Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1942)
~ ° l ' b r a r t O ltEO O x D E D I C A T E D T O T H E BE ST I N T E R E S T S A N D Y O L . 15, N O . 21 Beaverton, Oregon, Firecracker Sale Use Prohibited BY JAMES PRESTON * à D E V E L O P M E N T OF G R E A T E R B E A V E R T O N I'ri>la\. June 26, 1942 E S T A B L IS H E D UNCLE SAM S W ASTE LINE Customary Roadside Stands Not to Open Watch Your Investments Babson Discusses Industries Outlook BY JAMES PRESTON PATC H anil pray thats the ad- Sale or use of fireworks, pyrotech- New York City, June 26 Once a vice that William Batt. Chairman of nics, or other forms of combustible ‘ year 1 like to give ’readers a brief re- the War Production Board Require- explosives that may be used as signal ! sump of some of the various leading ments Committee, has given to the devices 01 as simulated gun fire has , industries. I am arranging these, men who are turning out war goods beeq prohibited throughout the state however, alphabetically rather than and consumer supplies in the nations of Oregon undei an edict issued by in accordance with their immediate factories As rationing of. civilian Lieut. General John L. DeWitt, Com ; Importance as they are changing goods is increased and it will be manding the Western Defense Area I their relative position each month. the same advice can well be applied and Fourth Army, Following are my condensed analysis to everyone in the nation. Any' person who refuses to comply Industries for Consideration Observers here are careful to point with this edict will be turned over to AGRICULTURAL. EQU IPM ENT out, however, that such do without the military authorities prividing a ; An essential industry. Profits satis warnings do not apply to products local ordinance does not cover the factory, dividends liberal. Farm pros that are not scarce at the present situation. perity should maintain post-war sales time There is no disposition to en- With the spectre of fire threaten AUTOM OTIVE: Practically en courage people to skimp on consumer J ing our vast forests, as well as cities Ixioks like a washday at the service station. Thos- fluttering objects. however, are tirely converted to war production, goods just for the sake of skimping and towns aval v pal lotto person specimens of rubbei goods turned in by patriotic citizens to help swell the national slock pile It j Profit margin down. Taxes up. VVur- Nevertheless, because of shortages should comply cheerfully with this is bplieved much reclaimable rubber is wasting away in cellars attics, so gas station opeiatois ! end outlook favorable in steel and other building supplies, wartime restraint, are hanging out lines of sugges tions ns to what kind of articles should bo contributed. A V IA TIO N : Outlook for manufac construction of new war plants will It should be noted that the sale 01 turing companies poor. Planes will be curtailed This means that exist use of fireworks, firecrackers, and ! be a “ dime a dozen”. Transporta- ing equipment must be used to the even cap pistols is prohibited thi oug i- | tlon units should boom after the war. New Vice-President limit, anil many more factories now out the entire state, in cities, towns, BANKS: Assets approaching new turning out peacetime pioducts will as well as in all areas outside incor highs. Low rates anil government be changed over to war production pouted cities Customary madside ! holdings make earnings moderate. Such conversions are going to take stands, usually located just beyond I Prices low in relation to book values. a lot of ingenuity in adapting old the limits of a city, cannot be opei BUILDING: Slump in residential Many interestin f letters have been machines to new jobs and in training ated' ‘ undei ‘ O tn.“ DeWitUs directive itu . i m „ . construction and Inability to convert received by Washington County Draft employees rapidly m new production General DeWitt s ordel. against sale 1. Navy Relief campaign eollec to war work have caused severe in- Board No 1 from boys who have tmns for the week ending June 20 nation techniques but there is little doubt of firworks applies to heldovtM. stock Should boom at war's end. here that these can be done, In this now m th(. hand„ of dea,ers thr boon inducted into service. Here are totaled $620.35 with three more com OH EM ICALS Vulnerable to ex- fen connection. officials point to the hhc as we„ as new merchandise munities Beaverton, Mountainside speed and efficiency that have char- Jit would llk'' to know nd North Plains added to the hon period^Raided by research Has "in'* acterized this change-over in the aRiirhT^n0 theUnaev v d ia h r S r ‘'"L"*, commlmiIt*es