D E D I C A T E D T O T H E BEST IN T E R E S T S A N D Y O L . 15, N O . 2<) D E V E L O P M E N T OF GREATER B E A V E R T O N Beaverton, Oregon, Fridav, June 19, 1942 Turn In Yóur Rubber Now Local Mention People Urged To Help Law E S T A B L IS H E D 1927 S Â S K Î « * * Business Oilers To Youth Ralph E. Campbell of Fort Sill. Texas, who had a 15 day furlough, visited his aunt Mrs. A1 Butts and To provide emergency assistance also relatives in Pendleton. during a possible air uttack, the A reception was held at the Beav­ county is divided into f our control erton lodge rooms recently following centers Forest Grove. Hillsboro, BY JAMES PRESTON the regular business meeting. Beaverton and Sherwood Reclaimed Rubber Can The Home Front Has a The country is in revolt at least, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Denholm. _ , , _ , Hillsboro control center area in­ Babson Says Great Oppor­ that's what many Congressmen think Keep America Rolling who were married at the Tigard Odd JOB 10 00 On odOotcigO cludes Hillsboro, laurel - Scholls, tunities Await June Graduates an they read their mail these days. Fellow hall recently, Mrs. Elna P * 1 ! No th Plains Bethany and Aloha dis- I f the American public can salvage and an rybloom, who's husband is in the An to Protests from the folks back home Babson Park, Mass , June 19—As , appeal . ... t.ie people ..... . tricts. Beaverton area, with J J Me- outline of public responstbilty to aid _____ Mahon ;us ... chlef inciude, Beaverton in some recent past years, school and are pouring in—protests about the enough rubber by June 30th, mo­ service were honor guests. _ __ torists may avert gasoline rationing A mock wedding was put on In 'ttW enforcement officers in times of ¿strict only, and Sherwood district, i college graduates a.e not faced this administration of many of the cur­ rent wartime controls, particularly and get lecapped tires. Almost every which Mrs. Myrtle Hardman acted as great stress and danger to our com headed by W S Bowen, includes the month with p.ospects of unem­ ployment. The majority of male those imposed by toe Office of Price attic, . basement, barn, and , ... garage is gtoom for the occasion. About BO monwealth is a most timely exhorts Sherwood district only. Administration and the Office of « " untapped reservoir of idle rubber were present. The tables were beavi tlon. graduates will shortly enter some District defense directors should As is pointed out, never before Price Administration and the Office J ° d* y ‘ "tost urgent problem Is get- tifully decorated and a decorated For place their facilities at the disposal branch of the armed services. Defense Transportation vice station bridal cake cut. The guests of have we been faced with the imminent of the control center chief of their those having a deferred status, jobs danger to our farm and forests from The majority of the protestors d*Püts President Roosevelt .las au- honor received lovely gifts. will be plentiful with government Always we have area in order that all protective fa­ agencies and armament industries seem to realize that some controls W. L. Myers returned Saturday enemy sabotage. cilities in any area may be promptly Young women, are essential for the duration of the U. S. to serve as a collection center from a trip to Montana state conven had the danger from carelessly sta ­ mobilized, according to a bulletin taking the cream. war. But they don’t want the con­ in this all important two-week em­ tion Christian churches at Bose ted fires, from the smoker or hunter sent to district and community dilec­ too, who desire employment also ergency drive. man. He left Thursday afternoon « bo thoughtlessly left burning ma tors and headquarters staff of the have little concern. The status of trols abused; they don’t want more restrictions than are absolutely ne­ Nothing Too Small for the C. E. convention at Sumner. terial close to dry grass, or brush or defense council by Lt. Col W W. women in business and industry has Everything counts—Fido’s rubber Wash., which is in session three day* in tinder dry forests. We huve al grown vapidly. Even without the cessary; and they want to be sure Woodbridge, co-ordinator. War many girls would find jobs open that when the war is won the con­ bone, the youngster's outgrown play­ Mrs. Ross Guiley, and son and ways had to be on the lookout for things, Dad's old fishing boots. Control center area chiefs, it is to them today which a few