Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1942)
Frida y Classified Rates ! TWO Cents a word per issue. Minimum 25c CASH with copy. We Publish the BLAYEKTON KN IEKPRISE MULTNOMAH PRESS TIGARD SENiINEL ALOHA NEW S Complete E a s t e r n Washington WANTED Women for light gar den hoeing— 374c per hour. Call at Weed's Iris Gardens. 1 mi east of Beaverton. County and Western Multnomah County Coverage. We assume no financial respon sibility for error*: which may ap pear in adv< rtisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of ar. advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs • WANTED- Men for spading and i working in nursery, also woman for weeding. Wm. Borsch & Son Maplewood, Oregon. , FOR SALE- Five tires 19x600; in good condition; one mile south of Beaverton on Neilson Rd„ J. A. Belief, route 1, Beaverton HIDES 4 WOOL, CASUARA—A specialty. I-EE BROS., 25 SW t l.u>. Portland. Atwater 5334. FOR SALE Fresh Cow. E Woer- tendyke. Tigard, Call eve Phone Tigard 3361. ________ FOR TOW CARS call VERMILYE MOTOR CO. Rhone Tigard 91 FOOD I.OCKERS for rent Beth- any Grocery Store. Hillsboro 1R4. Garden Maintenance Service One of the Largest Maintenance Concerns in Portland I LIVE STO CK «650 Canyon Drive M. J. HARRIS FOSTER ROAD STABLES 2 MILES EAST OF LENTS Have on hand a large assort ment of horses to suit all purposes at reasonable prices. Also sev-1 eral head that we have taken In exchange. Priced $35 to $45 All stock guar, and delivered PAIN TS Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds FISHER THORSEW FAINTS H A R R Y V A N A L S T , Prop. For quality, fair price and service L E N T ’S STABLES J. B. Imlays & Sons REEDVILLE HORSES and other livf stock. Always a large variety of good all purpose horses on hand. We buy. sell and exchange. ALOHA, ORE Boost your home community news paper. It boosts for you. Only $1 per year .less than 2 cents a wet*k Riverview Cemetery L E N T ’S STABLES Route No. 3. Box 1388. Port'and Foster Road. 1 mile east of Lents $ WEST END SELL WOOD BRIDGE M ISC E L L A N E O U S Free To Farmers! You Haul! CREM ATO RIU M M AUSOLEUM CEMETERY Dry Sawdust & Shavings For Complete Funeral Service in New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Cattle & Sheep Bedding Riverview is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800,000 Free for Hauling W illa m e tte Builders Supply Co. MORNINGLIGHT CHAPEL Rose Chapel-Green Room 3719 S W Macadam Ave. Serene Beauty - Perfect Service AT. 9335 I. P. Finley & Son FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY ATwnter 2181 • PORTLAND West Side Fuel NU R SER Y STOCK Phone Hillsboro 3742 12-lnch Block ii=iii=m siii=iiiaiii=iii=m siii=iiisiii=M i=iii: Single load $6; double load $11.50 RHODODENDRONS Now blooming, choice vanties, make your selection early 50c delivery ¿ A M E L IA S 436 W. Oak. Hillsboro A very complete line of ornamen tal shrubs and trees FRUIT and NUT TREES STOUT'S NURSERY Ri Hillsboro— 4 nii. SE Orcnco PHONE HILLSBORO 3126 =iii=iii3in=Mi=iii=iii=iH=m=iii=iii=iii=iii=ii Brick, Tile, Masonary Brick & Building Tile SEE YOUR DEAIJSR Columbia Brick Works • PERSONAL LEG ULCERS VARICOSE VEINS Non-Surgical Method» Osteopathic Physician 4 Surgeon KAJ.P-O-I JTE SANATORIUM SE 35th 4 Hawthorne, Portland EA. 8511 FARMERS AND TIRES Under the rationing plan now in effect farmers who use their trucks to make deliveries at wholesale are eligible for new tires; farmers who make their deliveries on the retail plan are not eligible. Farmers who j use their automobiles to deliver pro SEPARATORS — MILKERS duce at wholesale may have their COMPLETE EQt IPMENT AND SUPPLIES FOR THE DAISY i tires recapped, but those who sell at retail are not eligible. In all cases INDUSTRY I the final decision rests with the tire rationing board o f the county. 1326 SE Water— Portland Kilns at Gresham-Sylvan-Salem De Lavai itìrnmk Ciifell 135 NW P ark A T. 6461 W RECKIN G VANCOUVER COURT HOUSE TREMENDOUS STOCK I t . • g*> '| :. '*.