Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1942)
U of o LIBR AR Y B tO E N r. t>RtAlON D E D IC A TE D T O T H E BEST IN T E R E S T S A N D V O L . 15, N O . 11 D E V E L O P M E N T OF G R E A T E R B E A V E R T O N Beaverton, Oregon, Questionnaires ii-W Oui /o r Mailed 3rd Draft M c A rthur /// Registrants Friday, April 17, Know Your Neighbor Week Set First of Nay | County Federated Clubs to Meet at Metzger April 17 E ST A B L IS H E D 1927 Many Attend Rebekah Session At Hillsboro Ame;icanization will be the theme of the Washington County Federation of Women's clubs meeting Friday, April 17, at the club house in Metz ger. beginning at 10 a. m. Speakers in the afternoon will be Miss Faye Nichols of Hillsboro, at 2 With the mailing of occupational Are your air raid wardens famil o’clock, whose subject will be The The thirty sixth annual Rebekah questionnaires to neaily 75,000 Ore- iar with the interior and exterior of Part of the Homemaker in National convention of District 14 was held in gon men between 20 and 44 who reg- Defense, and Miss Mildred Barthole- the 1 O O F. hall Hillsboro, Ore i every home m then districts? istered February 16, wartime indus Portland Y w >' .\ at gon, April 11, 1942. ; Do they know who occupies each mew oi trial mobilization crept nearer this 2:45. Her subject will he Our Spir home? Mrs Merle Selfridge, char man week. Selective service boards will ! Do they have a detailed map of itual Defenses called the' convention to order at 10 turn over the job infoimation to the Flection of office!« will be held; a. ni. with the following program: 1 the rooms in every home? United States Employment Service i D O TH EY K N O W W H E R E T H E also the annual memorial service un-i Opening in the Rebekah degree by for use in providing an adequate la O U TSID E ELEC TR IC SW ITCH IS der direction of Mrs. George Oilman Hillsboro No. 54, seating the conven bor supply for the State's shipyards, of Forest Grove; a special musical tion officers by the Hillsboro Past ; LOCATED? cantonements, metal plants and other If not. they have not performed program and revision of the cortsti- Noble Grands club, appointment of emergency activities. tution and by-laws, continued from committees. | their duties! Introduction of assem Prompt consideration of the four- A splendid opportunity for every the Januaty meeting bly and giand officers. Reading of page questionnaire was uiged by Metzger, the hostess club, wi'l 1941 minutes. air raid warden in Oregon, outside The address of wel Governor Charles A. Sprague, who ! the city of Portland, to properly per- serve coffee for a bng luncheon. come given by Elizabeth Heacock of pointed out that “in this critical per Mis Conklin of Metzger, outgoing Hillsboro. i form his first duty, is provided in a Response by Rose Stev iod everyone must be ready to give Plans to speed rural fire calls and i p oclamation issued by Governor president, is completing ten consecu ens of Beaverton. Tribute to past his most effective efforts'' toward eliminate possible telephone line con i Charles A Spiague. setting aside the tive years as an officer of the club. chairmen was given by Theta Rho victory. gestion. as called for by the fede al , week of April 26-May 2 as "K N O W She served four years as recording club of Forest Grove. Replacement of workers defe: red government in case of an emergency, I secret« y. two years first vice presi j YO UR N E IG H B O R ”’ W E E K Opening at 1:15 with song God on occupational grounds and speed were formulated this week by Coun GOV. CHARLES A SPRAGUE Portland is excluded because this dent and four years as president. Bless America Memories of by ing up war production by transfers ty Judge H D. Kerkman and Majoi ' plan was successfully carried out in The next two years, she will serve on gone conventions written by Anna from non-essential to essential work W. W. Woodbridge, county defense the board of directors. the metropolis some weeks ago. Catching of Forest Grove, was read aie the main purposes of the occupa council coordinator. | Civi'ian defense officials should by Aluia Hines. tional census, according to Co'onel