F r i d a y , A p r i l 1 " . 1942 B E A V E R T O N ENTERPR ISE. Beaverton. Oropon Page 2 \X iiH Your Photograph 'J The perfect gift for your son in service P hotographs are P E R S O N AL . - L ASTIN G . . . IN E X P E N S IV E . Three 7x10, one c o l ored for $4 »8 com plete. Call AT 9 8-8-7 for an appointm ent. D. P E R RY EVANS, 934 SW M orrison St., Portland. « H. H . j r i K K IK S , P u b lis h , r Published Friday or each weelc by the P ioneer Publishing Co . at Beaverton. Oregon. Entered aa aecond-clase m atter at the pcwtofflce at Beaverton. Ore One Year ___ Six Month« ----- ...«.00 _ .80 I f# V A . T hree Months ................... ...... S S.-ie Subscription Payable In A dva n ce Cash Paid for Diamonds, Old Gold Beaverton O ffice — Enterprise Bldg., P hone B eaverton 2321 H illsboro O ffice— R oom 5. Delta Bldg.. Phone 1611 Portland O ffice 308 Panam a Bldg., 3rd and Alder. Phone AT water 6891 At O. K O R B E R , J E W E L E R . If you have discarded, out-m oded jew elry, take it to O. K orber and con vert that old gold into CASH. See O K O R B E R , "H om e o f the Blue W hite Diamond,” 1 406 SW Alder, Portland, BE. 2824 Mernie*, ' O r e g | o ( n WSPA>ER P U B L IS h [ e RjS' rSrS ÖT .1 A T 1 0 N « Babson Says M O R A LE . . . . the spark plug which fires us to: Cooperate on the hom e front. Produce on the in dustrial front. W in on the battle Iront.—V ictory Kitchen. Continued from page 03 ® 1 and models .estricted under order WAR WORKER GIRLS IN UNIFORM — Eight young «omen employees o f the Philadelphia e ffectiv e March 13. Ordnance District Headquarters are shown in their new tan uniforms which they designed and pur Health Center F E R T IL IZ E R S . M axim um mar ! s chased with their own funds. Wearing of the uniform is optional, but many girls prefer it because gins estab ished for m ixers' and Nature’s Health Center, 815 SW it is practical and military in appearance. Adoption of similar uniforms is considered by the thousands dealers' sales o f nitrate o f soda, Yamhill St., Portland, phone A T sulphate o f am m onia and cyana- 3034, has announced the com pletion of women and girls in War Department Offices in Washington and elsewhere in the country. mide to farm ers (m axim um price o f new colon ic treatm ent ixioms Overseas caps are Army type and the jackets are single breasted, have four buttons, epaulets and slit Washington News Letter regulation 108), effective March with D ierker colon ic equipm ent. A in back, similar to Army officers’ blouses. Buttons are Army type. The skirts are flared, have deep 23. new feature o f N ature's Health Ft orn Congressm an H om er D. Angell j single “ kick pleat” in front and back, with zippered side fastener and a belt overlapping. Shoes are CELLOPHANE: Use o f cello-; Center is the sale o f health foods phane as a secondary w rapping Army officer style with strap and buckle over instep and with spectator heels. Shoe color is “ turf.” at grocery store prices. T H IS W E E K IN W A SH IN G TO N fo r drugs and medicinal products, j E very letter I receive con vin ces j far window envelopes and infants' wear prohibited and conservation when our 2,500,000 boys are com ing me that the Am erican people alm ost ! M O R E G O LD IN S ID E o f this material extended in defin-j home to look for jobs. I fo r one am w ithout exception are willing and an- > For New Home or itely (am endm ent 3 to o ld e r L-20), intei ested in doing som ething now to "See m y name on the ou tsid e?” xious to d o everything within their j Remodeling effective M arch 17. see that they get them I will not The small boy was proud o f a new pow er to bring our war production | ROYAL OAK FLOORS COTTON. R A Y O N AND M IX be shut up by bureaucrats, p olitic B ib e; his name in gold on the cover j TURE Piece goods subject to ians. or com m entators. Comi>l*t* Stock to maximum efficien cy and to supply | and the edges in gold also ' The F or som e weeks I have been study wise wom an looked it over and was I m axim um price leg u 'a tion 10, j In. CA SCA D E our soldiers fighting at the front 1 HARDW OOD FLOOR i/fcx‘4 In. setting prices at levels p re v a ilin g 1 ing various plans offered during the glad he had it. with every weapon and all equipment 1 Then— COMPANY 13/itfxt>/4 in. One o f the best i "Inside it has m ore gold than o u t between Mar ch 7 and M arch 11, j last depression necessary to enable