Classified Rates T W O C<nU a word per issue. Minimum 25c CASH witn copy. We Publish the B t t V K I i I O.N E N T E R P R IS E M IL T .V O M A H PBBB8 T IG A R D S E X U N I X ALOHA N E W S Complete E a s t e r n Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage We assume no financial respon sibility for error* which may ap- pear in advertisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. 1XJR R E N T — Sleeping rooms, hot water day or night, Secon.1 and Franklin, Beaverton, N. B Whitford. FOOD LO C K ER S for rent— Beth any Grocery Store, Hillsboro 1114. M IS C E L L A N E O U S W ANTED I )Cil< 1 stoc^ picked up free of charge anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call CH 2403 or U N 0449. D E N I.E Y R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. H ID E S & W O O L. CASCAR A— A specialty. LE E B I O S , M SW Ciao, Portland. Atwater 5334. FOR T O W CARS call V E R M IL Y E MOTOR CO Phone Tigard 91 # P A IN T S FOR SALE 17 acres, about 10001 cords old growth fir, lots of big j cedars, year round creek, spring, 5 voom unfinished house 2 yearsj old, electricity, good road, n e ar' Laurel. »429 SWr 37th ave, Mult-1 nomah. J. B. Imlays & Sons ALOHA. ORE Drilling Company Shop Aloha «353 Residence Aloha 6137 . O. Address— Beaverton Rt. 3 522 N. W. Broadway St. Portland BE. 7056 W A N T E D — ------ Cascara Bark Dry Johnson St., Portland Oregon UDU rKIXOWB BAIXJUIOM So*. WML m . S»l lOttl M So I mo » E lll=lll=lll=llt=|ll=|¡¡=i¡i=¡h=i¡¡=ll|:=lll=lll=lll Good Food and Service PURITAN CAFE 1331 S. W. Washington— Portland Where Valley People M E E T & EAT É III= IIIS III= lll= lll=IU =lll=lllâlll=M I=lll=lll3 tli COMPLETE M PI!IKS if £ EQUIPM ENT FOR TIIE AND DAIR Y INDUSTRY ifìmmk Oriseli Ndnufdrturri K Distributor« €V£RYTMING r { + icm t « X DAI RYMAN 4 135 N W Park Riverview Cemetery W EST END SEI.LW’O OD B R ID G E CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete Funeral Service in N e « ( atli. ilral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverview is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over S800.000 MORNINGLIGHT CHAPEL Rose Chapel-Green Room Serene Beauty - Perfect Service I. P. Finley & Son 0 S E W IN G MACH. EM PO R IU M New & used machines, parts and repairs. All makes. Guar, perf sewing 826 SW 3d AT 0727. Portland. $10. Sunday only, Bend Rd.. 4th house on right, Tigard. ' 1 'I * 'l. | Crop Seed Growers I Advise d A bout Bags Washington county growers of winter legume seed crops were ad vised this week by Wm. F. Cyrus, county agent, to immediately contact theiv dealers and order the cotton bagr they will need to package this years' crop. The W a r Production Board has nl- loted seven und one-half million yards of Osnaburg material to bag manufacturers. This is sufficent to make approximately six million agri cultural bags, according to the war production board’s announcement, This material, available toi immed iate delivery,, has been diverted from wai purposes to make bags for seed land other crops in the Northwest. Because of time limitations on th e 1 supply of bags that any firm can ! have on hand, manufacturers and j distributors alike have been hesitant ! to take delivery of hags and mater- ¡ iail without having definite orders for bags. Unless this material, which ‘ has been set aside for seed bags, is ¡ used by manufacturéi s very soon ¡ it will be used for war purposes or 1 diverted to other areas for grain baf,s the county agent has been in- formed. Every grower of peas or vetch, I or other winter legume seed crops, I should ordev at once the bags he I will need or a serious situation