-V ' f chon !“<■:! I aiding shlplap. 2x4'*. 2x6? nr.d I tl light dimension lumber, |al?o Wall Safe Doors WINDOWS. PLUMBING. HARDWOOD. FLOORING. OAK MOULDING. MIRRORS. 400,000 BRICK I ling with r.o place to put H (bargain prices You Haul It and Sate Money Sunset Wrecking Co. 2519 S. W. Flrat Ave BE. 666« Portland. Oregon Í ONE Ü OF M THE NORTHWESTS PM . . M O ST PHI OREL £ WOODS, WAS NA FISO AFTER OAV/O 0OOGLAS, ßO TAN /ST FRO/V E NOLANO WHO MADE SCLENT/F/C STi/fi/E S /NTHE W /LLAN7ETTE (/ALLEY LN /3 2 S . : FOR RENT Trees Topped Removed W est H ills Landscape Co. BKacon 0170 i FOR SALE FOR SALE--Wood-fii*place cir culating heater, like new C’.ias Wilhelms. 3rd and Tucker St.. Beaverton. Oregon. M ISC ELLAN EO U S Garden Pools Rockeries HELP WANTED -Young, middle aged or old men wanted for field hoeing at Weed's Iris Gardens, lo- | cated one nule east of Beaverton. 374c per hour paid. Taxes levied against property of the Southern Pacific Company and affiliated interests in Oregon for the i first half of 1942 and now paid total- i ed $745.281.70 or 3 06 per cent of all taxes levied In thp state, the company i has reported. • For all counties, except Multnomah 1 ;n which Southern Pacific operates a j tailroad, it paid 6 58 percent of all taxes levied Average tax per mile of main tracks was $535.07. Amounts of taxes levied in Multno mah and Washington counties were: Multnomah, $32.671 15; Washington, $27.433 45. Oregon motor vehicle registrations showed an increase of 319 percent during the first quarter of 1942 des pite tire rationing and automobile sales restrictions. Earl Snell, secre tary of state, disclosed today. Registration for the first three months totaled 378.821 vehicles, com pared to 367.082 for the same period last year. Registration fees for the first quarter totaled $2 666 75762 Of the 378.825 vehicles registered in the state. 301 858. or 82 pe cent, i were private passenger cars Iuirge Feet Men with exceptionally large feet are sometimes rejected by the Ma- line Corps because extra la-ge sizes of shoes must be made to order. Tell your lawyer to send your lo -1 (ala to this paper. FM m aum sr V/CAR GENERAL OF OREGON 7/âJSj. HLS F/ffST WORN WAS AN? ON G THE CANO/ANS ANO /NO/ANS. /N /AV 3 HE fâ rAßi SHEO ST. S'OSER- £ COLLEGE A T ST. RAOL /C A S O N S OR FARMERS. HE A IN ’T MAD may He («.- vour JOY, PEACES, WI8 DOM. STRENGTH, PEACE, all the way all the day. Spittle bugs are with us as usual. They have been crawling around in the young buds of the strawberry plants for more than a week Rotenone dust of one-half of one percent strength will contiol them. While they a.e concentrated in one place and not protected by a lot of foam Is the more favorable tune for effective control. Bright, warm weather makes the rotenone dust more effective. Apply the dust so that every bud cluster and the under sides of the leaves are dusted. Coast Veneer Co. Foot of North Plttsbuig Portland UN. 1277 i EIII=lll=ll|=||lzlll£(ii=iKsHism Elll^lll3lll3IU Good Food and Service i Bus PURITAN CAFE Raking out the moss and applying a proper fertilizer is the proper meth 1331 S. W. Washington—l'otti sud od of eliminating the moss Lime may kill some moss but the lawn will Where Valltyv People still need to be raked. Most of the MEET 4 EAT better lawn grasses thrive unde, a slightly acid soil reaction. Heavy 'g||l3lll=lll=lll=IIISIII=lll=lllslll£lll=lll3IH3H applications of lime may neutralize the soil too much and make condi tions more favorable for the growth Health Center of dandelions and other weeds Nature's Health Center, 815 SW $ $ $ Yamhill St., Portland, phons AT. It is not too late to do something 3034, has announced the coBipletion about slugs Where they are caus of new colonic treatment rooms ing damage in the vegetable ga den with Dierker colonic equipment. A or in the flowers they can be effec new feature of Nature's Health tively controlled by scatteiing a Center is the sale of health foods small amount of slug bait around the at grocery store prices. garden Slug bait consists of bran, metaldehyde and calcium arsenate. The pellet form is prefnable and only a small amount is necessary. 