U b f O L IB R A R Y EUGENE ORKGON __ D ED ICA TE D TO TH E BEST IN TE R E STS A N D VOL. 15 , X O . 12 Retailers To Register For Sugar Ration heaverton, Oreiron. Local News Notes D E V E L O P M E N T OF G R EATER BEAV E R TO N Friday,' April 24 , 1942 Older Men To Register Here April 25-26-27 Mr and Mrs. G eorge R yan and their son "S keets" arrived this week with their la cin g dogs from Florida, and will spend the season at the home o f Mrs Ryans m other, Mrs. C. J Shively in the Sorrento district. Mrs. A E. Hanson entertained the Tuesday Bridge clu b at the home o f All grocers, retailers and whole- ____ ^ her sister, Mrs F. H Schoene, Tues- salers, the t.a d e handling sugar fo r <lay a ft e l“ °on Mrs D oy G ia y held resale, must register at their nearest hi<ih honors high sch ool April 28 and 29 undei su- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Om stead Mr gar rationing plans announced this and Mrs V A. W ood o f Portland, all w« k . . form er residents o f this place, atten- Xhe trade will be asked to fill out ded the Sm orgasbord at the M asonic tot ms as to gl oss business and su- Tem ple Sunday and were greeting gai sales upon which thei. sugar form er friends and neighbors E S T A B L IS H E D Grave Problem, Emergency Measures Seem Necessary 1927 Judge Kerkman Endorses Boys’, Girls' Aid Drive ^ O regon ’s acute grain storage situa tion, as revealed at the special m eet ing o f northwest g ainm en in Port- i land last week, was called to the a t tention of W ashington county wheat grow ers in a statem ent released yes- ,, , , , . terday by the county A A A office Judge H. 1*. Kerkm an o f W ashing R egistration places and hours are Unless em ergen cy m easures are announced for those in the fou rth ken within the next 60 days, at least \ ° ' l registration, o f men between the half o f O regon 's estim ated IT million \, TV* <\ l ** M,ys an ” 1"1 ' ares o f 45-65 has been announced bv hushpls " o p and it may * U °.f ° reKon and its county E le c tiv e l^ r v “ B o a ^ r T o f. o f bp *"en >aiger will have no place to fu n d-raising appeal to open on go at harvest time. * . , W ashington county W hether or not a good portion o f ' lil,,K the support o f the society a W a s h in g to n ( ’oiintv Iu.i'nl Kom il program as ’’the responsibility and county the determ ined ^ T hen wU1 be Mr and Mrs. H. R. N elson accom - e«tnhb.h«H IK " h n k th ‘S q u o,a ,s Panied Mr and Mrs. Jack Larsen of U ficate h for hei h " b e . ,ssued a c e r ~ Huber to V ancouver, W a sh . Monday base suaaf. sto re s purChase o f then ' afternoon to attend the funeral ser- ' • ii . ' vices o f Mr Larsons m other and Mr. 1 9 a m to 5 p m w i,h last y ear 8 c *op. Most o f the been g iv in g service to the people o f All sugar sales will be frozen for Nelson’s aunt, M is. M ary Jansen Sut. April 25 i* a m to \ n ls million bushel carryover, plus our state fo r m ore than h alf a cen- Sun A pril 26 rnto^rPtitling A PH* 28 while this aged 80 yeais. who died at her home le g is la t io n and stock ing up is being in Battle Ground, W ash early Sat °°5Tp> e i tirday m orning follow ing several in g H A R O L D B E N JA M IN , I’ll. D „ the P n n cip a ls o f high schools are held l weeks illness principal speaker fo r the Educational responsible fo r the trade registration Mrs Albert H ighbe and her moth April 2S , „ d » a cco rd in e 1 . a joint „ M r. C O H a n ., .p e n , .h r w eek C onference to be held on the O ' ä regon S s to register because o f illness or in l » ’‘ »K>anw to release wheat ,,f the citizens in our county to sup- statem ent issued this week by E lm er end at Nelscott. day, A pril 25, is an OCK graduate in fiim ity is required to turn in his foi con version Into alcoh ol, feeding p „rt its program o f hom e finding and L Johnson, rationing board chair- 1 Miss Merle Davies, Mis. Noreen the 0(ass Qf 