may i arise at harvest time, the county J agent said. Besides being1 needed for war purposes, cotton fabrics are in demand to replace burlap for grain bags and the material allocat- for t*lrsp seed bags must be used or ** be taken for other pur- Poses Across from Public Market SCRAP RUBBER Old Tires, Rubber Il<ise, Hot Water Bottle*. Inner Tube*, etc. Gov't. Price* ( « J .I F O B M « BAG A M E T A L CO. 151" SW Front Aie., Portland AT. 3R68 ♦ • * Have you looked over tha ads this This is the time the flea beetles week? If not do so, they carry a start eating on tomatoes, beans, world of news. squash, and other ga. den crop To - 1 matoes are one of their favorites ! Tell your lawyer to send vour la- Rotenone dust sprinkled lightly on gals to this paper. the plants once or twice a week will keep them away. The plan* does not need to have a heavy coat of dust just a light dusty covering Flea beetles are particularly dis astrous on potatoes. They not only injure the top of the plant but there is one species of this beetle that works down into the ground and bur rows into the skin of the young tu ber. When the potatoes that have R EA D T H E worked on by flea beetles are peeled an extra thick pealing must be made in order to get rid of the black ills colored burrows left in the flesh of the potatoes just under the skin. One hundred percent control of flea beetles on potatoes cannot be expect- W ANT -ADS - v. 925 SW F R O N T A VE AT 3195 PORTLAND Truck Gardeners ORDER N O W For Bedding Plant* H A U / X ’ KS — BERRY TTN TOPS CRATES Coast Veneer Co. Foot of North Plttmhurg Portland UN. 1277 \y\\ " U// h tN * / / ^ \ S a v "¿CfsEERIO w ilii c h e e rfu l ^ 7 o O L L D D n v \ ^ ' ^ • - 0 S i . . V K E N T U C K Y S T R A IG H T e kl 1 it K. 1,10 ) H O I K U O N D V IIH K L Y ' L C H E E R F V E ß T S N .% M E D It* J *6 * £ 2 * P r* t . Vwifftwx» * 2 . 3D < | t. National Distiller* Product» Corp., N. Y. T>URt I ■'i W% \ V ‘f * . ( <• - ' -' BOYSEN BOYSEN BOYSEN BOYSEN BOYSEN BOYSEN W • 90.1 Proof PAINTS TRU-LITE ENAMEL 1 0 0 % PURE HOUSE PAINT TRU-GLO EGGSHELL ENAMEL O.C. PORCH ENAMEL FLOOR ENAMEL NU-LUX PLASTIC ENAMEL CtH°U JIM»1“ Hi or Savings— See l Veneer Plant Bands B U Y what you do need. . . S E L L what you don t need. - THRU IRRIGATION Zidell-Steinberg Co. FOR S A LE — Certified Red tag Burbank Seed Potatoes $3 50 hund Schuepbach Bros mile W’ Beav erton, Spencer Rd. Brick, Tile, Masonary I.W SE Water— Portland Kilns mt Gresham-Sylvan-Salem ? n-. PROTECT YOUR CROPS Zidell-Steinberg Co. B U L L S E R V IC E - 1 mile East of Tigard on Pfaffle road. Columbia Brick Works - S T R A W B E R R IE S 3c lb You pick 'v mile E Cooper Mt. school bouse. Merx. Hart Rd., R l. Bx 772, Beaverton. FOR S A L E 3 Gilts, bred to far row Aug 1; weiner pigs. Daniels, Walunt avenue, Tigard S EE Y O U R D E A L E R ¿ FO R S A L E — Oak dining set. leather covered chairs. buf*>t, 44- piece set dishes, crocks, 12 gal Has huge stocks of litigation Equip wheel-barrow spray, 30 gal. range ment such as boiler. Beaverton, R l, Bx 800, PUM PS. MOTORS. E N G IN E S , Allen avenue. S P R IN K L E R S , FIT T IN G S . PI*PE FOR S A L E Dresser, Couch, Now Featuring Bedstead, extension table, dishes, chicken wive A tools. Friday M O D ER N. L IG H T W E IG H T , PO R T ( A B L E IR R IG A T IO N SYSTEM S and Saturday at farm near Dur ham. Mrs J. E. Geiger. I Our trained salesmen will help you FO R S A LE Heavy cook stove 1 save up to 50G on your requirements K O IK T H AT M O N TG O M ER Y ATwater Î13I Brick Si Building Tile f • W A N T E D - Youngberry Pickers Pe> h»ps you will substitute a Sunday