years ago trols will be removed. daughter from Eugene, we.e Sunday such inconsiderateness on the pa't of Wage stabilization is still a burning B) Grandma's leaky hot-water bottle guests at the home of Mrs. W. L a very small portion of our populace suggested, should appoint a deputy would have been thought impossible and hundreds of other discarded or or an executive to act for them in Never, however, have we had to be for them to hold down. issue as presures continues for an Myers, her sister. effective check on all the factors unnecessary rubber articles are need­ Word was received Tuesday by on the alert to protect our forest case of absence during an emergency Recognize the Signs In spite of the War, conditions in that contribute to inflation. Ob­ ed to help win this battle of rubber. Mrs. W L, Myers of the safe retufn from deliberate sabotage on a pos- ' hey are also asked to designate a everybody’s job—start today! of her nephew, Stanley Trimble, who sible coast-wide scale This year, police reserve of five men. under a our country as well as throughout servers here believe that President It's be available for the the world artl better today enemies from within could do a tre- leader, who will Roosevelt will be requested to set up » * « ’■L a s w e a te d list of things to was ladio man on the illfated Lex How I - board , to ______ „ „ look and for direct and na take to any service 'he count y sheriff during an enVy the young people now now graduat­ a coordinate ington. which was lost in an engage mendous damage with carefully plan U8,‘ Likewise, enemy planes emergency. ing today How I envy the young tlonal stabilization of voluntary wage station ment with the Japanese. He is vis ted fires. Tires and Tubes, Crepe rubber iting his parents in San Diego, Calif could spread destruction, confusion Thomas H. Bailey, chief of enter people now graduating from school agreements. Armed with a White Boots and overshoes, Hot Mr. and Mrs W. L. Myers” plan to ,lnd chaos the length and b eadth of gency utilities for the county defense j and college. The will play a most House directive, the board could soles, the state. council, has been named liason offi important part in our future prog- step into the field of negotiated wage " ate‘ Kb° ttles' Tennis shoes, Rub- leave Monday for the state conven „,1 m o f « e with v e r several p i w ennns ber belting. Rubber gloves tion of the Christian church at Turn An informed and vigorously alert cer between the county control ceil vess. My only regret Is that I am adjustments weapons Pads and matt­ er*. Oregon They will have charge people can do much to make impo ter o f Multnomah county and city of not young enough to grasp the many Among other things, it could de­ Rubber sheeting Rubber toys Raincoats of a restaurant on the grounds dur tent such attacks, if they will heed I oitland. j wonderful opportunities which lie clare ’’disputes'’ and certify them to ing Rubber heels Rub- ing the convention and for the warnings. Be constantly on the alert A T. Cavaness is the new Coopei within the reach of today's youth. I the W ar Labor Board, which now and capes Bathing caps yOU{ bs convention which follows for has the power to adjust and dispose het Bathing suits l’u' ol*t small fires, or it too large. Mountain community director in i wish I was starting my own life all Io rings Plumb- two weeks. Jar b*' sure t.iat fire authorities are no place of Ross Hart, who 'resigned over again. When I graduated from of all labor disputes wTiich may af- and shoes fectTthe^conduct^of^the' w a r; it could er’s suction cups Sample tire Miss G. M. Gilchrist of Great Falls tified at once. That much every due 4o pressure of other duties. college in 1898 no such advantages Rubber ash trays Rub- Montana, is a house guest for the citizen can do. ! and opportunities awaited me as al e have the W P 0 Labor Division nego­ sections etc. week at the W. C. McKell home. w >"’ that our forests are protected, Buy W ar Bonds Young people who have reached to re-negotiate contracts with firms the age of majority and have com­ Wilcox Memorial hospital Tuesday » ° that vitally needed lumber gets so that future profits would be cut evening to our soldier boys wherever they are For lune Quota pleted their formal schooling can to a point where companies could j Mrs W. C. McKell and Miss Juli the globe around, fighting our fight , .. . . . . . . . make o f theiv future what they are not grant pay raises. June is the