Friday, May 15, 1°42 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE. Beaverton, Oregon Victory Gardens ?)N THE $1,250,000 PUD BONDS G R O W Y O U R OW N Good Food and Service 1*1 I) Bondholder* (lan Foret1 l |> Balt's PURITAN CAFE Q* But what would happen IF the income from rates should be too small to meet all the interest and prin cipal payments on the bonds? A. I'nder the law, the owners of the “ revenue bonds” can compel the PIT) to raise electric rates high enough to meet their legal demands. Anti-Tank Guns A. That’s a good question— in fact it’s a $44,17«) ques tion. That’s how much money PGE turns over in taxes in Washington County. If PGE is forced out of business, other taxpayers face the danger of having to make up these taxes themselves. /y /", Jjj— o r 6 2 tí An ti- Aircraft Guns I l i l i l K g - l Q- What about the taxes that Portland General Electric Company pays in Washington County? V Well Drilling A. M. JANNSEN Q. But 1 read a PI 1) statement about PI TVs pav ing taxes, too. —or 123 A. This is a controversial point. The PIT) promoters, * in their campaign promises, say they would pay taxes. Hut there is serious doubt that the PCD could be made to live up to these election promises. The attorney- general of the state has ruled that the tax section of the PI D law is unconstitutional. 75-Millimeter Guns • Q. What about Bonneville power? ht Tanks Pursuit Planes &) • Q. Does this save us money? A. Plenty! Since beginning to distribute Bonneville power, PGE has slashed its rates $1,700,000 a year! PGE has more than fulfilled its promise to pass on to the public the savings made possible by buying power from Bonneville. PUD BONDS y Riverview Cemetery W E S T END SE L L W O O D B R ID G E CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY N ot that it com es as m uch o f a surprise, but dom estic laundry equip m ent is now on the govern m en t ta- j boo list. A fter M ay 15 there w ill be no production o f w ashing-m achines Complete Funeral Service In New or ironers for hom e use. but you'll Cathedral ('Impel lit No E xtra iwst probably be able to get all the re- j R iverview is a co-operative asso placem ent parts you need to keep ciation with assets o f over $800,000 you r present equipm ent in condition. V ending m achine production, now | partially curtailed, will cease even soon er (A pril 30). So, no m orel juke boxes o r peanut m achines —one | war shortage that a great m any p e o -) pie m ay not mind. Serena Beauty - P erfect Servlca Asparagus, bed tick in g and rubber drug sundries w ere all in the price news last week. Canned asparagus has skyrocketed so in price that the FO U RTH AT M O NTGO M ERY A rm y is threatening not to buy it, A T w a t e r 2181 and consum ers are also being urged to substitute oth er vegetables until the price returns to normal. The • N U RSER Y STOCK quarterm aster Corps is goin g to asR fo r bids fo r a m illion--and-a-half l l = l l l = H I = ll l= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= l ll£ lll= lll5 U l fi mattresses, so in this case the gov RHODODENDRONS ernm ent ai ranged to stabilize prices N ow bloom ing, ch oice varities, first. M anufacturers o f bed tick m ake you r selection early ing have agreed to price regulations so that civilian buyers will be p rotect CAM ELIAS ed And m akers o f rubber drug sun- i A very com plete line o f orn am en dries, including essential hospital and tal shrubs and trees m edical items, have been asked not : F R U IT and NUT T R E K S to raise prices above those o f March 1. The W ar P roduction B oard has j