3 N E W H IG H W A Y S ! * • * "What can I do to keep the wo ms WILSON RIVER-W B IF CHEEK out of niy radishes?” a housewife N EAH-KAII-NLE MOUNTAIN gardener inquired. These worms hatch from an egg laid by a fly. To Enjoy their scenic bounty while gild prevent having the maggots it is ne ing along in a 1942 streamlined him cessary to prevent the flies laying TILLAMOOK— ROt KAWAY the eggs When the second pair of ‘ MANZANITA leaves appear if the Mulish rows are completely Screened with mosquito 3 Round Trips Dully via Wilson river bar or fly screen the flies that lay SI ASIliBtiHARHART ASTORIA the eggs will be kept out. A Klamath Falls clothier sounds the key-note—"I Ain’t Mad at No body". This is the American spirit also. W’e have no hate for the Jap Cloveiihil*. Oregon anese people as such. It is the gang This space paid for by an Oregon sters over there who have grabbed businessman. the reins of government whom we must round up. Just us back in Mis souri we ran down the Jesse James North Portland Livestock 7 Round Trl|»s Daily via Wolf Creak crowd and the Daltons, not so long Market Prices CANNON BEACH Oregon was second among stntes ago. " The following quotations are based NEAll-KAII NIK MT. But back of this war is the age- on prices being paid in Monday's in the nation in reductio.; of pedes Served via Either Route trian fatalities during the year 1941. long conflict between God and Sa trading: CATTLE: (rood grain-fed steers according to figures received by When Inlying your ticket <utk to ride tan. The rule of that old Serpent, $11.59 to $13 10. Good grain-fed Earl Snell, secietary of state, today the Blue and White Clipper» of The Devil, is now threatened in heifers $11 to $12. Oregon’s reduction was 19.4 per Good beef cows OREGON MOTOR STAGES Asia as never before. The General $9 50 to S10. young cows to $10.50, cent Nebraska, with a reductiion issimo of China is an outstanding medium $8.75 to $9.25, common $7.50 of 23.6, was first in the nation while Central H im IkqNit AT. 5171 Chiistian. He closely studied the to $8.50, cannera $5.75 to $7. Bulls Minnesota, with a reduction of 19.3 SW 5th and Taylor St»., Portland Other states Bible before he turned from Buddha medium to good $9.50 to $11.25. com percent, was third. to Christ. Over half the leaders of mon $8 to $9. Vealers, good to choice showing reductions, in their order, were New Hampshire, Delaware, new China walk in the Light also. $14 to $15.50, odd head $16 The whole weight of the General HOGS Good to choice carlots Vermont, Utah, Kansas, Oklahoma, and those with him is for the nation $14.25; 170 to 215 lb truckins $14 a Georgia, South Carolina. The past year was the first in five —one-fourth of mankind, are the few to $14.25; 230 to 285 lb butche s Test Boring—Prospect Aids Chinese—to turn to the Gospel. Sat $13 to $13.75; lightweight butchers years that pedestrian accidents did Irrigation .Systems an has ample reason for setting the $13 to $13 50; packing sows $9 50 to not take the highest death toll of any Installisi on Easy Terms type of accident, Snell's figures dis Jap war lords loose. Will the Chin $11. Feeder pigs $12 to $13.25 In 1941, non-collision acci ese be free to worship God or must SHEEP: Good to choice lambs closed they bend the knee to the Japanese $13: medium to good, $11 to $12 50; dents claimed mole lives than any Emperor as god? common $9 to $10. Slaughter ewes, other one type of accident. Drilling Company Again, our God had times and oc good to choice $6 to $6.50. Shorn casions for sobering up whom he lambs, $10 t0 $11.25. Spring lambs Shop Aloha 0353 loveth. And is