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About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1942)
Page 2 Friday, May 22, 1942 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon would be with iron, wooden., or c ,t- S K ID W A Y S U G AR ton-asphalt tires on your front A dim s out o f ovory wheels. With them you cannot go Three pounds of sugar; three of dollar w o corn over 30 miles and they may be ex coffee; three cans of CO’ densed milk pensive. and a hundred odd sandwiches. All II. H. JEFFRIES, ruMishi r tt hat About Legislation? this the church groups have served One of the most harmful state nightly in the Mission on Portland’s I Published Friday o f each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton. for VICTORY with Akron, Ohio. May 22—1 am out ments on the tire situation came Skidway. up in the North End. After Oregon, entered as second-class matter at the posioffice at Beaverton, Ore here again checking up the tire situ from Washington suggesting that our the hour of song and message, the U. S. WAR BONDS ..«.00 Three Months ------------------ I .35« One Year ation. My interest is far deeper good tires might be commandcred men line up for the coffee and—Mun . .SO Subscription Payable in Advance. than whet it mean^ to you and your and taken bY ,he government. SU Months This ching away, you see them—boys fresh caused millions of people to say: "If from the farms and homesick, may pleasure car. Next to banking, tires Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 the government is to take my tires, be; also men downed by drink with are the most necessary part of al- j why try to save them?” Hillsboro Office— Room 5, Delta Bldg., Phone 1641 This atti now and then a businessman bitten Portland Office—308 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder. Phone ATwater 6501 most all industix The financial, tude explains much of the fast by drugs or gambling, say. So it is that the church groups give I with careless stops and commeiciul,. fuiming, professional.! diiving and manufacturing business o f the starts which we see today. Now. this the Gospel to the down and outers. is what I am trying to bring about For God’s people are like Western nation runs on pneumatic tires. To —Have every community greatly in -! Union boys with a message to de V‘ e‘ oliniinated by a long crea8e it8 traffic 8quad, flnancing the liver. They are under orders to go WOT would be a great blow to the same with a fee of fifty cents to be over land and sea to the last man in ' nation. . Hence, the boys in Wash- There they . . . . „ paid by every driver every time he is the furtherest jungle. master his speech; invent him ant ‘ ing " f ? or " doing • ^ ^ f anything 2 . U“ t_ -te2 . ^ ei° re Sa>' caught going over 30 miles in cities hasty. alphabet; put the Bible Into print and 40 miles between cities. \\ bat About Rubber? Keep this list of who are speed for him and teach him to read it. Since I first wrote on the tire ing with the understanding What follows is like sowing a field that situation, the Japanese have seized if it is necessary to take tires to wheat. Up shoots the stalk, then U E -B A L K A M Z E T H E V. S. A.? nearly 90% of the world’s com- away from citizens, they will be the ear, then the full fruit in the ear. I mercial bearing rubber trees. We taken only from those who havebeen Go into all the world and hold up I)e Ralkanize the United States of have enough raw rubber in stock caught speeding. Moreover, the first Christ and Him crucified, they must. America. Such a change may be ac plies to supply our war needs until tiles seized should be from those who Out of it the natives learn what complished: first, through co-opera our new synthetic plants get going. have been caught the most. Of price the Son of God paid to see tion of the various states, and, sec After that, the war requirements will course, the rationing of gasoline their sins blotted out. No matter ond, through the Ferlerai Government tn'<e all the synthetic rubber. Get- or a much higher gasoline tax would how fa down in the scale they may under existing power or by authority | ting rubber now from goldenrod, help the tire situation; but