alloted a supply o f crude rubber and j latex sp ecifically fo r these Items be R l H illsboro — \ ml. SE O renco cause o f their essential nature. P H O N E H IL L S B O R O 3126 POE Kales Slashed $ 1 ,7 0 0 .0 0 0 • • * Mrs. America Meets the W ar t BUY WAR BONDS • In form ation pertaining to these things is available in condensed form from the cou nty agent. A. PGE is distributing more and more Bonneville power all the time. In 1940, PGE distributed 20 times more Bonneville power than all politically-managed agencies in Oregon combined In 1941, one-third of all power delivered by PGE came from Bonneville. or 2 2 -o r 3 1 Center I T o a few people garden vegetables Tell your lawyer to send you r le- I are ail the sam e. T o a larger num ber o f gardeners there are favorite gals to this paper. varieties just us definitely as there [ are favorite colors. T hose people Send your news Items early in the i w h o have their pet strain and varie- day and early in the w eek—If w a s t j ties do not need suggestions. For ed in this weeks issue. those folk s w h o think all spinach is E 111=111=111=111 =1112 lit:; iliHih=m=m»|tl3mSI»l the sam e here is a list o f really good varieties o f som e o f the com m on ga r den vegetables. R a d ish —Scarlet tu rn ip- w hite tip — j ped. W hite Icicle. S pinach -T h ick Leaf. Giant Leaf. le t t u c e New Y ork B If plants o f this variety are set out now excell ent head lettuce may be grow n. C abbage—G olden Acre. Copenhagen ISSI S. W. W ashington— Portland Market, Glory, Bald Head Where Y al I ay People Beet Early Model, Detroit Dark Red. M EET A EAT C a rio t—Chantenay, Nantes. 6 111=111=1 1 1 = Ill=lll=lll¿iii=ni=lll5lll5lll=inahi P arsn ip—H arris Model. C auliflow er Snowball. Corn Golden Eurly M aiket, G old en Bantam. G olden Cross Bantam. Brush Bean S tiin gless Green Pod, R oun d Pod K idney W ax. P ole Bean K entucky W onder, Ore gon Giant, Blue l-ake. T o m a to —B onny Best, Pritchard, John Baer, M arglobe. Squash for sum m er — Y ellow Straightneck, Zucchini. Test B oring— Prospect Aid* Squash for w inter— Delicious. Ban- j Irrigation S.'siem * ana, H ubbard. Table Queen Installed on Easy Term s E verythin g except those vegetables that might get nipped by frost should be planted im m ediately. Tom atoes, beans, corn, squash, cucum bers, and Drilling Company a few others should usually not be planted until after May first. Shop Aloha *r$53 • W • R esidence Alolia 6137 N ow that the garden is planted, the insects will soon have som ething I*. O. Address— B eaverton Rt. S to eat, there a .e others that suck, 522 N. W. B roadw ay St. i The first kind actually eat the leaves Portland BE. 7956 and stem s o f the plants. T he second kind suck out the juice. C ontact ! B oost your home com m unity news sprays have to be used fo r the “ su ck -, It boosts for you. Only ers" and stom ach poison m ay he used paper. as sprays and som etim es as poison $1 per year .less than 2 cents a week. bait. A. They certainly do. Courts have held that PIT) customers must pay rates high enough to pay off the “ revenue” bonds— no matter how high the rates may go. —or 162 Health Nature's H ealth Center, 815 SW Yamhill S t, Portland, phone AT. 303t has announced the com pletion o f new colon ic treatm ent room s with Dierker colon ic equipm ent. A new feature o f Nature's Health Center is the sale o f health foods at grocery store prices Wm. F. Cyrus, County Agent, ! Faye Nichols, Home Demonstration Agent, j Palmer Torvend, Assistant County Agent. Q. Well -does that mean that PIT) rates have to he high enough to pay off the SI.250.0(H) of bonds if they are issued? use the proposed PUD’s existence would be lrt'ha0f a power system costing more than f th$l,250,000 were used for PATRIOTISM J of PIT) POLITICS it would build— Page 3 MORNINGLIGHT CHAPEL Rose Chapel-Green Room J. P. Finley & Son STOUT'S NURSERY Paid Adv.