them to defeat 3424 N E. Broad war T R 070® effective M arch 23 All h o c * and was prepared by P restonia Mann side. our enemies They are willing to Find out what I mean and tell matched. Tangua F O R D M OTO R CO C A R S Ford Martin, R ollins College, W in ter Park, me next Sunday.” sacrifice and go without not only the I 200 Spiders Drafted anil awiM i! Send her 25 cents for her M otor C om pany permitted to sell Florida. luxuries to which we have been a c-j Portland B ack o f it was the W eek Day Bi Hello F olks: Well, as good ole 1942 passenger cars at standard book o f 150 pages on how everybody ble School. custom ed, but m any o f the n ecessi-! In our town most o f the W ill R ogers used to say. All I know list prices even If standard equip- ; can get a living after W orld W ar II grade scholars are enrolled. ties o f life. Our Governm ent has ; This | ment is removed (am endm ent 2 to i In this country, we need have no smai: boy had his new Bible for the is what I read in the newspapers, ElllEIIIEIII=IIIEII!Elii=KiStKEffiEIII~m=lll=ll'. asked them to g o without s u g a r ,; and now I have got W ill beat to a pirce schedule 88), effectiv e Feb- I m ore poverty, no more unem ploy-i work. tires, P a u lin e, and many other daily , Let it be added that in Ore- j ruary 2. ment, and a 'ivin g fo r everybody. It j K°n, sch ola .s m ay be dism issed an j frazzle on any readin he ever did in necessities which have becom e a part FORM ALDEHYDE May be o b can be done; it should be done; and hour a week during sch ool time, on hiz life! In April issue Science Maga o f the vety fabric o f our industrial zine. m inted nearly a month ahead tained by emhalm ers with a B-3 a fter the boys com e back it will be j w ritten consent o f parents. and social life. Our people are will-1 T hey j o f time, they have printed on page rating assistance under a m en d done ing to do this to win the war and i m eet outside the sch ool building; in j 34, at the foot o f the page, the fol ment 6 to order M 28, effectiv e L abor Union» will he Regulated save our country and to save our j ou r case in a nearby church. O ver , lowin' as the lawyers might say, to March 16. Som e o f my friends say the labor lives. They are not willing, h o w -1 a thousand com m unities in the na -1 W it: A bout tw o hundred head of Unions w on ’t let the boys have jobs FU E L O IL: Is conserved by res ever, and I am not willing to perm iti I tion now ca rry on, with the m ov e spiders are supplying the need for O f course, I triction on installation o f new fuel when they com e back. the material and* supplies and t h e ! ment urged by school people and civ -1 oil burning equipm ent in coastal realize th a t'm a n y o f the union m em -' ic leaders as well as church folks. It I hair lines in gun sights and peri war funds raised from high ta x e s ! The silk is obtained by re 1331 S. VV. W ashington— Portland areas under order L-86, effectiv e bers, now riding high and handsom e, j is hoped to stem the trend tow ard scopes. and bond sal.-B to be frittered away leasing the spiders one at a time will be ou t-of-w ork them selves when j crim e and break-up. March 14. Where Valloy People in g ia ft, excessive profits, furbelow s I from a com m unity cage and allowing peace com es; but they then w i'l have L A U N D R Y M A C H IN E R Y PRO und boondoggling. Y ou recall ou r record. O N E —A them to bolt for the window M EET & E A T Power DUCTION: By com panies p ro to be on their good behavidV. When m urder Many o f us here in the C o n g re ss1 every forty -five minutes. Notes. = 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 = 1 11 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111=1113111 the boys get hom e if any labor lead ducing more than 60,000 units in have been uncovering by every ef- j T W O — A m ajor crim e and m ore N ow you see we are draftin' spid year ending June 30, 1941, Is halt er then tries w hat he's doin g now, every sixty seconds. fort possible and available to us the . T H R E E - One ed to April 15 and those produc- the boys will make qu ick w ork of hom e in every six broken by divorce. ers fo r the duration o f the war I waste and useless expenditures o f ing few er than 60,000 m ay operate ] him. H e’ll have a taste o f "rules F O U R —T he 15 billion dolla. crim e know daw ggone well if we had as war appropriations. We uncovered I many