it will i be. the Holy Spirit 1> set to convince j through amendments to the Consti milkweeds, sugar cane, etc., is prac- not solve the real problem. One of the 1 them. Out of the vast number t o 1 tution. i tically an idle dieam. Guayule best suggestions is to prohibit all 1 whom the story is told, many come There are some fields in which the which is now being planted will not night and Sunday driving without a into SAVING F A IT H Faith to act I Federal Government cannot operate produce rubber for five years. The permit. This should be done un I Faith to take over for themselves, I because the Constitution does not give Brazilians are too lazy to go into der the plan above described. Only | the saving benefits of Christ's death. it such authority. The Federal Gov their wild forests to get it out. such a plan will insure the faithful Those who have this SAVING F A IT H Hence, as far as getting new rubber of their reward and the sinners of that comes from hearing the Bible, ernment, through matching of funds tires for our 30,000,000 pleasure cars, their punishment. I know this is not know that they have been received and by actual encroachment through we can forget it, no fooling! liberal court decisions and public ap- i New Deal doctrine, but it’s the re into the family of God. As his child The only hope I can give is that we ligion I was taught when a boy. prova!, has gone far into the field of It ren they take forgiveness for their really need rubber pneumatic tire» is the religion America must return sins. Christ upholds them and they establishing uniform laws in certain | walk in the light. Facing into their for the two rear wheel». Further- to If we are to save democracy. fields, hut in others the Ferlerai Gov more. cars are now being run! i Christian duty, there in the midst of ernment has not exercised the author without such tires on the f r o n t ----------------------- ' heathen people, your convert has the ity given by the Constitution. For ex wheels. Webber College students at witness of the Holy Spirit. It bears ample: In the field of weights and 1 m the M w e egg pro Babson Hark, Florida, who have Japan Gets Territory Here i witness with his spirit that he is of measures. Progress in this field has dsction of flock «nth made a project of the tire problem, \ ^ * 1 *>“ the > v>An.«iiniH household r»f of nnH God. been made but there is much yet that , ‘ Vitamm Bolonced " Trungle >• Those who turn to Christ are no are operating cars with iron bands Hello Folks: Out here in West- could be done. Welled to the f front • rlmu- ala/, one nan rims; also ern Okla In Taloga county seat De- comfort to the war lords . Ask the v. Developing Food*- Scentifi- such as the uniform Negoti wlth wooden tires on the front rims. wey Co., I see a sign on the front Jap police as they imprison, starve • N iiw iEW p »« ,he able instrument. Sales and Bill of They now are testing out on another window o f the Taloga Ttmes-Advo- and kill the Korean believers. The • pMM* riser*« of material* loading acts have been adopted by car with the rims filled with cement. cate, which reads: indwelling Christ holds up His own Japan wants MfftMBr* f*r trior« moxi- varying number of states. The first These cars make 3b miles .but are more territory, So L et’s Give ’Em Christ is never so close as when His ^ - e fio A . , ; . move to bring about co-operation be noisy and must be steered carefully Hell. One of the printer’s devils is | redeemed are called to go through tween the states was when Theodore Ask your local or they will slew. Such front wheel quite an artist, and he had fixed up a the valley of the shadow of death, Roosevelt called the governors to- \ tires are hard on- the bearings of a fine sign for my home town paper ' Feed Dealer for -, This side of the Great Divide, may f » get her. There is in Chicago an en good car. in Edmond. He drew a stars and He be your Strength, Wisdom and first-hand in j dowed agency which is aiding the ' stripes above it, and below put a red Comfort. Look to Him now as Savior The Future Tire formation on ■ states in bringing about uniform leg- ) «•Triangle Devel-. The tire industiy is working day devil, different to what