— Portland G eneral Electric Co., Ilillaboro, Ore. in* ate (assified Rates WO Cents a w ord per issue. (*aI ininuun 25c CASH with copy W e Publish the a IE A V K R T O N E N T E R P R IS E M ULTNOM AH PRESS T IG A R D SEN T IN LI. ep- A I.O llA N E W S lit m plete E a s t e r n W ashington ar unty and W estern Multnomah n< unty Coverage. s ---------------------------------------------------- assume no finan cial rrspon M ility for errors w hich may ap o’ it in advertisem ents published inJ these colu m n s but in case d i*re this paper is at fault will tt Jrint that part o f an « t In w h ich the typographical ■take occurs, nds T ai 1 -------------------------------------------- to I >n* FOR SALE but U5F :of* t P . SALE — H aving sold my place, the h ave for sale 5 boys & girls writ- X desks. 7 kitchen cabinets. 4 »me T • eibarrow s, 2 rubber-tiie truck not ’•g ins and several other a 't id e s ■ws A- mi E o f B eaverton, on I-ake Th* Rd. Louis R . Larson. R t 1. Bx 25 cia- '.fir the •>R SALE — Coll springs twin size, t-er tactically new, $6 A T w ater 12»8 the on*. fRt t>R SALE:— C ertified tag Bur- »nk seed potatoes $3 hundred. V-“ ■— — - _______ — PULL SE R V IC E :- 1 mile East o f »iS*:d on P fa ffle road, k ________________ r ° f - SALE Fresh Cow 1. W oe- tndyke, Tigard, Call eve Phone V-gard 3361. A dime out of evsry dollar we torn IS OUR QUOTA for VICTORY with U. S. WAR B0.1DS H A R T 'S R BETTER I RED CHIX. E G G -B R E D i lit) L IVE STO C K Special FOR RENT $9.85, Pullets $14.85. Leghorns ! Special $9.85, Pullets $19.85 Guar- * anteed against pullorum . H art s FOSTER ROAD STABLES H atchery, B eaverton, Oregon. 2 M IL E S E A S T O F L E N T S Closed Sundays. H ave on hand a large assort ment o f horses to suit all purposes FOR S A L E W o o d -fir e p la c e c i r - 1 at leasonahle prices. Also sev culating heater, like new Chas. I eral head that we have taken In W ilhelm s, 3rd and T u ck er St.. exchange. Priced $35 to $45. ' H' mi. W . Beaverton, Spencer id. All stock guar, and delivered j Beaverton. Oregon. :III=III=III=III=III=III=III=III=III=III=III=IIISII F O R R E N T 5 room house eve or Sunday. CH. 1903. M ISC E L L A N E O U S Fall H ID E S Si W O O I,, C ARC A K A — A specialty. IJCE BROS., 25 SW Cloy. Portland. A tw ater 5334 F O O D L O C K E R S for rent Beth any G rocery Store, H illsboro 1R4. F O R T O W C A R S call V K R M II.Y E M O TO R CO. P hone T igard 91. PERSONAL HARRY VAN ALST, Prop ! FO R S A L E Five tires 19x600; in , good con d ition ; one mile south o f , Beaverton on Neilson Rd., J. A. | Beller, route 1. B eaverton ■» GOOD M IL K C O W fot S.iW Mrs. M ary Jacobsen, R1 B ox 492 Tigard, Oregon. F O R S A L E 3 year old G uernsey cow . 4 gal . 4512 SW T aylors Fer ry Rd . W est Portland. I H ELP W A N T E D 80 S T R A W B E R R Y P IC K E R S -S ee our field and you will pick 6 mi SW Beaverton. 