OVPr the top nation merit Subject to competition thousands of plants that have al fUii^nt in the na\\ I ha\p finished with their communities ovev the top D A IR Y PROOUCT^- Aided bv' ready gone all out for for war. nnn J ViHkS r r H t,aiai"K and with ‘ hei. quotas, according to Corn, government and U-nd Lease orders now waiting to be sent to Alameda ty Chairman O B Gates Noted for atnb„ ity income and In As far as civilian lationing is con cerned, th^ Office of Price Admin C.U„. to aviation machinists school l Tualatin is now having difficulty I creasing volume. Post-war exports 1 which will be around the first ol in its Dl iva u tsvo diffe ient chair-! uncertain, istration is working on an overall ra : July. tioning plan that will foice civilian m in a guaiil company now. men have been forced to resign on ac D E P A R TM E N T STORES: Short- Miss Hallie Jean Pace, daughter purchasing to follow the pattern of , 1 f Uait *!! * aio.u ri 1 u‘ tl.ain count of unforseen circumstances ages. rationing, and price freezing of Mr. and Mrs. Graydon L. Pace, of 1 available civilian supplies more Mg’ s a ion mi i inc i entci school arising, according to the county off setting large consumer demands. closely than at present More prod Beaverton, became the bride of Jul-I As soon as t iis pay aise takes ef chairman This leaves them with Immediate outlook poor. Peace would C. , Todd, of Grove, son ol i ucts are going to be rationed under ian _ „ _ Forest . _ feet, everything will be hunky dors but » per cent of thei, quota col- reverse picture the new set-up, although no one can Dr and Mrs S. A Todd also of lo r m iii . miss l.cavciton and the do - |, cted and now no chairman Any E L E C TR IC A L E Q U IPM EN T: Sales but predict accurately exactly what thev es* Gr2^e at a candl,e ce,emonv Re lf 1 ' ' ' ' ' husy one ling t,. volunteei i.. • this at record highs Earnings good but Pardon me mam, is that the Yoka work is asked to contact the county subject to heavy excess profits taxa- will be This much is certain Ou read Thursday evening .June 18, at horns chu! chu! at pier twenty-nine chairman at Hillsboro. civilian economy is fast going on a the Pace home by Rev. Cyril K tion. Capitalization Increasing. Re Boy we’ll give ’em a shine. minimum subsistence standard, in Gloyn of Forest Grove. Only one more week aftei this for newal of nppliance business and post- The bride was given in marriage ’ R A L P H D. W ILSO N the words of one official taising the quotas, as campaign is to wav exports will help cushion after by her father, wore a blue suit with Guard Co. Camp, Paul Jones, L S. end Saturday. July 4. nnd what dntc war adjustments. ------------ white accessories, with a white cor N T. S. San Diego, Calif. could he nunc appropriate foi the F IN A N C E COM PANIES: Hard sage centered with an orchid. Miss . completion of our drive with all com hit by elimination of consumers NEW S that the aircraft industry Phyllis Foe was the brides only at . muntties 100 pei cent? Come on, let's goods nnd restrictions on credit. has increased military plane produc- tendant and wore a suit of soldier; —Courtesy Journal Greetings Post-war outlook favorable. tion 85 per cent in the six months blue with black accessories, also wore Mis M. A. Ijiw iencv ol Multno ” '' :11_nyed here Friday evening and do it. F IR E INSURANCE: A basic ne since Pearl Harbor is viewed here as an orchid. Bob Nohlan» of Hills , ma.i Garden club, elected vice-preal have been outfitted. Space forbids K U Id k t — R u b b e r — 1{ obiter cessity. Not materially affected by another indication of the spurt that boro was best man. dent of Oregon Federation of Garden Riving y °u * ,p details, but needless Toe government has requested that wars booms, or depressions. Con- has taken place in war industries! Members of the immediate families i clubs at the annual convention held to to state s,a*e we wp are are getting wonderful all USO solicitors do all they can to sorvafiVely managed Excellent dlvi- treatment. We all feel fine. Thui generally. Plane output now is so and school friends of the young | in Salem last week. further the rubber collection drive in dends record great that it will soon exceed the couple were present. The rooms and i -------------------------------------------------- low Weed asked me to extend his conjunction with their drive for wai o o L D M IN ING : Suffering from ; regards and he will send a note late". total numbev of aircraft that all the table were beautifully decorated with Remember, that insuffieient government control of money, high funds. Cheerio. Axis countries combined can make. bouquets of blue delphinium