1916. He has had a varied man, and B W. Barnes, county ^ name and address on paper, at local livestock and grin d in g Into flour child p lacing. Allyn, Mrs Albert H ighbee and Mrs experien ce in teaching, lecturing, and school superintendent, in charge of board No. 9 in the Mead building not t o i , , and ea8<> shipment. “ A s ju d ge of the W ashington county C. O Hanes, were am ong those at w riting and is an able speaker. sugar rationing supplies. later than F, idav ,r h‘‘ «¡'PPly of new sacks will be courti j am ,ad t(, endorse the soci tending the Business and P rofessional extrem ely limited B urlap imports ,.t y ’s fu n d -raisin g cam p aign .” The trade registration, the an W om ans club dinner in the cham ber -----. -------- ------ all from India have been stopped by . . * . . . nouncem ent stated, includes retailers, . have 1Wii I . Hiring thr » year 1941 a total ot o f com m erce room s in H illsboro Fri /-v | I \7 » . I .. no v l ’ u »» I't’iiciunl the war Present uimnlin« supplies will will luiv» , J J , . . wholesalers, i nstitutions. industrial i day evening. A p iog ra m o f songs dm ra at tion ion, , and and the dependent tor the tn« cu ine Ihl . -, 'lays . * r care was r provided . , 1 —. to last foi arden C u b Votes to users, hotels, restaurants, m a n u fa c -! and speeches was follow ed by the Army has fu st call on burlap for children from W ash in gton county by turers, canning factories, boarding Join and State Federation Em blem cerem on y, inducting new sandbags cam ou flage. ie 1 oys and G irls A id. houses, bakeries, candy makers, :>ags and cam ouflage , .... ., m em bers into the club. large ranches where a boarding At the April m eeting o f the Happy Shortage o f metals m akes con- ' w ■''« efulu w eltare agen cy. M t, A L aF ona .n t e , i.J a ,d m .m -j A|| , d hj h h , „ , ch e„ house situation prevails, school ca fe- ! Gardeners club the m em bers unani struction o f new w arehouse and ele- J 1 • s" t' |ety cares tor m ore than 350 teries, hospitals and all clubs and o r mously voted to join the State l ’ede vator apace extrem ely difficu lt. H ow - children, t ift y -fiv e percent I I * - l « - k . « ¡A » » - her home Tuesday afternoon. Des ganizations. vited to attend the Annual E ducation ration o f Garden clubs in the near ever, W ar P roduction Board represen- w «trds, nearly 200 children, arc sert luncheon was served and the a f All supplies were sent out from tatives have given assurance that sent to the B G A S fro m counties other al C onference to be held at the O re future. Superintendent Bannes’ o ffic e to all ternoon spent in m aking prepara gon C ollege o f E ducation, M onmouth, Mrs. Stewart, vice-p.esiden t o f the nails, lum ber and limited am ounts than M ultnoniah. T he organ ization tions for their bazaar. high schools by W ednesday. R ation State Federation o f Garden clubs o f oth er m aterials needed fo r con lunctions us a ch ild-p lacin g and home- \ir ‘and M ri. “ 7 M B lacknell o f ,,n Saturday, A pril 25. The con fer ing officia ls Johnson and Barnes | foi the C olum bia district, explained stiu ction o f small, non firep roof farm finding a g e n cy ,’ su pp lyin g fo ste r or W alla W alla. W ash., have pur- «nee at M onmouth is an outstanding point out that all people interested the num erous advantages o f join in g storage facilities will be available private fam ily hom e care fo r each o f in the trade registration should get 1 chased property on Lom bard Street, , educational meet fo r O regon teachers this organization o f 'sm all clubs into The county A AA o ffice asks each the 350 boys and girls under its super- between the tw o highw ays from Mr every sp rin g and draws from fou r to their blanks at the high schools, so \ one lurge unit. A fter this enlighten g .ow er to find out at once w hether vision. Board is paid ths fo ste r p