Picking will start about July 1st ^or Sunday drive. More 2 blocks E of 10th & Lombard, i *“ !in likely yrtu II discover more A. Bronkey, phone Beaverton 2735 a^ouf your community on loot than --------------------------- --- ------ you svsr did whan you lad the fam W A N T E D — 160 S T R A W B E R R Y 1 ily bus at youi , . command. , Or if P IC K E R S — IVill Start Picking you are a stay-at-home week ender, about M A Y 20 in 40 acres of ex try table tennis or badminton with ceptionally fine first year berries. the family and some neighbors. Some of you , having stored you cav ex R E G IS T E R N O W cept for business, probably will join K. T. W IL L S B E R R Y F A R M in the Victory Garden program. (forme;ly M. Hayashi Farm ) Other Mrs. Americas may discover Rt. 1, Box 251, Tigard, Oregon ways of keeping their husbands 1 ml W. of Tigatd, Walnut Ave busy repairing household gadgets W A N T E D - Eight to ten pickers ,,ver ( be weekend, for Youngberries about last of I • * » June. W . E. Wyttenberg, R l, Bx Sorry, milady, but the prices of your 295, Beaverton. new hairdo and manicure are not W A N T E D — Strawberry Pickers controlled by the retail service Very good, clean field. 2 mi West i charge provisions of the maximum Women buy 90 percent of the food on Bend road. Formerly owned I price regulation. You see prices of by Jimmie Haswike. Register' service are covered only if they a e sold in this country a good part of now with John A. Baggenstos, | performed in connection with a com- which goes into the garbage can Sherwood, Or., route 4. modity. That means, for example, while it is still edible. that after July 1, the effective date The Red Cross wants 500,000 civil of the provision, the prices you pay FO R S A L E ian women trained in home nursing __________ for drycleaning, laundry or shoe re- FO R S A L E - Trailer house. Wil- I pair will be on the basis of the high in order to release professional nurs son Fuel Yd., Call Beaverton 2491 j est charges during Match. But es for service. hairdressing is a personal service i FO R S A L E —12 doz small mouth and is not included. Fruit Jars, Ball, Mason, Kerrs. Phone Aloha 6483. Boost your home community news- I FO R S A L E -1 Airplane, class A paper. It boosts for vou. Onli A or B, gas model, $6 complete, Si per year .less than 2 cents a week with timer, wheels. no motor. Jim Havrisons Model Airplane Shofl. Beaverton. FOR S A L E Wood cook stove. 4724 SW Pomona St., Multnomah CHerry 1848. AT. 6461 by Northw* >• S\n.ireste. Iw x R A S P B E R R Y P IC K E R S Regis ter nyw. Call or write Enoch; Have been wonderlng how to Squires, mile west of Tigard, on d a weekend without t£ e family Asa Williams place. _______ I ^ ^ ^ ^ and gas? W e ,J[ PACIFIC COAST CASCARA BARK CO. De Laval CO UNTRE PRODUCED 2 9 .6 8 6 POUNDS Or WOOL /N/8SU . h i ' The color outlook for your ward robe is not drab despite the HELP W AN TED of dye chemicals. There will he red, yellow, und shades of blue avail G IR L to work in Beauty Shop. able though it is probable that mili Must be over 16. No experience tary colors such as green, khaki, necessary. Florence Beauty Shop, brown and navy will be somewhat re Beaverton. . stricted. Don't be worried that limi tations in the amount of chemicals RASBER RY P I C K E R S Want e d j available will result in poorly dyed Ready about July 1. C. Topich. | fabrics. It is expected that high R l, Bx 474, Beaverton, nr Coop quality fats dyes will continue to be er Mt. school. made. On the other hund, those RASPBERRY M C K ER S Wanted which are less expensive and not of Fred Luethi, Walnut Ave., Ti the best quality of fastness are use- ul fov certain types of materials. gard. A. M. JANNSEN S EP AKATOKS — M IL K E R S TirE Mrs. America Meets the War Well Drilling 1319 N W G R EA T IN D m F/G R T ER W HOSE CAPTURE O f THE EH NOUS CH/EETAN J0 JE F H . OCT. ¡877. £ W ED TH£ /NO/AH UAHS /N TH£ OREGON COl/NTRE/H FO R SALE1— 10 acres, 6 rm. mod.! home, fruit, nuts, out bldgs , 20 : min. from Portland. 