a sur ¡w hen a man reaches fo r a sm oke and the shortage o f w ool fo r civilian use. * [ plus o f sulphur. C hlorine is now be must op en the fag bag, he has bro o r if they have, they prefer to pur- Boost you r hom e com m unity news- ing allocated, but the production can ken his habit pattern, which m akes SUe their fifth -seam activities. T.iey paper. It boosts for you. Only ¡readily be Increased. N o a d h e siv e ' him think about cave o f lighted can be outw itted by a hom e defense This can- program , a cco id in g to Miss Faye SI per year .less than 2 cents a week material is needed or no natural or m atches nnd cigarettes reclaim ed rubber will be ’required ) tionary m essage is carried on a small N ichols, hom e dem onstration agent. The plan Is identieal with my orig- sticker glued to the hag. One o f the best year around offen 1 Tell your law yer to send your lo Inal forecast and should permit I. | sives against m oths is carried out j gals to this paper. 000,000 tiros .i month being treated by good housekeeping m easures, such j G E M S OK T H O U G H T S E R V IC E ns keeping all floors and rugs well 1 swept. Moths often get a start ir* a G R A T IT U D E part o f the rug under a heavy piece j or close to the wall ! G ratitude is m uch move than a o f furniture verbal expression o f thanks Action where it is d ifficu lt to sw eep thor- ' W ool t ags or old wool ' expresses m ore gratitude than speech ou jtily . clothes left lying around the house Mary B aker Eddy. are an ideal place fov m oths to bleed. | C icero calls gratitude the m other Lint or hair in floor cra ck s or under ' a .e an invitation to ! o f virtues, the most capital o f all base boards . . . duties, and uses the w ords grateful m oths to m ove in. nnd good as syn onym ous terms, in O rdinarily m otns d on ’t bother ' separably united in Lie sam e ch arac- clothes that are w orn frequently, but 1 ter.—B ate they soon set up h ousekeeping in a Every person in America may not w ool coat or dress that hangs in the fly over Tokyo, but every one's A man o f a grum bling m ay back o f a dark closet for w eeks nnd j eat 11 very poor dinner from silver m onths at a time dollars can help produce the bomb plate, while one w*ith a grateful heait Moths ca n ’t stand Lie bright sun crust K P no.- will the larvae remain in clo th may feast upon ing planes that do! Brown. es if they are given a brisk brushing You. you, you, can joui the attacks on Tokyo by saving at Is not that the truest gratitude T ake all w ool clothes out o f closets periodically, give them a good brush which strives to widen the horizon least 10% of your pay in W ar Bonds— by joining your com ing. and hang them out in the bright o f human happiness and to m ake our sun to air. pany's pay-roll savings plan today or going to your local fellow s sharers In that w hich has O nce w ool clothin g is free -o f ' gladdened u s ’ H. C. P otter bank or post office and buying W a r Savings Bonds— at least m oths, they m ay be put aw ay in pa It is another's fault If he he un per bags, w rapped in paper, or sealed 10% of your pay— every pay day. grateful, but it Is m ine If I d o not in boxes. give T o find one thankful man. I Remember you can start buying W ar Bonds by buying W ar Y ou r p ock etb ook and ch eck book will oblige a great m any that are are no longer just sym bols o f what not so. Seneca Stamps for aa little as 10c and that you get a $35 W ar Bond you can buy for you rself and fam ily (m aturity value) for only $18.75. No longer forw ard nor he rind W av Bonds are for you and youi I look in hope or fear; fam ily also fo r your country But. grateful, take the good I find Is your pock etbook volunteering as ’efirtment T he best o f now and h e:e a soldier behind the lin es” Help ----- \\ hittier your cou nty to meet Its Bond quota. Death of Okla. Writer The Aerial Camera for use on Scout and Observation and Recon- naisance planes is essential to both the Army and Navy air forces in planning battle formations and in ob taining information on enemy forti fications and movements. They look something like a cannon, and cost about $3.400 apiece. W e offer you a special 2- weeks course which prepares you toward a defense job and E A il\ m u WESTERN MOA WELDIf. TRAINING 9411 S. E. Foster Pood SCHOOL SU 5460 Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS O regon Mutual Policies are N O N -ASSLSSAB LE. Y ou N E V E R pay m ore than the prem ium on the face o f the policy. O regon Mutual m aintains m ore than three times the surplus required hy Oregon Insurance Laws. Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company o f M c M i n n v i l l e O rganized 1894— ..40 years o f Reliable Service Chaa. L. W alker, Agent New Location 112 So, 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 “E very Form o f P rotection " H illsboro, O regon » « u n —■ > ■ I » , » I , » » —■ «■ . — ' ' 'I ■ • -V.. a«i an g ft rrrrrg^fW iaT B W lIT P r S P E C IA L O F F E R ! to bring “ OLD GLORY” to every reader of BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE * Ì ‘ ] * S’T Would You Like This ★ 3x5 FT. AMERICAN FLAG? As a reader o f this paper, we are offering you an amazing opportunity to own a glorious, large Stars and Stripes” . Made o f fine, durable cotton bunting, with individually sewed stripes. Stars stamped in fast colors on a rich, blue background. This beautiful flag, when opened to its full majestic spread, measures FIVE feet long by THREE feet wide. OUR SPECIAL O FFER TO Y O U Show your neighbors that you’re true blue “ and proud o f it” — by flying "O ld Glory” o n every Am erican holiday. This great flag can be yours now — as a reader o f this paper — at the very special price o f only ^1*19, m ailed POSTPAID to your home. YOURSELF! 'p tm t(I h (Lauta* READER'S COUPON BF. W F R T n x EVTFKPRl<s|r BEA VE RTO N . ORRGON PI..M »end » . on. of your 5 ft. , J f, Am .nc.n iltg, « your »p «i* l Reader I offer price of $1 19 ponpaid ADDRESS CITY STATE STARS AND S T R I P E S F O R I V f R itr