Page 4 BLA\ K R 7 ON ENTERPRISE. Beaverton, Oregon Friday, May 15, 1942 ( I l l K< II OF ( I I K M High school gymnasium at 8 p m. WHITFORD George W Springer, Pus or Midweek prayer and Bible study The Whitford Neighborly club post­ Morning worship and preaching Wednesday at the church at 8 p. m. Mr and Mrs. William Gillingham poned their meetings for the summer Mrs. Harlan Brown was luncheon service 9:45 a m Topic of sermon Mrs. Rebecca Spiingei will be the at the last meeting at the home of and small daughter of Winnepeg, Following sermon, the lender. Topic will be The Christ M.s. Albertson There were ten hostess Tuesday to the Oregon State - Salvation Can , spent several days visiting Mr. lan and The Ordinances. present. A picnic will be held later. Pharmaceutiral association. Women'.“! Lords supper will be observed Gillinghams mother at the Walter Mrs Maude Miller and Bible School 11 a. rn There were fifty-five in attendance auxiliary Caviness home. Mr. Gillingham has Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. rn at Sunday School and church. A Mrs. Fred Peterson assisted. spent two years with the Royal Ca- 1 The evening worship seivice is man who has belonged to the U. S. nadian Air Force and has been flight dismissed so that everyone may at­ Navy for twenty years and his wife IIA T T IE MAY K L IN E commander and instructor for the were the speakers for the evening. tend the baccalaureate service at the past year. Private funeral services vere held ! He has been all over the wot Id and Mrs. Archie Olson and Mrs. Frank | expects soon to be called to Hawaii, i at Pegg's "hapel, Peiveiton, Tuesday Moore were joint hostesses at the | Mothers Day was observed at the morning. May 12 for Mrs Hattie May formers home honoring Mrs. Guy | home of Mr. and Mrs R. B Denney Kline, who died at her home on the Woodworth with a stork shower, j by the presence of their entire family Canyon road May 8, followin g a Sixteen ladies were present and many She had been in ill health and Mr. Denney's mother, Mrs. B K. stroke lovely gifts were received. Games Denney. Convetsation of interest to for some time Headquarters for and refreshments followed the open- j Mrs. Kline had been a resident of,' the family was enjoyed along with a ing of the gifts by Mrs. Woodworth fine dinner. OREGON MOTOR STAGES Beaverton for over 45 years, coming Mr. nnd Mrs. I-siwis Kerr and Mr. and An uncle of the Gheileitti girls her from Buxton, Oregon Mr Kline and Mrs. Wm. Henderson o f Tuala­ visited with them the past week. His died 16 years ago. She was the HOME-COOKED GOOD EATS tin. have bought the J. H. Hulett home is in the East. mother of Frank C Kline, of Beav­ Modern Fountain Service residence and moved in Saturday erton. and the sister of Stephen H for Hot Weather Relief M ts . Grace Olson returned to her Bullock of Cave Junction, Oregon KINTON home at Salem May 4 following a Interment Orescent Grove ceme­ Deputy Sheriff Bush of Hillsboro tery. weeks visit at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Erving LaFond and other rela­ signed up and finger printed forty . one people for the Civilian Defense tives here. Miss Ida Felsher entertained 24 Service at the Grange hall Thursday Bait of them will serve on girl friends with a delightful patty night. Effective May 16. 1942 Saturday evening, May 2. honoring the Fire-Squad and the rest on First Miss Betty Easton and Miss Sue Aid work. Word was receved from John Van [ Farmer.. During the evening nose­ gays with cards attached which were Horn Saturday that he was well and L E A V E BEAVERTON -i Roy Chase. Games appropriate office. The eighth grade graduation exer- 1 for the occasion were played and FO R SEASIDE—ASTORIA refreshment* served on tables deco- cises will be held at the Grange hall 9:04, 11:34 a m , 1:34, 5:38, May 20. There i “ed in red and white hearts and Wednesday night, 7 34 p. m., 12:38 a. m. will be a speaker and a short pro­ rupids. Via Wolf t’ riTk Highwuy gram by the pupils. The upper room , Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Johnson Local schedules to Portland and SENATOR of Beaverton, are parents of a son, will observe last day with a hike on Forest Grove also revised. See Thursday and the primary room will Robert E.t born April 27. agent for information. Members of Beaver chapter East hike to the grove back of Dr. Neh- Energetic ern Star and mothers of Bethel No ers where they will have a picnic Mrs. Seals would like as 20, Job’s Daughters, were guests of dinner. Experienced Beaverton Masonic lodge Thursday many parents as possible to attend RICHEY HARDWARE & evening, Mav 7. for a most enjoyable Five year olds who will be starting Influential FURNITURE CO. evening. Bobby and Tommy Toll-j to school next year are invited to at­ A G EN T A. IL ROSSI man of Portland, entertained with tend the picnic and get acquainted Paid A«J». by McNary Volunteer Coni., Ralph B EAVER TO N , OREGON Phone 7905 with their future school mates. bnnjo, guitar and vocal selections I) Moores. Sec . 