Beaverton firemen will handle calls 1 take the lead in urging observance The following papers were read E. V. Wooten, state selective service i on the Beave: ton exchange and also t of this week No only will It give dui ing the afternoon, Duties of Mem director. the east end of the county, which are I the air raid wardens a chance to be bers to New Members by Anna May Help in filling out questionnaires to be relayed over the Portland ex | come familiar with the homes and Rogers, of Beaverton, How to Inves accurately will be given 35 selective change. the people within them, but it will tigate an Application for member service districts by local offices in Fire fighters at Tualatin are to 1 give residents of eveiy community. ship by I.ottie Davies of Pocahontas. the United States Employment Ser- cover the area served by the Tigard ; aiul in the rural areas too, an oppor Correct Ibonunciation of Words of vice. In 22 other districts employ- j and Sherwood telephone lines, | tunity to get acquainted with their Ritual by VernlBha The Tualatin Valley Stages, Inc., tin' Rebekah ment service representatives wi'l be Hillsboro fire department will un neighbors. Ad wish to take this opportunity of as- 1 Newby past president of Amity. available for counsel in the board I swer fire calls from Hillsboro, North As the Governor states in his proc suiui), theii patrons that everything mission on Transfer, Reinstatement offices April 25 and 26. In Po: tland Plains and Scholls exchanges. lamation : possible is being done to secure ail or Defunct Curd, by Viola Sundberg Charles A. Sprague, Governor of Under the rural fire protection 'aw employment ¡officers have opened 'It is recognized that in times like Method of Visiting on temporary headquarters in the Civic passed by the 1940 legislature the Oiegon has issued a proclamation, the present persons must p. act ice ditional equipment to handle the vol - 1 of Hillsboro. Auditorium. Labor uinons and em county courts a:e given the respon announcing that the President of the cooperative effort in home protection time of traffic that has been forced a Withdrawal Card by Anabel Flint Method of Placing mem upon them due to the rubber and of Ruby. ployers will assist workers. No fee sibility of providing adequate fire United States has proclaimed that a and civilian defense; bers on Non-contributing List by gasoline emergency. Up to the pres fourth registration under the Selec protection for rural territory termed is charged. "Restrictions on travel make it A tableau tive Tiaining and Service Act of 1940 more impoitant than ever to emp oy ent they have met with no success Lottie Shields of Zenith. Following is a list of these advis us Zone 2. | due only to the fact that equipment Incidents in the Lives of Characters The court is investigating to see and the amendments thereto is re and enjoy local resources: ory boards and location: at present seems Impossible to ob- Portrayed in the Chaplins Charge Adviso.y Board Member H i’lsboro if p.iorities can be obtained on equip quired to insure victory over the ene "The season of the first of May was given by Forest Rebekah. A — Francis E. Sturgis. Harold M. ment and also to determine what is mies of the United States: and the has, in this country, been noted for . tain. Several months ago an older was story of the flag was given by M ar needed to furnish necessary protec Governor announces that this fourth , its expression of friendliness rather Slade, associate board member. placed with the Ye'low Coach Com garet Mohr of Hillsboro. registration shall take place on Mon Beaverton— Leonard Adams, J. J. tion. thnn for violence as in some foreign pany for two additional busses of the The following officers were install 1 day, the 27th day of April, 1942. be lands; McMahon, George Thyng, Doy Gray. Chairman. Adeline Frost, Beav l same type as the last two added to ed tween the hours of 7 a. m. and 9 pm. W. E M cCIoskey. . ■ "I recommend that our civilian de Men from 45 to 64 years in age can fense organisation use this week as the fleet Delivery was promised for erton. vice chairman, Ijiura Kober- West Slope Clara B. French R