test month in the pro- wl,lin>, to put into the effort. VVhlu, ette Carter were joint hostesses at for us. We must keep Oregon green Whatever the methods used, opin- j gram fo. voluntary purchase of War circumstance have much to do with a luncheon Tuesday at their home - ion here is that some way will have _____ __ ____ _____ ___ __ Bonds. The Treasury department SUCcess in any field, nevertheless to be found quickly to prevent wages ~ w ” ” F for; Miss IVin Grace and Mis W M has been given until July first to hard work, concentration, and good from getting out of hand and push- ; The fifth selective sevvice registra- Young of Portland and Miss G. M prove that the people of America can personal habits are still responsible ing prices up. j tlon is scheduled for Tuesday, June Gilchrist of Great Falls, Montana. do with a free will what the peoples for tbf> difference between success -----■------ - ,30th, from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. All Mrs. Luella Miller of Goldendale. of t ie Axis countries have to do by and failur,. Above everything else, Legislation to prevent labor unions men between the ages of 18-20, born ; Wash , has been visiting at the home foice. During May Washington tbe ability to recognize the signs of from escaping liability under the fed- on or after January 1, 1922, and on of her son in law and daughter Mr. In order to relieve the congestion ( ounty and Oregon went way over the times and the openings they pro­ eral anti-i acketeering laws is sched or before June 30, 1924, are required and Mrs. Otto Keil for t'.ie past two in registration for home canning! _ ... _ vide is of Importance. Let - us uled for eavly consideration on the to register. weeks. - . . .. .. , - 1 th®.toP'. — — — prime »-.....- ■ —■----------- ------ House floor. A bill introduced by Every male citizen of the United Mrs. L. D Malm returned to he. f"K «r and better serve the people at Washington ^ un‘ ‘ ‘ !* June briefly examine the outlook today. Representative Hobbs of Alabama in states a n T every o t L ^ m a le person home here Thursday of last week Hillsboro ration board office a five ruv '*“ rt Vou wiU effect would repeal a recent Supreme fesiding in the c o .u L n ta United following an enjoyable vacation of da>' special registration has been a. «h u h m eM w w e must buy «0«, •m ore l f you aVe old enough to graduate ----- - - - - --------‘ - labor ‘ esimng in tna conunental united g h; visited her son ,Bnkud for the county court room According to the first and f rom college you are old enough to or *" irt ln* the T Territory of i . A,a8Ka Alaska ¡‘ "T , a w ..... ........... Captain ..... . r, r» ‘ the courthouse Frldav second quarterly quarterly ’ ’ r r eports childish thoughts ihmurhi. and" ond hab unlons dferom°nco^em geeXby ^ e ~19$4 Mates °J r* 7 ° 'y o ™ _________ daughter” Q "B ««u rt house in «" Hillsboro Hillsboro F rid a y' «-cond eports coming coming into into nut put aside aside childish unions from cove.age by the or In the Territory o f Hawaii or ... g “ " dpe“ ^ | f rforC2P;h 0vt time « " d Saturday, June 19 and 20, and I ‘ he chairman we are not doing this. fts. You are old enough to act act like anti-racketering act x Lit* i r v i t 't i is r i* u u 11 t, ti iin - iiir if * . . *v> •• . ■ - 1 - - - -- - 11 r m i i «■ , , • vg f »•*» « * • » . « r . , b .... . I uerto Rico is tequiied on June 30, ,, __ o_v..... Mondav. Tuesday and Wednesday, Strawberry pickers, canners and Labor spokesmen and some Ad- 1942, to present himself for and sub- also her mother Mrs Celestian Schaw ^ m ia y . Tuwtlay and June 22, 23, and 24, according to «Tower* must start making their Continued on Page 2 ministration leaders are urging mit to registration before a duly des r a* Robert, Idaho, and a brothei a^ plans announced Wednesday by , Bond investments right now if wo xi 1 L1 .. L. .. . . . J /vt la » t.iil n t i i ' n a n 4 jection of the bill on the ground t.iat ignated registration official or selec- Floyd Schaw and othe ielati\cs Chairman Elmer L. Johnson. : a,'o ft°>ng to be able to meet the lt would p. event any type of trans-: ^jye serivee local board having ju.