312 Mayer Bldg . Portland. Ore. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Van Kleek and Carl Donaugh, U. S. District Attorney, was guest speaker and gave a very ^ Miss Helen Van Kleek have been I Interesting talk on the Japanese visiting their daughter and sister, j situation. Following a social hour,' Mrs. Virgil I.andis at Chitwood the i past week. refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Davies of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Schoenc left for Vancouver. B. C., Saturday to Minneapolis. Minn.., have been visit­ attend the Rotary conference lasting ing relatives nnd fiiends in this com­ munity the past week Mr. Davies several days. Mrs. Mabel Hanson of Norfolk. is supervising the dividing of the old Ed Hansen Neb , who has been visiting relatives i homi place into tracts. in this vicinity for several weeks i has purchased one of these tracts. spent last week at the home of j Mrs. Alice Richards, John Herd. Mr. and Mrs Walter Van Kleek Mr. and Mrs. F.ed Van Kleek and She left Mav 2 for Sacramento. Cal . «laughters. Ruth, Irene, Edith Marion ^ n n .l ___ for visit with relatives on her way and Maige Van Kleek were guests at the apartment of Mis. Mabel Gem home. hella in Portland Sunday at a dinner Ferry Smith of Dooley A Co., In honor of Mothers Day Mrs Rich­ Portland, has moved into his beau­ ards was the guest of honor. tiful new home on Mountain' View, above the Portland Golf club. Ex­ tensive preparations for /lamlsoap- ing promises to make this one of the most beautiiful places In this area. Mrs. Lee Richey spent the week end and Mothers Day with her son Gene at University of Oregon. It is said that the attendance at the Mothers Day observance surpassed all other events. Mrs. Florence Miller received a cablegram from her husband. Har- j old 8. Miller, saying he nrrlved safe- | ly in Australia. Those good looking tumblers are j to lie on sale commencing Saturday' • ii Rlchsy Hdw A Finn store, says | Uncle Lee Summer is near and they will be Just the thing for those In Washington County. Have you met him—knocking nice Ice cold drinks. L ocal M ention Hostess to Oregon State Pharmaceutical Ladies SALE MAY 16-23 ■■■ ^lO N A l » £ M s% Caviness entertained at din* tier May 1st in honor of these visitors additional gusts were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shepherd of Portland, !!= iii=ih=iii=iii=iii=m=iii=iii=iti=nf=iii=m= FEET HURT ’From GREYHOUND Coffee Shop New Bus Schedules Vthlete* Foot ( fun(fus infection) Sweaty and Offensive Odors If So See DR. CROCKETT Chiro(MMiUt i i Foot Specialist H ILLS BOKO, OREGON (Opposite Safeway) s M I= lll= ill= lll= lll= lll= IIIH III= lll= lll3 lll= IIIS i| / Gar Experiences Without Charge Our experienced fieldman will call on you and help you in all your problems concerning Chicks, Tur­ nkeys, Rabbits and Livestock For Best Results—feed “The Success W ay” Success Feeds are scientifically blended, Vitamin enriched, min­ eral balanced and Fresh daily You save by using' our feeds and get healthy, sturdy flocks Manufactured only by Old System Milling Co. 7914 S. E. 82 Avenue Phone: SU. 6023 We Deliver Oregon Motor Stages Phone in your order BEACH'S MARKET Distributors — Beaverton. Oregon Victory Or PROFITS Which do they Want? A new “ Super-patriot” has spning up at your door, flooding you with propaganda, buying billboards and newspaper space? The power company Citizens Committee Aiding in Governor Sprague’s Campaign The East Side Citizens committee which is aiding In the re-election: campaign of Governor Charles A. Sprague will become a permanent or- j ganizatlon immediately following the May 15 primary election. It was stat ed this week at the committees headquarters’, 710 SE Grand avenue. As a permanent group the commit­ tee will lie for civic betterment of the East Side. It will also be the | object of the committee to cooperate | with city, county and state officia ls, in the war emergency program. The Eus$ Side Citizens committee H a non-pitrti.san group comprising members -of East Side clubs, fra­ ternal Lodges, young men's organi­ zations. women’s groups nnd rcsl- ! dents of nearly every East Side dis- trlrt of Portlnnd. Dave Goldman, active civic and ' fraternal leader, is chairman and manager of the committee. Quit Produce Deal in a Bag. urgcs you to vcte agamst your P.U.D. "to help win the War.” .’ atriotic? Why even every widow with SI.000 pays income taxes. The Power ( ompany with all its millions, pays no income tax to the State of Oregon. Why? Is that patriotic? BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE READERS We of the East Side t itizens ( omniittee urge you to vote for t tie re election of GOVERNOR SPRAGUE Nearly 50 Oregon produce dealers, both wholesale and retail peddlers, have dropped out of (he picture in It i" i n O r e g o n ’ s a n d recent weeks, according to records of i lu n a tio n 's interest the Slate Department of Agileul ture for April, which month marked t o k e e p h i m o n t h e jo|>. beginning of the new lirense year. Thirty- two of the dealers and pedd­ lers flo p p in g their licenses were lo­ Paid Ad\ . East Side Citizens Com cated in Portland, with more than niittee Dave Goldman. Mgr., 710 5E half of these being Japanese Grand A v e . Portland. 1 • Aren’t You A Bit Suspicious of this sudden patriotic outburst? Especially when you re­ member it was this same crew that fought Bonneville Dam, opposed the power line to Washington County, and now is trying to use the war as a subterfuge to hold onto its monopoly. W H AT IS THE REAL ISSUE? — W hy This Patriotic Smoke Screen? 77 e A n sw er Is S im p le: P.U.D. bonds aren't “Diverted” from W a r Bond purchases, as the Power company insinuates. Thcv are in­ tended, if and when sold, to replace the extravagant stocks and bonds of the power company. Th< company is paying itself and others high rates on its stocks and bonds, a nice fat thing these days when government bonds yield so much lower rates of interest That’s one reason why the power company objects to P U D Bonds So the issue isn’t P.U.D. vs. W ar Bonds; its 3 l 2'7 P.U.D. Bonds vs. H IG H interest power company bonds and stocks. High interest collected from you in your light and power bills. So your P.U.D w ill when formed and we get our system, mean savings of thousands of dollars for you. now going to Eastern bond and stock holders —dollars which can go into w ar bonds. PO W ER IIILL IS TH E ISSLJE Unless we Vote "YES" for our P U.D., we will •ever get the benefits of Bonneville Power. For •ten we cannot buy out the company. We will on paying the company $6 14 a month for •lectricity that costs only $4.85 in Grays Harbor *U .D and Forest Grove This is a saving of $15 48 virtually or 21 :, almost enough to enable every yome in the P U D to buy annually a $25 00 War Bond And remember that even with this low rate, forest Grove Light system pays very heavy taxes to the City. T reat n o ta r tt Next time a >owcr company paid canvasser »niK-ks at your door, ask him about this high light and interest rate patriotism” of his boss. Ask • im why we^should go on paying high light rates »nd 6' or 7“: interest to his company and its * md bonds, when P.U ;> •end- are only 3 '.' and P U D. light rates 21'V •ver Ask him if that is patnoti* or plain hog- fchness? ^ fienenrffoNS ~.1 nmt/ ^ 'u lta ’ W.4 l*i >f • Natio«aI Piatiüer« Product» ( rp, N Y “PATRIOTISM - Is the Last Reiuge of the Scoundrel“ IMOTHIMG TO O V IC IO IS Bonneville Dam is ours. We can keep it only so long as we have courage to fight with all our might, this unending slander of an unscrupulous power monopoly against our efforts to get Bonne­ ville Power direct from that Dam The P U D is the only way we can get it. The company knows that. \\ c need not answer power company insidious billboard and whispering doorbell statement*, such as the “Jap-Flag” association with P C D and the ridiculous assertion that P U D will take away copper and vitals from tanks, guns and planes by your merely voting for it. That is not only a vicious statement, it is an insult to the intelligence of every' voter in Washington County. By voting "Yes' for our P I ’ D . we will squelch the bluffers, and give Washington County the greatest opportunity of bringing new jobs and markets for our products We will give a resound­ ing answer to power company propagandists, who piously talk of "men *ho are risking their lives,” and put profits above democracy *hen try to de­ ceive us with the flag Vote Yes for the P.U.D. % ote YES For Washington County Rural P.U.D., May 15 Washington County P.UJ>. Club, Box 5, Aloha, Oregon