a r that they may study them, fill them i and Mrs. Joe Keller, know n us the f>ve hundred teachers to the cam pus ing talk, the motion was made by or not their local w arehouse will be ents, clothin g is furnished, and nied- Nelson house. leach year. Guest speaker fo r the 1942 out and have them returned April 28 1 0 r e _ | con feren ce is H arold Benjam in, well- Mi s H ayes and seconded by^ Mrs able to handle his crop . If the ware , ieal and dental service provided by the or 29. ; V irgil L. P ow ell o f V ein onia B orberg, then appioved by the mem- house will not have facilities avail-1 society. W ashington cou n ty people will reg- Ron, was an over night guest o f his known author and Iw tu r e r His wide hers present. able, grow ers should plan now to pro- Purpose o f the fund raising uppeal ister for the nation-w ide 9 ugar ra- j brother in law and sister Mr. and 'V publicized book, “ Saber 1 noth ( ur- A com m ittee was appointed to sc vide storage fo r their ow n grains ¡s t() nieel the ¡ncr,.ust!d ,letUg o1 the tionin g program at elem entary Mrs. H. R. Nelson. riculum , a hum orous satire on edu- lect the scholarship x-inner w ho will John W Kom na, chairm an o f the tu.a r|y ¿(g, children from counties schools in the county May 4 to 7. “ Mrs. R M M iller and son Jack ca tion ’ d re^ ™uch. com m ent ¡» few b, -.--■ presented the 1 1 1 ! m oney 1 for a 1 county AAA nm com m ittee, ()lher than OH Multnomah The IlSSIS drive is H.II . 1 1 su ivn with u ia ,ii 11 « ■ I s lo A.1'1 oiuiim iiuii asks g 'o w - OrgUtllZlMl ¡1 State-Wide W illi U nder the new regulations one l drove to Seattle, W ash., F riday after- y « ars aK°- 1)r- Benjam in is now Dean session at C club. orvallis Inasm at the uch May as meet- to give consideration to the acute ide basis the not ers storage situation when they vote at orKanize<i , . on a ‘ stute-w ■ .. • ’ , with , m em ber o f a fam ily can register fo r . noon to visit .elatives returning to . * , j E ducation, L mver- ing g o o f f the club. Inasm uch as not storage situation when they vote at lough m oney \vl* raised at the re the May 2 referendum on w heat ie’ , ‘ M oli.^i h . ° f UCbL7 : sity o f M aryland. an entire fam ily. This registration their hom e here Sunday evening enough nt card party to cover this p .o je ct, quotas. O regon 's condition is not 1 ■' " ' . 1 CuU.nw^ u ^ '!" covers only blood relatives. Board- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hetu were fish cent was voted to draw the balance unique, he points out present U. S. . .. * I '* ted through the i ort- el's. maids, guests and others must > ing near T illam ook Saturday and it ■eded ou t o f the club's treasury. wheat supplies are su fficien t to m ake u o munity t hest. eech register fo r their ow n books Sunday, bringing hom e the limit Boys Express needed ou t o f the club's treasury. wheat suppli T hose registerin g fo r war rationing ca tch o f trout. P lans for the June flow er show r>88 loaves o f bread fo r every man, Deep Appreciation stam ps will be asked to declare the i C o u n t v D e m r u -m l!/. A m ission aiy m eeting and silver C aid s from m any o f the boys who were discussed and the wom en were woman and child in the nation. am ount o f sugar in the fa m ily ’s pos tea was held at the hom e o f Mrs — ^ d e m o c r a tic left B eaverton April 14, 1942, ex- appointed as a eomaUttaa to tal a Ticket I ncomplete, session. I f this supply is in excess Graden L. P ace Tuesday afternoon.. ! charge o f all the arrangem ents. piessed appreciation fo r the grand o f the fam ily’s rationed allow ance Miss Ida B row n and Mrs. Hazel Hart- Will Name Candidates Mrs. P fenning gave a talk on send-off. they will not he issued stam ps but I ramph had charge o f the m issionary Dahlias, Chrysanthem um s and oth The follow in g inspiring m essage ' W ashington C ounty dem ocrats