*- Blackfoot, Idaho. Registration hours will be from I June quota portation strike and would invite an ' isdiction in the area in which he has Eiank C. Pulver, son of Mrs Lau 8:30 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. with volun , every income day is the goal anti labo." movement in Congress. I bjs permanent home or in which he ,ra Pulver ot Portland, and fot for a*l- all. is a compulsory If there Is Key provision of the bill is con- may happen to be on that day if merly of Beaverton, recently was teer helpers assisting: registrants. Sugar canning registration is con-1 plan put Into effect the vate will be 1 . . . f om tbe fhnnute Field, tained in this sentence: Whoever 1 such male citizen or other male per- graduated this week at Tigard and ! n°t less than 15% with the redemp- air tinuing of the the hi my — in any way or degree obstructs. gon bas attained the eighteenth or Illinois, blanch of .. . Johnson noints out The i tion feature withdrawn, lays, or affects commerce, or the the nineteenth anniversary of the f ° ' ^ ^ c h n ic a l tra in in g school, arm y ‘ ^ e i . J hnson points out , Nine on* ot 21 Washington county special vegist ration held at B e a v e r t o n _____________ movement of any article or com’ : day of his birttj on or before June announcement stated. handled auDi oximatelv 2V)fi trmlira ' communities are on the honor roll modity in commerce by robbery or ^ 1942, o. the twentieth annivers Mr and Mrs L. D. Shellenhergvr ^ and Sherwood took took care of o f ! Americanization W ork for having reached or exceeded their extortion, shall he guilty of a felony of the dav o f h.s birth after Do l>a«l f«>. tb-i: house vu. s s the,, two ' - - « < *'.ok ear. of quotas in the USO-Navy Relief cam to the chair Functions Locally „ Icembe.’ 31, 1941, and on or before daughters Mrs. OscfU Effenberger v o id in g paign. County Chairman O. B. Oates The recent o.-der of the W ar Man- June ^ m o and ha8 not heretofore a"d sons of Tillamook and M.s Elm- • A branch of the work of American- f'*porIU co“ ec,lon‘ ,fo' the week end- power Commission requiring many , been registered under the Selective * r Hamden an<| daughters of Klam b informed bv st iff heailmmrtpiH ,13 us 95- which brings employees in war industries not o T l.ainin/ and Service Act of 1940, as ath Falls fhM thivCannot* . . f out f town ization, is still functioning In Beaver the June county up to 92 ch an ge their jobs is regarded as only amendod nnd the regulations pres Carson C Murrajl son of Mrs ‘ hiat tihe> canrn.it se.vi reg i.trin ta ^ ? ton with R. B Medill in charge. Ac the countV UP to 92 P «r cent of its $5.500, the first of similar orders to come, cribed thereunder Eunice Murray and Miss Lorraine E ° ‘ ° ut ol cou" ly sugar registrants or cording to Mr. Medill this is the only q '1*’ ! * 'We now have but two weeks as Pie Commission works out details offices of Iocal board Beaverton, Erickson were married in Portland ^ P" Ca^ 3 Un^'' “ f,* r n ^ h s v e * thJlr one carried on in Washington county after this week to complete our Drive of its plan for wholesale mobiliza-. ' Ql eKon Manning Sunday, last week Mr. Murray, who Is now d h® ^ a" d haVe thetr through the mail Oregon, Manning buiiding. building, Sunday, Printed lessons are sent to aliens 18 1° close on July 4, so the tion of workers for war work. | June 28 1942 9 a m to 5 n m >n the marines, was a former rest- 'icoiu s iian su iieu .• .u » I June 28, 1942, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. , *n . „ . , Permission has also been granted through the mail, nnd this includes committee is especially requesting all Government officials realize that Tuesday Juno 30 1942 7 a m to 9 dent of Beaverton and attended the for retailers, if their supply of sugar, many Japanese In concentration chairmen, whose communities ars industry must have many thousands p m public schools here. Star is low, to give part delivery on sugar camps, who answer and return them 1 bel° w 100 percent of quota collec A , committee of Eeastern of skilied employees ^ « ‘s to ^ nn West Union School, District No. 1. of Mesdames purchase certificates, it has been an to Mr. Medill for co' rectlon. While tioas, to make extra efforts to com i and s t heat j : ' its : output schedules j — » . • « » ■ » » . . . - n,,m b" " Thyng, Doyt Gray, Geoifce nounced. some of the UMWOT U l rtibtl stall plete their quotas as soon as pos George . p. m. ling, as a rule they show painstaking s*I**e. declares Chai.man Gates. Blasser, . H. Engleke, Donald Long, j __________ future as it has in the past. Tigard Union High School, Tigard. w H Grauer, L. D. Shellenbet ger, V „ study. The committee requests all chair­ Oregon. Tuesday, June 30, 1942, 7 a A Wood H Brownrigg and C Leon C o m b i n e U w n e r s He finds