wolves, wild cats, and rattle and regulations". to May 15, under order L-6-A is a striking exam ple here only this [ bill.. F IV E 17 millions o f youth snakes as we had in the ole cowboy Just one closin g thought. No eco sued March 14. week where a concern with $100,000 unreached by the church. S IX —In days and would draft all o f 'em fer LEAD: Allocation O d e r extend n om ic planning or any legislation, Oregon, our 30 million d ol'a r liquor ORDER N O W invested has been awarded 88 million fightin' purposes we kud lick the restrictions ed to D ecem ber 31 (extension No. in c'u din g rationing and dollais in war contracts. It was bill against 20 million fo r education. hole w orld! BILL 1 to general preference order will w ork except as people get a sp ir charging the governm ent $600 for an | W e recall the late Dr. R obin son o f Veneer Plant Bands itual aw akening. W ithout this W a sh M-38) airplane starter which cost the firm i T il’am ook ; his Christian con victions For Bedding Plants ington will m ake us a nation o f b oot L E A T H E R SO LE S: O f to p , only $272 to produce. In order to | Don’t Hurry and kindly way. In him you saw leggers.. W e never can get an hon grade set aside fo r m anufacture cover up these huge excessive profits, HALLO CK S — T IN T O P S the fruit o f early religious training 1 M o to r is ts -T h e war program means and repair o f m ilitary shoes; only est horse race until we get an honest this con cern boosted the salary o f B ERRY CRATES “ e.„US^ V L ' E i i w e * tra ffic congestion in many industrial human race: E con om ic planning 20*71 left fo r civilians, under order the President from $28,000 to $145,- home In the N orth o f Ireland. He and m i'itary areas. You are remin- and Church planning must go hand- M-80, effectv le M arch 13 848 in 1941, and paid to the per- i dwelt on pastor and elder visiting ded that it will take you longer to L IC E N S E P L A T E S : Use o f steel in-hand for either to succeed. sonal secretary o f the president, a about to hear the youngsters repeat drive Lorn place to place. You fo r auto license plates drastlca'ly woman holding a m inor position. their Bible work. can't expect to maintain your old Foot of North P ittsburg restricted (ord er L-32), e ffe c tiv e ! Primrose Show $39,386 for 1941, and has paid her — “ T hey would ask what Psalm I schedule. M arch i s I Portland UN. 1277 $18,298 in the first ten weeks o f 1942 would choose to repeat. I in turn So don't hurry, It's better to kill O F F IC E E Q U P IM E N T : Deliver ! On April 11-12 Another em ployee an assistant con ! w ou ’ d ask them which one they w an time than people! ies halted except to persons with trollci was given w ork with the P rim roses in all their glory will be ted to hear.” And the good man's firm last Novem ber for $3,600 a year. Ai ^ OI, hl>i ° , tler j displayed at the show sponsored by eyes tw inkled as he related how he mw ■»« ■ ■ ■ ww' » ww«rww^«»e..... ... . — h ii o e ffectiv e March 15. the Am erican Prim rose society, April knew them all. Six weeks later he w’as paid by this No m atter which OILS: Use o f palm oil curtailed concern a bonus o f $10,000, which he 11 ami 12 in the public auditorium . I they named, he w as ready.—"I com - Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS after April 1 (order M 59) to W ith Portland the center o f prim rose m itted the 119th Psalm with its 176 admitted In his testim ony before the O regon Mutual Policies are NON-ASSESS ABLE. You N E V E R pay conserve supplies fo r steel indus culture on this continent, as recog verses in three evenings,” he once C ongressional Com m ittee that he did m ore than the premium on the face, o f the policy. O regon Mutual try and glycerine, effective M arch not earn. nized by form ation o f a national or rem arked. maintains more than three times the surplus required Ry Oregon 20. Use o f cocoanut oil, babassu g a n iza tio n with headquarters here, The Congress has, by necessity, H ow about the training in your j Insurance Law«. oil and palm kernel oil and all the show should be o f exceptional in h om e? Have you a Dr. R obinson placed the pow er to prosecute the other oils with high la u .ic acid I terest, those sponsoring the event in the m a k in g? May the children war in the hands o f the C om m ander content regulated to stim ulate I Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company