and Pvt. H A R R Y M ALI LA. Co. E rubber collection will piobably mean ( ax(,M nnd operating costs. Immediate Not only are fighters and bombers white rosebuds libber and gas rationing How nlmut outiook clouded; but should come Reception Center, Ft. Lewis, Wash coming o ff the assembly lines fast- At the reception following the wed those rubber ehajr cushions, door ba(.k w„ h nfter.war inflation, er than ever before; they ate also ding Miss Jean Balfe served the mats and rubber mats in your autos G RO CERY C HAINS: Excellent coming o ff better, because they in- brides cake and Miss Maxine Thomp- I passed my physical exams O. K , the Jeeps do not have them. management. Very stable. Acting corporate many new fighting fea- gon presided at the punch bowl, am here at Fort Lewis now, I don't , well marketwise. No great growth tures that give them the edge on the The young couple left for a short We were issued ahead but the industry well balanced Washington county selective boards know where next. Axis stay at Seaside. Mrs. Todd was a our army outfit this morning and ! to meet problems of war or pence. will register all men between the graduate of Beaverton high school took a mental and mechanical ability M A C H IN E RY: A renl “ war baby” 20 years in the na W Learned Pacific * 1 ,md test. W e were given a shot in the v v e p Have n ave L -e a rn e a N 1 x o 0 t 1 1 h 1 1 i 1 n 1 1 s ; and h has attended ....... .„.H ie« university,1 Gon s fifth 'lK' selective service reg.stia , Record outputs and earnings One s where she will continue her studies arm last night. It wasn't too bad, u f the first to benefit from war; but From the Tragedy this fall, while Mr. Todd, also of Pa I tion from 7 a. m. nnd 9 p. m , Tues hurts some. Guess that's about all ' one of the first to deflate with peace. This registration in cific university student, enters the U. ; day, June 30. Thanks for the sewing kit. Of France M A IL O RD E R:: Sharply deflated More than 50 combine harvester . eludes all men born on oi* before S service Pvt WM O. HETZER operators of Washington County, due to war. Financial position j January 1, 1922, and on or before Donald Nelson, production c h i e f --------------- meeting recently in the Hillsboro Continued on Page 2 'June 30, 1924 Dear Ladies declares that, "if all our equipment |£a y e Lewis Candidate chamber of commerce rooms, agreed ----------------- Arrangements have been made by Just a line to let you know several upon basic prices ffo. combine work j u J now involved in war production were _ J , - , ., . *i ' board No. 1 _at Beaverton to regis- ] D a t e A u t o y #e used 24 hours a day, seven days a r O r ViO du^SS Ot Liberty J I ter June 30 at board headquarteis nt of us are near Seattle, living in for the 1942 crop aceoiding to VV . 1* _ tents, with none of the conveniences Cyrus agent week, we would practically double . . . . In agreeing on prices, I 3X S t a m p D u e on C ars Mr and the Manning building in Beaverton, the man-hour being put into military! Kaye I>ewis, daughtei of . , _ of home. However it isn't bad at Every owne’.* of a motor vehicle production” Nelson might have Mls Hugh Lewis, will he sponsored ‘ he " e8t U” 100 sctl° o1 or nt T '^ « " 1 all and the boys a.e all taking it operators were emphatic In insisting that they are only basic rates and which is used upon the highway according to annouce- brought home to the workers and to by the Beaverton Legion post as a | high school, fine. The weather is rainy and cold that field and crop conditions will should call at his local post office management, too. that Germany candidate for Goddess of Liberty at nient by Chairman R. W. Weil. most of the time. Officeis and non- determine the actual charge for a , and secure a $5 use tax stamp and For convenience of registrants works seven davs a week. 24 hours a «he Hillsboro Happy Day celebration coms are swell. specific field Cyrus added. For peas affix It to his vehicle on or before Beaverton special arrangements have been made day and what is more, she is work Kaye is a student of Beaverton Thanks again for your personal In nnd vetch in the swuth, a basic July 1, 19s2. The various post of- ing all production plants in occupied high school and a member of Bethel by board No 1 for men »o register terest, As ever ritory on the same schedule No 20. Job’s Daughters, Beaverton, Sunday, Ju»m ¡28. from 9 a. n. to 5 Gavlord Foster, John Miles, nnd Cecil price of $6 per acre was agreed upon flees will sell the stamps over the For combining standing fall grains, counter for cash only, and no mall It is estimated by informed Ameri- Oregon She is employed at Bedell’s p. m at the Manning building, boa'd Ladd. $4 per act4 was the late set. The order business with respert thereto headquarters in Beaverton. can industrialists that Fiance is now this summer ^ • _ , , Training Battery 202 C. A . (A A ) Se- majority of the group present agreed will be conducted by the postoffices, Announcement was made Tuesday ,,v . ,, „ . turning out war materials nt three Other candidates from the Eastern o. .