you find in ! and when your feet touch the dark islation In many fields. There are B IL L river of death. He will be there to see Albany College trustees announce :lnd night to solve the problem of i the printer’s office oping Feeds. > ' many fields in which there is need for the appointment of Dr Morgan S. getting a rubberless tire both tough' you over into the realms of glory. __________________. « VllOPil uniform legislation in this uge of Odell as the new president of the and resilient. The best now seems | commerce. For example, there should college. I)r. Odell comes to the po- to be a tire , made of wood and Preliminary figures showed 125 mil- be uniform traffic laws between the sition well qualified and highly covered with a' cotton rope fibre 1 j ijon persons, approximately 91 per Cloverdale, Oregon various states. recommended. For the past eleven inch thick protected on the sides | cent o f the total population, regia- It would be better for the country years he has been chairman of the with u metal flange and imbedded >n tered fo r sugar rationing. This space paid for by an Oregon Nearly in most eases if the states would co Department of Religion and Philoso some asphalt preparation unaffect-; sevt,n miHjon persons were refused business man. operate in the establishment of uni- ! phy at Occidental College, Ixis An ed by heat or cold or stnnding Such W ar Ration Book No. 1 because they He received his Bachelors tires should go about 1000 miles. Un- a]ready had more than six pounds of form legislation. The Federal Gov geles. Tell your lawyer to send your le ernment has enough agencies without degree from Occidental in 1917, his less the resilient qualities are se sugar. I gals to this paper. adding more. Uniform divorce ami Master’s and Divinity degrees from cured, we must jack up our fron 1 marriage and criminal laws probably the University of ( alifornin. and his two wheels at night to prevent Unfortunately, rubber is never will be had unless such author Ph. D. from the University of Chi- "flats’’ ' He was associated for two the only known product which has ity is given the Federal Government through a Constitutional amendment. yeats with the late Dr Robert Free- both ioo% toughness and 100% elas man as director of hoys work at the tirity o t truly 18 a most malVelous The automobile has shown the need 1 Pasadena Presbyterian Church. He j In accordance with the provisions of the “ Local Budget Law”, (Sections 110-1201 to 110-1215 O. C. L. A of uniform legislation. It is said Ore is a member of the Los Angeles i | product,—almost miraculous. as amended) notice is hereby given that the Budget Committee of the Town of Beaverton, Oregon, has pre Of course, if sufficient rubber were gon is the bottleneck in motor freight j County American Legion Post, and pared in compliance, with the "Local Budget Law," Budget Estimates for the ensuing fiscal period, July available, we could get along hv re 1, 1942, to June 30, 1943 transportation by the freak legisla All persons are hereby notified that on Monday, the 15th day of June, 1942, at 8:00 served ns chaplain of thnt group. treading. recapping, etc. Reclaimed tion as to weight and length of car-j Dr. Odell assumes the leadership rubber also has possibilities; hut to P. M . in the City Hall, First and Main Streets, Beaverton, the following Budget Estimates for the ensuing fiscal year ending June 30, 1943. for the Town of Beaverton, Oregon, may be discussed with the City Coun riers. Such regulations do not protect o f Albnny college at a time when get results from it. I find it neces cil, the levying board for said Town of Beaverton. Oregon, and any person subject to the proposed tax levy Oregon’s major highways, according ! the college is planning an extensive sary to pilt in a little honest raw rub- or tax levies w ill be heard in favor of or against said proposed tax levy or tax levies or any part thereof. to the tindings of highway engineern. ' expansion program. It is hnppd .. . . . ber. This the government will not I Such restrictions are expensive to pro that by early fall the college will be j a]|ow the (¡rp industry to do except! The estimates of expenditures, the estimated