his work very Interesting men, when they have completed Beaverton School m. to 3 p. m. aid, had charge of refreshments at Call Meeting as the aliens are very enthusiastic their local campaign, to send it to the Geo. ge White Men's Service Cen- ** about this wonderful nation, where [ County Chairman O. B. Gates at Budget Approved ter in Portland from 4 to 9 p m. A t the request of combina owners every man is free to go where he Hillsboro, all unused buttons, window The annual school Goddess of Liberty Monday. They stated they were 0f the county, arrangements have wants to go and express his own stickers, etc., for him to return to evening, June — 15 -- at _ ^ } called Monday c » c . ----- , p. very busy serving the large group of been made for a meeting Friday, thoughts without fear o f being the state office, as there are some the high sehool. The budget for 1 O b e C h o s e n boys that continually visit the center June 19, at 8 o'clock p m in the thvown In prison So may It al other counties yet to conduct cam- 1942-1943 was A goddess of liberty to rule over Miss Grace Groce and Mr. George Hillsboro Chamber of Comme'.ce «a y s be the home of the brave and paigns. M r°. Alfhea H auSbeck . . . re- Hillsboro annual Happy Day celebra- Young of Portland were married at rooms, according to Wm. 1' Cyrus, 'he free j Weekly Standing of the 1 tion, July 2 to 5, will be named j be bom(, 0f the grooms parents at county agent. LüO-NaV) Relief Drive elected clerk. from a large field of aspirants at a ^ N E wtstevia Drive, Portland, y , combine haI.VPIIter owner. Community Collected* % Enlists in U. S. Aloha .......... S 250 $ 163.85 66 % Jun°ena270n Th e"c fh'ratfnn KridR>' morninK’ fol,0« red bV a br,ftk in this county having seen the un- Appointed Lecturer June 27. The celebration ruler will fast at Uoyds for the wedding party Banks ..._..... 125 54 60 44% nouncements in the press of similar Coast Guard Dora Stipe of Beaverton, was ap- receive he.- diadem from Secretary They left the same day for Burbank. Harry Ernest Moore of Beaverton Beaverton ... 550 534 20 97s, meetings in other counties have • A. X - .1 of t bh I f) / , f *2 ♦ A ♦ A L1 n t'l oil Wii M M M AM M -I 1 • tl 1 . A 1 _ ... pointed grand lecturer at the 53id of State Earl Snell republican candi- ca lif where they will make their asked that one be held here. 200 234.00 11794 The was sent to Seattle last week for en­ Cornelius ...... annual session of the grand chapter date for Governor and will receive a bomP Mr Young was a former purpose of thft meeting is to discuss listment in the U. S. Coast Guard Re- Forest G/ove 800 727.93 91% of Oregon, Ordev of Eastern Star in $50 war saving bond, according to a resident of Beaverton Mr and Mis The course covers three months Gales Creek ._. 25 4935 198’ r price of Portland last week. Business and Professional Woman's WV C. McKell and Miss Juliette Gar­ the labor situation, the Garden Home 100 .00 00 % hired help, and the price {of.- custom recruiting officer. ------- ------------ club committee in chargfe of the ter we.e among those present at the Gaston .. .... 300 410.45 ! $ > work. Double Flag Raising ^ „ The sponsoring dub has in- wedding. Glenwood .... .00 00 % 200 There are in Washington county Completes Officers a 1 vt , Asrpmonv in vited a11 organizations in the county Da .Tell Allyn, son of Mis Noreen appioximately Helvetia ... _ 50 56 50 113'.; 200 oomhinc owners Candidate Course A d°i*bl! .« « 1 emhTem^ and to enter a goddess candidate. The Allyn, had his tonsils an Hillsboro ...... 1300 1326 50 102 % eno an(j js hoped by thoso who have which both »he national emblem *£ d , fjHd now n«urnb. ra 15 girls and more _ — .» .. , 1 t t ',, , i „ m l o xr m n i n in c i 1 1 . , . , John R Himmelright of Beaverton lau rel Wednesday morning 17300 138-, 125 a special minute men s hanne. j o r entrant> are expected* Beaverton removed asked for the meeting that there will , has completed the engineer office s Metzger 100 .00 00 % Miss Maxine Thompson has been be a representative^ number of these candidate r„ ur!M, at the army’s engi- North Plains record Sunday Purc afternoon 0 s-muld- should ente-.- a candidate for the 100 held at . tb the npauia 92.10 92% chosen candidate of the Washington in attendance at the Friday evening n#>er gchoo, rort Belvotr, V a, and Orenco l.i ing Pulp A Paper company milt In 35.00 35% county unit of the Oregon associa­ h n a h n p n n r im r r i ia a i n n n r l a u n n n n z l liciti. Scholls ......... Uewbern Sunday. The event was in -------------- — - 125 129.50 104', tion for Beauty Shop Owners fov tenant. Sherwood charge of the American Legion post —T U R N IN RU B B ER T O D A Y !