not America worth $13.40 to $13 50 Your Photograph R e s i d e n c e Aloha 6137 saving from break-up? Was not The perfect gift for your son in the American way founded by men service. Photographs arc PERSON . O. Address— Beaverton Rt. who lived by the Book? And to-day Gardeners who planted onion seed AL . . . LASTING . . . IN 522 N. W. Broadway St. when the mass of ou- man-power, this spring need not he surprised if a EXPENSIVE Three 7x10, one col- P.ul laud RE. 7056 refuses to give even an hour a week considerable part o f their seed fails ored for $I9T> complete. Call AT. for public worship and to be taught to make any showing above ground, 9-8-H-7 for an appointment. D. PER in the Bible way, shall not the rod reports the plant division of the state RY EVANS, 931 SW Morrison St., i of chastening fall? When our peo department of agriculture. Regula Portland. in ) u rxi iows aAixaooM ple shut their eyes to the cancer of tory samples o f packet and hulk on- Ms*. wit m. M liquor, lust and lewdness, shall not inn seed taken in 17 Oregon towns Be sure to send your lcgals to your the great Lover and Ruler call a this spring have shown, in many in local paper. halt? As God loves us, may he not i stances, extremely low germination in use the rod of war to chasten us? tests made at the federal-state labo Are we so soon to become one with ratory .it C orvallis. All other voce Ninevah and Tyre; a mere bubble table seed samples have shown satis Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS on the stream of time? But a nation is made up of fam factory germination tests. Oregon Mutual Policies are NON ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay The department hits reported to the ilies and of the family there must more than the premium on the face of the pulley. Oregon Mutiliti federal seed authorities for action un- be a head—"Christ Is the Head maintains more than three times the surplus required liy Oregou of This Home." You see it here I der the federal seed law such poor Insurance I jiw h . and there. Blessed are the hours ! onion seed as lias been shipped in commerce. Companies under this roof for kiddies and sons I interstate Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company and daughters. How about your whose seed apparently has been o f M c M i n n v i l l e I [lacked in Oregon have been notified home? Do you bow your head at Organized 1894 40 years of Reliable Service Ulta», i . Walker, Agent the family meal and give thanks? Do of low germination tests and sugges you read a chapter from the Bible tions made that sueh seed be with New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 and kneel to seek Odd's grace for drawn from the market. "Every Form of Protection" Hillsboro, Oregon In some instances at least, original daily toil. "As for me andmy house, we will serve the Lord” said Joshua labelers o f onion seed are not respon of old. sible for the poor germination, for In It all, may Jesus Ch ist be seed earried over by the dealer for trusted as Savior and Lord. And one or more seasons will show deteri looking to Him and utterly to Him. I oratian in quality. Well Drilling A. M. IANNSEN DHIKE USE MILLIONS TOR VICTORY B WANT V | II W O C 7# -hut not for W i Polititi Ptid Ad» . 7'ualatin D e m o n Portland General H t i i n i <.o. . j 1 f ADS to the things you need by shopping through this big bargain basement and SA V E OLLL the things you are no longer using for C A S H -M O N E Y . RENT spare rooms, apartments immediate ly— turn vacant space into INCOME. p m ya «^things you do not need for some- y y v i w/F thing you can use. Be a sharp trad er— T R Y IT. FIND lost articles quickly— or jobs for those of the family who seek work. In the Four Tualatin Valley Papers Bring Immediate Results! ALOHA NEWS BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE TIGARD SENTINEL M U LTN O M AH PIÌESS 5 fe È îï. T 'i? O d i, ft. a-