receipts and the estimated taxes to be levied as prepared by the ducers and consumers, and in times on a proposed new campus site and under a rationing system. I have fol Budget Committee, and adopted April 27, 1942, are as set 'oith in the following statement like the present endangers the na- i the expanded program in force. lowed every lead and hunted the The "Summary o f Indebtedness” shows the outstanding indebtedness of the Town of Beaverton, Oregon Dr. Odell is strongly in sympathy country over for a solution. Frankly, tional security. as at April 30, 1942. To maintain a democratic govern wlth the present office!s training thp situation looks bad I ’m return ment and promote its principles, the ' program sponsored by the college ing home from Akron with ono ir>- states must consider themselves as a which makes It possible for present solve. namely, to treat my present students to remain in school anti tires ns gently as a new born babe’ part of a union and not as independ ACTU AL 1942— (1st 6 Mo.) 1942-43 ent foreign states. All the petty, re entering students to have the as Next to my wife and children. I shall Actual Proposed talitory legislation during the last 25 surance o f remaining in college. consider them my very, very best Dr Odell will arrive in Portland friends. Budget (1st 3 mo.) Budget years under the guise of quarantine 1939 1940 1943 In the near future to take over his R eceip t» O th e r T h a n Taxi-» and police power has been undermin Why Drive Slowly? official duties with the college. ing the thing which it was hoped the $ 50.00 $ 100.00 Licenses and Fees $ 3291 185.48 248.14 266 33 Statistics show that the nation’s Civil W ar had settled. 250.00 Sundry Income 157.50 1,080.00 430.83 251 33 284.67 biggest stock of rubber is now in Plumbing and Heating tiles, some 150.000,000of them. This is now in John Q Public’s hands. Military authorities arc said to Equipment Controlled TO T A L $ 616.31 $ 49947 $ 55099 $ 1.180.00 $ 300.00 $ 19041 When the tire industry puts, upon believe that Hitler has the men ami By W ar Production Board the n\ rket the solid cushion cotton the equipment for one more grutui EX PE ND ITU R ES The War Production Roard s re- fibre-as, 'alt tire above described, we offensive. If that offensive can be cent order controlling the sale of cannot go over 30 miles an hour, beaten, they reason, the Fuehrer will Debt Service: and heating equipment Yet, if we all would now confine our be on the way to eventual defeat and plumbing Interest on Water Bonds $ 1,039.81 disaster. That is why every effort is "?■£” *peci flc f r° vl; lon for ,lhp in driving to 30 miles, our present $ 2.458.78 Principal on Improvement Bonds now ticing given to supplying R ussia1 "ta aton of CP,Ul n- fn,,V ninehinery ■ tires would last fo: th> duration 3,099 88 2,788 96 2,857.95 $ 2.750.00 $ 2,750 ’>() 563.69 John \\. Kamna. -This is due to the following statls Interest on Improvement Bonds 2.684 99 1,166.42 with an ever-increasing stream of the and equipment, 14M M 519 75 957.00 106.53 chairman of the county 1 SD War tio»I fact for which I upon my honor Prin. on Gen. Obligation Ronds 1,100 ( 0 implements of war. Hitler must break board, advises county farmers. vouch If a tire 1» good for u cer- Int. on Gen. Obligation Bonds 96.25 Russia if he-is to win his global war. T<* obtain the materials he needs, tain mileage running 60 mile» per The Russians Mem completely confi the farmer signs the following state hol!T> |, „ m Ri. (t„„hle the mileage dent of their power to stop him if ment and gives it to his supplier T O T A L DEBT SERVICE $ 5,064.18 $ 4.234.14 $ 3 269.75 $ 7.932.73 $ 4,903 2r> $ 670.23 at 40 mile» and three time» the mile they receive adequate equipment. •"The following equipment ‘(Here age at 30 miles per hour. The tre- Expenditures Other Than Stalin has said that American and the farmer lists all the Items of | nu-ndous importance of this fact can Debt Service: Knglish help has reached gratifying new plumbing and heating equip not be over-emphasized. It should proportions. This year the destiny of ment contained in his purchase be posted on every windshield. half the world may be decided in the $ 600.00 order) is