„.-ioi „ . a »-ii, i,„ att|p’ Waah U. S Aimy. on a price of $125 per ne’ e fo r ’ J W Maloney, collector of Internal times the rate thev produced for part of the county are Doris Gillen that serial and Older numbers will be swathing. revenue said that he would send field assigned to the 18 and 19 year olds France before the German conquer- water, daughter of Mr and Mrs. E In discussing prices that should deputies over the state after July 1 ers took over It also mav be wor- A Gillenwater of Beaverton, route 3. who register next week on the basis Oregon Man Named be charged for stationary work, the to check up on motorists falling to thy of consideration by Americans by Women of Moose; Maxine Tiom p of theiv birth dates Director National thi c- hermen present indicated that display the stamps. Failuve to pur- The new registrants may not he that in the final desperate effort to son. daughter of Mr and Mrs E. B they thought the difficulty of getting chase the stamp would result In an Jersey Association called for induction, under the selec saw France ’ the men went to work Thompson of Beaverton, hy the ciews to operate stationary machines assessment against the delinquent like insane people working 24 hours Washington County Unit of Oregon live service law. until they taw W C Leth of Dallas. Oregon, wns would be so serious this summer that ear owner, he warned. The law k I I - but lf was Beaut y Shop Owneis and Opeiatois reached then 2<'t h Ini th d a y ^ ^ T h e j a day until they dropped ' • represent ths 11 1 it would be useli to ttempt to set also i |>s— lty o f ■ $25 fine Assn ; Janet Cornell, daughter of ; will be called in turn as they r< too late." western states for a three year per IV uniform price foi such work, Cyrus or a 30 flay jail sentence for failure But not even this terrible exem Mr and Mrs L. E. Cornell of Aloha, that age. iod, at the 74th annual meeting of said, , to secure the sticker by the Pythian Sisters of Hillsboro. plification of what dPlaved produc the American Jersey Cattle Club held Retailers Must File Price tion can and may bring, has inspired in Ashvllle, North Carolina, recently. Parade of W a r American industry and labor to give Beaverton City Owned This organization is the oldest live E. A. Griffith Heads Lists by July 1 their utmost. — Grand Junction stock breed association in America, Defense Council Heroes June 26 Lots Undergo Clean up Sentinel. Statement of ceiling prices for all include County Agricultural Agent. Rem ganizntion of Washington Special permission has been grant Mr Leths list of accomplishments countys civilian! defense leadership ed by the Army, for a parade of war Now is a good time for citizens to cost of living commodities required Instructor, was effected this week at a meeting heroes in Portland Friday, June 26, cut grass on their property, as aside 1 by the Office of Price Administra- Vocational Agvioultural Scrap to Beat from dangers of g. ass fires, it will , tion of all retail establishments hy Judge, Student and Oregon Jersey ,,f the defense couneil at 1 p. m. Residents of the Tualatin The “Jap” E. A. Griffith, Hillsboro, was chos Valley are extended an invitation to improve the looks of their homes 1. m u « be filed with the near Cattle Club secretary. Beaverton lots owned by the city «"t local war price and rationing en ehai man which office hereafter go to Portland today and pay tribute Have you ransacked your base have been given a thorough going board, according to OPA officials will be primarily concerned with pre- to these men woh have gained out- Florence Miller Heads ment, backyard or pried into the . cor- , ...