will be registered i egisiereu fo i« r war » . . rationing . » n o ..... .. ; study and Mrs E w Shppts led the cam e from Ed Setnicker, the leader er general garden subjects. At the despite having the Murch 30 filin g The books will be known as w ar devotion a, Xhere was a ROod at. o f the g io u p conclusion o f the m eeting she w as p • • i vt p- . m • ration books and not sugar rationing tendance deadline pass w ithout placing a com W CII lOT I ITS! I a lll "I am tem porarily posted here at presented with a beautiful white books. E ach m em ber o f a fam ily, plete ticket in the field are planning 1 stone bird bath as a token o f appre Miss Louise Phunder o f Portland. H ave com pleted even a six w eeks old child, is entitled „ - - to lls’ R oy tin Stuart write-in route at section the May ciation from the m em bers for her popular fore I hope to serve excellent w ork In leading the rlnb man on the O regon E lectric R y. fo r 15 election to name candidates for to a book The books will contain spent the d ay W ednesday visiting m ost o f my exam s. in the air corps as a flying cadet Mrs. W alter Cavlness at her home on through its in fan cy many years, had the hono. last Frl- county positions, it was learned Mon- 28 stam ps A h alf pound o f sugar but thus far I haven’t been notified 51 P fen nin g gave a very interest day noon o f opening the sw itch at , day. has been established as one week s Farm ington R oad. as to my classification I am gett ing lalk on the Am erican Eagle and Beburg (Old S. P. Car S h ops») for The w om ans society o f Christian A cou nty wide party p re-election supply per individual Have met a num ber showed several sam ples o f bird hous the fil8t 0 -E freight train to pass rally was been called fo r M onday T he stam ps will not be designated service will hold an all day m eeting ing alon g fine. I wish to ex es which should he put up at this over the K P cut o ff track betw een night, May 11, at H illsboro, w hen a as sugar rationing stamps, but war a t the M ethodist church recreation o f very fine fellow s. _ B eaverton and Tigard. slate will be drawn fo r an organized ration stam ps and may cov er other room s Thursday. A pot luck dinner press my deepest appreciation to my Ltne The M >y m eeting will feature the N egotiations and w ork for the past w iite-in cam paign accord in g to A H com m odities. Stamps not used will be follow ed with a business d ia ft board officia ls fo r the c o n fi dence you placed In me when I left. meeting. Quilts will be worked on Coca Cola Bottling C om pany s very yefu betw een the Hill lines and the Abts o f H illsboro cou nty dem o- during the designated tw o m onths H oping to g o on to far greater a c interesting film on flow er arrange s . P. Co. have finally given the O-E cratlc chairm an. period will be voided and will not be du rin g the afternoon, com plishm ents fo r V ictory.” who has spent ment w hich everyone in the com m on tiains a good grade and shortened D em ocratic candidates fo r state usable after the final date. Mrs J - G ibson ity w ho raises flow ers should he ve y ,h r haul over three miles betw een anil district o ffice s are expected to C onsum ers w ish in g to buy sugar, the winte: months» at the home o f happy to see The adm ission is fret B eaverton-Tigard Tualatin, the three attend a rally and invitations are be- are warned not to tear the stam ps her son and daughter in law, Mr. and Snell for Governor leave and all are invited to attend See Krpat railroad centers o f Eastern Ing sent to a large num ber o f regis- from their books. The books must Mrs. Jay Gibson, plans to Club Organized you at the Grange H all on May 12 W ashington county. tered bourbons, Including ex-precinct be presented to retailers, w ho will Sunday fo r M oscow , Idaho, fo r an The second m eeting o f the Snell- and bring a neigh bor! indefinite