Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1942)
Friday, April 24, 1942 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Classified Rates • wanted ROOKERY IN THE WORLD. THE SEA LIO N CAVES ON THE COAST OF OREGON.IE MILES NORTH OF FLORENCE. WERE C UT OUT OF ROCK BY THE SEA C ENTURIES AGO. IT IS E S T IM A T E D ABOUT THE CLOSE OF THE ICE AGE DISCOVERED HY CAPT. COX IN 1 8 8 0 THEY NOW ARE THE HOME OF A B O U T 3 0 0 SEA L IO N S A LS O THE ROOKERY FOR A SEA BIRD CALLED PIG EO N GUILLEMOT. TE LEPH O N E O PE R A TO R fo r a small exchange. Some previous experience necessary. Write Enter- pi is,- Beaverton. Oregon. $ KUK ¿ »A L E FOR SALE Monarch Range, wood or coal, and Couch Miss Ryan R2 Beaverton, nr Walker Rd. HIDES A WOOL, CASCARA—A ■pilllaHj I.EE BROS . *3 SW Clay, Portland. Atwater 53111. FOR SALE Daveno, good condi tion. cost $75, will take $18 8505 SW 1th St., Multnomah CH 123*5 FOR TOW CARS call V E R M IL Y E MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 91. IS OREGONS MOST FAMOUS RESORT STRETCHING FOR MILES ALONG THE PACIFIC THE BEACH CAN ACCOMODATE A HUNDRED THOUSAND BATHERS. FOR K E N T 3 A Beaverton Far mington Road, $10. 5716 N. Borth- wick Portland, Oiegon. West Hills Landscape Co. Garden Maintenance Service One of the Largest Maintenance Concerns in Portland BEacon 0170 8650 Canyon Drive M. J. H A R R IS — lFtAM o:Il§ S t W @ )lf!IE (£ 3 A IE D W IN WAS SORN IN OREGON CITY, AFRIL E5./85E H IS POEM "T H E MAN WITH THE HOE: W R IT TE N IN 1839. RECEIVED WORLD ACCLAIM AND MAR.AED H IM AS ONE OF THE GREAT POETS OF HIS DAY. FOR SALE Certified Red tag Burbank seed Potatoes. $3 hund red. Cash for sacks. H mi W. Beaverton. Spencer Road. FOR SALE One brood sow $35; Spuds $2 a sack. Tigard 2190. PA IN TS • by N'trthweai Syndicate. Inc • I m l a y ’s Fresh M i x e d Feeds FISHER THORSEN PAINTS For quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlays & Sons R E E D V ILLE FOOD LOCKERS for rent Beth any Grocery Store, Hillsboro 1R1. LIVE-STO CK FOSTER ROAD STABLES w est end SELLW’OOD B RIDGE V A N ALS T, Prop. L E N T ’S STABLES Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverview is a co-operative asso ciation w'ith assets of over $800,000 MORNINGLIGHT CHAPEL Rose Chapel-Green Room HORSES and other livestock. Always a large variety of good all purpose horses on hand. We buy, sell and exchange. L E N T ’S STABLES Route No. 3, Box 1388, Port’and Foster Road, 1 mile east of Lents M IS C E LLA N E O U S __ i Free To Farmers! J. P. Finley & Son You Haul! Serene Beauty - Perfect Service FOURTH A T MONTGOM ERY ATwater 2181 • NURSERY STOCK 11 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 1113111 = 111 = 111 = FILBERT TREES Now— Heavily Rooted 1 year Tip-layers Fruit and Walnut Trees Ornamental Shrubs & Trees STOUT'S NURSERY R1 Hillsboro —% mi. SE Oreneo PHONE H ILLSBORO 3126 :lll=IH=lll=m=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=IIIHIII=lll=ll Brick, Tile, M as on ar y Brick & Building Tile SEE YOUR D EALER Columbia Brick W o r k s 132« SE Water—Portland Kilns at Greshatn-Sylvan-Salem De Laval SEPARATORS — M ILK ERS COM PLETE EQU IPM ENT AND SU PPLIE S FOR TH E D AIR Y IN DU STRY HHonmek fri fell < * Ndnufd«turen A OHtritniton ■w: A * DAIRYM AN UAin t i w - J ’c t' » F f r orti a i a C m .- I alt L a m (n r 135 NW Park Dry Sawdust & Shavings For Cattle & Sheep Bedding AT. 6461 Classified ads placed in the Press ppear in the Tigard Sentinel. Beav- l •ton Enterprise and Aloha News at p additional cost. WRECKING VANCOUVER COURT HOUSE 9 TREMENDOUS *TO< K |I>arsre quantity of choice used !.::g shipl-Q 2\1 s - ' >r.d lother light dimension lumber. |also Wall 8 I ■ • to WINDOWS, PLUMBING, HARDWOOD. FLOORING. OAK MOLT.DING. MIRRORS. 