Page 4 __________________ Fighting Equipment Being Allocated U .S M a tln e t— Work To Get Ample Supply of Containers ÛFAÆ QAL J O H * J P E R S H iriC r fir s t allocation of fue-fighting voEk ME MADE: BöiGAC íU equipment, gas masks, stretchers GÍNÍ-A. JAMêS AAP.bOW cots, etc , under the recent $ 100 , 000 ,- MAPWE BP 1 GAD 6 IN Qt7. 000 Congressional appropriation will 'tXD- K VCM f.CW WAVE- be made principally to certain cities rai within a 300 mile coastal strips re­ garded as "target areas", according to James M latndli, Director of the Office of Civilian Defense Selec­ tion of communities will be based la.gely on priorities established by tne War and Navy Departments. Priorities among communities will be based upon three basic considera­ tions < 1 > likelihood of attack. < 2 > vulnerability, and <3/ importance to war production of manufacturing plants in the community. Mr. Dandts urged communities not to send requests or requisitions for supplies to OCD headquarters in Washington. Allocations of protective supplies must and will be made according to plans arrived at in cooperation with the m ilitaiy experts of the War De- paitment. Under the law no allo­ cations can be made on any other basis, which makes it impossible to give consideration to the requests of individual localities at variance with such a plan. Mr Landis states Under the appropriation, facilities, supplies and services for the ade­ quate protection of person and prop­ erty fiom bombing attacks, sabotage or other war hazards are to be pro­ vided in localities determined to be in danger of attack and which are unable to provide suitable facilities Since the equipment will be alio- Entertains at Victory ♦ arenrHinv to th* Pnrtlunrf sv . * Easter Dinners Popular Mr and Mrs Thyng enter- Metropolitan Civilian Defense Aiea, Limner on Saturday Mr. and Mrs C. — S. Straley enter­ tained Mis Leonard Shaw and three including Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington counties in Oregon tained with a Victory dinner and small sons Mrs George Klein and and Clark county In Washington. card party Saturday evening Guests Hi Pearson, a'l of Portland, and Mr. Mayor Riley, as Director of the Area included Mr. and Mrs Jay Gibson. and M s Ole Kauppila o f Aloha. recently called a meeting o f County Mr and M:s Rimer Stipe. Mr. and I Mr and Mrs E P Hedburg enter­ Coordinators and Chairmen to per­ Mr. and Mrs E Stipe, Mr and M s tained at A Bit of Sweden in Port­ R. Summers, Mr and Mrs. C. J land for Mr and Mrs F H Schoene, fect the organization set-up. An Advisory Council for the Metro­ Hunkapi lai Mis W H Boyd Mis Mr and Mrs A E Hanson. Mr and politan District of Portland was for­ Helen Fisher and Mrs. Car le Leon­ Mrs. Doy Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Hans Bolene The party returned med in accordance with Administra­ ard Mrs. Hunkapillar held high score to the Hedberg home for a soclsl ev- tive orders No. 21. with Arthur L I ening Fields, chairman of Portland and at cards ( Guests of Mrs Charles Shively in­ Multnomah county Civilian Defense cluded Mr and Mrs Walter Van council, as chairman of the Metro­ Pre-Convention Rally Kleek, Mr and Mrs. Richard Eisner, politan advisoiy council Other mem There will be a Christian Endeavoi of Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. Charles bcrs are R G Barnett and Frank L Schull, vice-chairmen of the Port­ pre-convention rally at the Beaverton Shive y, Miss Minnie Shively and Mrs Congregational church Sunday. April c Myers o f Portland land Multnomah county Civilian De­ 12th at 3 P m Program, games Mrs M C. McKereher spent Sun- fense council; C VA. Friauf, City Co- anfj ¡efieshments t l f --- L i ---- A — _ . I day with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Justin ordlnator, Vancouver, Washington; I in Portland. C T Klchardson. chairman