2 mi S Hazeldale Store B a k e :s B erry Field WANTED PICKERS 160 STRAWBERRY WU Start Picking about M AY 20 in 40 acres o f e x ceptionally fine first year berries. R E G IS T E R NOW E. r. W ILLS B E R R Y FAR M (form e, ly M. Havashi Farm i Rt 1 Box 251, Tigard, Oregon 1 ml VV. o f T ig a .d . W alnut Ave H O R SE S and other livestock Always a large variety o f good all purpose horses on hand We buy, sell and exchange. W A N T E D Eight to ten pickers for Y oungberries about last o f June. W E W yttenberg, R l. Bx 295. Beaverton W ANTED Straw berry Pickers V erv good, clean field 2 mi W est on Bend road Form erly owned bv Jim m ie Haswike R egister now with John A. Baggenstos. Sherwood, Or., rout# 4 V A R IC O S E VEIN S N on-Slirglcal Method* Dmteopathlc Physician Si Surgeon KAJ.P-O-I J T E SA N A T O R IU M 4K 35th Si H aw thorne, Portland EA. 8511 T rees Topped R em oved De Laval S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S < O M P I.I.T E E Q U IPM E N T AN D S U P P L IE S F O R T H E D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y iiknron Crifell J i Dotributort PAINTS - H D A .R Y M A N FISHER THORSEN PAINTS Phone Hillshuro '8625 Cattle & Sheep Bedding F or quality, fair price and service 12-Inch Blo<ik Free for Hauling 3719 SW Macadam Ave. AT. »335 PORTLAND L Imlay'* Fre»h Mixed Feed» Dry Sawdust & Shavings For 705 E. Jackson, H illsboro O regon Mutual Policies are N O N -ASSESSABLE. You N E V E R pa> more than the prejnium on the fa ce o f the policy. Oregon Mutual m aintains more than three tim e« the surplus required by Oregon Insurance l a s t . Oregon Mutual Fire ln»urance Company M c M i n n v i l l e 40 years o f R eliable Service (h a s I . Walker. Agent of Organised 1894 New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. “ E very Form o f P rotection " Phone 1732 H illsboro, Oregon l-N*. A * * n#k J % SB M IA rm m *N 0 tCat.-iAIT 1 a m Cur AT. «441 135 NW Park J. B. Imlay» & Sons R E E D V IL L E • A LO H A , O R E WRECKING VANCOUVER COURT HOUSE PERSONALS TREM ENDOUS $25 Reward“ 1 , ,,n °* form ation leading! to recovery o f a black ch ow dog. • dead or alive. B B. Doane. R l, B ox 618, B eaverton, Phone 224 . Your Photograph Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS / t V, RVTH. N West Side Fuel W illam ette Builders Supply Co. S E E Y O U R DEAIJCR 132« SE W ater— Portland Kilns at Gresham -Sylvan-Saletn Garden M aintenance Service One o f the L argest M aintenance C oncern s In Portland H Ksoon 0170 8650 Canyon Drive M J. H A R R IS Free To Farmers! You Haul! Double load $12, 50c delivery Brick & Building Tile W est H ills Landscape Co. LE N T’S STABLES M ISCE LLA N E O U S Brick, Tile, Maaonary Columbia Brick Works R oute No. 3, B ox 1388. P ort'and Foster R oad, 1 mile east o f Lents W A N T E D W om en fo r light gar Have you looked over the ads this den hoeing 371 -jc per hour Call If not d<* so, they ca rry a at W eed's Iris Gardens 1 mi east w eek ’ world o f news. o f B eaverton. W A N T E D Men fo r spading and w orking in nursery, also wom an fo r weeding W m . B orsch ¿t Son, M aplewood. Oregon. G arden P ools R ock eries LEG ULCERS LE N T’S STABLES 0 The perfect gift fo r your son In service P hotograp hs are P E R S O N al L A fn m . . . in E X P E N S IV E T hree 7x10, one col ored for $4 95 com plete. Call AT 9 8-8-7 for an appointm ent. D. P E R R Y E VAN S, 934 S W M orrison St., Portland. N O TICE D urham school is calling for bid* on 1st grow th wood Address bid* to J. Nokes. clerk. D ls 82. Tigard O regon. j STOCK ll-arge quantity o f ch oice used siding shlplap. 2x4 * 2x6 *, and I other light dim ension lumber, | also W all Safe Doors W IN D O W S, P LU M B IN G , HARDW OOD. FI X lO RIN G , OAK MOULDING, m i r r o r s . 400,000 B R IC K I Our yard is full and overflow - l i ng with no place to put tt I bargain price* Vmi Haul It and Save Money Sunset Wrecking Co. | 251» S. W F irst Ave. B E P ortla n d , O regon MUR ■ : ww? g sa m % ■ ' « -f