Friday, May 39, 1943 BEAVER TO N ENTERPRISE. Beaverton, Oregon Classified Rates HELP W A N T E D T W O Cents & word per issue. Minimum 25c CASH with copy We PUhliab (lie B 1A V L B T O N ENTERPRISE MULTNOMAH PRESS TIGARD S E M I N EL AI.OI1A NEW S Complete E a s t e r n W ashington County and W estern Multnomah County C overage »0 S T R A W B E R R Y P IC K E R S-See our field and you will pick. 6 mi SW Beaverton, 3 mi S Hazeldale Store. Bakets B erry Field W A N T E D — 160 S T R A W B E R R Y P IC K E R S — W ill Start P icking about MAY 20 in 40 acres o f e x ceptionally fine first year berries. R E G IS T E R NOW E. T. W ILLS BERR Y FARM tform erly M. H ayashi Farm ) Rt 1. Box 251, Tigard, Oregon 1 mi W o f T iga id . W alnut Ave W e assum e no financial respon sibility fo r errors which m ay ap pear in advertisem ents published in these colum ns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part o f ar. advertise ment in which the typographical m istake occurs W A N T E D Eight to ten pickers far Youngberries about last of June. W. E W yttenberg, R l. Bx 295, Beaverton. W A N T E D — S tiaw berry P ickers V ery good, clean field. 2 mi W est on Bend road. F orm erly owned by Jimmie Haswike. R egister now with John A. Baggenstos. j Sherwood, Or., route 4. ) M ISCELLAN EO U S HIDES & WOOL, CASCAR \— A specialty. LEE BROS.. 25 SW (la » , Cortland. Atwater S3M. F O R T O W C A R S call V E R M IL Y E M O TO R CO. Phone Tigard 91 West Side Fuel Phone Hillsboro 3625 12-inch Block Double load $12, 50c delivery 705 E. Jackson, Hillsboro Free To Farmers! You Haul! Dry Sawdust & Shavings For Cattle & Sheep Bedding Free for Hauling W illam ette Builders Supply Co. 3719 S W Macadam Ave. PORTLAND AT. 9335 T rees T opped R em oved Garden P ools R ockeries W est H ills Landscape Co. Garden M aintenance Service One o f the L argest M aintenance C oncerns in Portland BEacon 0170 8650 Canyon Drive M J. H A R R IS $ Brick, Tile, Masonary Brick & Building Tile SEE Y O U R D E A L E R Columbia Brick Works 1320 SE Water— Portland Kilns at Gresham-Sylvan-Salem Tell your law yer to send your le- gals to this paper. W ANTED FOR SALE F O R SAIJC Lang com bination Gas and W ood Range, also Tap- pan Gas R ange CH. 2478. Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS NICE CLE AN P LA C E place for man with girl H old to boaid and room for mer months. W rite M is. Coryea, Beaverton, Ore , R1 F O R S A L E —6 W hite Leghorn Hens, reasonable Mrs Jack Bradburg, Durham , R ed R o ck Road, upper B oones F erry Rds. Well Drilling A. M. IANNSEN Drilling Company Shop Aloha 8353 Residence Aloha 6137 P. O. Address— Beaverton Rt. 3 522 N. YV. Broadway S t Portland BE. 7056 E IIIE IIIslllslllS IIIS IiS iü sinS iü slllS IIIH IIŒ ® Good Food and Service PURITAN CAFE 1831 S. W . Washington— Portland Where V ille ; People MEET A EAT e iii= n r = iu = in = i ii= ii i= iii = i n = iii = n i= in = iii = 3 ii De Lav/al SEPARATORS — M ILKERS COMPLETE EQUIPMENT \ND SUPPLIES FOK THE HAIRY INDUSTRY itìmi'OPk Nanutarturyn A DotHbutort A tVCWYTHING /* > DAIRYMAN A r o « T i » M n C M - I a i t L A t t i l i y 135 NW Park AT. 6461 WRECKING VANCOUVER COURT HOUSE TREM ENDOUS STOCK I L arge quantity o f ch oice used siding, shiplap. 