— 90 00 60% 150 queen of Happy Days at Hillsboro The con res covers three Tigard ___ __ 300 94.00 31% and auxiliary post. j __________ Maxine, who has graduated from Wins Three-Legged Race and gives the basic pi 150 45 106', Timber ___ 150 Beaverton nigh school last year, is ----------------- E L IZ A B E TH w u . s t u Duane Cushman of Beaverton won tary engineering Tualatin 00 % 100 00 employed at the Locker Grocery the three-legged race at the annual P r o l o n g s Life Elizabeth Wagner, aged 84 years. West Slope .... 41X) 766 25 191% Bethel No 20 Jobs Daughteis hdd Journal suburban carriers r ** died June 12 at Reedvllle She was picnic According to the Bureau of Home Total $5,550 $5096.68 92% their regular meeting In the Ma Sunday at Jantzen Beach The life of Rayon hose can he formerly of *001 SE Milwaukie. Economics In Washington, D. C.. the * Collections are from reports for sonic Temple, fathers were s p e c i a l _____________ lengthened at least 90-, if after be­ average woman is five feet, three preceding Saturday night. Th, «iris pledged to _ „ ANDREW F.KLOF ing washed in lukewarm water with and weighs 133'a pounds, which is Victor.y Bonds Following the m. “ t t i l a n d L h a p t e r (J . t , , b . Andrew Eklof. late of 7828 SW a mild soap, they are laid out upon too much. Delegates from Beaver Chaptet He « a « ing they adjourned to the dining T U R N IN RU BBER TODAY! - a crash towel to dry at Past 24 28th ave , died June 12 IX* father of C A Eklof Mis Walter room where eac.i girl took the h* ad No 10« Order of Eastern Mai who flours.—48 hours if possible HKV S. DIXON f --------------------- NOT hang rayon stockings on line Johnston. Mis. John E Miller. Port- size of her father and collected 2 attended grand chapter in Portland Ben R Olsen, 79, pioneer Clatsop Non-high School and land; Mrs J W Vaux. Seattle; Mrs. cents per inch for the same Guess- iast week for its three day ae«sion as rayon is weakest when wet county logging operator, died June ___ A'.-thur Aldrich, Idaho Springs, Colo.; ing games and father's fortunes were were Mr. and Mrs Darrell Ellis, 12 at the s iside community church stretches and tears easily lY le e lin g grandfather of Mrs. Theodore Bohl- told and each given a cap to wear Mrs. Fied Goyt, and Mrs. W J, Scott, Mr Olson was born in Sweden July Slated for July 3rd man. Floyd Soneson, Portland; also R»freshments o f gingerbtead with M\ s. Dora E Stipe, past grand ma- 11. 1862. and was brought to this, Yukon Supper Postponed survived by two great-grandchildren whipped cream and coffee were tron, was elected to the office of country Budget meeting for the non-high by his parents at th« age of grand lecturer. school district will be held In the Funeral services were held Tuesday served. fi For many yeais the family lived The Alaskan Yukon society sup J. P Finley A Son directors. Mrs Fkr.enoe Miller entertained county court house at Hillsboro Fri­ In Kansas p*r, slated for Saturday. June 20. at day. July 3rd at 8 p. m. Estimated ------------------ Tuesday evening with a shower in Survivors include his widow, Mrs tax levy for the coming yeav Is $s7,- the L. B Loomis home in Tigard, Dakota States Society will hold a honor of Mis Genevieve Sundbc A Visit’ng in East Mary E Olson of Seaside, four has been indefinitely postponed be picnic at Jantzen Beach Park in lot of talent wa# discovered when, in 561 85. Roger A. Keesey is visiting his cause of illness in the Loomis family Portland, Sunday. June 21st Coffee groups of three, little comedy skits uncle, Dr. K J Kadow, associate sons and five daughters, thvee of! whom lived in this vicinity, Mrs. Wil- ' * and c.eam will be served to mem- and stunts were performed. First professor at the University of Dela­ liam Truman of West Slope and Mrs 1 There are 75 women hank presi- Oakland. of bers. and second prizes for a contest game ware. at Newark, Del, during the Mrs J M. Clepper Alan Nelson and Mrs Albert Farmer dents in ths United States. ■ ■ ' — - - were won by Mrs M C McKercher Calif is visiting Mr« M C McKer- a graduate of ,,f Raaverton an 0 c. | f. eshments ware servsd fall. cemetery. | UlM> Fifth Registration Set For 18-20 Group Canning Registration Continued Four Days lij mi i m m Two Weeks Left For USO Drive m a