Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1942)
Friday, June 10, 1012 BEAVERTO N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Pape 2 U . S . M a t i n Salvage for Victory Headquarters at Any Fire Station *»- Co/onei w h a t y au. ß u y y ju u M £ .B J iE M R Y Published Friday o f each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the poetofflce at Beaverton, Ore. One Y e a r — flix M onth s ..$1.00 T h r e e M o n t h s _________________ 9 SAo . Subscription .SO Payable WHO ROSE PR O M THE RANKS, WAS COMMENDED B Y THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY IN 1931 FOR1-INGE/tUITV. RESOURCE. FULNESS,, HARD WORK ANb A TTEN TIO N TO DUTY* WHILE SUPERVISING- QUARTERMASTER FUNCTIONS IN NICARAGUA . in Advance Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 Hillsboro Office— Room 5, Delta Bldg., Phone 1641 Portland Office—308 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder. Phone ATwater 6591 VVAIi B Ü ItîD S These huge 60-ton h eavy tanks cost $120,000, and A m erica ’ s auto m otive and locom otive plants are turning them out on a never-ending assem bly line. Our arm y uses light tanks, w eighing 14 tons, and m e dium tanks o f 23 tons also, but we fa vo r the medium tank o ver the other two. M e n tite si ' O rec ] o 0 N l w s p T p e r P U B11S h [ e Rß 4-StS J A T 10 N A Continued from Page 1 ‘"W rite your history In red on the breasts o f your enemy. Only those are fit to live who are not afraid to die for their country.” —General Douglas MacArthur. men and women. It is to you young sters facing bravely a new world that I want seriously to write this week.. I have said before that I envy you. My reasons are as fol lows: 1. You will have been a factor in saving the good things of this With already a total of 31,000 tons world against the gangsters of ç f in a of scrap iron and Bteel sent into war Europe and Asia. production activities, Oregon again 2. You will be acquainted with is “ going ovev the top”, said Claude the new Defense Industry which I 1 Sersanous, Portland, State Salvage will continue an important factor CHAMPION OF THE ORIENT IN 1936 AND 193 □ me LAST UN i T o r MORSE Committee Chairman, on his return after the war. . • AND AIL ASIATIC SERVICE LIGHT-HEAVY /MARINES IN PEKING. CHINA, to Oregon from attending a West 3. You will belong to the w o ld ’s! WAS DISBANDED IN I9Ì7 . WEIGHT CHAMPION FROM I9W TO 1931 INCLUSIVE ern States Conference of the War leading and greatest nation.! Production Board. when, after the War, all the i “ Oregon is leading the way in be world looks to us for guidance. ing the first state in the west to 4. You will see the airplane have all its county organizations F O U N D H IS M A N coming into its own, carrying completed and functioning. passengers and freight to all I.ike Hunting Needle in Huystaek “One o f the main features of the parts of the world, revolutioniz conference was the declaration that ing commerce. Some years ago a businessman the west coast would see a decided 5. You can have a part in re ! went to Chicago to hunt for the change in so-called ‘auto graveyards' forming and rebuilding democ Here is one type of food “ hoard- needle in the haystack. So it seemed within the next 60 days with mil racy; in ... fact the veterans of ing” that is being encouraged rather I to him as he sets out. He sought to „ , , lions of tons of available sevap met Wo.-ld War II may control poll- than f . owned on8 I locate a certain man. This man als going into war production from tics. must be a leading figure in the busi these sources. 6 You will enjoy a more sen 0 ,e *»'on householders who stock up ness world and also of the inner “ It was announced that Uncle Sam «ifilu r,t living wit.i . now . , of Chvist a followers. „ smie stnu.iur.i Manual or , . un flour for . , future . needs .. will . be . circle Such a has taken over his third auto-grave niueh of th„ r,recent,,.. helping prevent loss of wartime foods . " * . , , . . yard in the country, the last being and WMte ehm nated f00ll8hn‘ 8S reserves. Robert B. Taylor, chairman ! ° ne’ whe,n f ?und‘ , " as ,to ! ° ° k ln ° that o f the Lenox Motor Company of T I f vou are an exnert on some ,he state USDA war board, said ^ merits of a Bible plan that would Colmar Manor. Maryland. The own Phase of business with a 3 real m endorsing " the movement to "make ■ erf b« irood fo,J tbe f him. r y of God I f it seem pnase or ousiness. witn a ......... ... ........ tc ed good to him, he was to take it to er refused to sell his jalopies and re helpmate for a wife, you need cve,Y homo a gianary. a certain key-official in New York jected offers which the Bureau con have no financial worries Eve-y ext,H sark of flour s,ored in City and u:^e its adoption nation sidered fai'\ as was the case in two 8 You will enjoy new inven- homes now will release more than a ally. other instances since the salvage tions, new products, and new pro- bU9hel of wheat storage space, Tay- Daily, before the searchers set program got under way. cesses not yet discovered. These *or Oregon wheat farm- out, ha prayed as Christ directed— '“ Scrap purchasers” , said Setsan- will give further new openings. c,s a" ' doln* their utmost to provide ous, ‘“ have been instructed to report I 9 You are fortunate to enter fiv'’ mil,ion bushels of new storage "Ask, and it shall be given unto you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it to the Bureau, any instances of re business without the handicaps of 8Pace for this years C*°P' but theY . . . , r . „ . „„„ „ Matt, fusal to sell by graveyard operators. having been trained in the "good 1 have be,n handicapped by scarcity of f » 11 °Pen®d y° U, In such cases an investigation is old rfavs" which vom on rents i materials, he said. |T7. So dld the visitor seek out the made and where it is deemed neces- m|sa I The movement to encourage pat"i-i local leaders and sketc.i what he sav.y requisitioning procedure fo l 10 Most Important of all. you otio “ hoarding” of flour as a means, had. At length and miraculously he lows. When the Bureau is forced will witness a great spiritual ‘ of •°>v‘ n8 *h« «rain storage problem wa« led to the right man. One who to resort to its requisitioning power, awakening in which I sincerely was proposed by a Bremerton, W a s h ! be:aded a nation-wide buslneas; a the entire stock of cars, including hone vou will take a most active newspaper, and has been endorsed by j leader in Chitstian affairs and who all parts, is taken from the auto- p&rj the governors of the three northwest | at the ve’ y time was in prayer over a letter on his desk. This letter graveyard operator or dealer.” s »I' • i if stfitos. m e . . . 1 Perhaps the surest way to promote was from the very official in New depends on the Of course, much I s|Jch buylng wou|d be to hint at pos- York City and it asked for a plan It may last j sible shortage, but that would cer That the visitor had. GEMS OF THOUGHT SERVICE length of the War. some years or it may be over within tainly be sketching the truth, says So it was that when a strange twelve months / One thing I am j voice over his phone, asked if the LOVE certain, namely, the longer it lasts, | a^ man of affairs would be interested in Dove of God and man is love of the greater opportunities it will i such and such an idea, the circle was offer to those who are alert and an-1 good and its expression.—Yoder. completed.. The visitor had found xious to be of real service. Right i his man; the man had his outline Divine I,ove always has met and now young people can render great ' I and the New Yorker could have his nlwayA will meet every human need. service by keeping calm and helping I answer. The Chicago man not only - Mary Baker Eddy. j others from getting excited and g o ' ' thought well of the plan but he also ! off half-cocked. Too many people | put thousands back of it to try it Love, In its highest manifestation, — u|d and young are not showing! | out and hold it up until the nationu! |" th«^ rilcb2,,_tl ™ na} ,Pe? “ a8lV.e' m.? Mt the courage necessary to face these | bodies might take it over. This they powerful thing that God has to offer | j wartime days. They are running ' did and for years now, it has yielded - it is the only weapon we need.