stay with relatives. R ecen tly a new water tank with a com m ittee m em bers, the party head tear out the stam ps coverin g the for-G overn or club o f Eastern W ash- Mrs. Jay G ibson entertained mem capacity o f .50,000 gallons has been declared, only tw o filin gs for posi- purchase. B ridge club at , ington county, was held in B eaverton . j . . . | r-i* erected ju st east o f the O E depot at tions in this county were made by H om e can n eis w ill be asked to in- bets o f the C heerio n o m e canne , o f dessert luncheon and cards at the Tuesday evening, at w hich the fol- Collection or Wool Clips Beaverton and water is being fu n dem ocrats, Ralph W. P eoples o f form their local rationing boa id s or apartm ent M,., Hp,pn „ w ing in„ o n ffic ff irpta o . f Mis. Helen Fishel. Fisher i low e r s were elected: ished from the mains o f B eaverton ’s Beaverton, secretary o f the C. I. O.. the amount o f sugar needed fo r home Friday. President, L e o n a .d A dam s; vice- From Clothing Underway m unicipal watei system Ortgoa Industrial union, is seeking canning. Miss E lna N yland left fo r N ew president, H enry Joh nson; secretary, The C lothing Section of the Wat ,|' 1" O regon E lectric In the nsni nomination fm county represents U nder the proposed regulations ap Y ork F riday fo r a short visit R C. D oty; treasurer, G eorge T h yn g; P roduction Board announces at - future will lay 90 lb steel : ails be- tive, und Graham Y oung, T igard, is plication fo r w ar rrtion book 1. will Mrs. R R. M iller o f the F lorence ch airm en : Publicity, Dr. R S. W elsh; rangem ents have been made fo r the tween B eaverton and O ren co to re- a candidate for cou n ty coron er. tech n ically be on a voluntary rather Beauty Shop, is spending a short finances, V ance Steenrod; speakers Am erican Red Cross to act as a cen- place the old «0 lb rails in use fot a Another representative scat and than com pulsory oasis. N o person vacation in San F rancisco, C alif , bureau, Hal Inman. tra lagen cy in collectin g from cloth- lonK time. Also will raise the track the o ffice s o f cou nty com m issioner, is required to register or to obtain and visiting her husband w ho is sta Those people w h o a ie interested in ing stores throughout the cou ntry, ’»bout fou r inches using 700 yards o f treasurer and su rveyor to date have a war ration book, but failure to do tioned near San F ra n cisco M s . the su ccesfu l prosecution o f ou r wat. wool clips that will becom e available ballast per mile R oy Stuart fore no d em ocratic aspirants. so will m ake im possible the purchase B arbara Payne has ch arge o f the in an intelligent handling o f our tax by teason o f the prohibition against m » " a* present has a crew o f eight ---------------------------- . o f any sugar. shop during Mrs M iller’s absence. problem s and an efficien t business cu ffs on m en’s anil boy s trousers ">•’» including Martin I ..... schsr for All p e.son s should be encouraged Nine m em bers o f B eaverton grange adm inistration o f state a ffa irs are Mrs f h schoene. Beaverton. me! Chief of P o le . m-ims in Entertains Woman to register during the registration attended the 68th anniversary o f T i invited to register with any o f the Oregon, has been appointed as repre- ,,,r residing at Heavei ton in sectipn , p . . i period and the serious inconvenience gard grange Thursday o f last week. above individuals. the Washington County ” N" undei Jim Hannehan where 01 Kotary at Luncheon and hazard involved in late registra There was a good program follow Chapter, Am erican R ed C ross in D oescher a nd Hannehan were prom - „ „ p „ Schoene had far h, r tion should be stressed. ing the dinner at noon. Beaverton, to collect these clips. ment politicians. quests th»* WnnmnK o f Rnturv Jurors Drawn in Death Case Mrs J. C. O 'C onnor had fo r her These will