2x4 s. 2x6's. and I other light dim ension lumber, ¡a ls o W all Safe Doors. W IN D O W S. PLU M BIN G . HARDW OOD. F LO O R IN G . OA K a 400,000 B R IC K l o u r yard is full anfl o w f l o w - lin g with no place to put It— (b a rg a in prices. You Haul It and Save Monet I Sunset Wrecking Co. 12519 S. W. First Ate. Ilf 666« Portland. Oregon_________ Some years sum R F. H A R T S B E T T E R E G G -B R E D R I. R E D C H IX , May Special $9 85. Pullets $14.85. L eghorns Special $9 85. Pullets $19.85 G uar anteed against pullorum. H art's H atcheiy, Beaverton, Oregon. Closed Sundays. o f M c M i n n v i l l e Organized 1894—..40 years o f Reliable Service l lias. L. Walker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 "Every F orm of Protection" — - » ■ ■ m — • - - —------ -- - - - - - - - - R A S P B E R R Y P IC K E R S W anted Frank Leuthi. W alnut Ave . T i gard. FOR SALK C ertified R ed tag Burbank Seed Potatoes $3.50 hund. Schuepbach Bros. S mile W B eav erton, Spencer Rd. Hillsboro, Oregon — - .. . _ _ After a hard day, enjoy LOST LOST A iarge gray silver Per sian male Cat nr T reece Phone T igard 3242. F O R S A L E —Clover field, route 1. box 130, Beaverton P hone i Beaverton 2386 • F O R SA L E 3 Gilts, bred to fa r row Aug 1; w einer pigs. Daniels. 1 W alunt avenue, Tigaixi. BU LL S E R V IC E 1 mile East o f T igard on P fa ffle road. FOR RENT POOD LOCKERS for rant Beth any G rocery Store, H illsboro 1R4 MORNINGLIGHT CHAPEL Rose Chapel-Green Room PAINTS I it J. P. Finley & Son For quality, fair price and service FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY’ ATwater 2181 J. B. Imlays & Sons When lulling Bourbon ask for Old Smino Brook u r n * . Serene Beauty - Perfect Service Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds riSHER THORSEN PAINTS R E E D Y TL L E Oregou Mutual Collide* are N OX-ASSESS ABLE. You N E VE R pay more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three time* the surplus required by Oregon Insurance U u t Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company W A N T E D -H ousekeeper for two em ployed adults. Small m od em home nr B eaverton P refer old er wom an w h o can milk and drive car in em ergency Liberal tim e off. W ages R ou te 1, box 203. Phone B eaverton 2259. StVNvìtBiH* g S unny B rook Ï- KENTUCKY STRAIGHT B0URI10N WHISKEY National Di-lillerr Product« Corp. N. Y. • 90.$ Proof BK * VD SE L L what you don’t need. BUY what you do need.................... ALO H A, O R E -------- “ Notice of School Election Upon Question of Increasing Tax levy Over Amount Limited by Section II, Article XI, State Constitution. N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that an election will be held in School District No 48 o f W ashington County, State o f Oregon at Beaverton H igh Sehool in said school distr r tic le X ’ h e ^ C o n a û S n of "f O regon. 8 VOte' 9 * di8tHCt qUeS,i° n ° f ,n cr*“ ‘ B*s liv y ^ the yea, 1942-43 over ,1.