o f you r fireside rise up and call you in C hief and the various departm ents point out. production o f glycerine. o f M c M i n n v i l l e charged with the i esponslbility o f Unusunl interest is being shown in ! blessed fo r the prayers and the i PHONOGRAPHS: Production I the -planned display, though t h e COO) Scripture. By the Cou: age-Cheer- spending the monies appropriated , Organized 1894 40 years of Reliable Service Chas. L. W alker, Agent of autom atic phonographs, weigh and con tracting for the munitions mitt *e in ch arge is being rushed for W isdom -H ope-G oodness that Christ New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 ing and amusement machines tint and supplies necessary to prosecute O riginally it was planned to the Savior im parts, m ay you r you ng (Juke boxes and pin-hall nuich- the war. The C ongress can not su . the event after the Portland sters show the inner- stu ff tha^ \ "Every Form o f Protection" H illsboro, O regon , mes) to be elim inated May 1 (or- , r)I(, „ n cll|h , h ow . hut a trad stands the storm and stress. TAKE . pervise o r attend to the detailed op | T IM E TO B E H O LY DO YO U ? n a tio n s in carrying out this huge m riTMnVr«ri ' N V ^ n r* Ing o f w,,s worked out by ex PLU M BIN G : F urther slm pllfica- ! * „ ve c o m m lttees o f the tw o or enterpiise. If we are to succeed ini tlon o f plum bing and heating this enterprise and win the wai i ganizatlons. ^ Below you will find the answer to n.g equipment stan daids (schedule P6E q u iz " those in charge o f the program must This, m oving the prim rose show- of your April Quiz Questions. IV to order L-42), e ffe ctiv e April , Clove) dale, O regon lealize once and fo r all that the Am date ahead, has caused the show- 1. R e p a i.s are aided by o r d e r 1 com m ittee to w ork under forced This space paid for by an Oregon eriean people will not stand fo r the 1 P 84 assigning an A-10 rating to draft to get all arrangem ents c o m businessm an. weakening o f our efforts, the slow I nm teria's needed fo r .em ergency pleted on time. ing down o f war production and the repairs, e ffectiv e March 14 wnsting o f public funds It should Completes Training SHOE M A C H IN E R Y M anufac not be assumed, h o w e v e i, that this i LaVerne R ich ard Case. 19, son of Firemens Bal* Apr*! 11 tu r n s o f shoe, leather-w orking i cantract to which I have referred is The B eaverton Fire D epartm ent Mrs. Vera L. Squires o f Beaverton, and tanning m achinery prohibited j a fair sample o f what Is goin g on in by telegraph from filling orders j will hold their annual ball Saturday. com pleted a fou r m onths' training the furnishing of our war supplies ' c o m s e as aviation m achinists’ mate not rated A-9 o r higher, pending j April 11 at the high sch ool gymnn and material. I am glad to say that sunn at 9 |> 111 BUI F’Uher’a 9 on M arch 23 at the Sand Point Naval issuance o f a form al order most o f our citizens who are con j SUG AR: P urchases by refiners of piece radio dance band wi 1 furnish Air Station, Seatt'e, the Thirteenth tract In* with the governm ent are Adm ission will be 90c N aval District has announced. raw cane from countries other the m usic honest and seeking to do a good Job A graduate of B eaverton High than Cuba at 2 8025 cents pei I with a federal tax o f 10c, total $1 and at a reasonable p ioflt, and they S ch ool in 15441, and a fo: tiler student pound ex-duty north o f Hatteras should not be censored by the rea T he funny thing about 'ife is that at P a cific U niversity, Chase joined and 2 8225 cents north o f New son o f what is being done by some 1 those w ho bem oan their ability to the Navy in Septem ber 19. 1941 I Y oik perm itted to stim ulate re o f these chtse'ors and dishonest con i . i* * . teach the people anything continue exports under lend lease program tractors who are seeking to mulct It might be a good idea fo r som e T Y P E W R IT E R S P r o d u c t i o i to try to do the impossible. it the governm ent. body to get up a Doll to see if any S (M lllU e lj w 1 o,Si 2 j Anyone who slows down our wai body pays any attention to the le- S E IJ . what you don 't need. n *-' 2c limited and allocations made to production and our war efforts or sults o f the poll. BUY what you d o need. . . Ainty, Navy, anil other agencies impedes our progress tow ard victory, (order L-54-A ), effectiv e M b oh 17 n i 5 l l l = l l l = l l l = I H = M I = I M = l l l = H I = M I = H I 5 I M = l l l = H I = l l l = M I = M I= I H = M I = m = H I = l l l = M I = I H = m = l l t = l 9 either by excessive and dishonest | V E N D IN G M A CH IN ES Manu profits o r ch aiges for war material, facture o f vending m achines (ex or by stoppage and slow ing down of cept restaurant automats, stamp our efforts through excessive de ! machines and tissue napkins dls mands o f any kind and from any trlbutors) to he discontinued April source, whether it be capital, labor. I 30 (order L-27-A), effectiv e March 1 O il or the public, is guilty o f reprehen I 17. 