- ! around, waving their hands in the i Vich blessings al home and abroad. ltev. U R L Shepard. jair and saying. "What will l do? Describes Men W e Even as the visitor to Chicago Just tell them to Love is the hardest lesson in ! , What , . can I do? Need Nowadays that summer, had his part in God's Christianity; hut, for that reason, It bo‘d ° " a down- Bnd Hello Folks: Dawggone, I wuz a eternal purpose, so—as one bought should be most oira care to learn it. , *ake '* **•?.. Furthemore my young friends, don t you jump through the thinkm the othei day tha kind of with the blood of Chirst—you have - William Penn. To this end, you first hoop held before you. Consult statesmen we need nowadays. I your part also. To embrace the whole creation with your parents — they’ve been think we have got some of 'em but have a pad of blank checks given you and each signed with Christ’s I f In disagree mat the Ix»rd give us more of ’em. with love sounds beautiful but we through the mill. You are to fill in the need Me;- as lofty in thought as our An: name. must begin with the individual, ment with them try compromoatng. Fill it in and Christ After the War. much pressure will uriean Eagle can fly. men as inipres for that hour. with the nearest J. O. Herder. be brought upon you to join this sive as our plains and populated with will see that it is honored, only so For— Love rules the court, the camp, th e. group or that group The age-old as big st >ng ideas as the buffaloes it is for the glory of God. grove, question of world expansion ov na that used to roam 'em, men as <iuick “ Whatsoever ye shall ask in my For love is heaven, and heaven is love tional isolation will again come up. to defend their homes as the rattle-', name, that will I do, that the Father Blocs of one kind or another will be snakes that used to co operate with may be glorified in the Son." John Ijib or problems will again the little owls and the prairie dawgs 114:13. Tell your lawyer to send your le- formed be in th<^ forefront. Even if many in keeping out invaders, men who! May it be youv life business to gals to this paper. of the Administration's wartime believe in God an religion ns strong! plead before the throne for what will powers are revoked, new social order as the early settlers who sailed give glory to God. You are the con- schemes will arise to take their across the windy ocean to spot and necting link. God wills it; the Holy , place My advice is to avoid all of settle in a land where they would not Spirit lays it on your heart; you 'these Go quietly about your busi- be herded aroun" hy anybody a tak- plead it; Christ does it and God is ness. keep your own counsel, he not in’ away their religious er politiknl , glorified. Press ahead, looking to talked into or against any faction liberty, where one man can be just Christ who SAVES KEEPS SAT- Such cycles come and go. Du' ing as good an another and sometimes ISFIES all the way all the day the coming one there will t>e marvel- n little better by the life and work I ous chances for the young people he does fer others. And men like who keep their eyes and ears open, these need women who can do some ! their life clean, and their mouth thing besides cuss, drink, smoke :■/ Ev«ry Pay Day Clovtrdale. Oregon 1 shut! paint, and flirt. B ILL This space paid for by an Oregon businessman. ; These heavy tanks are needed for certain phases o l modern w arfare, and with their thick arm or and heavy-gauge guns they a re almost unstoppable. They are considered superior in gun power, in m aneuver ability and in the power of their huge tractor motors to A xis tanks. A m erican s everyw h ere are helping to pay for these monsters of war through their purchase o f War Bonds. Invest at ha: t ten percent of yo'.'r ireom e in War Bonds every pay day. S irj t rfartmeni Our Job Is to Save Dollars Buy War Bonds I------------------ i «Mi » linn \ Mimtfsm v ' ri*< Il4’ 4 a ¿H i j / { ’" i m o inn* ¡¡o ! ftriMiKf i ••■Utica ! ^ / •'<. i ' . • u m p’Y°: ♦su«' HO j , -W h Ü ! ru -C «IVMISítt Siiiin.iiin •11*411» l " 1,M -------- . 