400,000 BRICK Dur yard is full and overflow- ling with no plaee to pit It— ¡bargain prices W First Avr. B E ßUCHR/VAii, AND / ’ " F A R T PRO TECTION B Y OCCASIONAL F/S/TS FROM U S . W AP S H IR S . ip / iïm m s TO 1900 no RE THAN TWO THIRDS OF THE PEOPLE OF ■> OREGON L//E D ON EARNS f OP HERE DEPENDENT ON 0GP/CUL TUPE U f ,tY.p» • by Northw est S yndicate Inc Shop Aloha 9Y53 Residence Aloha 6137 O Address— Beaverton Rt. 522 *N. \V. Broadway Si. 1’ortlund H R 7056 Will r n low * B A IX O O O M «•a. WML m. IrU 3 NEW H IG H W A Y S Enjoy their neonlc beauty while glld- ing along In a 1942 streamlined bn* TILLA M O O K — ROUKAWAY M XNZANITA Cultivate sufficiently to prevent weed growth hut do not overdo it. 3 Komnl Trips Daily via Wilson river Shallow cultivation is better than deep cultivation. Any time the roots j “S i YSIRK-GHARHAKT-ASTOKIA i o f trees or plants are injured the 7 Unmut Trips Daily via W olf Creek yield and quality o f the crop eonse- CANNON REACH jquently suffers. • * • NKA11-KAII-NIK MT. Servisi via Elth«*r limite Gophers ruin a garden by eating some o f the vegetables, ruin others When buying your ticket ask to ride by covering them with dirt and bur | tlie Blue and White Clippers of rowing around in the ground so that OREGON MOTOR STAGES tiler «1 is excessive loss of moisture. They can be easily poisoned by using Central Ilia* Depot AT. 5171 strychnine and red clover, a carrot dr v\\ «ili and l av lor sts , Portland potato. I hey are also not dillu ult to j trap. « • • Moles, contrary to the opinion o f 1 some people, do not «‘at the gar«i«“n Health Center crops. I'hey may occasionally nibble Nature's Health Center, 815 SW oft the «“nd of a carrot if it happens to Yamlnll St. I’oitlaml. phon* AT be m their way, but the diet of the 3034, has announced the completion mole is almost exclusively animal and of new colonic treatment rooms insect material from the soil. Conse with Dierker colonic equipment. A quently, they are «iifTieult to poison. new feature of Nature's Health The more practical method o f mole Center is the sale of health foods control is by trapping. They are not at grocery store prices. easily trappe«! Usually it will be nec essary to make several trap settings eill=IIISIIImlll5IIIZIHsiHSiKS«n£lll~IIISIIIslll for every mole that is caught. Moles are usually more easily trapped in j their deep burrows than in their shal | • low surface tunnels. * * ib Listlessness and lack of pep may he 1 symptoms of an inadequate supply of iron in the di«>t. To obtain the daily r«‘(|uir«“ment for good nutrition, vege- i tables rich in iron should be Berved 1331 H. W. Washington— 1’ortland daily to supplement the amount found in meat and eggs. Vegetables rich in Where Valltyy People iron are; beans, beet greens, broccoli, M EET Si EAT dandeloin greens, kale, mustarii greens, spinach, soy beans, and turnip M M M N M M iiisiii £ iiisiii = iiisw 3 i : isiii greens. Good Food and Service PURITAN CAFE Your Truck Gardeners P h o to g ra p h Th«> perfect gift for your son in service. Photographs are PERSO N AL LASTIN G . . . IN EXPENSIV E. Three 7x10, on«“ col ored for $4 95 complete. Call AT. 9-8 8 7 for an appointment. D. P E R K Y EVANS, 934 SW Morrison St., Portland. ORDER NOW Ven eer Plant Bands For Ihslding Plants HALLO CKS — T IN TOPS K E R R Y C RATE S Coast Veneer Co. Q u o t a Referendum M a y 2 H eld V it a l T o Wheat Growers