Wash C K i i r r h H a * P o »ln < -L Mrs E L. Coble and family were ington county Defense Council; Fred '■ 'H lllX n f l » * r o t lU C R Mrs Robert Reaksecker. chairman, Clackamas Membeis and friends of the Bethel guests of his sister county Defense Council. Congregational church diet for a pot ■ Browne in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Summers had Mayor Riley n'so appointed Thom- I“ * * dinner Tuesday evening, follow as D Farrell inventory supervisor' •*y a p.ogram Albany chorus as dinner guests Mr. and Mrs Elmer Stipe and Bob Philips of Vancouver for the City of Portland, as Property! rendered a collection of songs. ba: racks, formerly of Lincoln. Neb. Officer for allocated equipment des­ Mrs Fiances Burgen and daughter ignated for the Metropolitan area. Rebelrah Club Meets Mrs Flora Allen of Portland, were Fourteen members of the Past No­ the guests of Mrs Rebecca Eggman ble Grands club of Beaverton Re- WHITfORD bekah lodge met with Mrs. Rebecca 1 M E Hurbin and family, after vis Ma(, Hart at w ,.Mt S|ope Wednesday, Beaverton Library To itlng Mis D ui bin’s parents, at Turn Mrs E. R H a v e N e w J iljjn er, decided to remain in Oregon He for a pot luck dinner , ^ sign is being designed for the ment near Salem and plenty of hous- Sheets was assistant hostess A short program included a paper Beaverton ,ibrary It is being con obtained a good job at the Cantone­ es to rent. They would have re­ by Mrs Adallne Frost on Oregon, structe«-r* Max finish. oui V 18C R O LL T ILLA M O O K — R(M RAW AY MANZANETA 3 Rollini Trips Hall) «la M ilson river I ( W O N II» 12V2 c R O LL P a p er* I ’ne’e Ix*e says he would like to have every housewife read his ad Hours 2-6 week days. 2 -M Saturday Antone de Saint Exupery. author of It la an unusual ad and will he of Wlgd, Sand and Htaia, which hax great Interest to every housetudd been accepted as a classic In world If you want* to save money and buy literature, has given another book to good artie'es patronize the Richey ' man His Flight to Arras taking Mdw A Furn Stbie place in Mav. 1940 , is framed In a Twenty five Heaver chapter mem single evening's action This rhron lele o f the fliers of France givs one hers visited Holly chapter at Shei courage, even tho pltlful'y few they wood Saturday evening fought on. knowing they could not win but for a principle The reflec tlons Interwoven with the g Ipping To relieve external action transcends the war Misery of Itself and touches the life of us all Liquid Tablet* Read Flight to Arras for an uplift Salve Past Imperfect by Ilka Chase is N <«*«' Drop* a new book on the shelf This is s ('«u gh Drop« gay and witty personal history of a well known actress and radio star. Try “ R u i v M j Ttsm "— It la as fo od as a spring tonic. k Wonderful Uniment Prepared Paste 15c lb Paper Hangers Size lb 25c • M il Ml Served via Plthci Route When having ynur ticket ask to ride the Blue and Whit«- Clipper* o f Manv Other Specials at S M IT H ’S Wallpaper House 427 S W 2nd, Portland COLDS 666 FREE. 57 thrifty, home-tested recip es. . . for making good food taste better Soups, sez foods, meats, chicken or game salads, vegetables and desserts will have that magic touch o f new taste thrills. THE WINE COOK BOOK TO V-’INE COUNCIL OF OREGON add ress C'Iti BEAVERTON, OREGON Modern Fountain Service for Hot Weather Relief It has to be CLEAN to be ACCURATE ! We Guarantee WATCH REPAIRS Watch Faces Refinished . . like new! Black, Radium or Gold Numerals! The Cost is Small-Ask about it! 5Ui Avenue Entrance Main Floor A NEW SWIFT’S KO FERTILIZER Physiologically Neutral and Non-Acid Forming F E R T IL IZ E R PO R*TL AN U.TQ R E Soft RED STEER FERTILIZER ¡ Tuned to the Need of Today • This new plant food is es­ pecially made to meet the needs of Northwest soils. It SWIFT & CO. COUPON ------------------------- nam e . Richey