„„g hv Mr Fiazei and Retailers from many western sidinrf over defense council meetings standing records in the present con- nets of you. garage for scrap to beat £ * , 'the 1 « . ^eek by M r * " a^ aadf aUtps have bePn sending these lists Beauty Shop Owners County Judge 11 D Ketkman, was filet. the Jap? After you have it as- he g,ass is .HI cut now Son, - of re(çional OPA office in San elected commander to head the or Mrs. Florence Miller of Beaverton, ganization with Major W W Wood- sembled. think about the junkman work was done wun a city Francisco and to state offices in Reports Home Entered pressured bv his impo tant role in truck towing a mowing machine The stead, causing delay in completing waa elected president of the Wash- bridge retained as co-ordinator, botii The home of P. D Weeks of West the Salvage for Victory and have citys power grass cutter has done records of Beauty jt|nnil w, re formerly held by the A maximum price must ington County r. association «I i \ » . . . ■ r, t * - ■- •< ..n il,. Slope is reported to have been en- Operators recently the material sorted when he comes very efficient work in cutting gtass be listed for each cost of living com Shop Owners and Major te ed Wdnesday, June 18, by prying I f you assembled old tires ----- ™ hot wa- along the streets This will eliminate „ modity sold by the retailer, although Other officeis are Lois Sheeley, Cor- The organization accepted the res ter bottles, shower curtain, or galosh- a fire hazard as caieless people often one entry for a group of Identical nel‘ us. vice president ; Mis Elna Ny- ignation of C T Kirhardson( Hills o ff the screen and entering thru a es. keep them In a separate rubbei throw away lighted cigarettes A purse, which lund Peerbenboom, Beaverton, secre bovo, as chairman, a post he has bedroom window. items is sufficient. pile Sort the various metals, and The grass on the citys park on tary; Mis I^>na Turner, Aloha treas held since Inception of the civilian contained no valuables was taken gather old rags according to their Watson street was also cut It ^a* and later found In the yard. urer Installation is set at Hillsboro defense program in June 1941. type of mate ial Sepai ite t ie oily been suggested that if a few ^Ubles En,t-~,tpi''nts on July 14. Donald H airy Ver »hum, Beaveiton, rags from clean ones I f you are not and long benches, also a sand pile, DO Y O U K N O W ? Spanish W a r Vets interested in selling you/ scrap call were built, parents could bring their m t le navy Raise in Beauty Shop your favorite charity to dispose of It small children here for the after RobPrt p Kaskey. Metzgei in the How the beauty parlor goes to Encampment July 5-8 ot else telephone the local Salvage noon A group of men could get Prices Announced navy The annual encampment of United waU T*«* Iron that used to go into a gether and make these things in a Thurlow Weed Beaverton, a. m for Victory committee H in p pn Spanish American War Veteran# is u_n.i "Ingle hair dryer is enough for six Announcement of h tim m m n cfi . — _ , _ . few hours Who will volunteer" Robert Campbell. Hiteon O mt of «ome forma of beautv work m MACduled at Aatona July ft to ft. The grenade* The city might be asked to put in aom forma of beauty uoik in .. of a memorial There are 80 ahota at the enemy in Guard Ration Stamp No. 4 water or a drinking fountain—W hat Andrew Lee, Reedville, naval train about It Mayor Masters? Good *une 14 to 27 metal “ they ing school. k :.,....... 1 , , , ! ?„ .... ..... I . » « . I « ~ * lance, i ."d parade and that w. soldiers many cartridges for Jesse Sipe, Cooper Mt„ navy.' ’ ; Elna s Beauty Shop reception in the new armor y for ev- rifle. Babies horn in spring have the Holders of war ration books ha\u' of Beaverton, and Turner's Beauty fr y ° nP- from June 14 to midnight. June 2i highest I. Q ating John L. Shetterly. Tigard, navy. The steel In an average raillo to use stamp No 4 In connection Roscoe I*. Smith, 4540 SW Kelly St phonogi aph would make close to a W E S T SLOPE Mrs Dowgaillo. (Thelma Peetsi Multnomah. Coaat Guard, stationad with the purchase of one pound of dozen bayonets. Prices are effective July 1 and In Mrs Walter Htlbers was taken to was severely burned by hot water at Bonneville. sugar The Newport News Shipbuilding elude shampoos, 50c; oil shampoos Emanuel hospital Monday evening and Drydock Co., Is the largest War Monday and has been home this Eugene Fearing. Tigard, navy 75c; scalp treatment, $175; and Prior to that time she had been con- Production Plant, employing 27,000 Mrs. Guy Carr is 111 at her home. week. Charles L Knowlton of Tigard, has feather hair cut 75c i fined to her home for two weeks men; the smallest is the Armstrong She Is wife of Tex Hilbers of Hilbers Mfg . Co . plant at Portland, Oregon, You have one chance in 20,000 to Joined the navy. Sign in a gas station— N O GAS 1 Vean E Robertson, Tigard, navy. TU R N IN RUBBER T O D A Y — ' be quirted in a Gallup poll Market and O.oceiy. which employs 1» Don't cuss me - cuss the Japs Letters From The Boys In Service More Districts On USO Honor Roll Hallie lean Pace Bride On Thursday, June 18 th * I 1927 5th Registration Slated Tuesday Combine Owners Set Hire Prices a a “ ci'nSr I .....................