p ^ V P f t n T l (i Ì l " Ì April, then July, and a long distance stein, Zenith; secretary treasury, E d , register in Washington county at Aloha Ruth M. Ross and Lyman M ill a time for residents of each block, , call to Pontiac, Michigan, a few duys na Sheets, Beaverton; L. S. chair, Beaverton and Tigard, April 26, and E. Ross. , under the leadership of the block ago brought the information that i t ! Rose Stevens, Beaverton; R. S. | 27 and at Union School No. 1 near Tigard J. S Barbili RPCPIlt R f l n P wa dens, to get acquainted with each will be at least October before de'iv- | vice chan man, Ixrttie Shields, Zenith Hillsboro, only on April 25 and 26. She:wood J. E Morback I1 C V C IH 1UC i other and with their home problems cry can be expected, with no assur L S vice chairman, Ethel Benrd, For Hours to be announced later. Other registrants, including every and that n similar plan be adopted ance that they will be delivered then. est ; Marshal, Emily Churchill, Hills Miss Jeanne Crosby, daughter of The persons required to register man between 18 and 66. will receive in rural areas; and’ further urge ser I A school bus that it looked as though boro; Conductor, Ruth Ortman, For Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Crosby of Beav arc those listed below: questionnaires later. Ten days ate vice c ubs and chambers of com est. I. G. Lottie Davies, Poca- allowed for returning them to selec erton, and Henry E. Weber, son of ^ Every male citizen of the United merce to encourage observance of the company could surely obtain war side guardian, Lottie Davies, Poca Mrs. G. Weber, were married April 4 sold to the Newberg School District. States, and every other male person tive service boards, who wi'l send this week by holding neighboihood Outside guardian, Lucile Other companies have met witn hontas . j iesiding in the continental United profesional and'scientific data t o ' a ' a t J * e ll" ° ° d BaPtist church' . gatherings.” Chaplain. Mary Kurtz. ' similar disappointments. One com Flint, Ruby. States or in the Territory of Alaska national .oster at Washington. D. C.. . Thfe biide' « ,ven •" marriage by Musician, Olive Ramey, pany hauling shipyard workers and Zenith. and occupational information to the h*J" father, wore a dress of white j or in the Territory of Hawaii or in soldiers to a great extent had an or Hil'sboto. nearest United States employment velganza with f.nger-t.p veil falhng Puerto Rico, other than persons ex The 1943 convention will be held der for six .new busses cancelled. office ; from a Maiy Stuart headdress. Her cepted by Section 5 (a ) of the Se Another company had six delivered in Beaverton ° "Before the end of the year, we bouquet was a shower of gardenias lective Training and Service Act of j in Portland frozen by the govei n- 1940. as amended, and by Section 208 hope to have an occupational cen- and orchids. inent Still another had one finished Miss Margaret McCuddy was maid ! of the Coast Guard Auxiliary and sus making possible an accurate and which was taken away from the of honor. She wore an aqua velgan Reserve Act of 1941, is :equired to practial budgeting of Oregon’s man manufacturer and given to a com power,” said L. C. Stoll, state direc za dress with matching Mary Stuart and shall on April 27, 1942, present Washington county council of Par pany with a higher priority rating. headdress and carried a bouquet of himself and submit to regista tion be tor for the United States Employ ent-Teacheis meeting at the Garden roses and snapdragons. Brides On top of all this, the company fore a duly designated registration ment Service. “With this informa local Home school Tuesday, April 14, elect- I ' has been notified by the Interstate tion on Jobs, education and training, maids were \Jrs. Ralph Rogin and I official or selective service They wore simi- i board having jurisdiction in the area ed Mrs. W. B. Beattie of Aloha as Commerce Commission that some of we hope to fill a p:ospective demand Miss Ruth Clark. president for the coming year; other our existing equipment may be re for at least 55,000 additiona’ w ar in 'ar fiocks of peach velganza and in which