he used in m aking a f R «y Stuart is a good railroad man f ' ,hp W om ans o f R ° tary An additional ju ry panel o f 12 men luncheon guests Saturday her son " so (he company gave Mm 34 miles of 1 " ’ V. M onday a f ghans, quilts, com forts, etc and wom en was drawn Tuesday in Beaverton Pharmacy to ternoon at the N eighbors o f W ood - and daughter in law. Mr and M is i W e ‘ask the cooperation o f dealers. - r e ^ o r j e s s . ^ ^ . o o ^ a f t e r — Frank O 'C onnor and son Elton, o f W ashington cou nty with the sh eiifi Celebrate Nat. Babv Week instructed to sum m on eight o f the Vernonia. m d e r V '^ h . 'w a r V r ô d u actrion °B oarde H om e and way points, which is sure £ } « £ ■ £ * V s S S m î ^ E B row n 's P harm acy on B roadw ay in Mr. and Mrs W ood row W eaver grou p to report April 29. which is Clothing Section Plenty for any hand car crew - Sec- Gibbon R ^ R Summers. the date set fo r the opening o f the Beaverton, was sold last week by drove down from Brem erton, W ash tion men now adays receive over fou r , - , Jannsen. A K. H anson anu trial o f R aym ond Charles Carlson. Mrs B ertha L. Brown to Mr and ington. Sunday to gather up their bucks per day and the boss $150 per Helen Fisher attended. 29. o f DeLake, on a cha ge o f negli Mrs Gilbert L. Conner, who have household goods returning M onday B e a v e r Social Club D i n n e r month and one week holiday per The Smorgasbord sponsored by the ypar wj, h pfty not Mrs M C. M rK e .ch e r had fo r her gent hom icide. now taken over the business They Bridal Shower Given Carlson on being arraigned in c ir Heaver Social club at the Masonic N. are well know n to the many custom - d|nner guests Sunday. Mrs J Thp o)d ruad hpd between Beaver- cuit court, pleaded not guilty to an Miss Beulah H inckley, ers as they have been in the store Fairchild. Temple Sunday , was a decided sue- ton vVhltford. Garden Home, Mult- Mrs. John Gassick (Martha Huegh for som e tim e gettin g acquainted Mrs Elsie Edw ards. R oy R om aine am end; d indictm ent grow in g out of cess Ovci 200 persons came in for noTnah, and Garden Home, Metzger, en> was honored with a lovely brld 1 the tr a ffic deaths o f Mr. and Mrs. all o f Portland with the people and stock prepara and Harold Maier their dinnei and enjoyed the many and r»rPpnbing will be abandoned shower at the home o f her parents Beaverton, T he birthdays o f Mr. M aier and Mr I^aurence H am ilton o f li vely things to eat that we e on the g Pnatnr Fisher of W ashington coun Mr and Mrs. H. G Hueghen Satur tory to buying route 1, last Septem ber at Tigard. Mr. Connei has had m any years of R om ain * was celeb ated table The dining room was very ^ y afj Vocates that the counties of day evening. About 25 ladies atten- A group o f m em bers from B eaver The 12 drawn fo r ju ry service were pretty with its many tables, in white Multnomah and Washington obtain ded and many lovely gifts were re- experience and is a registered druggist Fern S. R eehr, F lorence Chalmers. ton grange attended the W ashington cloths, decorated with bouquets of possession of the right of way for a ceived which w e.e unwrapped and and can fill any prescription Beave’ ton, admired by those present. Refresh Be sure to read B row n ’s Pharm acy county Pom ona grange at H illsboro G eorge G. P eterson and Jean K spring flowers, a large number of nf>w highway between W arrens, Forest G rove. D oy E G iay ad celebrating National Baby W eek W ednesday, The W ashington grange Swedish heirlooms composed pa t of VVhltford, Gaiden Home, Ryan Place, ments were served . The wedding of and W E M cCloskey, Beaverton. the decoration* Musical num beis Multnomah and Garden Home, Metz- Miss Martha Hueghen and John in this issue. It is a fitting tribute o f H illsboro wa« host for an all day Miss Bertha W illiam E M alloy. Sherw ood Mary on accordions was playpd