'ul113 * i y Ac O , \i ;-r*S3?355 . ■ ivi-4-ii $;$ too JUMBI Imeni»*« V .... v - 1 «1* 000.000 !----------- y “V n t 'I S I I 30d yriTJUT* r T iif r 249 cùj il? DOMS« HIM i l l i - 0' ¿ -r..T .T .ú o «u ) u n n i t iu s h iy K P lU M th T IIGUUS • •cm m i 'I i n :*t< • I i j 4 : j * 1.9 • *»• ’C* 1 * 5 j .;•» iMNCia G IV E DA D r s h ir t s Arrow S H IR T S 1'wnev \\ .amply T |£S Nor-Must < henry J|£ S »ilk Interwoven (|QSE Phoenix |{0SE »telson h a t • P U y k )j S 2 25 S 2 25 — The t . ■ ta for ihe nation tnll . > ,>( ane hi'li' n dollars per mi»nth eifecti.e in July. This «am i« neep'sary to provide for all^>ut production of gnns. ships and munition« adequate to arm our lighting men with the tools necesssry to win ths war. f uUer & .ini iob.VUi» vour Vulicn-orc or d esi« today t o <3 FU LL€ R ' Blooming Continually • POINTS the if la s t Plant Now and See the Late Novelties at Swiss Floral Company 1920 NE 7th Av., Portland Save 20 to 2 5% on your FIRE IN SU R A N C E C O ST S Oregon Mutual Policies are NON-ASSKSSABLK. You N E V E R pay more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three times the surplus required by Oregou Insurance Laws. Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company OF M cM IN NVILLE Organized 1894— . 40 years of Reliable Service ('lias. 1« Walker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 “ Every Form of Protection” • V i - l l l l u E T E T ' rVa r n i i Hillsboro, Oregon «I - a . . — I . * ■. S P E C IA L O F F E R ! to bring “ O L D G L O R Y “ to every reader of BEflUERTON ENTERPRISE ★ ★ j * 1k ★ Would You Like This 3x5 FT. AMERICAN FLAG? As a reader of this paper, we are offering you an amazing opportunity to own a glorious, large "Stars and Stripes". ¿Mack o f tine', durable cotton bunting, with individually sewed stripes. Stars stamped in fast colors on a rich, blue background. This beautiful flag, when opened to its full majesttc spread, measures FIVE feet long by THREE feet wide ★ ★ OUR SPECIAL OFFER T O Y O U Show your neighbors that you’re true blue "and proud o f it’’- by flying "O ld G lory" on every Am erican holiday. T his great fla g can be yours n o w - a s a reader o f this p a p e r - a t the very special price o f only $1.19, mailed P O S T P A ID to your homo. 'k « TÀ arifom e O h ( | R 1 A P £ R~S C O U P S I 00 V pr. S I 25 V nr. ORDER S l> ° S 5 00 I s 4 M S. W. W a iliafio * PORTLAND ! Ò 2E S I 00 “G ift B o x e s F re e " The above m ap of the country shows the War B int. Quota by state« lor the month of June totalling $ 80 « 000 000 . E v ery b o d y every pay day is expected to mve«t at least ten per cent of his income In War Rond« to aid in financing A m e rica 's offensive again»! the A ils powers. ,ervw c> “ FUCHSIA Panic Evacuation Should bombs drop on Oregon cities, it is of vital importance that no hysterical attempts at evacuation iron» communities be permitted Auxilary air ’.aid wardens of the I county defense councils aie directed' i to be on duty not only for the full 1 period of the raid but long enough 1 after the “ all clear" signal sounds to prevent panic-stricken mass niove- i ments which migkt impede the effi- , : cient operation of military forces and ; civilian protection agencies ran do your*ett. o* p»«nl of painting counKl- Here's Chance To Hoard Stock Flour / Tell your lawyer to send your Is. i gals to this paper. Babson Says. ... M A C A R T H U R IS M / H #/i»s Arrangements have been made with fire stations to accept metal, rubber, rubbev cloth, phonograph rec ords, etc., donations for the Salvage for Victory campaign. When suffi cient amounts have been received ! they will be sold and the proceeds used to help finance Civilian Defense. The fire stations do not wish waste paper inasmuch as they lack facili ties td store under cover. Salvage material may also be sold , or given to dealers or established I charities willing to accept them. ” F^ J F R K TO TO V V E N T | F m R ; PR H ; m i >. jr EN B E A V E R T O N , O REGON W h $I ffod (DC one of YOuf W t * i f f A .pvc,»l Head« » cJer of 5 , 7 , ^ : , ^ “ . (jjF \ 1