30 min bus ^ service. 1 mile south on I,om- bard St., Beaverton -3425, ov 2964 Test Boring— Prospect Aids Irrigation Systems Installed on Easy Terms Prices Paid for Cascara Bark WANT Standing Timber for fiiewood. Louis R. Larson. R1 1 Bx 25, Beaverton. REAL ESTATE For quality, fair price and service Highest A N T E D — Room and board, care for girl 7. Also sleeping room for employed mo the.- . CH 1450. W A N T E D — Youngberry pickers about July 1, D. A. Beard, High I land Rd to Beard Rd. R l, Bx 335 G Beaverton. Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds FISHER THORSEN PAINTS R EED VILLE W A N T E D —Girls Bicycle, Hart Vampf Lawn Mower Shop, Canyon Rd nr Cedar, Beaverton. Those who are accustomed to hav-1 | ing fresh vegetables delivered right ! 1 to their door.* every day may find I that the Victory garden offers a way i lout. Curtailment of truck and de livery service in the interest of rub-1 | her and gas conservation will have! ( the effect of making fresh vegetables | less easily obtained from the custom ary delivery services. Deliveries i i will be loss frequent and, pet haps, discontinued entirely for some areas. By growing vegetables in the home | garden .a steady and easily available! supply will be provided when succes-1 Get it back in war production sion plantings of vegetables are made | throughout the season. Beets plant If contiol is attempted It is ed by June 10 will be ready for use. ‘ «■d. with reasonable care, by August 1 necessary to keep the potato plant to 10; lettuce, August 10 to Septem covered with the dust from the time ber 15; carrots August 25; cabbage, , it comes thrjugu the ground until That will September 1 to 30; turnips, August 101 the vines begin to die. to 20; rutabages," September 10, to mean usually six or seven dustings matoes, September 10 to 30; sweet1 nt intervals of about seven to nine corn, August 25 to September 15. days. and bush beans , August 10 to 30. Plantings of leafy green vegetables The 12-spotted cucumber beetle may be continued throughout June, i which works on beans, squash, cu- Jul.v. and August. There are many cumbers, and a few other plants, is locations where succession plantings one of the really hard insects to of vegetables for flesh use can be control. This beetle can be readily made during June ntul July to In identified because It lives up to Its name. It is yellow in basic color sure a steady home supply. 12 black spots on its back Extension Circular 377. A Monthly with Schedule of Suggested Operation* in Some kind of pyrethrum dust has Growing Vegetables for Home Use proven effective in controlling this Rotenone may be has vegetables listed for planting in cucumber beetle. but pyrthuun In June. (Jet a copy at the county of some benefit some form is recommended. agents' office. One quart Linseed Oil FREE with each gallon purchase. R em em b er, B u /se n Paints a re q u a lity products, the k in d the b est p ain ters p re fe r to use. Com e in, tell us w h a t you w an t to p ain t; w e 'll g la d ly help you seloct from the big ran g o o ' colors a n d e stim a te the qu an tity you req u ire I Copeland Lumber Co. 7730 S. W. 31st Phone Ch 1611 Multnomah Branch A. M. BIERRE, Manager b PAI NTS Ai aas?