by * arroll ^er Greenburg, Tigard Fisher Is Garsich was solemnized last week. to these lovely cuddlesom e fairies, and evening m eeting Fred H Park Nisson daughter of Mr and Mrs. strong organized support from was T Ruth, C ornelius. M others need not g o to far cities, Beck, state grange s e c r e t» H illsboro; Gustave J Ar.deison, Myron Nissen of Metzger and a girl above named communities for w asting tires to buy, when they ran the speaker fo r the evening meeting A loha: E m ily Furguson. Portland, Mr and Mrs Hans Glad w ho have friend of hers, which was much ap proposed new highway Now is E N L IS T M E N T S secure anything they need fo r »heir route 5 and F lora B aker, Laurel. p eclated There were several gal tjmp fop uni, P,j actton. Robert W Gaither, Beaverton, has babies at this store A 29c ju icer spent the past week visiting at the Iona of baked beans, potato and Eastern W ashington county and enlisted in the army is offered absolutely fre e —clip the home o f Mr ad Mrs Darrell Kills macaroni salad left over whirh was a„ t 0 traffic demands this new high- Raymond E. Stern, Beaverton in coupon in their ad and bring to this left fo r their home in Milwaukee. Registration Increases W isconsin. M onday They will spend the navy construction regiment. store R egistration o f voters in W ash in g taken early Monday morning to the way 7 j --------------- ----- -- a few days with relatives in Seattle. ton cou nty for May prim aries shows Service club In Portland for the aol- W ashington. an inc ease o f 3 486 in com parison F U E L SH A V IN G S Beaverton fisherm en who spent the with 1940. War Activity week end at the Talbert cottage at 1940 1942 -Deed. W inner, Rewarded Annual lc Rex.M Sale ,1 Display Postponed Bay Ocean fo r the opening trout R epu blican s 10JM5 11,513 T he display and program announ D ea n s ^tartinc April 29 uixtooi t<> give away. D em ocrats 8.331 9.200 »he «• • school debating tour The sh a -m g s are not atiingv. ced for W ednesday. April 29. 1942. season were I R M «1*1" . J H Tal b^rt. R R Summers. Chan urn**, There are 160 independents, 22 so nairif»nt wh» w*re »warn»»»! tropr p^an ’a Drug Store, th* Rexall «tore more abiiorbent than *traw and ex- at the Beaverton High School, has and Dew ey Drorbaugh and Melvin cialists, 18 prohibitionists and 65 m is In Eugene recently weie H ob«i' -,.i> on j.'Vont street, Beaverton, are re- cellrnf for fertilizer when mixed with been postponed until Tuesday May Johnson o f E stacada Each were cellaneous re, Beaverton Public discussion, jninriin^ you this week of their an- manure. 5. 1941 In order to include a very R epublicans and dem ocrats have Kenneth Brown, Salem. After dinr • nual lc sale successful in landing a few tro^ It Is Just (he sale you Many farmers are using the s special First-Aid fea tu .e M 'S J T Osfield. who has been an even toss up in the South Tigard spew in g, and Nerl l^eiberman. Me have been looking for It will he for shavings with great satisfaction, W a tch for detailed announcem ent confined to G ood Samaritan hospi precin ct with 283 registered voter* fora, extempore speaking four davs starting Wednesday, Ap- They have a large supply on h a r J next week tal for the past three '«eek s was each P recin cts in the cou nty now- Grade-High Teachers To Attend Conference G Roy Stuart Opens 5 11 Be sure to send you r legals to ycur local paper. able to be brought to her^ home h^r and is recovering nicely fro m a m »- Jor operation. num ber 58. having been inc.eased a this year by the division o f eeve al large onee. ril 29, 1942 1 Drop In and look over It only happen# Mr and Mts G eorge L G ordon and I these bargains Mr and Mrs L L, W alker m otored I once a year. to Salem f « B lossom Day Sunday. and wish to move them at one, Come in and load y ou r truck, t'.iey are absolutely free at 3719 SW M a cadam avenue, Portland.