192» sible conduct and ta engaging In 1932 1935 1938 m i W A ST E P A P E R P rice achedu’ e treasonable action against our gov- | revised to en courage segregation em inent From PG E . . . the Biggest Bargain in Your Family Budget! o f hlghr grade m aterials (am end At a lime w hen it seem» th*t nearly u; . ment 2 to revised price schedule hi SO) e ffe ctiv e M arch 23 here's w elcom e news: 1 he cost p r V ^ * y° U h,U> ha' in cos* I’hinned Econom y to ( ontiim e D< >W N! L ook at the chart. Nonce that Cu ^ « ltl,y keeP*on 8 ‘’ >ng d ow n , I also subm it the above fo r anoth paid an average o f a little over i Cenu a k l " ou'.«»»d e n tia l customers er reason This is for you to ask will run a typical radio for iwo daw aver* ° wa,f.'h° ur <* kilowatt-hour W R EC K IN G V A N C O U V E R yourself this question W hen the boys cost Lad dropped to 2 ; tents By I ist star U**' By 19J8’ ,h* avera* e of London. England COURT HOUSE get back from war. finding no jobs to 2-1 to cents. And the reduction U ’ aVera*e cost ha** tumbled for them selves with wealth at one 193?, his average cost has d r o n e d ‘ ' " “ 'P * thr°unh 1942. Since T H IM K M H U 'S STOCK in Member of the Board of Lectureship end o f the tow n and poverty at the biggest bargain in your family b u jget;° n* lh‘ rd ' PGE electricity is the other while crop s are .ottin g in the of The Mother Church, the First |l.arge quantity o f ch oice used fields and factories are closing, will I «M in*, shtplap, 2x4'g, 2x6's, and they not dem and "ru es and regula Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, other light dim ension lumber, There’s a lewel tions" to give them Jobs'* Massachusetts. W ill thev not say i f you could in Your Meter! make nil these regulations to f ght W IN D O W S In the A m on g the more thtn 100 war. why not make a few to fight PLU M BIN G. H A R ^ v fO O D , pirtv m <our electric meter, unem pploym ent * If you cou ld or F I j OO RIN O . OAK **>u d hod • irw el— ■ tinr del the fa ctories to keep running to '•ppn.re K e e p , p e r , m ore M OULDING, M IR R O R S , than i s i . o o o meters " g o in g " fe e « the English, why not make III 400,000 B R IC K >* • hig lob . In wartime, it it them keep running to feed us* If more etventi.l then ever that lo u r yard ia full and overflow S. W . 3rd Avenue and Clay St. you could fix p u ce s and wages to airn end machines "carry o o " lin g with no place to put it enable e v e:v on e to buy food and I * th (he highest d egree o f lltargain prices P< «action. Meters sre n o ev- I niter auspices ci Second Church of clothing during the was» why not d o j{ > * r ," >n Here. • meter is being It now* Christ, Scientist. Portland ('tie d to isture thtt it measures Y ou Haul It and Have Money Good Food and Service PURITAN CAFE Truck Gardeners Coast Veneer Co. I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE by Lucia C. Coulson, C. S. B. CIVIC AUDITORIUM J o b « fo r E v e ry o n e Sunset Wrecking Co. |U t* H. W First Ave. BF. P ortland, Oregon MM The i-o 'u m n s ii sav this is no time to talk about peace; we first should lick Hitler. Mussolini, and T o jo But there Is one thing certain, name Iv that W orld W ar II will end som e day Tbg time la surely com ing j| j I 3 i f a Monday evening, April 13 at 6 o’clock . . . . . The public is cordially invited ________________________ _________ ___________________ L 9 ■ U i|iM lH itill9 u i9 illS lllS lliB illS iliS iH C ill!m S m S lH I"i2 iH 3 lii5 iiiB iilS lilS illS M l2 lli3 lli9 M lZm “ P to the evict:rig require- “ rr" ' ’ « 8» the I S. Bureau o .taodards. Y our electric * * N s sg • ■tie watch. . . Portland General Electric Company ' . ■ , : ¡ ' • 1 FREE LECTURE t- ■ ' r^ ' - , Living Cost Goes Electricity Cost Goes¿£>