Hardware and Furniture Co. Headquarters for OREGON MOTOR STAGES and IIOME-COOKED GOOD EATS Manufactured by tt mailed to you without any tip tn M . Just All in and mail tht coupon balow. _ ---------- M4/L GREYHOUND Coffee Shoo in whlti Mr. and Mrs Elmer Stipe were O il EGON MOTOR STAGES Bet Washington A Stark among those attending the pot lurk Central Bu* Depot AT. 5171 dinner an«l «lance at Milwaukle Sat Beaver Chapter Social club is spon­ unlay evening. March 28. given by soring a Smorgasbord M Beaverton i S\t Nth an«l Taylor St»., Portland the Ben-Dora club There was a Masonic Temple Sunday April 19 large attendance Simple dishes made n/lurinq . . . alluring dishes made sim plef The dinner will be served fiom 4 to 7 p. m. LIBRARY NOTES S A L E A P R I L 11-18 2 «* or ( ream I2 1 ¿r roll SE AM ID H-G HA R 11 ART ASTO RI \ 7 Hound Trip* Daily via Wolf (re e k M \ M h \ I I M I Kranklyn D. Hamxel. Beave.ton, army. Henry C. Raz. Multnomah, navy. Chailes Nemeth, Tiga d. navy. Curtis Riley, Aloha, navy. James E. Tuttle. Aloha, in the ma­ rines. >l«-avy 341 inch blends in new «st colors at 27c ( riling ! MRS. C. B. GIPSON Mrs Catherine H Gipson lesident of the Orenco district for 23 years, died Sunday Surviving relatives in elude the husband, A L Gipson, three daughters. M s Jean H Hoo ver. of Hillsboro. Mrs Leslie B Nesse at home and Donna Gipson of Port land, two s«>ns Rodney R Gipson, of Port'and. and Elden O. Gipson in the United States aimv. four sisters and a brother. Private fune al sei vices were held In Hillsboro Wedncs day Enlistments Portland 27e M il.SON R IV E R -W O L F ( l it Eh N EAII KAM N IE MOI N TA IN Enjoy their areni«' beaiit.v while sibl­ ing along in » 1942 *treainlin«‘d I nis Mr. rnd Mrs. Floyd Bierly and daughter Viola of Gervais were Ea.-. ter dav visitors in Kinton and din­ ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mis! Henry Metzentine of Hiteon Mrs Mabel Hansen of Norfolk. Ne- biaska. arrived at the home o f her uncle J. 1 Van Kleek Sunday where she wi 1 stay while visiting relatives in this community. Mrs. Margaret Seals, prim aiy room teacher was absent from school a day and a half last week due to ill­ ness. During her absence Mrs. Char­ les Thompson taught her classes. TafM-stry Living Room R O LL Pa|*-r*, S|*eeial at I He R esid en ce A loh a 6137 The Fir Grove Farmerette Garden club of West Slope, w l’l be guests of M’ S. Zelma Hart Dehley at Maple wood April 15 Do you need help in tiie next five months’ We have recc ved num erous requests from people living m Tigard. Multnomah. Aloha and Beaverton, most y wo.xen who could do seasonal work, pai t time, if cloie to home wheie they could return at night Advertise in out- want ad column now many per­ sons «'ill sign up for woi k. Many young girls want work in homes as soon as pchool is out— advertise today. Einb«*s«-d 36 in PV Paper* at 15«' roll RO LL O. Addles*— Beaverton lit. 522 N. W Broadway St. Portland BE. 71156 3 N E W H IG H W A Y S Farmer* at Pegg's Chapel in Beaverton with in»«itnent in Crescent Grove ceme- te y. Schoo was dismissed Thursday af­ ternoon so the teachers and upper loom pupils could attend the funeral services of W. C. Hall. Goes to Boise Mrs. V. A. Wood left for Boise. Idaho. Monday morning upon receiv­ ing word that her brother in law C. C. Martin, had passed away that same day. A. N. IANNSEN Observes Birthday . Action to provide an adequate sup­ ply of contameis for Washington county's 25.000 ac es of winter covei crop seeds was announced this week by the county A A A committee Three new types of doth bags have been added to the list of ap­ proved containers for Austrian win­ ter pea, vetch and crimson clover seed to be purchased by A AA this year, the county committee has been informed. The supply of special cotton twill bags used for the ’ast HINTON two years will meet only about one- eighth of the requi ements for bagg­ Joseph S. Daniels passed away ing this year’s greatly expanded seed in Salem April. 