he has his pe:manent home officers Petition for the refund of an es named were Mis. Otto quisitioned in the very near future. or which he may happen to be on dustry workers in this area by Octo also carried roses and snapdragons. cheated estate In the matter of the George. Reedville; Mrs. Paul Patter With these things before you, the Jack Rogers acted as best man and that day if such male citizen or other ber. i942.” Dale Fields and Louis Apa were male person on February 16, 1942, son, Hillsboro, M s. C. O. Mabee. general public is urgently requested estate of Herman Trebas, a W ash ington county resident has been filed ushers. has attained the forty-fifth anniver Aloha, vice presidents. Mrs. E. Math ; in using the busses to allow every in Circuit Court. Mrs. Eleanor Avery was soloist. sary of the day of his birth and on ieu, Tigard, secretary, and Mrs. Carl ; consideration for those who must get Matia Josef Apolonia Peters, Ed- to work in the mornings and home She was accompanied by Miss Dallas April 27, 1942, has not attained the Sande, Forest Grove, treasurer. Shoppers and those I Hindus Josef Maria Hoogeveen and Jean Avery. Miss Marjory Coy play 65th anniversary of the day of his - Installation se vice for the offi i again at night. Antonias Jn<h>bus Maria Hoogeven ed the wedding ma:ches. birth and has not heretofore been cers was conducted by Mrs. Joseph not on business are uiged to use the Assisting at the reception held a f | registered under the Selective Tiain- ine Hunkatillar of Tampa, past presi busses in the off hours and give by their attorney in fact Charles T. those who work a chance to get hack Hass, Portland, are asking for the terwards were Mrs. John Rein. Mrs. ; ing and Service Act of 1940, as amen dent of District No. 8 Texas Mrs. Ruby Penegruin of .Westmis and fo th. Your kind assistance is 1 return of the sum of $8232.76 from Harold Johnson Mrs. James Gilpin, ded and the regulations the:eunder; the State lan d Hoard. church, Portland, requested. Mrs. Robert G i’pin and Misses Laura Provided, that the duty of any ter Presbyterian Employment service for Washing The petition recites that Herman was the principal p:ogram ^speaker Florence and Elizabeth Ewer. ] person to present himse'f for and Trebas was born In Germany and ton county will open Monday morn topic Family Recreation. submit to registration in accord- on the died July 22, 1928, near Beaverton, ing April 20, in the Hill theatre ; ance with any previous proclamation Sixteen parent teacher associations 1 and was unmarried at the time of building at Hillsboro, according to an . issued under said Art shall not be were represented at the day’s meet. i death; Doy Gray of Beaverton, ad nouncement made by L. C. Stoll, After lunch some of the lower 1 affected by this proclamation." ' ministrator of the estate, paid the state director for the United States gjade children of the Garden Home sum of money to the State Land employment office. school sang songs The Blue bird Board on April 14, 1932, legal cus Personnel for the office will be group put on a special song group; The first meeting for school boards todians of estates to which no heirs furnished by the employment service, Cub Scouts gave their Cub yell and and will include a full time office A large group of Beaveiton Ki- the Camp fire girls gave their C: eed and clet ks for Washington county, are known. The plaintiffs a'lege they are first will be held Friday, April 17, be manager and a staff of field men wanis attended the all day divisional in unison. during the spring and summer har conference of Kiwanis clubs at Mc Mrs. Charles Imlay, Reedville, ginning at 10 a. m. in the county cousins of the deceased, now reside vest months The office will deal Minnville Sunday. Clubs from Sea- county membership chairman, an court room, according to announce in Holland and learned belatedly of with workers in ciop harvests as well sifle, Tillamook, Salem, Oregon City, nounced the county parent teacher ment by B. W, Barnes, county school their claims to the funds. Mrs Joseph Iajientzcn. instructor as farm labor and other employ Canby, Albany, Milwaukie, and Beav membership