necessary for the instal $ 61200 $ 588 00 Recordes-Treasurer Hence, if wo have any sense, we 360.00 720.10 180 00 U.S.S.K. — 180 O 0 lation of one or more of the fol Superintendent 165.16 is-: . will "love, cherish. conserve, and 90.00 44 91 lowing items of farm machinery 130 00 130(0 1300® Attorney obey” our tires from this day on’ ■ - 200.00 180.00 and equipment milking mach 180 00 180 00 Auditor This is no threat nor nonsens >. I ’m 90.001 lgo 0 4A.00 The treasury reported was bond 176 26 ines, water cooled engines, cream 84.25 164 04 City Hall Operation giving you the real dope The an IS.... 9000 53 29 sales during the first six business davs separators, milk coolers, butter City Shops Operation swer to your tire problem is three 35 00 12000 1027 of May were 21 per cent greater than making equipment, water pumps, $ 1<* 13 Stationery and Office Expense $ 137 54 126 41 fold. ll> Get up a half hour ear 50 00 110 4443 in tlie same period in April and to livestock watering bowls, live 36.83 Elections 50.14 47 13 lier every day and start each trip 81 : I 608.r6 stock Individual drinking cups, taled more than 25 per cent of the 3ia,52 71942 Police Depaitment earlier so you CAN drive 30 miles 960 no M ini 177 17 hog troughs, stock tanks, stock 81385 772 39 744 99 nation’s May quota of $600 million. Fire Department per hour and not need to hurry. son 00 835 0 ) 524 )9 tank heaters, incubators, brood 1.175 97 Street Lights 1.157 40 1,199 70 ! reasurv Secretary Morganthau, in <2t Avoid sudden stops and start* 1,300.1") 600 00 295 50 39 <41 ers. poultry waterers and bee Parks a letter to congress, said the time has as these are very had on tires. <3l ........ 50 00 keepers supplies." 205 52 Drainage come to lower personal exemptions Double up when going *o work or 250 00 Data si.-n.'.i 237 41 Library market or anywhere else This means under the individual income tax to 500.00 150.00 60 25 The chairman added that items use your car less, cutting down the Miscellaneous $<>00 for single persons, $1200 for 1 85 I 110.00 61 98 1 878 9 *1 1.96954 1.871* 72 Emergency Fund Follow these rules married couples, and $-’100 for each that retail for less than $5 aie ex mileage 50%. 1 278 15 :c i 77 52.25 empt from the provisions o f the or- nn»l you have nothing to fear. More dependent. der Also, dealers may make dellv Total—Other than over. you will he subject to no more $ 6.223 45 $ 6.172 98 $ 5 670 56 ertes lo persons with priority iatinf,.a| hardship o r inconvenience than you Debt S-.-r-lce $6.708 15 $3.071 77 f l .549.10 < laasified ads placed In the Press of A-10 or better TO T A L E X I’ H N D ITl KF> $10.457 59 $ 11.237.16 $13.603 29 appear In the Tigard Sentinel. Beav $6.341 52 *11.611 :•) $2 219 3? erton Enterprise and Aloha News at DEDUCTIONS no additional cost. Babson Frightened About Tire Supply OREG i Pu B LI S 7 IS OUR QUOTA Get in the W SPACER rStS O j [l A T I 0 N Albany College Names President America^ war induslriej need METALS PAPER OLD RAUS Get it back in war production time for TRIANGLE DEVELOPING FEEDS It's NOTICE OF 1942-43 BUDGET MEETING Receipt» Other Than Taxes Estimated Cash Balance New Bus Schedules fO T A l Effective M ay 16. 1942 Net Amount Ral»«-d hi Taxation I F A A E III I t F KTON FW Tillamook « 04 a m Wilson l 34 « I in p m. K lirr Highway « i NF.AxiDF— a t t o r i a 9 04 11 34 a m . 1 34 . 5 38, 7 34 p m.. 12 38 a. m 31a Wolf Creek Highway » i I j SUMMARY OF Improvement Bonds Outstanding Water Bonds Outstanding » Oregon Motor Stages Af.F NT A. II K ilx s i P h o n e 7903 TO T A L BONDED INDEBTEDNESS (1) 12) (S> $ 19041 3.988.78 $ 1.180"-) 1,700 00 $ 700 0 $ 4.179 19 $ 2 . 8 S 11 "> $ 5 641 52 < $1.969 87) $ 8 731 40 è INDEBTEDNESS for I steal schedules »0 Portland and Forest Grove also revised. See agent for information. $ 300.00 400 00 > ( 2 ) <3> $31.500.00 <1> 42.90000 $73 500 00 $300000 Retired May 10. 1942. $250000 Retired May 10 1942 $9600 (<i owned by the Town as Sinking Fund Investment. A PP R O V E D BY THF: BUDGET COM M ITTEE O F TH E TO W N OF BKAVF'RTON ORE* •< H 1 Signed * F L O R I AN MILI.S Chair mar Signed* GUY W OOIAVORTH Secretary •SignedI E H M ASTERS Mayor Signed I R C. DOTY. Recorder-Treasurer # è v