West Side Fuel USE WANT ADS B uinnioDi ir e su r e Hfl«6 i 1 ,1 FOR SALE 50% OFF FRUIT, FLCWERING, SHADE TREES NURSERY SW 64th & Barbur Blvd. PO R TLA N D ! \\ ILSON B it I K \\<U I * R E I K N l \ » i I\ \I1 M l MOI \ 1 U H VI IIIO K F I) BOOK TH E B A M ( KOI* IS The late Major General Smedley I). F \l.l l\ G OFF Itu 1 1 «“r o f th «1 U. S. Marines co au Foot of North Pittsburg Hut the Death Hat«- Shows Little thored and adventure hook entitled Portland UN. 1277 Change From Average Year* The Census Bureau reports a baby "W alter Garvin in Mexico." 3719 S W M a ca da m A v e. Informing every eligible wheat | crop o f approximately 2,500,000 last grower in Oregon of the importance year, as compared with 2,600,000 in PO R TLA N D AT. 9335 o f pasting his ballot in the second 1921, the peak year in American his wheat marketing referendum set for tory. Th«“ same report declares that Save 20 to 25 % on your F I R E I N S U R A N C E C O S T S May 2 is the goal o f county and com births last year exceevled deaths by Oregon Mutual l'nliei<>H are NON ASSESSABLE. You N E V E R pay munity A A A committeemen holding 1.090,000; the total number of deaths inore than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual meetings in .'50 counties of the state. in 1941 being 1,410,000. maintains more than thr«M» limes the surplus requlnsl t*y Oregon Oregon wheat growers led the na The death rate of the United States Insurance Iatws. tion in approving quotas by a 05.5 now stands at 10.6 per 1000 , which is Phone Hillsboro 3742 per cent favorable vote last year. The about tli«> same as the past several O r e g o n Mutual Fi re Insurance C o m p a n y 12-inrh Block goal this year is a 100 per cent turn years. OF M CM IN N VILLE out o f every eligible voter, according Single load $6; double load $11.50 Organiz«“d 1894 40 years of Reliable Service Cha*. I . Walker, Agent to Robert II. Taylor of Adams, chair I I ’ the government is to be put on 50c delivery man o f the state A A A commitpe. N e w Lo ca tio n 112 So. 3rd A v e . P h o n e 1732 a war footing comparable to f i e While marketing quotas are im transformation of industry, some of "Every Form of Protection” Hillsboro, Oregon portant from the standpoint of assur its peacetime activities must be com 436 W. Oak, IlillslHiro ing the wheat grower o f a fair return pletely abolished, some must tie tem fo r his crop, this aspect is far over porarily suspcndeil, and others cur We cannot continue the ex shadowed by the importance of quotas tailed. PERSONAL to the entire war effort, Taylor be pel iments of those who think they could make a better government by lieves. With a billion and a half bushel pouring the taxpayers’ money into a hottomh'ss barrel, as has been «lone wheat supply in sight after 1942 har LEG ULCERS by them the last seven years. Con vest, as against maximum 1943 needs gressman Plumley of Vermont. VARICOSE VEINS for 650 million bushels, the United Nun-Surgical Methods States has ample reserves of wheat Osteopathie Physician A Surgeon ff 1 I f the things you need by shopping to meet any emergency created by the KAJ.P-O-I.ITE SANATO RIUM r armers I I th rough this big bargain basement war in the next several years, Taylor SE 35th A Hawthorne, Portland pointed out. Quotas provide a fair and Do you need help in the next five EA. 8511 W - and S A V E months? We have received num equitable way of maintaining this big erous requests from people living reserve without injuring the wheat in in Tigard. Multnomah, Aloha and the things you are no lon ge r using dustry, he