for the year as 1352 a supe intenilent Lester A. Wilcox legal adviser In ment. Equipment for the office will erton, weie lepiesented by 50 dele in Red Cross first aid. has announced pain of 339 be furnished by Washington county gates. Charles T. Hamilton of Van the recent completion of a class in Aftei a short speeeh of acceptance the office of the supei intendent of couver, B C., district governor, was the standard couise at Beaveiton in by Mrs Beattie the meeting adjourn public instruction, Salem, will be It was announced. which certificates were given Mrs ed until October 13 to meet with the present to talk to the group on the present. Audioss. Mis. C. Ackeinian. William Hamilton, of Oregon City, R. W Cooper Mt Patent-Teacher associa new budget law and help in clearing B Bleak- up questions relative to making the lieutenant governor of the Pacific Amarette Ba nes, Mrs P tion for School of Instruction. 1942^43 school budget. Northwest Kiwanis district, presided man. Barbara Cady. Bernice Conoly, Collection of the fltst half 191? Mrs Florence Drorbough. Kenneth Blanks for the preparation of the at an afternoon session. pi <>pei ty taxes in Washington county Garrick. Hildah II Highbe. Marjorie budgets have been mailed to the var Other events of the days prog, am Beaverton Student reached an all-time high, according ious school boards as budgets must included attendance at morning wor Hi nsrlalp. Lela Holman. G adys Hud to report by O. R. Hemsing, chief tax dleston. Mrs. Marie Moo.e. Pearl My Enrolls ip Project be ready for adoption at the annual ship service in the new Bishop Brown deputy under Sheriff J. W. Connell, Regular election boards handling Memorial church, with a luncheon ers, Bertha Osterloh, Gertrude Rob Twe ve bookkeeping students have school meeting June F> and In the itson. Delina K Satchel', Mis. Eva entered the International bookkeep hands of the county assessor on or released Monday. the primary election vote May 1> meeting in the Oiegon hotel. As of March 14, the figures re Wilson and Viola" Wrigtw will also take care of the vote on the ing project They are Shit ley before July 15, Barnes said vealed that $507,396.12 Or 70 percent proposed County Rural Peoples dis An advanced elass in civilian de Anderson, Natalie Rrrgln, Ruth dr of the half year tax levy of $724,814.- fense is held at Beaverton high f-esp1nas8e, Virginia Dusin, trict according to arrangements be S hiiley1 Occupational Question 38 had been collected and in addition school each Monday night. It began Greene ing made in the office of W . A Tap Margaret Hansen, Helen School Board* to Get $72.828 19 on delinquent taxes ban April 6 naires to Be Sent Out per. county clerk. Huddleston, June Mead, George been paid or 10*^ of the levy, mak Considerable p:eliminary detais Mick, Norma Pentz Barbara Stark Elementary Funds Soon ing a grafld total of 8% of the roll. are necessary for instruction of elec April 17 and Allan ftullivan. Elementary school funds amount 12.777 receipts were issued during tho An occupational questionnaire will First Aid Instructions tion boards as the proposed district ing to $27,7.'>3.91 has been paid to the collection period. be sent out beginning April 17, fiom lines do not follow precinct lines county treasurer and will be sent to Some residents in some precincts Selective Service Braid No. 1 at Class Being Planned Typewriting Pins various Washington county school An instructors’ course in first aid will be eligible to receive a P U D bal Beaverton to those of the third reg I. O. O. F. L odges to Meet boat ds about May 1, H. W. Barnes, This must be returned in will be conducted at Hillsboro May 4 Awarded to Ten lot while others are outside of the istration. county school superintendent an Typewriting pins were awarded to to 9. according to Mrs. I»rentzen of Friday at Beaverton ten days This is separate informa- proposed district. Reedville, Instructor. Rosemary Raeburn and PatPy H ein-' nounced Monday. This money Is tlon about men.» occupation Five directors will also be elected The Washington County Threo richs. fifty and sixty wolds, respec paid by the State Treasurer from the There