4. He was born crop. in Illinois in 1852 He made his Price schedules for cover crop seed home with his son. John R., of as announced last fall call for pack­ Kinton the past seven years until he aging in this specia' cotton twill, was taken to Salem ten days ago. John W’ . Kanina chairman of the He leaves to mourn his death three county committee, pointed out When sons. John R., of Kinton, Joe W.. and Portland and a an approved bag of one o f the three Jeff Daniels of new types is used, and the new bag daughter Mrs Margaret Cain of Funeral services were costs less than the old type cotton Portland twill bags. A A A prices for 100-pound held Monday at 2 p. m. at Pegg's bags will be adjusted accordingly Chapel in Beaverton with interment The additional app:oved bag fabrics in Crescent G ove cemetery. and the applicable discounts for seed j purchased in less expensive fabrics I Willard C Hall passed away at Sa­ are as fol’ows: lem March 30. at the age of 78 years, He was born 1. 36-inch. 2 05 yard basket weave | 7 months and 14 days. in Co’ umbus. Mo., August 14, 1863. no discount 1 . 2. 36-inch. 7.5 ounce Try-Sax <5 He spent his early life in Dakota, la­ cent discount AO-inch, 8 25 ounce ter moving to Oregon where he lived Try-Sax (5 cent discount.) in Salem. Portland and at Kinton the 3. 36-inch. 7 ounce Osnaburg <7 past 16 yeats. He worked on the cent discount). Capitol Journal in Salem 3 years and Detailed specifications on the new on the Portland Jou.nal 11 years. fabrics will be given to bag manufac­ He retired in 1937 and spent the re­ turers and seed dealers, the chair­ mainder of his 'ife on his farm at He married Miss Gladys man said. He pointed out that all Kinton purchases of pea and vetch seed will Stewart March 30. 1919. and passed be made on a basis of recleaned and away on their 23rd wedding anni- fumigated in 100 - , vermary. He leaves to mourn his d bags seed deliveied death his wife and two child en, H __ Mary Catherine McCann o f Beaver­ HANS RASMUSSEN ton and D W Hall of I^Grande, al­ Funeral services were held Monday , I so three grandchildren. in Hillsboro for Hans Rasmussen, Funeral services were held April 2 aged 83 years. Washington county lesident for 45 years and retired Hillsboro carpenter, who died April 2 He is survived by five sons. Ed­ FEET HURT ward and Ross, of Hillsboro. Harry from Corns. W arts. Thick Toe Nalls of Port'and. And ew of Los Angeles, Enlarged Joints, F a t F«*ct and and Milo of Redding. Calif Two Athletes Foot; If so see daughters. Mrs. Freda Frost of Eu­ DR. CROCKETT , gene and Mrs Anna Luther of Keas- 256 S E. 2nd Ave., Hillsboro ey and three sisters, Mrs. Mary Chiropodist an«l Foot Sp«-riali*t Hansen and Mrs. Minnie Niielsen of Examination Free Portland and Miss Caroline Rasmus­ Phone 2921 (O ffice op. Safeway) sen o f Beaverton. Interment Hills­ boro I. O. Q F cemetery. Well Drilling ( III IM II OF ( IIK IS T O W. Springer, pastor Morning worship and preaching service at 9 45 a m. Topic -Christ The Source of the Church P«iwer Following the sermon, the Lord's supper will he «ihserved Bible School session 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6 30 p m. Evening worship service 7 30 p m Topic The Confession Or Denial of Christ. Midweek Bible study and prayer 8 p m Friday, April 10, 1942 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E . Beaverton. Oregon W ORKS A Division of Swift A Co North Tortland. Oregon Order Thm Your Denier or write im for Informa­ tion Car» of "Dept f supplies 6rc Nitrogen— 8rT Phosphoric Potash supplies and Acid and 8 % in addition, it those other ele­ ments w hich tests and ^row - ing experience have proved beneficial in producing bet­ ter crop* in the Northwest.