« am ount lim ited by section IIA II, article a i ? , ,% or r t m eonstiumon Oregon The reasons for increasing such levy are B ecause o f low tax base 1936 37 The am ount o f tax, in excess o f the 6':; lim itation, proposed to be levied for s;* id year is $7,813.39. Dated this 18th day o f May, 1942.. Attest : A L T H E A H A U LE N B E C K , L. W. SH O RT, D istrict Clerk Chairm an Board o f Directors NOTICE OF SfJlOOI. MEETING ,, . N C m % ; IS H E R E B Y G IV E N to the legal voters o f Sehool D istrict No. 48 of W ashington County, State o f Oregon, that ? SCHOOL M E E T IN G o f the said district will he held at B eaverton High School on the 15th day o f June, 1942. at 8 o'clock p. in , for the purpose o f discussing the budget for the fiscal school year, beginning July 1, 1942, and ending June 30, 1943, herinafter set forth, and to vote on the proposition o f levying a district tax. BUDGET Estimated Receipts and Available Cash Balances Bond Int. T otal All & Sinking Funds Fund E S T IM A T E D A V A IL A B L E CASH BALANCE AT B E G IN N IN G O F T H E FISCA L Y E A R $7,000.00 $ 1 , 442.90 Estim ated R eceipts from Delinquent Taxes during fisca l year for which this budget is made 1000.00 Estim ated R eceipts from County School Fund 5.047.00 Estim ated R eceipts from E lem entary School Fund 2,300 IK) Estim ated R eceipts from State Irreducible School Fund 650.00 Estim ated R eceipts from High School Tuition 32,000.00 Estim ated R eceipts from E lem entary Tuition 100.00 Estim ated R eceipts from Other Sources— Multnomah C ounty Tuition j 000.00 E S T IM A T E D T O T A L R E C E IP T S AN D A V A IL A B L E CASH B ALAN CE LESS D E F IC IT $1,44250 $36,897.00 Expend, and Budget A llow ance for 6 mo. Current School Y ear IT E M Test Boring— Prospect Aids Irrigation Systotr.s Installed on Easy Terms Page 3 GENER AL CONTROL Personal service: Superintendent ........................................ C lerk and Board Stenographers and other o ffic e assistants Supplies E lections and publicity. Other Expenses of General Control P rin ting ........... Total Expense of General Control E lem entary S chools Estim. E x. for Ensu sch ool yr H igh S chools Expend. in detail Bud A llow ance in detail Expend, fo r 3 fisciil years next P receding Current School Year Det. Ex First Year last yr o f Sec. Year Y ily totals 3 yr Period Y rly totals 60.00 $ 2,043 66 335 00 550 00 150.00 $ 2,960.00 500 00 550 00 210.00 266.00 213.32 176.20 425.00 480.00 210.00 » Z.h.'l Oil 458.50 450.00 16821 40.00 $1,181 34 125.00 $ 3.203 66 165 00 $ 4,385.00 61.80 $ 2,309.82 140 00 $ 3.985 00 30.60 $ 3.728 81 $41,215.84 100 00 1,200.00 $19,907.14 $34,063 46 $32.441.38 200.00 $27,263 92 100.00 1,000.00 50.00 $28,413.92 250 00 _ $42,765 84 1,250.00 400.00 $35,713.46 1,428.05 200.00 $14,351 92 150.91 201.78 358.88 $20,618.71 $33,869.43 $ 1,555.00 200 00 285.00 250 00 120.00 $ 1,905 20 300.00 620 00 770.00 310.00 $ 3,460.20 500.00 905.00 1020.00 430 00 $ 869.86 291 67 $ 3,007.00 400.00 $ 2,991 60 423.40 J 2.4Î0.0Ô $ 3,905.20 $ 6,315 20 428 82 97 30 309.60 $ 2.724 74 1,010.00 430.00 904.00 $ 5,751.00 1,009 64 425.35 902 67 $ 5,752.66 $ $ $ 1,10000 $ 1.603 23 $ 1,250.00 $ 2,893.89 2,750.00 150 00 3,152 13 101.70 6,764.00 $ 1,2911 72 $ 916.34 165.00 • $ 3,940 93 $ 3,980.94 INSTRUCTION— Teaching P ersonal service: T eachers ............................................................. Clerical ............................................................... L ibrary supplies, repairs ......................... Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) ____ . T extbook s ....................................... Total Exp/uis«* of Teaching OPERATION OF PLANT P ersonal service: Janitors and other em ployees Jan itor's supplies Fuel and phone L ight and pow er ........................ Water Telephone Total Expense of Operation MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS R epair & maint. o f furniture A equip R ep air & maint. o f bldgs, and grounds B uildings ( It minds O ther Ex maint A rep. lighting, heating Total Expense of Maint A Repairs AU XILIAR Y AGENCIES T ransportation o f pupils, per. service L ibrary ................. ........................ ... Total Expense of Auxiliary Agencies F IXE D CHARGES Insurance Total Fixed Charges CAPITAL OUTLAYS N ew sites Alterations o f buildings (not repairs) N ew furni., equipm ent A replacem ents Other capital outlays: L ibrary books Total Capital Outla.vs $13.951.92 300.00 80000 400 00 200 00 500.00 400 00 900.00 600.00 1,387.71 23 65 900.00 $ 1,700 00 $ 2,600 00 $ 3,014 ,VJ $ 1,000.00 $ 40000 $ 1,400,00 $ 700 00 $ 1.000.00 $ 400/00 $ 1,400 00 $ $ 1,000 00 $ 1,000.00 $ $ $ $ 27000 27000 300 00 200 00 50000 $ $ 730 00 730 00 $ 80000 500 00 $ 1,300.00 DEBT SERVICE Interest on w arrants loan Loan W arrants Total Debt Service A Bond* Total SeJfedule— Gen«-ral Fund— Total estim expenses fo r the year BOND INTEREST A SINKING FUND— Debt Service Principal on bonds (Inc. nego. Int. bear, w arrants issued under sec. 35-11041 Interest on bonds Total Schedule III— 18-lit Service e s t l \7 a t e o f t ' a x LEVY xpenditur D EDU CT Total estim receipts A available cash bal. Amt necessary to balance the budget DEDU CT D eficit forw arded to next fiscal year ADD Estim amt o f taxes that will not be co lle ct ed during the fiscal year fo r which this budget is made Total estimated tax lcvl«>* for en*u. fiscal >r Analysis o f e stim a t'd tax levies A m ount Inside 6*V lim itation Amount outside 6*r $ 4,150 00 $33,92» 13 $31,018 70 $ 5,405.30 $ 5,343 22 $4,311 64 $ 2,060 39 700.00 $ 1,300 00 750.00 $ 2000 00, 973.00 599 22 $ 1.572 22 $ 1,869 80 $ 2,177 34 $ $ 942 78 942.78 $ $ 994 75 994 75 $ $ $ $ $ 71879 $ 69500 $ 1,10000 700.00 $ 1,800 00 $ $ $ $ 994.75 994 75 225.00 1,800 00 $ 3,674.42 397 03 94 3 79 $ 2.495 00 $ 4,044 45 30000 1.000 00 $ 1,300 00 134 66 t 5/IO O 1 $ 4.634 66 $61.566 04 $35,889.09 $ 20,327 50 $75.466 71 »61 94 93» 61 $ 3,625 97 $ 6,694 30 $ 292 99 $ 292 9» $ 4.793 62 $ 4,309 46 $63,16703 $58.838.33 $56,523 26 $ 6,000 00 835 00 $ 6,835.00 Total All Funds $68.401 04 * 36A97.00 31,504 00 6 000 00 25.5(i4 "0 1,000 00 $26.504 00 $18.690 61 $ 7,813 39 negotiable * Am ount o f bonded indebtedness (include all 111-1016. Interest-bearing warrants issued under sec OC LA i Am ount o f warrant indebtedness on w arrants issued and endorsed "n ot paid for want o f funds" Total Indebtedness---------------------——--------- ---------- Dated this 18th o f May. 1942 Signed ALTHEA HAULENBECK District Clerk $31 000 04 8O00 00 $39,000.00 Approved by B udget Com m ittee 18th o f May, 1942. Signed C. H W A L K E R Secy , Budget C om m ittee L W SHORT, Chairman, Board of Directors LEON ARD ADAMS Chairman, Budget Com. 1