said. Beaverton, mostly women, who fo r C A S H - M O N E Y . could do seasonal work, part time, if close to home where they could Wood will burn, but it does not fail return at night Advertise in our from heat. Other materials are in K IT H spare rooms, apartments immediate- want ad column now many per combustible but soften, sag and col sons will sign up for woik. l l l a l 1 I l y — turn vacant space into I N C O M E . lapse until a member is so deeply Many young girls want work in i charred, so reduced in size, that it homes as soon as school is out fails from stress and strain- ami thi advertise today. M f i i a m things you do not need f o r some- rhar-reduction is a long process even in intense heat. ^ 11/ thing you can use. Be a sharp trad- Willamette Builders Supply Co. Sunset Wrecking Co. Portland, Oregon ' SEC CF STATE UNDER PRES. ROLF PROMISED THE STR U G G LIN G P/O/VEERS OF OREGON FEDERAL A /D Drilling C o m p a n y “ Why cultivate the garden?” To keep down the weeds. There is not any point in going back and forth through the garden witl a hire or cul- tivator when it is not weedy. Ocea- sionally after a rain th groutul may ' pack somewhat, in whi fi east a light cult iv a n may be adv : sable, I f the garden : not weedy at id the soil is in good condition it is U tter not to cultivate Free for Hauling You Haul It and Have Money | 251» S ‘h iß h JAMES A. M. IANNSEN Agent. Palmer Torvend, Assistant County Agent. SELL 7 tV tR V T H .N G . V A \ » ‘ X 3L 2 M ILES EAST OF LEN TS Have on hand a large assort ment of horses to suit all purposes at teasonable prices. Also sev eral head that we have taken in exchange. Priced $35 to $45. All stock guar, and delivered HARR\ CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Plant ■w. FOR R E N T ALOHA, ORE. Riverview Cemetery Wm. F. Cyrus, County Agent, Faye Nichols, Home lVm nstration \\ eeds are more easily controlled by getting them when they first start than by waiting until they are estab , lished. W eeds use up moisture, use up plant food and crowd the vegeta hies. Satisfactory crops of vegetables just do not grow among the weeds. Keep the weeds down hut get them when they are tiny. • • • FOR SALE -Gas and wood com bination stove, good as new, $15 cash Insulated oven. At Twiss Plumbing Shop, Tigard. Trees Topped Removed Well Drilling T eat B o rin g— P rosp ect A id * Irrig a tio n S>»ler-.s Installed on E asy Term s has THE ONLY M A IN LA N D ------ W ANTED Men for spading and working in nursery, also woman for weeding. Wm. Borsch Son Maplewood. Oregon, M IS C E LLA N E O U S Garden Pools Rockeries SEA LIO Victory Gardens GROW YO UR OWN a m A e m Bu\ or MAN wanted for chores. K H. Besniehn \ mile south Beaverton on highway 217. We assume no financial respon sibility for error-, which may ap pear in advertisements published iu these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. # Know Your Oregon H ELP W AN TED Young, middle- aged or old men wanted for field hoeing at Weeds Ins Gardens, lo cated one mile east of Beaverton 37 ^e per hour paid. TWO Cents a word per issue. Minimum 25c CASH with copy. We Publish the BEAVERTO N E N T E R P R IS E M ULTNOMAH PRESS TIG A R D SEN i IN EL ALOHA NEWS Complete E a s t e r n Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage Pa ere F ff K l 1 1 « \J er— T R Y IT. lost articles qu ic k ly — or jobs fo r those o f the fa m i l y w h o seek work. In the Four Tualatin Valley Papers Bring Immediate Results! ALOHA NEWS BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE TIGARD SENTINE'. M ULTNOM AH PRES ;