will be a representative Candidates for the position of direr- Link association will meet In the Odd tively, gold pines; Richard Smurth surplus monies on hand from income fiom the employment service at the tois include Ray Antrim. Bevyn G waite and Nancy Teufe', 45-word ail tax payments, and is the first time Fellows hall, Beaverton, Friday even Manning Building April 25 and 26 Boge, Julius Christensen. Aithur P ver pins: Helen Pizer. Phyllis Thorne Luncheon Guests that elementaly school fund levy has ing April 24 All lodges in the coun Ii eland. J Henry Jacobsen, Nelse from 10 a. m. to 9 p m to help the Alice Roeske. Margie Bozlch, Anna Mrs. George Blasser and her sister been eliminated from the tax rolls. ty are expected to be present and Johnson. Jacob Kemmer. Muriel Pen men make out this new questionnaire take part in the progiam. A pot luck Mae I>ing and Jeanette Schultz, 4A Barnes said i f i law Mrs Howard Hingley of Port nington Sr. and Lyman Ross dinner will be served at 6 30 land, were luncheon guests of Mrs word silver pins A local committee is arranging a display, a series of demonstrations by various g.oups and an interesting program, all of which will be present ed at Beaverton High School W ed nesday, April 29th at 7 30 p m. I Beaverton area is really accom plishing things in connection with | the W ar effort and all organized groups are being asked to pa ticipate in this program to inform the peo ple of pi ogress made and future pos sibilities. U R INV ITED . Fire Protection Plans Being Rushed 4th Registration Proclaimed Ry Gov. Sprague Busses Unavailable For Local Patrons Mrs. Beattie Elected PTA Council Head Hollanders Seek Beaverton Estate County Employment Service To Open Kiwanians Attend All-Day Session Washington County School Meet Due Advanced Civilians Defense Class Opens 1942 Tax Collections Reach All-Time High PUD Boundaries Split Some Election Precincts Moving to New Home Business Retirement Filed with County Clerk Mi and Mrs Wright have sold (Jiei. residence on Lombard and are moving soon to their new home on Second street. Notice of retirement fiom the Enlists in Army business of Brown's Beaverton Pha - Robert W Gaither, route 2. box 618, macy has been filed with the Wash Beaverton, enlisted recently in the ington county clerk by Bertha L Brown. Due to the change in own army ership and interest In the business Mrs Mary Babcock of Depne Bay Gibert L and Norma Conner will conduct the buaness under the same is visiting her niece Mrs Don Mac Donald. name. Wm. Fisher of San Francisco, at the Mu'tnomah hotel in Po tland Wed nesday of last week Captain and Mrs Fisher were enroute to Seattle. Washington, where his business of boat inspector, called him Entertains at Bridge Mrs. H R Nelson entertained the Tuesday Bridge club at hep home Tuesday afte noon. April 7 Mrs L D Rheilenberger was the guest and and held high scots at caids. < New Street Ordfred The Beaverton town council has approved the surveying of a new street to extend from Cedar street west app’ oximately 600 feet north of the Tualatin Valley highway The council also authorized the purchase of a used farm tractor to supply aux iliary power to the new pump at the town wre'l in case of electrical fail ure. Additional four-inch water pipe will be laid on Allen avenue and on [ Menlo drive. The regular monthly ri icrtlng of the Beaverton Grange was held Satur day. The regular rou ine business of the order and the intt ition of Mr Wilson and acceptkif d • init of Mm DeClue took up the time of the morning session Durir g the dinner hour a birthday rake wi is served for Mis Downing and Wm l>estnger. al- though Mr Desinger wn » not able to be present, he received a piece of the cake Let's G o —to Tokio! E ntertains Friends Mr. and Mrs. Albert Highbe enter tained a group of friends at dinner 6t their home on Second and Lom bard streets Saturday evening. Guests included Mr. and Mrs.. Her man f>eertgena. and their daughter Iwona. Mr and Mrs. Ed Schnow of Hillsboro, Mis W M. Lally of Turtle- ford, Saskatchewan, Canada, Mrs. Wayne Geertgens of Cornelius, ar.d Mu Highbees mother, Mrs C. O. Hanes, of Haley, North Dakota.